5 3934 1936 Dodge Sedan.. Trunk. Very nice. [936 1937 Oldsmobile Sedan, 6 Cylin- der. Beautiful condition. 1938 Buick Sedan Demonstrat- [daughters or. Very small mileage. [Redford n if ,ï¬lr { Former Methodist Minister Dies In Toronto Q 01 Rev. Alfred Redford, retired Unit- ed Church minister: who for nearly 5m I LITTLE. BROTHERS Aurora "NERAL AND AMBULANCE SERVICE WOODBRIDGE. ONTARIO coxlf'ui'ulce Motor Saï¬es YONGE STREET RICHMOND HILL, ONT. Successor to J. J. Deane Director of Wilfrid R. Scott PAGE EIGHT Terraplane Coach, perfect. Olds‘mobile Coach. Dodge Coach, 'h'unk. FORD gives you something really new in the De Luxe Ford V-8 that made its bow to the motoring world this year. Back of it is a line of more than 26,000,000 Ford cars, honestly built. Ahead of it is a new public appreciation of big size, modern style and brilliant performance in the low-price ï¬eld. It is the biggest, roomiest Ford V-8 ever built. It is oflered in eight body types. And it sets a high standard of economy. ‘ Owners are reporting 22 to 27 Q miles per gallon. “THE ‘ DE LUXE Yonge Street, Ford Sales and Service A MONTH, with reasonable down-payment, buys any new Ford V-8 car under T. F. C. National Finance Plan. FORD V'8 ORDER HELEN SIMPSON FLOWERS For All Occasions Phone orders delivered any- where in North Yonge St. District 2518 YONGE STREET H. H. Osborne, 4 times reeve of Suttsn died while driving his car or] the evening of the recent heavy snow storm, April 8th. He was stricken w-hile actually driving the car and before it came to a stop it jumped the curb and knocked down a gasoline pump. Helen Simpson Lynett J.|F. Lynett hurches in [WWW'W mm ‘ ll'V (At St. Clements) MOhawk 3000 “THE CANADIAN CAR†3.! 1'ont one Then there’s the Standard Ford V-8â€" lower in price than the De Luxe. It, too, is a big and handsomely appointed car. The two cars have many features in com- mon â€" both are built with the same regard for high quality of materials and workmanship. Like the De Luxe, the Standard has the 85-horsepower engine. There are three body types. §o_th De Luxe and Standard cars have much “extra†equipment at no extra 9 charge. See them at your Ford mMN dealer’s. Drive the one you favor. nis widow, three son, Morley S. huI Richmond Hill 112m at the 8.1K When a man talks about himself and: won’t give you a chance to talk about yourself, he is'a conceited ass. On Saturday, April 9, the wedding took place of Pauline McCu’tcheon, niece of Mr. Harry McCutcheon, of Kleinburg, Ont., and Stanley Ca‘in, eldest son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cain of King, Ont. The ceremony took place at the home of Rev. D. I. Ellison, cousin of the bride. Following a reception to their im- mediate friends at the Arcadian Court, the bride and groom left for a trip to Washington and Atlantic City. On their return they will re- side on the groom’s farm near Nobleton, Ont. eron De Guerre Baldock, of Toronto, and Mrs. William Baxter of Hamil- ton. A double funeral was held from the Woodlbridge home on Wednesday afternoon. STANDARD Aged Sisters’ Deaths Few Hours Apart n Toronto THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO oronto. Survxving ant and Sylvester. are two sisters, Mr CAIN-MCCUTCHEON and ha Mr SurviviI OW Also The urviv Cam‘ ronto Han ah Lawrence Schill, a Peel township farmer recently took a medium-sized log to Seranus Marti-0’s: saw mill at Floradale to be reduced to burnable slabs. Milton Glade, operator of the buzz-saw, promptly set to work on the log. The first slab sliced off the log' developed a sizeanle cavity, but it was not until the second slab fell to the floor that Mr. Glade real- ized that he had disturbed a coon’s winter sleep with fatal resulth. The animal appeared to have taken up residence in the hollow log last fall to snooze until spring. Not known;- ing the piece of wood was inhabited, Mr. Schill had carted it to the mill. George Holborn of King Township died‘ on April 3rd. The late Mr. Holborn was born in Luther Town- ship 69 years ago. Several years ago he moved to the township of Tecumseth where he lived until a little more than a year ago when he moved to the ninth line of King near Nobleton. The funeral took place at Monticello. One brother Robert died a few days before him. James Holborn of Tecumseth is a brother. dle Doonâ€. Christ Church Young People Hold Music Night ' It was music night at Christ Church Young People‘s Meeting on Monday night with Wilfred Maxey as convener and Miss Vera Smith, president, presiding. The program composed of vocal, instrumental and tap dance music including the fol- lowing artists: Eleanor M‘cKay, Doris Ring, Audrey Ring, Mrs. Alvin RObb, Gwendolyn Robb, Danny Kitchener, Mrs. Jack Powlesland. Easter Sunday at the Churches Easter Sunday at Woodbridge churches was strictly observed with special Easter music and appropriate sermons by the choirs and ministers. The attendance at all morning ser- vices was unusually large. The Pres- byterian Church pulpit was occupied by Rev. James S. Roe with solo num- bers by Miss Queenie DumblL-tcn and Stanley Harper. Rev. C. W. Bar- rett returned to the pulpit of the United Church having spent several weeks in Peel Mcnxorial Hospital, Brampton with a fractured arm. The evening service was devoted to the presentation of the cantata entitled “Easter Angels†with Dr. G. D. Mc- Lean as conductor and Mrs. A. E. Kearney as organist. Solo parts were taken by Misses Mary Bagg, Tilda Miller, Mildredl Shore, Jessie Watson, Ann McLean, Mrs. G. W. Shore, Charles McLean, Andy Mc- Clure, Bert Shore. Late Albert Wiley Word was received by relatives in Woodbridge last week of the death of Albert Wiley at Hudson Bay Junc- tioni, Saskatchewan, on Thursday, April Tth. Mr. Wiley, who was 69 years of age, was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. W‘ley, pioneer resi- dents of the Toronto Gore. He had lived in the north for anO-ut 30 years. Surviving are his wife, the former Minnie Patterson of Nashville; three soons, Irwin and Frank at home in Hudson! Bay Junction, and Wray, a teacher at Leader, Sask., and two brothers, ,Newman of Woodlbridge, and George of Brampton. Interment was at Hudson Bay Junction. Late Mrs. D. E. Rowntree and Mrs. W. G. Cowan Mrs. Deborah Elliott Rowntree, wi- dow of the- late James Rowntree aged 79 passed away suddenly on Monday, April 18th, and was buried in Pine Ridge cemetery, the funeral taking place on Wednesday with Rev. James S. Roe officiating. Deceased was a daughter of the late John and Agnes Reeves Elliott wh03e residence was on Pin-e Street. She is survived by two sons, Roy of Woodibridge and' Frank at Weston. A sister, Mrs. Thomas Baldock'also survives. On the same day and almost the same hour Mrs. William G’. Cowa-n, 88 years of age, a sister, died at Hamilton and was buried from the original family home at the same hour with Rev. James S. Roe ofrfi- ciating and interment was made in Prospect Cemetery, Toronto. zxe. Response to the Roll Call was made by naming,r a flower. The Lit- erary feature was presented by Neil Burton who rendered a program mostly composed of his own author- ship which took up about an hour andl consisted of humour and pathos including “New Year’s Resolutions†a dog sttory, “Trouble at the Corn- erâ€, a patriotic poem entitled “What I Think of My Countryâ€, characters in a country store, a Highland Soli- dier’s Farewell to-the Hielands, a poem on Broadway, New York, and Presbyterian: Y-P.S. The regular weekly meeting of the Presbyterian Young People on Mon- day evening was Literary with Mrs; Donaldl McKenzie as convener. The program following the business per- iod includ’ed' a solo by Wm. Lawrie, current events arid the reading of the weekly review by Mrs. McKen- zie. Response .to the Roll Call was made by naming a flower. The Lit- erary feature was presented by Neil Burton who rendered a program COON IN HOLLOW LOG IS SLICED BY SAW closing number “Bairnie’s‘ Crid- WOODBRIDGE GEORGE HOLBOwRN '-P.S. .eeting of the )ple on Mon- ry with Mrs. nvener. The business per- Wm. Lawrie, a reading of Mrs. McKen- 1011 Call was er. The Lit- ented by Neil a program own author- ‘out an hour1 A special feature of the Worship service in the United Church next ‘ Sunday morning will be Temperance addresses by Norma Graham, Fanny 'Hudak and Thomas Sheridan: who 1won silver cups in the Oration conâ€" ‘test at the North York Federation Convention 2 short time ago. They will also be guests at the Sunday School at 10 a.m. D.S.T. The Brass Quartet of the 48th Highlanders Band, Toronto, will assist the choir and give special numbers at the evâ€" ening service. A song service will precede the evening service. A hearty The Auxiliary of the W.M.S. held their Easter Th‘ankoffering meeting last Tuesday afternoon at the Par- sonage with a good attendance. The president, Mrs. Halbert, presided. The Easter devotional service was conducted by Mrs. R. F. Hicks. A reading on “The Meaning of Easter†was given by Mrs. A. W. Gallbaith. A vey gratifying repont for the first quarter was given by the treasurer, Mrs. W. T. Wells. Mrs. Jas. Mur- ray, secretary of Christian Steward- ship also »brought; a very fitting mes- sage. The fifth chaprter of the study book on “Medical MissiOns at home and abroad†was very capany re- viewed by Mrs. C. 0. Bales. A show- er for the missionary bale will be held at the next meeting on May 17th. Refreshments were served at the close of the meeting by the host- ess. Large congregations attended the Easter services in the United' Church last Sunday. A baptism, communion and reception service followed! the morning worship service and twelve new members were received. At the evening- service the choir rendered a cantata, “Love Triumphant†and the story of the First Easter was told by Miss Margaret Shaw and A very inspiring service was held in the United Church on Good Fri- day at 11 a.m. with the clergy of the local churches taking part. Rev. W. E. Hassard, B.A., B.D. of Toronto was the guest speaker. He based his remarks on “The Seven Words from the Cross†which was very suitable and helpful. Mr. Max Warne of Toronto rendered two very lovely violin selections “The Old Rugged Cross†and Mendelsohnn’s “Consolation.†Thornhill United Church choir under the leadership of Mr. Floyd Davies led in the wor- ship of praise and gave very splen- did’ service. They sang two- anthems, “God so loved the World†and “Thy life was given for Me.†The offer- ing which amounted to over $22.00 was given to the Sick Children’s Hos- pital in Toronto. Be sure you put your clock ahead one hour on Saturday night. The services on Sunday will be on Day- light Srving Time. Rev. A. H. Halubel't attended a meeting of Toronto Centre Presby- tery in Westminster Central United Church last Tuesday. The ladies of Newtonbrook United Church were entertained last Wed- nesday afternoon by the Woman’s: Association of Teslion United Church and all enjoyed a very happy after- noon. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Galbraith atâ€" tended the Sunday School Rally in Newmarket last Tuesday evening and represented the Newtonbrook Sunday School. The Young People’s Union post- poned their regular meeting next Monday evenirg and will attend the meeting on Tuesday evening in a body (to hear Rev. Kenneth Seaton’s address on the study book. The Y.P.U. meeting was held last Monday evening with Mr. Irwin Brown, citizenship convener, in charge. Mr. Kenneth Foreman as- sisted in the devotional service. Rev. F. N. Bowes, B.A., of Willowdale Was the guest speaker and gave a very interesting address on “The Golden Rule in Business." Monday Brown, charge. sisted in People’s Spiritual Retreat at Whitby April 14th-16th. Rev. Gerald Cragy, M.A., editor of the United Church “New Ouvtlook†was the special speak- er at the conferences. Miss Ruth Douglas underwent an operation for appendicitis last Mon- day in Victoria Memorial Hospital, Toronto, and is making a good re~ covery. Mrs. W. T. New slpent Eastertide with her mother in Shelburne. The City Dairy Male Choir of To- ronto will give a concert in‘ the United Church this (Thursday) ev- ening, April 2151: at 8.15 o’clock. Rev. hennem J. beawn oi LUIUH‘ to. secretary of Religious Education. will give an illustrated address on the study book, “A New Churclh Faces a New World†next Tuesday evening, April 26th at 8.15 o’clock D.S.T. in the United Church. His talk will deal with the pioneer life of the church in Canada and will be most interesting and} educational to young and old. The various or- ganizations of the church are invited to attend also any others in the com- - and rending of the rocks. Brillinger, Mr. Arn-ott' and Mr. Don Davidson. After the laborious march to Calvary, portrayed. by the choir, Mr. John Arnott, tenor, guest solo- ist for the evening, told of the C1;uci.- fixion. Mr. Bruce McDonald, bass, told of the darkness that fell upon the earth and the sudden earthquakes Mrs. K. Armstrong, soprano, sang of Joseph, lthe rich man of Aramatha, begging of Pilate for the body of Jesus, lwhich they gently laid in the new 1 sepulchre. Mrs. Armstrong later rsang of the Resurrection. The can- tata “Inc "anallxlxr Hrirnn‘l'nrl‘ kw Mi» Mr. Harold Duggan, president of the local Y.P.U. attended a Young welcome to all. Rev. Kenneth J. Beaten of Town- to, secretary of Religious Education, will give an illustrated address on the studv book. “A New Church mun , v collectior- N EWTONBROOK who desire t"; come. Silver THURSDAY, APRIL let, 1938 Mr. and Mrs. C. Harding and fam- l ily of Richmond! Hill were guests on lSunday of Mrs. Echlin and Mr. and ,Mrs. F. Davies. Mr. Clifford Brett. The scripture lesson was read by Mr. Harold Dug- gan. J. N. Roadhouse of Macklin, Sas- katchewan celebrated his 85th biï¬h- day on March 28th. He was born in 1853 in- AIbi-on Township near the former village of Castlederg. The spring meeting of the Horti- cultural Society Will ‘be held‘ in the Lawrence Memorial Hall, Monday ev- ening, April 25th at 8 p.m. sharp. “Dick the Amateur Gardener†will be the guest speaker and his sailb- jech will be “er Garden and Mineâ€. Come and bring your friends. Prizes and lucky draws. The Young- Ladies’ Class of the United Church are entertaining their mothers at an evening on Thursday, April 29th in: the Sunday SchOOI room, On May 5th the Misses Dean are entertaining the class at their regular meeting. Each member is to attend dressed as a child or pay a fine. ‘ If you have something to sell try a classified “ad†in The Liberal, the Home paper of the district since 1878. Misses Mary Morton, Helen Hick- son and‘ Gwen Smith of Headrford at- tended the Y.P.U. Convention held at Whitby _1ast week. Miss Aileen Cooke is spending this week at her home (parsonage). Mrs. Camplin of Unionville is- spending a few days at the parsonage. 7 Misses Loraine Davidson, Elizabeth Smellie and Messrs. Donald Davidson and Donald Smellie spent Frlday af- teILrgoon-mand evening at El‘mhurst. The w. A. of the“ United Church met last Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. J. A. Thompson. Mrs. Thompson, lst Vice-President, occu- pied the chair. The meeting was opened by singing the ‘Theme Song’, after which Mrs. Morton led in the devotional period. Mrs. Thompson gave a reading on peace and war. Considerable business was transact- ed and arrangements were made to hold’ a supper the beginning of May. A social time was spent at the close when refreshments were served by Mrs. Thompson and assistants. Horticultural Society to meet Monday the rich {flan ‘of Aramatvha, begging of Pilate for the body of Jesus, which they gently laid in the new sepulchre. Mrs. Armstrong later sang of the Resurrection. The can- tata was capanly directed by Mr. Floyd Davies, choir masher, while Mrs._ Davies presided at the org-231. Miss Hakfyard of Hamilton spent the weekâ€"end with Mr. and Mrs. Con- nellï¬ and_ iMiss_Marion ngflrfyard. Miss Mary Dean and Miés Grace Higgins of Toronto spent the Easter horngays‘ Neyv _Yorfk Cityi Rev. R. E. and- Mrs. Mont'on and son of Paisley are visiting this week with Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Morton, Coliborne St. Misses Lucille and Loretta Dean spent the week-end in Buffalo. “Jesus Boy-1e, in the if The choi ,s axbly assist yposcd- of Mrs Chair ‘Dark THORN HELL T} hat can all these wonders my were answered‘ that ed on Calvary.†Miss A. ntralto, told of the scene arden of Gethsemann, and assisted by a quartethe ’resents Easter Cantata 55 and Dawn", a sac re 31‘ Sunday even- 'e audience was ng- musical re- Eas¢er story Hicks, ‘Mrs 3 won saddle the .rth won r. Don march choir, solo- Cnuciâ€" bass, rment darkâ€" h and )nders tor red