EES SERVICE GARAGE (I GEneral Store and Dwelling ,. =o===o=o===omom==mouon==o=o 1 Ice Refrigerator 1' Set €0mputing Scales Counters Showcases Stock in trade 1 Suite, 3 Chairs and ' Mn J.“ u. auc k 1 Suite, 3 Chairs and Table 1 Kitchen Table 1 Bookcase Oilcloth, Dishes and other I Rug articles Store, Dwelling and Lot of one acre more or less situated at corner of Sussex Ave. and No. 7 Highway 0n this lot is a 4-room dwelling and store with good well of hard water, a number of fruit trees, house equipped with electric lights, also a woodshed and other outbuildings. Terms of Property 10% cash and balance in 30 days. Property} sold subject to a reserve bid ‘, Terms for Chattels, Cash ‘ Reasonable Prices Headquarters for Goodrich Tires & Tubes Automobile Accessories General Repairs PAGE SIX The “BLUE†color is your guarantee of quality â€" of a warmth and comfort you have never known before at such low cost. Order “Blue Coal†today. A size to suit every furnace. Phones â€"- Yard 10 On the Premises, Highway No. 7, On East of Langstaff The following property of the Estate of BLUE CGM H The undersigned has Stock in trade, Store Equipment and Household Furniture Towing Anywhere NEW YORK - â€" â€" $15.05 WAMI - - - - - 40.70 CHICAGO - ~ - 1 5.1 5 LOS ANGELES â€" - 62.55 EOUALLY LOW RATE TO OTHER POINTS IN RICHMOND HILL THE BEST COAL IS l. D. RAMER 5: SEN THE SOLID FUEL FOR SOLID COMFORT THE LATE PATRICK MAHER SATURDAY, APRIL 9TH RICHMOND HILL AUCTION SALE of ANY TIME Phone 12 for Sale at 2 p.111. Sharp KEN. PRENTICE, Auctioneer. has received instructions to sell by Public Auction on ATâ€" Dresser 1 Table BLUE . to North Bay . to Orillia . to Orillia Barrie for Midland nd Saturdaysâ€"Q° at., Sun. & H01. om Toilet Set Residence 85 7, One Mile Cupboard N E 851‘ ofvmany tesrts made. The point is that old seed should not be used before testing- for ger- mination. This may be done at home between two d'amp blowers or a sam- ple may be sent to the nearest Do- minion Seed Branch Laboratory. er so-w ‘eeding Farm machinery is a big item in I ‘ the matter of farm capital and' so ‘ deserves more consideration than is 1 usually given to it. On the average ‘ fl farm this item will amount to about ‘ $1,500. Depreciation 'is one of the I. greatest factors the farmer has to . contend with in‘ this connection, and is usually figured at about ten per 9 cent. In many cases, however, this figure will be nearly doubled, but with prOper housing facilities or proâ€" per handling, it can be reduced con- siderably. " With another season of work not far away, now is the opportune time to get drills, disk barrows, cultivat- ors and other machinery checked ov- «er. A few hours’ work tightening loose bolts and bearings, replacing worn or missing parts, will likely save valuable time during the bus“;r season. It is a paying proposition, for the farmer to be able to take his machinery into the field at the start , of the season in first class condi- tion. Much of this work can be done how, such as sharpening disks, har- row teet‘h, cultivatOr shovels, etc., cleaning and adjusting the disks and scrapers 'on the grain dri-ll, seeing that oiling systems are clean amd'in working order so that all parts of the machine are properly lubricated, and so on. It is advisable to wash f out the disks of the drill with kero- sene and to make certain that these parts are getting oil or grease to them and that the disks are prop- EWS AND INFORMATION sene and to make certain parts are gét‘ting oil or them and that the disks erly adjusted. Liberal use of oil or grease on machinery is not a waste but rather a good investment. Some nai‘ts will require more oiling than others, but generally speaking, for the average tillage machinery, proper oiling or greasing of all pants twice a dlay is sufficient. ChOOSing a good grade of lubricant is good economy in the long run \ Need Hogs of Weight Export of surplus Canadian pork products ensures a stvong hog mar- rket, but the production of sufficient *hxogs suitable for export is a serious !-prc«b1em, particularly hogs of the de- Isired weight (190 to 200 1b.). For £1937 it is estixmted that Canada’s Test Seed Before Sowing [en s-eed‘ fails to germinate af- o-wing, real loss results, for re- ng costs money and early crop S'oya beans yield anoil which is used In the manufacture of soap, margarine and lard substitutes, and, owing to its semi-drying pnoperties, may also be used: as a substitute flor linseed oil. The flour derived from the bean is used as a foods’tuff and the oi'lcake as animal feed and fertilizer. In several countries, the soya bean is the principal forage crop, and in Canada it is giving ev- ‘ary indication of becoming a valu- able addition to the field crops of Canada Chbck Farm M achinery THE LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO Soya Blean Products :FOR THE BUSY FARM-ER bacon exports will be apprOleaLery 190,000,000 Lb., equivalent to 1,583,- 000 live hogs. In 1932 the exports of bacon, hams, and pork cuts. to the United Kingdom totalled 315,820,- 400 1b.; in 1934, 120,410,200 1b., and in 1936. 158,049,600 l l ‘ condlitiors. ' hatches. ed cockerels and approved handed and blood tested flocks. For those who wish to incubate their own eggs. the use of R.O.P., or approved males is recommend-ed, and it is advisable ‘to secure males early in order to get a good selec-' tion and to aoclimatize them to local ~ Incubators should he looked over. and put in first class shaane. Theyl should be scrubbed and disinfected: prim- to inculbaticn and also between It is always good policy +0 have spare inculbator supplies on hand. .as many a hatch has been ruined by something going wrong af- ter incubation has commencedl and no spare parts on hand. Themm-o- me‘ters should be tested: and placed at proper levels as a degree or so cut may make considerable differ- ence in size and strength of the hatch. V . The individual can now purchase chicks from recognized agencies with assurance. The Department of Ag- riculture is n'ow grading chicks as follows: Purple label, R.O.P. chicks from blond tested and G0vern'ment recorded: flocks; Red lalbel, R. O. P. Sired Chicks, from blood tested and Government approved flocks; Blue label, Approvegl chicks, from aner- Preparing for Hatching Seastm Repeated experiments have shown that for egg production, pullets are superim to older birds. The incuba- tion, hatching \and rearing of a great many chicks is "therefore a yearly necessity. The tendency is towards large hatcheries supplying the small- er poultrym-an and farmer, and the saie of day-old chicks, sexend chicks and «rests-bred chicks has increaseti rapidly. - Care should be exercised in select- ing normal eggs of good‘ shell tex- ture and colour. Breeding pens of the best hens mated to good males should receive the right feed and at? tention in outer to obtain eggs that will produce s‘trong chicks. Follow the directions supplied by the manu- facturer for openation of the incu- ‘Ib‘ator as the directions have been lcompiled aftetr considerable experi- .I mentation. l The proof of the pudding is the eatingâ€"not the making. will be approximately GROUP NO. 1 [j MASLEAN’S MAGAZINE (24 issues) IYr. [j CHATELAINE . . . . . I Y]. E] NATIONAL HOME MONTHLY I Yr. [:1 CANADIAN MAGAZINE - - 1 Yr. [1 “919315; 33:. combined with IV: 1â€".» DELINEATOR - - - - - E] CAN.HORTI’RE & HOME MAG. DROD AND GUN? - :IAMERICAN BOY - - - El SILVER SCREEN - - - [:I PARENTS’ MAGAZINE - - DOPEN ROAD FOR BOYS - D AMERICAN FRUIT GROWER - now purchase Sunday : The preecher after cer- veses sed to Unkel Hen he was glad Unkel Hen remanâ€" ed entil the ser- mint was over. Unkel Hen replide & s-ed he remaned about a V: a hour after it were over. I dont no what my unkel ment but the up for lessen 40 thousand &. If I was ritch I wood pay the Yanks morn that to Let me play on there teem. And I am the big hitt-en on are teem & onct mad-e leven hits inrcludeing fore Homers in 1 afternoon p. m. evning game. Tuesday : I ast Pa ’this evning what do he call it when 1 man has sevral wifes & he sed it are called poligemey. Then he otto of stopt but did‘dent & sed if he have only 1 that are mono'teney. Ma mustent of liked it vbecos she look-t about 1/2 sore & left the fa-mbly serkel & went to her rm. Wednesday : The teecher at sch001 sad‘ I and Jake and Blisters is a ge‘ting' bad'ly behind with are studys. : She issent enformed‘ on all the suibjec - of us 3. We are alL so badly behind with are fishing and are swiming' and\ are B. B. and‘ erbc. SLATS‘ DIARY Thursday : I begin to get a sus- pishen: that Jake is lazy. Some what eney how. 011 the way home from school this p. m. Banker Redd'ykash Fridlay: The teecher & are class was studying Bible today & she ast all of us what became of N‘oeys Ark. Blisters sed' he supo'sled they put it lin the archives. Sounded okey to me “but the teecher Shuk her hed witch I‘means tong. 4 was out mreing his yd‘. and agt Jake did he want to em :a quarten‘. Jake thot a litfel‘ & lookt at how big; the yd. were 8v then sed no he did‘dlen‘t as he all redd‘y got a quarter. What made me suspishes is I no he has- sent got no quarter. I all most spoke up & sed I wanted> to do the work. But I didd‘en’t. YOUR NEWSPAPER AND 3 BIG MAGAZINES Saturday : Ma neerly got arested for spedeing the ford this p. m. but the ossifer let her go when she told him the breaks were not working good & she were in a hurry to get home before she had a axident. Try '& beet that sedl Pa. Subscriptions taken at Thie Liberal (By Oliver Give yourself and your family enioy- ment and entertainment the whole year through by selecting one of these special oféers. Either offer permits a choice of top-notch magazines together with --- 4.. THIS _ . 1 Yr. - 1 Yr. - BMns. - 1 Yr BMos. ‘ “Was. 1 Yr. Monday : Yester day the sport page seed that Joe Di Madgeo of the Yanks- wont Sine out loud CHOOSE EITHER OFFER NEWSPAPER for one year Warren) didden‘t laff GENTLEMEN: I ENCLOSE S . . . . . . . . . . . . PLEASE SbNU MI: [:1 OFFER No_ 1 (Indicate whicth OFFER NO.‘ 2. I AM CHECKING THE MAGAZINES DESIRED WITH A YEAR‘S SUBSCRIPTION TO YOUR PAPER. NAME $1.02 no. TOWN AND PROVINCE I‘HURSDAY, APRIL 7th, 1938. Baker’s Repair Shop SHEPPARD & GILL Iii/UMBER CO. GROUP (A) [j MACLEAN’S MAGAZME (24 issues) 1 Yr. B CHATELAINE . . . . . Hr. DNATIONAL HOME MONTHLY 1 Y1. [chNAmAN MAGAZINE - - Mr. D PICTORIAL REVIEW combined with DELINEATUR - - - - er. DEAN. HORTI’RE & HOME MAG. 1 Yr. maunmw - - - - -1Yr. DSILVER SCREEN - - - . IYr. GROUP (3) DTRUE STORY - - - - - 1v: [:IOPEN ROAD ran BOYS - - 2m. Dmemcmaov - - - - m [jPARENTS’ MAGAZINE- - - 1v: DSCREENLAND - - - - - er flNEWS-WEEK - (26 issues) BMos Maple. ert Lumber, Lath, Shingles Ashphalt Roofing, Gyproc Telephone 27 Phone HYland 2081 Res. Phone 9788 Johnston & G-ranston MANUFACTURERS & IMPORTERS OF CANADIAN & FOREIGN Granite Monuments If you’re looking for qual- ity and workmanship at a reasonable price call and see our stock of hand made harness and collars. Collar fitting and repairing a specialty Shop Closed Mom, Wed. and Fr at 6 pm. TIN SMITHING FURNACES - PLUMBING HEATING Septic Tanks Installed Pumps Barn & Stable Equipment 74 Yonge Street Phone 92F 1849 Yonge St. (east side) Between Mertan & Ballicl Sts. ISAAC BA K ER. RICHMOND HILL R. H. KANE Ont. - R. R. No. 2 Telephone Maple 1063 Dealers in UN--- :REEN - - GROUP (3) IRY - - - AD FOR BOY l BOY - - MAGAZINE - mn... YOUR NEWSPAPER AND 2 BIG MAGAZINES 0'1 1 Yr. 0Y8 - - 2Yrs. - - - IYr. E- - - IYL - - er. (Iii issues) BMos. PLEASE SEND ME Open Evenings