Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 12 May 1938, p. 1

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Mr. Geonge Taggart attended the funeral service of the late E. Mailoy at King last Friday. Shingling the south roof of the church was the order of the day last week. The windy weather hindered (the workers SOmewhat at times. Miss Alma McCluskeyWas in Tes~ torn on Sunday. . Mr. Jim McCluskey was here last week from Toronto for a few days cleaning up in readiness for the sum- mer. “Pleased ta Meetcha" the three act: play by Y.P.U. players has had good success at Maple, Snowball and King City. Fifteen bulls and 20 females will go before the auctioneer. They have been carefully selected from the herds of J. D. Patterson, Richmond Hill, who is contributing one bull and five females; F. G. Todd, Lucknow; D. E. McEwan, Byron; Markham Farms, Queenston; Edward Bros, Watford; James Bowman, Guelph; D. Black- burn, Umbridge; and Malcolm Bailey, Uxba'idge. The first annual sale sponsored by the Ontario Aberdeen-Angus Associ- ation will be held at the Winter Fair Buildings, Guelph, Wednesday, June 8th, officials announced today. Ev- ery one of the 35 high class cattle to be offered has been selected by a committee of Alex. Edwards/Wat- ford, and W. P. Watson of the Live Stock Branch, Ontario Dept. of Ag- riculture. Misses Edna Hatwood and Mangery Bowes, delegates for the Maple Wo- men’s Institute, and‘ MiSSes Jean Rumble, Dora McDonald and Irene Hadiwin are attending the Women’s Institute Convention at Guelph this week. The opening game of the Maple and District Football League took place on Tuesday evening at the Maple Park grounds with Vellore Winning from Emery by a score of 5-0. Goalsi were scored by J. Chap- man 3, G. Foster 1, G. Ingram 1. Stars in. the game for Vellore were N. Baggs, G. Old’s, J. Chapman; for Emery W. Lingard, J. Muir. Vel- lore lineâ€"up: R. Wes‘tby, R. Julian, Art Foster, G. Old’s, W. Clare, L. Robb, G. Foster, J. Chapman, N. Baggs, T. Couper, G. Ingram, A. Rumlble, Albert Foster. The next game to be played in Maple will be between Vellore and Downsview on- May 23rd. The W.M.S. of St. Andrew’s Church met at the home of Miss A. Walkingtonv on Friday evening, May 6th. The Girls’ Club were guests and took part in the program. The meeting opened with a sing song fol- lowed by prayer by Jean McDonald. The scripture was read by Mary Carson. An interesting paper on Ruth which had been prepared by Mrs. H. Jackson was read by Jean Robinson. Solos were sung 'by Aud- rey MacNaughton an-d' hrs. Oster of Toronto. Miss MacBeLh of Toronto then spoke and introduced 2 Indian girls who were attending school in Toronto. This part of the meeting was closed by prayer by ‘Rev. Bow- man. Refreshments were served and a social half hour spent. ABERDEENâ€"ANGUS ASS’N. TO HOLD lST ANNUAL SALE VOL. LVII. “YORK COUNTY’S NEWSIEST NEWSPAPER” NED SPARKS BOBBY BREENE 300 SEATS Also Boris Karloff in “THE INVISIBLE MENACE" 25 Cents TESTON Nelson Eddy - Eleanore Powell EDNA MAE OLIVER - FRANK MORGAN “ She Married an Artist” 2ND HIT “TRAPPED BY G-MEN” â€" JACK HOLT TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY, MAY 17 - 18 JOHN BOLES â€" LULI DESTE MAPLE SATURDAY - MONDAY, MAY 14 - 16 (Saturday 25 cents until 6 p.m.) 2ND HIT JOAN WOODBURY in “NIGHT SPOT” Extl‘aâ€"“PLUTO’S QUINTUPLETS” HAWAII CALLS “ ROSALIE ” TODAY AND FRIDAY â€"ANDâ€" l i The bride, given in marriage by iher father, was attired in a French model gown of ivory bridal satin, ‘floor length with train, long sleeves and high neckline trimmed with sat- iin covered buttons. The finger tip lveil was of eggshell tulle with satin [Juliet cap and she carried a Buckâ€" i inghamshire Point Lace Handkerchief |gift of her grandmother. Her bou- Equet was of Premier Roses and Lily-ofâ€"the-vallvey with fern. Miss Catherine Stanford, dressed: in pink, lwas her sister’s maid‘ of honor and Miss Nora Elliott in green acted as bridesmaid. Their dreSSes were made alike of net over taffeta with Juliet caps and tJulle shoulder length veils to match their gowns, and they car- ried pink roses and baby’s breath with fem. Little Edith Warrington was a dainty wee flower girl in a floor length gown of pink Organdy with bonnet to match and carried a basket of sweet peas. The attend- ants wore sil'ver lockets, the gift of jthe bride. During the signing of the register Mrs. J. Martin sang “Per- fect Love.” St. Paul’s Presbyterian Church, 7th concession of Vaughan, intend cele- brating the fiftieth anniversary of their church on Sunday, June 26th. Special services morning and even- mg. SMITH-STANFORD A very pretty wedding was held in St. Mary’s 'Anglican Church, Richâ€" mond Hill, tastefully decorated with spring flowers, blossoms and‘ ferns, on Saturday, May 7th, when Gladys Florence Ellen, younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stanford be- came the bride of Cecil Grant Smith, younger son of Mr. and Mrs. Menno Smith of Edgel‘ey. The ceremony was performed by Rev. W. F. Wrix- on, the Rector, assisted by Rev. L. C. Secr-ett of St. George’s Church, Willowdale, and formerly of St. Mary’s Church. Wedding music was played by Miss Lucy Yerex, the church organist, and the usherswere- Mr. Irwin Smith of Edgeley and Mr. Norman Christopher of Richmond Hill. Mr. Elmer Leek of Gormley acted as best man. The white robed choir preceded the bridal party up the aisle and during the ceremony ‘ sang “The Voice That Breathed O’er Eden.” Final presentations in the Drama Festival sponsored by the Toronto and Subunban Young People’s Coun- cil were given at Richmond Hill United Church Wednesday evening before a capacity audience. Contest- ants represented Headford, Bloor St. United Church, Toronto, and Rich- mond Hill. The members of Richâ€" mond Hill group under the direction of Miss Izzard were given the high- est grading. A receptiorn was held at the home of the bride’s parents following the ceremony when Mrs. Stanford, moth- er of the bride, received in a jacket frock of grey with blue hat and ac- cessories. Mrs. Smith, mother of the groom, wore black. Later the couple left on a trip to points east, the bride travelling in a beige suit with brown coat, hat and accessories. On their return they will reside near Woodbridge. RICHMOND HILL WINS A‘VARD AT DRAMA FESTIVAL S'I‘. PAUL’S, VAUGHAN ANNIVERSARY WEDDINGS m§ Yonge at Castlefield Mo. 2 1 72 "In Essentials, Unity; In Non~essentials, Liberty; In All Things, Charity” Members of municipal councils, road officials, weed inspectors and‘ all interested farmers are invited to attend a meeting in the Dept. of {Agriculture Office, Newmarket, Fri- Iday, May 27th at 10‘ am. to discuss !ways and means of best battling ‘the weed menace in Ontario which last year cost the farmers of this Province at least $18,000,000. The Ontario Department of Agriculture proposes to make a concentrated drive on weeds this year and will perfect organization in this and ev- ery county, in an effort to materi- ally lessen these terrific losses. UNITED CHURCH EVENING AUXILIARY The Evening Auxiliary of the Unit- ed Church are holding their May meeting at the home of Mrs. Chas. Harding, Wright St., on Tuesday, 'the 17th, at 8 p.m. This is a werk meet- ing and all members are requested to be present. Officials are anxious to have ev- ery farmer possible attend this meet- ing and are issuing a special invita- tion to every farmer in this county to be present. If you are taking a shrub or perâ€" errnial root for your premium notify Mrs. Hill 01‘ the Secretary by Fri- dxay the 20th, as these are being ‘ordered to be on hand for SATURâ€" EDAY, MAY 215t, when you will call atthe. 119.1112. of MrsLP. G. Hill for [your shrub or perennial. Make cer- Itain of your premium by acting ; promptly. ' Officials of the Crops, Seeds and Weeds Branch, Ontario Department of Agriculture will explain the pro- visions of the Weed Control Act and point out the duties of weed inspec- tors. Noxious weeds and‘ their con- trol Will receive special attention, as will eradication of weeds by chemi- cals. RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO THURSDAY, MAY 12th, 1938. Special invitation issued to farm- ers to attend meeting sponsored by the Ontario Department of Agriculâ€" ture â€" Ontario Crop losses due to weeds last year estimated at eight- een million dollars. OFFICIALS TO DISCUSS BETTER W'EED CONTROL ClaSSedâ€"Badminton for all, Dev- lin; Second Reader, Woollcott; Zepp- lin, Lehman; We cover the world, Lyons; Escape for the present, Steel. - â€"â€" J BOWLERS MET NEW BOOKS IN THE LIBRARY % A meeting of representatives of Fictionâ€"The Square Peg, Mase- the Bowling Clubs of the district was field; Trojan Horse, Morley; The i-held in Newmarket last Friday even- Yellow Circle, Foley; Sound of Row- ing. President W. W. Trench and locks, Steel; Head in Green Bronze, Secretary James McLean represent- Walpole; Brother Petroc‘s Return, e1 the local club. Arrangements S.M.C.; Mayor on‘ Horseback, Oppenâ€" were made for the tournaments for heim; 01d London, Benson; Buried the coming season and if: was de- Candelabrum, Zweig; Mr. Parker ,cidedl to have the play for the Eck- Pyne, Detective, Christie. hardit Trophy on the Richmond Hill ClaSSedâ€"Badminton for all, Dev- greens. ‘The sprayer has been out once and will be around again 2 01' 3 times so anyone wishing to have it are asked to notify Mr. T. H. Trench. As has been already announced the Lupin seed and Gladiolus Corms are at the home of Mrs. P. C. Hill. (Lupin seeds may be planted any time now in the open. Don’t for- get to chip the end and plant not deeper than half an inch). Reeve James Rennie and members of Markham township council accom- panied by Road Superintendent W. G. Maxwell have completed an- in- spection of the township roads and report conditions quite satisfactory. Road‘s have come throwgh the winter and spring in excellent condition. The new grader purchased by the town- ship this spring is at work and mem- bers are well pleased with the re- sults. Roads where the grader has operated show great improvement. We are told that the new machine will be used on the worst roads first and it will be some considerable time before the machine can cover the entire township. While the old grad- er formerly used by the municipality gave good service in its day, the new machine with modern improvements i's capanle of doing double the work at the same operating cost, and should prove an excellent and profit- able investment. Ratepayers will reap benefits from the investment in improved roads and in receiving more work on the township highways for the money expended. THE NEW GRADER DOING GOOD WORK IN MARKHAM TWP HORTICL‘ LTL‘RAL NOTES Concerning Premiums Allan Mills, a Newmarket lawyer, has been appointed clerk of the North York Police COurt succeeding P. W. Pearson. He will receive a salary of $45 per month in summer and $30.00 per month in winter. The pallbearers were Mr. John Chatterley, Capt. S. C. Snively, Mr. Robt. Gee, Mr. Wm. Cook, Mr. Neill Dibb and Dr. A. Clyff Lewis. The beautiful floral; offerings and largely attended church service were high tributes of respect and esteem to the late Walter Mortson and to his sister. The sympathy of the en- tire commumity, as well as that of many friends in' other parts, is ex- tended to Miss Mortson in the loss of a dearly loved brother. The services were conducted by Rev. Mr. Worrall, the present Rector of St. John’s Church and Rev. Mr. Despard of the Church of the Epi- phany of Toronto, a former Rector of St. John’s Church and a family friend of long standing. Mr. Des- pard, in his address, spoke of Walter Mortson as one who lived very near to the heart of Nature and who re- ceived his greatest pleasures in God’s great out of doors. That he was one who read deeply and thOught deeply and who had a great rever- ence for truth and a hatred for any- thing that verged on hypocrisy. There passed away in the Toronto. General Hospital on Sunday morn-i ing‘, May 1, 1938, after a lengthy; illness, Walter De'nton Mortson, son‘ of the late Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mortson and beloved brother of Miss Alexina Mortson. He was born atl the homestead, “Denitmor Downs," ; from where the funeral took place. Service in the home was followed by a public service in St. John’s Church. Oak Ridges and interment took place in St. John’s Cemetery. Late WALTER DENTON MORTSON Grant Coon-ey, York County’s fam- ous Cow1boy singer and his horse will give the Fair a touch of the wild west. Cooney will sing and play around the grounds during the day and is sure to prove a popular at- traction. Aurora Boys’ Ban-d of 40 pieces will provide music during the afternoon. A Girls’ Softball tourna- ment, Polo Game, a bigger and bet- ter midiway and_ a host of other fea- tures are sure to please the visitors to Richmond Hill Fair on Victoria Day. The admission price remains at the popular 25 cents for adults and chil- dTen of public school agé are ad- mitted free when accompanied by their parents. About four hundred dogs are ex- pected to compete in the Point Dog Show which is conducted this year under C.K.C. rules and the compet- itvors will include many United States breeders. Five outstanding judges, chOSen from all parts of the con- tin'enrt will do the judging, which: places the local show in the front ranking Dog Shows to ‘be held in Canada this year. Judging of the dogs will commence at 11 am. and will continue throughout the day and evening in the arena. at the Royal Winter Fair and the best shows across the line will be seen‘ in: competition at Richmond Hill on Victoria Day. The early spring augurs well for the success of Richmond Hill Fair. The farm work being completed in York and neighboring communities in record time this year gives the farmers ample time to fit their horses for the show on May 24th, and enquiries and entries received to date indicate that the showing of horses this year will 'be the largest in the history of the Fair. There will be several new contest- ants in the saddle and hurdle events and some of the jumpers prominent ENTRIES POUR ‘ IN FOR HORSE SHOW MAY 24th Four Hundred Dogs Expected To Compete in Dog Show OBITUARY On Sunday, May 15th, the W0â€" man’s Missionary Society are hold- ing two special servicesi at which Dr. Speers Smith will be the speaker. Afternoon service commences- at 2.30' o’clock and evening at 7.30 o’clock. At the afternoon serviee the Rat- cliffe quartette will sing- and: there will be special music for evening. Dr. Smith was formerly a missionary in On the 26th of May a programpf unusual interest has been planned by the W.A. with Mrs. Geo. Dennis and her group in charge. Ballantrae, and Temperancevllle societies are coming to c0ntribute a portion of the program and Bloomington and Melville have been invited. The speak- er for the evening will be Mrs. J. J. Moatt. A splendid meeting is an- ticipated and all are welcome. Meet- ing eight o’clock. standard1 time. Mrs. H, L. Troyer of Toronto spent Monday afternoon at the ho-m'e of Rev. and Mrs. Haig. A very interesting meeting was held in the Sunday School room on Tuesday night. Rev. Mr. Haig gave a very inspiring address. Those re- sponsible for these weekly prayer meetings are gratified that the at- tendance is growing. Next week Mr. Boyd Mount will give the address. Please accept a very cordial invita- tion to be present. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Baker took tea with Mrs. Millicent Avison on Sunday. Misses Pearl Casieley and Alma Attwood are acting as delegates for the local institute in Guelph this week. The last W.A. supper which was given under the supervisiOn of Mrs. P. W. Willows and her group are to be congratulated. It was a de- cided success. The suppver was ex- cellent and the program was of a very high order. Special music was provided by the Hope family of Pine Orchard and Mrs. McClure rendered several fine solos. Mrs. Alvin Fris- by’s readings were very much en- joyed. Altogether the Association feels that the last supper of the season was a huge success. The semiâ€"annual Rally of the W0- men’s Association will be held in Newmarket on the eighteenth of May. A very cordial invitation is extended to all who are interested. Those re- quiring transportation kindly leave word with the president, Mrs. Case- ley. Cars should leave the “corner” no later than 8 o'clock, standard time. Mrs. E. Cas-eley spemt Wednesday with her daughtet; Mrs. M. Morris in Bradford. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Pickering and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Perkins trook tea with their parents on Sunday it being the occasion of their father’s,I Mr. R. E. Perkins, birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ingleton and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lilley.spent Sunday afternoon with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lilley. “0.000000OOOOOOOOWOOOOOOOOO”90069609.”..9909“ The weatherman is still playing pranks, even to giving us snow. Let us hope that sunshine is his next contribution. VICTORIA SQUARE NEWSY NOTES SINGLE COPIES 5c. $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE We regret indeed that Mrs. Eliza- rbeth Boynton does not regain her health. We Wish her a speedy re- covery. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Willows spent the week-end in- Lindsay with friends. The Y.P.U. were favored with a splenflid program on Sunday even- ing. The Mennonite Young People were in charge. Mr. Farmer’s Quarâ€" tette sang and Mr. Shantz, their minister, and Miss Hazel Bond, a returned missionary, read the scrip- ture and gave the address respec- tively. The local society are very grateful for the assistance they re- ceive from the neighboring churches. Miss Jean Macdonald and her group (were responsible for this program. normal students were present. Dr. Johnson and another teacher of T0- ronbo Normal School attended and expressed their pleasure. at being present. Mrs. James Legge of Temperanceâ€" v‘ille celebrated her 81st birthday on May 3rd. Mrs. Brown of Jefferson a sister is 83 and art-other sister, Mrs. Bell of Toronto is 82 years of age. They are sisters of Mr. Georg-e Dibbs of King Township. ' Last Friday evening: was a red letter evening for the toys and girls of S. S. No. 6. They held an exhi- bition of the work they had' done in the form of projects during the year. The chairman, Master Isaac Williamson, welcomed the visitors very cordially. The school presented a splendid program which was much enjoyed by the parents and interest- ed friends. The guest speaker, In- spector Roberts, then was called to present the ideals and aims of this “New Course of Study” which he did in a very able manner. Several present in short speeches expressed their appreciation of Miss Holden’s efforts in trying to make the school attractive and the work attractive for her pupils. This school is a nor- mal training school and many of the Mr. and Mrs. Jack Frisby and sons Leonard and Graham took tea with their mother, Mrs. Jennie Agar, at the home of Mrs. Florence Bruce and family on Sunday. We regret to learn that Misses Joy and Margaret Mortson are laid up with severe colds. Mrs. Lily Neill of Richmond Hill spent last week-end with her sonâ€" inâ€"law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mortson. Some of the many friends of '1‘. Herb Boynton were glad to receive a call from him during the past weekâ€"end. Mr. Boynrton has return~ ed to the sanitarium for a couple of months when he will return home for good, we hope. Mr. Fraser Smith and‘ Miss Muriel Freeland motored to Niagara to View the peach blossoms on Sunday. China and consequently will be able to give her congregation a live mis- sionary talk. All are welcome. Miss Jeam Macdonald is busy writâ€" ing her final examinations at the University this week. We Wish Jean every success. No. 46.

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