Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 28 Apr 1938, p. 2

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Undoubtedly the material that may be worked on is at hand- There is in every district a strong element eager to develop the spirit of friendliness and co-operation that means so much to humanity. The Welfare Council can provide for this spirit the direction that will make it effec- tive, thus giving a public service that will improve comâ€" munity life in this Province. One of the perils to which the foreign-born individual is exposed is the activity of the Red propagandist, who plays upon his ignorance of Canadian affairs, his handicap in the way of language, and perhaps the lack of that very encouragement which the Welfare Council aims to pro- vide. If the Council worked in no other field. its activity here Will be of great value to the future of this country. But the Council conducts other activities. As one of its spokesmen puts it: “One of the goals we seek is that communities shall, in that curious way that some communities have, develop a sensitiveness to community life. ,We might express it this way; that some communi- ties in Ontario have found a common soul that reacts spontaneously to the things that are for the common good. By that I mean that a community comes readily to recogâ€" nize that town planning, adequate nursing services, ade- quate libraries, good, wholesome moving pictures, schools with well-trained teachers, churches with a live social pro- gress problemâ€"that all these are things which make for a 'good community.” ‘ The small town dentist is irritated by the local citi- zen who goes to the large city to patronize a dentist when he himself goes to the big town tailor to have his clothes made. The small town lawyer complains when the big city lawyer is called on in an important case, but when he is getting married, he goes to the big city to buy his fiancee’s engagement ring. The local druggiSt is annoyed when the woman who runs the beauty parlor goes to the big city for her soaps and creams, yet he allows his wife to go to the same big city for bargain permanent waves. The Council is interested in the new Canadians; and here is a field in which much useful work may be done. It is recognized that, particularly in the matter of language, the new Canadians are at a disadvantage, especially so- cially, which tends to isolation among people of their own racial origin. Therefore the Council provides them with opportunities to learn English. For example, a young law student, a new Canadian, has been spreading a knowledge of his acquired language among other newcomers in Nor- thern 0ntario,_and this work will be carried on. The public should approve and support work being done â€"â€" and to be done â€" by the Community Welfare Council of Ontario. This organization aims to aid and encourage all activities that have as their basis a desire to improve community life. This may mean a travelling librarLfor one centre, promotion of handicraft enterprises in another, or, again, the establishment of wisely directed study groups. All these are; needed. KEEPING A SMALL TOWN SMALL One of the things which keeps a small town small, and which makes doing business or practicing a profession so hazardous, is the number of people in that town who earn their income there and spend it in a nearby city.‘ _ When a man makes his living out of the citizens of a town it is his duty to spend every dollar of that income in the town, if possible. If he expects the people of that town to do business with him, then he should realize his own obligation to do business with them.-â€"Kiwanis Maga- zme. ‘ Every effort must be put forth by the authorities at Queen’s Park to conserve and increase the game fish and wild life in general in this province. That the great Nor- thern Ontario playgrounds and fisherman’s paradise are the main attractions to American tourists Who left some- thing ‘like 8295.000,000 in this province in 1937. is evi- denced in the constant stream of inquiries flowing into the Canadian Travel Bureau each spring. â€" Guelph Mer- cury. When you come to think of it, just What reason is there in these days of easy communication for the exist- ence of county councils. Algoma, for example, finds that it can get along quite well without one.â€"Sault Ste. Marie Star. "rt.-." --- The most outstanding event in the world of the Canâ€" adian blind during the past year was the passage by the King Government of an amendment to the Old Age Penâ€" sions Act which makes applicable the provisions of the Act to blind persons forty years of age or over. This was a splendid move on the part of our government, but no pension scheme can ever take the place of the work being done by Canadian National Institute for the blind. What pensions will do is simply to regularize and put on a secure acceptable basis, the furnishing of certain basic necessi; ties. Pensions will leave the Institute more free to pro- ceed with the main object for which it was created; the discovery of industrial and commercial openings for capâ€" able blind artisans and merchants; the conduct of more active campaigns for the prevention of blindness; the train- ing and rehabilitation of those who lose their sight after school age; the maintenance of a library service; social service; the administration of privileges and concessions accorded to the blind; the establishment and maintenance of residences and the consistent advocacy of the right of blind men and women to live normal lives and to take their places in the normal life of the community. A' watch that is wound in the morning will last longer. The tightly wound main spring will stand the shocks and jars of day better than a loose main spring. For the same reason people are fresher and do better work in the morn- ings. By night they get run downâ€"Windsor Star. I," 7 i’Ir‘aédéyr for Canadian fiationa] Instituté for the Blind to be held in this district on Saturday, April 30th. TAG DAY FOR THE BLIND A Tag Day will be held next Saturday in aid of the blind. The cause is one which appeals to the heart of every citizen and we look for a generous response to the appeal for funds for this very worthy work. n.‘ n Advertising Rates on Application. TELEPHONE 9 THE LIBERAL PRINTING CO., LTD. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY AT RIGHMOND HILL Member Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association Subscription $1.50 per year â€" To the United States $2.00 Covering Canada's Best Suburban District PAGE TWO WHAT NEED FOR COUNTY COUNCIL? IMPROVING COMMUNITY LIFE THURSDAY, APRIL 28th, 1938. Established 1878 AN INDEPENDENT WEEKLY J. Eachem Smith, Manager MORNING’S THE TIME “THE LIBERAL” A BIG ATTRACTION This North Vancouver M.P. was iborn 45 years ago in the manse at iUptergrove, Ontario. He is the son of a Cape Breton Presbyterian min- ister, who was stationed there at the time. Upon inquiry, I found that his father is still living 'and that he is still in good health, having passed his 86th birthday. Grant went to several schools, including Seaforth and Meaford secondary institutions of learning. After getting his senâ€" ior matriculation at Meaford, he . struck out for Western Canada “on i his own”. That. was about 1911. He ‘ saw France in less than a year from ‘ enlistment and after serving in» the i line for fifteen months he was se- verely wounded in the head and leg and invalided to England, where he spent a long period in the hOSpital. ] In» 1917 he was sent back to Canada I to convalesce and for more than a. year he was a patient in the Moose Jaw hospital. He had more than his share of misfortune. As he slowâ€" ly recovered. in that Western city' he was detailed for vocational train- ing and while doing this work the Moose Jaw branch of the Great War Veterans Association attracted his: interest and attention. He became its Secretary. This was the com- mencement of an extended period of‘ service in the interests of returned soldiers in Canada. Few have a bet- ter record of service in “his country in that respect. The new Veterans’ Association was just coming into be- ing when Grant MacN-eil identified himself with its pro-motion and ad- vancement. I asked him if he knew the late Dr. W. D. Sharpe of Bramp- ton, Who was one of the pioneers of the Great War Veterans’ Associ- ation, after which followed a fine eulogy of the splendid work this Brampton soldier and “physician ac- complished for the Veterans in those i earlier days of their organuization.! Grant had no hesitation in saying. that Doctor Sharpe was ~ig in heart, and not afraid to mak'e real sacrig fices on behalf of his fellow over- seas Veterans. It was a tribute of i great worth, for it came from a man who had- occupied for some years the post as Secretary of the Veter- ‘ans‘ organization in Canada. Dr. Sharpe, as most of my readers will recall, was the first President. Im ‘1926, when Earl Haig and others at- tempted to bring the various bodies of organized veterans ’nto one body, MacN-eil resigned as Secretary of his organization so that a brand new set of officers would command the new- ly-formed Canadian Legioni. From Veterans’ organization work to the District Sales Managership of the Ford Motor Company in Vanâ€" couver he went. Later, he was with the Chrysler Corporation and when 'his health broke down in 1929 he ‘was forced to abandon this type of work and lead a life in the open air. He was Manager of a Summer Resort in BC. for quite awhile unâ€" til he was bitten by the political ‘bug. That is usually fatal but Grant, ‘so far, has managed to survive. This young Veteran, while in Ob- ¢a4wa as Secretary to the soldiers’ organization, made friend-s with Mr. C.C.F. Member very long to be re- garded) by all the House as a very outstanding Representative. In adâ€" dition to this, he is well liked by the ,Members. Down here this is almOSt essential to ultimate success. Grant, undoubtedly, has achieved the essen- tial. J. S. Woodsworth, Leader of the C. C.F. Party. Grant was attracted to Mr. Woodsworth"s theories on econ- omics and politics and while thIOugh the years that followed he did not take any active part in political af- fairs he did continue to study. By Gordon Graydon, M.P. Grant MacNeil, sturdy descendant of sturdy Scottish forebears has quickly proved his worth in the House of Commons. It is his first Parliament but it didn't take this At a meeting in Vancouver abOut 1933 this future M.P. was present. He had something to say while there and those in attendance asked him to organize a C.C.F. club in the city. He took on the job and from them on it was a continuous advance in- the circles of that Party in British Columbia. In 1934, he took the C. 0.1“. nomination in North Vancouver and when the general elections were over in October, 1935, he was Grant ‘MacNeil, Mg?” by a majority of nearly a thousand. ' Not many new members have tak- en a more active or more important part in the work of the House of Commons than this C.C.F. follower. In Committees especially, where the interests of returned soldiers are in! question, his advice and knowledge is held in high esteem'. The famous debate on National Defence last year was largely precipitated by Mr. Mac- Neil, and his name was emblazoned on the front page of almost every newspaper in Canada. Tolerance for others with Opposing views, courtesy Son of Uptergrove Manse Now North Vancouver MP. THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO l The 27th annual meeting of the Boy Scouts Association, Provincial Council of Ontario, was held at Kit- chener in the large auditorium of‘ the Kitchener and Waterloo Colle- giate. There were nearly 600 en-L thusiastic Scout and Cub leadersnl {present from many parts of Ontario. 3 [The conference lasted two days. Cub and Scout demonstrations took place i in the Gym and very fine training lwas shown by the boys of Kitchener and Waterloo where scouting is go- ing ahead in leaps and :bOunds. Mary H. Connor, Cub mistress of the 48th lPack, Hillcrest School, Toronto, re- turned yesterday after a very pleas- ant week-end» spent with old friends ‘Iboth in Waterloo and Kitchener where her father, the late J. W. Connor, was principal of the Colle- giate for many years and whose painting is hanging up in the school library. A very distinguished friend 'of scouting, Sir Alfred Pickford, comi- mpnly known all over the worldv as “Pickie” and who for many years was Chief Commissioner of India, addressed the Scouts and Commisâ€" sioners om Saturday evening. Sir Alfred is now prominently connected with Scouting- Imperial Headquart- ers. “It is a fine argument for demo- cracy that it has survived even its) demagog‘ic friends.”â€"Si‘nclair Lewis. and kindliness in his public and pri- vate life, are some of the character- istics of this soldier Member. There are not, many memlbers of his Party in this Parliament but the addition of Grant MacNeil to this number is universally regarded as a valuable and distinct acquisition. He is a fluent speaker of serious mien and convincing earnestness, and n0ne would question the undoubted sincer- ity of his personal views on public questions. One need not stretch the truth when one states that the 18th Parliament of Canada has gained much by having Grant MacNeil as one of its sitting members. A grandpa he is tooâ€"three times a grandpa, he tells me. Besides the one daughter who is married there is another young lady of 16, who is nurse. Mr. and Mrs; Grant MacNeiJ are a good combination. He is Scot- tish and she is English. Their home is in the coastal city of Vancouver. BOY SCOUT ASSOCIATION ANNUAL MEETING ' GROUP NO. 1 [:1 MAGLEAN'S MAGAZINE (24 issues) 1 Yr. [:1 CHATELAINE . . . . . I Yr. E] NATIONAL HOME MONTHLY I Yr. [I CANADIAN MAGAZINE - - 1 Yr. E] PICTORIAL REV. combined with DELINEATDR - - - - - I Yr. [:1 GAN.HORTI'RE 8. HOME MAG. I Yr. [3 ROD AND GUN - - - - I Yr. [:1 AMERICAN BOY - - - - “Ms. E] SILVER SCREEN - - - - 1 Yr [3 PARENTS’ MAGAZINE - - BMos. DOPEN ROAD FOR BOYS - 16 Mus. E] AMERICAN FRUIT GROWER - 1 Yr. YOUR NEWSPAPER AND 3 BIG MAGAZINES a anteek bed room sute that are n-eerly new. The e‘d’itur got mad when he red same & sed he are strickly vs. such bonehed‘s. So are intire fambly are wandering what were tong with it. We no theys‘ a erer ‘sum wheres. tho. Wednesday: So many ‘of the dames in are citty smoke siggerets that I bleeve the ones‘ who dont smoke a1:- tract the most atenshen. So I wanâ€" d-er if that is why they d-ont smoke for I no Jane & Elsy deerly love to be nortised by us ‘boys. Me a speshelly. Thursday: I win a prize in school today. The teacher ast what are the slum of 9 times 7. My ans‘er were sixtey 2. I win the prize becos I cum closter than eney other skoller in are class. Friday: I am scared that Jane is a going to turn me vs. womenhood altogether. When I missed] a word in the class She giggeled, & laft like she was glad of it. I am about reddy to throw her over. But shese mite'y cute tho & I love her. Very] twely & deerly. Sunday: Tho I must ensist that Jake is mitey dum he sum times has a rite idee. 1 of them was this a. m. at S. S. He had‘ a dime to give to the hethens but diddent. He sed he thot it best to buy 3 ice creem sody & let the drugest give the 1,332! dime to the heth- Monday: Ma red in the noosepaper out loud where it sed a man mar~ ryed 9 wifes and finely becum en- sane. Pa popped off & sed how could a crasey man becum ensane. I supose they was a joak about it sum wheres but it did‘dJ-ent seam to tickle Ma none. Tuesday : Pa rote up & put in yesterday p. m.s want ads a ad about Saturday: This otto be a day of rest for'school kids but with me that issent the sitcheashen. My mother leads the world thinking up things for a kid] to do on Saturday. And! among same they issent no b‘ase ball and roller skateing anti fishing and etc. I am attemted to declare inde- pendents and war and ‘etc. Also in the words of Napoleum to tell the world: to gimme liberbey and de'bh and] etc. SLATS’ DIARY Give yourself and your family enioy- ment and entertainment the whole year through by selecting one of these special offers. Either offer permits a choice of top-notch magazines together with --- _ THIS ‘ (By Oliver N. Warren) Subscriptions talgh at The Liberal CHOOSE EITHER OFFER NEWSPAPER for one year ens GENTLEMEN: | ENCLOSE $ . ‘ . . . . . . . . . . PLEASE SEND ME I] OFFER NO. | (ludicate WhiChH] OFFER NO. 2. I AM CHECKING THE MAGAZINES DESIRED WITH A YEAR'S SUBSCRIPTION TO YOUR PAPER. ' NAME ST. OR R.F.D. TOWN AND PROVINCE THURSDAY, APRIL 28th, 1938. E] MACLEAN’S MAGAZINE (24 issues) I Yr. [3 CHAIELAINE . . . . . IYr. DNATIONAL HOME MONTHLY I Yr. [1 CANADIAN MAGAZINE - - I Yr. E] PICTORIAL REVIEW combined with DELINEATOR - - - - I Yr. [:1 CAN. HORTI'RE 8: HOME MAG. I Yr. DROD 8: GUN - - - - - I Yr. [jSILVER SCREEN - - - . I Yr. GROUP (3) DTRUE STORY - - - - - I Yr. [:JOPEN ROAD FOR BOYS - - 2Yrs. DAMERICAN BOY - - - - I Yr. D PARENTS’ MAGAZINE - - - I Yr. DSBREENLAND - - - - - IYr. I’lNEWS-WEEK - (26 issues) fiMos. Baker’s Repair Shop BROTHERTON’S - BOOKING Steamshlp OFFICE Phone HYland 2081 Open Evenings Res. Phone 9788 Maple, Qnt Special Sailings to the Homeland by Canadian Pacific, Cunard and Anchor-Donaldson lines at Lowest Rates. Photos and Passports Secured All enquiries confidential We look after your wants right from your home. Phone Willowdale 63.] VIANUFACTURERS & IMPORTERS OF CANADIAN & FOREIGN Granite Monuments 1 MAGAZINE FROM GROUP A I MAGAZINE FROM GROUP B If you’re looking for qual- ity and workmanship at a reasonable price call and see our stock of hand made harness and collars. Collar fitting and repairing a specialty Shop Closed Mom, Wed. and Fri. at 6 p.m. Johnston & G-ranston 1849 Yonge St. (east side) Between Mertan & Balliol Sts. are the best Counter Check Books made in Canada. They cost no more than ordinary books and always give satisfaction. We are agents and will be pleased to quote you on any style or quantity required. See Your Home Printer F'n ISAAC BAKER THE LIBERAL OFFICE @6?‘ 56/7 Sales 3005(3 Telephone Maple 1063 GROUP (A) UN - :REEN - - GROUP (3) my - - - AD ron BOYS anov MAGAZINE- mn . . . Orders taken at YOUR NEWSPAPER AND 2 BIG MAGAZINES - er. - -2Yrs. - - -1Yr. E- - - IYL - -1Yr. (26 issues) BMos. R. R. No. 2

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