1937 Oldsmobile Sedan, 6 Cylin- der. Beautiful condition. 1938 Buick Sedan Demanstrat- or. Very small mileage. Rolling Star Specials 1936 Dodge Sedan.. Trunk. Very nice. 1936 Terraplane Coach, perfect. 1934 Oldsmobile Coach. Wwouonoowoo 1935 Dodge Coach. Trunk. Motor Sales RICHMOND HILL Barley O.A.C. No. 21 Victory and Banner Oats Stock Feeds and Poultry Mashes or your own Form- ula made up. Salt Blocks at 20c. each while they last PHONES: YONGE STREET RICHMOND HILL, ONT. THE MILL PAGE EIGHT IIIERE'S Sflllfl [OHIFDR'I' III CHEVRIET'S I SIlEIIT, ll-STEEl BOW PRICED Q FROM (2-Passenger Master Business Coupe) Master De Luxe Models from $892. Deliv- ered at factory, Oshawa, Ontario. Gov- ernment tax, freight and License extra. Convenient terms arranged through the General Motors Instalment Plan. UST to open the doors and look inside is to realize that you’ll be more com- fortable in a Chevrolet. Here is extra roomincss . . . more restful cushioning . . . ï¬ner upholstery . . . flat, unobstructed floors . . . plus many little conveniences and luxuries seldom found in a car of lowest price. THORNHILL MOTORS, Thomhiil, Ont. Win in the B Agriculture ’ Following dinner at the King George Hotel, the meeting was re- sumed when the Prgsident called on W. M. Cockburn, Agricultural Re- presentative for «York Caunty, to introduce the guest speaker, W. P. Watson of the Ontario Live Stock Branch. The speaker discussed the dairy situation, prefacing his reâ€" marks with a short hlS'tOYy of dairy- ing. He pointed out the pns=ibiliâ€" 1‘01’3 nent of holding the business n the morning with the a n the afternoon, proved qui fesident With one of the members in the ganization, the Y v Club held their n the chair Jersey Breeders Annuai Meeting 'e at Newm-arket on ast week, April 7th F. W. Tomllinson of 3.1 argest turnâ€"out tie history of th€_'brt peace of mind that comes from knowing Chevrolet protects you with a solid7 a11- steel body structure . . . roof, sides and floor welded into one safe, rigid unitâ€" with Safety glass in every window. Enjoy this ride today. Learn, too, what a difference Chevrolet’s *Knee-Action glide makes to your comfort. We have a car ready for you. nual meetlng the Dept. Of ket on Thurs- ril 7th, with nson of Bald- Y1 9W arl'ang County add satis ssion There was a very good attendance at Sunday School last Sunday“ Also a good attendance at the church ser- vice when Mr. J. Gillies preached the sermon and Miss Eleanor Fisher sang a solo “My Taskâ€. Next Sun- day, Easter Sunday, the Sunday 'School will meet at the church‘ser- vice at 3 o’clock. Thene will be two or three short addresses given and 'special Easter music by the choir. On Monday evening, May 2 there will be a special Evangelistic ser- vice in the Richvale United Church 'commencing at 8 p.m. The special speaker will ‘be Mr. Sproule of T0- rcnto. A cordial invitat'on is ex- tended to all. Fuller announcement later. ties of markets for the dairy cattle breeder in supplying breeding- stock for the Old Country market if they have a clean bill of health, since (keg: Britain is launching a pro- m'amme similar to our T.B. Restrict- gramme simllar to our 1.1:. meson“ ed Area plan. V J. Bremner, Sec. of Canadian Jer- sey Cattle Club, then showed motion pictures in natural colour of “Jerâ€" seys from Coast to Coast†and also a film taken on Jersey Islancl by Brampton. The pictures and Mr. Bremner’s remarks were very much appreciated. ‘_A1_ Mr. E. H. Stoltz, new nve Stucn editor of The Farmer, was present and extended the best wishes of his magazine. The Directors, following the genâ€" eral meeting, decided to hold a ban- quet next fall and also decided to continue their special prizes for the School Fairs. Mrs. Sydney Sparks is still coni- fined to her room through illness. Mrs. Baker Sr. is better and Baby Mplba Baker is 'mm‘oving satisfac- Mrs. Baker Sr. is better and Baby Melba Baker is 'nmroving satisfac torily friends willbe pleased to hear †0n Master De Luxe Models. THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIU RICHVALE H. Stoltz, new live stock The Farmer, was present led the best wishes of his the dairy cattle and also and Daw :1 d. b 'the dos Quann_..}, Christ a! There will be a special service on Good Friday at Trinity Church from 10.30 to 12 o’clock and an address on "‘The Seven Words frpm the Cress." Also special segvlces. on I‘egu. of H will as bers of ousi solo numbers, Mrs. Armstrong, sOprano. Miss A. Boyle, contralto, and Mr. Bruce McDonald, bass. Mr. Flayd Davies is conducting through- out the Cantata, while Mrs. Davies will preside at the organ. Latte Mrs. J. Horan Margaret Murphy. widow of Jos- eph Horan and mother of Cyril and Eva was laid to. rest in St. Luke‘s Cemetery, Thornhill, last Saturday. High Mass was held in Holy Rosary Church, St. Clair Avenue. Mrs. Hvoran was a resident of Thornhill for a number of years before moving to Toronto after her husband‘s death. She resided at Oriole Parkway. A WVMrisnLree and rMiss S. Baxtér have returned after spending the winter months in Toronto. The regular meeting of Thornhill Women’s Institute will be held- at the home of Mrs. C. Smith on Thurs~ day, April 2lst, at 2.30 pm. Mrs. P. Bone, Branch Convener for Agri- culture has arranged the program. Maple Branch will be guests at this meeting. Rev. W. E. and Mrs. Baker of Orillia called on- friends here last Thursday. On April 7th Trinity Women’s Auxiliary met at the home of Mrs. Rosewell. Mrs. Tas'sey presided in! the absence of Mrs. Noble, who has been ill for the past week. Mrs. W. R‘obinscn had the lucky number for the cal-:3. the numx‘aer‘being 178 and strange to say, it was Mrs. Robin- son's 30th wedding; anniversary. She kindlly took off the tap tier of the cake and cut it up for each member to have a piece. It was much en- joyed by all present. Poll Tax By-Law The Poll Tax By-law decided upon by the Village council at the April meeting a week ago is undergoing unfavorable criticism by Villagers generally. In fact no one seems to favor it and some suggest that an additional hardship is [being saddled on many single men who are unable to procure steady employment, so it does seem a useless effort on the pan of the council ’00 endeavour to extract “‘blood from a stone." Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Rutherford have taken up residence on their farm in the Palgrave District, Peel county. Grass Fire Attended by Brigade The fire department; made a hur- ried run when called to a grass fire on the lot of Mr. J. W. Ellerby who had started the fire before a high gale started which fanned the flames so that he lost control. The fire spread and it was feared that much damage to buildings and fences might result but through the efforts ‘of an army of fire fighters the fire iwas extinguished. Through the ex- citement of the fire Mr. Ellerby was overcome and was attended by Dr. Berry and is improving. Trucks Collide on Highway When crossing the Woodbridge- Weston Highway from the east side of the farm of Mr. Evber McKay, a mile south of Woodbrid‘ge, Kenneth McKay and Walter Milburn were hit by a truck going south and driven by R. F. Reid of Toronto on Wed- nesday evening of last week. Messrs. McKay and Milburn received injur- ies that necessitated their I'em0val to the Peel Memorial Hospital, Brampton, where their injuries were cared for by Dr. W. E. Berry. Mr. Reid was uninjured. An» investiga- tion will be made. Rev. C. W. Barrett who suffered a. fractured arm several weeks ago has . returned home from Peel Memoriali Hospital, Brampton, friends will the; pleased to hear, and will occupy the United pulpit on Easter Sunday. Illustrated Lecture on Mlamchuria‘, At the missionary meeting of the Presbyterian Young People’s Society this week the special feature on the programme was an illustrated lec- ture on “Manchuriaâ€, given by the minister, Rev. James S. Roe. The Presbyterian mission work‘ in that land was started by the late Doctor Jonathan and Mrs Goforth about 12 years ago and has grown rapidly. .Some of the native churches are al-‘ ready self-supporting. Miss Mabel‘ Harris», missionary convener, was in charge of the meeting. Miss Anne Mc‘Lean sang a solo, and a mission- ary song was sung by Miss M. Har- ris’ Sunday School class. Knox, Vaughan. W.M.S. The regular April meeting- of the Knox', Vaughan, Presbyterion Church Women’s Missionary Society was held last Thursday afternoon at the Manse in Woodbridge. Mrs. Gordon McGilli'vray. the President, was in charge of the meeting. Papers were delivered by Mrs. Charles Johnston and Miss Jean Elder. Following the meeting light refreshments were served by the hostess, Mrs. James S. Roe. Mrs. Margaret Creighton and Mrs. Lamont were guests. THORNHILL WOODRZLH)GE ‘c Sing Sacred Cantata.‘ Easter Sunday night, at the hour of worship, the cholr United Church will present d cantata entitled “Darkness wn" which tells the story 0f sing scenes; in the life of and the Victory of the Cross. “1 Arnott. tenor, of Toronto siist the choir and 'the mem- the choir will sing the vari- 0 numbers, Mrs. Armstrong, , Miss A. Boyle, contralto, '. Bruce McDonald, bass. Mr. n v of J05- Cyril and it. Luke’s Saturday. ly Rosary rs. Horan [ill for a 1oving to i’s death. way. xter have he winter Baker of here last Thornhill 3 held at on Thursâ€" .m. Mrs. for Agri- program. ;ts at this Women‘s e of Mrs. resided in i , who has Mrs. W. umber for g 178 and rs. Robin- rsary. She ier of the :h memiber much en- 3E ‘ for Max Warne: Hymn 93, “G0 to Dark †“ Gethsemaneâ€: Sermon, Rev. W. E. Hassard, B.A., B.D.; Prayer, Rev. W. M. Ferguson, B.A., B.D., Lansing; Choir. Chorale, “Thy life was given Meâ€; Hymn 98, “Beneath the Cross of Jesus"; Benediction, Rev. Frank Rae, M.A.; Organ. The Auxiliary of the W.M.S. will hold its Easter Thank-offering meet- ing next Tuesday, April 19th at 2.30 p.m. at the parsonage. A program in keeping with the Easter season will be presented. Mrs. Clarence O. Bales will review a chapter of the Study Book. A cordial invitation is eaten-died to all the ladies of the church to attend. Visitors welcome. Specia lEaster services will be held in the United Church next Sunday conducted by the pastor. Bright Easter music at both services with special Easter anthems ‘by the choir. A communion service will follow the morning worship service. baptism service and reception of new members. Come and worship with us. A hearty welcome to all. On Easter Sunday evening at 7 o’clock the United Church choir will present a cantata, “Love Triumph- ant", a story of the first Easter tide. Also a ‘ iSA'I‘URDAV. APRJT. The people of the community were shocked to hear on Monday evening of the death of Mr. Thomas C. Street who passed away after only a couple of days illness, the result of a heart attack. He had been a life long resident here and celebrated on Wed- nesday of last week his 82nd birth- day. The funeral service will be held at his home this (Thursday) afternoon at 2.30 o'clock. Interment Mt. Pleasant Cemetery. To the widow and family we extend deepest symâ€" pathy. ' Misses Jeanette, Eleanor and Eloise Ruthvenn of Havergal College spent last week-end with their aunt, Mrs. A. H. Halbert. Mr. and Mrs. W. Aukerman of To- ronto attended evening service at the United Church last Sunday evening. The Women’s ASsOciation met for their April meeting last Thursday in the S.S. hall. Two quilts- were completed. Mrs. W. Johnson presidâ€" ed at the business meeting held di- rectly after luncheon. Arrangements were made for a Birthday Tea to be held on Thursday, May 5th. Sale Register 16th_A1m1-.ion ions B.A., B.D., Willowdale; Prayer, Mr. Alex. McLean, Westminster Presby- terian Church, Wi110wdale; Choir, “God so loved the werld"; Violin, ’Mr. Max Warne, Toronto; Scripture, (New Testament), Matt. 27, 28â€"51, Rev. E. B. Cooke, Thornhill; Offer- tory, offering for Sick Children’s Hospital; Offert-ory Prayer, Rev. G. S. Smith, Ph.D.; Violin selection, Mr. Max Warne: van 93, “Go to Dark vice will be 1 United Church at 11 a.m. wit at 11 a.m. w1th J presiding. Thorn choir will lead song. Qrgan pm ship; hymn 102, “ of Him who died ing, Hymnary 7‘53 Large congregations attended the‘ Palm Sunday services in the United Church last Sunday. At the mornâ€" ing service nearly every available seat was filled. The junior S.S. choir under the leadership of Miss Good and Miss Soden gave two special numbers and the pastor’s message was in keeping with the day, taking for his text, “Hosanna to the Son of David, Blessed is He who cometh in the name of the Lord.†A song service preceded the evening worship service. Rev. Allnut of the Bible Society, Toronto, was an unexpected and welcome visitor to the Sunday School. He gave a short address on the beginning of the Bible Society in England and told the children the story of “Mary Jones who walked 25 miles to purchase a Bible." Rev. Allnut also remained for the church service and assisted the pastor. On Thursdav evening, April 215t at 8.15 o’clock the City Dairy male choir will present a contcert in the United Church. There will also be an elocu'tionist. The choir of over 20 voices will be well worth hear- ing. Plan to come. Adults 25c., childrem 15c. ’ The 14th The ladies 9f Newtonbrook United~ Church are invited to visit the Tesâ€"' ton Woman’s Association on Wedâ€"‘ ngsday, April 20th and a goodly num- ber are expected to go. The Young People’s Union met last Monday evening with nearly fOrty in attendance. Mr. Harold Duggan~ the president presided. Miss Norma An- derson read the scripture lesson and prayer was offered by Rev. A. H. Halbert. Miss Margaret Shaw gave an interesting review of a chapter of the Study Book. Miss Price, a negro soloist with her sister as ac- companist gave special numbers and also led in a sing song of negro spirituals. Miss Bessie Hoffman was the guest speaker and gave an in- teresting talk on China where her father, Rev. A. C. Hoffman, has been a missionary for many years. She also showed slides of China. A so- cial hour followed the meeting with refreshments. N EVVTONBROOK The Girls’ Mission» Circle held their Easter Thank-offering meeting last Tuesday evening in the United Church S. S. hall with a large at- tendance. The president. Mrs. W. Murchison, presided. The meeting opened with a miSSionary hymn fol- lowed by prayer. A short address of welcome was given by the Hornâ€" orary President, Mrs. A. H. Halbert to the members of the C.G.I.T. group, Auxiliary of the W.M.S. and WA. who were present. The Mission Band was also represented by their presi? dent, Miss Jean Stephenson. The scripture lesson taken from St. John 19:25â€"42 was read by Miss Lorene Brown and the explanation given by“ Miss Velma Carson. Prayer was of- fered by Mrs. R. F. Hicks. Miss Ruth Douglas of the C.G.I.T. rend- ered a piano solo. Two very beau- tiful vocal duets were given by Miss June Evans and Miss Marjorie Ma- dill. Mrs. Barnes, secretary of Girls’ Mission Circles for Toronto Centre Presbyterial brought greetings from the Presbyterial and introduced the guest speaker of the evening, Mrs. W. R. McKay who spent many years rch on h‘rlda with Rev. A Thornhill U lead in the rnual Good Friday Ser- held in Newtonbrook 1 on Friday, April 15th th Rev. A. H. Halibert 1ornhi11 United Church ad in the worship of relu Ve sing the praise ; responsive read- Rev. F. N. Bowes, 111 THURSDAY, APRIL 14th, 1938 needle work. panels embrmdered 1n bright colors by the Chinese women, which she hung on the walls to show it to good advantage. A hearty vote of thanks was extended by Miss Doris Soden to those who took part on the program. A Birthday Tea followed the meet- ing to celebrate the sixth annivers- ary of the Circle’s organization. The tea table had a pretty centre of spring flowers in a silver basket with pink tapers in! silver holders. The birthday cake was also very at- tractive with its six lighted candles. Mrs. Robt. Pinder, Hon. President of the W.M.S. cut the cake. A very happy and profitable evening- was en- joyed by all. The people of the community were shocked to hear on Monday evening of the death of Mr. Thomas C. Street who passed away- after only a couple of days illness, the result of a heart attack. He had been a life long resident here and celebrated on Wed- nesday of last week his 82nd birth~ day. The. funeral service will be held at his home this (Thursday) afternoon at 2.30 o’clock. Interment: Mt. Pleasant Cemetery. To the widow and family we extend deepest svymâ€" pathy. ' in South China among the Cantonesve. Her address was very interesting and was very much enjoyed: ‘by all. She brought curios and beautiful needle work, panels embroidered in mg ary tea Misses Jeanette, Eleanor and Eloise Ruthven» of Havergal College spent last week-end with their aunt, Mrs. A. H. Halbert. SATURDAY, APRIL 16thâ€"Auction sale of farm implements, furniture, etc. on' No. 7 Highway at Green )River, the property of O. Ferris restate. Terms cash. No reserve. Prentice & Prentice, Auctioneers.- SATURDAY, APRIL 16â€"Exbensive auction sale of entire farm stock, implements, hay, grain, roots, furn- iture, etc. including a new I.H.C. farm tractor on Lot 14, 10th Line, Vaughan Twp., 2 miles north of No. 7 Highway at Elders‘ Mills, prOperty' of the estate of the late Wm. Bagg. Sale at 1 pm. No reserve. Prent- ice & Prentice, Auctioneers. FRIDAY, APRIL 22â€"4Auction sale of two stores and, 6 room apt. all in one solid brirk build-inrg, situated on north side of Main Street, Agin- court. 2 car garage and nice garden. Sale at 2 p.m. Sold subject '60 8. reserve bid. Property of Mrs. C. King. Prentice & Pren'tice, Auc- tioneers. SATURDAY, MAY 14‘â€"Auction sale of 40 head of fresh cows and near Springers all good big dairy cattle and good‘ testers on- lot 2, con. 7, 'Markham Township, property of J. S. Honey. Sale at 1 pm. No re- serve. Prentice & Prentice, Auc- ‘tioneers. SATURDAY, APRIL 23vRaDâ€"Auction sale of farm implements, furniture, etc. on No. 7 Highway at Green: Riv- er, property of the estate of the late 0. P. Ferrier. Terms cash. N‘o re- serve. Prentice & Prentice, Auc- tioneers‘. The best kind of pride is that which compels a man to do his best work even though no one is looking.