Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 14 Apr 1938, p. 4

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. EASTE§O§P_ECIAL3 USED CARS by side; 1 red heifer, due to calf 1 pure-bred Hereford bull; 1 mm steer, fat; 3 Hereford steers, fat % blue heifer, fat; 1 Holstein heifer at. HORSESâ€"1 roan gelding, 9 years, h.d., weighs 1600 lbs.; 1 bay mare, 10 years, h.d., weighs 1600 lbs.; 1 grey mare, h.d., aged; 1 grey mare, h.d.,r raged. IMPLEMENTS, ETCâ€"1 Interna- tional 10â€"20 tractor, new; 1 tractor plough, 2-furrow, new; 1 double disk; 1 1933 Chevrolet sedan; 1 2-furrow Oliver tractor plough: 1 Massey- Harris binder, 7 ft.; 1 I.H.C. mower, in good repair; 1 Massey-Harris drill, 13 disc; 1 stiff tooth cultivator; 1 spring- tooth cultivator; 1 riding plough; 1 walking plow; 1 sulky rake; 1 hay rack; 1 truck wagon; 1 cutter; 1 spring wagon with box; CATTLEâ€"1 roan cow, due to calf; 1 red cow, springer; 1 red cow, calf by side; 1 red heifer, due to calf; 1 pure-bred Hereford bull; 1 roan steer. fat: 3 Hereford steers, fat; Jones Coal Co. WOOMONWWOOMMW Another case of mistaken identity is where some twoâ€"by-four politician mistakes himself for a statesman. DAVID HILL &C°L= Yonge St. 1930 Ford 2-door. refinished and motor in A1 shape. 1934 Master Chevrolet Coach, extra fine condition, $425 1935 Plymouth DeLuxe, 2-dopr. new tires . . . . . . . . . . $475 1934 Plymouth DeLuxe Sedan . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . $475 1937 Plymouth DeLuxe, Touring Sedan, small mileage, heat- er . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $900 All Wreconditioned 7& VguarantEa’d 1937 Plymouth 2-door Touring Sedan, excellent value 3750 1937 Ford V8, 85 H.P., 2-door with trunk . . . . . . . . $675 1937 Chrysler Royal, Touring sedan, small mileage $970 FARM and FARM STOCK CHRYSLER & PLYMOUTH CARS BIG 4 CHICKS? To Sell by Public Auction at West Half Lot 14, C011. 9, Vaughan Twp. SATURDAY, APRIL 16th, 1938 Lehigh Valley ANTHRACITE “The Coal That Satisfies” FOR SPECIAL LOW PRICES ON DAY- OLD CHICKS, STARTED CHICKS AND COCKERELS Kitchener Big-4 Hatchery If John Hostrawser and Charles K. Johnston, Executors J. H. and KEN. PRENTICE, Auctioneers, KITCHENER Why take chances? We honestly believe that never before has a guarantee like ours been off- ered chick buyers. Our catalogue tells you why. BIG-4 CHICKS have extra vitality and ability to lay more and larger eggs because they are backed by a definite breeding program. Breeders Gov- ernment Inspected, Blood-tested. PAGE FOUR The Undersigned Have Been Instructed by the Executors of the Estate of me Dealers in GORMLEY, ONT., R.R. No. 2 PHONE RICHMOND HILL 4704 ‘WESLEY CLARK Implements and Furniture LATE WILLIAM BAGG Phone 188 CASH AUCTION SALE SALE AT ONE P.M. SHARP TERMS :â€": CASH Richmond Hill The following property: 1081 King St. East Write or ’Phone: __()F__ LTD Also at the same time and place the Farm will be offered for sale subject to a reserve bid. Terms made known on day of sale. There is 100 acres of land, with 1-0 acres fall wheat, and the balance in grass and ready for spring seeding; a large rbank barn, driving shed, pig- pen, brick house and garage. 1 set bob sleighs; 1‘ long sleigh; 2 buggies; 1 turnip drill; 1 wheelbar- row; 1 set scales; 1 Chatham fanning- mill; 1 iron pot; 1 gas barrel; 1 ladder; 1 block and tackle; 1 grindâ€" stone, and numerous other articles. GRAINâ€"400 bushels mixed grain. FUIRINITUREâ€"l extension table, 6 chairs, 3 bedsteads, 2 (bureaus, 1 book case, 1 sofa, I cook stove, 1 coal heater, 1 large table, 1 drop leaf table, set butter scales, number of dishes and lamps. Wednesday 7-9 pm. Toronto Office â€" 45 Richmond St. W. WA. 5923 ' April meeting on the 6th. There were fifteen members and seven vis- itors present. Hymn No. 87 was sung and the Lord’s Prayer was reâ€" péated‘ in unison. The business was then transacted. Hymn 55 was then sung and Mrs. Vanlderburg read the scripture, Luke 24, prayer by Mrs. ‘Keffer, then Mrs. Bert Middleton read a very appropriate paper on! the “Resurrection”. Mrs. Wynn also gave a reading about “Easter Lily Gift.” ‘The roll call was answered by a verse on Hope. The members were pleased to have Mrs. Frank Graham, Mrs. Bowes, Mrs. Louis Clement and Mrs. Stan Dewes all of Richmond Hill present at this meeting. The meeting closed with the benediction, lunch being served by the hostess- assisted by Mrs. MacDonald and Mrs. B. Middleton. Miss April were itors Mr. Alfred Coombs of Midland spent Tuesday with Mr. W. Reaman. Mr. and Mrs. W. Wynn and Mrs. Anderson spent Sunday with friends in Toronto. Misses Jessie and Margaret Mit- chell spent Thursday with their aunt Miss M. Reaman. Mr. Sydrney Baker spent the week- end- with his aunt, Mrs. L. Clement at Richmond Hill. Mr. and Mrs. McDonald took din- ner with Mr. and Mrs. Vanderburg on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Reaman of Toronto visited Miss M. Reaman on Sunday. M1“. and Mrs. Gerald BurtOn and children EleanOr and Donna visited Mr. and Mrs. L. Burton on Sunday. day with Patterson The Carrville Young- People are putting on a pageant in the church on Friday evening. Come and see it, it will be worth your While. Mr. and Mrs. J. Baker spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. H. Ness at The Morgan L. Piper Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. UNIONVI'LLE : Women’s Association met at Minnie Reaman’s home for the Wednesday 3f 7 p.m. CARRVILLE THORHNHTLL' ONTARIO Remains resting at Wright & Tay- lor’s Funeral Horne, Richmond Hill, until Friday morning. Funeral ser- vice at his late home Friday at 2.30 pm. Interment Richmond Hill Ceme- tery. STEWART, Oswald (Osie) Frederick â€"At the Toronto General Hospital, on April 12, 1938, Oswald‘ (Osie) Frederick Stewart, second son of the late George S. and Mrs. Caroline Stewart of Richmond Hill, in his 23rd year. RICHARDSON, Mary I., N.S. â€" At the Christie Street Hospital, TorontO, on Tuesday, April 12, 1938, Mary I. Richardson, N.S., second daughter of the late Adam and Mary Richardson, Richmond Hill, sister of Mrs. H. Thomson and Misses Frances and Win'nifred. ‘ Funeral was held from her late residence, 147 Yonge Street, Rich- mond Hill, on Thursday, 14th instant, at 2.30. Interment in Zion Ceme-y tery, Wexford, Scarboro Township. The funeral was held on Thurs- day afternoon at 2.30. Interment Aurora Cemetery. PETCH, Emma Youngâ€"Suddenly, on Monday, April 11, 1938, at the resi- dence of her daughter, Mrs. Russell Snider, Nobleton, Emma Young, be- loved wife of the late George Petch; mother of Grace (Mrs. Snider), and John of Aurora; sister of J. J. Young, the late Mrs. J. McMullin of Toronto, and Mrs. Charles William- son of Aurora. The funeral was held on Wednes day, April 13, at 2.30 pm. Inter mth at King. LLOYD,Mary Isabellaâ€"Suddenly, at her late residence, Eversley, on Mon- day, April 11, 1938, Mary Isabella Ball, beloved wife of Arthur Lloyd; mother of Walter, James» of Temper» anceville, and Mrs. Trevor Springett of Toronto, in her 7151: year. HUNTER, Minnie H.â€"â€"At the Briar Bush Hospital, Stouffville, on: Wed- nesday, April 13, Minhie H. Hunter, of Unionville. Funeral from the residence of her niece, Mrs. C. H. Stiver, Uniorwille, on Friday, April 15, at 2 p.m. In- terment Lutheran Cemetery. The funeral was held from Trinity Anglican Church on Tuesday, April 12, at 2.30 p.m. Interment at King Cemetery. ’ G-IL-LHAM, Markâ€"At his! late resi- dence, Reuben Street, Aurora, on Sunday, April 10, 1938, Mark Gillâ€" ham, beloved husband of Tillie Holl- ingshead. DIED BUTTON, George Lawrence â€"â€" Sud- denly, at the T0ronto Western Hos- pital, on Sunday morning, April 10, 1938, George Lawrence Button, youngest son of Mrs. William A. Gardiner, and brother of C. P. But- ton. The funeral was held Wednesday, 2 p.m. Interment UniOn Cemetery, Thornhill. The sympathy of the community is extended to Mrs. G. Stewart and flamin in the less this week of a son and brother the late Oswald Stewart. “Winter lingers in the lap of spring" was fully demonstrated dur- ing the week-end. However spring seems to .be coming back and as Easter approaches surely it Will be fine for the spring display on the board walk and elsewhere. FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE SERVICE WOODBRIDGE, ONTARIO Successor to J. J. Director of Wilfrid R. Scott H‘EADFORD THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO Deane ROBERT H. THOMAS Robert Thomas died at his home, lot 2, con. 7, Albion Township, on Saturday, April 2, in his 77th year. Born in Vaughan Township, a son of the late William Thomas and Mary 'Ann Woodill, he spent his whole life in the district. His wife, nee Sarah McWade, predeceased him many years ago. Two daughters and two sons survive, Ethel, Edith and Frank- lin at home and Harry, of Willowâ€" dale; also one brother, Richard J. Thomas, Newmarket. The funeral took place on Monday with Rev. C. J. Bailey, Kleinburg, conducting the service at the home. Interment fol- |lowed in Laurel Hill cemetery. {OPENING FOR LOCAL INSUR- iAN‘CE representative. Good oppor- :tunity for man with connection. Ex- | tra special contract to the right man. |Give full particulars. Box 110, Lib- eral Office. The Lowest or any Tender not ne- cessarin accepted. Tenders for 200 trees will be received at the Clerk’s office, Richmond Hill, up to 5 o’clock, Tuesday, April 19th, 1938. Tender Forms or any further in- formation necessary may be obtained from the Superintendent. 501' Mr. A. C. Crush, as our repreâ€" lsentativc for Twedd-le Chicks for â€"â€" IRichmond- Hill and surrounding dis- TREES WANTED trict. ’I\Neddle Chicks are well and favorably known. They are all from Tenders for 200 trees will be Government Approved, bloodtested received at the Clerk’s office, breeders. Our Extra Profit Chicks Richmond Hill, up to 5 o’clock, [are all hatched from eggs weighing, Tuesday, April 19th, 1938. (not averaging), 25 to 30 ounces per The trees required are Elm. dozen and our Special Mating White Birchy Ash and Hard or Soft rlRocks, Barred Rocks and White Legâ€" Maple suitable for street plant- horns are sired 100% by R- 0- P. ing and measuring one and one pedigreed Government Approved half to two inches at the butt. Cockel‘els from 2'00 egg hens and State price per tree better. Consult Mr, Crush for furâ€" The lowest or any tender not ‘ ther information. Phone 16-r-3. necessarily accepted. [Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Richmond Hill, April 12. 1938 (Fergus, Ontario. Local representaâ€" A, J, HUME, Clerk, tive, A. C. Crush, Langstaff. Separate Sealed Tenders properly marked “Tender for Meat", “Tender for Bread", “Tender for Groceries”, “Tender for Pocohontas Screenings”, “Tender for Stove Coal”, “Tender for Nit: Coal”, addressed to D. E. S‘prague, Superintendent, House of Refuge, Newmarket, will be received until 12:00 o’clock noon Friday, April 29th, 1938, for these requirements delivered at the House of Refuge, as, if and when it may be required by the House of Refuge between May lst, 1938 and April 30th, 1939. In Tendering for Coal kindly quote price per ton, delivered in the bin at the House of Refuge, Newmar- ket. HOUSE OF REFUGE COMMISSION COUNTY OF YORK APARTMENT, 6 rooms. Apply 80 Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. LOST in Richmond Hill two keys on long chain. Finder kindly leave at The Liberal Office. 30 LBS. Unwashed Wool will make you, and pay for the manufactur- ing of 1 pair Union Blankets 7 lbs., 72x90, borders or plain. Guaranteed not to shrink, made from your own wool. Mill 5 miles north of Union- ville. Established 58 years. S. B. Lehman & Sons, R.R. N0. 1, Unionâ€" ,ville, Ont. (Almira). 6 ROOMED HOUSE. Apply 15' Cen tre Street East, Richmond Hill. EXPERIENCED in Custom Hatch- ing. Let us give you the benefit of years of experience in hatching hen, duck and turkey eggs. Our mod- ern machines are in full swing. You will find our prices moderate. A. L. Brown, Unionville, telephone 3902 Unionville, 2620 Stouffville. GIIRzL WANTED for housework. Mrs. Ivan Marks, 24 Mill Street, Richmond HEALTHY HORSES and cows for fox meat. Apply 3551 Bathurst SL, phone MOhawk 9051. ANY KIND of TEAM WORK. 0b- BUILDINGS raised and mnv’od. Langstaff Supply, Langstaff, phone Thornhill 73. servations taken .by hour or contract. Apply W. Morrison, Oxford St., El- gin Mills, phone 'Richmond Hill 90F. Hill GOOD WORK HORSE, cheap; plow; harrows; cultivator; double harness; black Minorca pullets or young chic- kens. TelephOne Ma'pvle 49-11. PLOUGHING AND CULTIVATING by the acre or by the day. Hay and straw baling‘. C. W. Stubbs, 171 Horsham Avenue, Willowdale, phone 369W. Ice‘ ARM HAND, good milke1 amster.‘ Apply Box 92, Liber M ESCELLA NEG! IE C. E. Toole, Chairman B. Weldrick, Commissioner TENDERS Ti ) RENT WA N TED LOST nilker and Liberal Of- certified seed‘ Maple 560. ANNOUN‘CING the APPOINTMENT LATI-FAM RASPBERRY PLANTS in large or small quantities; Asparagus Roots and Strawberry Plants; also Garden Tractor.â€" Agent for E. D. Smith, Winona. Apply M. J. John- son, Thornhill, phone 19J. BARRED ROCK, White Leghorn, New Hampshire, Black Minorca, Jersey Giant productionabred' chicks. Our prices are moderate and our chick quality high. Custom hatching specialists. Yonge Street Poultry Farm, Richmond Hill, phone 102r13. SEED GRAIN, Velvet Barley No. 1 Gov. test, 99% germination, $1.00 per bu. Victofy Oats grown frOm 2nd Germination Reg. Seed‘, No. 1 Gov. test, 90c. per bu. Banner Oats, grown from Reg. seed and from 131: prize field in competition; No. 1 Gov. test, 90c., per ‘bu. Terms cash. Clark Young, Milliken, Bell phone, Agincourt 45-21. dale, Percherons, matched teams, from 3 to 9 years old, at reasonable price, well broken to harness. Oscar Cox, Unionville, on No. 7 Highway. ing. Apply for prices and further particulars. Miss K. Mecredy, Yonge Street Poultry Farm, Richmond Hill, phone 102r13. 90c. per bus.; 150 bus. Seed Oats, Banner, 75c._per bus. All grain well cleaned. Also Clyde mare 10 years old, 8100. C. E. Walking-ton, King, phone 42-râ€"3. ‘ Iey, Gov. grade No. 1; Victory Oats, Gov. grade No. 1; also Goose Wheat. Apply Bruce Brothers, Un‘ionville, phone Stouffville 3602 5 SIX ROOIM HOUSE with two acres, furnace and ‘bath, two garages, chic- ken house, easy terms. Also new two burner Oil Burner for kitchen stove. Phone Thornhill 108r2. 9 WORK HORSES, Belgian, Clydes- 300 BUS. SEED BARLEY, 0.A.C. 21, GOOD GOOSE WHEAT for seed and YOUNG B‘OIRJDER COLLIE, will Work ROSELAWN DAIRY HORSES. Ap‘ ply L. C. Burton, Carrville Road- Stop 23, Yonge Street. SEED GIRIAIN O.A.C. N0. 21 Bar- GOOSE EGGS and Bantam Hens laying. Apply Mrs. G. Stewart, Markham Road, Richmond Hill. BABY CHICKS and Custom Hatch- WHITE PEKIN duck eggs for hatch- ing. Leo Burton, Carwille Road or phone Maple 764. sell 210 a few bushels of peas. John Boy- ington, phone Agincourt 5r2. GOOD HARDWOOD SLABS, $9.50 per cord delivered, cut any length. Langstaff Supply 00., phone Thorn- 'hill 73. ‘ ‘ 92% germination, Gov. cert, No. 47- 3987, $16.00 per bus. Geo. Hoshel, lot 10, con. 2, Markham, phone Thornhill 5113. sheep or cattle1 useful dog for farm- er. J. B. Ainslie, Don Head Farms, Richmond Hill. DAPPLE GREY PERCHERON’Gdd- ing rising 4 years; also Dooley cook- ing potatoes 60c. bag at the farm. ‘R. Wide'man, phone Richmond Hill 45-12. old, a real good horse; Alfalfa seed; clean. R. Rodick, Gormley, Lot 9, Con. 4 Markham, phone Agincourt 421'2. RED CLOVER SEED, N0. 1 grade, PERCHERON GELDING 3 years POST, PO‘LES, Rails and Fences erected. Telephone Richmond Hill 196-21. EARLY COBBLER POTATOES from BATH TUB, cast iron. Apply 40 Benson Avenue, ‘Richmond Hill. ACTOR, International 15-30. Will reasonable for cash. Aprply Box , Liberal Office. W THIS IS THE DAY RATESâ€"Five lines for each subsequen each insertion. IF Classified Advs. FOR SALE IF CHARGED id Burns; phone 0F ADVERTISINGâ€"MAKE THE MOST OF IT or less, 25 cents for first insertion and 15 cents insertion. Over 5 Imes 5 cents per line extra THURSDAY, APRIL 14th, 1938. CENTS PER LINE I DURANT SEDAN 1936 FORD V-S DeLUXE SEDAN with Trunk. Good value. LATHAM and VIKING Raspberry Canes, Dorset Strawberry plants, one of the finest varieties, also Senator Dunlop, Black Currants, Red Spirea plants and Irish Junipers, Gladiolus bulbs, good varieties. N. J. Smellie, phone 42J, Thomhill. PERCHERON GEL-DING 6 yrs. 'old, good reliable work horse; 1 set new ’team harness, cost $48.00, Will sell for $35.00; also good milk cows, grades and registered; 1 tractor cul- tivator, nearly new. Leechwooq Farm, 21/2 miles east of Thornhill,‘ 1 mile south of No. 7 Highway. ‘ 1935 DODGE 2-TON TRUCK 1936 FORD V-8 TUDOR with Trim] Ford Sales & Service RICHMOND HILL ONTARI‘ PHONE 174-W INCUBATOR, 1‘00 egg capacity, Ink perial, hot water, with thermometer $5.00. Farmers, write for circulal ASPARAGUS ROOTS, Mary Wash- ington, rustproof. extra large, 2 year old, 81.00 per 100; raspberries, large canes, $2.50 per 100; also few bags Irish Cobbler seed potatoes, 50c. per bag. H. W. Karmis, 103 Richmond Street, Richmond Hill. Little Brother FO‘RDSON TRACTOR and Oliver Plow; 2 cheap Work Horses. ‘Mc- Quay Brothers, No. 7 Highway, Un- ionville. IMPROVED BANNER OATS, Vel- vet Barley, ‘both government grade No. 1. Robert Watson, Woodibridge, telephone 2366. CARLOAD OF HORSES will arrive Tuesday morning, April 5th, Bel- gians, Perchrerons and Clydes, teams and mares in foal, good quiet work horses. J. W. Palmer, Richmond Hill, phone 4632. 1933 FORD V-8 DeLUXE ROAD‘ STER. Rumble Seat. Heate Very Nice. I] 1931 FORD PANEL DELIVERY- (Half Ton). REPOSSESSED 720‘ lbs. De Laval} perfect shape, guaranteed, snap, $30, Terms. Nearly new, low tank Me- l‘obte 600 lbs., trial, delivered, $45. Nice table separator, A-l shape, $15. Write Harry Hulse, Aurora, Ont. (Reconditioned and Guaranteed Used C 1935 DeLUXE SEDAN â€" 'I‘run: BLACK GELDING 9 years old, quiet to ride and drive. R. Warren, Don- ‘cas‘ter Gardens, Stop 141/2, Yonge ou.uu. ranners, write 101‘ Circular on Gem Milk Cooler. Apply G. Yerex, Markham Road, Richmond Hill. QUANTITY RED CLOVER SEED REGISTERED AYRSHIRES. We can spare a few Heifers bred to freshen in fall, R.O.P. backing, accredited 1 Bull Calf, splendid, R.O.P. back- ing. 1 Bay Gelding 5 years old. 1I Bay Mare 11 years old. Apply M. B. Beynon, RE. No. 3, King. { Apply J. Bi Maple 2830 Street running order. Apply Eli Dennie Victoria Square. dition. R ville 9101 CLYD E F ILLY excellent condition. â€"-Heater. Very nice. Heater. $595000 $550.00 $175.00 $650.00 $595.00 $375.00 Bishop, Edgeley, telephone 3 yearling, in A1 con~ Perkins, phon-e Stouff. )31, in good

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