MMMMMMMMMHMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM Jones Caal C0. Appointments made with Mr. Glenn Two important Shorthorn Cattle sales were held this week. The first in order was held on Klaynor Farm, property of W. J. Russell on Mon- day last, when Klaynor Bean Ideal brought an outstanding sale price of $1950. J. Douglas and Sons were Members of Unionville Bowling Club have distinguished themselves again. P. J. Dixon and Miss Janet French were high winners in the Doubles Tournament with 3 wins. Fred Carrut’hers and“ Miss Luella Holden of Stouffville came second with 3 Wins; Mr. and Mrs. Beckett, Claremont, 2 wins. and Vernon Trunk and Miss E. Empringham, Unionville, 1 win. This week’s activity includes the annual Thanksgiving event, with Fowl for the prizes. This event has proved most popular and a large at: tendance is anticipated. The Tour-l nament will be held on Saturday,|i October 8th. Announcement is made! of the Tournament for the Business; Men’s Cup, that was scheduled for[ Wednesday last, but owing to unâ€"“ favorable weather conditions was! postponed until October 15th. Kindly take note of change of date. the Young People to Miss Ruby Hightower and Miss Fern Kennedy, brides of the month. Congratulaml tions and best wishes for all good| things in life accompanied the gifts; Richmond Hill Insfcitute members} were guests of the Unionville Insti-I t'ute on Thursday afternoon. A re-l port of*the meeting came too late; for this week’s issue and will followi next week. Thornhill, Ontario We will be glad to discuss your feeding problems with you. The Y.P.S. of Central United Church spent a delightful evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Appleton on Monday evening last. A social event was the gist of the an- nouncement and everybody enjoyed themselves. During the evening| lovelv kitchen clocks were presented by Rev. A. E. Owen on behalf of removed by ambulance at once to the General Hospital and little hope is held for his recovery. Mrs. Court and family have the sincere sym- pathy of their many acquaintances. GLENN’S DRUG STORE EVERY FRIDAY 2 to 5 RM. The entire village and surroundâ€" ing community were shocked on Fri- day to learn that Mr. George Court had suffered a serious accident, which resulted from mistaking a gasoline can for a coal oil can when lighting Lehigh Valiey George Court Is Seriously ; 300 b Thl‘tc Hurt By Gasoline Explosion m Masomc “The Coal That Satisfles†fire it W. R. DEAN EYES EXAMINED â€" AND â€" GLASSES FITTED Mistook Gasoline for Coal Oilâ€"Fine Shorthorn Bull Brings Handsome Price at Auction Saleâ€"Retiring United Church Organist Honored â€" Newsy Notes From Unionville District DR. P. P. SMYTH THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6th, 1938 ANTHRACITE A FEEDING PLAN THAT IS SIMPLE, SAFE AND SOUND rom mistaking a gasolme coal oil can when lighting the stove. Mr. Court was 3y ambulance at once to al Hospital and little hope Phone 188 INCREASED FEEDING ECONOMY CONTROLLED HIGH EGG PRODUCTION LOWER HEN MORTALITY * * >l< OFFER lBETHESDA LUTHERAN CHURCH 1.30 p.m.â€"Church School. 2.30 p.m.â€"Thanpsgiving and Sacra- ment Service. Unionville Pastorâ€"Rev. A. E. Owen 10 a.m.â€"Church Sch-001. 11 ampâ€"Thanksgiving and Sacra- ment Service. 7 p.m.â€"“A Young Man and the Pow- ers That Be.†10 a.m.â€"~Chu1wch School 7 p.m.â€"Public Worship. Communion. Carine Skey. 7 p.111.â€"Rev. C. P. Muirhead ST. PHILIP’S ANGLICAN CHURCH 10 ampâ€"Church School. 11 a.m.â€"Harvest Festival. Holy Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Rae are leav- ing on Friday to spend Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Young, Montreal. Mr. and Mrs. E. Hall, Miss Libbyi BOWLING NOTES Gibson and Miss Mary Gibson 0f To" Greens are still in excellent con- ronto were gUGStS 0f MT- and MTS~jdition and members are invited to J. A. Gibson on Saturday, M1‘- andlbe at the green Monday afternoon Mrs. Gibson returning with them‘at' 2-30 pm. when a local tourna- and Spending the WGEk'end With Mr- ment will be played. and Mrs. E. Hall. __EH.._ lhas efficiently served as organist for the past ten years and Rev. A. E. Owen in expressing gratitude on behalf of the choir and the congreâ€" gation presented her with a hand- some Morocco hand bag. Bert Dyke was master of ceremonies and the event was a most delightful affair. Harvest Home Festival will be ob- served in St. Phillip’s Anglican Church on Sunday next. Inspira- tional addresses and appropriate spe- cial music promise splendid services to which all are cordially invited. Mrs. Geo. Robinson and Mrs. John Tully of Markham were guests of Mrs. G. R. Whaley last week. Honor was paid Mrs. E. E. Braith- \vaite, retiring organist of Central United Church last Tuesday evening when the choir met at the home of Mrs. W. J. Perkin. Mrs. Braithwaite EBENEZER UNITED CHURCH shown, and buyers from Wisconsin, Indiana, Ohio, N. Dakota, Illinois, Iowa and throughout the Dominion confirmed the fact. Both sales were catered to by the ladies of the Pub- lic Library Board, Unionville, and many words of praise regarding the meal served were heard frequently. shown, and buyer Indiana, Ohio, N Iowa and throng} confirmed the fad Mr. Russell‘s co-partners in this sale and the remaining forty-seven ani- mals were indeed a credit to these internationally well known herds. Wednesday afternoon at Glenburn Farms, owned by Col. F. H. Deacon, thirty-eight cattle from the herds of John Gardhouse and Sons, T. A. Rusâ€" sell, BraeLodge Farms, and Col. F. H. Deacon went under the auction- eer’s hammer. The splendid attend- ance in spite of unfavorable weather conditions evidenced the interest CENTRAL IT’NITED CHURCH Phone 54 chamber We think w fume Distilled like rarest altar From the crushed petal of a rose, And in the silence of this empty sure To lavish upon us. How empty seems your room! Tho’ permeated with a subtle per- sweet presence, , The empty room where once you lived and loved and suffered Yet, suffering filled our lives with gladness, Who, basking in the sunlight of your smile, Guessed not the depths of anguish Whence your soul had garnered trea- SOM‘MERVILLEâ€"In loving memory of Catherine Margaret Sommerville, who entered into rest on October 7, L987, beloved mother of Mina G. Sommerville and sister of M. W. Boa of Montreal and N. M. Davison of Unionville. The empty room filled still with your ST. MARY’S A.Y.P.A. St. Mary’s A.Y.P.A. met on Tues- day Iast and the fact that between forty and fifty young people were present speaks well for the future of the branch. The following were elected officers: President, Miss Doris Leno; 1:le Vice-President, Miss Nora Campbell; 2nd Vice-President, Mr. R. Christopher; Recording Sec- retary, Miss ‘T. MacPherson; Corres- ponding Secretary, Miss L. Frisby; Treasurer, Mrs. J. Clark; Social Con- vener, Miss G. McLatrchy; Education- ‘al Convener, Miss Izzard; Religious Convener, Mrs. D. Reaman; Pianists, Miss M. Campbell and ~Miss N. Gall- anger. The Young People decided to meet every Tuesday at 8 p.m. and a full attendance is expected on Tues- day for the weiner roast. “The Officers virill be installed at the Young People’s Service to be con- ducted by the Rev. W. F. Wrixon on Sunday evening at 7 p.m. THOMAS MURPHY SALE NEXT TUESDAY The farm stock and implements of Thomas Murphy, lot 24, concession 2 Markham will be sold by public auction next Tuesday, October 11th. The list which appears elsewhere in this issue includes some fine live- stock and a complete outfit of ma- chinery and equipment. This will be one of the important sales of the fall season and a large crowd is ex- pected. PAKERâ€"AOn Sunday, October 2nd, 1938, to Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Baker of Richmond Hill, a daughter. Both doing well. A Bridge, Euchre and Crokinolre party will be held next Friday even- ing, October 14th sponsored by the Richmond Hill Bowling Club. Good prizes will be offered and refresh- ments will be served. All are cor- dially invited. The annual Fowl Supper of Christ Church, Kettleby, will be held Wed- nesday, October 26th. 'The first in a series of euchres sponsored by the local L.O.L. and L.O.B.A. will be held in the Orange Hall Wednesday evening, October 12. The monthly meeting of the Pres- byterian W.M.S. will be held Wed- nesday, October 12th at the home of Mrs. Zuefelt. Mrs. Kelly and Mrs. Brown of Buttonville will have charge of the program. St. Mary’s Anglican Church W.A. will hold their annual Bazaar on Satâ€" urday, November 26th instead of No- vember 19th as previously announcâ€" ed. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. James will be “At Home" to their friends Friday, October 14th, the Thirtieth Anni- versary of their wedding, from three to five and eight to ten o'clock. Mrs. S. J. Hughes, Miss Helen Hughes and Mr. A. Liddell of Wind- sor were recent guests at the home of the Misses Harrison, Richmond Street. angel Reserve next Friday, for the Bridge, Euchre ole party sponsored by Club. Miss. Margaret Bodna working in Toronto was the week-end. Social and Personal IN M EMORIAM ORANGE EUCHRE 'e hear the rustle of an wing. ' KETTLEBY Lucky Num )w Saturday Hall. BIRTH I‘HE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO 2r Prizes at night at the kain- Bowling .vho me far come The annual A.Y.P.A. Corporate Communion will be held in All Saints Church, King at 8 a.m. Thanksgiving morning. Breakfast speaker, Rev. A. J. Jackson. All Young People wel- Maple Sunday, October 9th 2 p.m.â€"Sunday Schm]. 3 p.m.â€"Holy Commutifl. Oak Ridges Rectorâ€"Rev. E. W. G. Worrall Sunday, October 9th 10.15 a.m.â€"Sunday School. 11 armâ€"Morning Prayer. Rev. C. W. Follett, B.D., Pastor Sunday, October 9th Thanksgiving Sunday 11 a.m.â€"Public Thanksgiving Ser- vice. 2.4‘5 p.m.â€"Sunday School. All De- partments. 7 p.m.â€"Vesper Service, just one hour. Special musical features by the choir at all services, the pastor in charge. A hearty invitation to worship with us. “Now thank we all our God.†4th RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. D. Cunningham, B.D. Minit-ts 1' Sunday, October 9h 11 a.m.â€"“Ou1' Daily Bread.†3 p.m.â€"Sunday School. 7 p.m.â€"“Let Us Give Thanks." Our allegiance to the King of Kings makes loyalty to our sovereign a religious as well as a civil duty. The A.Y.P.A. meeting called for Tuesday next will be a welner roast at the home of Mrs. Clark, Bond Lake. Cars will leave St. Mary’s Church at 8.15 p.m. WOMAN’S AUXILIARY The regular meeting of the W.A‘ will be held at the home of Mrs. H‘ A. Nicholls, 7 Yonge St., on Tuesday next 2.30 p.m. men. 3 p.‘m.â€"Sunday School. 7 p.m.â€"Young People’s Service and Installation of Officers of A.Y.P. A. All cordially invited. Rector: Rev. W. F. Wrixon, L.Th. Sunday, October 9th Trinity 17 8 a.m.â€"Holy Communion. 11 a.m.â€"~Morning Prayer and Ser- LOCAL ASSOCIATION BOY SCOUTS The monthly meeting of the Boy Scouts Association will be held in the Municipal Hall Tuesday, October 11th at 2.30 pm. All interested in Scouts and Cubs are invited to at- tend. \VOMEN’S INSTITUTE The regular meeting of the W0- men’s Institute will be held in the Municipal Hall on Thursday, October 13th at 3 pm. Miss M. White (Bride Broder) will speak at this meeting. 1W. T. GRAHAM ESTATE SALE TO BE HELD SATURDAY The furniture and household goods of the estate of the late W. T. Gra- ham, Richmond Hill, will be held Saturday afternoon next in the Richâ€" mond Hill arena commencing at 1 p.m. The sale includes a long list of furniture and household goods and should attract a large crowd. Everyâ€" thing- is in excellent condition. ‘The house and property will also be off- ered for sale at the same time. J. C. Saigeon will officiate as, auction- eer, and there will be no reserve as everything must be sold to wind up estate. See full list in this issue. To wind up a very successful sea- son it was announced today that the Bowling Club will sponsor a Bridge, Euchre and Crokinole party which Will be held Friday, October 14th. The place will be announced later. Admission 50 cents per person. Good prizes will be offered and refresh- ments will be served. All are cor- dially invited. . BEWARE OF IMPOSTERS President James Butler of the Vaughan and Richmond Hill Veter- ans has issued a warning to citizens to beware of imposters soliciting junk in the name of veterans. When donations are asked in the name of Veterans organizations proper cre- dentials should be shown as it has been learned that certain unscrupu- lous persons are using the Veterans name fraudulently to obtain dona- tions. ST. STEPHEN’S CHURCH BOWLERS TO HOLD BRIDGE OCTOBER 14TH mor RADIALS SHOW OPERATING LOSS IN AUGUST The operating repor-t of the North Yonge Radial-s for the month of Auguét showed an op- erating loss of $41.50 compared with the operating profit of $453.20 for the corresponding ST. JOHN’S CHURCH ST. MARY’S CHURCH RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH RICHMOND HILL (Anglican) Second Veteranâ€"Good? When our company was on parade and present- ed arms all you could hear was “slap, slam, jingle!†First Veteranâ€"That’s impossible! How did you get the jingles:? Second Veteranâ€"Oh, medals! First Veteranâ€"Our infantry com- pany was the best-drilled in the whole army. When we presented arms all you could hear was “slap, slap, click;†DEANNA DURBIN STARS IN FEATURESATURDAY AT MASONIC HALL Deanna Diurbin, Canada's own sweetheart of the silver screen stars ‘is the feature attraction, “Three Smart Girls†showing at the Masonic Hall, Richmond Hill, Saturday, 0c- tO‘ber 8th. The magic wonder on Deanna’s delightful charm has made her a favorite among movie fans of the continent and her work in “Three Smart Girls†is particularly capti- vating. There is a children’s matinee Saturday afternoon at 2 p.m. and] two shows in the evening at 7 and 9 p.m. There will be lucky number prizes at both evening shows. For your added comfort new seats are being: placed in the Masonic Hall. Don't miss “Three Smart Girls†at the show this Saturday. No advance in prices. Students of Richmond Hill High School are competing today in the annual North York Athletic meet which is being held at Markham. Those Ritz Bros. are at burlesque hilarity and' n funny. And grand enter MONDAY & TUESDAY, OCTOBER 10 - ]1 _ SPECIAL MAJTINEE THANKSGIVING AT 2 RM, thz Bros. ~ T’q‘ny Martin. Marjorie Weaver - Slim Summerville in‘ A fictionized historical adventure tale of rebellion in Northern Mex~ ico. Full of action, thrills, music to please all. Also MelvynflDduglas - Virginia Bruce â€" Warrlem Williams in An exciting and. th‘rilling‘action melodrama, produced on large scale. A well wrltten screen play combining action, romance, comedy and drama. FRIDAY & SATURDAY. OCTOBER 7 - Owing to unfavorable weather con- ditions Wednesday the extensive auc- tion sale of the farm stock and equip- ment of Murray McLean, Thornhill, had to be postponed and it will be held next Wednesday, October 12th. This sale includes some exception- ally fine livestock and a full line of implements and equipment. AIR-CONDITIONED ' TWO SHOWS â€"â€" 7.30 and 9.30. SATURDAY MAT'INEE 2.00 PM. In Aurora on Tuesday October 11th, at 8 o’clock in School Auditorium, Mr. Moore, well known exper Horticulturists all over Ca give an illustrated addres “Peace Garden†under the of Aurora Horticultural Richmond Hill friends of ture are invited to attend. dress V9211 more than repaj fort it will cost to attend. MURRAY McLEAN'S SALE WILL BE HELD WED. OCT. 12th Special banquetvâ€"toni day), October 6th at ' Church at 6.30 p.m. NORTH YORK HIGH SCHOOL MEET Richmond Hill municipal coun- cil will sit as a Court of Revi- sion Tuesday, November lst at 7.30 p.m. to hear appeals against assessment by ratepayers of the village. Appeals must :be filed with the village clerk and: at the court of revision all appeals will be dealt with by mem‘o’ers of council. ASSESSMENT APPEALS TO BE HEARD NOVEMBER IST INTERESTING HORTICULTURE LECT'URE TO BE HELD IN AURORA 'ef‘reshing comedy with new scenic backgroundpf 3 makes this an offering in the better entertaim TODAY. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 6 LORETTA YOUNG - WM. HENRY - RICHARD GREEN GEO. SANDERS - DAVID NIVEN in “ FOUR MEN AND A PRAYER †CONTENTION ENDED MOVITA - JOHN CARROLL - ANTONIO MORENO in “ ROSE OF THE RIO GRANDE' †\VEDNESDAY & THURSDAY. OCTOBER 12 - 13 ROBERT TAYLOR â€" MAUREEN O’SULLIVAN in “ A YANK AT OXFORD †*«v-m‘u‘vw “ ARSENE L'UPIN RETURNS?†“KENTUCKY MOONSHINE †A better detective mystery at it again, this time hitting non-sense. It’s crazy and it‘ :ertainment â€" Don‘t miss it. Anglia (Thu! amon High will ORDER HELEN SIMPSON FLOWERS For All Occasions Phone orders delivered where in North Yonge St. District 2518 YONGE STREET (At St. Clements) MOhawk 3000 Helen mmpson Lynett 'J. F. Lynett “A Home Away From Home†Dining Room Service M¢WOOOOO®OOWOWW ’OWOOOOOOOOOOOMW |.D.Ramer & Soné Phone 10 OATS We carry a full line of PURINA FEEDS â€" Also â€" BRAN, SHORTS & SALT To Farmers ': We are paying the highest cash market prices for WHEAT, BARLEY and CIDER MILL EACHER OI New Gormley‘ Langstaff F. HARVEY. Gomley Telephones: The Mill Stouffville 7303 Residence Stouffville 7307 Fruit trees and small fruits of all kinds. Orna- mental trees, Perennials, 'Shr‘nbszosesTHe'dge and Rock Garden Plants, Ever- greens. All our own grown stock Local Salesman c. H. Prudhnmme & Son NURSERYMEN Hotel Richmond Beamsville FRANK LUCAS, Prop. Now in Operation BRING YOUR APPLES Prompt Service Lunch Counter ROOMS and BOARD DINE AND DANCE Miss D. Connor mv “ A.“ HILL" Apply I TWO FEATURES .IC a new 9 w11d, PAGE} The Elevator igh in Ontario Ontario THEORY