as toast mistress. The first course was served at the home of Mrs. S. Jones. A 'toast to the King- was proposed by Sally McNeil. Toast to the Young- People’s Union was pro- posed by Henry McDonald and re- sponded to by George Snider. The second and main course was served at the home of Mrs. J. McNeil. The toast to the church was proposed by Mrs. Dorothy Smith and respond- The Presbyterian Church Young People’s Union held their closing night for the year on Monday even~ ing, April 25th. Forty-five members took part and enjoyed a travelling banquet. Miss Sally McNeil acted Mr. C. Roberts spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. C. Robeson at Newmarket. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Clarke of North Bay visited Wednesday and Thurs~ day last week with Mrs. W. Ingram. Keffer-Joures A quiet but pretty wedding was solemnizedi at the Lutheran Church Parsonage, Hespeler, when Clara Irene, youngest daughter of Mrs. R. Jones and the late Mr. R. Jones be- came the bride of Reynold‘W. Keffer, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Keffer. Rev. Norman Keffer, broth- er of the groom officiatd. The‘bride was gowned in blue silk crepe with grey accessories and carried a bou- quet of sweetheart roses .and 1in of the valley. After the ceremony the happy couple left on a short trip the bride travelling in grey coat and grey accessories. On their return they will reside in Toronto. Busy Bees Mission Band will meet at the Manse on Saturday afternoon, May 7Ith. Mrs. R. Wilson'of Toronto enter- tained at a kitchen snOWer on Wed- nesday, April 27 in honour of her sister, Miss Irene Jones, a bride of May 3rd. Thirty-five guests were present and the bride received many beautiful and useful gifts. Mr. and Mrs. A. Walker will be at home to their friends on Satur- day afternoon, May 7th at the home of their daughter, Mrs. M. Palmer, :on the occasion of their 60th wedding anniversary. We extend congratulations to Mr. A. Forrest who was successful in passing all examinations in first year Theology at the Emmanuel College, Toronto and has received the posi- tion of assistant to Rev. Hunnisett of Fred Victor Mission for the sum- mer months. .- The May meeting of Maple Wo- men’s Inst'f'tute will be held at the home of Mrs. (Du) Bigford on Wed- nesday afternoon, May 11th. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Frank McDonald am daughters Hazel and Doris of Sut ton, Mr. and Mrs. C. Keys and Mr and Mrs. R. Lundberg of TOI'Ont( spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. T H. Keys. Miss M. E. Morrison returned to her home last week after spending the winter months with her sister, Mrs. toward, at Markdale. A happy evening was spent Sat- urday rat the home of Mr. Hiram Keffer when Mr. Keffer’s nieces and nephews gathered to celebrate his 79th birthday. After refreshments a toast was proposed by Mr. W. Hoiles and all joined in wishing Mr. Keff-er many happy returns. gGOLD IS WHERE YOU FIND IT “YORK COUNTY’S NEWSIEST NEWSPAPER†V'OL. LVII. The laugh success of the year, with the screen’s finest stars MOhawk 2172 In Glorious Multiplane Technicolor 2ND FEATURE “PENROD AND HIS TWIN BROTHER WITH THE 7. MAUCH TWINS" SATURDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY, MAY 7 - 9 - 10 GINGER ROGERS ACTION FOR SLANDER GEORGE BRENT - OLIVIA DeHAVILAND CLAUDE RAINS - MARGARET LINDSAY EXTRA TREAT MAPLE NEWSY NOTES “ STAGE DOOR†TO-DAY AND FRIDAY ONLY McDonald and Doris of Sut- Keys and Mr. g of Toronto CLIVE BROOK ALEXANDER KORDA’S “BRING THE FHï¬ITYâ€"g 2ND GREAT HIT ADOLPHE MENJOU -â€"â€"â€"INâ€"â€" EDGAR BERGEN CHARLIE McCARTHY Relief accounts passed for the month of March totalled $1130.61, road foremen’s accounts $5,101.54 and general accounts for the month to- talled $589.70. of the world. It was pointed out that these wooden culverts, processed with creosote have many advantages over the metal pipe which has been in common use for many years. In addition it is understood the price is somewhat lower. It was pointed out this type of culvert has given splendid satisfaction wherever it has been used, and its durability and price saving have made it more and more popular in Ontario. Markham council members appeared very much impressed with the merits of the product and will probably give one a trial in the township at ihe first opportunity. l Ex-reeve W. C. Gohn appeared at the regular monthly meeting of the Markham Township council last Mon- day on behalf of Mr. and Mrs. Good of North York township and several others who signed a petition asking the township council to stop the pro- posed erection of a grist mill at Ger- man Mills on the Markhamâ€"North York Townline. Mr. Gohn on behalf of the petitioners pointed out that many fine homes had been erected in the district which had developed into a very desirable residential dis trict, and that the operation of a mill at this point would be very ob- jectionable to, those who had made their homes in the locality. Members of council were sympathetic with the request and will c0nfer with the building inspector to see what ac- tion can be taken. T’ell Merits of New Culverts Mr. Ross Black of King township and Mr. Bond of Toronto represent- ing the Canada Creosoti‘ng Company explained to council members the merits of the new creosoted' culverts which are proving so popular throughout Canada and which have I won widespread recognition by road experts and‘ engineers» in all parts Ivan B. Muss-‘elman, D.D.G.M. of Toronto Masonic District “D†made his official visit. to Palestine Lodge No. 559 in the Masonic Temple on Yonge St. on Wednesday evening, April 27th. The W.M., Joseph Lunâ€" enfeld and his officers were compli- mented on the manner in which the work was performed. At the ban- quet which followed the toast to the grand lodge was proposed by Irwin Ginsberg and responded to by I. B. Musselman. The toast to the visit- ors was proposed by A. Singer and responded to by Max Aitken, J. G. Routley, Morley Mey, George Boyd and Stewart Smellie. ed to by Rev. Bowman. The third course, cake and ice cream, was serv- ed at the home of Mrs. C. Snider. A toast to the ladies was humorous- ly proposed by Grace Johnson and responded to by Bruce McDonald. Games were played and a-very en- joyable evening came to a close by singing “God be with you till we meet again.†' ‘rotest Grist Mill At German Mills KATHARINE HEPBURN Yonge at Castlefield gm ï¬brme The regular meeting- of the W0- men’s Institute will ‘be held in the Municipal Hall on Thursday, May 12, at 3 pm. All conveners of commit- tees are asked to bring their re- ports. The local club officially closed its season the evening of April 5. Bert Pattenden’s team won the, volleyball cup by eliminating Ted Bennett’s team which had- held the cup for several years. Competition between the three teams captained by Patten- den, Bennett and Manley was very keen. When play was completed the players gathered for a light ban-- quet after which plans for next year were discussed. The executive hopes to see all old members back and will welcome new faces next year to share in the fun and sport. A tourna- ment for next fall was proposed in which the winning team would re- ceive a theatre party. "In Essentials, Unity; In Non-essentials, Libierty; In All Things, Charity†Another enjoyable season of volâ€" leyball was brought to a close in 'the Pickering College gymnasium on Saturday last. Eight teams repre- lsenting Orillia Y, St. Clair Y, Camp Borden, Pickering College and Rich- mond Hill took part. Both Richmond Hill teams showed an improvement in 'play over last year and gave a fine account of themselves. Orillia A team however won the chief hone ‘ours by winning- the tournament championship. After being elimin- ated by Orillia, both Richmond Hill teams went on to play in the con- solation tournament. Duplicating last year’s performance Richmond Hill A team won the consolation play‘ and brought back. a new volleyball as the prize. It is hoped and exâ€" pected that this tournament will be- come a yearly feature. The Rich- mond Hill teams were composed as follows: A Teamâ€"Jim Butler, Ted Bennett, Joe Morris, Bill Pollard, Bob Horwood, A. Teal (captain). B. Team â€"Bill Charles, Jim Ley, Ron Lunau, Mr. Tracy, Bert Wolfrey, Bert Cook (captain). The Richmond Hill Lions Club was granted permission to hold the an- nual Street Dance in Richmond Hill this year. Among the projects now under way 'by the organization is a survey of the need for eye glasses and tonsil operations among needy children of the district and this and other projects of the service club was deemed by council as a most worthy object of public support. The big event will likely be held as usual the third Wednesday in August. Members of council discussed the cleaning up of streets and boulevards so that the town might present a more tidy and inviting appearance. The works department will under- take some clean-up work and the co- operation of householders is asked in cleaning up sidewalks and boule- vards. It was decided to give the equip- ment in the two public play-grounds a coat of paint. It was pointed out that this would not only brighten the appearance but would help pre- serve the equipment. Messrs. H. Stanford and W. Scriv- en-er appeared on behalf of St. Mary’s Anglican Church and asked that conâ€" crete steps be constructed from the roadway at the church entrance. It was pointed out the present wood steps built when Yonge Street was paved are in a poor and dangerous condition. Members of council in- spected the steps following the coun- cil session and it was agreed to pro- ceed with the work of erecting new steps. lRichmond Hill streets will be treat- ed to..their annual application of oil in the very near future. This was the decision of the municipal coun- cil at the regular meeting Monday night when the contract for the road oil was awarded to the Jupp Con- struction Co. The price is to be eleâ€" ven and a quarter cents per gallon! and something over 7000 gallons will be used. The same Quality of oil as used last year has been secured again and just as soon as gravelling‘ now in progress on Benson Avenue is completed the work will 'be pro- ceeded with. This is somewhat ear- lier than in previous years but it was pointed out the season is quite‘ early and already there have been complaints of the dust nuisance. RICHMOND HILL WOMEN'S INSTITUTE Village Streets To be Oiled Soon Lfldns Club Get Permission To Hold Street Danceâ€"Citizens Asked To Co-operate in Clean-up Campaign RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO THURSDAY, MAY 5th, 1938 VOLLEYBALL CLUB NEWS Ashes are being removed from yards this week, but citiz'ens are warned that ashes which contain gar- bage cannot be taken by the town truck. LATE WALTER JOHN DUNCAN The death occurred recently of Wal- ter John Duncan, of Wawota, west- ern Canada, father of Mrs. Aggie Mortson of Lanlgstaff and Mrs. Jenâ€" nie Wilson of Wawota. He was born in ‘Scotland in 1867 and for many years had lived in the west, having been a former reeve of the munici- pality of Walpole and later overseer of the village of Wawota. His wife predeceased him about a year ago. INDUCEMENT TO BUILDERS At a special meeting of the Munâ€" icipal Council of Richmond Hill held this morning plans were discussed for the encouraging of building in Richmond Hill. There has been a marked demand for houses here this spring and the council are anxious to encourage the building of new homes here. A resolution was passed this morning extending- an exemption from assessment for the first year a new house is built. W. B. B. Little and W. J. Wylie of Toronto presented the written con- sent of a number of Vaughan town- ship farm owners to let them hun't groundhogs on their farms with a .22 rifle. As the land owners had‘ con- sented council saw no objection to giving- the necessary permission. While hospitalization costs through- out the county have been mounting at an. alarming rate, Vaughan costs for 1938 so far have ‘been some $315 less than in the same period last year. This year the municipality has estimated the year’s road expenditure at $25,000.00, but the province which pays one half of the amount has asked the council to limit expendi- ture this season to 820,000.00. Coun~ cil members have been considering the purchase of a new road grader, but if the province insists on the $20,000 figure the purchase may be postponed for another year. Notification was received that the provincial government would pay the usual fifty per cent subsidy on an. expenditure of $16,234.45 ‘by the Township in 1937. ~Relief rolls of the township of Vaughan were carefully scrutinized at the regular‘council meeting last IMonday by members of council and the Relief Officer. Indications are that with the return of some season'- able employment many who have been receiving township assistance are becoming self-sustaining and the 'number on relief was considerably lower than a month ago, and the cost for March this year was $1,- 722.70, about $200 less than in the corresponding month a year ago. While many are finding- work Mon- day’s survey showed some able bodied men are still on the rolls and the lrelief officer was instructed to issue stern warning that they should find :work. All those formerly on the re- ‘lief rolls of the municipality Will re- ceive notification from the township that their earnings during the com- ing summer must be carefully con- served, and their admission to relief rolls next winter will be determined by their earnings in the summer. Notification from the provincial wel- fare department that all relief grants for the township have been budgeted for has made it imperative that the municipality give the closest scrut- iny to the relief rolls. Next winter only those who are so unfortunate as not to have been able to find gainful employment sufficient to pro- vide for the next period of unem- ployment should it come, will be givâ€" en municipal relief. As one c0un- cillor remarked, “The taxpayers keep people on relief all winter and as soon as they start earning money, out comes the old car and they spend their money with no thought of pre- paring“ for themext winter}: , This is the kind of practice Vaughan coun- cil aims to stop, and a most careful check will be made during the com- ing summer and next fall when re- lief applications come in again. Must Conserve Earnings to Prepare For The Next Period of Unemployment Vaughan Relief Recipients Will Receive Warning “’ARNING RE ASHES The Jr. Farmers and/Jr. Institute held their election of officers on I‘Tuesday evening. The slate of offi- ' cers for the Jr. Farmers Will be pub- lished next week but the following are the officers for the Institute for _ the year 1938-1939: Hon. Pres, Mrs. P. W. Willows; Pres., Miss Marion Smith; lst Vice-Pres, Miss Viola Avison; 2nd Vice-Pres, Mrs. Marcus lJarvs Secretary, Miss Marjory Hart; Treasurer, Miss Margaret Avi- son; Pianist, Miss Pearl Caseley; Asst. Pianist, Miss Mable Sanderson; Song leader, Miss Margaret Avison; Asst. Song leader, Miss Dorothy Oli- ver; Press Secretary, Miss Ethel Mortson; Editor Newsy Notes, Miss Mable Sanderson; Asst. Editor, Cur- rent Events, Miss Eloise Perkins; Soeial Editor, Miss Viola Avison; Homemaker, Mrs. Alvin ‘Caseley; Branch Directors, Mrs. R. Ratcliffe, Misses Marjory Hart and Marion Smith; Auditors, Mrs. Frank B‘rum- iwell and Miss D. Oliver; District Di- rector, Miss Ethel I. Mortson. The conveners of ‘standlng' committees lwill be appointed at the first, meet- ;ing of the executive. A good attendance was present at the prayer meeting which was held in the Sunday School room on Tues- day evening. Mr. R. Boynton took charge of the meeting. The address, “World Problems and the Second Coming†was taken by Mr. Donald Pickering- very ably. Next week the meeting will be held in the Sunday School room and the address will be taken by Rev. Mr. Haig. Mr. Emie Jackson toolk tea at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Pick- ering last Sunday. Miss Eloise Perkins entertained Mr. Gordon and Miss Ethel Mortson to tea on Sunday evening. The W.M.S. are planning to have a special service on Sunday, May the fifteenth, in the afternoon and even- ing. Further notice next week. or and Mrs. Graham presenthhere was a large attendance and a splen- did interest was‘ shownr'j‘n the elec- tion. At the conclu‘s‘ionéf the meet- ing the two societies united and lunch was served. The evening und- ed with dancing. The meeting was honoured by hav- ing the District President and Dis- trict Secretary-Treasurer, Mrs. Reesâ€" The Woman’s Missionary Society will hold their meeting this month at the home of Mrs. Robert Gee on Wednesday afternoon, May 11th at 2.15 pm. The theme for this meet- ing will be “The Church and World Peaceâ€. The study book will- be con- cluded at that meeting by the chap- ter entitled “A new church faces a new world.†Everybody interested in mission work or in being acquainted with it are cordially invited to at- tend. Donations of any sort toward "the bales which are sent away the'last of May will be gratefully accepted. The weatherman has predicted showers for this week. That means more pieasantness on our part is re- quired in order to have sunshine in our homes. , POPULAR SCIENCE : WOOWOOOOO“ONOOOOOOMOMWW VICTORIA SQUARE NEWSY NOTES The Horticultural Society have de- cided to plant a rock garden in: the section of the south boulevard in front of the Anglican Church. It is hoped to start work on this projec‘ immediately, and the society will of course be glad to receive member ship fees from all those interested in beautifying our village; so that these projects may be amply fin< anced. HORTICULTURAL NOTES The Village Council, working in co-operation with the Horticultural Society, have recently planted 150 trees, consisting of soft maple, ash. and chestnut. The trees were plant- ed on Huntt St., Benson Ave., Lucas St., Baker Ave. and Richmond St. and some replacements in the mun~ icipal park were made of trees that were not growing. The trees were a nice size and should add greatly to the beauty of these streets in a few years. Trees/were very kindly donated by Mr. Paul E. Angle. The decision- followed a report from the county police committee that Martindale‘s conduct following an accident on February 22nd, was unbecoming to a police officer. The former chief will be moved out of the city to Sutton. His pay as first class constable will be retroactive to the date of his suspension. POLICE CHIEF OF COUNTY DEMOTED York county warden and commisâ€" sioners this week demoted Chief W. E. Martin‘dale to the rank of first class constable. ‘ SINGLE CGPIES 5c. $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE Mrs. Millicent Avison and her three little sons~have moved into their new home which is almost completed. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dennis ac- companied by their friends Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Clark spent Sunday evâ€" ening with their parents, Mr. and' Mrs. Geo. Dennis. Mrs. Geo. MoCague and her daugh- ter Miss Lorine spent last Sunday‘ at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. D. McCague. Misses Ruby and Myrtle Avison spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Egbert Avison. .’Remem'ber this date, also, please. On Monday evening, May 9th Vic- toria is putting on their competition play “Jim Barber’s Spite Fence†and their religious play “Mine Eyes are Openedâ€. Also RavenshOe is putting on their religious play. Come out and enjoy a good evening. Proceeds are to be divided between the Hall and Jr. Farmers Park Fund. Mr. and Mrs. P. Willows and Miss Alma Attwood and Mr. Walter Ridâ€" ley spent Sunday in Whitby. Extensive preparations are being made by Miss Holden and her pupils to make their exhibition a real suc- cess on Friday evening, May 6. Don’t forget the date and hour, parents and friendsâ€"Date May 6th, time 7.30 (daylight saving). The many friends of Mr. Harold Henricks were pleased to see him in Victoria Square over the week-end. Extensive preparauons are being No. 45.