Noisy musical notes were heard: in the village on Thursday evening when the youmyg people garthered to chari- vari Mr. and Mrs. George Chapman in their new home. The Women’s Institute met at the home of Mrs. (Dr.~) Bigford on Wed.- nesday afternoon, May 11th with the president, Mrs. C. J. Robeson, in the chair. Mrs. Reid, the District Presi- dent, and Mrs. Agnew, the District Secretary, were present and‘ spoke a few words of encouragement to the members. Mrs. Hartland of Lambton brought greetings from her home In- stitute. The election of officers took place at this meeting and the new officers are as follows: President, Mrs. M. Palmer; lst Viceâ€"President, Mrs. F. S. Rumble; 2nd Viceâ€"Presi- dent, Mrs. M. White; Secretary, Miss Marjorie Bowes; District Director, Mrs. T. F. Jackson; Directors, Mrs. C. Robeson, Mrs. D. Allen, Mrs. W. Orr, Mrs. T. O. Nixon, Mrs. J. Man- ning; Auditors, Mrs. H. C. Bailey and Mrs. G. Merrick; Flower and Sick Com., Mrs. J. Manrning; Stand,â€" ing Committee: Historical Research, Miss M. Morrison; Health, Mrs. G. Merrick; Education, Mrs. T. F. Jack- son; Relief and Community Activi- ties, Mrs. P. White; Home Econom- ics, Mrs. M. McDonald; Agriculture and Canadian Industries, Mrs. A. Forrest; Pu-bliciity, Mrs. C. J. Robe- son; Pianist, Mrs. E. Wade; Assist- ant, Miss M. Line. The meeting closed with singing God Save the King. ' Miss Loraine Fierheller of Aurora won two gold-medals at the Musiâ€" cal Festival held in Aurora last week. She also: won a special prize for charming personality awarded by the adjudicator. Loraine sang in two choirs which also took first place. At Brampton she “my the bronze medal, only two po-i‘nts lower than the winner of the gold medal. Lor- aine is nine years old on May 15 and. has been taking singing lessons for one month. Congratulations. A social evening was enjoyed at the home of M1“. Hiram Keffer on Saturday evening when the Keffer cousins gathered to honour Mr. and Mrs. W. Campbell of Toronto. The couple were presented with a recep- tiOn chair and hall mirror the ad- dress being‘ read. by Mr. Roland Kef- fer. Mr. Campbell responded 0h be- half of he and his Wife and thanked his cousins for the 10ve'1y gift. At the close of the evening a dainty lunch. was served. The Hope W.A. was held at the home of Mrs. Sanldiford' on Thursday, May 5th. The president, Mrs. W. Orr, presided. The meeting was in charge of group 5, Mrs. Sandford, Mrs. Reynolds, Mrs._W. Hoiles, Mrs. K. Thomas. A very interesting pap- er on “Peace†was given by Miss Doris Cook. Contests were won by Mrs. P. McQuarrie, Mrs. W. Orr and Mrs. J. MoCrimmon. After the bus-i- .hess and program the hostess and group served a dainty supper, table collection amounted to $6.25. The Maple Women’s Institute wish to thank all who assisted with the banquet for the Masons, also Mr. Edwin Miller of Torontod who kindly donated all the roses and flowers for the banquet table. The West York Women’s- Institutes will hold the District Annual meet- ing in. Maple United Church on Thursday, May 26th at 1.30 p.m., “YORK COUNTY’S NEWSIEST NEWSPAPER†VOL. LVII. | Met My Love Again EXTRA â€" â€" LAUR TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY, MAY 24 - 25 Continuous May 24thâ€" 25 cents until 6 pm. JUDY ALLEN HENRY FANNY ’ GARLAND JONES ARMETTA BRICE FREE PARKING Happy Landing SATURDAY & MONDAY, MAY 21 - 23 HENRY FONDA WILLIAM BOYD JOAN BENNETT _ IN _ _. [N _ SONJA HENIE DON AMECHE MAPLE 2ND HIT â€" â€" RONALD REAGAN “ ACCIDENTS WILL HAPPEN †EVERYBODY SING TO-DAY, FRIDAY, MAY 20th â€" â€" LAUREL AND HARDY in “ COUNTY HOSPITAL †300 SEATS AT 25 CENTS a most interesting informal talk choosing as her subject “The Sci- encesâ€. Afternoon tea was served at the close of the meeting. Offi- cers elected are: Honorary Pres-i- dents, Mrs. A. Endean, Mrs. Wm. Cook, Mrs. N. erllwoodl; President, Mrs. G. Yerex; lst Vice-President, Mrs. 0. L. Wright; 2nd Viceâ€"Presi- dent, Mrs. Jerry Smith»; Recording Secretary, Mrs. W. Sayers; Corres- ponding- Secretary, Mrs. C. Patrick; Treasurer, Mrs. ’R. Emdean; District Director, Mrs. A. L. Phipps; Direcâ€" tors, Mfrs. Hayden, Mrs. W. Comâ€" islqy, Mrs. Jerry Smith, Mrs. R. S. Cooper; Program Committee, Mrs. ‘W. Charles Convener, Mrs. D. Cham- ‘ney, Miss E. Endtean, Mrs. I. D. ‘Ramer, Mrs. E. Morris, Mrs. Frank Graham; Refreshment Committee, ‘Mrs. W. Wellman convnener, Mrs. N. J. Glass, Mrs. W. Middleton, Mrs. JC. Brilllin'ger, Mrs. G. H. Glenn; Re- jlief Committee, Mrs. T. Moore con- vener, Mrs. W. Tyndall, Mrs. Hayâ€" den; Reception Committee, Mrs. W. A. Wright; Mrs. W. Comisky, Mrs. :C. Kerswill; Press Secretary, Miss lE. Endean; Pianist, Mrs. C. L. Wright; Auditors, Mrs. W. W. A. iTrench, Mrs. L. H. Clement. BI-CENTENARY OF JOHN WESLEY Evangelical Christen-d‘om is look- ing forward to the celebration on Sunday next of the great spiritual awakening which came to John Wesâ€" ley while he attended a religious ser- vice in Aldersga'te St., London, on the evening of May 24th, 1738. To use his own words, he “felt his heart strangely warmed,†and hem this new experience he went forth into every corner of the British Isles pro- claiming the “gl'ad tidings of great joy†to all classes and conditions of men. During his life-time he tra- velled 250,000 miles, mest of it on horseback, and preached 42,000 ser- moxms. Today his spiritual followers number not less than fifty million. It is believed that a similar spirituval awakening is the urgent need of the world toâ€"day. WOMEN’S INSTITUTE HOLD ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of the W0- men’s Institute was held on Thurs- day afternoon in the Municipal Hall. After the election of officers Dri'. Helen Hogg of Richmond Hill gave The Women’s Association of the United Church will’serve Hot D'i-m- her and Tea oh Tuesday, May 24th in the School Room of the church. Price 40c. ‘ standard time. The annual Mother’s Day meeting of the Busy Bees Mission Band wilb be held in the Sunday School room om Saturday afternoon at 2.30 0’. clock standard time. All mothelrs' are invited to ‘attend. Vellore Football team defeated) Downsview on Tuesday evening by a score of 5 to 0. Goals were sacred: by, J. Chapman 1, A. Foster 2, G. Cameron 1, N. Baggs 1. My. R'an-dolph Hoiles returned to his home last week. We extend con- gratulations to him on successfully passing- his examination in Arts 38 Honour Course in geology and min- eralogy at Queen’s University, King'â€" ston. Charlie Chan at Monte Carlo Cassidy of Bar 20 WARNER OLAND _ _ [N _ _ MEALS ON THE 24TH ~71, Yonge at Casilefield M0. 2 1 72 RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO THURSDAY, MAY 19th, 1988. 7?]"In Essentials, Unity; In Non-essentials, Libertiyi; In All 'lghipgs, Charity†The gates of Richmond Hill Fair! will open next Tuesday morning, May 24th for the 89th annual Spring Fair sponsored by the Richmond Hill Ag- ricultural Society. A record cr0wd is expected to attend and at this date it appears certain the Fair will establish a record not only in‘ atâ€" tendance but in exhibits and attrac- tions. Enquiries from local and dis tanut points indicate that the Horse Show will be one of the best ever held in York County. There will be a particularly large entry in the light and heavy harness classes and in- the jumping and saddle events many new names will be seen on rthe entry list. The Dog Show has. attracted con- tinent-wide attention, and exhibitors will be on hand from all parts of Canada and many centres in the United States. The Society has spar- ed no eff-ort or expense in securing the best judges available and the men who will make the awards are men who are known throughout the world as the best of authOrities in their respective breeds. The judges are as follows: J. N. Halle, Esq., Cleveland, Ohio, Pointers, Setters}. Boston Terriers; Miss E. W. Fischer, Plainfield, New Jersey, Coaker Spam iels; K. M. Bruce, Esq., Seneca Falls, N.Y., English Bulldogs; Anton Rost, Esq., Brooklyn, N.Y., Remaining Bireedis and Groups 1, 2, 3, 4 & 6; W. Z. Breed, Esq., Cleveland, Ohio, all Toys, Group 5 and Best in Show. The Judging Competition which will be on the same lines as in other years, will be held at Richmond Hill on Thursday, June 2nd, and: the young ladies who have beenl taking up the sewing club and “Milky Way†projects will put on a display of their work in the United Church, while the young men will visit stock farms of the district. Already some of the boys are forming coaching groups to prepare for the contest. A banquet will conclude the day’s programme. Junior Farmers 1 Judging Contest Here June 2nd At a recent meeting of the County Executive of the York County Jun- ior Farmers, held in the Agricul- tural Representative’s office at Newâ€" market, plans were drawn up for the annual live stock Judging Competi- tion and also for their annual Field Day and Picnic. As usual the mammoth Picnic put on by the Juniors will follow a week later when the various clubs will bring out their favorite .sofflballers, sprinters, etc., to Musselmam’s Lake on June 10th. Judging of the Dogs will com- mence in the arena at 11 a.m. and will continue until 10 13.111. The judging of horses and the saddle and hurdle events will get un- der ’Wair at 1.30 p.111. D.S.T. Mr. and Mrs. E. Downey 0f Vel‘ lore wish to announce the engage- ment of their daughter Mary Pearl, to Frederick Clyde Crosby of Toron- to, the marriage to take place in Teston United Church May 18th. ‘The Girls’ Softball tournament will ‘be a major attraction and the Horseshoe Pitching which will be for the championship of York County is attracting widespread interest and the best pitchers in the County will take part. RECORD CROWD EXPECTED FOR 89th ANNUAL SPRING FAIR TO BE HELD TUESDAY MAY 24th Judging in Dog Show Starts at 11 a.m. â€" Big AfternoOn Program Gets Under Way at 1 p.m. â€" Very Large Entry in Horse ? Classes â€" Softball Tournament and Many Other ‘ Attractions This Year In the small hall there will be an ENGAGEMENT mmm Aurora Boys’ Band will be in at- tendance and Grant Cooney, York County’s singing cowaoy and» his horse will entertain on the grounds during the afternoon and evening. The midway will be bigger and better than ever and will give the local Fair all the appearance of To- ronto exhibition. There “all be a merryagoâ€"rounld for the kiddies and all kinds of games and attractions for the older folk. Several refresh- ment booths will cater to hunger and thirst of the visiting thousands. Kiddi‘es Free The admission is still the popular price 25 cents and children up to and including pulblic school age are admitted free when accompanied by paremtsr. interesting exhibit under the child‘- ren’s department. 0n the grounds will ‘be many industrial exhilbits by well known manufacturers and a- mong the lot will be a demonstra- tion of livestock held in check by the modern electric fence. The officers and directors in charge of the big day are as fol- lows: T. Stephens, Gordon Taylor. Directors, Lt. Col. W. P. Mulock, K.C., M.P., Morgan Baker, M.P.P., Geo. S. Henry, M.P.P., Jno. D. Pat- terson, Warden R H. Corner, W. A. Wright, Paul Horst, J. A. Caesar. Offiwers Immediate Past President, R. W. Scott; President, Harry Charles; lst Vice-President, Alex. Little; 2nd VicecP'resuid'ent, Lt. Col. G. H. Bash- er; Secretary-'I‘reasurer, J. E. Smith. Directors T. H; Trench, J. E. Smith, L. H. Clement, F. S. Tyndall, E. Morris, Morgan Boyle, R. L. Stiver, W. Mldr' dleton, J. S. McNair, F. Graham, J. A. Greene, W. Neal, J. W. Palmer, Jas. EllIis, C. Mc'Taggart. With the season for Boys’ Club work officially open Agricultural Representative W. M. Cocklburn re- ports that 3. Grain Club has been sponsored by the Newmarket Lions Club with a memfbership of 28 boys. Each Lad purchased a bag of regis- tered seed, which by the way, was grown by a member of last; year’s Cluib, and the Lions supplied each with a bag of fertilizer. The Mom delivered the seed- and' fertilizer to their respective boys om a Wednes- day afternoon. ’The Grain Club members, both of this year’s! and last year’s club of which there are 20 members, met in Mr. Cockburn’s ofï¬ce to elect their officers and- receive their first in- struction of the season. The offi- cers are as follows: Lions Grain Club â€"â€"President, Gordon: Proctor; ‘Vice- Pres., Jerald Pollock; Secretary, Joe Hall. Senior Gralin Clubâ€"President, Don’t miss Richmond Hill Fair this year. BOYS CLUBS FORMED THROUGHOUT COUNTY Hall. Senior Gralin Clubâ€"President, Nneil Faris; Vice-Pres., Reid Richard'- son; Secretary, Rae McClure. The Mount Albert Junior Farmers’ Club have sponsored a Boys’ Potato Club with 16 members who will start off shortly with one or two bags of certified seed. These young- men held “their organization meeting in con- junction: with the last Junior Farmh ers’ meeting and elected the follow- ing officers: President, Melville Oldâ€" ham; Vice-Pres, Cecil Harrison; secretary, Allan Dixon. A Calf Club is being; 'srponsored in the western part of the County by the WoodJBridg-e Agricultural Society and a‘ Foal Club on the east side of Yonge St. by the Markham Agri- cultural Society. Honorary Officers Presidents, A. J. H. Ecka‘rdtpE. Stephens, Gordon Taylor. Directors, Lt. Col. W. P. Muloc-k, C., M.P., Morgan Baker, M.P.P., WOWWOWMOWOOOWWOOMMW Young People’s Union met Monday evening with a fair attendance. The President opened the meeting and- took charge of the business to be transacted. Afterward the Christian Citizenship convener, Elmer Leek, presidedv and read: the Scripture les- son. Mrs. (Rev.) McDonald led the prayer service. Edgar James gave the address on the subject “Finding it hard to believe in Christ†which was interesting from present day conditions. There was some discus- sion afterward when several memâ€" bers gave their opinion on the subâ€" ject. A reading by Jean McDonald |brought the program to a close. A special collection supplemented from the tneasury of the Union will be sent to the Lake Scugog Fresh Air Fund. ‘ Mother’s Day was observed last Sunday instead of the previous Sunâ€" day. Maple United Church Sunday School assisted in the program and presented a pageant “Scenes in the home of John Wesleyâ€. Mrs. Mer- ritt took the part of Mrs. Wesley and Billie Arm-strong the part of John Wesley. Margery Bowes gave a reading “The Elpw‘orth Parsonage Fireâ€. Mrs. W. Armstrdn‘g‘ and Douglas Crook sang a duet. Mrs. Dr. Bigford- gave readings. between' scenes. A short talk by Mr. A. For- est on “Parents†his text being taken from Eph. 6, 1-4. This was a won- derful Mother’s Day program ‘ and the church was filled to capacity with great interest evidenced through the meeting. Mr. E. Bowen presid- ed‘. Mrs. Herb. Smith spent the week- end witth friends in Toronto. Miss Selah Smith of Richmond Hilll visited her friend Miss Gwen Smith on Sunday. Volley Ball will be the recreation for the Young People this season. A ball has been purchased and when other equipment is obtained a good Next Sunday the Bi-centenary of J9hn Wesley will be observed. Hymns and interesting points, in the life of the Wesley family will be taken up. The Sloan property has been to Mr. Briggs of Toronto and be oocwpied in the near future «Miss Jane Stewart was the guest of Mrs. C. James on Sunc‘iay. WWWâ€me iTw EXTRA Thank You Mr. Motto PETEVIQ‘EORRE PETE SMITH â€" “THREE ON A ROPE†Yonge St. at Glenforest Rd. MONDAY & TUESDAY, MAY 23 - 24 RIEIELBHWELL i“ Perfect Specimen -â€" ADDED HIT â€" Bulldog Drummonds Peril With JOHN BARRYMORE - LOUISE CAMPBELL pgï¬u in ' Hollywood Hotel â€"Alsoâ€"- West of Shanghai $133331 H‘EADFORD FRANCHOT TONE in MYRNA LOY WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY, MAY 25 - 26 “SPRING FESTIVAL 0F HITS†TESTON FRIDAY & SATURDAY, MAY 20 - 21 Edgar Bergin - Charlie McCarthy: in “ ALL AMERICAN DRAWBACK~ †â€"â€"ALSO'â€"-â€" sold wiH SINGLE COPIES 5c. $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE ‘ i Censure the evil deeds, but reverse * opinions of the individual. Well, once more the weatherman has given us reason for believing summer is approaching, in spite of the hail storm on Tuesday. The trees and spring flowers certainly gladden ome’s heart and make one feel that it is good to be alive. A meeting of the officers of the Sunday School last week resulted: in plans being- made for the usual “Square Party†on the third Saturâ€" day in June and the Sunday followâ€" ing. A11 friends and ones: interested in a good time rememlber both dates. please. No trouble or reasonable ex- pense will be spared to make these “special days". Further notice will be given later. Mr. and} Mrs. J. B. Smith of Long Branch and Mr. and Mrs. S. Lawes of New Zealand: spent last Wed-mesâ€" day afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Perkins. The male quartette frOm the Bre- thren in Christ Church provided mu- sic for the prayer meeting at Pine Orchard on Monday evening and on Sunday evening next the same quar- tette are singing at the Young Peo- ple’s Union, Victoria Square. The Woman’s Missionary Society feel they were fortunate in securing for Sunday a speaker in the person of Dr. Speers Smith, a former misâ€" sionary in China. Characteristic dress: of the once “class in author- ity†in China was worn by several of the memJbers, which lent atmos- phere to the occasion. At the af- ternoon service the Rabcliffe quar- tette was expected1 ‘but through illâ€" ness were unable to be present. In their absence Messrs. E. Avisonn and R. E. Sanderson kindly sang a duet which was much enjoyed. In the evening the congregation was fav- ored with two selections by the lad- ies’ quartette of the Brethren in Christ Church. Altogether the Sun- day was felt to be a decided success. Mrs. John Lehman of Pennsylvania is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Orla Heise for a. few weeks. Misses Eleanor Goodwin and Mur- iel Bolton, Messrs. Walter and Jack Goforth spent Saturday afternoon and evening with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bennett and family. We regret that Miss Bommie Rob- ertson is again under the doctor’s care. Her many friends wish her a. speedy recovery. Prayer’ meeting was held agaim in the Sunnd'ay School room and a goocl' attendance was present. A splendid talk was given by Mr. Boyd Mount. Next week Miss Annie Avisom will give the address. The leader, Mr, R. F. Boynton, is well satisfied with the attendance. Great preparations are being made for the meeting of the W. A. on May 26 in charge of Mrs. George Dennis and her group. ’Bloomington, Ballamtrae, Temperanceville and: Mel- ville Societies are expected to [be present and contribute to the pro- gram. Everyone is cordially invite] to be present. Rememlb r the date. May 26th. MAN-PROOF VICTORIA SQUARE Illeson 5437 No. 47