Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 12 May 1938, p. 2

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One of our exchanges very aptly points out what hydro power means to the rural community: “One is given a sense of real satisfaction as he drives through the Prov- ince of Ontario to see the number of farms _blessed with the benefits of Hydro. Driving along on a dark night one sees a farmyard brilliantly lighted with a floodlight, dis- pelling the gloom that has blanketed rural Ontario since time began. Not only outside has a miracle been wrought. Inlthe house the farmer’s wife can now have at her disâ€" posal all the conveniences which her urban sister has enâ€" joyed for years. In the barn the farmer does not need to go about his tasks With a dangerous lantern, groping in the dark to find his way about. Portable electric motors lighten the burden of countless tasks about the farm. Rural Hydro expansion is one of the finest undertakings in many years.” i ENCOURAGING AGITATORS If the opinion expressed by Hon. Earl Rowe and his temporary representative, Hon. Leopold ,Macaulay, as to the course pursued by Premier Hepburn in dealing with those Lakeview agitators are correctly reported by the daily press, it is little wonder that the good old Tory party looks a whole lot like what is described in the Good Book as the “abomination of desolation” It seems to be cursed with leaders who have absolutely no grasp of public opin- ion and who can be relied upon to say the wrong thing without fail. Long suffering taxpayers, both in Toronto and the rest of the Province, who are bearing the brunt of the enormous relief problem which we are facing, admire the courage and initiative of the Premier in taking summary steps to unmask the shiftless agitators who are seeking to profit at the expense of others. This is eminently a time for sane leadership when we see women submitting to having their children placarded with Communist signs and hawked all over the country as “red” propaganda, iv;- stead of being in school where they belong. Agitation is a disease with a certain element of the foreign born who live among us and the pity of it is that a lot of them do not come from central Europe, but from other parts of the Empire. This class cannot be deported but if they are at all in earnest in their cries that they are being starved they should be afforded an opportunity to be sent back to whence they came at the public expense. Such action on the part of the Government would be a fine economy in the end. _ . . n 1u- - 1‘ vv ...... J _-- -.._, -__v. In the meantime cheap clap-trap from politicians pf the calibre of Messrs. Rowe and Macaulay only give aid and sustenance to the agitatorsâ€"Hudson Herald. WONDERS OF POST OFFICE At the laying of the corner stone of the new post office building Wednesday, Bishop Rix drew attention to the wonderful service given in this country by the Post Off- ice Department. A letter can be mailed at Prince Rupert and carried to Prince Edward Island, considerably more than three thousand miles away, all for three cents. Let- ters may also be sent to the Arctic Ocean and to the most remote country points without any increased charge ex- cept when they go by airplane, when there is a slight addi- tional charge. With the scattered population of Canada it is a wonder that the Post Office Department finds it possible to pay its way while giving this serviceâ€"Prince Rupert Daily News. Did you ever stick a petunia seed in your-eye?"Thfie chances are that if you did, you wouldn’t know you had done it. It is just about the size of the period which ends this sentence. Nothing so confirms a man’s faith in God as plant- ing one of those almost microscopic seeds and watching it sprout, produce a plant a foot high and a ruffled flower so large that it takes both hands to hide it. God’s won- ders are all concealed in that tiny mite of seed. Did you ever plant another little blonde mite of a radish seed and watch it sprout, grow and produce a radâ€" ish a thousand times its size? A bunch of such radishes on your own diningtable have a succulent flavor far suâ€" perior to the ordinary radishes purchased at a store- Few people realize that the smaller the garden, the more fun. A one-man garden the size of a large rug can be cultivated, the soil prepared, the beds made, the seed planted and the weeds kept down by one man working one hour a day. That man can get more fun out of that little plot of ground, out of watching the development of the plants and the flowers or vegetables, than he can get out of the same space in any otherway. 1 . 5x44 \{tau u; “n. mun“, Urwv- -... -v- With the garden come lessons in patience, lessons in careâ€"even in failure the lesson of more care next timeâ€" and above all, a personal touch with the wonders of na- ture and the wonders of God which are living sermons rather than sermons of words. You don’t have to go to the big city to win success. A 20-year-old chap in Seaforth has developed a stamp business in the basement of his home and has customers all through the world. He buys and sells stamps through- the medium of a magazine he publishes with a paid cir- culation of four thousand copies. Last summer he took a trip to Europe and Africa in the interest of his growing businessâ€"St. Mary’s Journal. Rev. A. J. Goldring of Creemore put the situation respecting the people and the churches in a few words. In a recent sermon in St. Paul’s Anglican Church, Lindsay, he spoke of the use made by non‘supporters of the great- est institution of any community, those who [only made use of the church at times of baptism, marriage and death. As the Star rightly states, it is a sad commentary to make, nevertheless true. Were the contribution but a nickle a week, it would not only help financially, but be a demon- stration of interest and a recognition of the place that the house of worship should have in their round of life. Acquiring service, yea, demanding it, without making any return is poor business, while the lack of identification with one of the many churches is an injustice to oneself. It is selfishness of an extreme order.â€"â€"Collingwood Enter- prise-Bulletin. Advertising Rates on AppHcation. TELEPHONE 9 THE LIBERAL PRINTING CO., LTD. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY AT RICHMOND HILL Member Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association Subscription $1.50 per year â€" To the United States $2.00 Covering Canada’s Best Suburban District PAGE TWO THURSDAY, MAY 12th, 1938. SPONGING ON THE CHURCHES Established 1878 AN INDEPENDENT WEEKLY J. Eachern Smith, Manager HYDRO EXTENSIONS “THE JOYS OF A GARDEN A reception was held at St. George’s rectory, where the loride’sa mother received wearing navy sheer over printed silk, nxavy hat and ac- cessories, and shoulder b0uquet of pink butterfly roses and lilies of the valley. Mrs. Thomas ErmiS, of To- ronto, aunt of the groom, also re- ceived, wearing a black ensemble with corsage of roses and sweet peas. For the wedding trip by motor to the United States the bride wore/rose ‘beige crepe with bolero of parisvan-d flannel, topcoat in‘ parisand, with matching hat and accessories. The bride is a graduate nurse of St. Nicholas h0spita1, Peterboro, and was an outpost nurse for the Red Cross at Kirkland Lake and Wilberforce. North Toronto Market was a blaze of color on Saturday with flowers for Mother’s Day. There were potted plants to delight any mother; rich hued calceolarias, petunias and glox- inas ranging from 35c. to 75c., fea- thlery spirea at $1.50, mixed pans from 50c. to $1, and large hydranh geas or amaryllis from $2 up. Large bunches of marsh marigolds and oth- er wild flowers were 5c. and 10c. bunch, a single rose to wear for mother cost 10c., pansies were 25c. bunch, stocks 35c. and 5‘0c., snapâ€" dragons 50c. to $1, carnations $1.50 dxoz., wallflvowers 3'50. bunch, stattice 35c. CAMERON-BATTERSBY St. George’s Anglican: church, Hali- burton, was the scene of an interâ€" esting wedding Saturday when Sylvia Helen Toker Battersby, daughter of Rev. Canon H. Francis Battersby and Mrs. Battersby, formerly of Rich- mond Hill, became the bride of Keith Gordon Cameron, son of A. W. Cam- eronl and the late Mrs. Cameron. The father of the bride officiated. The church was decorated with calla lil- ies, spring flowers and ferns and the wedding music was played» by Dr. Herbert Walker of Dunnville. Given in marriage by her brother, W. S. Battersby, of Lindsay, the bride was gowned in white bridal satin, floor length, with long sleeves extending to points over the hands; veil of heirloom lace caught in cap effect with orange blo:s50ms. She also wore her great grandmother’s cameo brooch, and carried a shower bouquet of butterfly reses and baby’s breath. Miss Margaret Bat- tersby, sister of the bride, was maid‘ of honor, and Miss Hazel Cameron, sister of the groom, bridesmaid. The maid of honor wore pink point (Yes- prit over dusky rose, and the brides- maid, powder blue lace over pale blue taffeta. Each wore matching toques with shoulder length veils and! carried colonial bouquets of roses andl sweet peas. Reginald Springer, of Toronto, was best man, and ushers George Boyd, Toronto and‘ Game-h Sed‘giwick, Haliburton. enn Asparagus was plentiful, bunches sold at 2 for 15c. and 4 for 25c., tips were 25c. 1b., 6-qt. baskets 60c. amcl selected $1. All the‘ small things, le'ttuce, radishes, etc., sold at 3 and 4_for 10c. Cucumbers were 10c. ea. Outdoor rhuban could be bought at 2 bunches for Se. Butter fetchedr 3‘30. and 35c. 1b,, eggs were 22c. to 33c., according- to size, all Grade A, roastirlg chicken was 28c. lb. and. duck was found at the same price, broilers were 35c. lb. There was plenty of maple syrup andl maple sugar sold at 25c. 1b. The fish man had trout 23c. l‘b., white fish 20c., fillets 28c. Prices of meat were as follows: Beef, porterhouse‘ 32c., sirloin 2%., round 22c., boned rolled rib 22c. to 27c., short rib 19c., blade 18c., chuck 14c. to 17c., bonved rolled brisket 15c. Pork, loin 29c., leg 24c., butt 23c., should-er 17c. Veal, fillet 18c. to 24c., cutlet 28c., rolled shoulder 18c. Lamb, leg 29c., loin 28c., shoulder 19c. Incongruity: Man with a Hitler moustache laughing at a woman wearing a “sauce-pan lid.” In spite of all the reEYOIms of rthe reformers the world does not seem to be getting any better. Valdosta Times offers this recipe for keeping out of jail: “Fish, smoke a pipe or fall in love with a dog.” Phone HYland 2081 Res. Phone 9-788 MANUFACTURERS & IMPORTERS OF CANADIAN & FOREIGN Granite Monuments Johnston & G-ranston THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO c. each, p: r 2~5c., ear -c. doz. Asparagus 1849 Yonge St. (east side) Between Mertan &- Balliol Sts YORK MARKET WEDDING was 15c. 2 , 6-qt All Open Evenings bunches 25c., tips 6%. anci ; per- and boxes were It seems to me that the many in-’ ternal issues that comfront us now are really only so many phases Of one great issue essentially a great moral issue. Most of our troubles appear to be due to the inability of Canadians as a group to see na- tional conditions as they are. This is nothing less than a refusal to face facts, a shortcoming the right {name of which is a very unlover oneâ€"intellectual dishonesty. How- ever sanely we conduct our private lives and our private business we are in the habit of assuming an atti- tude of wishful thinking in regard lto our public problems. We act as lthough unpleasant problems will solve themselves if we only close our eyes to their existence long- enough. Another form of this self-inflicted blindness is playing the old game of “passing the buck.” Canada is a democracy and, therefore, we, the people, are fundamentally the gov- ernment. Our representatives do the chores of government for us but we are responsible for the kind of peo- ple they are and- the way in which they do their chores. In practice, however, we lay the blame of bad or indifferent government upon them and arrogate to ourselves credit for any bits of good government. We are We seem to assume that by merely wishing- things to be otherwise we can improve them or remove them. In the meantime the plain fact is that our problems. are steadily grow- ing worse â€" public debts mounting, railway deficits nearing their abso-. lute limit, government expenses in- creasing through the demands of ourselves, the people, who blindly ask to be bribed by our own» money. 52.-----0-w-------t-----xw-r-v-«- ’¢ As a believer in the exceptional power of the Weekly press to guide public thought I cannot but commend your special effort to assemble con- structive views concerning the great public issues of Canada. Though I dare not count my own views as of any worth, yet I venture to submit one or two of them if for no other reasons than that you have request- ed them and that I hold them very strongly. Dear Mr. Editor _:-x.~_n-n-u-..- .0- -u- -1 A Series of Letters from Distinguished Canadians om Vita] Problems Affecting the Future Welfare of Canada Specially Written for Canadian Weekly Newspapers A950ciation LETTER No. 4 London, Canada, March 14, 1938 MAKING CANADA A Better Place in Which to Live and Work GROUP NO. 1 [1 MACLEAN'S MAGAZINE (24 issues) 1 Yr. E] CHATELAINE . . . . . I Yr. 1:]NATIDNAL HOME MONTHLY I Yr. [’3 CANADIAN MAGAZINE - - 1 Yr. [:1 PICTDRIAL REV. combined with DELINEATDR - - - - - I Yr. E] CAN.HORTI’RE & HOME MAG. I Yr. [:IRDD AND GUN - - - -~ 1Yr. E] AMERICAN BOY - - - - 8Mos. [:1 SILVER SCREEN - - - - I Yr [3 PARENTS’ MAGAZINE - - BMUS. [jDPEN RDAD FDR BOYS ~ 16 Mus. CI AMERICAN FRUIT GRDWER - 1 Yr. also in the habit of endeavoring 10 make influences originating outside the country the scapegoat for many of our own sins. I believe that the weekly press can do Canada no better service than, even at the risk of becoming bore- some through repetition, by constantâ€" CITIES SERVICE GARAGE Reasonable Prices Headquarters for Goodrich Tires & Tubes Automobile Accessories General Repairs Give yourself and your family enioy- ment and entertainment the whole year through by selecting one of these special offers. Either offer permits a choice of top-notch magazines together with --- _ THIS _ Subscriptions taken at The Liberal LOW RETURN FARES DAILY SERVICE Between TORONTO and NEW YORK - - - $15.05 MIAMI - - - - - 40.70 CHICAGO - - - 15.15 LOS ANGELES - 62.55 EQUALLY LOW RATES TO OTHER POINTS Towing Anywhere CHOOSE EITHER OFFER NEWSPAPER for one year TOWN AND PROVINCE .. GENTLEMEN: l ENCLOSE $ . ‘ . . . . . . . . . . PLEASE SEND ME [3 OFFER No_ | (Indicate which”: OFFER NO. 2. I AM CHECKING THE MAGAZINES DESIRED WITH A YEAR'S SUBSCRIPTION TO YOUR PAPER. RICHMOND HILL ANY TIME All Coach Travel Information at Phone 12 for R. PETCH __.AT_. Phone 177 [1 MAGLEAN’S MAGAZINE (24 issues) 1 Yr. E] GHATELAINE . . . . . IYr, DNATIONAL HOME MONTHLY I Yr. [3 CANADIAN MAGAZINE - - 1 Yr. {3 PICTORIAL REVIEW combined with DELINEATOR - - - - 1 Yr. C] CAN. HOEI'I'RE 8: HOME MAG. 1 Yr. DROD 8: GUN - - - - - I Yr. I] SILVER SCREEN - - - . 1 Yr. GROUP (3) DTRUE STORY - - - - - 1 Yr, DOPEN ROAD FOR BOYS - - 2Yrs. DAMERICAN BOY - - - - 1 Yr. |:] PARENTS' MAGAZINE - - - 1 Yr. [:lSGREENLAND - - - - - IYr. Iâ€"INEWS-WEEK - (26 issues) BMns. 1y reminding Canadians that most of their national troubles are of their own making and hence of their own curing; that the day of reckoning is absolutely unavoidable; that if we face the facts in our public business as we do in our private business there is yet time to solve a large number of our problems and to re- duce or even. avoid the impact of ‘calamity. Many other nations sin- cerely profess to admire Canadians for their common sense. Let us en- 'deavor to show ourselves genuinely worth of the praise. Sincerely yo_urs, THURSDAY, MAY LEAVE RICHMOND HILL DAILY SERVICE (Northbound) 8.18 a.m. to North Bay and Midland x-2.43 p‘m. to Otillia y-5‘48 p.m. to Orillia and Midland x-One hour earlier Sat, Sun. & Hol.; also to Mldland Sal. only. y-One hour later SOL, Sun. & H01. W. SHERWOOD FOX, President and Vice-Chancellor, University of Western; Ontario, London, Canada. GROUP (A) UN - - - lREEN - - GROUP (B) H" - - - AD FOR BOYS | BUY - - MAGAZINE- an . . . YOUR NEWSPAPER AND 2 BIG MAGAZINES "3 - I Yr, 0Y8 - - 2Yrs. - - Hr. E- - - 1Yr. - - 1 Yr. (2|; issues) EMns. 2th, 1938.

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