Maple United Church Fair on December 10th in Glenview P.Y.P.U. and Thornhill were guests of the Presbyterian Y.P. on Monday evening. A very inter- esting program was given by Glen- view and games in charge of Thorn- 'hi11- were much enjoyed. Lunch was served- by Maple Society. The November meeting of the Lutheran Church Ladies’ Aid was held at the home of Mrs. D. Julian on Wednesday, November 23rd. Mrs. Montgomery, the president, presid- ed. The 93rd Psalm was read by all followed by prayer by the pastor; A "reading on Encouragement was given by Mrs. Roy Keff-fr and Mrs. EEIsworth Keffer read a poem, Stand Still and See. A short. story on 'Christian Stewardship was read by Mrs. Huenergard. ‘ Table collection amounted to $8.10. ' .Miss Doris Cook is spending this week in Chicago. Doris won this trip as a prize in ihe Ju'. Farmers Judging Competition. Mr. and My-s. Wm. Hoiles‘ enter- tained at a birthday party on Nov. 25‘le in hon-our of their two sons, Kenneth and Bruce. Supper was served' to s7xteen boy chums and- tvhe evening: was spent in games. Miss L. Kemp of Toronto is spendâ€" ing a week with. Mrs. M. Allen. Mrs. JMcKayo, hairdressem, will give special Xmas Shirley Temple Permanents t9 children 21; $1.50 ev- ery Tuesday until Christmas at the hem: of Mrs. C. Blail. Every one plan to attend‘ a Hot Chicken Supper served in‘ St. Ste- phen’s Church Parish Hall Satur- day, December 3rd 5.30 to 8.30 p.1n.. A number of friends in the vi11-‘ age- attended the fu'neral of the Late Helen (Betty) Bland, Toronto school teachm' on Sunday afternoon. ' Mr. Jeff Smith of Emmanuel COL lege spent the week-end with Mr. A1. Forrest. The 100th anniversary of St. Ste-ul phen's Anglican Church will be held «on Swnd-ay, Decenzlber 11th. Mornm ting service .at 11 a.m., the speaker} will be Rev. c. H. Shortt, assisted; "by King‘ Choir and in tube evenimgr.| at 7 p.m. the Oak Ridges choir Wilh! have charge of the singing and- Revs! MoCrimmo-n, Rev. Bowman and Rev.‘ :Huenergard will be the speakers. Yonge at Castlefield Theatre VOL. LVIII. Are now on sale â€"â€" A gift appreciated by young and old: â€" good at 14 theatres and done up in delightful Xmas envelopes. Give Theatre Tickets This Xmas! ‘ MONDAY & TUESDAY. DECEMBER 5 - 6 If your nerves are bad and you can’t take it â€" don‘t see TODAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 1 - 2 - 3 CHARLIE EDGAR ADOLPHE ANDREA MCCARTHY BERGEN MENJOU LEEDS __1N___ ‘Letter of Introduction’ WARNINGâ€"Don’t come alone to see this midnite show! CAPITOL THEATRE “FRANKENSTEIN †SPOOK ! MIDNITE SHOW ‘FRANKENSTEIN’ â€" ALSO â€"â€" LEW AYRES in “KING OF THE NEWSBOYS†“YORK COUNTY'S NEWSIEST NEWSPAPER†BORIS KARLOFF _ 1N __ Boris Karloff ._1N_ SATURDAY MATINEE ON THE STAGE Our Special Xmas Gift Tickets MAPLE N EWSY NOTES â€"I] CAN YOU TAKE IT? WE DARE YOU TO SEE “FIFI†The Famous Clown! Sunday Nite 12.05 Country 70mmun- A large crowd attended the Char- ivari Party in honour of Mr. and Mrs. C. Miller on Wednesday evenâ€" ing in Maple Community Hall. 30 tables of euchre were played and prizes were won :by, ladies, 151: Mrs. Hall, 2nd Helen Barker, Consolation Clara Phillips; gents, 151: Bob Julian, 2nd W. Noble, Consolation W. Orr. (Later Mr. and Mrs. Miller were called and after an address by Dr. Rou’cl-e}r they were presented with a beautiful Hall Tree and Mirrbr by Norman McCullough and Harry Cooper.‘ Mr. Miller replied and’ thanked all for their lovely gift. Lunch was served and the remain- ; der of the evening spent in dancing. EUCHRE - St. Mary’s RC. Church will hold a eulchre Friday night at the home of Mr. Bert Paxton, the first farm north of the Village on the we~t side of Yonge St. Seven splendid prizes including a door prize. Ada mission 250. Transportation will no provided, cars will leave jche church at 8 o’clock. Everybody welcomou Next week the meeting is in charge of Mrs. Dorothy Reaman, the religious convenor who will pre- sent Rev. Mason as the speaker of the evening. ST- MARY’S A.Y.P.A. ‘The A.Y.P.A. had an exceptionâ€" ally fine meetan last Tuesday when its members heard> Mr. Hodgetts‘ of Pickering College tell of his experi- ence with a group of Canadian boys at the Olympic Games in Germany in 1936, when the boys from Canada showed- the representatives from the Dictatorship what we mean by free- d-o‘Fn. He also gave an illuminating- review of Germany’s economic situ- ati-on which is based! on such totter- ing superstructures that it may lead to either collapse or to a war of expansion. ity Hall, afternoon and evening. Chick-en and Ham supper 5 to 8 p.111. Free evening entertainment ‘cf Ukrainian and Hungarian Folk Dancing. You will enjoy shopping at the Gift Shop, the Old Curiosity Shop, the Country Store, the Floral Booth, Home-made Bak'ng and Candy Booth, and the Troubadtours. ‘ DRACULA ’ BELA LUGOSI Bela Lugosi DRACULA †_.[N_ ""*" "In Egseintials, Unity; In Non-essentials, Liberty; In All Things, Charity†Yonge at Castlefield RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1st, 1938. Since that section of the town- ship concession Is far from any of the main thoroughfares, police are of the opinion that the car thief ma} have purposely ditched the au- tomobile to elude pursuit. The car was reported stolen. from York township some weeks ago. A considerable amount of chicken thieving has occurred in the rural areas during the past month and it is thought these hens may be the property of some Vaughan or King township farmer. A check of the surrounding farms is being made by Constafble Ireland. Fifty chickens and[ roosters were in the bags. Seven were dead and1 the others were dying fnom starva- tion, leading police to believe the car has been in the gully for some time. and gifts will be received at the Altar by the Rev. W. F. Wrixon and Mr. R’alph Paris. HENS STARVED IN STOLEN CAR LEFT IN GULLY A stolen car, loaded with burlap :bags of starving chickens and roost- ers, was found wrecked at the bot- tom of a. deep gully on the Eighth concession, Vau‘ghan township, by Township Constable Sam Ireland this week. Fifty chickens and roosters were in the bags. Seven were dead and the others were dying from starva- tion, leading police to believe the car has been in the gully for some time. A considerable amount of chicken thieving has occurred in the rural areas during the past month and it is thought these hens may be the property of some Vaughan or King township farmer. A check of the surrounding farms is being made by Constable Ireland. The car was reported stolen from LATE MRS. ALICE HOPPER The sudden death of Mrs. Alice lHopper, Keewatin Avenue, Thurs- day, Nov. 17th was a great shock 'not only to h(r immediate family‘ but also to a wide circle of friends *in North Toronto and York County. The deceased lady had been- troubled ’with a heart condition for some .years, but was up and around at her household duties not more than an hour before her death. Her husband, .the late W. J. Hopper, predeceased‘ her by about four years and she is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Charles Roche and two sons, Will- iam J., Balliol St. and James at home. She was a dcvouted member of the congregation of St. Monica’s Church, Broadway Ave. and the fun- eral mass was celebrated there on nSaturday morning the church being filled by a congregation -of sorrow- ing relatives and friends. The mass was celebrated by Rev. Father Muf- ray and the services at St. Luke’s Cemetery, Thornhill were conducted by Rev. Father Keane. on Sunday at 3 p.m. when young and old are invited to brim‘g toys and other giff‘cs for the less fortunate children in the Province of Saskatâ€" chewan. This service is open to all, and gifts will be rsiceived at the Altar by the Rev. W. F. Wrixon and Mr. R’alph Paris. The children of St. Mary’s Church will hold their annual Toy Service Arrangements are complete for the sixty-sixth enn'versary of St. Mary’s Anglican Church Sun-day, De- cernilber 11th. In addition to the two outstanding preachers, Principal Mc- Elhcran and Provost Cosg'rave who will preach on: Sunday, December 11, Richmond Hill’s talenled young so- pyanvo, Miss Dore-en Johnson, will. sing at both services. Rex Frost of station CFRB will announce the services at the 12.46 broadcast on Friday of next wee]; SIXTY-SIXTH ANNIVERSARY OF ST. MARY’S ANGLICAN CHURCH WOMAN’S AUXILIARY CORPOR- ATE COMMUNION It is the custom of the WA. to meet in a body for Communion on the Sund‘ay nearest to St. Andrew’s Day. This service will be held on Sunday next at 11 a.m. and‘ the Rector, Rev. W. F. Wrixon- will preach on “The Enthusiasm of SL. Andrew.†It is hoped that every member of the WA. will be present, as well as all others interested in the important work being done by this great Auxiliary. ELECTION IN NORTH YORK TWP W. E. Morton, the present reeve; Robert Davidson and Russell Glover are seeking the reevesh'p. Deputyâ€"Reeve of King Township who is a candidate for the Reeve- ship in next Mond‘ay’s municipal elections. Reeve Earl Bales of North York Township, the likely choice for the d-eputy-ward'ens‘hip of York County next year has been re-elected fby acclamation. Deputy-Reeve St. Clair Hurlvbut is opposed‘ by Charles Iris and Deputy-Reeve Reuben Phillips! has opposition in George H. Mit- chell who made a close run for the position a year ago. For the first time in four years North 'Gwillimlbury Township resi- dents will go to the polls 1 is year. They will have to vote for a reeve and three councillors. The dlelp'uty- reeve was accorded Ian acclamation. He was Bruce MoMlllan, who was making his first bid for a council seat. TOYS FOR POOR CHILDREN CAMERON E. W'ALKINGTON CONTEST IN NORTH GWILLIMBURY :Mrs. Hopper was well known and: highly esteemed in Thornhill, where the family lived‘ for many years, and at Iangstaff, Where she conducted a store business most successfully for a long time before ill-health compelled her to retire. The funeual service in Toronto was preached by Rev. Hill of St.‘ Paul’s Anglican Clhulch and at Maple cemetery «by Rev. MoCrimmon. l was buried in Maple cemetery on Novemlber 18th. Pallfbcamers were M. Miller, H. Mil-ler, J. Crooks, N. Lund, C. Saigeon‘ and a fellow-em»- p'loyee of {he C.P.R. GARNET LAWRENCE KELLOUGH, A victim of scarlet fever, Garnet (Garry) Lawrence Kellough, age 33, of Toronto, d’ed‘ November 18th in the Isolation Hospital. Son of the, late Mr. and Mrs. Anid’rew Ke‘llougfh, cf Maple, deceased was educated at Maple and was a graduate of Rich- mond Hill High School. For the past 12 years he was ticket clerk at the CPR. Surviving are his bride of a month, Florence Martha Harding; two sisters, Miss Maudie Kellough of Toronto, Mrs. Mabel Al‘lam of Maple; and -a brother, Ad‘rian Kellough, of Torcnto. He‘ der the auspices of the lst Rich- mond Hill Girl Guide Co. The pro? gramme promises to be highly en- tertaining consisting of two plays, dancing and‘ singing. Olbtaina your tickets from any Girl Guide and‘ help them in their Christmas Cheer work. Adults 215e, Children 15c. A keen election contest is» in pro- gress in King .Township and a. large turn out of the electors is antici~ pated next Monday. Following the retirement from municipal life of Reeve J. Jefferson, the de‘puty-I‘eeve, Cameron E. Walkington, is seeking the Reeve’s chair .and he is opposed by councillor Thomas McMurchy, one of the veterans! in King town- ship’s public affairs. Lorne Goodâ€" cfellow stepped up from council to the d‘eputyâ€"l‘eeveship by acclamation and there are four aspirants for the three council seats. E. M. Levgge is seeking- re-e‘lection and the other candidates are Cornelius McCane, William E. Barker and! Burnell Gra- ham. ‘ KEEN ELECTION CQN’TEST IN KING The regular meeting of the W0- men’s Auxiliary of St. Mary’s Ang- lican Church will be held in the basement of the church on Wed’rnes- day, December 7th, at 2.30- pm. As this is the last meeting of the year and election -of officers will take place all memfbers are urged to at- tend. Refreshments served. RICHMOND HILL WOMEN’S INSTITUTE The Christmas meeting of the Richmond Hill Women’s Institth will be heldl in the Municipal Hall; Thursday, December 8th at 3 p.m( Rev. W. 'F. Wrixoni, Rector of St: Mary’s Anglican Church will giva the Christmas mess-age, and M154 Maynardr will be a visitor. Th‘q singing of Christmas carols will be a feature of this meeting. On Thursday, December 8th at 8 pm. in the Masonic Hall, there will be a Christmas Concert presented by the Thornhill Women’s Institute um- Two Seek Reeveship and Four Candidates Fon- ‘C‘ouncil l ST. MARY’S ANGLICAN W.A. CHRISTMAS CONCERT OBITUARY th'e lst Rich- Co. The pro? be highly en- of two plays, O'btaina your his guitar and Mrs. Collard at the piano; recitations by Connie Rumâ€" nrey «and Edna Sanderson; a solo by little Marjory Sanderson, and a chorus dirrcted‘ éby Bertie Forster and sung by Joy Mortsvon, Dorfne ' Klinck, Stella Szilega Margaret 'Mortson, June Collard, Barry Coll- ard, Bobby- Hayden and! Harold Forster. This was followed by a spelling match, the words taken! from the Book of Mark. Mr._Fraser ,Gee, one captain, menched the vic- tory with the following assistants, Mrs. H. D. McCague, Mr. Mount, Mr. Avison, Mr. Stevenson and Miss 1 Ethel Mortson from Mr. Harry Bar- ber the other captain with the fol- llowing assistants, Mrs. Herman Mortson, Mrs. Avison, Mrs. Meek, Miss Elaine Reality and Mr. Douglas lGee. This1 brought a successful ev- ening to a close and Mrs. Klinck and‘ her group are grateful to the ones who help-ed to make it so. Mrs. Geo: Stark, Lond‘on, Mrs. Percy Sutton and Mrs. Fred Carter, ‘Toronto, Mr. F. Stanley, a returned lmissi'onary from Africa and Mr. Miss: Mable Boyntlon has. been very ill for the past two weeks but W are glad to report she is now well on the road to recovery Also we regret that Rev. Wrm. ‘Haig is ill with the Flu. We wish for him a very speedy recovery. The regular monthly meeting -f the J.W.I. will be held ‘n the Com- munity Hall on Tuesday ewening, D-ecemlber 6th at 8 p.m. The short talk on the motto will Ibe given rby ‘Miss‘ Viola Avison. The Roll Call Frank Goforth of Scar-bore were re« cent visitors of Rev. and Mrs. Haig. The Woman’s Association held an- other very successful Supper and Entertainment on Wednesday ev-en- ing under the direction of Mrs. R. F. Klinck and her group. The en- tertainment consisbcd of the follow- ing with Rev. J. A. Macdionald‘ n the chair: A duet .by June and Barry Collard, Barry accompanying with The weather stili continues to be cold and more Christmasy. Also the teachers of the various schools are busy directing Christmas practice which emphasizes the fact that Christmas is only iwenty-five days away. Think of it! ! MOOOOONOOâ€Â§OOOâ€\5 WMMWOMW OWâ€: “OW mHURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, DEC. 8 - 9 - 10 SPAWN OF THE NORTH ‘hmge St. at Glouforest Rd. MONDAY. TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, DEC. 5 - 6 - 7 THREE COMRADES With MARGARET SULLIVAN - ROBERT TAYLOR VICTORIA SQUARE NEWSY NOTES WILLIAM E. BARKER Thirty-six years a resident of King Township, and a farmer who understands farmer problems Your vote and influence is respectfully solicited to elect Motion Pictures Are Your Best Entertainment T0 The Electors of King Township POLLING DAY. MONDAY. DECEMBER 5th â€" ALSO - FAST COMPANY With MELVIN DOUGLAS - FLORENCE RICE NOVELTY With DOROTHY LAMOUR - GEORGE RAFT With MARY CARLISLE - JOHN HOWARD NEWS FRIDAY & SATURDAY, DECEMBER 2 - 3 DR. GLITTERHOUSE With EDWARD G. ROBINSON â€"â€" ALSO â€"-â€" â€"â€"-ALSOâ€"â€" SAFETY IN NUMBERS As Councillor for .1938 TOUCHDOWN ARMY With THE JONES FAMILY NEWS Euchre and\ Dance held every WedL n-esd'ay evening in R‘ichrvale School. Euchre starts at 8.310 sharp. Danc- ing to 1 am. Good prizes; Royal Arcadian Orchestra. Billy Hole, manager. Mrs. Aikens Cooking Demonstra- t‘i‘on under the auspices of the Pres- byterian Church W. A., Richmond 'Hill, m'll be held in the church Sc‘hool Room on Tuesday, Decemlber 6th at 2.30.p.m. Admission 15c. will 'be answered by donating a box f of candy. A11 mtmibiers please try to lrespond. A visit is expected from our District President, Mrs. Gordon Maynard of Uni'onville. A Christâ€" i'' talk is to be given by Miss {Bessie Valliere andl a 5.010 by Mrs.‘ 'Mu‘rray Avison, also reports from {the Toronto Institute convention. lThis promises to be a good meeting and1 everyone is urged to attengl. The pupils of Victoria Square school are holding their Christmas Ientertainment on Wednesday even» Sing, December let. Further anâ€" ‘nouncemlcnt later. Erma Holden, teacher. Mrs. Grace Boynton in company with hn' daughter and son-in-law, attended the wedding in, Toronto last Saturday evening of her grandL daughter, Miss Evelyn Boynton, to Mr. Rupert Lemon, ,also of Toronto. Mrs. Lemon is the eldest daughter :of Mr. and' Mrs. Herlb Boynton. Congratulations are extenldeti to Mr. and Mrs. Frank vBrumxwell on the birth of another little son. We regret extremely thart Master Leonard Fri‘sby is very seriously ill again with a nurse, Mrs. Clecil Nich- ols, in‘ attefldance. We wish for him a very speedy recovery. Leonard is the elder son of Mr. and Mrs. Jlack Frisiby. Mr. Elmer Huggins was thetguest of Miss Beatrice Frisby at bea .m Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ready and! Miss Irene visited Mr. and' Mrs. F. Dahes, tbrother-in-Iaw and sister of Mrs. Beatty in Kitchener on Sunday. COOKING DEMONSTRATION SINGLE COPIES 50. $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE 'RICHVALE SOCIAL CLUB Ill'dson 5437 No. 22.