Announcement is given of the first {baseball game of the season to be held on the Crosby Memorial Rink grounds on Friday, April 29th when the Unionville Maroons and the Un- ionville Maple Leafs will battle for honors. You cannot afford to miss it. So, be on hand, pick your favor- ite team and see to it that your support lasts. the entire season. The [boys deserve it. “The Church and the New Situa- tions†was the topic any presented by Rev. A. E. Owen at Central Unit- S. N. Hutchison, who have been as- sociated with the dull) for many years, always manifesting interest’ (and taking active part in all] the club’s activities. It was indeed fitt- ing that the present club should show this honor to these senior mem- bers. The Ladies’ Bowling Club Euchre was held at the home of Mrs. Findl- lay Pollard on Tuesday evening. Three tables of players enjoyed the game, and the prize winners were: 151: Mrs. W. McGimpsey, 2nd Roberta Allan, Consolation Mrs. G. Dukes. 0:0 An interesting feature at the an- nual meeting was the presentation of Life Membership Pins and Cards to A. Sum‘merfeidt, P. J. Dixon and’ The annual meeting of the local Lawn Bowling- Association held re- cently elected officers as follows: Hon. President, A. Summerfeldt; President, W. L. Hiltz; Secretary, Percy Payne; Treasurer, Philip Dix- on, Asst. Sec.-Treas,, Clifford: Sal‘- monI. Good reports of last year’s activities were presented and‘ already plans are made for a better schedule of entertainment for this year. Im- provement-s are being made on the club house and grounds that will make them most attractive and with a reputation of being one of the best greens inl York County to sustain. It looks like a good start in the right direction. Aï¬proximately one hundred peOple ‘were in attendance at the annual! Euchre held by the Markham Town- ship Conservative Association in the Township Hall on Monday evening. Honored guests included Hon. R. H. MacGregor, M.P., Jack Leslie, Presi- dent of the Federal Association, Harry Meighan, Piesident of the Provincial Association, Mrs. I. Ray- mer, President of Markham Village Association. The Township Presi- dent, Stewart McQuay, along with the secretary-treasurer, J. A. Gibson, had charge of the affair and a most .successful event is reported. Winâ€" ners at the euchre game included: Men, Jack Young, Jas. Ash; Ladies, Miss 'C. Hooper, Mrs. A. Empring- harm and Mrs. J. R. Hood tied for second honors, Mrs. Empringham Winning the draw. In the lucky draw the following were successful: Geo. Dukes, Alex. Hand, Mrs. McClure, Mr. Beattie. 61:10 Mrs. Lunau had many friends in! this vicinity and will ‘ e long remem- bered as a good neighbor. She was an active member of the local W0â€" men’s Institute and Central United Church. The many lo-vely floral off- erings paid the tribute of many friends who extend sympathy to the bereaved sons and their families. The funeral service was held from the residence of her son, Percy Lunau at West Hill on Monday afternoon. A‘ short service was held for the family at the house, followed by a public service in Central United Church. The pallbearers were T. Croft, D. Harrington, Rolbt. Myers, 7C. E. Stiver, G. C. Murphy and Wm. A. Noble. Rev. A. E. Owen of Cen- tral United Church officiated. came to live at H'agerman’s Corners. Since that time she has always lived in Markham Township. Her husband, JohfryLunau, died aIb0ut three years ago after a wedlock of over fifty ago after a wedlock of years. A daughter, Cora deceased her. Two sons‘ West Hill and VViIliam c along with several g'f'andcl Vive. The death of Mrs. John Lunau, which occurred at her home on Sta- tion St. last Friday, removes a highâ€" ly respected citizen who for more than half a century has resided in Umionville. Mrs. Lunau was in her seventyâ€"sixth year and was serious- ly 111 only a short period of time. She was the daughter of the late John and Mrs. Cranswick, formerly of England, and when quite young WEEKLY NEWS NOTES FROM THE UNIONVILLE DISTRICT THURSDAY, APRIL 28th, 1938 __0N_ WEDNESDAY, MAY 4th, 1938 “IN MAY WITH JUNE†Assisted byâ€"Albert Middleton, Baritone; Mrs. C0nolly, Pianist; Miss Lines and Miss Lois Hockins, Elocution- ists, all of Toronto. Mrs. E. Dixon and her orchestra of Unionville will furnish music. In HEADFORD UNITED CHURCH will present a one-act play entitled Adults 25c. xdults 25c. Children 15c. o=o=o=o=lo=01 1ter, Cora, also pre- Two sons, Percy of William of Toronto, al gi'and-childl‘en sur- gn who for more has resided in Lunau was in her At 7.30 p.m. Standard Time =o=o== HEADFORD Y. P. U. Unionvilfle Pastorâ€"Rev. A. E. Owen 1‘10 a.m.â€"â€"Church School. 11 a.m.â€"“Behind Closed Doors.†I7 p.m.â€"“More Creative Living.†THORNHILL Wednesday 7-9 pm. Toronto Office â€" 45 Richmond St. W. ' WA. 5923 It is rumoredr that Aurora is con- sidering the installation of am arti- ficial ice plant in the arena. ST. PHILIP’S ANGLICAN CHURCH 10 a.m.â€"<Sunday School. 7 p.m.â€"Evening Prayer. EBENEZER UNITED CHURCH 1.30 p.m.â€"4Church School, 2.30 p.m.â€"‘Sac1‘ament and Reception Service. BETHESDA LUTHERAN CHURCH 10 a.m.â€"Sunday School. 11 a.m.â€"Pufblic Worship. The annual meeting of the local Women’s Ins'tifute will be held at ‘the home of Mrs. C. H. Stiver on Thursday afternoon next commenc- ing at 2.3-0 o’clock. Reports ,of the year will be received and officers elected. A good speaker will be in attendance. All members are re- quested to be present. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Pingle of To- ronto Visited Mrs. R. A. Stiver last week. Congratulations to MT. N. H. Bar- ber, a driver of one of Silverwoodrs’ Dairy trucks, who was awarded a medal from the Ontario Safety League for 1937 without an accident. We are pleased to report Mrs. G. Miller home from hospital and mak- ing favorable convalescence. ‘The local Women’s: Institute, by invitation, visited the Richmond Hill branch on Thurs-day last. The ladies report a splendid program and la most enjoyable outing. Master Buddy Watson has return- ed home after sperding a week with his grandmother, Mrs. Watson, of New Toronto. Miss Margaret Flmnmerfel-dt of Toronto spent the week-end with Mrs. E. Bewell. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Milner and grandchildren Dcreen and Kenneth Stephenson visited relatives in Part Perry and Scugog last week. Miss M. Sommerville spent the week-end with Mrs. Janet Brodie at Stouffville. Nine applicants were received into membership of Central United Church ‘on Sunday morning- last. Mr. 21an Mrs. Henb Perkin have taken up residence in Windsor. Representatives of Central United W.A. attended an invitation meeting given by the Stouffville United' WA. on Tuesday last. A delightful meet- ing is reported. Mrs. A. Duffield of Battle Creek, along with Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Duf- field visited relatives in Hespeler last week. ed Church Y.P.S. meeting held on; Monday evening. Co-operative rather than competitive methods of dealing with present day problems were sugâ€" gested by the speaker. Ann outstanding entertainment will .be presented in Central United. Church on Saturday evening next when an orchestra, elocutionist and choral society from Toronto will pre- ! Mrs. H. K. Pino of Long Beach, Calif., along with her daughter Mrs. R. P. Witty of St. Paul, Minn., has been visiting Mr. andl Mrs. D. Har- rington. Mrs. H. K Pino is a daughâ€" ter of the late Charity Harrington De Mund and granddaughter of the late Robt. Harrington. Mrs. Pino‘ expressed. great pleasure in visiting Uni'onvillev again after many years absence. The Ladies’ Aid of Bethesda Luth- eran Church met on Wednesday af- ternoon in the church» parlors. Mrs. Caldwell and Mrs. HOOper were hostâ€" eSSes for the afternoon, A delight- ful tea was served the ladies at the close of the meeting. choral society from Toronto will pre- sent the program. This event will be sponsored by the 10ca1 choir who cordially invite you to be in attend~ ance CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH Morgan L. Piper Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. UNIONVILLE Wednesday 3-6 pm. 0=0=O=9 nan. and play Free People: Those who growl a- bout the cost of government and- lazily submit to the invisible boss»- government that costs them a lot more. ‘ DUNLOPâ€"At Private Patients’ Pa- vilion, Toronto General Hospital, on Thursday, April 21, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Dunlop (nee Beulah Wil- son), a daughter. PRICEâ€"At the Royal Victoria Hos- pital, Montreal, to Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Price (nee Laurene Walker) on April 24, a daughter. That still need care, For the ones that we loved Are sleeping there. Some may forget them Now they\ are gone, But we’ll never forget them No matter how Long. â€"Sadly missed by the famin WATSONâ€"In loving memory of [our dear parents Mr. and Mrs. Levi Wat- son who passed away April 28, 1927 and Jan. 16, 1936. Two graves side by side ‘The family of the late Mrs. Mary Had desire to express their heart- felt thanks to the many friends and relatives for their kindness and sym~ pathy, also floral tributes in their 'recent bereavement. Mrs. Robert Mackie and family die- slire to thank their many friends and‘ neighbors for their kindness and sympathy, also floral tributes in their recent bereavement in the loss of a son and> brother. The regular monthly meeting of the Women’s Veterans’ Auxiliary will be held at the home of Mrs. Percy Mulholland, North York Township, next Tuesday afternoon, May 3rd. Members are asked to meet at The Liberal Officeat 2 pm. The oneâ€"act play of the United Church Young People’s Society pre- sented Monday, April 25, was well: received by an appreciative audience and granted an “A†grading by the adjudicator, Mr. Maynard Robinson, of Toronto. The cast Were compli- mented on their improved perform- ance, responsibility for which rests with their director, Miss E. Izzard. This play, with others entered in the Festival of Plays, will again be pre- sented in the near future. Watch for later announcement. Dr. S. P. Whiteway, Principal of the Normal School, St. John’s, New- foundland, attend-ed the evening ser- vice in the United Church on Sunday evening last and afterwards spent the evening with his old! school chum, Rev. C. W. Follett. Friends will 'be pleased to hear ï¬lp’c Mrs. C. Nelson is improving nicely in York County Hospital, New- marke’c, following a severe attack of pneumonia. ‘Miss Evelyn G. Foll‘ett is attendu ing missionary rallies in Western Ontario this week. She was speak- ing in London on Wednesday even- ing and is in Aylmer this evening. She is accompanied by Miss Lola Jones. Mr. James Butler will officiate as master of ceremonies at. the banquet to be held by the Young Soldiers Association at the Royal York Hotel, Toronto, during the coming re-union. This Association is made up of ex- "‘"'"~e men who served their coun- try while under age. Miss Mary McConnell, artist, of Bermuda, is spending- some time with her cousin, Mrs. J. A. Fergusom Elizabeth Street. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Blair and baby Carol of Chatham formerly of Richmond Hill visited friends in the village last. Thursday. Rev. S. Scott Mil was a visitor at the Manse this week. The Evening Auxiliary of United{ Church are going “Around the World on a. Dinner Plate†Tuesday, May 3rd in S. S. room from 5 o’clock on. All welcome. Supper 25 cents. 3 t: r h The Woman’s Auin express thanks to all make the Daffodil Su] Mrs. Fred‘ Sprague, Miss Gertrude and Mr. Ed. Sprague have returned from Glencairn Ave. to their borne in Elgin Mill‘s for the summer. Saturday Blind. Master Billy Ne: fortune to fracture playing Monday ew Social and Personal WOMEN’S VETERANS’ AUXILIARY CARD OF THANKS CARD OF THANKS IN MEMORIAM BIRTH evening ,iary wishes to who helped‘ to pper a success. THE LIBEKAE, the mis- arm while Pa I an a1 grave Church the Maple Rev. E. W. G. Worrall, Rector Sunday, May 1-st 2.30 pm. S.T.â€"â€"Sunday School. 7 p.m. S.T.â€"Evening service. mon. 8.15 p.m.â€"â€"Confirmation Class Oak Ridges Rev. E. W. G. Worrall, Rector Sunday, May lst 10 a.m.â€"Sunday School. 10.30 a.m.â€"S-erv’ice. Bus leaves corner at 9.45 a.m. D.S.T. Rector: Rev. W. F. Wrixon, L.Th. Sunday, May lst 11 a.m.â€"Holy Communion and Ser- mon. Rev. C. W. Follett, B.D., Pastor Sunday, 'May 151: 11 a.m.â€"Sermon Subject â€" “The Shining Face.†‘ 2.45 p.m.â€"Su*nlday School. All de- partments. 7 p.m.â€"Sixty minute Twilight Ser- vice. Familiar hymrrs. Inspiring music and a brief address. The pastor in charge of both services. Mr. A. Melecci, organism and1 choir leader. A hearty welcome to you and your family and friends. RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. D. Cunningham, B.D., Minister Sunday, May 1st 11 a.m.â€"â€"Specia1 Dedication Service. Balmoral‘ Pipe Band, Veterans, Or- ange Lodge and others. 2.30 p.m.â€"â€"-Sunday School. 7 p.m.â€"“The Favour of Suffering. 01tth foundation can no man lay than that is laid which is Jesus Christ. n BALMO‘RAL BAND CHURCH PARADE The members of the Balmioral Pipe Band extend a hearty invitation to all Veterans and all other organiza- tions and citizens of Richmond: Hill and vicinity to join with them in their first annual church parade andl dedication service in the Preslbyterâ€" ian Church on Sunday, May lst at 11 am. Parade to fall in at Little’s_ Garage at 10.30 am. D.S.T. in the following order: Colors, Band, Vet- eran‘s, Brownies, Girl Guides, Cwbs, Boy Scouts, Council, Band, L.O.B.A., -L.O.L., other organizations. After service parade will fall in in front of church and turn south on Yonge St. to Markham Rd. to Church St, north to Centre Stâ€, to Yonge St. to High School. James Butler, Peter T. Walker, The following letter has been re- ceived acknowledging the Easter gift sent fco Christie Street hOSpital by the Richmond Hill W.C.T.U. Christie Street Hospital, Toronto, April 19th, 1938. Will you please convey to the W. C.T.U., friends and school children of Richmond Hill and Headford, the very sincere thanks of our patients for your most generous donation of 62 dozen eggs, fruit, cookies, 43 jars of preserves and‘ vegetables you all so kindly sent. for a treat for our men at this! time. CHRISTIE STREET VETS HAVE EASTER TREAT FROM LOCAL \V.C.T.U. Mrs. W. AZ. Wright, Corresponding Secretavy W.C.T.U., Dear Mrs. Wright:â€" Your wish, as far as possible, was carried out, regarding each patient having- two eggs‘for breakfast Easâ€" ter morning. I asked our Dietitian especially about this, and‘ I know it was carried out ronto, who will take up residence here shortly. The sale was negoti- ated by Barr & Co. real estate brok- ers of 22 College Street, Toronto. The sale price was ‘not disclosed; The contents of the other b0xes were placed on the trays of our bed patients, and I know great appre- ciation was vol-cod by all. Thank you so much. Yours sincerely, “C. H. Rossâ€, Matron, Christie St. Hospital. TROUT seas-on opens Saturday several local disciples of the rod line are planning expeditions f01 week-rend. The residence of the Misses Bain, 36 Arnold Street, Richmond Hill, was this week sold to Miss Ball of Toâ€" FORMER MAPLE MINISTER DIES IN TORONTO teen Rev. Alfred Redford a superannu ated Methodist preacher died in To ronto last week. During his min istry he was stationed at Maple Schomfberg, Stouffville and Aurora He was a native of England and wa: a lay preacher at the age of seven ARNOLD STREET HOME ST. STEPHEN’S CHURCH RICHMOND HILL, ONTAELt} .-â€"â€"Su,nday School. ..â€"Evening Prayer and Ser- p-reac ST. MARY‘S CHURCH ST. JOHN’S CHURCH RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Marshal (Anglican) RICHMOND HILL CHANGES HANDS Peter T. Walker, Secretary and and “Canada should be the last place in the world to foster fear. It is not indigenous of the soil and it should not grow or flourish here. The country is rich beyond the dreams of avarice, and its surface has hard- ly been scratch-ed yet and its poten- tialities are beyond the figuring of mathematicians)? â€" T. Taggart l Smythe. The final Euchre the season was held In cial Chub in Richvlale f nesday evening. Prize nesday evemng. Prize winners ladies, Mrs. W. Hall, Mrs. W. N The regular monthly meeting the Afternoon Auxiliary of the W men’s Missionary Society Will held in! the United Church on Thu) d'ay, May 5th at 3 p.m. All ladi are cordially invited. gems, MI WMâ€O“OOOW6“OQOQOWMW This is an inspired production, superbly directed and with a genuine anneal to the nobler emotions. Thrilling football sequences are effedtively contras¢ed! with the routine and discipline of Annapolis naval academy. It is a comedy as madly gay and hilariously funny as any yOu are likely to giggle at for lth‘e rest of the seasonâ€"It makes for a thor- oughly delightful riot of unexpected fu'm It is an appealing picture fo-r all, especially children â€" An excitâ€" ing story of horse racing, just the type of film that keeps all on the edge of their seatsâ€"Itigaclgs a ireal wallpp. A gay, sprightly comedy drama involving-l marriage andr a cal-egg, done in the present day slapstick vogue, ï¬lled with refreshing diaâ€" logue and boisterous humor yet carrying a message. The FAIRBANK FEED COMPANY Davies’ Dry Goods L. W. Wellman with his record pullet WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY. MAY 4 - 5 LIONEL BARRYMORE - ROBERT YOUNG - JAS. STEWART FLORENCE RICE in “ NAVY BLUE AND GOLD †RICHVALE SOCIA L CL UB UNITED CHURCH W.M.S1 ADDED ATTRACTIONS OUR GANG COMEDY â€" “FRAMING YOUTH†And POPEYE in “ALI BABA MEETS THE FORTY THIEVES†That is the excellent record of the Barred Rocks owned by Mr. L. W. Wellman, RR. 2, Gormley, who writes:â€" “During the past seven years my chicks have been started on STARTWELL CHICK MASH and when ready to go out on range I gradually change over to GROWELL GROWING MASH. At about five _ months the pullets are starting to lay so they are then given LAYWELL EGG MASH which has con- sistantly given me outstanding results.†Follow Mr. Wellman’s example by writing or phoning: 2385 DUFFE‘RIN ST., TORONTO KENWOOD 6805 DELIVERY EVERY MONDAY FRIDAY & SATURDAY, APRIL 29 - 30 MICKEY ROONEY - JUDY GA‘RLAND - SOPHIE TUCKER RONALD SINCLAIR in “ THOROUGHBRE‘DS DON’T CRY †Our Beauty Parlor until recently occu- pied by Mrs. Beynon will now be in charge of Miss Ardith Birch, experi- enced and qualified in all branches of Beauty Culture. We are installing new and modern equipment and all classes of Beauty Culture will be undertaken. Miss Birch will specialize in High Class Permanent Waving, Personality Fing- er Waving, Marcelling and all services undertaken at the best beauty salons. TELEPHONE 119, RICHMOND HILL Special Announcement TO-DAY, THURSDAY, APRIL 28 ROBERT MONTGOMERY - ROSALIND RUSSELL ROBERT BENCHLEY in “ LIVE, LOVE AND LEARN †Johnston MONDAY & TUESDAY, MAY 2 - 3 CARY GRANT - IRENE DUNNE in “ THE AWFUL TRUTH †[1‘ Dance FROM ONE BARRED ROCK PULLET 136 Eggs in 135 Days 4202 eggs in November from 190 Pullets, an average of 140 eggs per day. 13439 eggs from November to February (four month period): from 180 birds, an average of 112 eggs per day. When 3; Do it Do it n-ow!~ If you’re sure the job Buckle down to it alor Don’t hem and haw 31 'Do it now! ORDER HELEN SIMPSON FLOWERS For All Occasions Phone orders delivered any- where in North Yonge St. District 2518 YONGE STREET (At St. Clements) MOhawk 3000 'ou’ve got. a job no“ PAGE I" 5!. F. Lynett roanâ€"-