WW BIG WEEKS? MAY 20TH Richmond Hill, April 28, 1938 A. J. HUME, Village Treasurer. The first instalment of the 1938 'Taxes will be due on the IST DAY OF MAY NEXT Pay promptly and avoid pen- alty of 4 per centum which must be imposed after MWOWOMMMOQMWW DAVID'HILL &C°£ Yonge St. TAXES 1930 Durant 4 Sedan. 1934 Master Chevrolet Coach, extra fine condition. 1934 Plymouth DeLuxe Sedan 1934 Master Chevrolet DeLuxe Sedan, looks and runs like new. Very special. All reconditioned & guaranteed 1937 Plymouth DeLuxe, Touring Sedan, small mileage, heat- 1936 Plymouth 2-door Touring Sedan, excellent value. 1937 USED CARS â€"â€" Dealers in CHRYSLER & PLYMOUTH CARS A' Mess age to the Sick ‘ we help such troubles as colds, grippe, nervous- ness, stomach disorders and constipation. The answer is: we can and do. You do not have to take our word for it since we can give you the names of people who have been helped in these cases who are willing to testity to the facts. So don’t forget. We can help you most if you come to us first and it will cost ycu less. You are invited to call and discus: your health prob- lems. Consultation free. “expensive. Drugless methods of treating disease have proved their efficiency in countless cases after other methods have failed, yes, even after operations have failed to restore health. FOR SPECIAL LOW PRICES ON DAY- OLD CHICKS, STARTED CHICKS AND COCKERELS - WE CAN HELF YOU MOST WHEN YOU COME TO US EARLY Drugless methods of treating diseases are safe. Drugless methods of treating disease are relatively in- Is it not them first Before risking an operation or before waiting till your case becomes chronic? If we can and do help, chronic cases such as goitre, womb troubles, lumbago, sciatica, deafness, loss of smell, squint eyes, bed-wetting, etc., why cannot Kitchener Big-4 Hatchery SPECIALS er. ' Chrysler Royal, Touring sedan, small mileage PAGE FOUR KITCHENER Why take chances? We honestly believe that never before has a guarantee like ours been off- ered chick buyers. Our catalogue tells you why. BIG-4 CHICKS have extra vitality and ability to lay more and larger eggs because they are backed by a definite breeding program. Breeders Gov- ernment Inspected, Blood-tested. Temperance Street at Kennedy Street, Aurora. Phone 341 for Appointment J. R. HARRISON, Chiropractor HELEN HARRISON, Masseuse GORMLEY, ONT., R.R. N0. PHONE RICHMOND HILL 4704 WESLEY CLARK ONâ€" Richmond Hill 1081 King St. East Write or ’Phone: LTD JOHN MURPHY John‘ Murphy, a well known resiâ€" dent of the Schomrberg district died on April 19th after a brief illness. He was in his 87th year. He was a member of St. Patrick’s Roman Cath- olic Church. Surviving are one son, Richard and‘ one daughter Sadie, and' two sisters, Miss E. Murphy and Mrs. Charles McKonon. The funeral 'took upl-ace on April 22nd with high mass at St. Patrick‘s Church and in- terment at St. Patrick’s Cemetery. The pallbearers were Messrs. Jim O‘Neil, Robert Wray, Harry Suther- land, Allan Brown, C. McKale and Jack Cull. S. Honey. Sale at serve. Prentice & tioneers. SATURDAY, MAY 14â€"Auction sale of 40 head of fresh COWS and near springers all good [big dairy cattle and good testers on lot. 2, con. ‘7, Markham Township, property of J. S. Honey. Sale at 1 pm. No re- serve. Prentice & Prentice, Auc- N. H. Sproule, a well known resi- dent of York County died at Schom- berg on Wednesday, April 27th. He was in his 84th year. In early years he taught school at Schomtberg. Later he farmed and engaged in railroad work. He was Collector of Customs at Newmarket for 16 years. He was a member of the Orange Association and) a Conservative in politics. Sur- viving are five daughters, Mrs. M. J. McCutcheon, Port Arthur, Hazel in Montreal, Evelyn in Toronto, Iva in New York and Clare at home. The funeral took place on Friday afterâ€" noon with service in the United Church and interment in SchOmJberg Cemetery. Residents Turn Down Daylight Saving Time Meeting in the school on Saturday evening, Kleinlburg residents voted to remain on Standard Time. The vote failed to be even close and the Day- light Saving proposal was beaten! by an overwhelming majority. The meeting voted to proceed with the installation of hydro in the public school but further action on the pro- posal for street lighting was deferr- ed pending the completion of a petiâ€" tion which is to be circulated. as Toronto. NEWTON HAY SPROULE Sale Register ONTARIO By Virtue of an Execution issued out of the Third Division Court for the County of York and to me di- rected, against the Goods and Chat- tels of for the current year. Please be ready for him when he calls. The dog tax for 1938 is as follows: One male dOg $2.00; each additional dog kept by the same party $4.00. One female dog $5.00; each addition- al female $8.00. Richmond Hill, May 5th, 1938. ROLPH F. BAKER At the suit of JACOB LUNAU I have seized and taken into execu- tion‘ The Village Overseer will make the rounds of the Village during the second week of May for the purpose of collecting the Another example of a misfit is when a family of five boys and two dogs mcve into an exclusive neigh- borhood. Don Head Farms are located abOut midway between Richmond Hill and Maple, two miles west of Yonge St. Highway and about 20 miles north of Toronto. 1 McC‘ormick-Deering Tractor 1 Waterloo Threshing Separator 1 Clover Thresher 1 Cutting Box All which property will be sold by PUiBILIC AU|CTION at Audette’s Blacksmith Shop, Elgin Mills, On- tario, on Saturday the 14th day of May, 1938, at the hour of two o’- clock in the afternoon (daylight savâ€" ing time). Mr. Patterson is leaving no stone unturned to make the Field Day an outstanding success. In addition to providing lunch for the visitors, he is installing several baseball dia- monds and horseshoe pitches. There will also be special races for the children. Remember, every sheep breeder with his family is invited. Saturday, June 4th, promises to be a red-letter day in the history of Ontario sheep breeders, as John D. Patterson, Don Head Farms, near Richmond Hill, has thrown open his spacious acres for the annual Field Day of the Sheep Breeders of the province. Mr. Patterson has [one of the best kept farms in Ontario stock- ed with Southdown sheep that have won many prizes at leading Canad- ian and International exhibitions. Mr. Patterson has also one of the best Aberdeen-Angus herds in Canada. The Field Day will commence at 11 am. Standard Time. John D. Patterson, Donv Head Farms, near Richmond Hill, extends hearty invitation to all sheep breed- ers and familiesâ€"40 provide lunch at noonâ€"prize Southdowns and Ab- erdeen-Angus on displayâ€"Baseball, Horseshoe pitching and races for children. W. H. ESPEY, Bailiff†Dated this 4th day of May, 1938. the word along, it will make this year’s re-union “bigger and better than ever.†Officers for 19318 are: President, Miss A. Kerr; Vice-Pres, Mr. W. Peterman; Sec., Miss V. Dooks; Treas., Miss J. McClure. Ont. Sheep Breeders Field Day June 4th Plans are again getting under way for the annual re-union picnic of Pur- pleville School, 8.8. No. 11 Vaughan, which is to be held at Huttonville Park on Saturday, June 11th. Bas- ket lunch will be served at 12 noon. All pupils, ex-pupils, ex-teachers and their families are cordially in- vited. Anyone knowing the address of former pupils, if you just pass Star Specials 1929 Pontiac Sedan $125.00 1928 Pontiac Cab. 1928 Pontiac Coach 1927 Buick Sedan . . . . . $75.00 MORTGAGE SALE Rolling Motor Sales YONGE STREET RICHMOND HILL. ONT. PURPLEVILLE NOTICE THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO? DOG TAX A. J. HUME, Clerk. . $125.00 $98.00 ' PHONE THORNHILL 73 The entertainment under the aus- pices of the Y.P.U. on Wednesday evening, May 4th, was quite success- ful. Mrs. Dixon of Unionville and ‘her orchestra with the artists from Toronto, Mr. Middleton, baritone; ’Mrs. Conley, pianist; Miss Lines, elo- cution-ist, were well received and heartily encored. The one act farce comedy “In May with June†was a pleasing finale and drew rounds of applause from the audience. The ad- judicator, Mr. Robertson, afterwards gave his criticism placing the play in Class A which gives the Headford‘ Y.P.U. entry to the Drama Festival in Richmond Hill next Wednesday evening. Residence of 30' days will make any single, unassessed man liable to be taxed. If in business, a single man will be called upon to make up his taxes to the sum of $5.00 should his business tax be less than that aâ€" mount. Garden lovers heard an- interesting lecture in the Institute Hall here on Thursday of last week when the Schomberg' Horticultural Society, headed by President Dr. Dillane, sponsored the appearance of the well known authority on the subject, “Dick the Amateur Gardenerâ€. Meeting last Monday night Wood- bridge council repealed the much de- ‘bated existing poll tax by-law and passed another to replace it. The change was made to more fully cover present conditions. No date was set for payment of the $5.00 annual levy, but the provisions stipulated that payment must be made within two days of demand. After two days, Constable Geo. Scott, who has been appointed collector, is author- ized to initiate distress proceedings. A penalty of $10 and costs is also provided should the tax not be, aid within two days. No provision is made for statute labour in lieu of payment, nor is the payer entitled to a municipal vote Miss Alexa Baxter, who has made her home with the R. S. MacMiHan family for the past several months, left last week for Toronto, where she visited with her sister, prior to leav- ing for her home in Kerrobert, Sask, on Monday, April 25th. The Ontario Horticultural Associa- tion is sponsoring a series of pro- grams on gardening to be heard over the Canadian Broadcasting stations from 3.45 to 4 o’clock, beginning the latter part of April. The horticul- tural societies are urged to bring to the attention of our school children the protection of wild flowers, espe- cially the trillium, our floral em- blem. Rev. and Mrs. R. S. MacMillan and family left on Monday, by motor, for their long trip to Kind-ersley, Saskat- chewan, where Rev. MacMillan' will assume his new duties‘ on May lst. Prior to their departure the family were the recipients of many kind‘ tokens of remembrance from the var- ious classes and organizations ‘in Schomlberg and Dunkerron. Council Revise By-law Assessing Poll Tax Invite your friends to visit the Fair at Richmond Hill Victoria Day, May 24th. Sunday School and Church Service in Zion Lutheran Church on Sunday will be at. 10 a.m. and 1‘1 a.m. Stand- ard Time respectively. On Sunday Mother’s Day, the pastor preaches the first of a series of 3 sermons on “The Christian Homeâ€. The W.M.S. of the Presbyterian Church met at the home of Mrs. Fred‘ Graham on Thursday afternoon, April 21st. Mrs. R. Davis occupied‘ the chair. The scripture lesson was taken by Mrs. F. Graham and the prayer by Mrs. R. Davis. Miss Mar- jorie Burling gave a very interesting account of the life of Mr. J. G0- forth, who had spent his life min- istering to the Chinese. At the close of the meeting, lunch was served by the hostess. FOR SALE There will be a reception and preâ€" sentation to M.W. Bro. W. J. Dunlop, Masonic Grand Master at Maple on Tuesday evening, May 10th under the auspices of the rural Lodges of To- ronto district “Dâ€. RECEPTION TO MASONIC GRAND MASTER AT MAPLE LANGSTAFF SUPPLY USED ROLLERS, HAR- ROWS, TRACTOR PLOWS, DEERING BINDER, HAR- ROW CART, ETC. AGENT FOR FLEURY - BISSEL FARM MACHINERY. SCHOMBERG H‘EADFOR D MAPLE COW MANURE. Apply Liberal Ofâ€" ,fice, Richmond Hill. 9 PIGS 6 weeks old, 9 Pigs 3 months old'. Apply H. N. Weatherill, Lot 19, Con. 6, Markham, telephone Sltouffville 2610. QU’BITITY FIELD STONE for building. Apply R. Rodick, Lot 9, Con. 4, Markham Township. PhOne Ag'incourt 42-W-2. 2 REGISTERED HO'LSTEIN HEIF- ERS 2 and 3 years old, milking, for sale cheap. Apply Leechwood Farm, 2% miles east of Thornhill. BABY CHICKS and CustOm Hatch- ing. Apply for prices and further particulars. Miss K. Mecredy, Yonge Street Poultry Farm, Richmond Hill, phone 102r13. DMPLEM-ENTS: 2 used 10â€"20 McCorâ€" mick Deering Tractors; 2 used 12-20 Case Tractors; 1 used Fordson Trac- tor; 1 used I.H.C. Hay Press. Apply Jack Gray, Maple. WHITE PEKIN duck eggs for hatch- ing. Leo Burton, Carrville Road or phone Maple 764. 8 YOUNG PIGS. Farm, Lot 14, Con D-OOLEY POTATOES. Maple, telephone Maple CEDAR POSTS all sizes. N. I Bowes, Concord, phone Maple 868. 50 BAGS No. 1 SEED POTATOES. Apply Wm. Nichol: of Temperanceville STRAWBERRY PLANTS, healthy POTATOES, 50 bags Irish Cobbler, 75 .bags Dooleys. C. E. Walkington, King, telephone King 4213. GOOD GOOSE WHEAT for seed and a few bushels of peas. John Boy- ing‘ton, phone Agincourt 51'2. DOO‘LEY POTATOES; also Dooley and Cobbler Seed Potatoes. Wm. Paul, ‘Riichvale, Stop 22 Yonge 'St. one big\_churn with electric power Apply Mr. John Donald, Elgin Mills phone Maple 1049. ALFALFA HAY and straw. Apply R. Michael, Richmond Hill. Premiers. Apply Mrs. Stewart Clarkson, Ont., phone 91. ERIIS‘H COBBLER and Dooley Pota- toes, 500. per bag. Robt. Stone- house, Lot 8, Con. 5, Markham. 300 GLADIOLI BULBS, good varie- ties and colours. Plant this month. N. J. Smellie, Thornhill, phone 42J. Be LAVAL No. 17 SEPARATOR and SEED GlRiAIN O.A.C. No. 21 Bar- ley, Gov. grade No. 1; Victory Oats, Gov. grade No. 1; also Goose Wheat. Apply Bruce Brothers, Unionville, phone Stouffville 3602‘ GOOD USED RANGE from $5.00 up to $25.00. Don-'t duelay if y'Ou want one, 4 to choose from. J. A. Rose, Maple Hardware. ICE BOX, large size, $5.00. Also Coleman Oil Burners. Now is a good time to turn in your radio, big a1â€" lowanlce on a new one. Apply G. Yerex, Markham Road, Richmond Hill. GOVERNMENT T.B. tested cattle, fresh cows and close up springers, Holstein, Ayrshire, Jersey and Dur- hams, Bulls for sale. Cattle always on hand. \Apply Jack Devins, 2 miles south of Woodbridge. Phone Wood- bridlge 1364‘ . RUlGS, Stock of late importer, in- cludes Wiltons‘, Broadlooms and Ori- entals, extremely low prices while stock lasts, will ‘ship mail orders promptly, write for price list. Trad- ers and Importers, 54 Wellington St. West, Toronto. ‘ BARRED ROCK, White Leghorn, New Hampshire, Black Minorca, Jersey Giant productionabred chicks. Our prices are moderate and our chick quality high. Custom hatching specialists. Yonge Street Poultry Farm, Richmond Hill, phone 102r13. Owners of dogs in Richmond‘ Hil'l are reminded that according to vil- lage by-Iaw, all dogs are prohibited from running at large during the period of from May lst until Sep- tember 30th. The provisions of the by-law will be strictly enforced and those vio- lating the regulations will be prose- cumed. All dog owners are asked to take this warning, and keep dogs tied up during this period. By Order of Municipal Council. THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISINGâ€"MAKE THE MOST OF IT RATESâ€"Five lines or less, 25 cents for first insertion and 15‘ cenâ€"ts for each subsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extra each insertion. IF CHARGED 7 CENTS PER LINE. Classified Advs. Notice Re Dogs Wmi‘ Nichols, lst farm south FOR SALE Apply Long'worth 3, Markham. Bert Lund, 241‘13. THURSDAY, MAY 5th, 1938, Orr, Kindly communicate inform- ation to local authorities. By Order, Richmond Hill Council. WANTED TO RENT O'R BUY pas- ture, about fifty acres, well fenced and running water. E. T. Stephens, Richmond Hill. REPORTER to send news of new buildings, fires, new businesses and busineSS removals. Stationery and postage supplied. Interesting work for spare time. Write now stating qualifications. MacLean Building Reports, Ltd., 345 Adelaide St. W., Toronto, Ont. WHITEWASHING and disinfecting, T.B. clean-ups. Our work will stand government inspection. Write Floyd’s Sprayers, Bolton, Ont. A substantial reward will be given to the person or persons giving information leading to the apprehension and conviction of those responsible for damag- ing village property. M cC ormick-Deering Agent for Farm Implements. Tractors, Trucks. Repairs and Pamak Electric Fencers HANDY MAN. Apply at The Liberal Office. EXPERIENCED FARM HAND, single, desires employment. Can start work immediately. Apply Collin, 21 Benson Ave., RichmOnd Hill, Ont. $2000.00 FIlRlST MORTGAGE want- ed on valuable house and lot. Ex- cellent residential section in Rich- mond Hill. Willing to pay 51/.2%- Apply Box 84, Liberal Office. / BUILDINGS raised and moved. Langstaff Supply, Langstaff, phone Thornhill 73. I have latest equipment for de- horning cattle, 25c. for year-Oldsv and 50c. over. Liquid supplied. Apply to L. H. Clement, Richmond‘ Hill. Phone 176 Ordinary fencing costs from $125 to $300 a mile. Install a. Parmak to-day and save this huge difference. ’ Used Cars (Reconditioned and Guaranteed) FLOYD R. PERKINS 1936 FORD V-B DeLUXE SEDAN 1936 FORD TUDOR with Trunk. 1935 FORD V-8 DeLUXE COUPEâ€" 1933 FORD V-8 DeLUXE ROADSTER Rumble Seat. Ford Heater. Nice. 1934 FORD V-8 DeLUXE COUPEâ€"- Rumble Seat. Radio Equipped. Little Brothers Ford Sales & Service RICHMOND HILL ONTARIO PHONE 174-W MISCELLANEOUS with Trunk. A Fine Car. Small Mileage. Rumble Seat. Ford Heater. Very Smart- REWARD Free Demonstrations NOTICE WANTED $635.00 $425.00 $490.00 $575.00 $360.00