Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 28 Apr 1938, p. 4

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All feconditioned & guaranteed 1937 Plymouth DeLuxe, Touring Sedan, small mileage, heat- DAVID HILL &C% wunmm ’ 1937 Chrysler Royal, Touring sedan, small mileage . 1936 Plymouth 2-door Touring Sedan, excellent value. 1934 Master Chevrolet DeLuxe Sedan. looks and runs like new. Very special. 1934 _Master Chevrolet Coach, extra fine condition. 1930 Durant 4 Sedan. Yonge St. 1934 Plymouth DeLuxe Sedan WOW”. USED CARS Day 139 The weakness of democracy is that any man: with power enough to corâ€" rect itsl faults (has powefenough to end it. CHRYSLER & PLYMOUTH CARS RICHMOND HILL Barley O.A.C. No. 21 Victory and Banner Oats Stock Feeds’ and Poultry Mashes or your own Form- u'la made up. Salt Blocks at 20c. each while théy last PHONES: A Message to the Sick BIG 4 CHICKS SPECIALS THE MILL er. PAGE FOUR GORMLEY, ONT., R.R. No. 2 PHONE RICHMOND HILL 4704 FOR SPECIAL LOW PRICES 0N DAY- OLD CHICKS, STARTED CHICKS AND COCKERELS Kitchener Big-4 Hatchery WE CAN HELIT YOU MOST WHEN YOU COME TO US EARLY Drugless methods of treating diseases are safe. Drugless methods of t'reating disease are relatively in- KITCHENER Why take chances? We honestly believe that never before has a guarantee like ours been off- ered chick buyers. Our catalogue tells you why. BIG-4 CHICKS have extra vitality and ability to lay more and larger eggs because they are backed by a definite breeding program. Breeders Gov- ernment Inspected, Blood-tested. Temperance Street at Kennedy Street, Aurora. Phone 341 for Appointment Dealers in J. R. HARRISON, Chiropractor HELEN HARRISON, Masseuse WESLEY CLARK Richmond Hill Evenings 82W 1081 King St. East Write or ’Phone: LTD DIED MAOKIE, Arthur R.â€"â€"At the Hospi- tal for Incurables, Toronto, Monday, April 25th, Arthur R. Mackie, belov- ed son of Mrs. Sophronia and the late Robert Mackie, Richmond Hill, in his 38th year. The funeral service was held at his late home, Richmond Hill, Wed- nesday, the 27th instant, at 3 0’- clock (D.S.T.). Interment followed in Richmond Hill Cemetery. HART, Mary Thompsonbâ€"At her late residence, Richmond Hill, Sunday, April 24, 1938, Many Thompson, wid- ow of the late John Hart, in her 7lst year. The funeral service was held at the above address on Tuesday, 26th instant, at ‘3 o’clock (D.S.T.). Inter- ment. followed in Richmond Hill Ce- metery. The late Mr. ManSIbridge is rest- ing at Wright & Taylor’s Funeral Home, Richmond Hill, until Thurs- day afternoon. Funeral from his late residence on Friday at: 3 o’- clock (D.S.T.), followed by service in St. Mary’s: Anglican Church. Intel'- ment Richmond Hill Cemetery. LUNAU, Elizabeth A. Cranswick â€" At her late residence, Unionville, Friday, April 22, Elizabeth A. Cransâ€" wick, widow of the late John Lunau. MANSJBRIDGE, Frederick John â€" Suddenly, at Richmond Hill, on Wed- nesday, April 27, 1938, Frederick John Mansbridge, beloved husband of Agnes Witt, in his' 70th year. Funeral was held from the resi- dence of her son, Mr. P. R. Lunauv Morningside avenue north, West Hill, on Monday, 25th instant, at 2 0’- clock (D.S.T.). Service was; held in United Church, Unionville, at 3 o’- clock (D.S.T.). Interment‘followed in Bethe] Cemetery. The provisions of the by-law will be strictly enforced and those vio- lating the regulations will be prose- cuted. All dog owners are asked to take this warning, and keep dogs tied up during this period. Owners of dogs in Richmond‘ Hill are reminded that according to vil- lage by-law, all dogs are prohibited from running at large during the period of from May lst until Sep- tember 30th. B}; Order'of Municipal Council Notice Re ogs ONTARIO A euchre and dance under the'ausL pices- of Excelsior Lodge L.O.B.A., King, will; be held‘ Thursday, May 5th in the Masonic Hall, Maple, com- mencing at 8.30 p.m. Good- prizes. 1n. the servme. Girls’ Softball Pitcher Hemrded A most enjoyable evening was spent on Thursday of last week at the heme of Miss Beatrice Mathewâ€" son when l. large number of friends gathered to honoui' Miss Irene Jones a May bride. The room was prettin decmat'ed in pink and white stream- ers. The future bride and grOOm, Mr. Reynold Keffer, were recipients of many beautiful and useful gifts. After the parcels had been opened Miss Beatrice Mathewson presented the :01uple with a beautiful floor lamp on behalf of the Maple Girls’ Softball team. The address: as fol- lows was read by Miss Jean Park: Dear Irene: l You are cordially invited to attend the Sunday School service of the United. Church on Sunday, May 1st at 10.30 a..m. S.T. to hear Mr. Woo Da Ling of Trinity College, TorontO. Accompanying him will be sqme small Chinese Christian children in native costume who will take pait A noisy CPOWdJ and‘ then a sudden stillness as the pitcher steps into the box. Two sti‘ikesgâ€"three balls. The pitcher quells‘ the batter’s nerve with a darting glance like flame. “She’s getting mad,” whispers a .youngster of eight, “see the dirty‘ nrul‘oo‘; she gave.” A long arm omes out, the ball leaves those curledl long fingers, crosses» the plate and landS‘ “plop” in the catcher’s mit. “Strike thrIe-e, you’re out,” drones the um-' pire, and Irene has done it again. We all know this oft repeated tale when Irene has pulled the game out of the fire and we, the Girls of Maple Softball Club wish to show our ap- preciation of the part you have play- ed in making the team what it is, and' also the comradeship and *lfecâ€" tion we feel for you. We wish you to accept this lamp as a token, and‘ hope it may in'the‘ future bring to mind our sincere wish-es for good luck and happiness. ' Happy Landings Irene! Signed on behalf of the Maple Girls’ Softball Clutb. Irene and Reynold thanked their manly friends and the Girls for their lovely gifts. A delicious lunch was served at the close of the evening. The April meetingF of the Lutheran Church Ladies’ Aid was held at the home of Mrs. J. S. Montgomery on Wednesday, April 20th. The Presi- dent, Mrs. J. Montgomery, presided. The 111th Psalm was read 'n unison followed: by prayer by the pastor? The topic was taken by Mrs. Ells- worth Keffer “Dou'btin‘g- Thom-as”. A v8cal duet was sung by Misses Lille ian and Grace Montgomery. Supper was served by the committee. Talble collection amounted to $9.85. Kindly communicate inform- ation to local authorities. By Order, Richmond Hill Council. A substantial reward Will be given to the person or persons giving information leading to the apprehension and conviction of those responsible for damag- ing village property. dim Star Specials 1929 Pontiac Sedan . . . $125.00 1928 Pontiac Coach 1928 Pontiac Cab. 1927 Buick Sedan . . . . . $75.00 Rolling Motor Sales TWO NEW 30 x 5 GOOD- YEAR TRUCK TIRES, HEAVY DUTY. CHEAP. Langstaff Supply PHONE THORNHILL 73 REWARD YONGE STREET RICHMOND HILL, ONT. For Sale THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO MAPLE cents lially Everysbo dy welcom- . $125.00 $98.00 tendance So now boys and gn‘l’s'rbe in- your places every Sunday. Any [Sunday there is a comlbined service lsuch as Rally Day or Mother’s Day lattendrance‘ will be countedI just the I There was a good program at Y. [P.U. on Sunday evening. Charlie Robson presided. The lesson was read responsively, “Sun-shine” was ‘the title of a poem given by Hazel Car-son, the topic “The Master Mag- nanimous” was 'pI‘ESen’Eedl by Jean ‘Rdbsvon, another poem “Adam Never Ewa's a Boy”, a reading by Charlie yRobson, were all interesting. George lCarley contributed two guitar solos. ‘1“My grace is sufficient for thee” lWas the text chosen by Mr. A. For- les‘t of Maple who spoke about the ntrials that the early settlers: had to endure on those times: of persecu- tion. There was a g( Sunday School‘ 12 several scholars with measles were ent. Mary Paul : This prize giving has been for girls only in the past but for the next six months prizes will be given to boys as well as girls for best at- tendance so now boys andl girls'be Theme was a good‘ attendance at Sunday School last Sunday when several scholars who had been ill with measles were able to he presâ€" ent. Mary Paul and Olive Bentley received a prize each for best at- tendance during lthe past six months. same. ‘ There was a very good attendance at church service. Next Sunday the Sunday School and church service will be held‘ at the regular houns. Everybody wel- (301116 Next Monday evening an Evangeâ€" listic Service will be held in the church at 8 p.m. Arr invitation is extended to‘everyone to hear the Radio Pastor, Mr. Sproull, who will be the guest speaker. The choir will [be present, assisted by Miss Barker of Richmond Hill who will Special arrangements are being made for Mother's Day, Sunday, May 8th. Parents and friendis are urged to be present at this: service. sing Do not forget the service on Mon- dvay evening, May 2nd, at 8 o’clock The W.A. met at bhle church and were joined by the ladies of New- tonbrook and Hope. A feature of! the meeting was an address on “Easter Customs” .by Mrs. Halber’c of NerwtonfbrookL Two of the ladiesI from Newtonbrook sang a duet and Mrs. Jennings of Hope a solo. A Bible contest was1 sponsoved by Hope W.A. Many pleasing comments were heard on a quilt exhibited by Mrs. Halbert, “Gossiping over the Garden Fence” was the name of the pat- tern. 1 Miss Drama Friday WW om” LANGSTAFF SUPPLY MMNWWM The regular May meeting of the Vaughan Township Council will be held in the Township Hall, Vellore DATED ahMaple this 28th day of April, 1938. The first instalment of the 1938 Taxes will be due on the lST DAY OF MAY NEXT Pay' promptly and avoid pen- alty of 4 per centum which must be imposed after TAXES Richmond Hill, April 28, 1938 Vaughan Councfl MONDAY, MAY 2nd USED ROLLERS, HAR- ROWS, TRACTOR FLOWS, DEERING BINDER, HAR- ROW CART, ETC. AGENT FOR FLEURY - BISSEL FARM MACHINERY. PHONE THORNHILL 73 F OR SALE Sadie Windas attended the Festival at Newmarket last evening, the 23rd. RICHVALE 11.00 A.M. for the transaction of General Business TESTON A. J. H ME, V' lage Treasurer. MAY 20TH RED CLOVER SEED, cleaned; $13 per bushel. Apply George Phillips, IR.R. No. 3, King. HOIRlSE, general purpose. Jas. Walk! er, lot 16 con. 4 Markham, ph-one. Agin'court 211'4. WHITE PEKIN duck eggs for hatch- ing. Leo Burton, Carrville Road or phone Maple 764. 2 COWS, 1 Holstein and 1 Ayrshire, 2 calves. J. Newell, Mill Rd., Rich- mond Hill. SEED POTATOES, late variety. Ap- ply Harry Dooks, phone Maple 1666, Woodbridge R.R. No. 2. R. O. P. S‘IRED BA‘RIRED ROCK CHICKS. L. T. Red‘man, Concord, phone Maple 2968. GOOD GOOSE WHEAT for seed and a few bushels of peas. John Boy- ington, phone Agincourt 5r2. FOLDING GO-CART, maroon c01- our, complete with hood, in good condition. Mrs. Wynn, phone Maple 64r4. 160 ROD WIRE FENCE, almost new; also 100 posts @ 18c. each. Apply C. H. Perry, 157 Ellevby Ave., Willowdale. REGISTERED HOLSTEIN BULL ready for service. Harry Docks, R. R. No. 2, Woodbridge, or Phone GOOD USED RANGE from $5.00 up to $25.00. Don’t delay if you want one, 4 to choose from. J. A. Rose, Maple Hardware. Maple 1666 RASPBERRY CANES, large, $2.50 per 100‘; also few bags Irish Cobbler seed potatoes, 50¢. per bag. H. W. Kanis, 103 Richmondl Street, ’Richr mond Hill. NEW PERFECTION COAL OIL STOVE, cost $50, will sell cheap. Also large kitchen table, wring-er and tmb stand. 27 Yonge St., Richmond Hill. SHANKS STANDARD MOWER for Bowling Green, 16 inch cut, hand power, in good condition. Will sell cheap. J. Horner, Markham Road“, Richmond Hill. BABY CHICKS and Custom Hatch- ing. Apply for prices and further particulars. Miss K. Mecredy, Yonge Street Poultry Farm, Richmond Hill, phone 1021'13. RADIOS, 1 console media} 11 tube broadcast, super hetrodyne, $25.00; mantel model 6 tube al-l wave super hetrcdyne, $50.00. W. Wynn, phone Maple 641'4. SEED GRAIN O.A.C. No. 21 Bar- ley, Gov. grade No. 1; Victory Oats, Gov. grade No. 1; also Goose Wheat. Apply Bruce Brothers, Unxonville, phone Stouffville 3602‘ ABOUT 2 DOZ. YOUNG FER TREES, well rooted, 3 and! 4 years old, 50 cen|ts each. Apply Mrs. E. Farrants, 160 Spruce Ave., Richvale, Stop 22, Yonge Street. YOUNG PIGS. arm, Lot 14, Con 3 YOUNG PERIOHERON HORSES; also light horse, would make a good saddle horse. Apply Leechwood Farm, 2%; miles east of Thomhill, 1 mile south of No. 7 Highway. LATH‘AM RASPBERRY PLANTS in large or small quantities; Asparagus Roots and Strawberry Plants; also Garden Tractor. Agent for E. D. Smith, Winona. Apply M. J. John- son, Thornhill, phone 19J. COOK STOVE, Treasure, with warm- ing closet, $15.00 for quick sale; 2 goats with young; truck with stake body, A1 shape. Robert Quin, B‘rookside Road, opposite Orange Home, Nonth Yonge Street. TWEDD‘LE CHICKS LIVE! THEY LAY! THEY PAY! And here is the proof. Seven Farmers: purchased 3575 Tweddle Chicks this year. At \five weeks their 1055 was‘ 24 chicks. All these farmers have been Tweddle Customers for years. You, t00, can have the same results with Tweddle Chicks. Send for No. 2 Chicalogue and‘ reduced prices for May or conâ€" s-ul't our local representative Mr. A. C. Crush, La-n'gstaff, phone Thornâ€" hilL 16r3. Twedd‘le Chick Hatcher- ies Limited, Fergus, Ontario. Local iRepresentative, Mr. A. C. Crush, Langstaff, phone Thornhill 16r3. BARRED ROCK, White Leghorn, New Hampshire, Black Minorca, Jersey Giant production-bred chicks. Our prices are moderate and our chick quality high. Custom hatching specialists. Yonge Street Poultry farm, Richmond Hill, phone 102r13. THIS IS THE DAY RATESâ€"Five lines for each subsequen each insertion. IF Classified Advs. FOR SA LE AY 0F ADVERTISINGâ€"MAKE THE MOST OF IT nos or less, 25 cents for first insertion and! 15 cents lent insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extra 1F CHARGED 7 CENTS PER LINE. Apply Longworth 3, Markham. THURSDAY, APRIL 28th, 1938 50 BAGS N0. Apply Wm. N ALFALFA HAY, and straw. Apply E. T. Step-hens, Richmond Hill. 2‘70 RAILS. Must Ibe good and straight. Apply Nelson Bone, 15 Centre St. E. MAN experienced in handling team. Apply W. Morrison, Oxford Street, Elgin Mills, telephone Richmond Hill 13F. STORAGE SPACE in garage or oth- er building with use of phone facil- ities for telephone orders. Apply Box 92, The Liberal Office. PARTY wants to rent pasture with water, when owner would cantinrue to raide. ul-tate full particulars to S. B. Armstro; g, Alma, Ontario. BUILDINGS raised and~ moved. Langstaff Supply, Langstaff, phone Thornhill 73. WHITEWASHING and disinfecting, T.B. clean-ups. Our work will stand government inspection. Write Flayd’s Sprayers, Bolton, Ont. 30 LBS. Unwash‘ed- Wool will make you, and pay for the manufactur- ing of 1 pair Union Blankets 7 lbs., 72x90, borders or plain. Guaranteed not to shrink, made from your own: wool. Mill 5 miles north of Union- ville. Established 58 years. S. B. Lehman & Sons, R.R. N0. 1, Union- ville, Ont. (Almira). 140 ACRES on Yonge Street. No house, excellent barn. Apply Mrs. P. C. Hill, Richmond Hill, telephone 160. ’ I have latest equipment for de- homing cattle, 25c. for yearâ€"oldsr and 50c. over. Liquidw supplied. Apply to L. H. Clement, Riehmoml Hill. Phone 176. Written applications for the posi- tion of Secretary-Treasurer of the Richmond Hill Public School Board! 'and addressed to the Chairman of the Board will be received _until noon of Wednesday, May 4th, 1938. PAUL E. ANGLE, Chairman, Richmond Hill walic School Board. (Reconditioned and Guaranteed): Used Cars 1936 FORD V-8 DeLUXE SEDANâ€"- 1935 DODGE 2-TON TRUCK â€" In excellent condition. 1935 DeLUXE SEDAN â€" Trunk. 1934 FORD V-8 DeLUXE COUPEâ€"â€" Rumble Seat. Radio equipped. MISCELLA NEOUS Temperance 1933 FORD V-8 DeLUXE ROAD- STER. Rumble Seat. Heater. FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE SERVICE WOODBRIDGE. ONTARIO Little Brothers Ford Sales & Service RICHMOND HILL ONTARIO PHONE 174-W with Trunk. Good value. Heater. Very Nice. Successor to J. J. Deane Director of Wilfrid R. Scott WANTED WANTED NOTICE T0 - RENT $650.00 $425.00 $550.00 $595.00 $375.00 ch01 :Ville SEED POTATOES. farm south

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