Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 21 Apr 1938, p. 1

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Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Campbell, Mrs. B. W. Campbell, Miss Muriel Gould, Mr. Hiriam Keffer motored to Hes- peler on Saturday and attended the birthday celebration of Mrs. M. Kei- Mrs. J. Gray of Aurora spent the week-end with Misses Till'ie and Mar- garet Watson. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Locke of Edge- ]ey visited! on Friday with Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Keys. We, your teacher and class mates of the Live Wire Class of Maple United] Sunday School, are gathered together for a social evening and to express our regret that your re- moval to another community will not permit: you to attend our Sunday School as a regular member. Your loyalty and devotion to the class and friendship to the members have left pleasant memories of the years you spent with us. While we feel a deep sense of loss we realize that it will be a gain to those in your new sur- roundings and we know that with your high ideals and worthy aspira- tions you will find many opportuni- ties for service. We ask you to ac- ceprt this Book and cup and saucer as a remembrance of your friends in the class and may God bestow his richest blessings upon you asyou journey along the pathway of life. Mrs. L. Laver entertainedI her Sunday School Class on Tuesday ev- ening. A delicious supper was serv- ed after which games were played and a presentation. made to Miss Bertha Thompson. The presentation was made .by Helen Cousins and Dor- othy Ndble and the following ad'â€" dress read by Jean Rumlble: Dear Bertha: ‘The McDonald Bro.thers quartette and Misses Dora and Jean McDonald attended the Good Friday breakfast and service in Knox Presbyterian Church in Toronto and the quartette sang several numbers during ‘the ser- vice. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Palmer on the birth of a daughter on Monday, April 18th. Mr. Arthur Shaw spent the holi- day week-end at C. Latham's. Mr. and’ Mrs'. George Jackson of Mon-o Mills visited Sunday with Mr. ami Mrs. E. Palmer. Mrs. C. Ball spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Perkins of Victoria Square. d Mr. and Mrs. Frank Line enter- tainecli at supper on Friday evening of last week in honour of Miss Mur- iel Gould who came to Canada from England eighteen years ago April 15th. Miss Catherine McQuarrie of 'DweedJ is spending the Easter holi days with her mother Mrs. M. Mcâ€" Quarrie. Miss Nora Steele of Ingersoll is visiting this week with MiSS Irene Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Soule of Merrickville E spent the Easter week-end with Dr.’ and Mrs. Bigford. I Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Keys attended the wedding of their granddaughter Ertta to Mr. Ralph Lundberg in High Park United Church in Toronto last Thursday. The Big Broadcast of 1938 VOL. LVII. PARKING FREE “YORK COUNTY’S NEWSIEST _ NEWSPAPER” 3 DAYS COMMENCING WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27 TO-DAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAYâ€"MATINEE DAILY JACK HOLT in “OUTLAWS OF THE ORIENT” SATURDAY MATINEE EXTRA CARTOONS MYRNA LOY “ RADIO CITY REVELS ” 2ND HIT GLADYS GEORGE â€" WARREN WILLIAMS JOHN BEALE 2ND HIT GENE AUTRY in “BOOTS AND SADDLES” MONDAY - TUESDAY, APRIL 25 - 26 JACK OAKIE â€" BOB BURNS KENNY BAKER â€" MILT. BERLE '. C. FIELDS - MARTHA RAYE DOROTHY LAMOUR - SHIRLEY ROSS “ MANPROOF ” MAPLE NEWSY NOTES “ MADAME X ” “BRING THE FAMILY” FRANCHOT TONE Two delegates from the Richmond Hill Club, F. Grainger and J. KOning, attended the meeting of the Simcoe County Softball League in Allandale and reported that the enthusiasm shown there indicated an outstand- ing' softball season. The manager after business had been conducted called the first practise for Monday, April 25 at 7 p.m. DST. and re- quested a large turnout, inviting juveniles as well to turn out since the league rules call for the addi- tion of two juveniles 16 or under to be added to the 15 player limit of the clubs to help encourage outstanding young players to seek a place on the. team. J At a meeting held: by .the Rich'- mond‘ Hill Softball Club the follow- ing‘ officers were elected: Honorary President, J. A. Greene; President, Bert Cook; Vice-President, Jim “ut- ler; Executive, Donald Tennyson, Steve Young, Alan White; Secretary- Treasurer, J. Koning; Manager, Frank Grainger. l On Saturday, April 9th, the must) at Maple was the setting for a quiet but pretty wedding when Katherine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Allbert Ire- land of Tes-ton became .the bride of Mr. Melville Anness. The bride wore a smart spring suit ofnavy blue with matching accessories. Rev. Bow'man officiated. Following the ceremony a reception was held at the home of the bride’s parents when only the immediate family was pre- sent. DANAYKA-DeFERRARI Rev. Father Cassin officiated at a 'quiet .but pretty ceremony Monday in St. Catharines Roman Catholic church at St. Catharines. Miss: Bea- trice Cecelia DeFerrari, daughter of Mrs. DeFerrari and the late Mr. J. B. DeFerrari, of Maple, became the bride of Joseph Francis Danayka. The bride wore a smart :brown suit [with matching accessories and car- ried a bouquet of red and white car- nations. She was attended by her sister, Miss Evelyn DeFerrari, in 'blue ensemble. The gro-omsman was Bernard DeFerrari, brother of the bride. Following the ceremony, the wedding breakfast; was held at Mt. Carmel in St. Catharines. After a ‘short wedding trip, the bridal couple will reside near Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. J. Manning spent last week-end at Aurora with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fierheller. Mr. C. J. Robeson left on Wed- nesday for a three weeks vacation with relatives in Athens. Mr. and] Mrs. T. Bateman and daughter Marion of Detroit spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. D. Allen. fer Who was 102 years of day. SPORTING NOTES ANNESSâ€"IRELAND WEDDING ROSALIND RUSSELL Yonge at Castlefield MO. 2] 72 age that RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO THURSDAYTAPRIL 21st, 193 EUCHRE AND DANCE A Euchre and Dance will be held in Memorial Hall, Thornhill, Thurs- day, April 28th at 9 p.m. D.S.T. Pro- ceeds in aid of Fisherville Women’s ASSociation. NOTE â€" Lupin seed should be clipped! Ibefore planting. HOR’I'ICULTURAL NOTES The gladiolus‘ corms and lupin seeds have arrived. These are 2 of the choice of premiums offered by the Horticultural Society to its members. Call at the home of Mrs. P. G. Hill on Wright Street for them now. Any member who would like to get one of the above premiums but neglect- ed to order may have it for calling as» long as the supply lasts. Get your membership ticket at once. Other premiums are Iris ‘Root, Shrubs and Perennials. at 10.30 a.m. D.S.T. We also extend a hearty invitation to all citizens of Richmond Hill and district to join with us in this beautiful service of dedication of band instruments. Presbyterian Church, Richmond Hill on Sunday, May lst at 11 21.711. Par- ade will fall in at Little’s Garage DEDICATION SERVICE The members of the Balmoral Pipe Band cordially invite the Richmond Hill and Vaughan veterans, the L. 0'.L., the L.T.B. and 0. Boy Scouts, Girl Guides, Brownies, and all other organizations to join with them in their first annual church parade and dedication of band instruments in Frances and Winnifred Richardson all of Richmond Hill, who have the sincere sympathy of the community in their bereavement. Left to mourn her losxsfare three sisters, Mrs. Harry Thomson, Misses Miss Richardson was the second daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Adam Richardson of Richmond Hill, formerly of Scaiwboro. She was a graduate of the Toronto General Hospital and after several years of private nursing went overseas in 1915 with the Fourth Division, L.G.H. Miss Richardson nursed in Rouen, Malta, Salonica and after returning to Eng- land in 1917 served» in Basingstoke. The greater part of her experience overseas was in Sal-onica, Greece. She returned to Toronto in July 1919 and since that time has been a devoted nurse in Christie St. Hospital. "In Essentials, Unity; In Non-essentials, Liberty; In All Things, Charity” LATE MARY I. RICHARDSON The funeral of the late Miss Mary I. Richardson, N.S., who passed on at Christie St. Military Hospital on Tuesday, April 12th, 1938, was held from her home here last Thursday, April 14th. Several of the outstanding jumpâ€" ing horses in Canada have intimated- that they will have entries in the hurdle events, which assures the 10- cal Fair of establishing this year the x-elcord' of having one of the best A valuable trophy has been obâ€" tained by the ‘Soeiety to be offered for annual competition for the best team in the Clydesdale or Percheron classes, and will be known as the James McLean Memorial Trophy. The late James McLean who ‘for so many years took an active interest in the Fair was particularly inter- ested in heavy horses and the large silver cup will rbe a fitting and last- ing memorial to this outstanding citizen of the community. made as attractive as possible to horse~breeders. The result is that present indications are that the showing of all classes of horses this year will exceed‘ anything in the past history of the Society. Detailed prize lists will be available early next week, and may be hadl by application ho any of the directors or at The Liberal Office. The most attractive prize list in the long history of the Richmond Hill Agricultural Society has been arranged for the 89th annual Spring Show which will be held Tuesday, May 24th. President Harry Charles and the other officers and' directors have been meeting weekly for some time making plans for the big event and their efforts have been meeting with excellent success. Prominent horsemen throughout the district have been consulted and the new prize list has been re-varranged and [RICHMOND mm mm WARD f PLAN FOR GREATEST SHOW IN__ LONG HISTORY or ORGANIZATION Society Offers JamesnMchgn Memorigl Trophy This Year in II-” A, Peter T. Walker, Secretary V‘._. v---.-v-. AIVPAIJ AIIIB 1‘ Iidnor of OutstaHdifinâ€"g Dike-tor â€" Frominent Judges From U.S.A. To Come.Here For Dog Show OBITUA RY The Women’s Association will meet at the home of Mrs. Fenn-er, Oak Avenue, on Wednesday, April 27th. Next Sunday the Sunday School wi‘lh be at 2.30 p.m. and church ser- vice at 3.30 p.m. On Monday evening, May 2, Mr. Sproule of Toronto, the Radio Pas- tor, will be guest: speaker. Good singing. Come out and enjoy the meeting. The Church and] Sunday School held) a combined service om Easter Sunday with a good attendance of parents and friends. The church choir supplied the music under the leadership of Mrs. Fenrner, Oak Ave- nue. Mrs. Calder of Spruce Avenue sang the solo “Holy City” and Miss Eleanor Fisher sang “He Leadeth Me”. A shout: address was given by Mrs‘. Farranuts. Mr. J. B. Gillies read the lesson and preached the Easter sermon. HOUSES SCARICE IN RICHMOND HILL During recent weeks there have been numerous enquiries for houses to rent in Richmond Hill. At pre- sent all houses are occupied and“ judging by enquiries at this office many more could be rented if they were available. LIONS CLUB MET The regular meeting of the Rich- mond Hill Lions: Club was held Tues- day evening with a good attendance of members. Organization was com- pleted' with a number of committees appointed and plans for the club’s activities discussed. HOBBY SHOW FRIDAY Final arrangements are being made for the Hobby Show open to the ‘public from four p.m. until ten p.m. Friday of this week at the School Room of the Unitetfl Church. An ap- jpreciable number of entries are be- ing made by the boys and girls of The Loyal True Blue and Orange lHome including about 70 drawings, staimrp collections, collections of 'm-ounlted leaves, cooking, needlework, {model aircraft. These will prove a jworthy contribution to the Show. :Entries are booked from pupils of Oak Ridrges school and other localiâ€" ties. Adults are hereby solicited’ to ‘make a contribution of any handi- craft article for separate display, which may be of educational and in- spirational value to juniors for fu- ture efforts. Light refreshments at a minimum charge will ‘be available at the count- er during the evening. The next meeting of the Fair Board will be held in the Municipal Hall: next Monday evening. j The Dog Show ’ This year the Society in co~oper- ation with the York Kennel Club will hold a Point. Show in accord- ‘ance with Canadian Kennel Club f Rules. Over four hundred dogs from lall parts of Canada and the United‘ lSitates are expected to enter, and some of the finest dogs on this con- tinent will be in competition at Rich- mond Hill Fair this year. Outstand- ing judges with international repu- tations have been secured to offici- ‘ate in the show ring. Judges en- igaged for the day are, J. H. Halle ‘of Cleveland, Ohio, who will judge Pointers, Settlers: and Boston Ter- riers, Miss E. W. Fischer of Plain- field‘, New Jersey who will judge Cocker Spaniels, K. M. Bruce of Senaca Falls, N.Y., who will place the English Bulldogs, W. Z. Breed of Cleveland, Ohio who will judge all Toys, and Anton Rost of Brook- lyn, N.Y. who will officiate in judg- ing the remaining breeds. The pres- ence of such outstanding judges who have been secured‘ at considerable ex- pense is sufficient to attract the best dogs in the country. The show will open at 10 a.m. in the morning and continue through the day and even»- ing until 10 p.m. in the arena. Many Attractions In addition to the Horse Show and! Dog Show which will be the major attractions a big sports program is being planned and there will be many outstanding attractions. (outside horse ShO-WS HOBBY SHOW FRID RICHVALE in Canada A very interesting meeting of the Woman’s Missionary Society was held: in the Sunday SchOol room on Wedmesday afternoon last when Mrs. Benton addressed the ladies. “Thanlrfulness” was her topic and she enlarged upon it in a very int-er- esting and helpful manner. Mrs. Caseley and her group served a dain- ty lunch and all present felt 3. worth- ,while afternoon had been spent. WOOOONOOWMMW Mr. Angus Valliere and‘ Mr. Art Buchanan are installing the hydro An interesting ceremony took place just before the regular church ser- vice on Sunday when Ronald Doug'- Ias, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Doug- las Gee and Marion Irene, imfant daughter of Mr. and- Mrs. C. Nichols were baptized. Also the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper was adminis- tered to a very gratifying- number. .Mrs. Annie Mortson and Mr. Gor- don and Miss Ethel Mortson mot- ored to Atherley on Srid'ay to at- tend; the funeral of Mrs. Morts‘on’s brother-in-l‘aw, Mr. Nelson Talllman. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dennis and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Clarke called on MT. and Mrs. George Dennis on Wednesday evening. Mr. Richard Rice accompanied Miss Pat Kay to her home in T0- ronto on Easter Sunday. Mrs. Edgar Steckl-ey spent Sun- day in Stayner with her parents. Miss-es Pearl- Caseley and Alma Attwood have been appointed to act as delegates at the Institute Con- vention to be held in Guelph in May. The following were Friday visit- ors at Mr. Robert Hopper’s: Mr. and .Mrs. Rengle, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Williamson, Mr. David Hopper and MI. and Mrs. Leslie Hopper. o i MICKEY MOUSE â€" “THE CLOCK CLEANERS” X Wf«0f_oo_oooowooomowmnfooomeoww The weatherman has promised 113 fine weather and‘ warm but a little rain has been thrown in. But all kinds of weather are required to grow a crop so let us smile, smile, smile. Yonge SI VICTORIA SQUARE NEWSY NOTES Cartoon â€" . at : Mr. Stanley Boynton has rethed the farm of Mr. Thomas Read and zhas engaged Mr. Jas. Currie to as- fsist him for the summer. Masters John and Isaac William- son are, spending part of their Eastâ€" er vacation with their friend, Bruce Kennedy, in Port Credit, Out. On Wednesday afternoon the Mis- sion Band entertained the mothers and Baby Band of this- community. Mrs. (Rev.) Macdonyald showedrslides of mission work don-e by our United Church. Lunch was served at the close of the meeting. I The Junior Woman’s Mission Cir- cle met at the home of Mrs. Alvin Caseley last Saturday night. A splen- "did' attendance was noted and appreâ€" ciajred by the officers in charge of [this meeting. Miss Alma Attwoodi has returned to her home after being ill at her {parents for several weeks Bill Hooker says Ibantam hens make the best mothers. Yeah, and the best scratchers in the other felâ€" low’s garden. Mr. Stewart Martin and Miss Eth- el VVag-g took tea at Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hill’s on Sunday evening. ers. Meek took tea at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Sanderson on Stmday evening. Miss Ruth Bell is spending part of her Easter vacation with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Bell. SINGLE COPIES 5c. $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE elecbric system in their homes. On. Tuesday evening last the week- ly prayer meeting was held at the home of Mr. and. MrbDonaldJ Pickâ€" ering. A very gratifying number were present to hear the very ex- cellent paper “Bearing the Cross" given by Mr. L. L. Nichols. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs.AMeek. A cordial in- vitation is extended to all members of the community to be present. N0. 43.

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