'l‘lâ€"IE LIBERAL. lt‘ClTMONU Hill. (,lf‘ill‘ARl‘u THURSDAY, Al’Rll. 28th. 19:38. PAGE EIGHT Amazing “ 3-on-1 †Test Proves the Norge 5W Rollator Compressor gives you let us give you the facts on this remarkable test before you buy my refrigerator! Learn how the smallest N orge Electric Rollator compressor â€" the surplus-pow- ered miracle-mechanism of re- ï¬igerationâ€"keeps tbree Norge refrigerators cold. . .how Norge gives you unfailing coldâ€"less wearâ€"longer life. See the {Verge before you buy! ROLLATOR COMPRESSOR A Shaft Turnsâ€"A Blade Movesâ€"A Roller Rolls . . . and there’s ICE! IO-YEAR WARRANTY on the Rollator compression unit you buy today will still be in effect in 1948 . . . Only Norge has the surplus-powered Rollator com- pressor that makes cold by revolv- ing slowly in a permanent bath of protecting oil ...That‘s why the Rollator compression unitâ€"exclu- sive to Norgeâ€"carries a lo-Year. Warranty. GARFIELD YEREX Markham Road 20 R378 Let YOUR Chicks Judge The Value of Master Chick Starter .4 No matter what -â€" or how much â€" a manufacturer tells you about Chick Starter, YOUR CHICKS are the final judges! Master-fed chicks have been telling their owners of the value of Master Chick Starter year after year. They have told them of its value in terms of rapid economical growth, low mortality and quick feath- «cring- Let YOUR Chicks be the judges of MASTER CHICK STARTER this year. Get full information on this superior product from us next time you’re in. When you find how Master Chick Starter is built to do the job RIGHT, you’ll be more than willing to “let your chicks be the final judges!†USE MASTER CHICK STARTER Sold by Wilfred R. Dean Richmond Hill Madics of the congregation are ‘vited to attend. . An extentive meeting of the WA. of the United Church was held on J. A. Thompson. Final arrai‘gements for the supper to be given in the May. 4th, were made. _ Messrs. J. E. li‘ranc1s' Thompson motored to hingston on the Masoric Grand Chapter. Mr. and Mrs. Vl't'Flev Caldwell of Crown Hill and Mrs. William Cald~ well of Barrie visited last week With Mrs. J. W'ells. Mrs. Johns returned home last week after sicne‘ing the winter in California. W'illiam All‘t‘li Clay of Buffalo and formerly of Thornliill. died last Saturday. need 7!“. at the home of his sister. lrs. “'illiam Powell. Helâ€" kitown livir' as :1 Three l\roth"'rs, ‘iwas well wright. and Alfred of California survive. Inâ€" terment tm'k ll""'(' <~r Tuesday at Thornhill ‘Ccmetery. Hi‘mr and SCl1'~‘l .1\sSfl(‘la1l(m_ “Mental health improves the child's physical health and keeps them happy." Hdilth habits and health instruction are stressed in the new curriculum. intererts" and learning will take place. Encourage each child to folâ€" low his “natural bentâ€. some of the manv gOOd points brought out bv Mrs. Hickson. princi- pal of the Public School in her talk on the new curriculum at the Home and School Association meeting held on Monday night at the Public School. All parents are urged to be pre- sent at the next meeting when elec- tion of officers will be held. Mr. S. P. Whitewav of St. John's. Newfoundland spent the week-end w’\h Mr. and Mrs. P. Bone. Mr. Whiteway is attendine‘ a special conâ€" ference of the United Church held in Toronto this week. H‘EADFORD The Y.P.U. met Monday evening with a very good attendance. After the opening exercises conducted by E. J. Hitchcock who also read a poem “Yet Onwardâ€, the meeting was con- ducted by Elmer Leek and the theme Christian Missions, “Facing a New Worldâ€. Ruth Bice read the lesson. The topic was taken by E. J. Hitch- cock who gave a short sketch of the life of Dr. Arnup and also on‘ the new challenge given to us in this new age of so many new ways and preventions, especially on the new methods employed by the mission- aricS. Then followed a sing song of old choruses from the Sunday School hymns. Mrs. Len Wellman gave a very interesting reading “The Prairie Farmâ€. Young People’s Union will the one act farce comedy “In May with June†with the following caste: June Somrmers, Gwen Smith; Polly, Ruth Bice; Elsie, Mary Stewart; Aunt Della Loring, Miss Love; Charlie Wilson, E. Leek; Benny Jen- boys, Henb. Lee; Tim Hawkins, Charlie James. Assisting artists from Toronto and Mrs. E. Dixon of Unionville with her orchestra will provide a very entertaining program. For further particulars see adver- tisement in this issue. Mr. Herb. Smitlj, Mrs. F. Barker, Misses Gwen Smith and Mary Stew- art attended the Sunday School meeting at Aurora last Week. A number from here enjoyed the Drama Festival at Newmarket on Thursday and Friday evenings of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Clark and Miss Ruth visited with Mrs. Clark’s par- ents at Drayton on Saturday. There is good in everything. When newlyweds have their first quarrel. old friends get to see them again. Valley Lehig ANTHRACITE “The Coal That Satisfies†Jones Coal Co. the htme of Mrs. N. J. Smellie. The , 1n- 1 Tuesday night. at the home of Mrs; Sunday School room on Wednes<lay.j . V I ' Lut-ia (arnana, prize. and J. A.. Wednesday to attend a meeting of‘ era Ave.. Toronto. lie had bun Ylfliil‘l“ is Ttrcn‘r s'nce Coed Friâ€"‘ day. He was born in Thm‘lil‘lll and‘ millâ€" 1 Charles of, Forest. Ont.. Fred. Surin'rfi ~ld, N.Y. . 1 with “Foster developments of l 1 “ns These are ' wedn’eSday evening: Ma." 4th the 3 corn cultivator: 2 bull rakes; 11 cow present ‘ kins, M. Wellman; one of the Jones. and song, third. The C.G.I.T. group intend h'ddin‘I Class V7773 Aurora Mountaineersda Mother and Daughter Social next music. first; Messrs. Bob Lougher ‘Tllfl‘s‘li‘l' 0‘1)“an Ma." 3Yd~ and Walter Pollard. guitars and song, Lloyd and Mr. John‘ second: Mrs. Clubine. piano and violin, third. Youngest competitor 3 years, Lantern slides will be shown of Groups Around the World." A Temperance pregram was preâ€"‘ ysented in the Uritcd Church Sunday ‘School last Sunday morning undcr‘ Oldest competitor. Mr. Bert Lund, 1th? (lll‘CCtitm 5f the Tï¬â€˜mpm‘ance SUDâ€" prize. Mr. Carl Saigcon was “Master of‘ i Ceremonies . The undersigned intending to commit. suicide. will rt‘ll at Public Auction at Pengville, one mile North of “Karl Factory. or Hulltoad Road East of the Appendicitis l’al‘m SOME DAY NEXT “'EE ' Beginnan at l (LII. the following prescribed property 18 Head Horrcv 1 spavinml mare. iron gray gelding more with false teeth 31) _vr~. old: 1 big bay horse 413 lll)s.; 1 always rel boss. colt at side; 1 good feeder; 1 manâ€"eating jackass, shod with giant grip horse shoes, some kicker; 1 running horse. at the nose; 9 head of colts. (3 steers and 3 geldings; 1 pedigreed Holstein stallion, sired by Night dammed by everybody. 24 Head Cattle â€" 12 cows, good kickers, will farrow in Aug.; 7 year- ling heifers coming 4 yrs.; 2 brOOd cows with cream separator at side; 1 Poland China Bull, good as new; 2 calves with pink stockings and high military heels; ’7 condensed mi'lch cows, 2 of which are bulls; also 2 fell cows ard 2 that ndvck fell; 1 Plymouth Rock calf, will have pups by day of sale, weather per-v brown worked hoss, a mitting; 1 bossy cow, Iboss of their farm. 26 Head Hogsâ€"1 hired man, comâ€" ing 37 yrs. old; 3 old bores, coming 20; 14 Rhode Island Red sows with making attachments; 7 brown Leg- horn pigs with their golden h'air hanging down their backs; 7 bow- legged spring pigs. Sheep, Goats, Poultry 1 Hamp- shire ram with detachable rims; 7 yous; 10 lamlbs, 7 Mary, 3 not; 5 billy goats with red whiskers, a la mode, do excellent team work as they are very Strong, also unexcelled for dairy work as each is a good butter; 3 nenny goats; 4 dozen hens with egg; 40 spring chickens, 6 yrs. old; 1 singled comlb Jersey red hired .girl (some chicken): 7 hens, can vote; F l dapple grey chickens with roup. Machineryâ€"7 dung forks, 8 of which are equipped with fly-net at- tachments; 1 rolling- pin; separator, with mortgage attached; narrow toed rake; 1 sulky rake; 1 S'ulky Wife; De Laval hay loader, with rods wtire; Dear corn planter; crow corn separ- ator; road drag, never used; Inter- nation riding saw; set rope harness, twine condition; pint: of gasoline; 1 old fashioned shock with full direc‘« tions for use; 1 triple extension biâ€" cycle, patent-lever, with jewels; 1 Holstein Friesian sulky plow, will be fresh by day of sale; 1 Berkshire wheelbarrow. CARRVILLE The Y.P. will meet on Friday evâ€" ening at the home of Mrs. Morris. Miss Muriel Dorie spent. the week- end with her aunt Mrs. Roy Hill in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Myers of Toâ€" ronto visited Mr. and Mrs. C. Clark on Sunday. Miss Gertrude Lund of Patterson spent Sunday with Mrs. J. Baker. Mr. and Mrs. J. BartOn and family and Mr. and Mrs. D. Middleton spent Wednesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Drumm of Toronto. and Mr:. Brock Rear of Barâ€" rie spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. Clark Mr. Bill Barks of Toronto spent 'thc weekâ€"end with Mr. W. Reaman. Mrs. Devons of Woodbridge is spending a few days with her (laughâ€" ter Mrs. D. Middleton. ‘erintendent, Mr. W. T. New. f worth while School ‘dan and Mrs. _2‘u€<ts at the Sunday Sehonl and afâ€" 5 yrs“. old; 1 sorâ€"i wcil matched; 1 mare mule‘ - four Three young people who won silver trophies at the Oratorical Contest of the North York Temperance Federation Convention were the speakers and their addresses would be very much given at any Sunday The speakers were. Nora Graham, Fanry Hudvma and Thomas Sheridan. Mr. I.. Ewart. Mr. Sheriâ€" Hudyma were also tcl'wards: at the morning service. “com ‘ l i 1 l l . l l __ __.____ _ . . . . , .. . .. u v V ) ' *' ,w‘ y 1 , _ a u .16., . ~. 1 I “ 1 7 ‘ Vl“ .. . Sale Re ism 1 3mm Humour lh‘UnAhiL bDGELhY NE“ antenna a oommnnn g , (Jr: W 1; 111‘ «my. .â€"\pr1l Ztl‘ih, Miss- ; ‘ _____ ._ .ivï¬- 7-.., i v , r ,, - r- ,_ , , :\< : . l, ‘y- w ".. G. »1 \x ~ 1 ,: . .- SATUR‘DA‘» “pp†um}, Auphm m H ‘ M leh‘ “1 hm‘g' “'1'†.‘l target and r :..1- turned out o'ï¬ , The _1.1..-.'.~. ;.: 1’.~uz';1in \Hilt‘h \\':1~l “A ("~“ †~' 9“ l “‘ ‘vlll M“ 11-11:: 1 l‘t' m-nniu .ty Will 116 f A i A i l i) t H ii“ i '1’ Ii M]: “M My: )‘Hiwm H “‘1†I†bi†“Didi†Th“ U‘iven 1‘: ' .".'L‘l‘.lllL". April 23 , ll im“ T“ i'lii‘li‘l A in†I‘“‘“"‘ “W .\ 1:21". ‘11 :1-11’ 'iiu‘ M1. \Vfliiam :ale owfiji W“. Li“ W‘VIJEUL m M .w.‘ 5. ':“..lll‘.“ the iwido ol' l7» lâ€" .\111;1‘>‘ .1' (.:11d"li:1:' :1‘ lllx' #111an m 1;,- ..,‘(.l UM. .luumt...l lure, st. Tnmnvnm ‘1 {a 2‘1: ~ \ wt- .‘rll‘ \1 1mm v... 1:1. ‘ w? WHY- I} 1‘1" ‘. IJI 7'. Hm. 2 east.‘ V v . . ~. . .1 i - " 1 ,i 31 ‘ lil'tic‘l '1 ‘ ‘ "i i ' i _ ~ ‘_l 1, , .. . ‘ , MR :11 f, ‘i, ‘( NH, 2w l-: M. 13.i;'.1.vj.‘. eldest ~11 «1; .dr'. ‘ i'n‘ ‘ \ m 1‘} [1111“ \i “lid-t \li- il'i' l‘ l' "» (-lLlllilltht‘tl to “WI M1“ ‘\- V“ “W “ML “1“ >1“~ Ii“ ing. \ l‘t'lwi 1 . iv. in: \1‘1'1Utlï¬l)’ 31' am l.".'Y‘>‘i' I, 'erman .i.<. . 1 . . n THUR it“! 11 «U '- ’ - _ ' ' ‘ a . _ ., ,, > . . , . -_ 2,, .l i; If} I “1] T1 t 51111 M11: l.111.211d llzieudry 1d S1121 n.â€" .11 “1†WW \L; '1“, “Mr “Your. ‘ILW “ g,‘ H,“ \\.L,1.U1-Hl.t\. com “Ifâ€, \dhitnih, Him Hâ€. H, _ I“ ‘ (WHEEL, I)“ ‘ ‘ m1 ; -. r1 .1oinn. .. crris .. . “ ‘ ' . ‘ . .‘ ‘ . “ ‘ , ‘ . - . ,, , v, . v . .. . . Mb l“ l S T A ilm _,'. Tlir wrenioi.y was lll‘l'l"fll‘1’ d .. ..1 3111: 31.1.1 . Sumo veil- l"‘1“"l 't‘sl‘ll‘l‘ ,“1"'L‘\ \llrs‘ lltilv;\‘ .\ltr> Ril- l’“ 1’ .2 1 111m. .\ 1.1. and RL‘\3 . . ae :1‘ . .. . _ . . . ~ “"' ' "“ ‘ ' » _ - .. . _ . gag . ll 1 Rm: M“. lld r:.1un<»n Ht M.1p 1. _ «dos m .w :iru l;1-lptul 1 (3 U1» \:'\_ \:_ , “Lama†“ml )1,-_ It'i‘m 1‘10 ‘7 T?“ ‘w [1: [1-\ .. >- s‘. "\'l‘1\\jlll college armer aux Mum. ‘ . .1 . ,. ~ . .1 ' ' ‘ ' H . , ,, .; ,. ., ,. .. , , . v . i . L was \I i11. .111 ['11 {:- P014111 lltxlilltl ‘lwul‘fli i _‘ i'nl :1 ‘11:â€.117‘9‘ tuck. , W Y‘Ii..l-\.llL .. L '>'.l‘.ll ill". l1 w‘ :1 i 1‘ "1' \‘tll‘. ‘1‘“ U 1‘43“ it“ 41‘“ I“ ‘ ' »~ ,,, _ . .. \lr.:1.‘d.‘vl‘s..‘.l. » ... " n - ’, .wm I“. i u- â€â€™*"’ MRS. \\'ll.lll.\.\l SMITH 1.11')‘ in :11». 1111 sail-111. introduced inc 1 ‘l he {1: new. ‘ T: l ‘V V‘] r 1' I ‘11, 1.1_\ F V1 1.. law ‘1 onuins PI *11‘ V I‘wr‘mre \‘1'1 "' \"i1'1- 114‘ ~'. 11:1i:e1 and :1‘1 1‘1: 1-.1 1- :1 numlm‘l'i Class .‘»I:1. v and lCilt-t 11 M‘- lh V“ A 1' - ' ‘ ‘\\’ u 1 )1 11\?\"H\\‘WH We is :1 Wm- SATURD"‘- ~’~ M“ l 1TTA11C~WH 9““ V, , w . ., v‘ i 11.: ;.\111. 11.1.1'1. 1 11<1n_l11ck).1,KK:-h,. U mg; “iv†HM}, and ,M]: ll11\\l«‘ :111‘; M1. .i . .. .\. ll! “Mg-M mp“. in ‘37,. In,“ U1 the of 40 hear} .1“ fresh cows and 11e:11m;"‘ 1““: \H “I, 1â€" _\‘1., 1.1. 'l’liv- 1':1~\':~\1*1~ will ll" ,..l ‘ ,1 ,1 1.1 V , .m .,,,1 Wm... lir hnev of" T111111: 1 :1“1.1i‘ l 1'11: 11:1,,.~,I.,.,| r:n er: “l “I “II Ifâ€, 'lq‘u“ (“11.10 Yi Illt‘ Hl llt'i‘ . . l‘.- “,2: 1w: ; [1v 1,; \ WI itltll\ 11\'Ct"l ilii' ‘ H ' "i i ' d ' i i i" . _; I“ “1 HI“ [vp .Un (h,h,1\ 1,_\. i y: , 1, H‘ ‘ ‘ H 1’ Sp ‘ g i “H P “I†‘ L“‘l‘urkwn i11l{i‘1'“"\w w Mull l'l‘ll ~ ~ 1 _ {111.111- .. ‘ i1r 1w 1: i~‘.1 welds . : .11; \\. :15.111t'11;.ii'11.y“1\"* “ ‘ " * ""‘ 511-11.: !< \H'. ‘1. 11:1 \ . ,1 Tie .\1 V\, . k .1) V râ€" 1 .x . A)- s- I‘A A- - ‘ t“ k V U V} Y , ‘1 ‘ . I. _ '. . p , I r. ‘ '4 I. ‘V . 1 and good f'†“" U" ‘0‘ “ C(n‘ “ :,, hm. \ pi, “up, I:,,.H.,..,1wukpiam. l'111rn::1l>: ‘_1d. .. 11111111..~. i 11,11~1I 1N1“ id} “*“11‘4- 21'1 und 1\ \\ullxlll‘l («11.1 ml‘. and Markham r.)\\'n<lll]). piopcuy of J. .4, y ‘ l ‘_ h I.†i vii-.1. l 1121‘. 111 1‘:111 .1 <: l h. ..> HAW-ill “.1†H W; _\ aft... KMâ€.- Ppmn .\l1~< l:l.'.:;1111.h .\ 111 l...†.. 1111111 1†mm, W I. “I 1;11']]]L11'\' lune linished w v :1 :21: 1.\. “CC 1 (.1‘ sun “'41 -1- ...- ‘* -‘- '- ‘ g. 1. . 3' Honey \UIO at 1 p.m_ L\0 Te.1‘ ‘m ‘ V “n “ (,zmlimi bull s, .» 11. .\ 11 ilv 1) 111.1111. . m)“ I.†\ P ,TM in [WU \011wtn “Nut the week-end \x..n M.“ “Wkltg‘np- 7., Wimp“; P.....:,., ., PM -, A . ‘Smltlt, I\c\"market. on Tillll'filil." ‘ lith. »l Perennial l’lilox; 1th, 1 l‘i'em'h .- ' ‘ " -‘ ' " "“ ' ' " ’ _' 1,, H x V ‘ Y . (serve, m. in“ T “mum UL“ 't' ' n‘ 1t \' worn] it ('tmt i' 'l 1 1r \lrck (lr'uwre i \'1~l~..:\ qrn' llw.’ and \11 I'llv‘ln 1 \“lm†Cabin" \‘ 1““ 1m“- llilV WW“ have “'mt’ - '.\.‘;..i 11it:1'1r.e . t . t ' i‘t‘ * ‘- 1 11- t‘ - ‘ ‘ W ‘ . . 1‘ ’ “ “ ‘ ' ‘ ' - . . . . . . . . i ' hangers. ‘(.i\' 2 Th“ “V'mfmis Alix i “'3' .“i till“ ‘t'roolh, 11‘1'}:c..t1;1. we: nd: AIIFM‘T: All“ H‘d’“ 11‘“ Iii-“HMS “Wilt ‘lf‘ {1 (’l‘wl 1xt1'n \\k'll 11nd should, provide 1‘ .(lhurrh ot' luuelzlful 1% llt'l‘i-“Pi' “3" I v 1 1.7 .. 1 "1"‘1w 1* o 1 not. a 101' SlV‘lWlmL" “ “Wk “'llll “'Wn‘l" an abundant vield. I ) 1 I 1. . TH I, m , [111.1 .11.. ..x.. nut 1. 11.111 . SL111 :11 run ll‘(‘(‘ .11: lll "(1 11" 'r, .’ ‘ ‘11-11’ \Itwmarl’et \- ' .- ‘s v -‘ i\\‘t‘t’l{. on Monday 311.. .\. 11. Noble thwi- _ t "‘ ‘ , ‘ v V ,M v H. Ho .H_ _ A; ‘11 from. 7110“ two “111 be luttended a lllL'(‘.§ll}J in St. Thomas (‘lzhs Ill Adlfrs' (iwcudulme Robln, “0 319 WU} †W31 ‘ l 1 ’111 tu.l buxom about three weeks in i(‘l]L]l'(’h, (lillt l‘ 1111 CilllQ'S \\'(‘l't‘ ttl- 1.55-111113s1, JlllK‘: Juno Pin]. tap “(:58 Of let'k DUL’Q'HU le- and ' advance «if ;1\'4*)'{1Q‘e year's. tends-d by MIT-I TS‘slt‘ij Ml‘ifwcwlw‘ dance. Max:111 )li<<t'.< Margaret \Veir . “"‘ll “’1' l‘-'-"-‘ 2‘ gl‘ot‘d." l"'C“"(‘l'l'- A \H-ll kt‘own and familiar figure _\ ‘9. Shaw :llli' rr. \‘WWV . r , ' ' .., ‘ . vi 3 - ~ .' , . .. ., . n . . “The A.nelitaii ASHM d is to be hell ‘imll AU‘l‘tl' “MN. tap dilnci‘, third-i Tl†X'P'I" “1‘4an “0:†M' midi on tile \Ill.1ue >111 ets “us that of lin Toronto next week. (‘lnss l\'»i.\l;1<t1-r Danny Kitchcnâ€" i "W‘qu “'3†19 ll (bingo of we 1 (i-l‘éli‘lit‘ Elliott. Villtlfl‘t‘ blacksmith The I‘L‘Euléll‘ mlï¬ï¬‚hl." “WWWQ 11$: or, Hawaiian and song. l‘irs‘; Miss Christian l‘ellowshm ("‘n\"â€â€œâ€œ~ Mir“ 1 for many years. and who has been 1 H l '. , '\.\.. . .. 1. .‘ - ~ 7 l . r ‘ _. , v I )y 7 A ' .. V - . tho limiml1 til)“ lifln‘ill) lSHhHll (Tn Marv Roblnwm. l‘l't'itzltltm, second; mamm‘d 5lld“~ Mb Jam‘s h Bdti‘l' I contmed to hi< heme for several 1 . 1 nirci \\l c «'1 ~ . ,. _ ,. x , . ‘ H , , 1 . , . v . irhlit (1:11 “mm. on] ,H ., “Hock ,lt Min-1m- (;(.v)]-tr0 lurlinqlwn Hawaiian 101‘†“Ill l“ the .9119“ >l‘(<ll\C‘1- '. months With an mulled limb and has as u 7 v! I ‘ ' T ‘ ‘ been unable to make the rounds as usual. Hope for his recovery is generally expressed. The large store of the George i Mason Estate on Fire Street so long unoccupied is now in possession of Hugh Lindsay, electrician. Choir Sponsors Operetta The comic Operetta, “The Rose of the Danube" is being presented on Thursday of this week, April 28th, in‘the Wcmibridge Orange Hall at 8 o‘clock standard time, under the aus- pices of the Woodbridge Presbyter- ian Church choir. The Operetta is being given bv the choir of West- ‘minster United Church in Weston. Entertain Biampton Presbyuesl‘an Scciety The VVoorihridge Presbyterian Young People’s Society was host to the Bramrton Presbyterian Young A very fine mus.(al >01V1CC “aslpeopleys someâ€, on Monday mght. held last Sun ’ay eveningr in Newtonâ€" brook Unitcll Church. A brass quarâ€" tet of the 48th Highlanders Band. Toronto assistid the choir and playâ€" ed special numhcra A song service was orzjlyed by. all. N(.\:l Sunday morning the Boy Scouts will aittnd the Worship Ser- vice with their leader and a special feature will he the der'ication of the flag to the fiist Newtoitihrook Scout troop. .\ Mission Band Rally for this district will be held in North Roseâ€" dale United Church on Thursday, April 28th commencing at 4 p.m. Supper at 6 p.m. The local Mission Band will hold its regular meeting next Saturday1 at 2.30 D.S.T. An interesting pI‘O‘ gram has been arranged. Lantern slides will also be shown. Rev. Kenneth Benton cf T0r0nto gave a very splendid address on the study book, “A New Church Faces a New World†illustrated by lantern slides last Tuesday evening in the SS. hall under the auspices of the W.M.S. Mrs. Halbert presided. A vvery hearty vote of thanks was ex- tended to Rev. Beaton on behalf of the Auxiliary by Mrs. James Murâ€"' ray for his very interesting and in- structive address which was thor- oughly enjoyed by all present. The Woman's Association will hOld a Birthday Tea next Thursday, May 5th from 8 to 5 p.1n. in the SS. hall. Tables will be set to represent the seasons. Come and enjoy a happy afternoon. The home of Mr. ard Mrs. A. R. Taylor, 204 Margueretta St., Toronto was the scere of a pretty wedding when their only daughter Phyllis was united in marriage to Mr. Roy! Dobney, only son of Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Dobney of Toronto with Rev. A. H. Halbert officiating. The bridesmaid was Miss K. Neath while the groom was supported by Mr. J. Taylor, brother of the bride. The bride and groom left on a honeymoon and on their return will reside in East Toronto. KINGâ€"CITY Anniversary services will be ob- served at King United Church Sun- day, May 8th. At 11 a.m. the speak- er will be Rev. Terry Hart. 01‘ To- ronto and there will be special music by the local choir. In the evening at 7.30 p.111. Rev. Gordon Lapp of Toronto will be the preacher and there will be special music with the Queensville choir assisting. Monday night Teston Y.P.U. will present the three-act play “Pleased ta Meetchaâ€. Adults 350., children 15c. Special reopening services were held at Snowball United Church on Easter Sunday, conducted by Rev. Howard Strapp. The church was first opened 45 years ago and was originally located in Vaughan town- ship at the corner of the second: concession and the townline. Miss A. Love of Aurora, T. C. Appleton of Snowball and Mrs. T. K. Fergu- son are survivors of those who Were present at the opening services 45 years ago. ‘ Albert I ,The main speaker of the evening was Mr. Maurice Weisdorf of WestOn who spoke on “The Evperience of the Average Immigrant to Canada." Mr. Weisdorf who came from Poland 'yornie years ago told of many ex- pcricrces in home land and upon ar- rrival in Canada. He reminded his hearers of the freedom which is en- .‘joyed in our land and which we should cherish and appreciate more than we do and told of the bondage which exists in so many lands of Europe today. The devotional part of the meet- an was in charge of Miss Jean Lawrie. Miss Lillian Brown read the scripture, Miss Viola Hugill led in prayer. A paper on Handel was was given by Miss Mabel Harris and Handel’s songs were sung: “He - shall find His flockâ€. by Miss Queen»- ie DumbletOn and “Where’er You Walkâ€. by Stanley Harper. Following the meeting games were ‘ played ' and refreshments served. WMANY MOURNERS ATTEND JOINT FUNERAL RITES A very large attendance of mourn- ers marked the unusual double fun- cral service conducted here on Wed- nesday afternoon of last week for ithe late Mrs. Deborah Rowntree of lWOod'bridge, and» Mrs. J. G. COwan of Hamilton, two sisters who died within a few hours of each other 1at their widely separated homes on the previous Monday. Mrs. Rown- tree was buried at Pine Ridge ceme- tery. Rev. J. S. Roe and Rev, C. W. lBarrett officiated. Pallbearers were MeSSrs. Jim Elliot, A. A. McKenzie, lJohn Gillan, Robt. T. Wallace, Hugh Lindsay and F. A. Bagg. Interment of the late Mrs. Cmvan was in Prosâ€" pect Cemetery, Toronto. Dependable Milk for Your Table Milk is one commodity you cannot afford to take chances on. You are wise to demand that your milk best possible condition. You can be assured of a dependable supply by hav- ing our driver call daily. Richmond Hill Dairy G. S. WALWIN, Prop. Dependable Milk & Dairy Produce There is no freedom. If you join a group to overcome a tyrant, you soon get licked for not Paying dues. . WW Mr. and Mrs. C, Vanderburg and family of Toronto spent Sunday with M‘Mr. and Mrs. J. Vanderburg. Phone 42 Richmond Hill Thorn hill, 0 ntario Phone 188 § § § § § 3 i supply reaches you in the § § 2 i E i i i .. i l