Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 5 May 1938, p. 6

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HARRY R. ROSE 40 The undersigned has _ lâ€"Grade Holstein ‘Cow, 6 years, fresh by time or sale 2â€"Grad‘e Holstein. Cow, 5 years, due July 26th 3,â€"4Grade Holstein CW, 7 years, due in May 4â€"Grad'e Holstein Cow, 5 years, fresh April. 8th 5â€"Gradve Holstein Cow, 8 years, fresh Apr11 8th Gâ€"Grade Holstein Cow, 6 years, due in May 7â€"4Grade Holstein Cow, 8 years, fresh February 10th 8»â€"Grade Holstein Cow, 6 years, due in May 9â€"Grade Holstein Cow, 7 years, fresh April 12th 10â€"«Grade Holstein Cow, 7 years, fresh April» 2nd l’lâ€"Grad‘e Ayrshire Cow, 6 years, fresh April 12th LZâ€"IGrade Holstein Cow, 5 years, due in May 13â€"«Grad’e Durham Cow. 5 years, fresh April 11th 14â€"Grade Holstein Heifer, 3 years, fresh April 20th 15â€"«Gradre Holstein 0ch, 5 years, due in May lGâ€"Grade Holstein Heifer, 3 years, fresh rby time of sale 17â€"Grade Ayrshire Heifer, 3‘ years, fresh April 10th l8â€"Blue Heifer, 3 years, due June 16th 19â€"Grad‘e Holstein Cow, 7 years, fresh April 19th mâ€"Grade Holstein Cow, 7 years, fresh by time of sale ZIâ€"Grade Holstein Cow. 8 years, fresh March 19th 22â€"-Grad'e Ayruhire Heifer, 3 years, due June 9th 23â€"Fure Bred Ayrshire Heifer, 3 years old‘, ‘bred January 20th 24â€"Holstein Jersey Heifer, 3 years, fresh April 2-0th 25â€"Jersey Cow, 6 years, fresh March 10th mâ€"Grad'e‘Jersey and Ayrshire Cow, 5 years, fresh April 10th Z'Tâ€"IGrade Holstein Cow. 5 years, due in May SBâ€"Gradie Holstein Heifer, 3 years, due in May ZQâ€"Grade Holstein Heifer, 3 years, fresh by time of sale 30 to 35â€"401'ad'e Holstein Springers: 36â€"Gna‘de Holstein Cow, 6 years. fresh February 27th 37â€"Pure bred Holstein Bull Calf, born June 25th 38â€"lPure flered’ Holstein Bull, Alcartra Burke Colanthus, No. 117 39~â€"~Grarle Ayrshire -C_0w, 5 years, due August 17th foaGrade Ayrshire Cow. 7 years, due in October 3 Ayrshire Yearling Heifers. PAGE SIX Attractive prizes for ail breeds of horses For prize iist or any information, write 40 Yonge St., RichmOnd Hill Telephone 136 Office Hoursâ€"Every Monday and Thursday Afternoon and by appointment Toronto Offices: 100 Adelaide Street West HARRY CHARLES. Pres. Richmond Hili, Ont. TERMS â€" CASH NO RESERVE J. H. Prentice & Ken Prentice, Aucts. Saturday, May 14th LOT 2, CON. 7, MARKHAM TWP. Head Fresh COWS AND SPRINGERS Government T.B. Tested and Negative to Blood Test Holstein ‘Cow, 6 years, fresh by time of sale Holstein. Cow, 5 years, due July 26th Holstein CW, 7 years, due in May Holstein Cow, 5 years, fresh April 8th Holstein Cow, 8 years, fresh April 8th Holstein Cow, 6 years, due in May Holstein Cow, 8 years, fresh February 10th Holstein Cow, 6 years, due in May Holstein Cow, 7 years, fresh April 12th Holstein Cow, 7 years, fresh April» 2nd Ayrshire Cow, 6 years, fresh April 12th Holstein Cow, 5 years, due in May Durham Cow. 5 years, fresh April 11th Holstein Heifer, 3 years, fresh April 20th Holstein Com, 5 years, due in May Holstein Heifer, 3 years, fresh rby time of sale Ayrshire Heifer, 3‘ years, fresh April 10th leifer, 3 years, due June 16th Holstein Cow, 7 years, fresh April 19th Holstein Cow, 7 years, fresh by time of sale 1 1 ALI VICTORIA DAY . 3. Honey 6’: Son MILLIKEN P. 0. The Following Valualble Property of ROSE & HERMAN Barristers-A t-Law AUCTION SALE received instruction; to sell by Public Auction SALE AT 1 P.M*‘.v SHARP __o F... J. E. SMITH, Sec. Richmond Hill, Ont. LOUIS HERMAN 73‘9 Bright Poultry Outlook Prospects appear bright for pro- fitable egg and poultry production over the next several months. For this reason farmers and commercial poultrymen would the well advised to purchase dayâ€"old chicks without deâ€" lay as such chicks are [being sold at a reasonable price. The egg market is repOrted as unâ€" usually strong at present. In place of the usual dump in egg prices im- mediately following Easter, prices this year have risen in the past week. More inquiries are being reâ€" ceived from Great Britain for ex- port eggs than for several years past. The prospective market for poultry meat is even more encourag- i-nlg, present prices being higher than for several years, and poultry stocks in storage being much lowen than in 1937. Sales of chicks in the United States are reported as being about 8 per cent lower than last year, which would point to a shortage of both eggs and poultry meat later in the season in the States. This in turn affects the Canadian market. Practically all of the larger com- mercial poultry farmers are raising sulbstantial numbers of chicks this year, and from present indications it would appear that. poultry could now be profitably raised on many farms. Present prospects for crops both in the East and West are the best for several years, and While it is too early to predict with certainty how they will turn out, present con- ditions give some promise that poul- try feed will be reasonable in price over the remainder of the year. Know What to SMV; Good Seed Important In the regulations under the Seeds Act, grades of seed are defined as Registered Seed, Certified Seed and General Seeds of Commerce. S‘eed' to qualify for a {Registered or Certi- fied seed grade must be of an ap< proved variety, true to name, and seed under all grades mustbe well matured, plump, sound, sweet, well cleaned and‘ graded to remove small shrunken, immature or broken kernâ€" els and inert matter. It must possess strong vitality and conform to stand~ ards of freedom from noxious weed seeds and other impurities prescribed for {he different grades. It should be emphasized that cer- tain varieties of seeds are best suit- ed for certain farms and conditions. The varieties most suitable for any farm can only be determined accur- ately 'by trial tests which each farâ€" mer is urged to make. This is the time of the year when a farmer should plan to sow enough registered or certified seeds in a small plot to test their value on his own farm. To do this take a good piece ofiland, prepare it well, and clearv the drill carefully before sow- ing. Take good- care of this plot and if the crop is superior to the main crop use the seed threshed‘ from it for seeding purposes the following spring. This is a practical way of renewing the seed supply at little spring. '1‘ renewing extra c051; Farm Accounting Modern farming is a business and to be successful should be conducted in a business-like marmer. Farming has developed to the stage where it. is a commercial enterprise in which the character of the management largely determines income and‘ pro- fit. It involves the production and sale of commodities as well as the use of capital and the purchase of supplies and labour the same as most other kinds of business. Present conditions in farming em- 91 phasize the importance to the farm- er of having a record of his business ‘1 transactions as well as a permanent w record of other details of his farm enterprise to which he can readilyl refer. The problem of the farmer} is to meet conditions in such a way that his farm will give him the most I satisfactory net returns, year in and ‘ year out, for the use of his i‘n'vestâ€"‘ m-ent, his labour and his managerial aibility. Many farmers realize that some change or adjustment in their combination of enterprises or meth- ods of management might increasel their farm income. They may be‘ unable, however, to determine what‘ changes to make owing- to a lack of records on which to base any changes in enterprises or methods. A farm account fbook, properly kept and an- alyzed, is the fact finder for the farmer. An account 'book points out the weak spots in the farm business and points out the holes through which the profits have leaked. A Farm Account Book may be procured from the King’s Printer, Ottawa, at a nominal price. '4 Cleaning and Treating Seed Grain | Every farmer who makes a suc- cess of live stook {breeding is careful to weed out weak individuals and ‘breed only from the best animals, but many farmers fail to take sim- THE LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL. ONTAKIO AND INFORMATION FOR THE BUSY FARM‘ER ilar care with their seed grain. It should be quite evident that poorly developed seeds will not produce healthy, vigorous plants. and that the practice of grading seed to produce a reasonably uniform sample is well worth the effort. Besides maintain- ing the uniformity and vigour of the grain, careful grading gives an add- ed benefit in the removal of weed seeds. Weed problems today are dif- ficult enough for the farmer to solve without adding to them by sowing a fresh crop of weeds along with the grain a The successful farmer is careful to control any parasites or diseases that may attack his live stock, and also, with reference to his seed, real- izes that smut diseases, which take a heavy toll of the grain crop throughout the Country, can be read- ily controlled !by seed treatment. Most of these smuts. namely, loose and covered smut of oats, covered smut of barley. and ibunt or stink- in-g smut of wheat are carried on the outside of the seed coat and may ‘be very effectively controlled by the use of either formalin or mercury compounds. exact water temperatures must be reached and maintained. Such beino: the ease, the farmer who finds his stock of barley and wheat infected with loose smut would :be well adâ€" vised‘ to secure smut free seed. If this is done and the new stock care- fully handled, little trouble should be encountered from this soul'ce for sev- eral years. Loose smut of barley and loose smut of wheat are more difficult to handle. These two diseases are carâ€" ‘ried within the kernel and are not affected by surface treatments such as those mentioned above. The only satisfactory method known for the control of these two diseases is- the hot V‘va‘er treatment. For the aver- age farmer. this is not a practical method, owing to the fact that faier WHAT TO EAT TO BE HEALTHY Number Six In additiOn to vitamins and min- erals, ‘the value of which we have already discussed in this ,series. of articles on What to Eat to be Healthy we must now consider the three im- portant food essentials an as proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The following foods give you pro- teins: The list above indicates that there are animal, vegetable and grain pro- teins. The most effective tissue :builders‘ are the animal proteins. The following foods give you fats: Butter and cream, bacon- and‘ other fat meats, lard and vegetable oil, shortening and yolk of egg. ‘ Meat, fish and poultry, milk, eggs, peas, beans and lentils, and flour. Fats are used chiefly to supply heat or energy. They are also essen- tial for the normal metabolism or working- of the body. If some of the fatty acids contained in fats are withheld, the health of the individual will be seriously impaired. The pro- per amount of fat will be furnished The following foods give you car- bohydrates: if one consumes two ounces of fat per day. Butter is one of the best forms of fat. Sugar, molasses, candy, jam, mar- malade, etc., bread and pastry, mac- aroni and potatoes. Our chief source of energy in foods is carbohydrate, and if we did not have this chief source of energy in the form of flows: and sugars, with their wonderful keeping qualities, our modernl civilization. with its huge consumption of food‘, could not exist. However, one must be careful, that due to their use in tasitv products such as cakes, pastries, jams, can- jdies, etc.. and their easy accessibil- { ity, one does not consume an exceSs 'of these and thus crowd out the oth- er fooll' elements. And‘ we now conclude this series of articles on What to Eat. to be Healthy .bv repeating what we said at the outset. Evew day of your life. excewt dur- ing ililness. aim to have a pint of pasteurized milk, which includes that used in cooking, some meat. an era. two cooked: vegetables besides potaâ€" 1:095. and some raw fruit or veg-e- talbles. In addition. during ihe winâ€" ter months. take a teaspoonfui of cod liver oil daiiv, or some other source of Vitamin D. Questions conveminlg Health. ad- dressed tn fhe Canadian Medical As- sociation. 184 College Street, Tat-on- to. will be letter. answered personally by l One person may have a large acre- ,age available for young- stock; an- l'other a very limited space. One ‘may have ideal soil, where his neigh- bour has heavy wet soil that is far from the best for poultry. Some 'have plenty of housing room and‘ iothers little or none. Now you will lreadily understand that it is rather ldifficult for any one person to draft |a plan that would be satisfactory ’for all conditions, 'but. at any rate, With the spring weather and the warmer days, poultrymen generally will be thinking about where they are going to range their pullets dur- ing- the summer months. It has be- come the accustomed thing with at least 95 per cent of the poultry rais- ers to range their pullets after the initial brooding stage as baby chicks. The ways and means of alloting range for floirds are as varied as the seasons of the year and are regu- lated on most farms 'by the condi- tions that exist on that particular farm. I think it might the wise if We were to point out a few of the more im- portant facts which must be consid- ered in the ranging of young birds. We will presume that you have raised a good sturdy (brood of chicks and have not had them weaken-ed by crowding- or any of the chick diseases. Good care\ on range will make good chicks into better pullets. but the best range in the world will not make poor chicks into good pul- lets. That is why it pays to st’art off with strong, husky chicks of good breeding. They show the results of good feeding and good management all through their life. Having your pullets weaned from artificial heat for a week or more 'and having them all roosting, of course. it is time to thin them out into range shelters where you in- tend to leave them all summer. This will be at anywhere from eight to twelve weeks of age. depending on when the chicks were hatched and the climate of your locality. In the more southerly parts of the Prov- ince, it is generally considered that chickens should *be in range shelters shortly after the beginning of May. There are several different types of range shelters but the most prac- tical Size, I think, is one about 7’ x 8‘, with walls of 1” wire meshing 2 ft. high, with a heavy overhang to the roof. The roof ridge is 4 ft. from the floor. Roosts at this height frOm the floor. In this are placed five roosts running parallel to the ridge and 18 inches above the floor. Roosts at this height a110w plenty of air movement around the birds on warm nights and yet are protect- ed from heavy winds by the roof loverhang.‘ Some poultrymen seem to favor the wire mesh flour in the range shelter, while others favor a board floor. This type of range shelter generally has one door at the end so that the birds can: be shut in if necessary. Shelters of this size will hold 100 pullets very !nicely. At ten weeks of age there looks like a lot of waste space on the most but they make a pretty full house by twenty weeks. For very early pullets, it is well to cover two sides and the north end of the'shel- ter with Jute sacks to gradually break the change from the tight brooder house. After moving the pul- lets from the [brooder house to the range shelter, it is Well to keep the birds shut in the shelter for at least two days to make sure that they all return of their own accord at night. A «mom If you have several shelters and plenty of space, it is well to keep OWONOMOONWM 0m0“9””0009906090”9‘ Poultry on the Range FAR M COMMENT By Norman D. Hogg, B.S.A THURSDAY, MAY 5th, 1938. the shelters about. up to 50 yards ,01' so apart. This is a good idea, especially if you have birds of diff- erent ages. The location of the range shelters would depend to a certain extent on the type of land on the farm. If you have a light soil that is rich enough to grow annual crops readâ€" ily and, drain well after a rain, place the shelters out in the open and de- pend on annual crops: to furnish shade and succulent green feed. But, if you have a heavy clay soil, it should be arranged to have your shelters on alfalfa, clover or other good sod. Otherwise, in wet weath- er your chickens will be in mud and filfth continually. This not only ‘ makes extra work for the caretaker ‘ but is a very unhealthy condition for ; chickens to run in. On such soil, arrange the houses on a headland so - that they can have access to annual ‘ pasture crops in the next field when: - the sod becomes tough and wiry. , Some Shade is desirable ‘but do not 5 place the birds in heavy shade where . the sun does not shine on the ground . lpart of the day. If you have a small flock and have only the one 'brooder house, the cock- erels should be separated from the pullets at four to six weeks of age, or, better still, before they become overcrowded. As soon as weather permits the broader house with the pullets may be drawn out onto the range ard may be used Kin place of range shelter. If the pilllets are going to be housed in the breeder house for the summer period, Care should ‘be taken to keep the breeder house clean and properly disinfected. The inside of the breeder house and range shelter should be carefully watched for mites. If mites are not- iced, a mikture of used car oil and Germicide, painted on the roosts and in the cracks, will keep the mites under control. _ This should be done once a month during the warm wea- ther. The brooder house and range shelter should be kept clean and it Lis a good plan to clean and move the range shelter at least once a week. It should 1be remembered that la brooder house will get very warm in the summer nights with the birds in it and provision should be made for proper ventilation. BROTHERTON’S ' BOOKING Steamshlp 0mm: Special Sailings to the Homeland by Canadian Pacific, Cunard and Anchor-Donaldson lines at ‘ Lowest Rates. Photos and Passports Secured All enquiries confidential We look after your wants right from your home. Phone Willowdale 63J SHEPPARD & GILL LUMBER CO. Lumber, Lath, Shingles Ashphalt Roofing, Gyproc Telephone ‘1’? RICHMOND HILL Dealers in

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