THURSDAY, APRIL 28th, 1938. W‘,‘ . W†g THE LIBERAL SHORT STORY g 0 VIRGIN TIMBER . : By Marie DeNervaud g 0 1 Ann Penning stopped by the box to glance at the Deer Creek Week- ly Chronicle before carrying the mail back to the house. “No!†she murmured, her hazel eyes glued increduloust on a small notice at the foot of a front. page column. “No! He couldn‘t do that. He promised!†She read the notice once more, color rushing into her cheeks to the roots. of her soft brown hair, where occasional gray streaks ginning to show. “Ted Penning has sold the stand of yellow pine on Camis Ridge to the U. and L. Lumber Company. Logging operations. will start there shortly.†Clutching the paper to her, Ann started to run for the corral, then. stopped short, her hand against her. heart to still the wild heating that 'was not all from the exertion of running. No use rushing for Ted to deny it! It was true! Everything in the last two weeks pointed to it. Ted’s complaints about the deer that came , down from the ridge and got in the. vegetable garden; his evasion about. his reasons for going to town; his bringing her back a box of candy, a thing he hadn’t done in years; oh, yes, it was true. He’d sold? the tim- lber and he was trying to make itl iwas the use? up to her, though he hadn’t, yet had the courage to tell her about it. With a heavy heart, Ann went back to her breakfast dishes, but her min-d was far away. In imag- ination, she was following the game trails through the virgin timber of 2 i \. won’t. Boards the size we can get from those trees bring a fancy prize. Even now we‘ve bought it, they’d rather let it stand, but, believe me, I’m showing them who’s boss of this company.†He brought down his fist on the ‘desk with a bang, crushing an im- aginary rebellious director under it. “I'm showing them," he standing up. “Sorry Ann, but busi- ness is business. I may be drOpping ‘be running a survey up Ithere shortly." It was around sunset. a week Iat- ei), before Ann could get off for her daily trip to the ridge. a feverish feeling that she must spend every possible minute there, piling up treasured memories against Ithe time when her beloved refuge and tangled brush. Holding the reins loosely she let the horse wander at will. It. had been an exhausting day. The tomato canning had taken longer than she had expected so that she had had to get supper before she could leave. l Her eyes darkened as she remem- bered the stubborn set look of Ted’s :mouth, as she had rushed through Ithe dishes and started off. She hadn’t reproached him. What ,close for him not to know how she felt. For a long time, the ghosts of these trees would come between . them. l A faint. cry from the cliff brought her to startled attention. That did i the ridge, seeing it in the spring,lnot sound exactly like a night hawk with the shadows of the giant. yel- â€"â€"a repetition of it sent her gallop- 'low pines falling across the carpet of blue camis. that had given it its name; seeing the vistas ,ling in the direction of a roan mare :whidh was whinnying uneasily, her of green 1 reins about a log near the brink of grass that hot August afternoon 15 :the Cliff. years ago, when Ted had asked herl lbesid-e the break, she looked over to marry him. All through the hard years: that had followed, in every kind of weath- l ation. er and season, that ridge had been her refuge and consolation. She had fought there for courage to go on living after the baby died.“ 'F’roml it had come strength and, peace and understanding. And may it was to be cut down; the last bit,‘ of virgin timber in the county. It was wicked not to preserve it, not only for her, but for the generations to come; Wicked to sacrifice it to Ted’s desire to buy in the Owen ranch that had lately come into the} market. I A clatter of hoofs brought her eyes from the sink to the kitchen window. It. was all she could do to answer Ted’s wave as he galloped. past. How blind and stupid she hadif been! When Ted' had talked about,. the Owen place the idea of buying‘ it had been so preposterOus that she r hadn’t even tried to show him what, an added burden instead of a helpi it would be. And now it was too late. A sudden flare of courage straight- ened Ann’s drooping shoulders. No she wouldn’t take it lying down! She’d go to Grant Preston, the presi- dent of the lumber company, and plead for her trees. She’d hardly seen Grant since she hall mlarriedv, but he used to like her. A fluslh crept into her face. If she’d married Grant instead of Tedâ€"loyalty violently dismissed the thought. With all Ted’s impractical irresponsibility she loved him as she never could have loved Grant, hard and successful as she heard: he had“ become. It was after lunch when Arm park- ed' the flivver before Deer Creek’s most impressive office building. She got out and slowly climbed the stairs to the office of the U. & L., her courage sinking to the zero point. But she couldn’t give up n0w; she had to see it through. Surprise and reserve were in Grant Preston’s eyes as he rose to greet her. Though not heavily built there was a sense of lithe ruthless power about him. ‘ “Ann! This is a surprise," his tone gave no indication that it was a pleasant one. “What can I do for you?†“Hard, hard, hard,†Ann thought desperately, taking the seat he off- ered her. She resolutely put forth her case, in spite of the realization of‘how. dhildish and sentimental it appeared to those cold, blue-gray eyes. “It ,is the only place of virgin timber left,†she ended. “All the other ridges have been lumlbered or burnt over.†“'Ilhat’s the reason I want it,†Preston said crisply. “I’m sorry I can’t do as you ask, Ann, but there, is a point of pride involved as well. I have 'had to struggle with my di- rectors over that ridge. They want to stick to second growth, claiming it will cost more to lumber Camis Ridge than it is worth. I know it p: to the sunset glow. Lying flat on a ledge of solid roek with a shuddering gasp of constern- Thirty feet or so below a man was clinging to a short dead stump with one hand. while his feet rested on a narrow projecting bit of shale. He looked up in an‘*"'or ‘0 Ann" cry. It was Grant Preston. Caliling “I’ll get my rope,†Ann scrambled to her feet and ran back to her mount. It was the work of a moment to knot the rope about a sturdy tree and drop the loop over the edge. “I can’t use it,†Preston’s voice came in painful gasps. “My arm’s broken. Get some up here as fast as you can. With growing horror Ann realized the impossibility of that» stump hold»â€" ing until she could [bring help. In the same moment an outrageous inâ€" voluntary thought flashed into her mind. If Preston was killed would be saved! It was Fate. She had onlv to rush away far help. and when they came back ’he would be gone. Impossible for her to haul him up; impossibleâ€" A broken gasp escaped Ann at this appalling glimpse of her sub- conscious self. “There won’t be time, Grant,†she heard, herself call. Frantically she pulled up the loop of dope and slipped it under her OWn arms. “I’m coming down. I can brace youâ€"†Then there, was no more time for words. Time only to shut her eyes against that. dizzy churning of the river far below as she let herself down to the clirging figure. A hundred times it seemed im- possible, but foot by foot they made it, Ann bracing Preston with her own body, holding fast to the rope land pulling up hand over hand, while they climbed together up the pre- cipitous slide of shale. Black safely once more on the ledge, a surging blackness engulfed‘ Ann. She came out of it to find Pres- ton pouring water from her canteen over her forehead. His face was: twisted with pain, and his eyes had ‘a strange, inscrutable intensity. “I won’t forget that in a hurry, Ann,†his voice was shaken. “I may be hard, but I pay my debts. I’m‘ going to buy this ridge from the company and make it over to you.†“Not only to me,†Ann whispered. The branches of the great pine, swaying high over her, blurred in- “To everybody.†“There will be hope for the world when mankind outgrows its adoles- cent shortsightedness and becomes mature, when it ceases to speak in terms of exolusiveness-, separaï¬i‘on and. tries to achieve unity.†â€" Mrs. Howard Colby Ives. “War is not likely, and a business decline may be expected when arma- ment manufacturing eases." â€" Rt. Hon. R. B. Bennett. repeated, ‘ were be- I in one of these days,†he added. “I‘ll . through . She had i lWOUld become a desolation of stumps But they were too‘ the trees 1 ‘ I v CLASS 3 â€"â€" WAGGON CLASS THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO ‘ mm W'â€" PAGE SEVEN billtural society Prize List Tuesday, May 24th, 1938 OFFICERS FOR 1938 HONORARY OFFICERS ‘PRESIDENTSâ€"A. J. H. Eckardt, E. T. Stephens, Gordon Taylor. DIRECTORSâ€"Lt.â€"Col. W. P. Mulock, K.C., M.P., Morgan ‘Baker, M.P.P., Geo. S. Henry, M.P.P., Jno. D. Patterson, Warden R. H. Corner, W. A. Wright, Paul Horst, J. A. Caesar. ‘ OFFICERS ] IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT â€" â€" R. W. Scott l PRESIDENT â€" â€" â€" fl â€" â€" â€" â€" Harry Charles i IST VICEâ€"PlRESlDENT r â€" â€" ~ â€" â€" Alex. Little 1 2ND VICE-PRESIDENT â€" â€" â€"â€" Major G. H. Basher SECRETARY-TREASURER â€" â€"â€" â€" â€" J. E. Smith DIRECTORS T. ll. Trench, J. E. Smith, L. H. Clement, F. S. Tyndall, E. Morris, 1 Morgan Boyle. R. L. Sliver, W. Middleton, J. S. McNair, i F. Graham, J. A. Greene, W. Neal, J. W. Palmer, Jas. Ellis, C. McTaggart. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE J. E. Smith, J. S. McNair, T. H. Trench, W. Middleton, F. S. Tyndall, L. H. Clement, R. L. Stivei‘. AUDITORS J. Roy Herrington and A. E. Glass. COMMITTEES FOR 1938 HEAVY HORSE CLASSESâ€"R. L. Stiver (Chairman), Frank Gra- ham, C. McTaggart, J. Ellis. LIGHT HORSE CLASSES Alex. Little (Chairman), W. Middleton,‘ F. S. Tyndall, J. W. Palmer. SADDLE CLASSESâ€"Major G. H. Basher (Chairman), Mr. H. R. Bain, M.F.H., Mr. O. D. Robinson, Mr. Justin Cork, Mr. Burford’ R. Leech, Mr. George Lunan. STABLES & FITTINGSâ€"J. A. Greene (Chairman), L. H. Clement, Frank Graham, J. W. Palmer. GROUNDSâ€"Alex. Little (Chairman), T. H. Trench, F. S. Tyndall, Frank Graham, J. A. Greene, W. Neal, H. J. Mills, J. Ellis. OFFICEâ€"J. E. Francis, T. H. Trench, M. Boyle, Wes. Middleton. CHILDREN‘S DEPARTMENTâ€"J. S. McNair (Chairman), W. A. Wright, Walter Scott, Y. B. Tracy. SPORTSâ€"L. H. Clement (Chairman), W. Middleton, J. S. McNair, W. Neal, J. E. Smith, J. A. Greene, J. Ellis, A. A. Eden, W. W. Trench, C. McTaggart. ‘MUlSIC & ATTRACTIONSâ€"J. E. Smith (Chairman), J. S. McNair, J. A. Greene, E. Morris, Harold Mills. ' IC‘ONCESSIONSâ€"J. S. McNair (Chairman), J. E. Smith, J. A. Greene, J. Ellis, W. Middleton. 'DO’G snowâ€"E. Morris, R. W. Scott, J. E. Smith, J. A. Greene. SH'OWIMANSHIP COMPETITIONâ€"C. McTaggart (Chairman), F. S. Tyndall, A. Little, J. W. Palmer. OFFICIAL PROGIRIAMIMEâ€"J. E. Smith, Major G. H. Basher, H. Charles, C. McTaggart. ‘ ' HON. VETERINARY SURGEONâ€"Dr. J. C. Brown, Willowdale. CLASS 1 â€" CLYDESDALE First. Second Third I. Stallion, aged . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $12.00 $8.00 Ribbon 2. Stallion, 2 years old and under . . . . . . . . . 5.00 3.00 †3. Filly or Gelding, foaled in 1935 . . . . . . . . . 5.00 3.00 †4. Filly or Gelding, foaled in 1936 . . . . . . . . . 5.00 3.00 †5 Filly or Colt, foaled in 1987 . . . . . . . . . . . 5.00 3.00 " 6. Colt or Filly, foaled in 1938 . . . . . . . . . . . 3.00 2.00 †7. Best team of Geldings or Mares shown in suitable harness to heavy wagon 20.00 15.00 5.00 8. Brood Mare, in foal or foal by side 6.00 4.00 Ribbon Best Animal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ribbon CLASS 2 â€" PERCHERON 0R BELGIAN First Second Third I. Stallion, aged . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $12.00 $8.00 Ribbon 2. Stallion, 2 years old and under . . . . . . . . 5.00 3.00 †3. Filly or Gelding, foaled in 1935 . . . . . . . . 5.00 3.00 †4. Filly or Gelding, foaled in 1936 . . . . . . . . 5.00 3.00 †5. Filly or Colt, foaled in 1937 . . . . . . . . . . , 5.00 3.00 †6. Filly or Colt, foaled in 1938 . . . . . . . . . . . 3.00 2.00 †7. Best team of Geldings or Mares, shown in suitable harness, 1600 or over 20.00 15.00 5.00 8. Brood Mare, in foal or foal by side . . . . . 6.00 ' 4.00 Ribbon Best Animal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ribbon JAMES McLEAN MEMORIAL TROPHY The JAMES McLEAN MEMORIAL TlRIOPHY will be awarded for the best team in classes 1 and 2. This trophy will be for annual’ competition at the Society’s Sh0w until won three successive years‘ or any five times by the same competitor. The winner each year to have pdssession of the Trophy for eleven months only. First Second Third 1. Brood Mare, with foal by side . . . . . . . . . $6.00 $4.00 Ribbon 2. Foal, 1937 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.00 2.00 " 3. One-year-old, gelding or filly . . . . . . . . . 5.00 3.00 " 4. Two-yearâ€"old, gelding or filly . . . . . . . . . 5.00 3.00 " 5. Three-year-old, gelding or filly . . . . . . 5.00 3.00 †6. Yeld mare or gelding, 4 years or over .. 6.00 3.00 †7. Team in harness to waggon . . . . . . . . . . . g. 20.00 12.00 †8. Single, to waggon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.00 7.00 †9. Best Animal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ribbon _ CLASS 3A â€"â€" AGRICULTURAL 1. Team in harness, to waggon, exhibited and owned by bona fide farmer â€" 1st prize, donated by Don Alda Farms, $25.00; 2nd $15.00; 3rd $5.00. SHOWMANSHIP COMPETITION First Second Third 1. Showmanship Competition for Boys and Girls showing ponies on the line. Compe- titors to be under 16 years of age . . $3.00 $2.00 $1.00 2. Showmanship Competition for Boys and Girls showing draft horses on the line. Competitors to be under 16 years of age . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.00 2.00 1.00 CLASS 4 â€" THOROUGHBRED First Second Third 1. Stallion, aged . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10.00 $5.00 Ribbon 2. Brood Mare, in foal or foal by side . . . . . 6.00 4.00 " 3. Filly or Colt, 2 years old or under . . . . . 5.00 3.00 †4. Best Mare suitable for breeding hunters and saddle horses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.00 7.00 " CLASS 5 -â€" HARNESS (Horses shown in Section I, may be shown in Section 2, on payment of $1.00 for each entry). First Second Third 1. Span of Roadster Horses in Harness, Geld- ings and Mares . . . . . . . . . . . . . $15.00 $10.00 Ribbon 2. Single Roadster Horse in Harness, Geld- ing or Mare . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 10.00 †HARRY R. ROSE 3. Specialâ€"Best turnout. consisting of Single horse in harness to buggy the full out- fit to he the bona-fiile property of exâ€" hibitor each item in the outfit to be considered, 3 to compete or no award 5.00 3.00 †CLASS (5 â€" I‘ONIES In Sections 1, 2, 3 and 4 of this class paces and way of going will count 50 per cent. turnout 25 per cent., conformation 25 per cent. First Second Third 1. Single Driving Pony in Harness, 12 hands and under . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5.00 $3.00 Ribbon 2. Team of Ponies in harness 12 hands and . ‘ under . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.00 4.00 †3. Single Driving Pony in Harness, over 12 hands . 6.00 4.00 †4. Team of Ponies in Harness, over 12 hands, _ not to exceed1 14 hands, 2 inches .. 8.00 5. Team of Ponies in Harness, Tandem 8.00 4.00 6. Best Pony on grounds, Sweepstake Ribbon. Conformation to count 60 per cent, manners and action 40 per cent. Pony Exhibitors showing same animal in more than one class will be charged a fee of 50c. for each extra exhibit. SW'EEPSTAKES 1. Sweepstake Ribbon and Reserveâ€"Best Stallion class 4 . . . . . . . . 2. Sweepstake Ribbon and Reserveâ€"Best Mare or Geld- ing in classes 4, 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘i All horses exhibiting for sweepstakes must be shown on the line. or bridle and strap. 4.00 †1’ l SADDLE HORSES Class No. 7 ROAD HACK, open. Must show a good square walk with loose rein, fast trot, slow canter, hand gallop and clear one jump 3’6†high. Paces to count 50 per cent, manners 25 per cent, con- formation 25 per cent. Ist prize Silver Trophy, donated by George McCullagh, Esq., 2nd prize Ribbon, 3rd prize Ribbon, 4th prize Ribbon. Class No. 8 POLO PONY, performance and manners to count 75 per- cent, conformation to count 25 per cent. Ist prize Silver Trophy, dOnated by Col. R. Y. Eaton, 2nd prize Ribbon, 3rd prize Ribbon, 4th prize Ribbon. The Colonel R. Y. Eaton Challenge Trophy will be for annual competition at the Society’s shows until won by the same campetitor three times in any five years. PERFORMANCE CLASSES ClaSS No. 9 PERFORMANCE CLASSES, open to all. lst prize Silver Trophy, donated by Mr. C. L. Burton, Toronto; 2nd: prize Ribbon; 3rd prize Ribbon; 4th prize Ribbon. The C. L. Burton Challenge Trophy will be for annual c0mpe- tition at the Society’s Show until won three successive years or any five times by the same competitor. The winner each year to have possession of the Trophy for eleven months only. Class No. 10 KNOCK DOWN AND OUT, open to all. Performance only to count. Ist prize Silver Trophy, donated by Mrs. ‘0'. D. Robinson, Toronto; 2nd prize Ribbon; 3rd prize Ribbon; 4th prize Ribbon. Class No. 11 PAIR OF JUMPERS. To be shown abreast over a suitable course. Performance, manners and way of going to count. Horses need not be the property of one owner. 1st prize Silver Trophies, donated by Birks-Ellis-Ryrie, Ltd., Toronto, 2nd prize Ribbon, 3rd ' prize Ribbon, 4th prize Ribbon. Class No. 12 SPECIAL JUMPING SWEEPSTAKES, open to all. Performance only to count. The John H. Dunlop Memorial Trophy (to be won three times by the same owner), course to be selected by the com- mittee. Subscription $5.00 each entry. To be divided 40 per cent to winner, second 30 per cent, third 20 per cent, fourth 10 per cent. Class No. 13 “ WORKING HUNTER. Any weight, to be owned and ridden in pink or military uniform by an amateur member of either Eglinton Hunt or Toronto Hunt, North York. Must have been hunted at least 5 times with,either of above packs during autumn of 1936 or 1937 Performance to caunt 75 per cent, manners and way of going 25 per cent. Course to be selected by the Committee. Ist prize Silver Tro- phy donated by Mrs. B. R. Leech, Leechwood, 2nd prize Ribbon, 3rd prize Ribbon, 4th prize Ribbon. Class No. 14 - NOVICE CLASS. For Farmers and Novice riders. Perform- ance only to count. Horses shown in any class from 8 - 13 inclusive not eligible to compete. Course as selected by Committee but no jump will be higher than 3’ 6â€. The object of this class is to en- _ courage new riders and the development of suitable hunters. The word farmer in so far as this class is concerned shall mean: a person deriving his or her entire livelihood solely from ’a farm and’ shall include owner, tenant or employee. The word novice shall mean: a person who has not previously ridden in competition. First prize $7.00, 2nd prize $4.00, 3rd prize $2.00, 4th prize $2.00, 5th prize Ribbon, 6th prize Ribbon. Cash prizes donated by Justin Cork, Esq. PONIES UNDER SADDLE Clogs No. 15 PONY 12 HANlDS OR UNDER. To be ridden by child not over 12 years of age. Performance and manners to count 75 per cent, conformation 25 per cent. Ist .prize Trophy donated by Gordon Perry, Esq., 2ndI prize Ribbon, 3rd prize Ribbon, 4th prize Ribbon. Class No. 16 PONY OVER 12 HANDS. To be ridden by boy or girl over 12 and under 16 years of age. Performance and manners to count 75 per cent, conformation 25 per cent. lst prize Silver Trophy donated by Mrs. Paul H. Horst, 2nd prize Ribbon, 3rd prize Ribbon, 4th prize Ribbon. ROSE & HERMAN BarristerssA t-Law 40 Yonge St., Richmond Hill Telephone 133 Office Hoursâ€"Every Monday and Thursday Afternoon and by appointment Toronto Offices: 100 Adelaide Street West LOUIS HERMAN