Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 12 May 1938, p. 4

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Fully Accredited 100% Negative Blood Tested Bull Calves No. 2 Dam, Lady Jane of Ethel- mere, milk 9266 lbs., fat 479 lbs., 352 days, at 2 years. C. A. HENSHAW, Manager RR. 3 King Phone 33r23 Pay promptly and avoid pen- alty of 4 per centum which must be imposed after No. 1 Dam, Pink Rose of Ethel- mere, milk 10242 lbs.; fat 555 lbs-, 365 days at 3 years. RE DECORATING Tenders will be received after 5 p.m. each day until Saturday, May 2151:, 1938 by the undersigned for decorating School Room of S. S. N0. 8, Vaughan. The first instalment of the 1938 Taxes will be due on the 1ST DAY OF MAY NEXT Woo...» W Lowest or any tender not necess- arily accepted. Richmond Hill, April 28, 1938 DAVID HILL'&C% All reconditioned & guaranteed Yonge St. 1937 Plymouth DeLuxe, Touring Sedan, small mileage, heat- er- 1934 Master Chevrolet DeLuxe Sedan, looks and runs like new. Very special. 1934 Master Chevrolet Coach, extra fine condition. 1937' Chrysler Royal, Touring sedan, small mileage 1936 Plymouth 2-d00r Touring Sedan, excellent value. 1934 Plymouth DeLuxe Sedan 1930 Durant 4 Sedan. TAXES USED CARS CHRYSLER & PLYMOUTH CARS “ Ethelmere ” Guernseys SPECIALS PAGE FOUR A. J. HUME, Village Treasurer. TENDERS MAY 20TH Dealers in E. D. STONG, Ed‘geley ONâ€" Richmond Hill LTD There was a capacity congregation last Sunday morning at the United Church for the Mother’s Day Serâ€" vice. Two musical numbers were acceptably received ‘by the S. S. Sex- tette. These were Jean Stephenson, Dorothy and ‘Audrey Walterhouse, Elsie Wells, Gladys McPhail and Rita Hurd. Two readings were given by Miss Margaret Shaw and Miss Doris Newson. The pastor’s message was in keeping with Mother’s Day. A spe- cial feature of the evening service was a song service of Mother’s’ Fav- orite Hymns, with many requests sent in by members. A duet rby Mrs. Glen Shaw and Mr. Halbert, “Methi- er’s Prayers” and a solo by Mrs. Allan Wiltshire were much enjoyed. The Golden. Rule Mission Band will meet next Saturday at 2.30 in the S. S. hall of the United Church. The North York Horticultural So- ciety met last Monday evening in the Town Hall with a large attendance. Mr. Curtis, the president, was in the chair. The guest speaker was Mr. George Thompson of Toronto. A questionaire proved an interesting feature of the meeting when mem- bers handed in questions regarding their garden problems which were satisfactorily answered by Mr. Thompson. Very generous premiums are being given out to the members this week which means a great deal of work to the directors in charge. It was announcedthat the annual Horticultural Picnic will be held on July 6th to the 0. A. College at Guelph. The Auxiliary of the W.M.S. will hold its regular monthly meeting next Tuesday, May 17th at 2.30 at the Passonage. These will be a shower for the Missionary Bale con- sisting of hospital supplied, adults and children’s good used' clothing, games and toys for children in hos- pitals for Christmas gifts, quilts, etc. The ladies of the church are cordially invited to attend. Visitors weliome. The Girls’ Mission Circle will meet at the Parson-age next Tuesday, May The Young People’s Union met last Monday evening with a large attendance. Miss Cora Good, mis- at the Pa: 17th at 8 A number of young people attend- ed 'the Festival of Plays held last Wednesday evening in Richmond Hill United Church. 17th at 8 p.m. They will also hold a shower for the Missionary Bale. Everylbody welcome. The Girls’ Cir- cle has accepted IanvA invitation to visit the Girls’ Circle at Victoria Square on Friday, May 20th and give the programme. NEWTONBROOK Mason’s Banquet L1,“. annA 1‘: The six rural lodges of Toronto District “D” honored the M.W. Grand Master W. J. Dunlop at a Well at- tended banquet held in the commun- ity Hall in Maple on Tuesday evenâ€" ing. The rural lodges in this disâ€" trict are Maple, Wood’bridge, King, Schomberg, Bolton and CaledOn East. Large delegations of members were present from each of these lodges as well as many from Richmond Hill and a. number of city lodges. After a brief meeting in the Maple Lodge Room the banquet and speaking was held in the Community Hall. The D.D.G.M. acted as toastmaster for the occasion. The toast to the Grand Lodge was proposed by D. B. Davis of Schomberg and responded to by Rt. Rev. Bishop White, Grand Chap- rlain. The toast to the Grand Master was proposed by Geo. Shore of Wood- bridge and responded to by the Grand Master. The toast to the guest by Fred Boys of King and the toast to the visitors by Gordon McGillivray of Woodlbridge. A presentation was made to the Grand. Master by ‘M. J. Kinnvee. Toast to the Rural Lodges was responded to by Jerry Holder, of Caledon East, U. Shunk of Wood- bridge, Wm. Egan of Bolton and D. Lockhart of King. The reception committee included Milton Palmer, M. J. Kinnee, M. Wilson, G-eo. Brown- lee, J. G. Routley, N. McDonald, Robt. Merriott and J. M. McDonald. Between the speech-es 50105 were rendered by Laurence Dafoé. sionary convener, was in clvarge of the meeting and a very much worth while program was presented. Mr. Harold Schmidt assisted in the de- votional service. Essays on “Lives of Great Men” was. an interesting- feature of the program. Mr. vain Brown, citizenship convener, will be in charge next Monday evening and plans a night with Great Musicians and their compositions will be played by members. A hearty welcome to ’all. This promises to be a fine “meeting. A baseball committee of the Church Leagues met in Newtonbrook S. S. Hall last Friday night to make plans for the summer’s games. The opening game will be held next Tuesw day evening, May 17 at Unionville with Newtonbrook and Union-ville playing. Show your interest in the boys and attend every game. Owners of dogs in Richmond“ Hill are reminded that according to vil- lage by-law, all dogs are prohibited from running at large during the period of fro-m May 151; until Sep- tember 30th. The provisions of the by-law will be strictly enforced and those viO- lating the regulations will be proseâ€" cumed. All dog owners are asked to take this warning, and keep dogs tied‘ up during this period. By Order of Municipal Council. I will not be‘ responsible for any debts contracted in my name, withâ€" out my written consenrt. Richmond Hill, May 5, 1938 SATUIRLDAY, MAY ZISITâ€"Extensive auction sale of furniture, etc. at Pine Street, Woodbridge, the property of the estates of the late Mrs. Deborah Rowntree and‘ the late Mrs. Wm. Cowan. Sale at 1 p.m. D.S.T. Terms cash. Also the house and lot be- longing to Frank Rowntree, formerly owned by the late Delborah R0wn~ tree, 7 room brick house and 1.38 acres of land. To be sold subject to reserve bid. 10 per cent on day of sale and balance in 30 days. J. C. Saigeon, Auctioneer. SATURDAY, MKAY 28â€"Auction sale of furniture and other valuable ef- fects belonging to the Estate of the late W. H. Legge, Jefferson P. 0., Yonge Street. SATURDAY, MAY 14â€"Auction sale of 40 head of fresh cows and near springers all good lbig‘ dairy cattle and good testers on- lot 2, con. 7, Markham Township, property of J. S. Honey. Sale at 1 pm. No re- serve. Prentice & Prentice, Auc- tioneers. The C.G.I.T. group with their lead- ers were hostesses last Tuesday ev- ening at a. social evening when the mothers were honored guests. Miss Lorraine ‘Risebrough presided. Slides were shown of “C.G.I.T. Girls around the World.” Refreshments were served‘ by the girls at the close of the meeting. ' The Woman-’5 Assoeiation held a very successful Birthday Tea from 3' to 5 pm. last Thursday and all enjoyed a happy afternoon. The W.M.S. ladies are holding‘ a quilting bee in' the S. S. Hall this Thursday afternoon in preparation for the Missionary Bale. Notice Re Dogs THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO For Grand Master Public Notice Sale Register FRED LEPARD Mr. and Mrs. Alex Walker, resi- dents of Vaughan Township near Maple celebrated the 60th annivers- ary of their wedding on Saturday, May 7th. They celebrated the occa- sion at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Milt Palmer in Maple where a very enjoyable time was had by the immediate relatives and friends who were present. Mr. and Mrs. Walker both enjoy splendid health despite advanced years. They were married on May 7th, 1878 at the Methodist Church in Lloydtown. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Jack Clarke. For more than 40 years af- ter their marriage they resided in the south eastern section of Adjala township. For a time they lived in Tecums-eth near Penville and- of late have been: living retired near Maple. Mrs. Walker before her marriage ‘ was Susannah Gibson, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gibson and was born on the eighth line of Al- bion on the farm now occupied, by Ernie Patterson. Mr. Walker was Mr. and Mrs. Alex \Valker Celebrate Diamond \Vedding Jubilee a son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W‘alk- er and was born at Lot 1, Tecumseth one concession south of Colgan. One son, Wilfred David‘ Walker, resides at Wainwright, Alta. and an- other son, Hiram, died about 17 years ago. One daughter, Sarah (Mrs. Wm. C. LeWiS) lives at Allisâ€" ton and another daughter, Annie (Mrs. Milt Palmer), resides at Maple. During- their long residence in Ad- jala, Mr. and Mrs. Walker were ac- tive workers at Churchill Methodist Church. Mr. Walker was a very ac- tive Orangeman. For several years he wasVW.M. of Inniskillen Lodge No. 260 and was at one time District Master of AIIbion. He is an Honlor- ary Member of the Royal’ Black In- stitution. We join with their many friends in extending them best wishes for continued health and happiness. IN THE ESTATE OF OSWALD FREDERICK STEWAXRFI‘, deceased; All persons having claims against the Estate of Os-wald Frederick Ste- wart, late of the Township of Mark- ham in the County of York, deceas- ed, who died on or about the 12th day of April, 1938, are hereby noti- ‘fiedl to send in to the undersigned on or before the 10th day of June, 1938, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said last mentioned] date, the assets of the said estate will be distributed a- mongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of Which the undersigned shall then have notice. ABOUT 8 ACRES for grazing or cutting including 11/2 acres alfalfa. Apply R. Quinn, Brookside Road, 0p- posite Orange Orphanage on Yonge Street. foil" the current year. Please be ready for him when he calls. DATED at Toronto this 9th day of May, 1938. The Village Overseer will make the rounds of the Village during the second week of May for the purpose of collecting the The dog tax for 1938 is as follows: One male dog $2.00; each additional dog kept by the same party $4.00. One female dog $5.00; each addition- al female $8.00. Richmond Hill, May 5th, 1938. Dumping rubbish of any kind on roadside strictly forbidden. No car bodies to be dumped on any roadside. Official township dump is lo- cated on the Third Concession 114 miles north of Elgin Mills. Offenders will be prosecuted. Jones Coal Co. By order of the Municipal Council of Vaughan Notice to Creditors WALTER B. COWAN, K.C., by his Solicitors, Strathy, Cowan‘ & Setterington, 15 Toronto St, To- ronto. Lehigh Valley ANTHRACITE “The Coal That Satisfies” TOWNSHIP __ 0F _ VAUGHAN WARNING TU RENT NOTICE MAPLE DOG TAX Phone 188 A. J. HUME, Clerk. DOOLEY POTATOES. Bert Lund, Maple, telephone Maple 24r13. CEDAR POSTS all sizes. N. I Bowes, Concord, phone Maple 868. WHITE PEKIN duck eggs for hatch- ing. Leo Burton, Carrville Road or phone Maple 764. DO‘OLEY POTATOES, about 15 bags 40c. bag 'bin run. Apply Liberal Of- fice STRAWBERRY PLANTS, healthy Premiers. Apply Mrs. Stewart Orr, Clarkson, Ont, phone 91. POTATOES, 50 bags Irish Cobbler, 75 bags Dooleys. C. E. Walkington, King, telephone King 4213. GOOD GOOSE WHEAT for seed and a few bUShels of peas. John BOy- ington, phone Agincourt 5r2. IIRIISH COBBLER and Dooley Pota- toes, 50c. per bag. Roblt. Stone- house, Lot 8, Con. 5, Markham. DOOLEY POTATOES; also Dooley and Cobbler Seed Potatoes. Wm. Paul, R’ichvale, Step 22 Yonge St. LARGE M\OORE"S RANGE fitted with double oil burner, cheap, in per- fect condition. Apply Box 777, Lib- eral Office. YOUNG SOW due June 4th. Several yearling Heifers and close springâ€" ers. Apply Frank Bennett, phone Stouffville 6114. QUANTITY FIELD STONE for building. Apply R. Rodick, Lot 9, IMPLEMENTS: 2 used 10-20 McCor- mick Deering Tractors; 2 used 12-20 Case Tractors; 1 used Fordson Trac- tor; 1 used I.H.C. Hay Press. Apply Jack Gray, Maple. FOR SALE OR RENT 5 ROOM BUN'GALOW on Yonge- burst RoadL $10 per month renrt. Apply at home. Con. 4, Markham Township. Phone Agincourt 42â€"W-2. MQOLxAlRJY ANNEX STOVE equipped with oil burner, in: perfect condition, grey enamel. Will sell reasonable. Apply 48 Centre St. West, Richmond Hill. RADIO, 8 tube console, in good con- dition, $15.00; kitchenv cupboard with 2 large drawers and 2 door cupboard space, $2.00. Apply at The Liberal Office. BABY CHICKS and Custom Hatch- ing. Apply for prices and further particulars. Miss K. Mecredy, Yonge Street Poultry Farm, Richmond Hill, phone 1021'13. REGISTERED HOLSFI‘EIN BULL, ready for service; also Gobbler and Rural New Yorker Seed potatoes, first. prize at York County Seecl Fair. Apply William Barker, Temperance- ville. SEED GVRAAIN O.A.C. N0. 21 Bar- ley, Gov. grade No. 1; Victory Oats, Gov. grade No. 1; also Goose Wheat. Apply Bruce Brothers, Unionville, phone Stouffville 3602» Coleman Oil Burners. Now is a good time to turn in your radio, big al- lowance on a new one. Apply G. Yerex, Markham Road, Richmond Hill. SPRAYER, 4 row, 12 nozel, nearly new; 13 tooth cultivator with seed box, nearly new; corn cultivator, 1 row; corn cultivator, 2 row; numb-er of mowers. Apply Geo. A. Prentice & Son, Milliken, phone Agincourt 52‘W3. ICE BOX, large size, $5.00. Also GOVERNMENT T.B. testedl cattle, fresh cows and close up springers, Holstein, Ayrshire, Jersey and Dur- hams, Bulls for sale. Cattle always on hand. Apply Jack Devins, 2 miles south of Woodbridge. Phone Wood- bridg‘e 1364. RUSS, Stock of late importer, in- cludes Wiltons, Broadlooms and Ori- entals, extremely low prices while stock lasts, will ship mail orders promptly, write for price list. Trad- ers and Importers, 54 Wellington St. West, Toronto. BARRED ROCK, White Leghorn, New Hampshire, Black Minorca, Jersey Giant productionâ€"bred chicks. Our prices are moderate and our chick quality high. CustOm hatching specialists. Yonge Street Poultry Farm, Richmond Hill, phone 102r13. SIXTY AORE FAIRLM, with crop standing, frame house, two barns, spring water, near highway, close to village, Hyudro past farm. Ill healrth cause of sale. Easy terms. E. Pleasâ€" ance, Lot 29, con. 5, King, Box 19, Kettleiby, Ont. THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISINGâ€"MAKE THE MOST OF IT RATESâ€"Five lines or less, 25 cents for first insertion and 15 cents for each subsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extra. each insertion. IF CHARGED 7 CENTS PER LINE. Classified AdVS. F OR SALE THURSDAY, MAY 12th, 1938. HOLSTEIN SPRINGER, registered; accredited and blood‘ tested. Apply Goa-don Anderson, telephone Maple 2 MILKING GOATS with young; 1 ton stake body truck, good condition: Apply R. Quinn, Brookside Road, op-' posite Orange Orphanage: on Yonge Street. A CONTENTS OF HOME: Chesterfield Suite; Dining Room Suite, Oak; Cook Stove, Star, nearly new; Quebec Heater, double top; Easy Washer, 3 cup; 100 Sealers; Radio, Rogers Ma.- jestic; Wash Tubs and Board; Laun- dry Stove; Bed, new; 1 three-quarter size bed; other small articles. Apply FARMERS ATTENTION: small fence posts, approximately 4 inch, and: um- cut firewood wanted. Apply Box 73, The Liberal Office. 741’2‘1 W. Partridge, 151: house north-‘s-id'e of Mill Road. EXPERIENCED FARM HAND, must be good with horses and can plow. Apply Peter Jones, Maple, telephone Maple 2860. STRONG GIRL for housework and plain cooking. Temporary position. Apply at once to P. H. McConnell, John Street, phone 104 Thornhill. $2000.00 FllRlST MORTGAGE want- ed on valuable house and lot. Ex- cellent residential section in Rich- mond‘ Hill. Willing to pay 51/z%.. Apply Box 84, Liberal Office. Langstaff Supply, Langstaff, phong Thornhill 73. ‘ WHITEWASHING and disinfecting, T.B. clean-ups. Our work will stand government inspection. Write Floyd’s Sprayers, Bolton, Ont. A substantial reward will be given to the person or persons: giving information leading to the apprehension and conviction of those responsible for damag- ing village property. BUILDINGS raised and moved. Kindly communicate inform- ation .to local authorities. By Order, Richmond Hill Council. M 00 ormick-Deering Agent for Farm Implements, Tractors, Trucks, Repairs and Parmak Electric Fencers Ordinary fencing costs from $125 to $300 a mile. Install a' Parmak to-day and save this huge difference. Used Cars 1933 FORD V7.2 DeLUXE ROADSTER Rumble Sea‘t. Ford Heater. Nice. (Reconditioned and Guaranteed). 1935 FORD V-S DeLUXE COUPEâ€" Rumble Seat. Fard Heatel‘. Very Smart- 1936 FORD V-8 DeLUXE SEDAN with Trunk. A Fine Car. 1934 FORD V-8 DeLUXE TUDORâ€"- FLOYD R. PERKINS Little Brothers Ford Sales & Service RICHMOND HILL ONTARIO PHONE 174-W MISCELLANEOUS Condition excellent. REWARD Free Demonstrations WANTED $425.00 $490.00 $635.00 $360.00

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