Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 28 Apr 1938, p. 6

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meouoomoowoww WWWWWWONMOM 0060000000009 CITIES SERVICE GARAGE “IF IT’S FOR A CAR OR TRUCK WE HAVE IT” Tires from $1.00 up Glass installed While you wait â€"1'easonable CARS AND TRUCKS WANTED Reasonable Prices Headquarters for Goodrich Tires & Tubes Automobile Accessories General Repairs Phone Willowdale 272W York Auto Wreckers PHONE 10 SEED GRAIN A GOOD SUPPLY OF No. 21 BARLEY AND VELVET BARLEY No. 1 VICTORY AND BANNER OATS The above is a good heavy grain Also RED CLOVER, ALFALFA TIMOTHY SEEDS “MAKE YOUR GRAIN ACREAGE PAY A BONUS BY USING CERESAN FOR WHEAT, OATS AND BARLEY Fertilin for your Garden and Flowers Also Fertilizers TO FARMERS â€"- a Telephone CALL PAGE SIX FOR ‘ ‘ FARM TELEPHONE SERVICE I. D. RAMER & SON Towing Anywhere _AT__ ANY TIME FRESH SUPPLY OF LIME AND CEMENT FULL LINE OF PURINA FEEDS [OW RATES Frequently the veterinary surgeon's imme- diate presence and advice will save cattle,h and protect a: farmer's capital against the inroads of disease. accident or other emer- gency. Quick help is the farmer's only defense against these things. The telephone brings help immediately. Without a tele- phone a farmer runs constant risk. A tele- phone is insurance at low cost. “Tony Saves You Money” RICHMOND HILL e 6189 Yonge St. le 272W Newtonbrook Branch, Oak Ridges Phone 12 for RICHMOND HILL m '2 iNEW S AND INFORMATION Lambing time is 'the shepherd’s harvest. It is also the time requir- ing the most exacting care. Every- thing must lbe in readiness for the coming of the new crOp. Three or four weeks before ‘amlbing tlhe preg- nant ewe should receive better feeds in order to insure a good flow 05- milk for the young lambs. Alfalfa, redl clover and other legumes make the ’best hays for breeding ewes; they are almost essential at lambing time. If they are not available, mix- ed‘ hay which contains a fair amount of legume should be fed. Succulent feeds such as turnips or corn silage make a welcome addition to the ra- ltion, but not more than one pound a day shouldI ’be given as larger a- mounts are known to produce (big, soft, flabby lambs which generally die soon after birth. At this time the feeding of grain is essential. The'amount neceSSaz-y will vary ac- cording to size and condition of ewe. Half to three-quarters of a .pound per day of a grain mixture made up of two parts oats and one part: bran is generally sufficient. If mixed' or non-legume hays are fed, the add- ition of half a part of 'i1 meal will prove beneficial. Dairy Production Production of creamery butter in Ontario during March was almost as high as a year ago. The number of pounds manufactured in that month is estimated at 4,718,600 as com- pared with 4,815,600 in March, 1937, a decrease of only 2 per cent. West- ern, Central and Northern Ontario showed a ain in output, but in East- ern Ontario there was a decline of 16.5% and in southern Ontario the reduction Was 11.3%. For the first three months of 1938 total creamery butter production in Ontario amount- ed to 12,267,400 pounds as compared with 13,047,200 pounds in the simi- lar period of 1937. The cumulative total for the three-month period showed a reduction of 779,800 pounds or 6 per cent. The make of ChedL dar cheese in March followed the trend of the two preceding months and was considerably smaller than in 1937. Output in March was 54.6% below a year ago, and for the first three months 49.9% less. It is ap- parent that farmers are diverting their milk from the manufacture of cheese to the production of butter in their effort to take advantage of the relatively high prices prevailing for the latter commodity. Current Crop Report Bruce County reports egg receipts heavy with quality so far particu- larly good. Interest is ‘being shown there in soiltesting. Increased prices for cattle in Grey country have made things brighter for farmers who are feeding cattle. M0st farm- ers. in. Lincoln have plenty of hay and coarse grains on hand to feed the stock until pastures are ready and' on the Whole dairy cattle are in good flesh. Wheat looks very pro- misting- in Wentworbh. Fields have made good growth and are very green. In Northumlberland County the demand for horses continues un- abated. Upwards of 500' western horses have been sold “by auction at Campbellford this winter at prices ranging from $125 to $175 for fair quality horses. York County reports the run of maple sap this year very much below normal, a number of farmers not tapping at all. In From- tenac the prices. of grade milch cows at local sales range from $50 to $70, and',the demand seems quite keen. In Grenville a surprising amount of seed has been cleaned out of last year’s light crops. The maple syrup season has been better than expected in Leeds County. to lamlb early should ’be separated from the main flock. This is easily done if the ram was marked at breeding time and records kept. The warmest and most comfortable pen, one receiving plenty of sunshine and! free from draught: should be select- ed. The floor should be dry, level, and well bedded with clean straw. This lambing pen should be so tequipped that individual nens can be Getting Ready for the Lamb Crop As lambing' time appnoaches, and' the ewes become heavy in lamb, they will: require more pen and feeding space. The ewes which‘ are expectedI \Canedian Hiatus Popular Canada displaced the United States in 1937 as the largest supplier of hams to the British market. The Dominion sold! 314,606 ths., and the United States, 311,746 cwts. to buy- ers in Great Britain. Imports of hams from Empire countries increas- ed by 10 per cent in 1937, and reâ€" presented 49 per cent of the total imports of hams as tompared with 45 per cent in/1936. Shipments from Canada were 13 per cent higher, while those from Ireland] declined 31 per cent. Canadian \hams are appre- ciated chiefly on account of their high quality. THE LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL, ONTAKIO FOR THE BUSY FARM'ER CALCIUM, the Jack of which causes defective bones and teeth. Hostâ€"“Those are my grandmoth- er’s ashes over there.” Guestâ€"“Oh, so the poor old soul has passed on.” There is a constant storage and use of calcium in the bones, and a person may appear in the best of health, yet his bones may not con- tain as much calcium as they should. In time, this deficiency will inter- fere with the health. For example, a pregnant woman is likely to suf- fer from tooth decay because there is a tremendous drain on her cal- cium resources. If she does not have an adequate amount in her diet, nature takes it out of her bones and teeth. IRON, the lack of which causes anaemia. f Questions concerning Health, adâ€" dressed to the Canadian Medical As- sociation, 184 College Street, Toron- to, will be answered personally by letter. Number Five MINERALS No less than twelve minerals are required for an adequate diet, but from a practical standpoint we need only be concerned with a supply of three of them, ‘because if our diet is at all a reasonable one, it will con- tain adequate amounts of the other nine. The three minerals that we must watch. are: Our greatest sources of calcium are milk and milk products. To get an adequate supply, adults s'houldl qonsume each day, close to a pint of milk, while the growing child who is forming new bones should take a pint and a half of milk. Cheese is an excellent source of calcium, too. Milk and cheese, eggs, liver and kidney, leafy vegetables such as cell- ery, lettuce and cabbage, also fruits and- irodtized salt. Remember â€"â€"â€" milk and cheese for calcium; eggs, liver, kidney, vege- tables and fruits for iron; amfl [io- dized salt for iodine. Hostâ€"â€"“No. She is just too lazy to look for an ash tray." IOD‘INE, the lack of which causes gofitre. Iron is obtained largely from vege- tables and fruits. Other sources are eggs, liver and kidney. Iodine is obtained larger in sea food's. People who live remote from the sea have to depend largely upon imiized salt as their source of this mineral food. The following foods give \yOu min- erals: How strange that thieVes risk pri- son when there are innumerable legal ways to rob the dumb. Immediately after the said last mentioned date, the assets of the said estate will be distributed a- mongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the undersigned- shall then have notice, to the excluSion of all others, and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim the undersigned shall not then have notice for the assets so distri- buted or any part thereof. WHAT TO EAT TO BE HEALTHY !‘ easily made. For this purpose light, tWOSld'Ed, folding hurdles four feet to the side and three feet high are very useful. By starting in the warm- eth corner and placing the hurdle at right angles, a complete pen is con- structed. with each hurdfle. In this way the ewe is kept quiet and is less likely to disown‘ her lambs. There is no danger of one lamlb goâ€" ing astray and getting trampledv on by other sheep, and special atten- tion can be given to the ’ewe with,- out disturbing the whole flock. Datedi at Woodbridg‘e this 8th day of April, 1938. Neil MacDonald Burton and‘ Gideon Burton, Executors. By their solicitors, W. J. Lavison, 808 Lumsden Bldg., Toronto. IN THE ESTATE OF MARY JANE BURTON. All persons having; claims against the Estate of Mary Jane Burton late of the Village of Woodbridge, in the County of YOrk, deceased, who died on or about the 6th of March, 1938 are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned on or before the 12th day of May, 1938 full particulars of their claims. A HEALTH SERVICE OF THE CANADIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION AND Ll IN‘URANCE COMPANI ., IN flANADA Notice to Creditors 6 m--n-- -(-v.0-< --~-A The characteristic feature of our age is that the ordinary source of inspiration for the multitude is de- rived from the newspaper, editors have therefore a mighty power for good at their command and since you ask for my advice, I would re- commend tihat they should impress upon their readers that the disireâ€" Auction Sale of Furniture and Household Goods In your letter you inform me that the Canadian Weekly Newspaper As- sociation is striving to promote san- er thinking and more wholesome living in Canada and you ask for my advice on ’ohis subject. I cannot 'but congratulate the As- sociation on their laudable endeavor and feel confident it will commend its-elf to all who have at heart the welfare of our country. .u-o-u- -.)-.'- .-..m4 -4v-u-n> - Dear Sir, ture Easel» Quantity of Carpet Quantity of Congoleum 1 Oil‘cloth Rug. 7% by 9% Several Small Rugs 2 Pair of Chintz Drapes case good as new _ New Williams Sewing Machine, drop-head Oak Extension Table with 5 leaves, good Kitchen Cuplboard with glass doors Grocery Cupboard Stand 1 Fall Leaf Table Washs’cand Findlay Cook Stove, nearly new Nickel Tea Kettle Quelbec Heater, new Coal Oil Heater Heater Guard A Number of Stove Pipes ~ A Number of Pictures and 1 Pic- iâ€"‘bâ€"J HHHHHTâ€"‘HHH Iron Bed, Spring and Mattress Oak Dresser and Stand to match Ivory Bedroom Suite, 3-piece Single Bed and Mattress Stretcher Wooden Bedstead, Oak Feather Ticks and 2 Cloth Com- forters .. Quantity of Pillows 10- Kitchen Chairs Several odd Chairs 5 Rocking Chairs ‘ 3 Parlor Chairs 1 Settee 1 Whatnot 1 Kitchen Couch 2 Small Clover Leaf Tables 1 Parlor wale 1 Dominion Organ, 6 octave, piano erâ€"nâ€"nâ€"uâ€"nâ€"n German Mills 212 miles East Thornhill Read It Or'Not April Fool’s Day is called Trick Day in Portugal. Cuckoo Day in Scotland. Fop Day in Holland. Fish Day in France. Doll Day in Japan. Joke Day in Russia. Boob Day in Spain. V thrive on “CROWN BRAND” CORN SYRUP. They never tire of its delici- ous flavor and it really is so good for themâ€"so give the children “CROWN BRAND” every day. Leading physicians pro« nounce “CROWN BRAND” CORN SYRUP a most satis- factory carbohydrate to use as a milk modifier in the feeding of tiny infants and as an energy producing food for growing children. Terms Cash. Sale 1 p.m. S.T. A. S. Farmer, Auctioneer CHILDREN of all ages flaring An “(‘12an LETTER No. 2 Saturday, April 30th Lot 4. Con. 2 East, Markham IRENE WRIGHT Quebec City, Que THE PROPERTY OF THURSDAY, APRIL 28th, 1938 94 b y Truck 3 cmmoo OWWQ’MO gard for the Christian precepts has had a disastrous effect on Society and is in a large measure, the cause of the present universal social and economic disorder. I would suggest that they shouldl lay stress on the importance of fostering the Chris- tian spirit in the family circle. The family is rightly regarded as the cradle of society. The train- ing of the children is a duty which nature as well as religion imposes upon the parents. If in their early years children find within the walls of their homes, the rule of an up- right life and the discipline of the Christian» Virtues, the future welfare of our country is assured.‘ *1 Believe me, ' Yours sincerely, , 2.000690000000000096909”. “WWW : SAND _ GRAVEL g 2 WM. MCDONALD and a Quantity'of Wire Quantity of Dahlia & Gladioli Bulbs Other Articles too numerous to men- tion: Bottles 1 Melotte Separator Lawm Mower ‘ Chicken Coons. Crates & Feed Boxes 1 S-Eallon Oil Can Number of Garden Tools 1 Large Barrel and 1 Cid-er Barre! Saws and a Quantity of other Tools 7 Cotton Grain Bags 9 Iron Fence Posts, 3 Cedar Posts glass Bedroom Lamps 1 Lantern 1 Fuller Wall Brush 1 Set of Flat Irons 1 Foodl Chopper Number of Cooking Utensils 1 Set Household Scales 1 Flour Barrel, Bakeroard and Roll- ing Pin 1 Washing Machine and Wash Board 1 Wash Boiler, galvanized 1 Large Stone Butter Crock Quantity of Fruit Jars Quantity .Pickle Jars and Catsup Quantity of Dishes 1 Dinner Set blue willow ware 1 Victor Victrola 1 Aladdiin‘Tgvble Lamp and some Several Pair of Curtains Curtain Rods and Blinds 3 Toilet Sets 1 Mantel Clock 1 Bedroom Clock 1 F}_(_>)Ner stgnd and a Quantity pf SHM'PARD & GILL . : NIX/(IR CO. Telephone 62 Thornhill From Maple Gravel Pit RICHMOND HILL Dealers in ' Lum her, Lath, Shingles Ashphalt Roofing. Gyproc Telephone 27 TINSMITH ING FURNACES - PLUMBING HEATING Septic Tanks Installed Pumps Barn & Stable Equipment 74 Yonge Street Phone 92F Flower Pots GE NERA L CARTAGE J. M. R. Villeneuve, O.M.I., Cardinal Archbishop of Quebec. R. H. KANE

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