Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 21 Apr 1938, p. 3

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Woodbridge RICHMOND HILL PHONE 32 Office over Dominion Store ALL KINDS OF SHEET METAL WORK Maple, Ont. Office Hours: 9 to 11 a.m. 6 to 8 p.m., and by appointment Office: Centre and Church Streets Richmond Hill Phone 24 Dr. W. N. G. Ferguson Dentist Office Hours 8 - 10 a.m.; 6 - 8 pm. DR. LILLIAN C. LANGSTAFF (Women and Children) Office Hours 1 - 3 p.m. Appointments made Phone 100 122 Yonge St. â€" Richmond Hill DR. ROLPH L. LANGSTAFF MAPLE DENTIST YONGE AND ARNOLD STREET PHONE 70 RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO Licensed Auctioneer Counties of York and Simcoe Sales of all descriptions conducted upon shortest notice and at reasonable rat 5 No sale too large and nonetoo small King, Ont. Dr. Charles C. Collins AUCTIONEERS J. H. Prcntice, 415 Balliol St. K. C. Prentice, Markham Toronto, HYland 0834‘ We are prepared to conduct sales of every description. Farms and farm! stock sales a specialty. Farms bought and sold on commission. All sales at- tended to on shortest notice and con-‘ ducted by the most approved methods Panacea. Eave Troughs, Metal Garages. Roofing Dr. C’. A. MacDonald DENTIST AUCTIONEER MAPLE Licensed Auctione'r for the County v of York Sale‘s attended to on shortest notice and at reasonable rates J. T. SAIGEON & SON DR. M. C. MacLACHLAN Open Monday, Wednesday and Friday Evenings Other Evenings by Appointment Office over the Post Office FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE Richmond Hill Phonesâ€"15 and 142 Night Phone 15 Branch Offices at Thirty Years Experience Formerly with Heintzman Company Leave Orders at Austin’s Drug- Store Richmond Hill From the Toronto Conservatory of Music, will accept a number of pupil in Piano, Organ and Theory. Richmond Hillâ€"Tuesday and Friday MRS. MYLKS Jobbing Promptly Attended to FIRE â€" AIfT'biVIOBiLE â€" LIFE THORNfiI’III’IAND UNIONVILLE Bank of Commerce Building THORNHILL Dr. M. J Quigley DENTIST ILFOX Prentice & Prentice 9â€"10 a.m., 12â€"2 & Gâ€"â€"-8 and by appointment. VOL. LVII. Office Hour; 10_â€"7 12 am Dr, R. A. Bigford C. E. Walkington Dr. W. J. Mason Dr. J. P. Wilson DENTIST At Dr. Bigford’s Office Tuesdays 9-12 a.m. Thursdays 12-4.§9 p.m‘. Wright & Taylor Drs. Langstaff ‘jXM‘fisw‘RTLANGSTAFF George W. Cross Piano Tuner J. Carl Saigeon “YORK COUNTY’J NEWSIEST NEWSPAPER Adelmo M elecci MEDICAL Telephone 80 BUSINESS MUSICAL Successor to Office Hours Insurance Phone King 42â€"râ€"3 fifiofié Maple 3 Phone 77 Phone 3 BRICKWORD -â€" PLASTERING CEMENT BLOCKS Chimneys built and repaired Estimates Cheerfully Given ‘ LIFE, FIRE, ‘ ACCIDENT, SICKNESS 1 PLATE GLASS, AUTOMOBILE BURGLARY, GUARANTEE BONDS SPECIAL RATES To FARMERS LANSING WILLOWDALE 42 HUDSON 0234 INSURANCE 1Bowden Lumber & Coal 00., LTD LUMBER OF ALL KINDS Office 229 Insulex, Donnacona Board, etc. Alexander MacGregor K. C. BARRISTER & SOLICI’I‘OR NOTARY PUBLIC 614 Confederation Life Bldg. Toronto Phone: Office EL. 6029 Res. MO. 2866 93 Yonge Street Immediately North of Masonic Hall Phone 87 â€"â€" Richxfiond Hill Toronto Office â€" 18 Toronto Street A. Cameron MncNaughinn, ILL‘. BARRISTER 1711 Star Building: 80 King Street West, Toronto Phone: ELgin 4879 Barristers. Solicitors, etc. OfficF'Yll Dominion Bank Building, southwest corner of King and Yonge Streets, Toronto. W. B. Milliken, K.C. Herb. A. Clark Henry E. Redman W. P. Mulock formerly of Wm. Cook. Cook & ‘Delany BARRISTER - SOLICITOR NOTARY 1008 Federal Building 85 Richmond St. West. Toronto Telephone AD. 1949 Barriqte‘rs and Solicitors ‘ Hon. W. H. McGuire James A‘ Boks. B.A. Percy Biggs AD. 0177 Toronto AD. 0178 1315 Bank of Hamilton Building Yonge Street â€"â€" Toronto B. Bloomfield Jordan BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Etc. ON ALL CARS """""" TARIFF & NONTARIFF co’s I Ralph B. Gibson. K. 0. .Toronto Office: 912 Federal Bldg. ‘ 85 Richmond St. West. 1 Richmond Hill, Thursday forenoon Maple, Thursday afternoon Money to loan at Current Rate Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Room 66, 18 Toronto St., Toronto Pi.o:1e WAverley 2321 Residenceâ€"21 Hollywood Ave. Lansing. Ont. Willowdale 308 Offices 85 Richmond St. W., Toronto I Waverley 5701 ‘Naughton Block, Aurora. Phone 147J Res. Elgin Mills. Richmond Hill 127 Solicitor for: Aurora, Richmond Hill, .King, Whitchurch, Markham, North ' Gwillimbury and The Board of Examiners. 1 l l l l J. H. Naughton, K.C. ,BA‘RRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY McGuire, Boles & Co. BARRISTER SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC At Maple Tuesday Afternoon Bank of Commerce Building W. 0. WHITE & SON Contractors 47 Church Street THURSDAY AFTERNOON Mulock, Milliken, Clark & Redman OFFICE HOURS 9.30 to 12 â€"â€" 2 Walter S. Jenkins A. G. SAVAGE Thomas Delany Barristers, Sqlicigoxg, Phone WAverIey 2321 Cook & Gibson T. C. Newman Richmond Hill Every Old Post Office Richmond Hill 84 Yonge Street Richmond Hill Established 1880 Telephones Residence 148 etc. The Meaford Express, in one of its bright front-page editorials, cites the case of a Meaford resident ‘being‘ fined by a radio inspector for not having a license, though the machine had only been in the house about ten days. The householder, however, noticed the Inspector pass a “srt0p” sign, laid a complaint, and the in- spector was mulcted $13.00 for the offence. What’s sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander. A Sco't, who had worn the same hat for 15 years, decided, with heavy heart, to buy a new one. Going inlbo the only hat Shop in his neighborhood, he said: “Well, here: I am again!” Several Bradford» residences have been entered the past two weeks by some person or persor‘s as yet elud- ing the police. Small sums of mOney have been secured but as far as asâ€" certained, no valuables were taken. RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL let, 1938. According to D. J. Taylor, Ontario Deputy Minister of Game anld Fish- eries, the speckled trout fishing sea- son will officially open on April 30 this year. As May 1, the usual opening day, falls on a Sunday, the authorities have decided to move a day ahead and allow the anglers to get an early start at their favorite past-time without having- them rbreak the Sabbath. At this season of the year, when the ground is soft, lawns and boule- vards frequently suffer from the footsteps of the careless ‘,short-cutâ€" ter”. As the Listowel Banmer points out, the shortest way is not always the best way and those who are in- clined to take: a. short cut should think of the other fellow who de- lights in fine boulevards and lawns. It is pure carelessness or thought- lessness, whichever you like to call it. A word of caution is all that should be necessary. Hon. Dr. L. J. Simpson stated in the Legislature last week that his Department has under consideration a plan to assist poor but deserving students by bursaries and scholar- ships. Establishment of such a sys- tem would be the means of making it possible for many a clever youth to secure a university education from which he would be otherwise barred- by lack of funds. Expenditures for such bursaries would meet with gen- eral approval. The person who is inclined to de- e‘ry the place in which he l‘e‘siidesl would do well to consider the fol- lowing advice from the Shelburne Free Press-Economist: “If you think your bowrj is a punk town, the first thing to do before you say too much about it is to sit down for awhile and ponder the question as to whe- ther you ever tried to do anything to make it better.” Richmond Hill council and the Horticultural Society are starting out this year on a tree-planting- pro- gram. It takes vision, and patient work, to plant trees, but the divi- dends are many.â€"Newmarket Era. Mr. “Geordie” Little, one time War- den of York County and, preminent in political circles, called at the Economist office on Tuesday looking hale and hearty as usual. We tried to draw him out on the matter of shelving County Councils but the best we could go was to elicit the remark in a rather light strain “It would ‘be too bad to do the boys out of an occasional good- time.” Mark- ham Sun. Easter Sunday provided a variety of weather. Fine, bright and spring- like in the morning, the afternoon was showery. Some from this district were aâ€" mong- the crowd perch fishing at Lake Sim-coe on Good Friday. They report a good catch. About all you can say for minding yOur neighbor’s business is that you never run out of something to (1‘0. Easter services at all churches throughout the district attracted large crowds last Sunlday. Richmond Hill Fair is only one monrth away. Don’t forget to put the clock on one hour Saturday night. General News & Views Spring work is in full swing. fith Jazzaway Jinks says the girl of today is as good as the girl of twen- ty years ago â€" provided she isn’t the same girl. (Dur‘h‘am Chronicle) A new Bedford, Massachusetts, dentist extracted two teeth from a 23â€"Hour-old infant. A Milver’oon, Ontario, surgeom performed an oper- ation for appendicitis on a four- months-old baby. The world sure does move. Although they often complain a- bout money, the Windsors are quite well off. They received a lump sum of about $4,500,000 in consideration of a transfer to King George of Sandringham and Balmoral, which their father had left to the Duke of Windsor in his will. The duke receives an annuity of $125,000, so his total income is about $280,000 a year. For a Eime it was expected they would take the Chateau de Gros’bois, which was given by Napoleon to Marshal Bertiei', but the duchess, having gone through the magnificenrt rooms! and extensive grounds, declar- ed the setting was “too regal” for “David and' myself.” Before the Duke and Duchess chose the Chateau de la Maye, a modern structure of indifferent, Louis XIII style, it had been expected they would settle down in one of the fine historical chateaux that abound in the vicinity of Paris. Chelsea, near Bolton, was swept by fire last Sunday. Loss about $7,000,000. There were four deaths, and many pens’ons injured. The VictOria Square Rifle Club had‘ their weekly practice on Saturday last at the usual site on Goose St. The fell-owing is a summary of the five highest scores out of a possible hundred points: C. P. Read 82, W. Scott 79, T. Read 71, R. Agar 71, W. Scott Jr. 64. Mr. Wes. Boynto‘n of Victoria Square has sold his house and lot: to Mr. T. G. Stoutenburgh who will; take possession in May. Mr. W. Hewison has jast comple‘oa ed a job of painting papering and calcimining at the Dominion House, and his handiwork shows for itself. Every room has been carefully gone over, the result being that the in- terior of the building, is like new. From our Issue of April 16th, 1908‘ A large new safe has been pur- chased and placed in the office of the Sterling Bank at Maple. A fire occurred near Dollar Post Office, 3rd con. of Markham Thurs- day afternoon last, burning Mr. John Ness’ house and Mr. Stephens‘on’s barn. Thosve/twov neighbors had been smoking their meat in Mr. Ness’ smoke-house in the forenoon, and it is thought that that was the origin of the fire. When the fire was dis- covered hoth the residence and the smoke-house were in a blaze, but as the latter building was completely enveloped it is- thought that a spark {from the smaller house fired the larger. Sparks then carried to Mr. Stephen‘son’s ham setting fire to it, which was situated on the next farm s’outh. The following directors ‘have been appointed to take charge of the dif« ferent departments at the fair to be held here on the Queen’s Birthdayfi Heavy horses, D. Lynett; Light horses, F. J. Gallanough; speeding, J. Slater; Cattle, R. Elliott; Sheep and‘ swine, D. Steele; Poultry, C. Norâ€" man; Hall Com., J. H. Sanderson, P. G. Savage, T. Lloyd, G. Di‘bb, I. Cros- by, 0. Norman; Callers in, W. Eyer, R. Elliott; Music and games, T. F. McMahon, W. Scott, H. F. Hopper; Renter of Booths, J. H. Sanderson. Councillor Wright has torn down a section of his residence and is re- building in a different shape, on a; new stone fOundation. ' Dr. Langstaff is making improve: menbs in his building and premises! this spring. Having- erected a windâ€" mill and a large tank some time ago, he is now converfil'ng his driving shed ‘Lnt‘o a wash house where his- rigs may be washed by water forced through hose from the elevated tank. The Doetor is also re-s‘eeding his' front lawn which has been. plowed and levelledr u-p. WAY BACK IN LIBERAL FILES From our Issue of April 21%, 1898‘ DUKE OF WINDSOR HAS BIG INCOME TIMES DO CHANGE THIRTY YEARS AGO FORTY YEARS AGO °=°=°=°l 0 fl Depmdable Service WilfredR. Dean Thornhill, Ontario 9=0=OEOI HARRY R. RO SE ""3 ‘Sezlf Starter’ Your Baby Chicks Master Chick Starter For fast, uniform growth, nothing ex- cels MASTER CHICK STARTER! It’s built RIGHT to do the job RIGHT! MASTER CHICK STARTER is built on a GRAIN BASE! It is VITAMIN-FORT- IFIED. It contains CEREAL GRASS! Its proteins are carefully selected and bal- anced and it has controlled mineral bal- ance. Raise your 1938 Chicks on MAST- ER CHICK STARTER and have the FIN- EST chicks you ever raised! ! ! RICHMOND TAILORS When you place your insurance through this office you are assured of real service from Companies long estab- lished in business with plenty of reserves to meet all contingencies, and who settle claims satisfactorily and promptly. Get our rates on Fire, Automobile, House- hold Burglary, Plate Glass, Accident & Sickness, etc. Sun Insurance Office Limited . . . . . . Established 1710 (The oldest insurance office in the world) British American Assurance Co. . . . . Established 1833 Waterloo Fire Insurance Co. Established 1863 Hartford Fire Insurance Co. . . . . . Established 1810 Liverpool & London & Globe . . . . . Established 1836 Zurich General Accident & Liability Insurance Co. Ltd. Established 1872 Assets, $75,287,934 (Strongest purely casualty company in the world) Wellington Fire Insurance Co. Established 1840 A policy in any of the above Companies is your guarantee of service and security Office 93 Yonge St., Telephone 87 PHONE 49J RICHMOND HILL CLEANING AND PRESSING A SPECIALTY 40 Yonge St., Richmond Hill Telephone 136 Office Hoursâ€"Every Monday and Thursday Afternoon and by appointment Toronto Offices: 1'00 Adelaide Street West Expert and dependable cleaning and press- ing service is what we offer to the people of this district. You value your clothing and should be satisfied with nothing less. Our years of experience and our record as an established business in this community is your guarantee. When you think of cleaning and pressing ser- vice. think of Richmond Tailors. INSURANCE ROY HERRINGTON ROSE & HERMAN Barristers-A t-Law J. A. GREENE Sold by IOBO! Ol=l°l District Representative Richmond Hill, Ont. SINGLE COPIES 5:. $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE o=o=o=o °=l0=l0=° LOUIS HERMAN No. 43.

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