' PAGE FOUR =â€"â€"_â€"â€":___â€"_â€"_â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"‘â€"â€"â€"â€"‘â€"â€"â€" Noticeto Dog Owners of Vaughan TWp. Owners of dogs in Vaughan Townâ€" ship are hereby warned that it is contrary to Township Byâ€"law to alâ€" low dogs to run at large during the summer months. All dog owners are hereby asked to take notice and observe the con- ditions of the said byâ€"law. J. M. McDONALD. Clerk. ASSESSMENT ROLL COURT OF REVISION Municipality of Vaughan COUNTY OF YORK PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that a Court of Revision of the As- sessment Roll fer the Township of Vaughan will be held in the Townâ€" ship Hall, Vellore, on MONDAY, JUNE 6th. 1938 at 10 o’clock a.m.. to hear and adjudicate upon any com- plaints against the Assessment Roll of the Municipality of the Township of Vaughan for the said year 1938. All parties interested are requested to take notiCe and govern themselves accordingly. J. M. McDONALD, Clerk of the said Municipality. Marple, May 17, 1938. CUSTOM SAWING Constable's bush. Ireland, phone Maple 1972. ' Notice Re Riding Bicycles IN THE TWP. 0F VAI'GHAN in Vaughan Township is ‘ed for those who fail to observe ssuch regulation. will be prosecuted. J. M. MCDONALD, Clerk. TAXES The first instalment of th Taxes will be due on the 1ST DAY OF MAY NEXT be imposed after MAY 20TH Richmond Hill, April 28, 1938 A. J. HUME, Saw mill is in operation in John Anyone wishing logs sawed can have same cut any time within next 2 or 3 weeks. Harry Riding of bicycles on the sidewalks prohibited .by byvlaw and a penalty is providâ€" Offenders against the provisions i of this by-law are warned that those guilty of continuing the practice THE LIBERAL, RICHMO M A.Y.P.A. Rites Mark Anglican Services held at Christ Church, Woodbridge, last. Sunday. the three special serâ€" vices opening with corporate com- munion at 8 a.m. Rev. J. H. Kidd, rector. was celebrant for commun- ion and also conducted all seiwices. At the 11 a.m. service Rev. J. Biodâ€" Toronto, was guest speaker and at the 7 pm. service the special speakâ€" er was James Flaherty, of Toronto, ,Treasurer of the Ontario A.Y.P.A. iCouncil and member of the Dominâ€" ion executive. A special feature of the evening service was the formal installation at the chancel steps when Vera Smith. president: Harry Watts, viceâ€"president; Avis Poole, secretary; and Victor Dumbleton. Treasurer, were officially installed as “938-39 branch officers. Rev. Kidd ‘and Mr. Flahcrty conducted the coreâ€" mony. Special music included a solo by Miss Q. Dumhleton, lessons were read by Harry Watts and sidesmen .for the day were Wilfred Maxey. e 1938 lRussell Robb, Frank Reeves anl Alan‘ |Mack, all branch members. Fergus village council recently made a grant of $150.00 to the Ferâ€" Pay promptly and av9id pen" gus Citizens’ Band on the under- alty of 4 per centum which must y standing that the band play in pub- lic on 10 occasions during 1038. When is a drug store not a drug store? When it is a restaurant. The more explaining a man does Village Treasurer. the less use the world has for him. fl ______.____,_______â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"?â€"4 The De Luxe Ford V-8 looks big and is bigâ€" in performance and value. â€" The De Luxe was designed for a deï¬- nite group of customers â€" folks who liked the basic Ford features, but wanted a little more size and style. We’ve put in everything they asked for. The De Luxe is richly side and out. Closed sedans have longer bodies and larger luggage space. The V-8 engine under the hood de- velops 85 smooth-flowing horse- power and gives 22 to 27 miles $30 comfort, perfo appointed, in- are often asked you Pays for your “THE CANADIAN CAR" I on a gallon of gas, as owners report. In rmance and pride of ownership, the De Luxe Ford sets a new high for the low-price ï¬eld. De Luxe prices are especially reason- able when you realize that they include a great deal of equipment for which you to pay extra. . . . The newly styled Standard FOrd V-8 is even lower priced. Because both cars are Fords, you know that whatever you’ll get good measure money. I, I A MONTH, with reasonable down-payment, buys any new Ford V-8 car under T. F. C. National Finance Plan. DE LUXE V08 STANDARD The annual “A.Y.P.A. Sunday" was ; gett, secretary of Wycliffe College, ND HILL, ONTARIO CA RRV ILLE The Y.P. of Carrvillc Church at- tended thc “Church of All Nations" on Wedneslay evening. l Friends of Mrs. J. Baker gave her, a very eniouiblc surprise hirthduy“ party last Wednesday evening. The! winners at euchrc were: lst pli‘iZGl ladies. Mrs. C. Rumble; consolation.i Mrs. W. Wynn. Men. lst prize, Mix: iAllen Rumble, Maple; consolation. Mr. McDowell. Aurora. After euchre} lunch was served. Mr. and Mrs. J. Kenny and Miss E. Kenny of Toronto spent Friday evening at Mr. J. Barton's. Mr. and Mrs. L. Burton, Ray. Betty; and twins spent Thursday with! friends at VVoodville and Argyle. Mr. E. Banks of Toronto visitcdi Mr. W. Reaiman on Sunday. Mrs. J. Baker and Mr. and Mrs. H. Ncss visited at Dundalk on Sunâ€"l (lay. Sympathy is extended to the Wingâ€" ‘cr family, who lost their mother last Sunday. The funeral on Tuesday was a very large one showing the high esteem in which Mrs. Winger‘ was held. Mr. and Mrs. Durie and Miss Mur- iel Durie attended a Weston Ban- quet in Toronto on Wednesday evenâ€" l l ing. Mr. Stan Woods has secured a per‘ manenl. position at the Donalda Farms. KLEINBURG The Kleinflourg and Nashville W0- men‘s Institute held their annual meeting in the Institute Hall on~ Tuesday afternoon, May 17th, with the retiring president, Mrs. Agar, presiding. Officers chosen. for the forthcomâ€" ing year were: Hon. Pres, Mrs. D. McDonald; President, Mrs. G. Taylor; Vice-Pres, Mrs. H. Farr; Sec.-Treas., Mrs. D. Jeffrey; Directors, 'Mrs. E. Foster and Miss O. Devins; program com., Mrs. H. Wardlaw, Mrs. W. chstcad, Mrs. L. Miller, Miss O. IDevins, Miss M. Ilainbly, and Miss ‘M. East; Auditors, Mrs. A. Agar and Mrs. L. Card; Pianist, Miss Mar- garet Watson; Assistant Pianist, Miss O. Devins; Flower Com., Mrs. A. Agar and Miss M. Hamlbly; Hall management, Mrs. J. Kellam; conâ€" veners of standing committees, Mrs. L. Card and Mrs. M. VVardlaW. An' was a talk and demonstration on the use of cheese in the daily menu by Miss Powley, of Toronto, a repreâ€" sentative of a large cheese manuâ€" facturing concern. Miss Powley also served a lunch to the members at the conclusion of her lecture. SWANSEA R. J. Wallace who was reeve of Swansea village for several years has resigned to accept the position of manager of the newly created Swansea. Public Utilities Commis- sion. He was tendered a civic ban- quet by the various public bodies of the village on Friday evening, May 13th, at which he was presented with a gold watch and chain. Clarence C. Downey, K.C., his successor as reeve, made the presentation. Playing the stock market is a game where the brokers have all the fun. TENDERS of the Richmond Hill Public School will be received until June 4th, 1938. at his residence, 68 Richmond St. F. S. COULTElR, Secretary, Public School Board. NOTICE rounds of the Village of collecting the DOG TAX for the current year. calls. The dog tax for 1938 is as follows interesting feature of the programi Tenders for the interim- painting1 Form of Tender and Specifications may be obtained from the Secretary" The Village Overseer will make the during the second week of May for the purpOse Please be ready for him when he THURSDAY. MAY 19th, 1938. Classified Advs. l THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISINGâ€"MAKE THE MOST OF IT RATESfI’ive lines or lcss. 25 cents for first, insertion and 15 cents for each subsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extra each insertion. ll“ CHARGED T CENTS PER LINE. 1500 ft. 2 inch PLANK l3 ft. long, 10 inches wide. Apply I'nitcd Church -Parsonage, Maple. F0 R SALE 10 PIGS six weeks old. Apply Wm. Baker, Lot 20. Con. †Markham. CEDAR POSTS all N. H.‘ Bowcs. Concord, phone Maple 868. 31 OLDSMOBILEICOUEER g0_0d condition, $35.00 cash. Telephone Richmond Hill 1361'2. sizes. CLEARANCE OF USED RADIOSâ€" 1 4-tubc Philco, mantel, $10.00; 1 Sâ€"tuhe Philco, console, 815.00; 1 5- 7 V7 - tube Sonora. mantel, $15.00; 1 S-tube OIL STOVE, four burner, Standard, Victor. mantel. $16.00: 1 Sâ€"tube Rogâ€" Kerogas, new last July. Sacrifice. ers, console, $15.00; 1 9-ttiibe Colum- Maple sorzz. bia. console, 815.00; 1 2â€"burner gaso- line stove, 87.00. G. Yerex, 4 Mark- ha/m Road. MANTEL RIADIO (Rogers) perfect condition 815.00. Mrs. Geo. Neill. Jefferson. PIGS. 16 Chunks. Herman Mortson. Lot 21, Con. 4 Markham, telephone Stouffville 4013. winTE PEKIN duck eggs for hatchâ€" ing. Leo Burton, Carrville Road or phone Maple 764. WANTED FARMERS ATTENTION: small fence posts, approximately 4 inch, and un~ cut firewood wanted. Apply Box 73, The Liberal Office. EXPERIENCED FARM HAND, must be good with horses and can plow. Apply Peter Jones, Maple, telephone Maple 2860. HOLSTEIN COW, fresh, tested; also small honey extractor. C. Herdiman, Cummer Ave., Newtonlbrook. POTATOES, 50 bags Irish Cobbler. 75 bags Dooleys. C. E. Walkington, King, telephone King 4213. _““““#“â€"â€"‘"â€" MAN REQUIRES ODD JOBS, gar- dening or general work of any kind. Apply A. Christopher, May Avenue, R.R. No. 1, Richmond Hill. PANSIES, Tomatoes, Asters and other Annuals. Anderson, 92 Rich- mondi Street, Richmond Hill. ..._â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"____ QUANTITY OF DOOLEY POTA- TOES for seed, good size. Legge B»1‘OS., King RR. 3, phone 26-râ€"22. TEACHER for S. S. No. 4, Mark- ham, duties to commence Sept. lst. Tenders within two weeks to Frank Harvey, sec.-treas., Gormley, R.R., Ont. PUREBRED AYRSHIRE BULL, 11 months, accredited. Howard Sumâ€" merfeld‘t, Unionville, Lot 23. g MISCELLANEOUS BUILDINGS raised andâ€" moveâ€"d. Langstaff Supply, Langstaff, phone Thornhill '73. COOKER SPANIEL PUPPIES, thor- oughibred. Apply A. Armstrong, Langstaff, telephone Thornhill 7r6. STRAWBERRY PLANTS, selected, Senator Dunlap, 75 cents per hunâ€" dred. Bill Campbell, telephone Rich- mond Hill 45r33. ___/__._â€"â€"â€" GAS ENGINE. Massey-Harris, 3 hp. in good working order. Will sell reasonably. L. H. Clement, phone 170, Richmond Hill. A GUARANTEED RADIO service, estimates given. Hugh Yerex, 4 Markham Road, Richmond Hill. WHITEWASHING and disinfecting, T.B. clean-ups. Our work will stand government inspection. Write Floyd’s Sprayers, Bolton, Ont. PElRlCHERON HORSE, 3 years old,l ‘good worker single or double. Apply ‘after 7 pm. to A. Mele, John Street, Thornhill, telephone 37111. TO RENT ROOM to rent in comfortable pri- vate home equipped with all city conveniences. Attractive garden. Re- ferences exchanged. 126 Yonge St., ’telephone 145. BABY CHICKS and Custom Hatch-l ing. Apply for prices and further particulars. Miss K. Mecredy, Yonge Street Poultry Farm, Richmond Hill, phone 10‘31‘13. LOST jBROWN LEATHER SPRING GLOVE gentleman's, on Yonge Street Sunday evening. Reward. Fiwler kindly leave at Liberal Office. l IMPLEMENTS: ‘2 used 10-20 McCorâ€" mick Dcering Tractors; 2 used 12-20 Case Tractors; 1 used Fordson Trac- ‘tor' 1 used I.H.C. Hay Press. Apply Jadk Gray, Maple. SEED GlRtAIN O.A.C. N0. 21 Bar- ley, Gov. grade No. 1; Victory Oats, Gov. grade No. I; also Goose Wheat. FLOYD R. PERKINS Apply Bruce Brothers, Unionville, - . phone Stouffville 3602. M ccormle-Deermg ~ 7 ~~ - Agent for REGISTERED HOLSTEIN BULL-Farm Implements, Tractors, Trucks, Repairs and Parmak ready for service; also Cobbler and Electric Fencers Rural New Yorker Seed potatoes. first prize at York County Seed Fair. Apply William Barker, Temperance- ville. Ordinary fencing costs from $125 to $300 a mile. Install a Parmak to-day and save this huge difference. Free Demonstrations FIRECO RANGE with tank and warming closet, excellent baker. Rea- son for selling, it is not suitable town water pipe connections. Good Value at $28.00. Jerry Smith, 28 Yonge St., Richmond Hill. GOVERNMENT T.B. tested cattle, fresh cows and close up springers, Holstein, Ayrshire, Jersey and Dur- hams, Bulls for sale. Cattle always on hand. Apply Jack Devins, 2 miles south'of Woodbridge. Phone Wood- bridge 1364, ’_______â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€" R.&G. (Reconditioned and Guaranteed Used Car $635.00 1936 FORD V-8 DeLUXE SEDA with Trunk. A Fine Car. RUVGS, Stock of late importer, in- cludes Wiltons, Broadlooms and Ori- entals, extremely low prices while stock lasts, will ship mail ordersA promptly, write for price list. Trad- ers and Importers, 54 Wellington St. West, Toronto. _~_____â€"_’â€"â€"â€" BARRED ROCK, White Leghorn, LITTLE BROTHERS i. Ford Sales and Service YONGE STREET, RICHMOND HILL One male dog $2.00; each additional dog kept by the same party $4.00. One female dog $5.00; each addition- al female $8.00. Richmond Hill, May 5th, 1938. A. .I. HUME, Clerk. TOWNSHIP _ 0F _ VAUGHAN WARNING Dumping rubbish of any kind on roadside strictly forbidden. No car bodies to be dumped on any roadside. Official township dump is lo- cated on the Third Concession 11/; miles north of Elgin Mills. Offenders will be prosecuted. New Hampshire, Black Minorca, Jersey Giant productionabred chicks. Our prices are moderate and our chick quality high. Custom hatching specialists. Yonge Street Poultry Farm, Richmond Hill, phone 102r13. .SIXTY ACRE FAlRlM, with crop standing, frame house, two barns, spring water, near highway, close to village, Hyidro past farm. Ill health cause of sale. Easy terms. E. Pleas- .ance, lot 29, con. 5, King, Box 19, Kettleiby, Ont. ___.__’_â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"_ CONTENTS OF HOME, 1 Chester- field suite, 330; 1 dining room suite. (oak), S20; 1 Easy Washer, 820; 1 Quebec heater, double top, 312; I cook stove, 825; 1 Wilton rug, 86; 1 Radio, Majestic. 318; 100 sealers. $5; I 3'. size bed, 85; 1 new bed and mattress, S20; 1 walnut bed and matâ€" By order of the Municipal Council of Vaughan tress. SW; 1 vanity dresser, S4; garâ€" dc‘i tools. \Villiam Partridge. Mill ‘Rtl., Stop 23A, Richvalc. 1935 FORD V-8 DeLUXE TUDOR $495.00 Very Nice. $490.00 1935 FORD Vâ€"8 DeLUXE COUP Rumble Seat. Ford Heater. Ve Smart. $425.00 1934 FORD V-B DeLUXE TUDOR Condition excellent. Little Brother Ford Sales & Servic RICHMOND HILL ONTA ' PHONE 174-W «-. ,.