Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 19 May 1938, p. 5

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The annual meeting of the Button- ville Women’s Institute was held at the home of Mrs. Geo. Kerr. Report Communion Service Will be held in V1230 gulfâ€"“John W'es‘le-y and His Brown’s Corners United Church onl Conversion." Hymn Song Service. Sunday, May 29th with Pr‘eparatoryl Service the preceding Friday even- ST. PHILIP’S ANGLICAN CHURCH ing. Rev. ’I‘uer will officiate. Memâ€" 1>0 a.m.â€"lChu1‘ch Sch-0'0]. bers of the conlgu'eg'ationl will please 11 a.m.â€"â€"â€"Morn‘ing Worship remember the date. Mr. Norman Boadeay of Coming-1 EBENEZFR UNITED ( wood spent a few days last weekj,’ : sundard Time with his mother, Mrs. F. Boadway-;1.30 p.m.â€"Church School. Mr. and Mrs. S. Allan, Mr. and' Mrs. Philips of Toronto were guestg of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Boadway om Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Murphy andl Mn‘. and Mrs. J. A. Gifbson were guests of Miss Mary Gibson, Toronto, on Sunday last. Mi‘sgs Lillian .Risebrough tonbrook is the guest of Som'merville. An inberesfing program is sche< duled fur the next local Institute meeting that will be held in the Township Hall when Mrs. Neil, reâ€" presenting the Robin Hood Floufi Products will be present and super; vise a Bread and Bun Making Com-4 petition. The comrpetitons will be members of the organization; the flour used not necessarily being the Robin Hood brand. There is a possa ilbility of non-members being alloweti to compete by paying a small nom- inal fee. However, full particular! will be announced next week. The prizes for bread are: lst 82.50; 2nd $1.00; 3rd 7‘5c.; 4th 50c. A large entry is anticipated, .50 plan to have a part in: or at least be in attendL ance at this meeting. W. J. Russell. Educational work conâ€"a ducted by the W.M.S. in van‘ious coun-I tries was noted; In Canada, the United Church has charge of fifty‘ Indian Reserves; in Japan, forty kindergartens are supervised 'by the W.M.S.; one given 'by the Y.l\g.C.A., three in China; 70% of the schol- ars in the Chiâ€"be Christian Univers- ity are doing Christian work, also in Trinidad, Korea and. Africa Edu-l cational work is carried on. Mrs. prayer. With thrilling skating music, highly amusing ful entertainment. .Mrs. A. Kennedy, Supply Secre< tary, expressed appreciation for $9.30' the proceeds of teas given to assisd: in buying sheets, etc. for the bale. Chapter five of the Study Book was interestingly reviewed by Mrs. Meeting the high standards set by the Charlie Chan series, the latest of .the detectlve yarns proyes both entertaining and‘ interesting. The devotional period theme on» “World Peace” was in charge of Mrs. C. R. Dyke and proved most inspira- tional, “Only through the spirit Of Jesus shall war be abolished.” FRIDAY & SATURDAY, MAY 20 - 21 TWO JANE WITHERJS - THOMAS BECK in “ 45 FATHERS ” Versatile Jane Withers rowdies her way through an amusing comedy which will entertain adults and send the children into convulsions of Iaug‘hteu‘. "This is indeed a spy story, every foot of it; and an exciting one Different and filled with suspense. Twenty members of the W. M. S. Auxiliary of Central United Church attended the May meeting held at the home of Mrs. A. Coulson on Thursday afternoon last with the President, Mrs. W. Young presiding; WEEKLY NEWS NOTES FROM THE UNIONVILLE DISTRICT SPRING FAIR GEORGE HUNTER, President LESLIE H. LIVINGSTONE, Sec.-Treas., Woodbridge R. R. No. 1 TO-DAY, THURSDAY, MAY 19 PETER LORRE - DELORES DEL RIO - VIRGINIA FIELD GEO. SANDERS in “ LANCER SPY ” MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, MAY 23 - 24 - Milner closed the meeting- with Toronto Gore Agricultural Society o be held at Claireville WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1st LAUREL and HARDY COMEDY and MICKEY MOUSE CARTOON Also WARNER OLAND - KEYE LUKE in “ CHARLIEvCHAN AT MONTE CARLO ” SPECIAL MATINEE TUESDAY 24TH AT 2 RM SONJA HENIE DON AMECHE in “ HAPPY LANDING ” THURSDAY, MAY 19th, 1938. CLAEREVELLE Write for Prize List sequences, a well worked out story, tuneful comedy and a neat little romance. Dellght- of Newu Miss M. BETH ESDA LUTHERAN CHURCH Great interest has supposedly been- evidenced in. Wild Flowers and their ‘preservation, and the choice of the \Trilliu-rn as the Provincial emiblem {has generally been approved. The ‘wholesale slaughter of these delight- lful flowers during the past few weeks is indeed sincerely regretted by all flower lovers. Large bouquets 'in the market place, their sadly Adrooping heads taking- from their at- tractiveness, and the mutilated planrt from which they have :been plucked Isuffering serious injury. Now that we have accepted the flower as- our emiblemv could we not plan to protect them by teaching others who per- haps thoughtlessly pluck them, the necessity of preper care if we wish gto preserve them? This mighth-elp to save other lovely wild flowers as 'well. Let us take for our slog-an the pledge to henceforth give our assistance in the preservation of all wild flowers. 10 a.m. S.T.â€"Church School. 7.30 p.m. S.T.â€"Public Worship Unionville Pastorâ€"Rev. A. E. Owen 10.30 4.11:. Q.S.T.â€"Church School. 11.30 am. D.S.T.â€"“John Wesley and His Conversiom” 7.30 pm. D.S.T.â€"Wesley Hymn Song Service assisted by members of ‘Toronto Orchestra. Daylight Saving Time goes into effect for Unionville on- Sunday, May 22nd, so turn the deck ahead and prepare to work on advanced time for the summer months. W. Perkins, Howard Stiver, Alf. Smith, Ted Wagg, spent the week- end at Hall’s Lake. It is rumored that fish breakfasts are popular in that district. Mealsrs. R. L. Stiver, Harvey Coul- son, D. Brown, W. F. Kincaid, D'avid| Grant, John Grant, Percy Stiver, J. Toronto this week. Ma's. Earlve Parkinson ‘and Mrs. Shaver, Toronto, were guests of Mrs. J. R. Hood on Tfiesday. Mr. and Mrs. 7L. Middleton and family were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Summerfeldt, Pickering on Sunday last. Mrs. F. Pollard visited friends in: Toronto this week. Mrs. Sampson, Winnipeg, is visit- ing Mr. and Mrs. T. Duncan. of this event comes too late for pubâ€" lication in this week’s issue. EBENEZFR ITNITFD CHURCH sundard Time CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH TWO FEATURES Exhibits will be received from 3.30 to 5 o’clock and judged. Doors open to public at 7.30 p.m. when every- ’body yvill be 'welcome. Premiums are still available. Lupin Seeds, Gladioli, Shrubs or Perennial Roots. Order now. See last week’s Lilbei'al. The Iris Root premium will come Later in the season. TULIP SHOW FRIDAY OF THIS WEEK The annual Tulip Show of the Horticultural Society will be held on Friday (to-morrow) in the School Room of the United Church. Memâ€" bers are urged to bring exhibits. Study the prize list and get busy. “ilo'wers are the beautiful Hiero- glyphics of Nature.” eyes RICHMOND HILL BADMINTON The tournament of Richmond Hill Badminton Club is in the second round, and-some finalists have al- ready been: placed. A singles tourâ€" na'ment has [been started to ensure that everyone attending will be given sufficient opportunities to play. As the season is drawing to a close the executive asks all members ‘0 attend rthe few remaining evenings to en- sure a successful completion of the season's activities. The ‘final Euchre under the aus- pices of Vaughan and Richmond Hill Veteran Women’s Auxiliary was held in Richvale School on: May 10. Prize Winners for the evening were: ladies, Mr. Johnston playing as lady, Missi G. Lever, Miss V. Jarvis; gents, Bill Aldams J13, Mr. Ed. Rowden, Mr. John Jarvis. The aggregate prize donated by the T. Eaton Co. Ltd., was won by Mr. James Leroux. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Gamlble and family wish to thank their friends, re.atives and neighbors for their kindness while at hospital and later for their many acts of kindness, expressions of sym- pathy, condolence and for the beauti- ful floral tributes. Special thanks to Rev. A. P. Brace for his- visits and comforting words at hospital and‘ af- ter the loss of our dearly beloved husband and father. WOMEN’S INSTITUTE Will members please meet in Mun- icipal Hall on Thursday, May 26th at 3 p.m. sharp to enact business. to discuss temperance in. all its phases. Gordon Cunningham» is pre- s'dent, and the students have appre- '- ated the assistance of Mrs. J. P. W‘Fscn. their teachers and others. The": c‘nsinq meeting last Thursday night took the form of a banquet held" in the Presbyterian Church Hall. Plans were made for the autumn activities. Mrs. G. Yerex, Mrs. F. Graham and Mrs. Morris of the Women’s In- stitute attended the massell demonâ€" stration of the Women’s “Health and Beauty” League, which was held in- the Varsity Arena last Saturday night. England and Scotland sent representatives, as well as Ortta-wa, Montreal, Cornwall and Hamilton. These all joined with the Toronto force to make one grand spectacle of A happy social evenm; day night brought to a tivit‘ies of the High Sc} ance Group. For the months these High Sc} have met in one of theh to discuss temperance phases. Gordon Cunning s'debt, and the students Art the regular monthly meeting of the Toronto Centre Presbytery held‘ in Westminster Central. Church on Tuesday, Rev. Dr. Thompson of Au- rora was elected chairman for the coming year and Rev. C. W. Follett was appointed chairman of Pthe For- eign Missions Committee. Dr. J. M. and Mrs. Stewart and sons Barclay and Donald, Mr. and’ Mrs. W. A. Porter, Miss Peggy Burt, all of Toronto were guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Armstrong, Langs’caff, . on Sunday. Mrs. and Miss Folle Spring Rally of the 1 rberial of the W.M.S on Tuesday last. The panlied-eby Miss Burt, any in Winnipeg, who Convenrtion in the afte Follett was the guest evening service. Miss Marguerite Boyle (graduate: of the Owen A. Smily Studio) and nlounces a dramatic and humorbus‘ recital with twenty of her elocution' pupils, in Foresters‘ Hall on Friday evening, M’ay 27th. The assisting artists are Edna Harris Wheatl'ey,. violinist and Wish-art Campbell, blariJ tone (the Golden Voice of the Air). VETERAN W. A. HOLD FINAL EUCHRE 15' son Come and feast your heart and Miss Anna Nelson of Los Angeles visiting her brother Mr. C. Nelâ€" n and Mrs. Nelson here. rare perfoa‘mance Social and Personal social evening last Thurs- )rought to a close the ac- the High School Temper- 9. For the past eight se High School students 1 one of their class rooms Miss Follett attended the ly of the Siche Presbyâ€" he W.M.S. in Creemorre last. They were accom- lIiss Burt, Home Mission- nipeg, who addressed the in the afternoon and} Miss the guest speaker at the THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO auction sale of furniture, etc. at Pine Street, Woodbfidge, the property of the estates of the late Mrs. Deborah Rownltree and the late Mrs. Wm. Cowan. Sale at 1 p.m. D.S.T. Terms cash. Also the house and lot be- longing to Frank Rowntree, formerly owned by the late Delborahu Rown~ tree, 7 room brick house and 1.38 acres of land. To be sold subject to reserve bid. 10 per cent on day of sale and balance in 30 days. J. C. Saigeon, Auctioneer. of furniture and other valuable efâ€" fects belonging to the Estate of the late W. H. Legge, Jefferson P. 0., Yonge Street. seed sown in our Dominion. 8 a.m.â€"-Holy Communion. 10 a.m.â€"Sunday School. 11 a.m.â€"~<Monnriny Prayer and Ser- mon. ‘ 7 p.m.â€"Evening Prayer and Serâ€" mon. All welcome. SATUIRDAY, MAY ZIS‘Tâ€"Extensive SATURDAY, MAY 28â€"Auction sale Rector: Rev. W. F. Wrixon, L.Th. May 22:11 Rogabion Sunday Prayers for God’s blessing on the Rev. C. W. Follett, B.D., Pastor Sunday, May 22nd Biâ€"Centenary of John Wesley 11 a.m.40hn Wesley â€" t,he Man and his Message. 2.45 p.m.â€"Sunday School. All De- partments. 7 p.m.â€"â€"’I‘wilight Service of sixty minutes. Charles Wesley, Poet and Hymn writer. Hymns of John and Charles Wesley sung at both services. In our worship we shall thank God for the gift of these two servants of His, and that though being dead they yet speak. The choir will lead us in our praises andI members and friends are urged to be present. RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. D. Cunningham, B.D., Minister Sunday, May 22nd 10 a.m.â€"Sunday School. 11 a.m.â€"â€"“The Season of Hope.” 7 p.m.â€"“The Smile of God.” Nothing in my hands I bring, Simply to Thy Gross I cling. ST. MARY "S CHURCH Sale Register RICHMOND HILL RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH (Anglican) Ask him, too, about the new HAMCU AUTOMATIC DRAFT CONROI. and HAMCU HUT WATER HEATER regular cost. See your dealer. GET A DANDY HAMCO COKE SHOVEL at a fraction of ITENDERS FOR COAL AND COKE SEALED Tenders addressed to the undersigned and enod‘rsed “Tenders for Coal,” willibe received until 12 o’clock noon (daylight saving), Mon- day, June 6, 1938, for the supply of coal and coke for the Dominion Buildings throughout the Province of Ontario. Forms of tender with specifica- tions and conditions attached can be obtained from the Purchasing Agent, Department of Public Works, Ott- awa; and the Supervising Architect, 36 Adelaide St. East, Toronto, Ont. Tenders should be made on the ‘forints supplied by the Department The safest bet is to keep the bett- ing money in your pocket. When: the amount of a tender ex- ceeds the sum of $5,000.00â€"whether it be for one building only or moreâ€" the tenderers must attach to their tender a cei’tified cheque on a chart- ered bank «in Canada, made payable to the order of the Honourable the Minister of Public Works, equal to 10 per cent of the amount of the tender, or Bearer Bonds of the Do- minionl of Canada or of the Canadian National Railway Company and its constituent Companies, uncondition- ally guaranteed as to principal and interest by the Dominion of Canada, or the aforementioned bonds and a certified cheque, if required to make upflan odd amount. The Department also reserves the right to demand from any success- ful tenderer a security deposit, in the form of a certified cheque or bond as above, equal to 10 per cent of the amounrt of his bid to guarantee the proper fulfilment of the contract. Byprder. Secretary Department of Public Works, Ottawa, May 6, 1938. Tenders should be made on th formxs supplied by the Departmen‘ and in accordance with department al specifications and conditions at tached thereto. ' YONGE STREET NOW is the time to fill your bin with HAMCO - Canada’s famous dustless, smokeless, wasteless Coke. Save dollars throughout the next heating season by taking advantage of the new reduced price. Ask your local HAMCO Dealer for particulars. Jones Coal C0. HAMILTON BY-PRODUCT COKE OVENS, LIMITED HAMILTON, CANADA HAMCO J. M. SOMERVCILLE, - -w- -_--_M-u.o-o.o.n .z.H-v-v>-<--vv-l-u.u.1~..m : Richmond Hill a t I g Beauty Parlour i DAVIES DRY GOODS and Dr night. The Laskay United Church anni- versary will .be observed next Sunâ€" day with special services at 11 am. and 7 p.m. Rev. Lang'ford of To- ronto will preach im the morning COKE Elgin Mills Phone Richmond Hill 127 Permanent Waving, school age only, mornings 9 to 12, special . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.98 TELEPHONE 119 J UNIOR AND HONOUR MATRICULATION Private Tuition NELLIE NAUGHTON, New and Modern Equipment RICHMOND HILL Thompson of LA SK AY PAGE ing, school |gs 9 to 12, . . . . $1.98 net at

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