Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 5 May 1938, p. 5

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Perhaps rthe most outstanding num- ber was the violin solo by Mrs. Ste- phenson accompanied by Mr. Stevens of Toronto. Both are indeed artists ’of outstanding ability and Unionville music lovers had a real treat in hear- ing good music so ably performed. Following the concert refreshments were served the artists and guests by the members of the choir, Rev. Owen expressing appreciation for the entertainment given. Mrs. Stephen- son replied in fitting words the plea-1 sure the visit to Unionville had been. Thirty-three ladies were in attendd ance at the April meeting of the WA. of Central United Church when . Mrs. G. Compton, Mrs. F. Pollard,‘ Mrs. F. Boadway and Mrs. B. Sabis-I The concert held on Saturday ev- ening last under the auspices of Cen- tral United Church choir proved ver- itably to be a musical treat. The orchestra numbers were especially good and reflected great credit on the teacher, Mrs. Stephenson. The ladies’ choir from Nm-th Toronto gave several splendid numbers, and the interspersed readings gave good entertainment also. M'any interesting reminiscences will be offered, we are sure, by these two venerable ladies when they meet with many friends on this happy occasion. Mrs. D. Coulson has lived in Mark- ham Township her entire life and will long be remembered for her homey philosophy and human understanding‘ of folk. A dinner party of relatives and friends is planned for Saturday evening at the home of her son Har- vey Coulson. brate her 90th birthday and Mrs. D. Coulson‘will turn her eighty-second mile stone in life’s way. Mrs. Gibson, although a partial in- ‘ valid for many years, still retains her bright and charming personality and portrays keen interest in all wior-th while affairs. She is a de« scendant of the “Mother of Scarâ€" boro”, and a daughter of the late John Glendenning. Mrs. Gibson wil! be at home to friends on Saturday, May 7th. Mrs. D. Coulson has lived in Mark- ham Township her entire life and will long be remembered for her homey philosophy and human understanding‘ of folk. A dinner party of relatives and friends is planned for Saturday evening at the home of her son Har- vey Coulson. Mr. J. H. Chant who has been: ‘spending the winter in Florida re- I‘turned home on Tuesday. Announcement, is made that the {presentation of the Prize Drama bw the Junior Farmers Club is scheduled' for May 14th and will be given in( Heather Hall, Aginc0urt. The Junior’ Farmers Club has challenged the Forward Club, Knox United Church' to a debate on the much agitated question, “Legalizing Sweepstakes in' Canada”. This will be given on the same evening and certainly looks like an OK. program. Reserve the date, the evening of May 14th. Mr. Robt. Myers, our trusty mail carrier, has established a reputation that is hard to beat. Durngr his‘ eighteen years as in government serâ€" vice he has never missed a train. n. We offer congratulations to two of our township’s most honored citizens. when during the coming week Mrs. Susan Gibson of Milliken will cele- brate her 90th birthday and Mrs. D. Coulson‘will turn her eighty-second mile stone in life’s way. ~ An instructive paper on Vitamins, given by Alice Dai‘llngton, brought many suggestions of proper menus to insure good health. Miss Dar- lington also won the lucky draw. A debate on the question “Resolved that the unmarried girl is happier than her married sister,” with Eva Hunter and Miss Bainbridge present- ing the affirmative and Isabel Whit- taker and Helen Little defending the negative, resulted in the decision be- ing given to the negative. Rozina Barker, Miss Powney and Mina Som- merville acted as judges. The roll call to be responded to by choosing the happiest girl in the club, many were mentioned, which speaks well for the temperament of the girls. Nellie Clark presided at the Home- maker-s meeting and introduced Miss Lulu C. Powney, who very ably de- monstrated the Kraft Cheese pro- ducts, making delicious sandwiches and salads that looked very appetiz- mg. “Here we go gathering nuts in May,” might easily be the slogan of the young folk who attended the Junior Farmer and Homemakers Clubs held on Monday evening last in the Township Hall, for there were many kernels of valuable informa- tion/presented at both meetings. Re- presentatives from the Mount Albert and the Poplar Banks Clubs were guests of the evening. The Presi- dent, Cameron Kennedy, on» behalf of the club expressed appreciation for their attendance and emphasized the benefits derived from such co-opera- tion. Unionville won from Poplar Blanks club in! the recent Drama Conâ€" test by a very small margin. “Have more than thou s‘howest Slpeak less than thou knowest, Lend less than thou owest, Ride more than thou goest, Learn more than thou trowst, Set less than thou throwst." WEEKLY NEWS NOTES FROM THE UNIONVILLE DISTRICT THURSDAY, MAY 5th, 1938. â€"Shake s-p eare p0: IST. PHILIP‘S ANdLICAN CHURCH 10 a.m.â€"â€"Sunday School. 11 a.m.â€".Morning Prayer. BETHESDA LUTHERAN CHURCH 10 emuâ€"Sunday School. 10.30 a.m.â€"Combined Moiherg Day Service. 7 p.m.â€"“The Bride in Her New Home.” Special Mother’s Day Service will be held in Central United Church on Sunday morning at 10.30 o’clock. The Sunday School will join in the regu- lar congregational service for this event. The Central United Y.P.S. meeting on- Monday evening with Malcolm Hickson in charge proved most in- teresting especially during the lively discussion on “‘Different Ways of Spending Money.” Congratulations 30 p.111.;Public Worship I We regret to report Mr. John anowball ill and express hopes for a ‘ speedy recovery. EBENEZER UNITED CHURCH 30 p.m.â€"Church School and Moth- er’s Day Service. 30 Innâ€"“A Mother and Her Fam- ous Son.” Russell Miss Freda Wilkin of Toronto is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. J.‘ Mrs. W. J. Russell and children Helen and Kenneth visited Mr. and Mrs. Angus Kennedy of Kitchener on Wednesday. Further arrangements for the com- ing lawn and garden competitiOn td \ ‘be held in June were discussed at the1 {meeting of the Horticultural Society executive held at the home of the secretary, Mr. A. E. Milner on Tues4 day. There will be two divisiOns on ithe prize list, Farm and Village, and {two classes in each division with first I'and second prizes in each class. Class’ :1 Will include all entries for Resi-‘ 'dential Surroundings and Claw 2 the‘ éFlower Garden. It is hoped that the’ lentire list may include all members [and those who are not on the meme‘ ibership list and wish to join the $04 iciret}r are urged to do so as soon as lpossible. Polyanthus Reses are the lpremiums to be distributed this year; [and of attractive varieties. They are‘l {expected to arrive shortly so get; your membership in and share in joy! lof having one of Fthese lovely roses. in your garden. I Mrs. W. Elliott visited Mr. and Mrs. D. Harrington on Thursday last. Mrs. O. Hagerman and son Howard of Locust Hill called rn friends in‘ town on Saturday last. Mr. and Mrs. Keve: n4“ Tort)le were guests of Mr. and Mrs .A. E. Milner over the week-end. Mrs. W. J. Perkin and Mrs. N. Ogden are spending a few days at Hall’s Lake. Miss Ain'slee Hood visited her sisâ€"' ter, Mrs. Russell Little of Malverr! on Wednesday. CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH A pleasing solo by Mrs. Clarksrt-on accompanied by Mrs. Reesor along with readings by Mrs. La ROSe and Mrs. Champion: were appreciated. This live organization has many worth while activities to its credit. The ladies are always willing to give a helping hand in needed places. ‘ ‘ton were hostesses for the afternoon. EA delicious supper was served'foll- towing the program which held many linteresting items of entertainment; ,Mrs. Bewell presided. During the de- rvotional period Mrs. Champion read‘ the Bible leSson and Mrs. A. Could son gave an invSpiring Bible talk on- “Stones rolled away” also leading in- prayer. The President paid fitting' tribute to the late Mrs. John Lunau, a former member of the organiza- tion and a memory hymn was sung by the members. The President, Mrs. Bewell, also expressed appreJ ciation to the ladies for their kindlyl remembrance of her birthday on Ap- ril 18th. An interesting letter was' read from Mrs. Chapin (Nee Etta Flavelle) of Norway House, express-‘ ing gratitude for supplies sent to the mission. A start at re-decoratJ ing the Manse was reported, which will ‘be continued shortly. and Mrs. J. E. Smith Miss Gladys Huffm visited over the vs friends in the Village Mrs. Harold Smith 2 turned to their home Sunday after spending with relatives here. The Women’s Asso< Presbyterian Church m day afternoon at the Boyle, Centre Street. Mrs. C. Nelson returr the York County Hosp ket, on Tuesday and i favorably. Miss Mildred Crumm was the guest at the I Parsonage on Sunday 1 UnionviLle Pastorâ€"Rev. A. E )1‘â€"Rev. A. E. .Owen .â€"Combined Mother’s Day A dictator can In a free land‘ y you have spent the courts. There will be many novel and in.- teresting attractions at Richmond Hill Fair on May 24th. at her home and surprised the bride- toâ€"be with a shower of fancy cups and saucers. Miss Thelma Mac- Pherson held a Personal Shower at her home on Wednesday evening. .Misls Gladys Stanford, a bride of this week, has been the guest at several delightful showers in her honour the past week. On Monday, April 26th, a Pantry Shelf Shower was held at the home of Miss Marion Carter by the teen-age Girls’ Auxil- iary of St. Mary’s Anglican Church. On Wednesday evening of last week a Miscellaneous Shower was held at the home of Mrs. W. Elliott. On Friday night a large number of friends gathered at the home of Mrs. W. Charles when Miss Stanford reâ€" ceived many useful kitchen utensils in cream and green enamel. On Tuesday evening Miss Doris Leno was hostess to a number of friends in honour of her mother Mrs. Glintz of London, Ontario who has been visiting here. Mrs. C. A. Chant and Mrs. R. K. Young poured tea, and the tea assistants were Miss North- cotte and Miss Patterson. The tea table was attractively decorated with sweet peas and spring flowers. Mrs. J. F. Heard, Church Street, was hostess to a delightful tea held at her home last Saturday afternoon The members of the LaHies’ Aux- iliary of the Vaughan and Richmond Hill Veterans Association held their regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Percy Mulholland. North York Township Tuesday afternoon. Following the business meeting" dainty refreshments were served by Mrs. Mulholland and a very pleasant social time enjoyed. Mr. J. M. Armstrong, youngest son of Mruand Mrs. Allen Arm- strong, Langstaff, has severed his connection with the Legal Depart- ment‘ of the T. Eaton Co. Ltd. and entered private practise of law with Mr. R. S. Coulter, 31.0., in Cayuga. His many friends wish him every success in his new venture. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Chadwick re- turned home last week from Miami, Florida, where they spent the Winter months. Fh'iends will be pleased to hear that Mr. Chadwick is much im- proved in health. ‘1 Mrs Boy'ngton of Buttonville “4‘0 spoke on Missionary work in Jhansi. Mrs. C. W. Follett is pouring tea this afternoon in connection with the annual Sale of Workgand Tea at the Italian United Church, Toronto. The Presbyterian W.M.S. met this (Thursday) afternoon at the home of Mrs. J. E. Smith. The speaker Mr. T. H. Trench and Mr. James Skeele represented Richmond .Hill High School Board at the meeting of the Ontario Associated High School Boards in Toronto Tuesday and Wedâ€" nesday of this week. The Ladies’ Auxiliary of the Boy Scouts Association will hold their meeting on Tuesday, May 10th at 2.30 p.m. in the Municipal Hall. All ladies interested in this work are welcome. Clergy and Lay Representatives of the Synod of the fiiocese of Toronto are attending the annual meetings this week. The Rev. W. F. Wrixon and- Mr. R. D. Little are representâ€" ing St. Mary’s Church. The members of the Junior Aux- iliary of St. Mary’s Church and their Leader, Mrs. R. D. Little, attended St. James’ Cathedral on Saturday last for the special service for Junâ€" iors and Little Helpers. M-iss Mildred Crummey of‘Toronto was the guest at the United Church Parsonage on Sunday last. Mrs. C. Nelson returned home from the York County Hospital, Newmar- ket, on Tuesday and is progressing favorably. The Women’s Association of. the Presbyterian Church met last Thurs- day afternoon at the home of Miss Boyle, Centre Street. Miss Gladys Huffman of Tomnto visited over the_ week-end with friends in the Village. Mr. and Mrs. John Smale of Lind- say visited last week-end with Mr. Social and Personal or can ruin you instantly. land‘ you aren’t licked till spent all your money in Harold Smith and family re- SIXTH HOUSE IN VILLAGE to their home in Emlira on Mr. C. H. Sanderson this week sold after spending the past week his home on Roseview Avenue to Mr. latives here. \ George Agar of Victoria Square, and â€"â€" will commence work almost immediâ€" Women’s Association of. the ately on the construction of a new erian Church met last Thurs- home on Church Street just north ernoon at the home of Miss of the United Church parsonage. Sentre Street. This will be the sixth house Mr. Sanderson has built in 'Richmond 3. Nelson returned home from _ Hill. :I‘HE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO ORDER HELEN SIMPSON FLOWERS For All Occasions Phone orders delivered any- where in North Yonge St. District 2518 YONGE STREET (At St. Clements) MOhawk 3000 Helen Simpson Lynett The Committee wish to thank all those who helped to make these eu- chres a success. W. Middleton for the ladies with a score of 704, and‘ Mr. V. McCullough, the gents, with a score of 720. Othâ€" ers‘ in! the running were Mrs. F. Lyn- efit, Mrs. J. Cook, Mr. Dave Morriâ€" son, Mr. C. Nelson. Prize winners for the evening were, ladies, Mrs. F. Lynett, Mrs. T. Allison, gents, Mr. B. Majowski, Mr. George Hawkes; consolation, Miss G. Lever and Mr. F. Gibbons. ST. MARY’S Rj-C. CHURCH W.A. HOLD FINAL EUCHRE The final Euchre in the series un- der the auspices of the W.A. of St. Mary’s RC. Church was held on Ap- ril let and so a very successful} season \was brought to a close. The grand prizes were awarded to Mrs. The Liberal extends congratula- tions to Mr. and Mrs. Peter Jones of Vaughan Township who celebrated their Golden Wedding anniversary Tuesday, April 26th. The event was celebrated at their home when Mr. and Mrs. Jones, their seven daugh- ters and three sons with their fam- ilies and a large number of friends from Toronto, Hamilton and other districts sat down to an Oyster Sup- per. Following the supper there was a program of speeches and enter- tainment after which progressive eu- chre was enjoyed. At the conclusion of the evening program Mr. and Mrs. Jones were presented with a purse of gold, and received the hearty con- gratulations and best wishes of their family and friends. The evening concluded with the singing of “For they are Jolly Good Fellows”. ' Elgin Mills Phone Richmond Hill 127 i An enthusiastic meeting of the ‘Lawn Bowling Club was held Wed- nesday evening in the Municipal Hall. President W. W. Trench pre- sided and there was a good turn out of members. Plans for the coming season were discussed and the report of the membership committee indi- cated that many new members are planning to take up the popular game of bowls this coming summer. The greens will soon be in shape and while play is expected to start in a few weeks, the date of the official opening of the season was set for May 3-0th. The membership commitâ€" tee are now making a canvass for new members. MR. AND MRS. PETER JONES CELEBRATE GOLDEN \VEDDING L. A. Hill was named chairman of the activities committee, Dr. J. F. Heard chairman of the program com- mittee, R. D. Little chairman of the membership committee and W. Cot- ton chairman» of the attendance com- mittee. In future the club will meet on the first and third Thursday in each month. JUNIOR AND HONOUR MATRICULATION day evening when .plans were dis- cussed for holding the annual street dance in Richmond Hill next August. LIONS M AKE PLANS FOR STREET DANCE The regular meeting of the Lions Club was held at the Rustic Inn Tues- . SUCCESSFUL TAG DAY Sixteen local taggers last Saturday collected about $50.00 for the Na- tional Institute for the Blind. The committee in charge wish thrOugh The Liberal to thank all those who lent their support to the undertak- Private Tuition NELLIE _NAUGHTON, C. H. SANDERSON TO BUILD SIXTH HOUSE IN VILLAGE BOWLERS MET J. F. Lynett Frank Beatty, President; Norman- Greensides and Miss Shirley Muir- head, vice-presidents; Miss Norma Armstrong, secretary; and Miss Blanche Beatty, treasurer, were in- stalled as officers of the Christ Church, Kettleby, A.Y.P.A., during a special service in the church last Sunday morning. The ceremony was carried out by the rector, Rev. F. V. Abbott. Corporate commumion for members of the branch was also cele- brated during the service. It travels a long wavfitS‘VEaâ€"ga-z-x full and clarified e: most popular ruler England ever had. Her career private, is traced from June 20, 1837 when she asc< until the dav of her 60th anriversarv as Queen, sl death. Excellent entertainment for all. A laughable ultraâ€"1nodelrrl‘2/(ytrle-dvy:“if;l in rthe aisles with its merry-making at l chucklesome mood. ’ a Heard in a theatre: “How far down do you wish to sit lady? Why 21“ the way, of course." A farmer may “plant by the moon”, but he has to depend upon the sun to make What the plants grow. What did President Roosevelt mean when he said what this country need- ed was a return of democracy? “THE GOLfiWYN‘FOLLIEs ” , IN TECHNICOLOR _ It is in a class by itself, beautifully balanced fare, a mlxture of grand opera, popular music, ballet dancing, hoofing, comedy, farce, rom-‘ ance, good actingâ€"and Charlie McCarthy. ' Fact of the matter is few statesâ€" men are misquoted. All the news- paper boys do is to correct their grammar. FRIDAY & SATURDAY, MAY 6 - 7 EDGAR BERGEN - CHARLIE McC‘ARTHY - ADOLPHE MENJQU‘ RITZ BROS. - KENNY BAKER - ANDREA LEEDS ‘ The greatest array of stars fr‘qm screen, stage, radio. opera and’ Service was held Tuesday after- noon, May 3, at 3 o’clock (D.S.T.), followed by service in St. John’s Church, Oak Ridges, at 3.30. Interâ€" ment followed in St. John’s Ceme- tery. naval acaHuemy. This is an inspired production; gfieiiBâ€"lSr-Ailregtgluand with a genuine appeal to the nobler emotions. Thrilling football]: sequences are effeatively contrasted with the routine and discipline of Annapolis naval one plum" MIO‘RTSON, Walter Demonâ€"At the Toronto General Hespital, Sunday morning,,May 1, 1938, Walter Den- ton, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mortson, and dear brother of Miss Alexina Mortson. The funeral will be held from his late residence Saturday morning, May 7th at 11 a.m. D.S.T. Integment in Aurora Cemetery. DIED GAMBLEâ€"At his late residence, 2nd concession of Markham Township on Thursday, May 5th, Harry David Gamble, beloved husband of Hattie Linfoot. BIRTH HLLLâ€"At Private Patients’ Pavilion Toronto General Hospital, on Mon- day, May 2, 1938, to Mr. and Mrs Albert R. Hill, Richmond Hill, a son TO-DAY, THURSDAY, MAY 5 LIONEL BARRYMO‘RE - ROBERT YOUNG - JAS. STEWART FLORENCE RICE in “‘ NAVY BLUE AND GOLD ” WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY. MAY 11 â€" 12 ANN NAGLE - ANTON WALBROOK - H. B. WARNER in “VICTORIA THE GREAT ” KETTLEBY MONDAY & TUESDAY. MAY 9 - 10 TYRONE POWER - LORETTA YOUNG in “ SECOND HONEYMOON ” 93652.1. 5mm ballet in 1837 when she ascénderd-tljxgiilhwrgfle :I'SSJ‘X as Queen, shortly before he‘ a‘nd .glarified explanation of the If it doesn’t have you. rolling it least it will keep you in a mon. 8.15 p.m.â€"Confirmaxti<m Class. Will parents and children please note that Sunday School will be held! at 10 a.m. during the summer months. RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. D. Cunningham, B.D., Ministfl' Sunday, May 8th 11 a.m..â€"4Mother’s Day Service. Sua- day School scholars uniting with us for this service. Bring yvir mother. 7 p‘m.â€"“God and Mother.” God could not be everywhere so he made Mothers, hence Motherhood is partnership with God. men. 7 p.m.â€"Evening Prayer and Ser- Rector: Rev. W. F. Wrixon, L.’1'h. Sunday, May 8 Easter 3 8 a.m.â€"â€"H0'ly Communion. 10 a.m.â€"Sunday School. 11 a.m.â€"â€"Morning Prayer and Ser- RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. W. Foll-ett, B.D., Pastor Sunday, May 8th, Mother’s Day 11 a.m.â€"Special Mother’s Day Ser- vice. Subject: “Some Old Time Mothers.” Choice musical fea- tures by the choir. Boys and girls invited to bring their-mothers. Let us make it a family gathering in memory of your mother and mine. 2.45 p.m.â€"Sunday School. Special program. Parents invited. 'BATESâ€"‘In loving memory of our dear husband and father, Wm. Bates, gwho passed away May 4th, 1937. iWe little thought when leaving home He would no more return, That in deafh so soon would sleep And leave us here to mourn. We do not know the pain he bore We did not see him die, We only know he passed away, And never said good-bye. â€"Sa.<ily missed by Mrs. Bates 8319 Velma. p.m.â€"Service of Song. The hymns mother loved to sing. Brief ad- dress. Everybody welcome. Go 1% church on Sunday like mother used to. ST. MARY’S CHURCH (Anglican) RICHMOND HILL IN MEMORIAM , ’both nublic and! mac-us FIVE

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