Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 5 May 1938, p. 8

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STANDARD SLIIJEEPING CARS at fares approximately 15/3c. per m1 e COST OF ACCOMMODATION IN SLEEPING CARS ADDITIONAL BAGGAGE checked. Stopovers qt Poyt Arthur, Armstrong, Chicago Tickets, Sleepin agent. 5 MASTER CHICK STARTER PAGE EIGHT Let us give you the facts on this remarkable test before you buy any refrigerator! Learn how the smallest Norge Electric Rollator compressor â€" the surplus-pow- ered miracle-mechanism of re- frigerationâ€"keeps three Norge refrigerators cold. . .how Norge gives you unfailing coldâ€"less wearâ€"longer life. See the Norge before you buy! CANADIAN NATIONAL TICKETS GOOD IN COACHES at fares approximate TOURIST SLEEPING CARS 211 per mile WESTERN CANADA SPECIAL BARGAIN EXCURSIONS Here’s the Job Master Chick Starter does It gives your flock rapid feathering! Low mortal- ity. Sound, steady growth! Normal droppings! Uni- form growth! Vigor! Stamina! Constitution. Here’s why Master Chick Starter does the job RIGHT It’s built on a GRAIN BASE! Its PROTEINS are scientifically SELECTED and BALANCED! It has CONTROLLED MINERAL BALANCE! It is VITA- MIN FORTIFIED and contains CEREAL GRASS! That’s why we recommend that you use MASTER CHICK STARTER to rise your 1938 baby chicks -â€" because it’s built RIGHT to do the job RIGHT! built RIGHT to do the Job RIGHT! GOOD"GOING - MAY 17-28, Wilfred R. Dean Amazing “ 3-on-1 ” Test Proves the Norge 8W Rollator Compressor gives you From all Stations in Eastern Canada Thornhill, Ontario ‘ and west ‘ar Reservations, a Return Limit GARFIELD YEREX Sold by 28. 1938 INCLUSIVE and all information from any on the Rollator compression unit you buy today will still be in effect in 1948 . . . Only Norge has the surplus-powered Rollator com- pressor that makes cold by revolv- ing slowly in a permanent bath of protecting oil. . .That’s why the Rollator compression unitâ€"exclu- sive to Norgeâ€"carries a 10-Year Warranty. . . . and there’s ICE! 'IO-YEAR WARRANTY ASK FOR HANDBIL‘L day S c. per mile 5 approximately approximately 1 5/3 c Richmond Hill 20-11.28 Mi5s France< Rumth by Mrs. Jackson. The next meeting hfl] Rrarnh ‘vfll be held at the h of Mrs. Wells on Thursday, May An admessxfin be ghmn bv Mr H. Roberts, M.A., Public School spew-tom. Mrs. Allen Ai'msfrore‘ and Mrs. W. Robineon were in Toronto last week as fleleqa’res to the fi‘tv-second an- nual meetino: of H19 \Vomaw’q Aux- ”?m‘v to the MSFVC. which was he” in St. Anne’s Church. Mr. and Mrs. Aikens of Buffalo are visiting this week with Mr. and Mrs. W. Dean, John Street. The members of the Young Ladies’ Class of the United Church are very loyal to their mothers and each year. just before “Mother’s Day” they give an evening for them. Last Thursday night, they met in the Sunday School rooms of the‘church which were pret- tin decorated with spring flowers. Mrs. L. Short, president of the class presided during the program. Eliza: beth Smellie read a noem “Mothers’ Styles”. Miss Ann Ryrie. a nupi] of Miss Boyle. grave several numbers which were very much enioyed and heartily em-ored. Mrs. BrillinQ‘Er and Mrs. Davi'ls'on sent a duet, arr-om- nanied by Mrs. F. Davies. Miss Filith Davies nlaved a nienn solo. Miss Ruth Holmes, who with her tether and mother are home on furl‘mwh from Japan. “79: +loo {rnng't awn-akcr and smoke on the life of the girl in Japan. The girls in Jan-fin have few nrivi- lewes 'AY'Hl “n ‘W‘nn'lr‘v‘. cvor‘ Han choit‘e of a husband is decided for them, by their parents. A brine was viven to fhe mother having the greatesf number of let- ‘rers in her name. MN. Jeffries had 32 and received a half dozen m‘ettv' water elaseos. Mrs. R W. Wesley, cc-nvener of fhe soninl "omrm'ftee, bufl’et lunch at +he «lose Thn rew'hr wnmwv H‘e WON‘P‘T‘S I‘st‘c;n+:n‘1 Pd Chnroh “"311 hn Wald dav. B9“ 11% «t " 0’ home of Mrt N. I. Mnr St. Th0 quies n? “16 are invited to attend. with 11m Mrs. F. Bowes, John St., returned! home last week after spending sev- eral weeks with her 5011, Rev. F. Bowes, Willowdale. I Mr. Smithâ€"“That boy Cleveland is éthe very picture of his father.” Mr. Jonesâ€"“Yes, and his sister, kis the very talkie of her mother.” Extensive alterations are being made on the prepertv of the late/ Mrs. Josenh Cox, by the owner, Dr. Guest of Toronto. The Women’s Missionary Society of the United Church met on Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. N. J. Smellie. Mrs. Weslev presided. Mrs. N. L. Morton reviewed a chapter of the study book. Mrs. L. Hicks sang‘ a solo. “The Church and World Peace" was the theme and was taken by several members, with Mrs. Mc- Lean, Mrs. Morton and Mrs. Hardy leading in prayer. At the next meet- ing the Mission Band will be enter- tained by the W.M.S. Mr. Burns of Toronto has nurchas- ed the Kaiser m‘opertv on Colborne St. and with his wife and family‘ moved in last Saf'urday. Mr. and Mrs. Hermén Gill'ay of Toronto visited last Sunday at “Lo- cust Lawn". Mrs. N. H. Noble has the sincere sympathy of the community in her bereavement in the passing of her sister and brother within the last few weeks. On Monday, May 2 at Victoria Memorial Hespital, Toronto, to /Mr. .and Mrs. L. Reid (nee Catharine Davies) 3. daughter. The fifth annual banquet and elec- tion of officers of St. John’s, Oak Ridges, A.Y.P.A. was held in the Mission Hall on Monday evening, May 2. The retiring president, Mr. M. Beynon‘, acted as chairman and toastmaster. A most delightful ev- enuing was enjoyed by all. In addi- tion to the gorgeous dinner the even- ing’s entertainment was composed of toasts to the King, the church, the assoeiation and sing songs. The speaker of the evening was The Very Reverend Dean Riley of St. James Cathedral, Toronto, who was intro- duced by Mrs. S. C. Sn‘ively, Presi- dent of the WA. Officers and com- mittees elected for the coming sea- son were: Patron, Rev. E. W. G. Worrall; Hon. Presidents, Capt. S. C. Snively (Rector’s Warden), Mr. John Chatterly (People’s Warden), Mrs. W. J. Whitten, Mr. D. Frisby, Mr. W. J. Whitten; President, Mrs. Nelson Thompson; Vive-Presidents, Thornton Browning and James Kersâ€" will; Secretary, Miss Ella Dibb; As- sistant Sec., Miss Ruth Kerswill; Treasurer, Mrs. M. Beynon; Social Cont‘eners, Mrs. D. Frisby, Miss Lor- raine Dibb; Program Convener. Mr. D. Frisby with a selected committee of Miss Ruth Kerswill, Miss Gertie Henshaw, Mrs. Ernest Dibb and Miss Mary Stephenson; Pianist, Helen W'hitten; Delegates to Local Coun- cil, Thornton Browning. Mrs. D. Frisby, Bill Whitten; alternates, Ruth Kerswill, Gertie Henshaw; Au- ditors, Capt. S. C. Snively. Mr. lChatterley. Mr. W. J. Whitten. United Church Lessons which will soon be ready for use. Sample Fall Lessons will be available for demon- stration purposes. Prominent lead- ers will lead in the Group Study at 8 p.m. for the various S.S. depart- ments. Closing assembly in chapel at 9.30 p.m. Richmond Hill Fair Tuesday, May 24th. Lehigh Valley ANTHRACITE “The Coal That Satisfies” Jones Coal Co. ‘ Phone 188 THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO THORNHILL OAK RIDGES 'ctsmts eerved a dainty “W of Hm Unit- I'm” “'1 Wednea- " o’r-Inck at the M“1""n. Colbnv'nw "1e congregation the Thorn- t the home by Miss Denora McCammon and Miss Mabel Brett. Two piano and violin .duets were given by Miss Mary Mor- ton and Mr. Davidson of Thornhill and were very much appreciated by all. A very much worth while adâ€" dress on “Christian Fellowship” was given by Mr. J. V. Batchelor. He said “We cannot be Christians and live a selfish life apart from every- body. Jesus is our great example who went about doing’ good, speakâ€" ing the kindly word and bringing happiness into the lives of others. If we seek happiness we must make others happy.” At the close of the meeting contests were enjoyed fol- lowed by a sing song under the di- rection of Rev. A. H. Halbert’ with Mrs. Halbert at the piano. By this time the social convener announced that the refreshments were ready to serve and all enjoyed the secial time together. A hearty vote of thanks was extended to the local society by Rev. E. B. Cooke who said he felt that the spirit of Christian Fellow- ship had been spléndidly demonstrat- ed in‘ our meeting together. This motion was seconded by Mrs. Hoff- man, president of the Thnrnhill Y. P. U. Meeting closed with the Na- tional Anthem. Master Douglas Hurd of Finch’s Ave. had the misfortune to fracture his arm while playing. He is mak- ing a very good recovery. The local Y.P. Unicn entertained the Young People’s Union of Thorn- hill last Monday evening and spent a most enjoyable evening. Nearly sixty were present. Miss Margaret Shaw, convener of Christian Fellow- ship was in charge of the meeting. The scripture lesson was read by Miss Doris Newson and prayer was offered by Rev. E. B. Cooke of Thornhill. A vocal duet was sung Very acceptably an interesting missionary reading and the Junior S. S. choir contributed a number. A short missionary program was given after the lesson period in the United Church Sunday School last Sunday. Mrs. A. W. Galbraith gave Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Galbraith, Miss Margaret Shaw and Miss Doris Newson attended the Graduation ex- ercises at the Toronto Bible College last Thursday evening. The North York Red Cross Society will hold its regular mOnthly meetâ€" ing at, the home of Mrs. (D11) T. H. Hogg, Pinewood Crescent, York Mills this (Thursday) at 2.30 p.m. Dr. F. W. Routley will be the guest speak- er. This will be the last meeting until the autumn. A canvas for funds for the sup- port of the Victorian Order of Nurses for North York was held last week. This is a very worthy cause and de- serves the support of everyone. The Y.P.U. meeting next Monday evening will be in charge of Miss Cora Good, missionary convener. A fine program is being prepared. A cordial invitation is extended to all the young people of the community to attend. ‘ The Membership Contest is, getting very exciting with only six points between the two captains. The lose ing side will provide the Y.P.U. ban- quet the latter part of May. Mother’s Day Services will be held next Sunday. The United Church Sunday School will meet at 10.30 a.m. and attend the morning wor- ship service in the church auditor- ium. Wear a flower in memory of mother. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Lever and Miss Annie Lever moved to their new‘ home on Pemberton Ave. last Mon- day. We welcome them to our midst. Mr. Lever has sold his property on the corner of Bayview and Steele’s Avenue to an artist from Toronto. The Christian Education Commit- tee of the United Church of Canada which serves the Toronto East, Cen- tre and West Presbyteries is spon- soring a special Sunday School In- stitute to be held next Monday, May 9th commencing at 7.45 p.m. D.S.T. in Victoria College, Toronto. They will introduce the new series. of United Church Lessons which will soon be ready for use. Sample Fall Lessons will be available for demon- stration purposes. Prominent lead- ers will lead in the Group Study at "8 p.m. for the various S.S. depart- i'ments. Closing assembly in chapel 'at 9.30 pm. N EWTONBROOK nicn entertained w Caledon East to Erin lb Anyone who cares for a trip filled ‘ s with thrills should start out on ai2 motor trip via Caledon East, Peel r County, through the dragons gorge and roller coaster country that leads I] to the Village of Erin in Wellingâ€" ’e -ton county. To make the rollerli coaster trip which covers miles there is is a succession of climbs and dips that harbor trout streams and pri- vate trout ponds, cedar swamps, a ‘1 real spot for mosquitoes and other it tormenting insects. Anyway seeing ,s is believing so make up your mind to ‘1 cover the territory described. V NEIL BURTON BANQUETS ’ \VITH OLD ENTERTAINERS Ieil Burton, 75 year old veteran Wovodbridge entertainer, was a guest at the Carls Rite Hotel, Toronto, on Friday evening of last week when" nearly a hundred veterans of the enâ€" :1 tertainmenut world staged their anâ€" gnual getâ€"together and banquet. Mn! ‘Burton was estimated to be the third l oldest in attendance, the oldest being Jimmy Fax who is still going strong at the age of 85 years, 75 years after commencing to perfcrm at,the age of 10. Many old time shows were recalled and many chuckled over re- , collections of 5c. concerts which Mr. Burton and others of the grOup stag- ‘ K ed in the old: Temperance Street Hall, ‘ fToronto, when young men 50 to 60‘ years ago. Weston Cho-ir Offers Entertaining Operetta Pleasing music was presented in an entertaining manner when vocal- ists and musicians from Westminster United Church choir, Weston, offered I the comic Operetta, “The Rose of the Danube”, in the Wood‘bridge Orangel Hall on Thursday evening of last week. Sponsors of the event were the members of the Woodbridge Pres- byterian Church choir. The cast of characters, listed in order as they spoke, was as follows: Danell Davis, a camera man from Hollywood, Mr. Alex White; Galooski, prince minis- ter of Eurolania, Mr. Lloyd Pearson; Belledonna, a lady‘in-waiting, Miss Florence White; Montmorency, King of Eurolania, Mr. Gordon Forbes; Queen Florinda, his wife, Mrs. Addy; Rose, his eldest daughter, Miss Mary Bagnell; Daisy, his youngest daugh-1 ' ter, Mrs. R. White; Prince Carl, his son, Mr. Edwin Newsome; Count Ser- gius von Popova, a conspirator, Mr. -‘lJoe Johnson; Demetrius Doodledorf, his right-hand man, Mr. Bill Higgins; ' Tromb'onius Tootletop, his left-hand man, Mr. Jack McGregor; Percival McPipp, a moving picture director, Mr. Clarence Hastings; Mrs. Percival McPipp, his wife, Mrs. Aitcheson; Pamela McPipp, his daughter, Miss Jean Wardlaw. The musical. direc- tor of the production was Isabel Moffat Stewart. and the pianist and accompanist, Hazel Newsome. A vote WOODBRIDGE CITIES SERVICE GARAGE Reasonable Prices Headquarters for Goodrich Tires & Tubes Automobile Accessories ' General Repairs - Towing Anywhere RICHMOND HILL ANY TIME Phone 12 for THURSDAfY, MAY 5th, 1938 _.AT_ Asparagus was a welcome arrival at North York Market this week. Half-pound bundles were 15c. each, two for 25c.; tips were 25c. box and sixâ€"quart baskets of select grade sold at $1 each. Spinach, 15c. basket, sold well, and artichokes found plenty of buyers. Potatoes were 13c. and 15c. basket; all the young green things Were three for 10c., and So. each. Mushrooms were 300. lb. Outdoon rhubarb or the hotho-use variety was 15c. for 2 bunches; apples were 30c. to 40c. basket; strawberries, 25c. box. There were plenty of preserves, in- cluding marmalade, apricot jam, and some delicious looking chokecherry jelly, which soki at 20c. a.jar. Fresh- . 0n the meat market lamb sold Every quickly, legs were 30c. a 11).; ’loin 30c., and shoulder 180. Veal ;cutlet was 32c.; fillet 22c. to 26c.; [,boned and rolled shoulder 19c. Pork, loin 29c.; chops 30c.; shoulder 17c.; lbutts 23c. Beef, porterhouse 30c.; zsirloin 25c.; round 21c.; prime rib i27c.; rump 19c.; blade 180.; short .rib 19c.; chuck 15c. and 17c. bottle Butter was down to 30c., with some selling at 35c. 1b.; eggs were 22c. to 32¢. a dozen; cottage cheese was 10c. Plenty of maple syrup was on the market, and maple sugar was there at 250. 3. lb. Boiling fowl was 20c. and 23c. 1b.; roasting chickens, 28c. and 30c., and broilers, 35c. Practically all officers were reâ€" turned by acclamation when the Woodbridge branch of the Home and School Association held their elec- tion of officers in the school last Tuesday evening. Those chosen Were: President, Mrs. W. E. Berry; lst Viceâ€"president, Mrs. J. M. Barry; 2nd Vice-president, Mrs. C. F. Lewis; Secretary, Mrs. Geo. Shaw; Corres- ponding Secretary, Mrs. Geo. Stew- art; Treasurer, Mrs. Thomas McLean: Executive members, Miss M. Topper; iMiss Velma Darker, Miss Thelma ‘Shore, Mrs. Travers, Miss G. Hall- man. An interesting program was ’also staged, Mrs. S. Jones rendering a Vocal solo, and the Wright broth- ers playing harmOnica selections, ac- companied by Mrs. Ella. Mrs. Bram- bell of the county H. & S. officiated during the election of officers. An address on adolescence was delivered Iin an interesting manner by DC. ,Stogdil of Toronto. The flower stands were centres of interest, boxes of pansies were 20c. each; large delphinium roots were 25c. to 40c. each; lavender 25c.; shrubs, from 35c.; roses 250. to 5%.; climbing roses 400.; evergreen trees 90c. to $1.50. A variety of perennial roots were 542., 10c., 15c., 18c. and three for 50c.; largé’ boughs of blos- som were 25c. each, and there was a wide choice of cut flowers, both wild ahd cultivated Home & School Club Elect 1938 Officers of appreciation to the performers was tendered by the chairman of ‘the gathering, Rev. J. S. Roe. ' Woodbridge Board of Trade repre- sentatives have advocated to the vil- Iage council that the village revert to the date set for Civic Holiday previous to last year, the same day as the holiday is observed in Tor- onto. Last year the council changed the date to coincide with that of the W. Robinson factory picnic. It was felt that the change caused confu- sion in the village, some observing one day and the r’emainder the other. After some discussion the councilâ€" lors agreed that the best interests of the village would be served by having the holiday on the same day as Toronto. ground horseradish was 15¢. a Successor to J. J. Deane Dircctor of FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE SERVICE WOODBRIDGE. ONTARIO YORK MARKET Wilfrid R. Scott

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