Mrs. D. Coulson was guest of honor on Saturday evening last when Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Coulson- enter- tained at a dinner party given in honor of Mrs. Coulson’sy 83rd birth- day. Thirty guests including rela- tives and intimate friends were pre- sent to offer felicitations and ex- preSS best wishes for many years of good health and happiness. Mrs. Coulson was the recipient of many gifts, kindly remembrances of her many friends. The Liberal also ex- tend-s congratulations. All entries must [be listed with the secretary not later than June 10th. Judging will be in charge of Mr. John F. Clark, Government Horticul- tural Society representative and is scheduled for June 29th. A social gathering for all members is planned following the judging tour. is open to anyone complying- with that simple rule. Following the program a social hour and refreshments served in! the usual efficient manner by the host- esses concluded: the meeting. HOStâ€" esses for the afternOOn included Mrs. C. H. Stiver, Mrs. J. A. Gibson, Mrs. Geo. Chant, Miss E. Austin and Mrs. W. Summerfeldt. - Has your membership been recordk ed with the Un-iomville Horticultural Society? If not, do so at once and‘ become eligible to enter the Spring Garden Competition that will be held this year, with classes for both vill~ age and rural members. The classes in both divisions include: Class A, general surroundings; Class B, flow- er garden. The prizes are especially worth while and the executive would appreciate a large entry list. No en- trance fee, other than your member- l ship in the society, which makes you eligible for entering the contest that A delightful relaxation following an intensive business program was the Kraft Cheese Products‘ demon- stration given by Miss Lulu C. Pow- ney, when- the many possibilities for delightful refreshment were shown in the clever use of these products. Delectable sandwiches, cool and re- freshing salads, more teasingly ap- petizing salad dressing and various varieties of cheese were included in the long list presented. The salad plate prepared for each lady was a delightful part of the refreshments that followed the meeting Miss P0wney’s charming personality won many friends for her in this organ- ization and a return visit will be welcomed. _.__-. .. v...‘, May 5th marked the annual meet- 'Payne as hostess when Mrs. R. Boy- ing of the local branch of the W0- ington and Mrs. Vernon Trunk won men-’s Institute that was held at the the lst and 2nd prizes and Miss Janet home of Mrs. C. H. Stiver. The spa- French the consolation. Then anoth- cious drawing rooms adequately ac-- er delightful event with Mrs. Vernon commodated the large attendance, lTrunk as hostess and Mrs. George showed increased activity over pre- lKelly, Mrs. J. R. Hood and Mrs. Ken vious years. The president, Mrs. {Prentice as prize winners. The splen- Whaley, presided over the prelimini- idid condition of the bowling green ary part of the meeting with Mrs. J. jpromises games on the green very Brown officiating during the election :shortly and many rleasant activities of officers. The resignation of Mrs.‘;are being scheduled for the coming G. G. Maynard as secretary-treasurer season. An increased membership was sincerely regretted and as yet liis anticipated and‘ many improve- her successor has not been named. 'ments that will add to the conveni- We present the list of officers in ence and comfort of the mer't‘oers part, the conveners of the various fare being planned. The grounds are committees, not as yet, being con- 'looking very attractive, the flower firmed: President, Mrs. G. Whaley; boarders especially worthy 0f com- lsrt vice-pres, Mrs. E. E. Braith- ’mendation. Waite; 2nd vice-pres, Mrs. Nash;l Mr. and Mrs. Howard! Galbraith 3rd vice-pres, Mrs. N. Ogden; disâ€" land daughter Miss Olga Galbraith of trict director, Mrs. R. L. Stiver; Beeton spent the week-end with Mr. branch directors, Mrs. J. Brown, Mrs. and Mrs. A. E. Milner. B. Sabiston, Mrs. J. Cockrane. Mrs. J. R. Kennpdv nnrl Mice M A record attendance marked the observance of Mother's Day that was held in Central United Church last Sunday am. when Sunday School and congregation. gathered together in special service. The junior choir led the singing. The theme followed was “A Family Day in the Church School," as Susannah Wesley, mother of John Wesley, who became one of the greatest Christian leaders of the world was portrayed in simple dra- matization, showing her influence in the Wesley home. Mrs. Jas. Russell as Susannah Wesley with Helen Wat- son, Audrey Clarkson, Leon Brook- field, Viola Middleton, Eva Payne, Margo Nash, Bruce Findlay as the Wesley children, and Billy Hiltz as the Jr. John Wesley, in three scenes of the simple home life presented the influence of the home training on these children exercised by Susâ€"‘ annah Wesley, the influence that in‘ later years gave to the world one of its most famous preachers, John Wesley. Also Chas. Wesley, to whom we are indebted for some of our favorite hymn-s. Preceding the drama Mrs. John Brown gave an effective description of the Wesley fire, and interspersing the scenes, the story of the Wesley family was interest- ingly presented by Miss Shirley Brown. Commendation is offered Jack Watson and Douglas Clarkson‘ for the splendid duet, “Mother 0" Mine.†The ordinance of baptism was administered when Mavis Trunk' and Wayne Middleton were present- ed by their parents, Mr .and Mrs.'- Vernon Trunk and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Middleton, Rev. A. E. Owen officiating. The entire service was most inspirational and will long be remembered by those privileged to attend. i WEEKLY NEWS NOTES FROM THE UNIONVILLE DISTRICT THURSDAY, MAY 12th, 1938. Mr. Robert Sharky of Bolton caught a trout last week weighing two and a half pounds and eighteen inches in length. A well known 10- cal fisherman could do worse than [have a talk to Mr. Sharky. BETHESDA LUTHERAN CHURCH 10 a.m.â€"Sunday School. 11 a.m.â€"Pub1ic Worship. EBENEZER UNITED CHURCH 1.30 panâ€"Church School. 2.30 p.m.â€"“Youth at the Danger Line.†ST. PHILIP’S ANGLICAN CHURCH 10 a.m.â€"Sunday School. Unionvilfle Pastorâ€"Rev. A. E. Owen ‘10 a.m.-â€":Church School. 11 a.m.â€"“Youth at the Danger Line.†7 p.m.â€"“Creative Living at its best.†Miss Effie Stiver of Toronto spent the week-end at her home here. Congratulations to Miss Estelle B'flown who was successful in the doll naming con¢est sponsored 'by the Toronto Stgr Weekly, winning a $5 prize. Mrs. B. Robinson, Mr. Maynard tRJobinson, Dr. and Mrs. Webster and Mrs. L. H. Graham, Toronto, Mrs. Geo. Robinson, Markham, and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Graham, Newmar- ket, were guests of Mrs. G. R. Wha- ley on Sunday. Mrs. N. Ogden visited friends in Milton over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Earle Parkinson and family of Toronto were guests of Mrs. J. R. Hood on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. D. Harrington, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Patterson of Mark- ham, motored to Grimsrby on‘ Wed- nesdvay. Miss Lillian Risebrough of Willowâ€" dale called on friends in town on Sunday. Mrs. F. Boadway and Mrs Coulson visited re'latives ii 8‘ on Monday. Mrs. Belle Morden- and Miss Lillian- Parkinson of Toronto spent the week-end at their home here. Mr. and Mrs. Thornwtonrof Toronto were guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. Dun- can on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Howard! Galbraith and daughter Miss Olga Galbraith of Beeton spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Milner. Mrs. J. R. Kennedy and Miss M. Nelson of Acton who have been visâ€" iting Mr. and‘ Mrs. W. J. Russell, returned home on Monday. The Ladies’ Bowling Club Euchres held during the past week included a pleasant evening with Mrs. Percy Payne as hostess: when Mrs. R. Boy- ington and Mrs. Vernon Trunk won the lst and 2nd prizes and Miss Janet French the consolation. Then anothâ€" i Sunday, May 8th marked the 90th birthday anniversary of Mrs. Susan ‘Gibson, who resides on Concession 5, Markham, near the Townline. Many friends paid homage to this vener- able lady on Saturday last, when as- sisted by her daughter and daughterâ€" in~law,' Mrs. John Gibson, Mrs. Gib- son held a reception. The house was attractive with many flowers, that came as birthday remembrances from many friends. Many other gifts were also presented to this charming lady. A three-tier birthday cake, attrac- tiver decorated and flanked with 90 candles occupied a conspicuous place on the tea table, where Mrs. D. Brown presided, assisted by Miss Banbara Thompson, Mrs. John Glen~ denning and Mrs. McConnell. The Liberal joins in extending best wishes to Mrs. Gib-son. CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH in the present attractive condition. Should» this action- be repeated steps will be taken to punish the offenâ€" de'rs. It is sincerely regretted that the {tulip beds at the C.N. R. station grounds seemed to be marked for destruction by a culprit or culprits that plan only to be an annoyance. The beds present an attractive ap- pearance, and the station grounds are a noted beauty spot in town. During the past week a‘ large number of the tulips have been maliciously cut off, the mutilated blossoms left on the ground. This action not'on-ly de- stroys the bloom, ibut spoils the bulbs as well. This is sincerer regretted by the local Horticultural Society, particularly the station committee, as considerable money and labor has been contributed to put the grounds .â€"Evening Prayerl ii; Sutl'on sad day When one we loved was called' away; God took him homeâ€"it was His will; Within our hearts he livethl Still‘.‘ â€"E'ver remembered by his dear mother, sister Lillian and family. IN MEMORIAM BURNlSâ€"In loving memory of a dear son and brother, Melville, who passed away May 12th, 1937. One year has passed away since that IN MEMORIAM BURNS, Thomas Melvilleâ€"In loving memory of my husband who passedI away one year ago to-day. Time changes many things, But love and memory ever clings. RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. W. Follvett, B.D., Pastor Sunday, May 15th 11 a.m.â€"“Measuring the Imuneasur- able.†2.45 p.m.â€"Sunday School. All De- partments. 7 p.m.â€"'1‘wilight service. One hour only. Gospel song service. Brief message and a cordial welcome. Come and worship. RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. D. Cunning-ham, B.D., Minister Sunday, May 1‘5th 10 a.m.â€"Sunday School. 11 a.m.â€"“The Great View of Life.†7 pinâ€"“Something Lost.†Man is at his best in the feIIOWShip and service of God‘. mon. p.m.â€"Evening Prayer and Ser- mon. Confirmation» Class after Evening Service. ,â€" l ST. MARY'S CHURCH (Anglican) RICHMOND HILL Rector: Rev. W. F. Wrixon, L.Th. Sunday, May 15th Easter 4 10 a.m.â€"Sunday Schoal. 11 a.m.â€"Holy Communion and" Ser- RAIL BARGAIN FARES Week-end May 20th and let Torohrto to Ottawa and Montreal, also to Niagara. Falls, Buffalo and various points in south-western On- tario. Saw mill is in operation in John Constable’s bush. Anyone wishing l'kgs sawed can have same cut any time within next 2 01' 3 weeks. Harry Ireland, phone Maple 1972. Further particulars from any C N. R. Ticket Agent. We extend congratulations to Miss Marion Little, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Little, Richmond Street, who was successful in winning the silver medal award for reading at the York County Musical Festival in Aurora this week. There were 25 contestants in the First Book com- petition, and Mariam who is a pupiil of Mrs. McConaghy of the Richmond Hill Public School was only one mark "lower than the winner of the Gold Medal. 8 p.m. D~S.T. Under the auspices of Local Association Boy Scouts Good prizes. Refreshments ADMISSION 25c. Mrs. C. W. Follett and Miss Folâ€"I lett were guests at the twenty-fifth [ anniversary of the Woman’s Missionâ€" i ary Society of Riverdale United‘ Church, Toronto, on‘ Tuesday. I I Mr. W. D. T. Atkinson of Ottawa lvisited last week-end with his moth- ]er, Mrs. Frances Atkinson. Mr. P. D. Wilson, Ontario Official Guardian, and Mrs. Wilson of Tor- onto visited over the week-end with Mr. T. H. Trench and Mrs. F. At- kinson. ? RichmOnd Hill Public School choir under the direction of Miss Jean Middleton is competing this after- noon at the York Musical Festival at Aurora. â€"Ever rememberedw by his wife Rev. Jesse L. Reynolds, M.A.,, Pre- sident of the Newfoundland Confer- ence of the United Church, was a caller upon Rev. C. W. Follett a few days ago. Rev. W. S. Butt of Tottenham w a visitor in‘ town on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith of Brockville visited Mrs. Smith’s par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. William 'hmdall last week. MASONIC HALL RICHMOND HILL THURSDAY, MAY 19th Social and Personal uchre (‘L‘STOM SA WING THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO In! making up your list of mOSt popular books don’t leave out the pocketbook. It would take a. vacuum cleaner to sweep the cobwebs from same men’s brains. After practice last Saturday even- ing Elmer Leek on behalf of the caste of “In May With June" pre- sented. the director, E. J. Hitchcock, with a note of appreciatiom accom- panied by a handsome Waterman pen- cil The director replied thanking the eight: in the caste for the beauti- ful gift. Mr. and Mrs. Horwood and family of Richmond Hill visited Mrs. Hor- woodi’s‘ mother, Mrs. Hislop on Mo~ ther’s Day; bringing her some beau- tiful roses. a uuest of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Clark on Sunday evening. Miss: Rhoda Barker of Caledonia. has been visiting relatives and friends here. Mrs. Hayden of Down‘svie'w visited her brother Mr. R. Steele at F. A. Clark’s on Sunday and also was Two of Miss Love’s pupils frOm Headford‘ School; Heather McAII‘iste! and: Jackie Byers, took part in the song festival at Aurora. Mr. and Mrs. H. Smith, Misses Gwen Smith and Mary Stewart at- tended the Music Festival at Aurora Monday evening Iasrt. Mrs. Acreman gave the topic at Young People's Union on Monday ev- ening after the opening exercises by President E. James. It was Mission‘- ary night and Mrs. Acreman‘ gave an account of the Mission work with special references to Dr. Kao and Kagawa. A motion was passed 60 take up a special offering in aid‘ of the work at the summer camp at Lake Scugog. Mother’s Day was duly observed in the church here last Sablbath. The program prepared for the day was given and every one took part. In the church service Rev. MacDonald continued the theme of Mother’s Day. A male choir led in the song ser- vice and sang a selection, “My Mothyâ€" er’s Prayer.†The North York in‘ter-High Schbol Field Day will likely be held in Rich- mond Hill next Fall. Looking aheadI to the fall field day First Formers are receiving- in- struction in pole-vaulting these days. Joe Morris and Bill Carr of High School are entered in the nual track meet sponsored by Ontario Athletic Commission, am wish them the best of luck. (By Sam Macdonald‘) The baseball season activities com- menced this week and already two games have been played. The first eneownter was the High School team vs. the Delivery Boys and resulted in a Win for the school team. In the second game First Form playedl the Public School team and won 21 to 7. Joe Cherry did the hurling for the First' Formers and Morley Hillaby was on the mound for the Public School lads. A return game is planned for the near future. Three or four hundred dollars is the sum we are aiming at and we feel that this amount will be quickly realized by soliciting the aid of resi- dents of this vicinity. All donations however small will be gratefully acknovï¬ledg‘ed by PETER T. WALKER, Secretary-Treasurer, Balmoral Pipe Band, Richmond Hill, Ontario. .V-.. Vonnvu, yAAAIMIyal u; xucuvalc School expressed his appreciation to the W.vC.T.U. for their interest in the pupils of the schools and stress- ed the importance of the Scientific Temperance work. The following officers and superintendents were elected: Hon. Presidents, Mrs. W. T'he uniforms are urgently needed at present so that a creditable show- ing can be made on parades. Mem- bers are supplying their own bag- pipes; etc. To the Citizens of Richmond Hill and District: We, the members of the Balmoral Pipe Band are making- a personal appeal to citizens of Richmond Hill and district in the hope of enlisting- generous support to our uniform fundi. BALMORAL PIPE BAND UNIFORM FUND Cook, Miss Anna Moyle; Pres., Mrs. J. P. Wilson; Vice-Pres., Mrs. A. L. Phipps; Rec. Sec., Mrs. L. H. Cle- ment; Cor. Sec., Mrs. W. A. Wright; Treas., Mrs. W. Edmonds;-Press Sec., Mrs. A. E. Plewma‘n‘ Thirty to ‘Richv test May 4th at 3 p.m. Very encouragâ€" ing reports of the year’s work were given by the officers and ,superinâ€" tendents. W.C.T.U. ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of the W.C. T.U. was held in the United Church Sunday School room on Wednesday, ars Mr. Cottrell, principal of Richvale HIGH SCHOOL NOTES rty~three prizes were presented chvale and Richmond Hill scho- in the Scientiï¬c Temperance ‘, Poster and Health Book corn- H‘EADFORD MEETING [HORSESHOE PITCHING AT by the , and we th-e It takes a heap o’ smilin’ In these times we’re goim’ thru’- To keep the old ball rollin’ K Somewhat like we used to do. But as surely as you’re Iivin‘, You will cash in on- your pluck, Whtivle competitors are weepin’ On» account 0’ their hard luck. Jack Guttridg‘e is reported as hav- ing established a record for econ- omical travelling. He is said» to have recently made the round trip to Eng- land and back at a total cost of five dlollarsâ€"jhst the price he had to pay for a passport. He hitchhiked to St. John, NB. where he joined 'the crew of a cattle-boat. He re- turned on the same boat to Mon- treal and arrived in Fergusthe fol- lowing day. M. C. Johnson, a former resident of King township has purchased the Parry Estate con¢aining 180 acres near Brampton. This brings his acre-‘ age located on four corners to 430 acres which with 7-0 acres which he rents for pasture makes a total of 500 acres. Farce and Iburlesque join- hands in a. thoroughly amiable and_en'ter- taining manner, which will keep you in a high: state of glee. 'This is indeed a spy story, every foot of it; and an exciting oneâ€"â€" Different and filled' with suspense. ' Also LAUREL and HARDY COMEDY and MICKEY MOUSE (‘ARTOON WEDDING PARKER~TENNYSONâ€"On Sund_ay, May 8th at St. Timothy Angli'can Church, Toronto, by Rev. H. Marsh, Hilda May Tennyson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tennyson of Button- ville, to Leonard K. Parker, son of Mrs. Parker and the late Mr. L. Parker of Toronto. TODAY, THURSDAY,TVIX§( 12 ANN NAGLE - ANTON WALBROOK - H. B. WARNER in “VICTORIA THE GREAT †It travels a long way toward a full and clarified explanation of the most popular ruler England ever had. Her career, both public and private, is traced from June 20, 1837 when she ascended the throne, until the day of her 60th anniversar as Queen, shortly before her death. Excellent entertainment for a 1. A wide and varied array of talent makes this musical an emoxable piece of entertainment. ‘ And JOHN WAYNE - MARSHA HUNT in “ BORN TO THE WEST †'This Zane Grey story belongs in; the topâ€"notch Western bracket. This is well done from start to finish. FRIDAY & SATURDAY, MAY 13 - 14 TWO FEATITURES JOHNNY DOWNS - BE’I'FY GRABLE - BEN BLUE - DOROTHY LAMOUR - YACHT CLUB BOYS In “ THRILL OF A LIFETIME †J. S. McNair in charge of Horse- shoe Pitchuing for Richmond Hill Fair announces that competition this year will be for the championship of York County. Players outside the county will not be eligible to compete. Good prizes are offered and the contest this year is arousing great interest throughout the district. High Foot Foot Foot Foot Foot Foot High High High High High Open to Both Boys and Girls 1 Water Color, for 4th class pupils." Ist prize 75c., 2nd prize 2 Water Color, for 3rd class pupils. lst prize 75c., 2nd prize 3. Crayon Drawing, 4th class pupils. lst prize 50c., 2nd prize 4. Crayon Drawing, 3rd class pupils. lst prize 50c., 2nd prize 5. Ink or Pencil Drawing, 4th class pupils. lst prize 50c., prize 25c. 6. Ink or Pencil Drawing, 3rd class pupils. lst prize 50c., prize 25c. 7. Oil Painting. lst prize $1.00, 2nd prize 75c. 8. Best Handwriting, the poem, “In Flanders Fields†for 4th ( pupils. lst prize $1.00, 2nd prize 50c. 9. Best Handwriting. the po‘em, “Inl Flanders Fields†for 3rd ( pupils. 1st prize $1.00, 2mi- prize 500. SPORTS â€"- 4 RM. HOBBY CLASS â€" GIRLS _ 1. Hobby Collection. May include displays of needleâ€"work, dressed doll, bouquet or bouquets of wild flowers, or any hobby collection not herewith specified except baking and candy. At least two ex- hibits to qualify but in case of a tie extra exhibits will earn extra points. lst prize 75c., 2nd prize 50c., 3rd prize 25c. ART AND WRITING - r:vâ€"_ 4. Hobby Collection. May include stamps, fretwork designs, snap- shots. woodcraft, bird houses, insect collections, knots and splices, boats or any hobby collection not herewith specified. 1st prize. 750.. 2nd prize 50c., 3rd prize 25c. 5. Three piece wood-working. lst prize 75c., 2nd prize 50c., 3rfl prize 25c. WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY, MAY 18 - 19 PETER LORRE - DEIIORES DEL RIO - VIRGINIA FIELD GEO. SANDERS in “ LANCER SPY â€' DIISTRICT- ALL ENTRIES MUST BE MADE AT THE FAIR GROUNDS TUESDAY MORNING, MAY 24TH BEFORE 11 A.M. IF NOT PREVIOUSLY MADE WITH SCHOOL PRINCIPAL. NO ENTRY FEE FOR EXHIBITS IN THIS DEPARTMENT. HOBBY CLASS â€" BOYS 1. Model aircraft, flying models, lst prize $1.00, 2nd prize 500.’ 2. Model aircraft, non-flying models and miniatures, lst prize 500., 2nd prize 25C. 3. Raflio Set‘.‘ 1st prize $1.00,. 2nd prize 50c. OPEN TO PUPILS OF ALL SCHOOLS IN RICHMOND HILL AND JUNIOR DEPARTMENT Richmond Hill Fair,'May24th,1938 race, 14 race, 7 race, 5 race, 1 race, ‘7 race, 5 Jump, Jump, Jump, Jump, Jump, Jump, RICHMOND HILL FAIR 100 ’yards, boys 15 years and under . 76 yards, boys 12 years and under . 50 yards, boys 8 years and under .. 100 yards, girls 15 years and under 75 yards, girls 12 years and under 50 yards, girls 8 years and under ), boys 15 and under . . . . . . . . . . . . . ), boys 12 and under . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3, boys 8 and under . . . . . . . . . . . . . ), girls 15 and under . . . . . . . . . . . . . y ), girls 12 and under . . . . . . . . . . . . . A ), girls 8 and under . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MONDAY &‘ TUESDAY, MAY 16 - 17 WM- POWFLL - MYRNA LOY T" “ DOUBLE WEDDING †Selected ORDER HELEN SIMPSON FLOWERS For All Occasions Phone orders delivered any- where in North Yonge St. District Helen Simpson Lynett J. F. Lynett Elgin Mills Phone Richmond Hill 127 JUNIOR AND HONOUR MATRICULATION Private Tuition NELLIE NAUGHTON, 2518 YONGE STREET (At St. Clements) MOhawk 3000 PAGE .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 Valued at .50 .25 class class .25 .25 .25