Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 21 Apr 1938, p. 5

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Approximately eighty ladies re- presenting .the W.M.S. Aux11iaries of Markham, erxford' and other home societies were in attendance at the annual Easter Thankofferin‘g meet- ing of the local W.M.S. Auxiliary of Central United Church. Miss G. Staples of the Girls’ Home at Port Simpson, 8.0., was guest speaker and] gave many illuminating thoughts concerning the work of the home, of the Mission Boat along the coast, and- also exhflbited samples of the Indian work done by the girls in .the home. The president, Mrs. W. Young, was in charge of the meet- ing. Mrs. E. Berwell of the local society gave a splendid Bible mess- age on “The Open Doors of the Bible”, Christ, Himself being the liv- ing door. After prayer by Mrs. M4 ‘THe'Uriiai’Gillé“‘public school schol- ars had a special treat this week when Mr. Edrwin Dixon conducted a nature study treek to the neighbor- ing woods. About fifty children were in the line-up, and many inter- esting things were noted Iby the way. MT. Dixon is a noted authority in this interesting subject, and‘ has c01- Iected many interesting photographs including especially fine ones on bird life. Congratulations are presented to Mr. Perkins, principal of Hagerman school, for enthusiastic efforts made to continue the interest in bird house fbuilding. The beginning was made when Hagerman scholars won the Martin house presented by the Un- ionville Horticultural Society, in a bird house contest that included the 4chools in the district. This year Hagerman school had a contest all its own. Thirty bird} houses were entered and our naturalist, Edlwin Dixon, was the honored judge. Mr. Dixon reports the workmanship ex- cellent and. was impressed with the special interest shown by ‘both tea- cher and pupils. Hagerman school gar-dens have also become noted, the school grounds holding high place for beauty amongst the schools in the district. The bird: house contest is a splendid idea, giving the pupils special interest in study of bird life in the home district. Why not have 3. Markham Township contest‘.7 The FAIRBANK FEED COMPANY Then, a rare musical treat is in store for everybody, when, under the auspices of Central United Church choir a varied program will be pre- sented by outside talent. A fiftyâ€" piece orchestra, good choir, along with a highly recommended elocu- tionist will give plenty of good en- tertainment. An invitation to attend this splendidr event is ext'end'Ed. The date is Saturday, April 30th in the Central United Church commencing at 8 pm. '“h' ‘â€"â€"'_W 13439 eggs from November to . February (four month period) I" Wellma“ mm from 180 birds, an average of 112 his record pullet eggs per day. That is the excellent record of the Barred Rocks owned by Mr. L. W. Wellman, RR. 2, Gormley, who writes:â€" “During the past seven years my chicks have been started on STARTWELL CHICK MASH and when ready to go out on range I gradually change over to GROWELL GROWING MASH. At about five months the pullets are starting to lay so they are then given LAYWELL EGG MASH which has con- sistantly given me outstanding results.” Follow Mr. Wellman’s example by writing or phoning: Two special events are included on next week’s social calendar. The an- nual Euchre held by the local Conâ€" servative Association is scheduled for Monday evening, April 25th in the Township Hall. Mr. McGregor and G. S. Henry will be in atl'lsnd- ance. A special invitation is given to attend. Early morning showers followed by brilliant sunshine made way for a perfect Easter Day vshen Unionville Board Walk parade found its destin- ation at the various church services held throughout the village. Bethâ€" esda Lutheran, St. Phillip’s Anglican and Central United all report record’ congregational attendance. The churches, resplendent in appropriate Easter floral decoratiqn-s, made apâ€" propriate settings for the fine in- spirational services, the scriptural messages by the ministers, along with the pleasing Easter music which reflected great credit on the choirs made this Easter Sunday indeed a memorable event. The resident mir isters were in charge. WEEKLY NEWS NOTES FROM THE UNIONVILLE DISTRICT 2385 DUFFERIN ST., TORONTO KEN WOOD 6805 DELIVERY EVERY MONDAY THURSDAY, APRIL let, 1938 FROM ONE BARRED ROCK PULLET 136 Eggs in 135 Days 4202 eggs in November from 190 Pullets, an average of 140 eggs per day. MRS. MABEL McMULLEN Mabel McMullen, widow of James McMullen died on April 3rd. Her late huslband was the first chief con- stable of York County. Mrs. McMul- len was born in Whitchurch and had resided in York township for the past 35 years. Surviving are one daughter, two sisters and one bro- ther. Mrs. George Petch of Noble- toni is a sister. Dr. Duncan McArthur, Ontario deâ€" puty minister of education, gave school children cheering news recent- 1y when he announced they would have nearly an extra week of sum- mer holidays this year. Dr. McAr- thur said children would return to school on September 6, the day after Labor Day, instead of the usual Sep- tember 1. The deputy minister ex- plained the lengthened holidays as a move to make it possible for teach- ers taking summer courses to have a full month’s holiday before reburml ing to school. “For several years' to come, summer courses will have to be provided for the retaining of teachers that they may be prepared adequately to teach the new courses of studies,” said Dr. McArthur. “It is only fair and proper that these teachers who are engaged in taking summer courses should be assured: of a reasonable holiday, and I am. certain they should have at least four weeks.” 1.30 p.m.â€"Sund‘ay School. 2.30 p.m.â€"Church Worship BETHESDA LUTHERAN CHURCH 1.30 p.m.â€"40hurch School. 2.30 p.m.â€"W.M.S. service. Speaker, Dr. Thomas Mitchell. Unionvilde Pastorâ€"Rev. A. E. Owen 10 a.m.â€"Church School. 11 a.m.â€"Sacrament and reception Misses Gray of Umbridgé visited Mrs. Annie Gray on Wednesday. Mrs. H. K. Pine of Long Beach, California, and daughter, Mrs. R. P. Withy of St. Paul, Minn., were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. Harring- ton this week. Miss Effie Stiver, Toronto, spent the week-end at her home here. service. 7 p.111.â€"”Christ and Creative Livâ€" ing.” Mrs. F. Banay is spending holi- days with her daughter, Miss Barker, Onento, N.Y. Rev. Jenkins Burkholder of Mor- risburg was the guest of his‘ sister Mrs. C. H. Stiver on Wednesday. Mrs. J end? with ronto. Miss Freda Wilkinson of Toronto visited Mrs. W. J. Russell over the week-end. Refreshments were served the ladâ€"l ies by \the local auxiliary, smalil talbles, attractiVely decorated, being‘ set in the Sunday School room. The ladies were delightfully entertained following the refreshments by Mrs. Smith, veteran reciter of Markham. A substantial offering in aid of mis- sions was received. Crosby a duet entitled “Under His Wings" was given by the Misses Empringham of Wexford, which a- long with a very effective solo “On the Cross” sung pleasingly by Mrs. A. K. Harrington, was very much api'reciated. Other Easter music in- cluded a splendid selection given by the ladies’ quartetbe from Markham entitled “Christ is Risen.” SCHOOL HOLIDAY EXTENDED WEEK EBENEZER UNITED CHURCH CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH A. Gibson spent the week- Miss Mary Gibson of To- Science has not been able to ex- plain satisfactorily just why some lightning flashes show up black when photographed. The only explanation, so far, is that the wave-length of the light causes the unusual chemi- cal reaction. But this they’ll wipe out never, The memory of those happy days When we were all together. What would we give your hands. to clasp, Your smiling faces to see, To hear your voices once more on earth, How happy we would be. We miss you at a thousand turns Along life’s weary way; For life to us is not the same Since ‘you were called away. â€"â€"Lovingly rememlbered by wife and- family. NICHOLSâ€"In loving memory of a dear husband- and father, W. F. Nichols, who passed away April 22, 1986 and our dear Anson who de- parted this life Oct. 7, 1932. The years may wipe out many flfings, The Primary Department of the Presbyterian Sunday School was en- tertained by Miss M. Cunningham last Saturday afternoon, April 16th. The little tots enjoyed both outdoor and' indoor games and then sat down to a table decorated with a plenti- ful supply of Ibunnies, chicks and Easter eggs. After doing- justice to the refreshments the young folk went home with a balloon and other sou- venirsv of a happy afternoon. Men of the congregation of St. Mary’s Anglican Church have been busy painting and varnishing parts of the interior of the church, and are now turning their attention to the basement. The lights of the main body of the church have been lowered about three feet to give better lighting. Record congrega- rtions filled the church at all ser- vices on Easter Day. Miss Isa’bel Griffiths, secretary of Young People’s» groups in the W0- man’s Missionary Society of the Unit- ed‘ Church of Canada, was the guest speaker at the Evening Auxiliary. held at Mrs. Len Clement’s home on Tuesday evening. While in town Miss Griffith was the guest of Miss Evelyn Follett. We extend congratulations to Mr, and Mrs. W. J. Trussell of Richvale who Observe the twenty-fifth armi- versary of their wedding April 25, 1938. William James Trussell and’ Georgina Simpson Fraser were mar- ried at Edinburgh, Scotland, April 25th, 1913. Mr. Frank Graham, Mrs. R. Gra- ham, Mrs. E. Jackson of Lindsay, Miss E. Graham of Upper Canada College, Toronto, Mr. P. Proctor of Irondale called‘ on Rev. and Mrs. W. F. Wrixon during the Easter 1101i- day. Miss Ruth Angle is spending the .week in Montreal with her sister. Mrs. Edgar Gibson who with her husband s‘penfi Easter week-end' with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Angle in Richmond Hill. Mrs. Will Trench, Mr. Bruce :I‘rench of Toronto, and his cousin Miss Eleanror Murday of Kingston, visited relatives in the village on Easter Monday. Plewman attended the North YorvL Sunday School Institute of the Unit- ed Church in Newmarket on Tuesday evening. § Rev. C. W. Follett and Mr. A. E Plan to attend the Daffodil Sup- per on Friday of this week under the auspices of St. Mary’s Anglican Women’s Auxiliary in the basement of (the church from 5.30 to 7 pmn. I The many friends of Mr. George Gee, who has been cenrfined to his lhome through illness during recent lweeks, will be glad to learn that he lis steadily improving. Missi Evelyn Follett was the guest‘ V --. m ,‘~ M, l speaker at 3 Rally of Mission Circle EVENING AUXILIARY Young Women at Wiarton on Monday The Evaning Auxiliary of the Unit- evening last Miss Gertrude Lever of the local Post Office spent the Easter holi- day and week-end at her home in Flesherto‘n. Mr. W. D. T. Atkinson and daugh- ter Mary Frances of Ottawa visited with Mrs. Frances Atkinson this week. Rev. Arthur and Mrs. Sanderson of Whitby were visitors» at the home of Mrs. Wm. Cook and the United Church Parsonage this week. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Macdonald and family visited over the hbliday i-m Montreal. Social and Personal IN MEMORIAM THE LIBERAL‘, RICHMOND HILL, ONTABr} Relative to the ChirOpractic bill as defeated recently I wish to say that on behalf of the chiropractors in On- tario, the wrong impression has been givenI the public in the defeat of this bill. We were not asking the committee to make us “doctors”; we are doctors of chiropractic and this degree cannot be taken from us by any committee of the legislation. The Ontario Government through the Drugless Practitioners’ Act demands that we have the title “doctor” be- fore we can obtain a license then when: we get this license, the medi- cal act says we cannot use the title doctor. This was the only point in question relative to the bill. Our side of the case was presented in a clean cut dignified manner, but Dr. Bruce Was used by the medical pro- fession in a manner of attack on the provisions of the Drugless Prac- titioners’ Act, and not facts relative to the bill before the committee. Our ‘protest is not against Dr. Bruce but against the Honourable David A. Croll, who did not give the sponsors of the bill an opportunity to reply to the unfair address of the dis- tinguished doctor and thereby allow- ed irrevalent matter by a man whOSe presence, not his argument, unfairly prejudiced an honest position. I beâ€" lieve I express the sentiments of ev- ery chiropractor when I say that our body of men are too honourable and have too much respect for them- selves and their science to have tak- en any part in the disturbance which was reported in the daily papers. J. R. Harrison» D.C., Aurora. . ONTARIO CHIROPRACTORS EX- PLAIN THEIR POSITION J. A. Henderson, D.C., of Hamil- ton, Ontario, a member of the Board of Regents, has released the follow- ing statement to the press of the Province: The cast is: Ma Perkins, Isabelle Horrell; Pa Perkins, Fred Urben; Miss Perkins, May Plewman; Strang- er, John McLean; Albert, Dick Schur- man. UNITED CHURCH Y.P.s. l The Young People's Society of the’ United Church are entering a one-I act play in the Drama Festival inr Toronto early in May. Next Mon- day they are presenting this play in the Sunday School and invite the public to see the result of thEir ef- ‘ forts. They have a good play and an excellent cast and promise a thorâ€" oughly enjoyable evening. Past Masters’ Night was observed 1 t Richmond Lodge A.F. & A.M. on Wednesday evening. The Masters" Chair was taken by V.W. Bro. T. H. Trenc’h and‘ he was assisted in the degree work by other past masters of the Lodge. Following- the work in the Lodge room a delightful talk ,pn “Limericks” and their place in .English literature was given by Bro. .W. D. T. “Don” Atkinson of Ottawa which was greatly enjoyed rby the brethren. The northern district will be is- sued at Elgin Millvs at 11 am. inâ€" stead of in the afternoon. EUCHRE At the home of Mrs. Butler, Mill Street, Wednesday, April 27th at 2.30 p.m. in aid of 15m Richmond Hill Boy Scouts. Admission- 15c. Re- freshments, prizes. Everyone Wel- corme. Vaughan Township relief vouch- er‘s will -be issued April 30th, in- stead of May lst. edr Chunch are holding an “Around the World on a Dinner Plate” supper on Tuesday, May 3rd. Kindly keep this (late in. mind. NEXT TUESDAY GARBAGE DAY Ric} Misses Frances and Winmifred Richardson and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Thomson express their sincere grati- tude to all! friends and neighbors for their many expressions of kindness anil‘ sympathy and also fior their gifts of flowers not only at the time of their bereavement in the loss of a loving sister, but also during their sister’s entire illness. )urr CAfRD OF’ THANKS Mrs. Street and family wish to express their appreciation for the many acts of kindness and expres-‘ sions of sympathy extended to them by their friends and neighbors dur: ing their recent Ibereavement. NOTICE RE VAUGHAN TOWN- SHIP RELIEF Next Monday at 8 o’clock Mrs. George Stewarflta and! family wish to thank their many friends and neingOurs for their kindness and sympathy, also floral‘ tributes, in their recent sad bereavement. PAST MASTERS’ NIGHT AT RICHMOND LODGE Only refuse which cannot be led will be taken, and: household- are asked! to co-operate by hav- same out the previous night. alfbage will be collected again in nnond Hill next Tuesday morn- CARD OF THANKS CARD 0F THANKS ‘ DIED andI family I McALLUM, Berth-a Amold Turquand The judging of the answers was first done locally, Beryl being placed first and Phyllis Burnham second. In judging for all of York County the two Sutton girls were again first and second. Among entries from over all Ontario Beryl’s entry was given second place. In the judg- ing of [best entries from all pr0v- Meets, the local girl’s answers won her first prize. CURTISâ€"At Headford on Thursday, April 14th, to Mr. and! Mrs. James CurtiS, a son. A Sutton Sunday School pupil has again taken first place among boys and girls from all over Canada for a series of answers to Temperance questions. Beryl Hamilton, Sutton, won first place, a Nova Scotia girl second, and a Saskatchewan girl third. MALE CHOIR COMING TO GORMLEY The Male Chorus of about twenty voices of Messiah Bible College Gran- tham, Pa., will appear at the Heisve Hill Brethren in Christ Church, near Gor-mley, Sunday evening, April 24th at 7.30 pm. A gay, sprightly comedy drama involving marriage andi a. car-ear, done in the present day slapstick vogue, filled with refreshmg d'la- logue and boisterous humor yet carrying a message. Maple Rev. E. W. G. Worrall. Rector Sunday, April 24th 2.30 p.m.â€"â€"Sunday School. 3 p.m.â€"Evensong. Preacher, Rev T. B. Butler. A truly great picture, magnificently produced, with characterizations and atmosphere .that bespeak feeling, artistry and sklll. A masterpiece in cinema art, surpassing- all previous efforts in its compelling realism, forceful- action and extraordinary photography. All the superâ€"super adjectives usually lavished on Hollywoqd pro~ ductions can safely be applied here. The hurricane is terrific, outâ€" standing. tario. The funeral service was held at Trinity Church, Thornhilll, on Thurs- day afternoon at 3 o’clock. Inter- ment in Trinity Church Cemetery. ST. JOHN’S CHURCH Oak Ridges Rev. E. W. G. Won‘all, Rector Sunday, April 24th 10.30 a.m.â€"Sunday School. 11.10 a.m.â€"â€"Service. Preacher, Rev "T. B. Butler, Rector 0f Weston. â€"At the Western Hospital, Toronto, on April 19, Bertha Arnold Tur- quand, age 79 years, wife of the late Leigh McAllum and! sister of Mrs. R. G. Davison of Thornhill, On- Shlows start at 5 and 10 p.m. Saturdays and Hblidiays 7.30 and 9.30 (Daylight Saving Time) SUTTON GIRL \VINS FIRST IN ALL CANADA IN TEMPER- ANCE ANSWERS A Message to the Sick THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, APRIL 21 - 22 - 23 expensive. Drugless methods of treating disease have proved their efficiency in countless cases after other methods have failed, yes, even after operations have failed to restore health. Is it not logical to try them first before risking an operation or before waiting till your case becomes chronic? If we can and do help, chronic cases such as goitre, womb troubles, lumbago, sciatica, deafness, loss of smell, squint eyes, bed-wetting, etc., why cannot we help such troubles as colds, grippe, nervous- ness, stomach disorders and constipation. The answer is: we can and do. You do nqt have to take our word for it since we can give you the names of people who have been helped in these cases who are willing to testify to the facts. So don’t forget. We can help you most if you come to us first and it will cost you less. .You are invited to call and discuss your health prob- lems. Consultation free. ST. STEPHEN’S CHURCH WE CAN HELP YOU MOST WHEN YOU COME TO US EARLY Drugless methods of treating diseases are safe. Drugless methods of treating disease are relatively in- WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY, APRIL 27 - 28 ROBERT MONTGOMERY - ROSALIND RUSSELL ROBERT BENCHLEY in “ LIVE, LOVE AND LEARN ” Temperance Street at Kennedy Street, Aurora. Phone 341 for Appointment J. R. HARRISON, Chiropractor HELEN HARRISON, Masseuse MONDAY & TUESDAY, APRIL 25 - 26 GRzETA GARBO - CHARLES BOYER in “ CONQUEST ” BIRTH COMMENCING MONDAY, APRIL 25 DOROTHY LAMOUR - JON HAL in “ THE HURRICANE ” I Rector: Rev. W. F. Wrixon, L111. Sunday, April 24th East&: a 8 a.m.â€"Holy Communion. 11 a.m.â€"â€"â€"Morning Prayer. 3 p.m.â€"Sunday School. 7 p.m.â€"Evening Prayer. 8.15 p.m.â€"â€"Confirmation Class; All cordially invited. MOOWWWW Another idea of living high is ca" ing cucumibers at ten cents each. Day 139 7 p.m.â€"“Yet.” Inspiring mush helpful messages and a hem welcome. The pastor in chargeo! both services. NOTEâ€"A11 services on Dayligfi Saving Time! Sunday, April 24th 11 a.m.â€"“If it were not 30. 2.45 p.m.â€"Sun-day School; partments. G p.m.â€"Sunday School. p.m.â€"Mr. Geo. H. Price will in the speaker. To live for to-day is in the now senSe to live for eternity. VETERAN W. A. EUCHRE The Vaughan and Richmond En Veteran Women's Association a hold their next Euchre in Richwah School on Friday, April 221141 81:83 sharp. All welcome. Admissiomfic. RICHMOND HILL Barley O.A.C. No. 21 Victory and Banner Oats Stock Feeds and Poultry Mashes or your own Form- ula made up. Salt Blocks at 20c. each while they last PHONES : Best THE MILL RICHMOND HILL I‘RESBYTERIAN CHURCH J. D. Cunningham. B.D., Minjsfi! Sunday, April 24th .m.â€"“Something Better than. fie ST. M ARY'S CHURCH RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH C. W. Follett, B.D., RICHMOND HILL (Anglican) FAGE FIVE Evenings 82W Pastor Allde

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