Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 14 Apr 1938, p. 5

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For All Occasions Phone orders delivered any- where in North Yonge St. District 2518 YONGE STREET ORDER HELEN SIMPSON FLOWERS Helen Simpson Lynett «mooooomwooooowoooou¢weweoeoooooooomo Immediately after the said last mentioned date, the assets of the said estate will be distributed a- mongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice, to the exclusion of all others, and the undersigned will not 'be liable to any person of whose claim the undersigned shall not then have notice for the assets so distri- buted or any part thereof. Dated at Woodlbridge this 8th day of April, 1938. Neil MacDonald Burton and' Gideon- Burton, Executors. By their solicitors, W. J. Lawson, 808 Lumsden Bldg, Toronto. All persons having claims against the Estate of Mary Jane Burton late of the Village of Woodbridge, in the County of York, deceased, who died on! or about the 6th of March, 1938 are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned on or before the 12th day of May, 1938 full particulars of their claims. IN THE ESTATE OF MARY JANE BURTON. The ‘best talker is the man who listens. The FAIRBANK FEED COMPANY can {bowing of several talking motion! pictures by Mr. Clarence Graham of Woodbridge, tap dances and songs by little Gwen Robb of Woodbridge, 9. dance to the music supplied by‘} local mtsicians, and the reading of; the club paper. i Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Rutherford, newly married members, were guests of honour and were recipients of a presentation in the form of a set of gardening tools and a wateringl 13439 eggs from November to February (four month period) from 180 birds, an average of 112 eggs per day. L. W. Wellman with his record; pullet That is the excellent record of the Barred Rocks owned by Mr. L. W. Wellman, RR. 2, Gormley, who writes:â€" “During the past seven years my chicks have been started on STARTWELL CHICK MASH and when ready to go out on range I gradually change over to GROWELL GROWING MASH. At about five months the pullets are starting to lay so they are then given LAYWELL EGG MASH which has con- sistantly given me outstanding results." Several hundred persons were pre- sent last Tuesday evening when an interesting event was staged in the Memorial Hall, Vellore, by the local Junior Farmers. Features were the MR. AND MRS. S. RUTHERFORD HONORED AT VELLORE THURSDAY, APRIL 14th, 1938 Follow Mr. Wellman’s example by writing or phoning 2385 DUFFE'RIN ST., TORONTO KENWOOD 6805 DELIVERY EVERY MONDAY Notice to Creditors PHONE 10 A GOOD SUPPLY OF No. 21 BARLEY AND VELVET BARLEY No. 1 VICTORY AND BANNER OATS The above is a good heavy grain Also RED CLOVER, ALFALFA & TIMOTHY SEEDS “MAKE YOUR GRAIN ACREAGE PAY A BONUS BY USING CERESAN FOR WHEAT, OATS AND BARLEY Fertilin for your Garden and Flowers '7 D 4 Also Fertilizers W 5 SEED GRAIN TO FARMERS (At St. Clements) MOhawk 3000 I. D. RAMER & SON FRESH SUPPLY OF LIME AND CEMENT FULL LINE OF PURINA FEEDS J. F. Lynett FROM ONE BARRED ROCK PULLET :35.» 136 Eggs in 135 Days M 4202 eggs in November from 190 Pullets, an average of 140 eggs per day. Oak Ridges Rev. E. W. G. Worrall, Rector Good Friday Service at 11 am. Sunday, April 17th Easter Services 10 a.m.â€"â€"Holy Communion. 7.30 p.m.â€"Easter Service. King and Oak Ridges choirs in Carols and Anthems. Easter Day Services 8 a.m.â€"â€"Holy Communion. 11 a.m.â€"Choral Communion. An- them, “Why Seek Ye The Living?” Sermon, “I will Manifest Myself.” 3 p.m.â€"Chi1dren’s Easter Service. Lent Boxes will be received. 7 p.m.â€"â€"Easter Evening Prayer. Eas- ter music. Sermon, “The Power of His Resurrection.” ST. MARY'S CHURCH (Anglican) RICHMOND HILL Rector: Rev. W. F. Wrixon, L.Th. Good Fridéy Services 10 a.m.â€"â€"The Litany. 8 p.m.â€"The Story of the Cross will be sung. Rev. J. D. Cunning-ham, B.D., Minister Sunday, April 17th 11 a.m.â€"-“The HOpe of the World." 2.30 p.m.â€"Sunday School. 7 p.m.â€"-A Service of Easter Praise. Good Friday 11 a.m.â€"â€"A Umted Ser- vice in the United Church. Do we know Christ as an abiding Guest, or have we only a bowing, formal acquaintance with Him? RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. W. Follett, B.D., Pastor Easter Sunday, April 17th Special Easter Services 11 a.m.â€"Pu‘blic Worship. Guest speaker, The Right Rev. Peter Bryce, D.D., ModeratOr of the United Church of Canada. Choice musical programme. 2.45 p.m.â€"Sun-day School. All de- partments. 7 panâ€"The choir Will render the sacred cantata, “Messiah Victori- ous”. Mr. Rex Le Lechure, Bariâ€" tone Soloist'of Toronto, will be the assisting artist. These ser- vices are sure to be an inspiration to all who can aitend. You and your visiting friends cordially in- vited. Maple Rev. E. W. G. Worrall, Rector Sunday, April 17th Easter Sunday p.m.â€"Service. Special Easter music. ST. STEPHEN’S CHURCH RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ST. JOHN'S CHURCH RICHMOND HILL MRS. JOSEPH HORAN Margaret Murphy Horan, widow of the late Joseph Horan of Thornhill, died in Toronto on April 7th in her 74th year. The funeral took place on Saturday morning- with Requiem High Mass in Holy Resary Church and interment at St. Luke’s Ceme- tery, Thornhill. Euchre and Dance next Thursday evening, April le't. Royal Arcadian Orchestra, Bill Hole, floor manager. Euchre at 8.30 sharp. Dancing un- til 1 a.m. Good prizes. RICHVALE SOCIAL CLUB Prize winners at the weekly Eu- chre and Dance on Wednesday even- ing under the auspices of Richvalle Social Club were: Ladies, Missl Tur- bon, Mrs. Underhill; gents, Mr. B. Mills, Mr. W. Morrison; 2 frames in euchre, Miss Turton and Mr. Morriâ€" son; spot dances, Miss F‘remm, Mrs'. White, Mr. Hakney, Mr. J. Elliott. Week-end April 22nd - 23rd, bar- gain fares to Montreal and Ottawa, also to poinfcs‘ in Sodthwestern 0n- tario. Particulars from C.N.'R. of: fices‘. ‘ April 2lst Bargain Fare to the Maritime PrOVinces. EASTER RAILWAY F'ARES Fare and one quarter for the rOund trip going Thursday, April 14th up to 2.00 p.m. Monday, April 18th. Return leave destination up to mid- night, Tuesday, April 19th. YORK RANGERS BANQUET I It will be of great interest to all exâ€"membersl of the 220th York Rang- ers Battalion C.E.F. that the asso- ciation is holding its second‘ annual banquet at the Carlsrite Hotel, To- ronto on Saturday, April 23rd. Dini- ner is' at 7 p.m. sharp, and a very fine programme will follow. A large gathering is assured, and it is hoped that all the out of town boys will ‘be present. Special services are being held in the United Church this week. Rev. Mr. Macdonaladl of Victm-ia Square will be the speaker this Thursday evening and Rev. John Coburn, I).D., will preach on Good Friday morning at 11 o’clock. He will be assisted by Rev. Mr. Cunningham and the pastor. The public invited. Miss Evelyn G. Follett is in at- tendance at the Hamilton Conference Branch of the Woman’s Missionary Society of the United Church which is being held in Oakville this week. She will give several addresses and also take part in discussion groups in connection with Circle work of which she is the general secretary for the Dominion of Canada. lgratulation‘s and best wishes to MT [and Mrs. Mylks. The Sunday School had charge of the evening service at Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church last Sunday. Members of the Sunday School form- ed the‘ choir and the service was conducted by the SS. superintend- ent, Mr. James Butler, assisted by the assistant superintendent, Mr. Bill Pollard. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Mylks, Yonge Street, celebrated their 37th. Wedding anniversary on Sunday, April 10th when they were the recipients of many congratulations from relatives and friends. The Liberél joins with their many friends in extending con- The Liberal extends congratulaâ€" I The last Euchre in the ser Iktions to Mr. Joseph Butler, local re- {0181‘ the auspices‘ 0f the W-A. presentative of Imperial Oil, who has Mary’s R.C. Church will be 1 received the award offered by that the Rectory on Thursday, A] Company for the best kept plant in at 8.30- p.m. Good prizes. this district. At a district banquet 256. held in Oshawa last Thursday Mr. This being the final Euchre Butler was presented With a beauti- season the grand prizes will ful silyer entree dish as a mark of warded. his achievement. “mm Richmond Hill United Church Sun- day School are holding their annual Easter party on Saturday, April 16 from 3 to 5.30 p.m. All children of the Primary and Cradle Roll depart- ments and their mothers are cordial- ly invited also interested friends. 'BISHOP BEVERLEY TO VISIT ST. MARY’S CHURCH Rev. W. F. Wrixon has arranged to have Confirmation in the-near futurr. and will ‘be glad to have the names of those who are thinking of presenting themselves. A special in- vitation to adults. | Mr. Kenneth Frisby of Simcoe, 0n- Iflario, is spending- holidays at his. home here. 1st Richmond Hill B0y Scouts formed, a Mothers" Auxiliary on Tues- day, April 12th. Mrs. ChristOpher was elected President, Mrs. Andrews Secretary-Treasurer. A11 ladies in- terested are asked to join this Auxâ€" iliary. Meetings will be held every second Tuesday of each month. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. McNaii' of Vaughan Township and Miss Alice McNair leave Friday morning for a ten day trip to Richmond, Virginia. PASSION WEEK SERVICES S- S. CONDUCTS SERVICE Social and Personal ! EASTER PARTY ‘I‘HL' Li'BERAL‘Z RICHMOND HILL, ONTABLQ [BOYS A cafe in Loveland, Colorado, has a sign offering “free coffee any time during any day the sun is not shinâ€" ing.” VILLAGE AND TOWNSHIPS The Easter holidays afford an ex- cellent opportunity to enable you to prepare an exhibit for entry at the Richmond Hill Hobby Show. While on hikes you can make a collection of various woods for mounting, pro- cure sufficient willow for a wicker article, or suitable bark for a rustic bird house. The early part of next week with leisure from school duties will enable you to prepare your ex-. hiibit. While the Secretary will wel- come your entry application by the 18th, it will be accepted later. See last week's Liberal or posters on dis- play for rules and exhibit items. Exhibits should be on hand by noon on day of Show. Remember the date, Friday, April 22nd, at school room of United Church, ’Richmond Hill. Open to the public from 4 pm. to 10 p.1n. The last Euchre in the series un- der the auspices of the W.A. of St. Mary’s R.C. Church will be held at the Rectory on Thursday, April 21, at 8.30- p.m. Good prizes. Tickets youngest daughter, Glady's Florence to (Mr. Cecil Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Menno Smith, Edgeley. The marriage will take place early in May at St. Mary’s Anglican Church, Richmond Hill. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stanford an- nounce the engagement of their FINAL EUCHRE OF SEASON This Pen holds 200% more ink than any ordinary ‘f( Three Months on One Fiflling! N0 Repair B1115! NOP be unbreakable for life. Get yours Now. THIS PEN (1 less entitles the bearer to one of our Genuine indesth tible $3.00 VACUUM FILLEERJ SACKLESS FOUN- TAIN PENS. Visible Ink Supply. You SEE‘ the ink! A lifetime guarantee wiighreach pen. T0 8 RM 690. 6c. Extra For Mail Orders . Y. W. BRATHWAITE, Richmond HHS ‘e months on Une Milling! No Repair Bills! N0 Pressure Bar! Every pen testediantl gihéfifiééifi ribreakable for life. Get yours Now. THIS PEN GIVLEN FREE if you can buy one in the city for than THREE DOLLARS! This certificate good only while advertising sale is on. Also‘ $1.00 Pencils to Match Above Pens, 39c- This Certificate and69c. . WW we! Introductory Offer â€" This Pen Will be 33.00 After Sale PLUNGER FILLERâ€"ZIPâ€"I ONE PULL AND IT’S FULL! CASH YOUR SAVINGS CERTIFICATE ON OR BEFORE APRIL 23rd. GIRLSL Good - - - Friday and Saturday AUSTIN ’S DRUG STORE the This special offer is good only for the limited period printed on the certificate, after which you will have to pay the regular price. So clip and use your cash savings certificate now! This certificate is worth real money to you, if you act promptly! Just fill it in and take it to the store mentioned below. It entitles you to all you want of the famous Sherwin-Williams Semi- Lustre Satin-Enamel at remarkable cash savings. than any ordinary 'fountain gen_ o_n the market! You can Write for Dm-:_ run a \r, RICHMOND HILL, ’PHONE 33 The Moderator of the United Church of Canada, The Right (Rev. Peter Bryce, D.D., will be in Rich- mond Hill on Easter Sunday and will occupy the pulpit of the United Church at the morning worship. While in the village Dr. and Mrs. Bry‘ce will be the guests of Rev. C. W. and Mrs. Follett. One of the smartest, liveliest bits of entertainmth the sea§0n has provided. A hilariously funny comedy. Rm, muSIc and galety for the entire fiamily. - The gayest, cheeriest, most thoroughly delightful screen comedy that has come along in some time. It has everything that makes a picture, entertaining, excitement, drama, comedy and romance. A DISTINGUISHED VISITOR FRIDAY & SATURDAY, APRIL 15 - 16 WALTER \VINCHELL - BEN BERNIE - SIMONE SIMON BERT LAHR - JOAN DAVIS in “ LOVE AND HISSES ” MONDAY-TUESDAY-WEDNESDAX, APRIL 18 - CAROLE LOMBARD - FREDERIC MARCH “ NOTHING SACRED ” THURSDAY-FRIDAY-SATURDAY, APRIL 21 - 22 â€" 23 TODAY. THURSDAY, APRIL-14 LUISE RAINIER - SPENCER TRACEY in “ BIG CITY ” Also “OUR GANG FOLLIES OF 1938” and “Popeye the Sailorman Cartoon” DOROTHY LAMOUR - JON HAL in “ THE HURRICANE ” Semi-Lustre is easy to apply, has no unpleasant paint odour, and gives you a choice of 13 lovely pastel shades. Modernize your home this spring by using Semi-Lustre Satin Enamel on your walls, woodwork and furniture. 35-13 Semi-Lustre, the famous SATIN FINISH ENAMEL, has become uni- versally popular for home decorating. It provides the soft, light~reflecting yet non-glare surface now so much in vogue and is easily cleaned with soap and water! afternoon, April 2151:. Mrs. Grams of Scarboro Junction will be the speakeij. The ladies are magnesia. to pay their membership fees at thil meeting. The April meeting- of the Women’l Institute will be held at the home of Miss Helen Fierheller Thurman: BUTTONVILLE PAGE To 8 RM Each Certificate LIMIT 3 Pens, to 69c. 19-20

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