Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 24 Nov 1938, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT ___â€"dâ€"___â€"â€"â€"â€" (LEVER ACTING iItI‘ISIIIENTS ()I’I’OSE MOVE l'L‘rUlllIltll the ,cl angt- and (rdeicrl it (lo-patched to I’thZillil.\lL'l'»(itl.I‘lill at O.tawa. " ' ,thc T' t Oll This af 1‘ ll :‘t' l . l' t.) I" 'â€" 0 l ‘1 l Ll oi it ( \Li '1 pt] in it “Johnny. you‘re a sight! \Vhat TO (LOSE (‘.\T.\R.\(T I’.(). have you (lone to, your clothes, -7i -L they’re cut full of holes. Eyrnitlllf «1' the village cf Ca'ar- “Aw, maW, we, was playin' {Ito-i;th are up in aims against a pro- cery store. and I was the piece of l insal to close the Cataract post offâ€" cheese." lice. At it liltt'llllg' las‘. w-cck they l (ipp‘ sing puss" ti :1 “QWO‘O 000900900000 It; Lt'.tti Lintitgst the farm» 1's of the [in rial 7 r e and ‘t'onr:h and fifth lin<s west asking - pe , Ga ag. ’that. a rural mail service b" estabâ€" Servlce Statlon lishcd in that locality. Half of those asking;r tlte service new .btain thcfr mail from Cataract. the balance be- Lansing, Ont. ing served from Belfountain. Free motor flush with A p } , , 1H ' i . t one time a tiriving sma own, every 01] change ICataract boasted large stone quarâ€" Womwwuww ries, two hotels, a flour mill, a barâ€" rel factcry and a brewery. It was a jurctior- point on the Elora and To- ronto-Tcr-swater branch of the GP. R. and at one time as many as three canloads of pure spring water were shipped to Toronto daily for drink- ing purposes. ' Time, however, has passed this picturesque village in its stride, and today there is but .one store, Oper- ated in conjunction with the p051;- office, and a Hydro Electric plant, which serves Alton, Erin, Hillslburg. Orton, Caledon. Inglewood and Gale- doni East. Only 15 families still ob- tain their mail from the villageâ€"v Orangeville Banner. Wilfrid R. Scott Successor to J. J. Deane Director of FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE SERVICE WOODBRIDGE. ONTARIO ALIDA TELGMANN, B E Graduate of the National School of Elocution. Philadelphia, Pa. NOT SO BAD “How many resolutions does the i earth make in a day? It's your turn. PUPILS , M, V " CONCERT ENGAGEMENTS “ills Sm“?- . “l ou cant tell, teacher. till your Addressâ€"20 John St., Thornhill I see the morning paper}! % i l l i SAMPLE CIRCLE TOUR TORONTO - BUFFALO PITTSBURGH - ST. LOUIS CHICAGO DETROIT - TORONTO $18.10 OMWQOWM OOWOOQOQOOowOOOOQOO§OOOO WW” Iâ€"Iardwood Slabs COAL COKE ‘2' v Langstaff Supply Company i ‘ Telephone Thornhill 73 NEVVTONBROOK The \'.I’.l,'. mwt on Monday ev nâ€" it}; til Iro- L'nitcrl (‘litirth S. S. Hall with i'vr‘iy The Citi- ursl‘dp (onycntr. Mr. Irwin Brown. was in the chair. M r. Kenn th Fore- ,n'an lead the :L‘l'llltil‘e lesson and HIV. ;\. II. Ilalbtrt prayer. )1 ss Tl‘tttl.(‘l‘ sang a rl'ltl very c ptallj'. Mr. (‘llt'i'oitl I’m-it introâ€" «Iaccl the gue-t spcrltt-r ol‘ the even- H\t’l' pl'cr‘i Ill. (.tl‘vlt'tl ilL" ing. the Spanish V ccâ€"(Winsul Rae and? of Toronto ITni- ‘.(’l':\' interesting “Conâ€" I’i ol'essor J. Cons versity, who and infurmatlvt _L"11\'t‘ addresses on up to the present crisis." This was! followed by a discussion and Pro‘ fessor Cono :inswcrvd quistions. He said “Interference from outside coun- and if Spain longing the struggle the war would soon cease." It was. decided to accept the invitation of Lansing Y.P.U. to visit their organâ€" ization on Tuesday evening. A special feature of the evening service next Sunday in the United F. \V. Moffatt of \Veston illustrated by moving pictures on his recent trip around the world. welcome to all. The Woman's Association will hold their annual Christmas Bazaar and o'clock. cember 1st from 2,?0 to 5 Booth. Mrs. J. C. Bales gave an Afternoon Tea lasf Tuesday at her born: at Lansing for the United Church. Newâ€" tontbrook Choir Gown Fund. A beauâ€" tiful bouquet. of bronze chrysantheâ€" mums made an attractive table cenâ€" tre with yellow ligh ed tap' rs. Mom'- bers of the choir assisted in the din- ing room. Mrs. A. H. Ilalhert asâ€" sisted the hostess in receiving the guests. The Golden Bale Mlssion Band mv‘ets Safurt‘av at "5‘0 p.m. in the SS. room and will htli its election of officers. The Christmas Tree S. S. enter- tainment of the United Church has cember E‘Oth owing to The Christmas Party at Earl Haig Callegiate In- stitute en Deccn'iber 16th, The ninth annual Commencament exercises of Earl Haig Collegiate Inâ€" a very large attendance. Melvin Preston received the O. D. Bales trophy for proficiency in scholarship, games and loadcrship in the Upper School which was preâ€" sented by Reeve R. E. Bales, and also the Reuben Wel's Leonard Scholarship, University Colllge, and First Carter Scholarship, County of York, which was presented by Hon. Leopold Macauley. The Valedictory was given by Melvin Preston. Genâ€" eral Proficiency prizes were present- ed to a large nun‘btr of the pupils. Fortyâ€"eight students received Graduâ€" ation diplomas and thirteen students receide Commercial diplomas. At the close the teachers received the par- ents and friends in the class I‘oOms. Mrs. A. W. Galbraith was hOStess to the Auxiliary of the W'.M.S. at her home on Tuesday afternoon of last week. tbert, presided. Miss Atkinson led in the devotional service and prayer was offt'red by Mrs. Galbraith. A resume of last year’s Study Book was given by Mrs. James Murray and the new Study Book, “The W'orld‘ in Canada”, was introduced by Mrs. Clarence O. Bales. A sp'cial fea- ture of the meeting; was the presen- ing with MMMMMMM MASTER-FEEDS MMMMMMM Master Pig Feeds * * * Save your time * * * Save your money * * * Produce better bacon and make you more money! Master Pig Feeds save your time by getting your hogs off to market in 5-6 months. They save your money by saving your time and be- cause they are reasonable in price and easy to feed. Just ONE POUND of Master Pig Feed Concentrate per pig per day, fed with their chop will grow and finish your pigs in six months or less. Master Pig Feeds produce better bac0n hogs. In the competitions for Wiltshire Sides and dressed hog car- casses at the Royal Winter Fair last season, Master- fed hogs took the first four prizes for Wiltshire sides. In the dressed hog classes they took five major prizes including lst and 3rd! Better bacon quality brings you an extra dollar per hog. Feed well with Master Pig Feeds and make more money. Master Feeds W. R. DEAN Thornhill Phone 54 tation of a Life Membership Certifi- cate to Mrs. W. T. Wells who has been treasurer of the Auxiliary for 13 years. It was arranged to hold the next meeting one week earlier, on December 13th, owing to the Christmas activities. Refreshments were served .by the hostess at. the close of the meeting. Misses M. and F. Atkinson have returned home after spending a week with their sister, Mrs. Gal- braith. Mrs. Clifford Brown and family of Wyevale visited her parents for la few days last week. ,Mr. and Mrs. R. J. S. Hill, Miss Mildred Skelding and Mr. Fred Hill of Huntsville were guests of Rev. and Mrs. Halbert last week-end while attending the Royal Winter Fair in Toronto. Miss Denora McCammon entertain- ed the United Church choir las't Fri- day evening at her home. We are glad to hear that Mrs. Leslie Grisdale is recovering from her recent illness. 12 THINGS TO REMEMBER The value of time. The success of perseverance. The pleasure of working. The dignity of simplicity. The worth of character. The power of kindness. . The influence of example. . The obligation of duty. 9. The wisdom of economy. 10. The virtue of patience. 11. The improvement of talent. 12. The joy of originating. meanewsn _____â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"--â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" MMMMMMM MASTER FEEDS MMMMMMM THE LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO d] ions in Spain and causes leadinur tries (Italy and Germany) was pro-‘ was left. to settle its own problems‘ Church will be an address by IVII'.‘. A hearty ‘v Afternoon Tea next Thursday. Den There will also \l‘.{‘ a White Elephanti‘ been postponed until Tuesdav. De: stitute was held last Friday even-V The president, Mrs. Halâ€" ‘ 1 â€"â€"Marshall Field. ________â€"â€"â€"-â€"~â€"-â€"â€" __'â€"â€"â€"â€"â€". LIBERALS GAIN SEAT IN , BY-ELEC'I‘IONS ‘ The federal tryâ€"elections held 1‘"â€" H n r . . . Iin. lhornhili Ill lllt' and School , - . _ , . , . cen 1y were pl'llliillu} :ntlsl‘dt‘tni'y to A~-t«-:;i. r-i: have been tortunatc in, , ,. . , . . . . tonserviatiyes. I..ll.l\'\ and Cl .lu proi-u: .ng as tht 1r L‘llt st :‘Dt‘nltk‘l‘. .. . . , . ; , , ., ‘ Ihc Lenservativis .iau Liectcd .n :‘Ilr. Ittcr Sai‘zhtord, who has chos- , , . . . iLondon Hon. Dr. Manon li_\' a suit- or. as n r srbpct. “\lha‘. we owe . . ., .. . ~ . stantial majority and the new lead-‘ our L‘lllnll't‘ll. glrs. bandxlord was , . . i , u . , . , _ ‘cr will be able to take his seat 111 l‘rHsiutli' tl the (illl:tl.i> lvttlciation. v - - r ., . the House when it opens it] January. (‘1 Iii ii v and I‘L'lllitl loi‘ three years . . , , . . ‘. This is as it should i)(‘. The Uppo< and at pres in is a n in (1' ol the . , . , ,. , . ., . snion leader, for sake ()1 good TUIt lilo Pt'éll'tt til I‘,t,t;t;:iit r. 1101' government. is needed at. Ottawa. In addition, Karl Ilonitith was returned by an overwhelming majoritv in South \Vaterloo. whtrc in the election the late Alex EII\VUI'(IS head- ed the polls by a narrow margin. lti'~liaml is I"rt~l'issor of Psychology at Toronto I'nivcrsity. The subject that pim- krs curâ€" \\ho have heard hur partr‘s that she will l'rt d for thouth and sprinkle it liberally with delightful humor. The direct-or of music for ‘the school. Mr. Ryerson. will playl piano :clos. The parents and tea- chers of Thornlea and Langstaff schools are cordially anllUi to this ,uzecting. which takes place Monday Ff address is mic v . . Last, iosi'y and we, (er. rssttie il‘v :‘ive \‘;ilt.z’i,le four elections. In the riding of Cartier, Montreal, Peter Berc0vitch. former Liberal member in the Pro- vincial Legislature, was returned by acclamaiion. In addition the Liberâ€" al-s carried Brandon, formerly held by the Conservatives. This is a evening, November 2811i at 8.15 at . . ‘Thumhm School gain for the Liberal party. i The Young Ladies, Guild of the The C.C.F. have the satisfaction of having made a good showing in London. So everyone is happy and this is perhaps a fortunate state of affairs. L'nittd Church will hold thtir next imeeting at the home 01’ Mrs. T.; i‘MacGregor, Unsworth Ave., Nrorth' iTthlilO on Thursday evening, De- iceinlbcr lst at 8 o'clock. Do not forget the male choir coni- icert under the auspices of the Guild ito be held in the Unitrd Church on iTuchay, December 6th. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. ,C. .I. Spencer, Fishcrvil‘le, who reach- to “01k me break 0f day and plugs . . . long ’till dusk is gray and hasn’t (d ih.‘li‘ (Titltl welli r a i e s a. . ' i L 1 H m“ nmv r my time to strike. He stands» in need on Monday, November 21st, f h t h t. 1 Q ‘Q ‘ The Thornhill Horticultural Society 9 i or er 01”" more line to 5 eep In cozy bowers, more time to rest THE IIUSBANDMAN (By Walt Mason) The farmer milks the lowing kine, and carries grape juice to the sWine, ,will lrll tkei‘ a (l bat» z t n f .1 1mm Hue 0. l and read; but he can hear the horses Monday evening, Dtcomlcr 5th, In t . . the lawr nee Mtniorial Hall The nelgh for bundles 0f TGIVE‘ShmE hall- the mules for fodder plead. The old gray mare is beastly sick, the colic makes her roll and k'ck, and stand upon her head. and so he nurses her all night, until she's feeling well and right, instead of being (lead. He guest speake! will be I. M. Mont- gomriy. author of “Anne of Green Gables". Other artists will he Tom‘ Hamilton and Miss Itorien Johnston‘ of Richmond Hill. Everybody welâ€" come. Oldc Tyine Church Fair, Lawrence )le-itoi‘al IIall. Thornhill, Silltll‘tl‘ly,i ~ . . . . . ' 0"}- - 3 L. .w e th ‘_\m, mm”, mm. “mt miss it hook amin, he has to cm lben a a crib and spoil h‘s tucker and his bib; to find a setting hen». The farâ€" mer has Inore cause" to strike than Jonathan and Pete and Mike, in the cities live; but he has many 'I‘EACIIICRIL BANQI'ET The teachers of Sau‘ h Simcoe. Alâ€" bion and Iiino‘ and their trio "3 me - i t T. c , K m . t would never (loâ€"no profit would , ,at. a banquvt Ill Leeton Presbyterian - - . h lch W i 1 \v , ' 9th , they give. But if the farmer struck. c u' , e1 nest av, I oveiri " . - - ‘ ‘m ' ah, me! Oh, where In blitzen would :to welcome their new insp£ctor, Mr. C. A. Lapp. B.A., B. Paed. I The speakers of the evening were 'Mr. Lapp, inspector for Suuth Sim- lcoe, Albion and King; Lt.â€"(‘ol. o. M. 1Martin, General Secretary of the On- l . . . ,taixo Public School Men ’Ieachers’ we be. and where would we get off? no flour or meal or helpful greens. no skim milk in the trough. If e‘er the farmch organize, and strike as strike the other guys, there'll be a frightful dearth, and we‘ll fold up lFedeâ€"ration. and Mr. J. W C'Iwood, - - ' c ' . ., c h c :1 h ism: O.P.S.M.T.F. Benefit Fund. our “wry mm :3qu em? a ‘ g , and close our glims, and Just fall , Besides the excellent speeches giv- Off the earth- 'en, enttrtainment of a mus1cal na- ture was provided by piano solos rendered by Miss Beth A. McBride and Mr. Palmer Barton. A sing- song also added to the enjoyment of the evening. , Following this the chairman, Mr. John Scott, had 'the ladies and the l men separate for a federation meet- ing to elect officers for the year 1938â€"39. The new off'cers of the Women ‘Teachers’ Federation Local are: Pre- sidrnt, Miss Millfccn': Barrett, Bee- ton; Vice-President, Miss Margaret E. Murphy, Alliston; Sec.-Treas., lMiss Beth A. McBride, RE. No. 2, nation iif it brings misery to the nation's people. .. (as! .v ...r- .. . .1 'n "a. The Liberals have won two of the‘ the kind of dope they like; he starts ‘ has to hunt a missing sow, or sawi the antlers from a cow, so she won't , who chores in view and walk-out stunts There'd be no bacon and n0 beans‘ Another thing that puzzles us is‘ how any policy can be good for a‘ IHMOD HILL FRIDAY, NOVEMBER THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24th, 193.. ,TWO ONTARIO SISTERS CLAIM $10.000,000 Weston and \VuUdbrid ,e \Vumfli 36- here Fortune Left By L'nclc LA IVY E R S PAY VISIT Two the wt”,- of a. Weston grOI-ei‘y stoic pioprictor, the otl‘cr the wife of a “(Footbridge fan'- arc seeking to establish a claim to a share of a $10,000,000 fortune. it is disclosed. ‘ Mrs. Marjorie Mallaby, Main St., Weston, and Mrs. Robert Johnston. j\\'oec'ibridge, I)9IIL\'€ they are nieces ;ot‘ Michael Francis O’Dea, Califor- ‘nia ‘realtor. A bachelor, he died ‘ intestate recently at the age of 89. l The sisters say their mother’s imaiden name was O’Deta. Papers ‘found in the dead millionaire’s pos- i session show that his pan‘enbs’ names iwere Timothy and Bridget O’Dea. lThe isrters say these Mere the ‘n‘ames of their mlaternal grandpar- cuts. The sisters replied to advertise- ments in Toronto papers seeking heirs to the fortune. They say they have retained the legal services of Col. W. P. lVIquck and J. F. Grogan in» an effort to establish a claim on the estate. Michael O'Dea was born in Ire- land, they say, and came to Canada at an early age. Los Angeles law- yers, who have visited the sisters recently, are reported to have found eviden‘ec that O’Dea was christened at St. Paul’s Roman Catholic church, Toronto. Later, it was said, he moved to Bolton. Ont. When the California boom was at its peak, he moved there and made a fortune. Both Mrs. Mallaby and Mrs. John- ston rtfuse to give detailed com- ment on their plants. Each said‘: “We could use the money, all right.” l Mr. Grogai., Col. Mulock’s legal partner, says the Los Angeles law- iyers visited the sisters two months ago. He declares there is some un- certainty about the sisters’ relation- ship to the millionaire. He adds the ‘sisters will have a long court fight sisicis, (illt‘ 11101", 3to establish claim, but negotiations istill are proceeding. , INDIAN SUMMER ‘Along the line of smoky hills, ‘ The crimson forest stands, And all day long the blueâ€"jay calls ‘ Throughout the autumn lands. ; Now by the brook the maple leans ‘i With all his glory spread; And all the .sumiachs on the hills Have turned their green to red. >Now, by great marshes wrapt in mist, Or past some river’s mouth, Throughout the long, still autumn day Wild birds are flying south. â€"â€"W. W. Campbell. l i l l l l x t l l l I 9 THE] 25th King. The new officers of the Men. Tea- chers’ Federation Local are: Presi- dent, W. John Scott. Ivy; Viceâ€"Presi- dent, A. Douglas Fry, B.A., Totten- ham; Sec-Treats, W. G. Ernest ‘lCumiberland, Alliston. Following the election of officers, the teachers and their friends spent a few hours dancing in Ray’s Hall to the strains of Jack Doyle’s 0r- chcs'tra. Packed [with Thrills, BAMBOO (Educational) THE VALUE OF A SMILE Adur'crswgicl-{OWS 7 The following dissertation on “the â€"_ ' value of a smile” is posted in the ’ ' 'i ' employees’ room of a large depart- ment store in Pittstburg: It costs nothing, but creates much. It enriches those who receive, without iinvaerishing those who give. It happens in a flash and the mem- ory of it sometimes lasts forever. None is so rich he can get along without it, and none so poor, but is richer for its benefits. It creates happiness in the home, festers good will in business, and is the countersign of friends. It is rest to the weary, daylight to the discouraged, and sunshine to the sad, and Nature’s best antidote for trouble. Yet it cannot be bought, begged, ‘ or stolen, for it its something that is no earthly good to anybody until it is gIVen away" i And if it happens that some of our patrons should be too tired to leave you a smile, may we ask you to give one of yours? For nobody needs a smile so much as those who have none left to give. will give you a standard of Phone 10 “Well, Jedige," said the waiter “whut’l you-all have foh brealdast? Has you cber tried any of ouah boil- ed eggs, sah?" “Yes,” replied the Judge, “and I found them guilty.” mt ;mv . In ..mp1:smutter o R ,5, Gym. c;.o,IyI..-og,_,__ _ TUNE IN on “The Shadow" every SatJ to 7.30 mm. over station CBI. National Film Service Presents “ DYNAMITE DENNY ” An Exciting Raiiroad Story Laughs and Suspense â€"-â€" ADDED ATTRACTIONS â€"-â€"- BEANSTALK JACK (Cartoon) and “The Winner” in Sports Children 150. 15 PM. and 9.15 PM i'... Let this overwhelming preference for ‘que coal’â€" the world’s finest anthraciteâ€"be your guide to better heating. ‘blue coal' heating satisfaction and value that has won the confidence of over 100,000 Canadian homeowners. Order a ton of ’que coaI' today I. D. RAMER & SON Richmond Hill

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