Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 5 May 1938, p. 2

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Formerly Scarboro paid a levy to the County of $86.- 000. We got $32,000 back for secondary education. Now we pay $70,000 and get back $5,000 mostly for Agincourt continuation school. The York County Post commenting last week on the opposition expressed by present members of County Coun- cil to the proposed abolition of County Councils as a part of our governing system said, “Obviously, the boys are afraid Mr. Hepburn has his useful reforming axe aimed to cut off this surplus sucker-growth, namely county coun- cils- v Hepburn will have no more creditable piece of work to his record if and when he abolishes the entire drag of county councils. So we think the boys are trying to sweep back the rising tide of public repudiation of county coun- cils by pretending that reforestation and conservation are county affairs. Well, that’s a laugh. The 10 or 12 county plantations are really the product of the provincial O. F. B. and only the graft and drag may be laid to the various counties. Our York County Planta- tion is a sample. The inner circle knows the wire-pulling the chicanery and waste that this plantation represents. It is not even playing at reforestation. AV AL.) Alvv aux“. r-w_,_--o w- _--_--__-H ,7 County Councils now have no vahiable part in educaâ€" tion, none in highways, none in social services, so why keep up the expensive pretence of t_heir Value. A. 1 :- mnn """THE Ceinity’s “Justice” Departrhent properly belongs to the Province, with a magistrate or a J. P. in each town- ship for certain gaiises. v- “WV. Nu- -- -_,.‘, 9. That all the rights which democracy gives a man are obligations Whose betrayal destroys his rights; 10. That, therefore, democracy justifies itself only so far as it possesses the spirit and ability to fulfil these obli- gations, .- .. u 1 1 1 I,_4f- __ ‘i‘fié‘TI’Y.’ C. Roads pretend to do valuable highway service. As a matter of fact the township could provide infinitely betterrroag serviee_at aquarier the ‘cos‘t._ 7. That it is every rrian’s right to protect his own and every other man’s rights by participation in government. 8. That true freedom under such government is the freedom to seek the social goal according to the free reason of each, but freely subject to the revision of all; O... conceivable that if the above credo had been ac- tually observed, students of government and statesmen would not now be holding conferences on “how to preserve democracy.” Scarboro‘ and this applies to almost every county mun- icipality in Ontario, is paying its biggest bill for useless, inefficient County wastefulness. York County costs us more than Relief. Twice our public works, all our second- ary schools costs, our salary bill thrice over â€" and from York County We get a very great deal of abstruse, obtuse, wire-pulling- oratory that keeps taxes high and renders not a single item of value to any municipality about T0- ronto. auxu an“, buy“ v- w“, 5. That every man should add what he can to these resources of human progress; 6. That the issues that affect human welfare should be decided by reason, not by authority; and that the col- lective reason is, on the whole, a safer guide than the iso- lated reason of any individual _or_ elass; .u- _1 We believe: 1- That the welfare of all men is the genuine part of the welfare of each man; 2. That, although men are differently endowed, no person or class knows enough to set limits to what any man may become; ,1 AL__,_, .13-.- --. ......... a», WW..-” 3. That true equality means an equal chance for ev- ery man to show, what he can be and do; 4. That the resources of civilization belong to each man in proportion to his power to use them for his good and the good of all; _- .q 1 . '- , , LA LL...... In a jubilant frame of mind the hopeful little Saskat- chewan weekly said last week: “There be times and circumstances when it is per- missible to forget the tribulations of others, and this is an instance. “There is moisture in the ground down from two to four feet, and more on the way, in this drought-scourged region that was doomed to revert to desert. For the doni- zens of this region it matters little just now that Russia is rounding up bunches of political misfits for the national sport of mass executions, or that Germany is goose-stepp- ing and telling the world that they won the Great War and are ripe for another raid of Europe; or that the Japs and Chinese are bombing;P each other off the map- In his recent volume on “Why Democracy,” Jas. Wil- liam Hudson sets forth the principal points on democracy’s credo in the followmg statement: “The big thing in this neighbourhood is that the long drought is over. Since Monday it has rained and snow-ed and rained againâ€"sloughs, culverts, ditches and dug-outs are filled to capacity: rural councillors are busy distribut- ing millions of bushels of seed and within a week every- one will be busy on the great gamble with Nature, and this time it looks like a winner.” There is talk of reducing the number of members in Ontario Parliament from ninety to fifty and doing away altogether with County Councils. In Muskoka we have never had a County Council and I do not see where we have suffered from not having one. County Councils cost a lot of money, but whether they are worth it can best be answered by those who have them. If the number of members of Parliament were reduced to fifty it should greatly reduce the cost of government. One could hardly go through the Parliament Buildings at Toronto without being almost stunned by the office accommodation which seems to be all used. That has all to be paid for by the people of Ontario. If they could reduce the number of employees to the proportion of fifty to ninety it would be a great relief to the taxpayers.â€"Bracebridge Gazette. Advertising Rates on Agiplication. TELEPHONE 9 THE LIBERAL PRINTING (30., LTD. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY AT RIGHMOND HILL Member Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association Subscription $1.50 per year â€"â€" To the United States $2.00 County Councils PAGE TWO Covexling Canada’s Best Suburban District NEVER HAD COUNTY COUNCIL WAINWRIGHT STAR HOPEFUL COUNTY COUNCILS MUST GO THURSDAY, MAY 5th, 1938. THE CREED OF DEMOCRACY Established 1878 AN INDEPENDENT WEEKLY “THE LIBERAL” J. Eachern Smith, Manager '1! must go The ypoint out that the average person forgets that grass is an ordin- ary garden plant requiring food and care just as much as flowers or vege- tables and seed selection is also just as important. Good lawns are pro- duced from top quality lawn grass mixtures, which contain proper pro- portions of the finer permanent grasses. Velvety Lawns No small garden is complete withâ€" out a lawn and the richer, greener and softer that lawn is the better the whole picture. Good grass, rich and smooth enough to rival of the fam- ous turf of the Old Country, is not a difficult feat, experts declare, though they admit that some care is required. Seed should be sown liberally and the ground fertilized. Rolling in the spring and watering regularly are alâ€" so advisable. This treatment will keep grass, a rich dark green and growing fast enough to crowd out the weeds. Pate ches of the latter in old lawns are usually a sure sign 0f worn-out soil weak from starvation. In hot weath- er grass should not be cut as short or as often as in the spring and fall. Garden Pictures Although the informal flower gar- den is much to be preferred for av- erage planting, at the same time this does not mean just throwing in plants. Experts advise a little pre- liminary planning even when only a small ‘bed of annuals is contemplatâ€" ed. The good seed catalogue which lists time of blooming, colors, heights and other points greatly simplifies this matter of lay out. Generally the best plan is to have the larger flowers towards the rear or centre of the bed‘ so that‘little things like nasturtiums, alyssum, dwarf phlox and similar kirnds will not be hidden. Where the bed is to be mixed, it is well also, state the iexperts. to have late, medium and or centre things 1i dwarf ph not be hi be mixed experts, early flm sure som‘ things like nasturtiums, alyssum, dwarf phlox and similar kinds will not be hidden. Where the bed is to be mixed, it is well also, state the experts, to have late, medium and early flowers evenly balanced to in- sure som-ething always in bloom. But there are other and finer points to consider. Certain shades blend, well together and often a whole bed will be selected with this blending in mind. Of course for this sort of thing, all the plants must bloom during the same period. Fraâ€" grance should be taken into account, as there are some spicy flowers like Evening Scented Stocks, Nicotine, Mignonette, Sweet Sultan and Ver- bena, which while rather plain as plants, fill the whole garden with a delightful incense. experts, to ha‘ early flowers e sure something But there a points to consi Mistakes Too soon, too c10se, and too deep it is claimed, are the new gardeners most common mistake in sowing eith- er vegetable or flower seeds. The average amateur starts operations days or sometimes weeks too soon and stops long before satisfactory operations can be continued. With the general run of vegetables and flowers, there is no advantage in getting things in while there is still danger of serious frost. One set-back from a cold day or two completely offsets the early start and may in- deed mean replanting the whole gar- den. Th‘is caution of course does not apply to very hardy vegetables or flowers or to grass seed. These should be sown just as soon as grass is fit to work. HINTS FDR GARDENERS Phone HYIand 2081 Res. Phone 9788 THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO Johnston & Grranston MANUFACTURERS & IMPORTERS OF CANADIAN & FOREIGN Granite Monuments It will be interesting to see what the county coun- cils do to justify their existence during the next year. Will they hold fewer sessions and cut down costs of govern- ment? Will they lop off the useless services? Will they take up reforestation and other powers that counties still possess and can administer to advantage? Or will they continue to make a holiday of the June session, as some county councils do? Will some of them continue to hold five sessions a year while others get along on three? Will they hold expensive banquets'for the wardens? Will the members of county road committees continue to travel long distancas looking over roads. at public expense for salary and mileage? Will they conduct their sessions in businesslike fashion, opening on time and working a rea- sonable number of hours each day? It is up to the county councillors themselves very definitely now. Unless they can get public opinion on their side, they seem to be on the way out. We have often maintained that if the county counâ€" cils are abolished in Ontario it will be their own fault. The need for county governing bodies has been slipping away as transportation grew easier. The plea is made that they “are nearer to the people” than the legislatures, and that their membership can be changed each year, while provin- cial elections take place only once in four years. They’ll have to give a better reason than that for continued exist- ence- They’re not as close to the people as the municipal councils, and it is seldom that a reeve is elected or defeated because of county matters, but rather because of munâ€" icipal issues. 7 If “the Ontario Legislature held five there would be more talk of abolishing News-Record. 1849 Yonge St. (east side) Between Mertan & Ballicl Sts. UP TO COUNTY COUNCILS Open Evenings Spacing is important and yet even 'the enthusiast does not care to spend 'much time kneeling and thinning. Labor can be saved by properly spac- ing the seed as planted. Corn, beets, peas and similar plants with big seeds can easily be sown at the dist- ances advocated on the packet. With tiny seeded lettuce or alyssum how- ever, it is practically imp0ssib1e to space by hand but if the seed is first mixed with a little sand and the whole sown carefully plants will be spread out. The second mistake of too deep planting is also a common one. Au- thorities recommend as a general rule only‘planting to a depth of three times the diameter of the seed. This means that seeds like peas and beans will be covered with abOut an inch of soil but tiny things such as lettuce and poppies will be merely pressed m. Women are fast thinkers. When she gets mad she can think of more cuss words and not say them than a man can think of and spit out. Stabesmen need‘ long training. It takes time to overcome the habit of making reckless statements that would look silly in print. No nation. should be judged by its magazine covers. Give yourself and your family enioy- ment and entertainment the whole year through by selecting one of these special offers. Either offer permits a choice of top-notch magazines together with --- NEwTs'FiPER sessions a year, 1t, tooâ€"Fergus GROUP NO. 1 [j MACLEAN’S MAGAZINE (24 issues) HI. [:1 CHATELAINE . . . . . I Yr. [:1 NATIONAL HOME MONTHLY 1 Yr. E] CANADIAN MAGAZINE - - 1 Yr. [1 PIQIQBIAILRH. combined with 1V- “"h'eiiiiiéifiinlfi - - - Mr. [3 cmmonrrnz & HOME MAG. 1 Yr. 1:] ROD AND GUN - - - - 1 Yr. E] AMERICAN BOY - - - - SMDS. [j SILVER SCREEN - - - ~ 1 Yr [3 PARENTS’ MAGAZINE - - BMIJS. [:IOPEN ROAD FOR BOYS - 16 Mus. E] AMERICAN FRUIT GROWER - 1 Yr. YOUR NEWSPAPER AND 3 BIG MAGAZINES iPrairies and the towering mountains .between the Prairies and British Co- l lumbia might be more vulnerable than [more compactly arranged and dense- lly settled cquntries to the develop- )ment of sectionalism and frankly, I 'don’t see how this country is ever going to get anywhere unless coheâ€" sion is developed to a greater extent Ethan has prevailed in the past ex- lcept in times of national emergency. May I say that I like the way your press association is tackling its job in striking out to get some dominant and constructive note re- lating to the activities of your fel- lows of the weekly press. Their in- fluence, I would think, is the most powerful influence in this country and so could !be a great factor for good or evil. I think they are nearâ€" er to their constituents than anyone else, except possibly the physician and the clergyman, but they have the advantage over these two of speaking regularly. and at some length, to all their people. Dear Sir I think that if on the spur of the moment, had to urge some program upon the weekly editors, I w0uld urge that they use all their influ- ence to incite in the people of their communities, a real sense of citizen- ship. It seems to me that Ca'nadâ€" ians, probably like people of other countries, have not developed this sense in the full. By this sense of citizenship I mean a consciousness of the privileges we enjoy as members of a democracy with a full apprecia- tion of the responsibilities which those privileges entail. I mean also, a local patriotism of an intense and pure character but second in intensity to a national pa- triotism. I think Canada, by rea- son of geographical circumstance, with barriers such as the thin strip between Quebec and the Maritimes, the waste dividing Ontario frOm the I readily see that this prescrip- tion of mine is not an easy one â€" even if in your View, a good one â€" to advocate through a press which must be acutely “location-conscious.” But I really do not see that there should- be amy real conflict between +he two patriotisms, local and naâ€" tional I firmly believe that the proper interest in local problems can b,o)< - Du.» -n--l_t--x-.fl.fl.l---Il-fl-«I-Dm A Series of Letters from Distinguished Canadians on Vital Problems Affecting the Future Welfare of Canada Specially Written for Canadian Weekly Newspapers Assoeiation Subscriptions nigh at The Liberal LE'I'I‘ER No. 3 MAKING CANADA A Better Place in Which to Live and Work CHOOSE EITHER OFFER for one year $ENTLEMEN: l ENCLOSE s ............ PLEASE SEND ME D OFFER No. I (Indicate which)[| OFFER NO. 2. I AM CHECKING THE MAGAZINES DESIRED WITH A YEAR‘S SUBSCRIPTION TO YOUR PAPER. NAME ST. OR R.F.D. TOWN AND PROVINCE THURSDAY, MAY 5th, 1938. GROUP (A) [j MACLEAN'S MAGAZINE (24 issuas) 1 Yr. [1 CHATELAINE . . . . . IYI. DNATIONAL HOME MONTHLY H'r. [jCANADIAN MAGAZINE - - Hr. E] PIOTORIAL REVIEW combined witl' OELINEATOR - - - - Ht. [:1 CAN. HOEII'RE & HOME MAO. 1 Yr. DROD&GUN - - - - - Hr. DSILVER SCREEN . - - . er. GROUP (B) DTRUE STORY - - - - - er‘ DOPEN ROAD FOR BOYS - - 2Yrs. DAMERICAN BOY - - - - Hr. DPARENTS’ MAGAZINE- - - 1Yr. [jSCREENtAND - - - - - er. HNEws-WEEK - (26 issues) fiMos. be expanded into a constructive in- terest in national problems. With the improvement in commun- ications, with the linking up of the country by fast air services, with- radio, and with better and mOre comâ€" plete news services available to yOur press, I think many influences are at work to promote this better sense of national citizens-hip. I do appreciate the compliment implied by your writing me in this connection and I extend to you and your Association, my heartiest best wishes for a successful year. Yours truly, FRANK PENDE‘RGAST, ASSistant to the President, Toronto. Imperial Oil Limited The man who takes another man’s money for labour and then steals his time is in the foot-pad class and he should Think! Baker’s Repair Shop Day 139 Maple, 9n} If you’re looking for qual- ity and workmanship at a! reasonable price call and see’ our stock of hand made harness and collars. Collar fitting and repairing a specialty Shop Closed Mom, Wed. and Fri. at 6 p.m. RICHMOND HILL Barley 0.A.C. No. 21 Victory and Banner Oats Stock Feeds and Poultry Mashes or your own Form- ula made up. Salt Blogks at 20c. each whlle they last THE MILL ISAAC BAKER. receive the same punishment. Telephone Maple 1063 UN - )REEN GROUP (B) )RY - AD ron iovs l BOY MAGAZINE - mn . PHONES: YOUR NEWSPAPER AND 2 BIG MAGAZINES I Yr. DYS- -2Yrs. - - - 1Y1. E- - -1Yr. - - Mr. (26 issues) BMos. Evenings 82W R. R. No. 2

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