Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 28 Apr 1938, p. 1

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Pass: Fred Pearcey, Harold: Klinck. 'Al'fred Warwick, Muriel Barrow, James Butler, Marion Boynton, Frank Carr, Bert Franklin. II Class Honours: Frances Rumble, Jean Mills, Ian Macdonald, Chester Unger, Elfrieda Roberts, Tom Mort- son, Margaret Rese, Harvey Mashin- ter, Dorothy McGann. III Class Honours: Doris Clarke, Ruth Wellman, Harold Bumie, Ber- nice Paxton, Peggy Endean, Sally (Popper, Alex Macdonald. III Class Honours: William Jeff- ri-es, Marion Lumlb, May C00ney, Donald Wellman, Donald Andrews, Harold Blackwell, Phyllis Angle, Evelyn Brillinger, Erle Cock, Orma Judge, Murray Acreman, Bruce Ste- phens, MyTtl-e Burr, Clifford Case- ment. I Class Honours: Carroll Sander- son, Raymond Watxford, Lorraine Sin- clair, Doreen Wise, Ruby Pollock, Margaret. MacGibbon, John Tracy, Ju'ne Pickett. III Class Honours: Gwen Schissler and James Stewart .equal, Ruth Walker, Norman Taylor, Geo. Monk- man, Thelma. Wood, Reta Rumfble, Bert Thompson, Agnes Martin, Frank Moorley, Ruth Tyndall, Norine Mac- Donald. II Class Honours: Muriel Durie, Bill Hod'ge, Madeline Clarke, Mary Moore, Evelyn Forrest, George Carr and Joan Carpenter equal, Bill Baiâ€" ley, Virginia DelBrocco. I Class Honours: Dorothy Hurrell, Johvn Grinyer, Dorothy Cummins, John Campbell, Ruth Hicks, Sydney Lepard, Eleanor Fisher. II Class Honours: Mary Duncan, Betty Burton, Jc-e Cherry, Robert Edm-unds, Fred Leech, Duncomfbe Ball, Grace Boynton, May Hen-der- son, Grace Park, Marion Barker, Mary Flood, Harold Graham, Thelma Graham. Pass: Margaret Hunt, Sherwood Dinner, Shirley Dinner, James Brown Fred Sexton, Jean Downey. Ajbsenvt: Arthur Cater. I Class Honours: Murray Cunning- ham, Stewart Paxton. Third Class Honours: Tames Smith, Junie Armstrong, Mary Kerst, Shirâ€" ley Pickett, Gil‘bert Mihorean. Absent for .exams: Victor Robin- son, Pearl Sherman. II FORM Pass: Leslie Hull, Ethel Mitchell, Mac Cooper. Absent: Margaret Johnson. IXA The following pupils in order of merit, have passed the term exams held! during- the winter term. Those obtaining First and Second Class Honours are to be congratulated as, if they maintain this standing dur- ing the final term, they will be ex- cused from Departmental Exams for Junior and Senior Matriculation in any subjects for which they qualify under this regulation. COMMERCIAL First Class Honours: Hazel Cher- ry, Mary Richard‘s. Second Class Honours: Alice Don- ald, Eva Mihorean, Harold Sidver and Dorothy Grinyer requal, Kathleen Chamlbers, Jean Sellers. PaSS‘t Stuart Macdonald, Ruth Richardson. Easter Report of Richmond llill High School Examinations VOL. LVII. “YORK COUNTY’S NEWSIEST NEWSPAPER” SATURDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY, APRIL 30 - May 2-3 2 â€"- FOUR STAR ATTRACTIONS! Wallace Guy Lewis Beery Kibbee Stone CONTINUOUS SATURDAY THE BAD MAN OF BRIMSTONE “LOVE IS A HEADACHE” JACK HOLT in “OUTLAWS OF THE ORIENT” TO-DAY, FRIDAY, APRIL 28 - 29 Myrna Franchot Ros Loy Tone Ru â€"â€"INâ€"â€" ' IX “ MANPROOF ” Franchot Tone “BRING THE FAMILY6 -â€"â€"â€"ALSOâ€"â€"â€" 2ND BIG HIT I Richmond: Hill Dairy announces 'that commencing next Sunday they will start early delivery for the sum- mer months. The officers and members of the W.C.T.U. desire to thank the princi- pals and: teachers of Richmond Hill and Richvale Schools for their splen- did co-operation in the contest which was largely responsible for its great success. The prize winners for 'Richvale are: Billy Moore, Olive Bentley, Ileen Dickinson, June Cooney, Gladys Masters, Tom Youteff, Noreen Flet- cher, Betty Mercer, Audrey Grinyer, Peter Youlteff, Evelyn Trussell, Audiâ€" rey Gregg. The prize winners for Richmond hm are: Bernice Cook, Elizalbeth Elliott, Helen Ransom, Betty Mans- bridge, Aileen Cook, Tom McLeod, Margaret Carpenter, Esther Til‘le'y, Alex. Clarke, Douglas Mansbridge, Nancy Donaldson, Margaret Ransom, Georgina Pattenden, Jean Scott, Irene ROSe, Florence Allen, Hazel Sher- man, Margaret Brown, June Davis, Gladys Chedzoy, Stanley Baker. ANNUAL MEETING OF W.C.T.U. AND PRESENTATION OF PRIZES The annual meeting of the W.C. T.U. will 'be held in the United Church Sunday School on Wednes- day, May 4th, at 3 p.m. Reports of the y.ea1“s work will also [be given by the officers and superintendents. The presentation of prizes; for the Scientific Temperance Essay, Poster and Health Book contest, held reâ€" cently in the Public Schools will take place. I Glass Honours: George Graham, John Havbinson, Lorne Wells. Not ranked: Helen Mac-Gibbon, John D. Webb, El'inor Barker, John Leary, Marjory Cunningham. Not ranked, Robt. Alexander. FORM IV I Class Honours: Mary Harbinson. II Class Honours: Jean Walwin, Stanley Haworth, Matthew Boyle, Audrey Smith, Grace Dewsbury and Audrey Stephens equal, Joe Onasick. III Class Honours: Allan Welllman, Jean Zuefelt, Olive Middleton, Ruth Kerswill, Marie Heydo-n-. Pas-s: Jean Robinson and Made- leine Rum‘ble equal. Pass: Ellen Boynton, Dorothy Noble\, Jack Glenn, Doreen Johnson, Lillian Barkyer, Molly Campbell. II Class Honours: Mary Bowes, W. L. Camjpfbell and Wm. Carr equaL III Class Honours: Helen Burnett, Harold: Sanderson. ‘11 Class Honours: Beatrice Frisby, Gilbert Whittamore, Margaret Wal- iwn, Jack Watkins, Beatrice Ainslie. Pass: Delva Conner, Jean.Hicks‘, Joe Morris, Betty Donaldson, Jim Kerswill, Gerald Cuttance, Jlean Mc- Donald, Laura Frisiby,~ Lloyd John- son. III Class Honours: Kenneth Wark Isabel Rumble, Douglas Sandters Jane Vandevburg. harm FO‘RI‘M III I Clas‘s Honours: Gordon Cunning- EARLY MILK DELIVERY Gladys George FORM V Rosalind Russell Yonge at Castlefield MO. 21 72 "In Essentials, Unity; In Non-essentials, Liberty; In" AlLT}-;ingsl Charity” men for the past twenty-four years. Last summer he suffered a severe heart illness which confined him to his home for several weeks, but he had recovered and of late had re- sumed his usual activities. The morn- ing of his passing he was around as usual and while making: a busi- ness call was suddenly stricken. In his seventieth year the late Frederick John Manslbridg‘e was born in Romsey, England and came to Canada in 1908. He engaged in the retail meat and provision business in Toronto until 1914 when he came to Richmond Hill and established a business here. He was a successful business man and keenly interested in the life of the community, havinie: served for a time as a member of the Richmond Hill municipal c0un- ciI. He was an enthusiastic member of the Richmond Hill BOWling Club and the Richmond Hill Curling- Clulb and in both these organizations was widely known as a genuine lover of the game. FJ. Mansbridge . a Local Merchant Passes Suddenly Richmond H the district’ men for the EX-SERVICE MEN ATTENTION All ranks of ex-service men are requested to fall in at Little Broth- ers Garage Sunday morning- next, May 151'. at 10.30 am. EST. to par- ade to Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church with the Balmoral Pipe Band of Richmond Hill. All ex-service men invited to attend. Dress â€"â€" Berets, Medals. 'The opening game of the 1938 schedule of the Maple and District Football League will take place Mon- day, May 9th with Kleinlburg play- ing at Downsviemv. The schedule carries on until June 215k when the play-offs will commence. The league includes .teams from Kleinburg, Downsview, Emery, Vellore and Wil- lowdale. The funeral will be held from his late residence. Yonge Street Friday afternoon: at 3 o'clock D.S.T., foll- owed- by a service in St. Mary’s Anglican Church. Interment will fol- low in Richmond Hill cemetery. The schedule of games! is as] fol- 10Ws: He was an active and devoted member of St. Mary's Anglican Church where at various times he held many offices and “to which he gave his whole-hearted support. The officers of the League for 1938 are: Honorary presidents, Allen Knight, J. Oarl Saigeon, P. Gardiner and! Charles Brown; president, G. H. Dunn; vice-pres, K. Love; 2nd vice- pres., A. Hood; secretary, J. B. Plunkett; treasurer, E. Lauder. MAY . 9â€"‘Kleinburg‘ at Downsview IOâ€"Elmery» at Vellore 12â€"Willowda1e at Kleinburg 16â€"Downsview at Emery 17â€"Ve11oore at Willowd‘ale 19â€"K1eimburg at Emery 23â€"D'0wn-sview at Vell-ore 25â€"Emery at Willowdale 26â€"Vellore at Kleinfburg 3vOâ€"Willowd'a1e’at 'Downsview 31â€"Vellore at Emery JUNE 2â€"Downsview at Kleimburg 6â€"Willowda‘1e at Vellvore 7â€"«Emery aft Downsview 9â€"Kleinburg at Willmwdale 13â€"Vellore at Downsview 14â€"â€"Emery at Kleinburg 16â€"D0wnsview at Willowdale 20â€"K1einburg at Vellore 21â€"Willowdmale at Emery The next Euchre will ‘be held in Richvale School on Tuesday, May 10 at 8.30 sharp. Admission 25c. He is survived by his widow, form- erly Agnes Witt and two sons, Rob- ert and Edward, both of Richmond Hill, who have the sincere sympathy of the community in their sudden bereavement. VETERAN W-A. E'UCHRE ‘The Vaughan and Richmondr Hill Veteran Women’s Association held a successful euchre in Richvale School on Friday evening of last week when prizeslwere won by, ladies, Mrs. G. Bish-op, Mrs. G. Patterson, Mrs. J. Leroux; gents, MT. Donaldson, Mr. L. Baker, Mr. Albert Jarvis. MAPLE & DISTRICT FOOTBALL LEAGUE 1938 SCHEDULE RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO JAMES BUTLER, President Vaughan and Richmond Hill Veterans Association. 1 death occurred Wed- ,ing of Fred J. Mans- hly esteemed citizen of [1, who has been one Of well known business past twenty-four years. he suffered a severe which confined him to HAhnl LHARLES President of the Richmond Hill Agricultural Socieiy who announces the attractive prize list for the 89th annual Spring Fair 10 be held May 24th, in this 'ssue of The Liberal. On ‘behalf of the Society President Charles appeals to the citizens of the district for support for .he an- nual Fair and extends an invitation to horsemen eveyywhere to be ex- hinitors in the -many attractive classes in this year’s prize list. LATE MRS. MARY HART Mary Thompson, widow of the late John Hart passed away suddenly early Sunday morning at her home, Arnold Street. Although not in the ,besut of health for the past three ‘years‘ Mrs. Hart was around as usual on Saturday and some time after re- tirement passed peacefully away. De- ceased was in her ’71st year and was born at Temperanceville, a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. William‘ Thompson. In July 1891 she was married to John Hart of King Town- ship and shortly afterwards rn0vedi to the second concession of Mark- ham Township where they resided! until after Mr. Hart’s death twenty- one years ago when the family moved' to Richmond Hill. Of a quiet dis- position Mrs. Hart was devoted to her home and friends, always a good The funeral on Tuesday afternoon from her late residence was attended b'y a large numlber of friends and relatives. Rev. C. W. Follett of Richmond Hill United Church con- ducted the service and the pallbear- ers were 6 nephews, William and Norman McDonald, Nelson and Dun- cian Thompson, Walter and Thomas Monkman. Many beautiful floral tributes were evidence of the high esteem in which the deceased was held. Interment followed: in Rich- mond‘ Hill Cemetery. Evidence of real estate activity in the North Yonge Street district two properties south of Richmond Hill changed hands this week. Mr. H. Weese, M-ay Avenue, sold his home ,and two acres of land to George Sackfield of Toronto. and Mr. H. W. Waters house with an acre of land on Mill Road was sold to Frank Gately of Toronto. Both sales: were negotiated by Barr '& Co. of Toronto who report a good d'emand' for prom- erby in this district. one years ago when the family moved’ to Richmond Hill. Of a quiet dis- position Mrs. Hart Was devoted to her home and friends, always a good neighbor in time of trouble. The fam- ily left to mourn her: loss are: Mrs. Harold Smith of Elmira, Mrs. R. Hlillaby of this village, Daisy and John at home, three sisters and three (brothers, Mrs. Sarah McDonald of Thornhilll, Mrs. W. Monkman of King City, Mrs. R. Bentley of Toronto, John Thompson, Schomherg' Junction, Charles Thompson, WestOn and Geo. Thompson on the old homestead at Temperanceville, alslo six grandchilâ€" dren‘. Arthur R. Mackie, son of Mrs. Mackie and the late Robert Mackie of Richmond Hill passed away at the Hospital for Incurables in Tororto on Monday, April 25th. Born in East Gwillim'bul'y Township June 24, 1900' she has lived in this district since 11902 when his» parents moved to} their farm in Markham township just l east of Richmondi'Hill. He had: been | ill for the past eleven years. | The funeral was held‘ from the family residence Wednesday afterâ€" noon, the service being conducted ‘1‘}.V Rev. J. D. Cunningham of Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church. A large- numiber of floral tributes was evi- dence of the sincere sympathy of a wide circle of friends. Interment followed in Richmond Hill cemetery, the pall Ibelarers being Fredx Hopper, J. W. Palmer, Wesley Wellman, I. D. Ramer. John Leece. and‘ David‘ Patton. The late Mr. Mackie is survived by his mother and 6 {brothers and 5 sisters who have the sympathy of the community in their bereavement. ' REPORT KEEN DEMAND FOR PROPERTY IN THIS DISTRICT LATE ARTHUR MACKIE THURSDAY, APRIL 28th, 1938. OBITUARY Well the weatherman seems to be in a more settled frame of mind now and who is mart enjoying the lovely srpmingi weather? Soon the lady of the house will be asking “.When are flhey going to oil the roads?” The dust is beginning to blow. Thére was a splendid attendance at the weekly prayer mee‘qing held at Mrs. Meek’s on Tuesday evening. Mr. R. F. Boynton conducted the meeting and Rev. Mr. Macdonald gave the address 011' “The Talents‘” wh‘Jch could not but prove helpful. We were glad to see the Rev. Mr. Haig at. the meeting, also Mr. Ernie Jackson, who has just recently come out of the hospital. “00000900009009.00009000000900MOWMW Rev. and! Mrs. Macdpnald an en- tertaining Mrs. Macdonald’s si-sbe‘r, Mrs. Fa‘bian Pugh and little son Relz of Cloverdal-e, BC. I, .Miss Mable Sanderson and: Miss Vera Nichols took their Sunday School- c1a5s last week to visit the shutâ€"‘ins of this: community. The Moi‘tson’s after spending the Easter class sang several songs which were much enjoyed. a very impress’ive and interesting reader who gave religiOus‘ readings. The church was crowded to capacity. Quite a number from the United Church were present. The testimony of thOSe young men was a credit to the college which they attend. The ladies of the WA. in Mrs. Willow’s group are putting- on‘ an- other suppe'r for Thursday. A splen- did program is; being provided by artists from Pine Orchard. Master Bobby Haydon of Hamil- ton has returned to Mrs. Annie holidays at home. A ve‘ry inspiring service was con- ducted at the Brethren inr Christ Church when twenty-four young m-En of Grantham Bible College, Penn, gave the service in song and‘ testi- mony. Also there accompaniedl them UnionvilYe for the second consecu- tive year was declared Winner in the annual York County Junior Farm- ersr’ Drama Festival held in Pickerâ€" ing College auditorium last Thurs- day and Friday. ence Bruce spent last Thursday ev- Bank players, just a scant three points in arrears, with Victoria Square third only another three points Ibehind. ( In the adjudicator-’3 remarks, he said he believed Victoria Square in- their presentation of “Jim Barber’s WWWOW VICTORIA SQUARE NEWSY NOTES Tea for every Taste SINGLE COPIES 5c. $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE Spite Fence” was the most improved group over last year’s presentation which he also adjudicated. “I am agreeably surprised at their show- ing here tonight,” he said. Among the ones who received special men- tion were Dorothy Oliver and Jack Frislby of this place. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Johnson, Mrs. Fred Johnson and MiSS Irene were guests of Mr. and‘ Mrs. P. W. Wilâ€" lows on Thursday- afternoon. The Y.P.U. was fortunate in seâ€" curing Mrs. (Rev.) Haig- to addreSS those present on Sumday evening. Her subject was taken from the Book of Daniel, and was both interesting and helpful. Misses Bonnie Robert, son and Marion Boynton sang a duet. Not as many were present as usual on account of the special ser- vices at the “Brethren in Chris ” church. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Dennis and Mrs. Annie Mortson vis'ited their sister Mrs. Thomas of Maple on Fri- day night who is confined to her bed through illness. Mr. C-haTIes Read Who has been working for Swift’s in Toronto has been sent out West. This 'is. a pro- motion and we congratulate Mr. Read. ' eMrs. Jennie Agar and Mrs. Flor- ence Brice spent last Thursday ev- ening with Mr. and? Mrs. Jack Fris- by. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Young- and Miss Shirley called on Mr. and Mrs. Jack Frisby. Miss: Bessie Vall'iere attended. District Officers’ Convention in Parliament Buildings, Toronto Friday. There will be election of officers for the Jr. Farmers and Jr. Insti- tute on Tuesday evening. A11 interâ€" ested are urged to be present. The pfipils of Victoria Square School and their teacher, Miss E. G. Holden are inviting the parents and interested friends to an exhibition of their ye'ar’s work, to \be held in the school Friday evening, May 6th at 7.30 p.m. standard time. Mr. R. H. Robert‘s, school inspector, will be the guest speaker and Mr. Illtyd Harris will have charge of the music. The children plan an interesting debate. If you are interested you will be cor- dially welc0me. sults- iberal Classified “Ads” bring rev N 0. 44. the the on

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