QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Qâ€"Who wrote “Gone Wiï¬h The Windâ€? Aâ€"Margaret Mitchell, of Atlanta, Ga. Qâ€"What is Ray Mill'and‘k‘ real name? Is he married? Aâ€"Jack Mellane‘ ch. { PAGE FOUR Master Pig Feeds W. R. DEAN Thornhill Phone 54 Master Feeds * * * Save your time * * * Save your money * * * Produce fbetter bacon and make you more money! Master Pig Feeds save your time by getting your hogs off to market in 5-6 months. They save your money by saving your time and be- cause they are reasonable in price and easy to feed. Just ONE POUND of Master Pig Feed Concentrate per pig per day, fed with their chop will grow and finish your pigs in six months or less. Master Pig Feeds produce better bacon hogs. In the competitions forWiltshire Sides and dressed hog car- casses at the Royal Winter Fair last season, Master~ fed hogs took the first four prizes for Wiltshire sides. In the dressed hog classes they took five major prizes including lst and 3rd! Better bacon quality brings you an extra dollar per hog. Feed well with Master Pig Feeds and make more money. M M M Mâ€"M MASTER FEEDS M M M M M 7M M M M M M MiMASTER FEEDS M M M M M M )1 There are three reasons for this quality. They are -â€"â€" bril- liant engineering design, quality materials and precision and the NEW MERCURY 8 for 1939 FORD V-8: New ‘five inches longer from bumper to bumper. Roomier bodiesâ€"more luggage space. New styling. Hydraulic hrakr-s. Scienâ€" styling. Hydraulic hrakns. Evian- lific soundproofing. Triple-cush- ioned comfort. BIS-hp. V-8 engine. new cars in the Ford Quality Group for 1939 give you a broad choice. Whichever you choose, whatever you pay, you’ll get top value for your money. That is true of the lowest priced car or the highest. All have one impor- tant thing in commonâ€"inherent quality. FORD MOTOR COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED: FORD, MERCURY, LINCOLN-ZEPHYR AND LINCOLN MOTOR CARS DE LUXE FORD *V-S: Provides all ".18 basic Fora features, with extra luxury am] style. Remarkable rmount od‘ extra equipment in- v-hlded in The price. Hydra‘rlir‘ brakes. 85-11;). V-8 engine. Sets :1 new high for low-priced cars--â€"in appearance ind performance. Kurd flfotor Company of Canada, Limited, Announces TWO NEW FGRDS for 1939 LITTLE BROTHERS Ford Sales and Service YONGE ST. RICHMOND HILL Despite the announcement of the candidature of Hon. E311 LaWsan the pick of *‘he Tory convention for a provincial leader is likely to be 001. George Drew. There is apparently a large section of the party not favâ€" oralble to his candidature but it: does~ n’t look as if anyone can trim the Colonel for the job. DE LUKE FORD V-B FORDOR ila Grove Beauty Parlour “The reciprocal trade agreements} just 'conclud‘rd‘ are events of outâ€", standing significance, not only to‘I our respective countries. but to all‘ the Wild, because they represent] a sharp reversal of policies which‘ have hampered trade." he said. “Na- I time. has provided amply fm~ the needs of mankind. but men havel raisedx artificial barriers against the I exchange of one good thing for an» other.†Mr. W‘aitson praised the new trad-e pac’ts‘ recently sign=edl by Canada, United States and Great Britain as “important contributions to the peace and‘ prosperity. of the world." Mr. Watson, who is also president of {he International Business Ma- chines Corporation, told 200 promin- ent Ontario business men this week that ‘world trade and sound econ- omic relations between nations were the 'key to world‘ peace. Fifteen months of interviews with political, financial and industrial leaders in tWeny-one countries have convinced Thomas J. Watson, New York, president of the International Chamber of Commerce, that people everywhere want peace more than anything else, and that “hon-est co- operation among all nations will establish permanent peace.†Beclï¬res Dada Is Key to Peace Permanent \Vaves $2.00 to $10.00 Maohine‘less \Vavcs $3.50 to 35-00 Phone Thornhill 102 VICTORIA HALL. Thornhil] NOW OPEN Things are happening in the automotive world this year! And nowhere is the advance more marked than in this Ford Quality Group. See your nearest Ford dealer before you buy any car at any price. workmanshipâ€"a combination that you will acknowledge when you have seen and driven any one of the ï¬ne cars in the Ford Quality Group for 1939. Qutmmé-l‘pg Business Load-e Praises Trade Pact 1.5, w» a LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO brakes. New 95-hp. V-8 engine. MERCURY 8: An entirely new car. Fits into the Ford line between the De Luxe Ford and the Lincoln-Zephyr. Dis. tinctivc styling. IlG-incll wheel- base. Unusually wide bodies. Remarkably quiet. Hydraulic When people v for the first time they have bought Any organization wishing a good’ evenfng's en-‘ertainment should con»- sidcr this play for their program. Last we-fk Mrs. Roy Wilson re- ceived word that he'r au‘nts, Missr Margaret Grey and Mrs. Wm. Wright of Toron‘o were in St. Josâ€" eph’s Hospital suffering from injur- ies rec-rived in a motor accident on the Lake Shore Road. Their friends here wish them a speedy r'covery. Clhas. Robson presided: _at the Y. P.U. meeting last Sunday evening. There was a good program. Two slelect'ons “If You Shruild‘ Mee‘ Him†and “From the Upper Room" were read; The gurs‘t speaker was Mr. Morley Kinnee of Maple who gave a very inspiring address on Chris- tian Cuil'ture. Testc'n Y.P.U. will present their pl,ay, “PIe-ased' Ta Mire‘cha†at Bol- ton early in December. noon, November Z‘3id, w tn 9, good- ly number of minibus [resent The President, Mrs. E. Caracn, presidu' ed. After‘the routine husiness was liarszckd thue was a Missionary htgian'. Th: guest speaker, Mrs. (Rev.) M‘aUCrim‘mon, gave a very interesting and illuminating address on “The Missionary Work in North'- eim British Columbia†while Rev. and‘ Mrs. MacCrI‘mmon were in c-,‘ha1~g._m of the work there. Rev. Melc- Crimmon was. the first missionary in that district and was instrumen- tal in establishing the first outpost and unit hospital. Art. the close of the meeting lunch was served. We are glad to r-"port that Mr. E. Bowen is now on the road: to recovery. The W.A. met at the home of Mrs. es. Clarkscn on Wednesday afterâ€" >011, November 2‘31d, w th 3. good- number of minibus {resend}. The 'esident, Mrse E‘ Carsmn, presidL' TESTON it their relatives in years, it means a sw<11 car. ‘5 AOR-ES with 7 roomed house, new outbuildings, alsundlance cf aspara- gu‘é, raspberries, strawlbeTries, good' orchard, reasonable. App-1y G. Jewâ€" Iell, 1/4 mile north of Elgin Mills lsideroad on 3rd Con. Vaughan. erat‘or and Radio used 4 months, small size Mason & Risch Piano, at bargain prices. Terms if Wanted. Moving to city for winter. Apply nramger, Leec'hwood: Farm, 3M con. Markham, 1 mile south of No. 7 Highway. SATURDAY, DEC. 3â€"Auction sale of hous'e and lot, furrniture,, etc. be- Icnging to :the Estate of the Late George Fcrguson at the village of King City. Sale at 1 o’clock. Terms for furniture cash. Terms for prop- .erty made known on, day of sale. 0. E. Walkington, Auction-ear. TUESDAY, D‘EIC. 6th â€" Important Auction Sale of Dairy Herd, includ‘L ing a fine lot of registered and grade Guernseys, horses, implements ets. the p‘roper‘y of the estate of the late George E. Farr, at Thistle- town, about 3 miles' northwest of Weston. No reserve. Terms cash. Sale starts at 12 o’clock. Manning McEwen, Auctioneer. Township ofVaughan WESTINGHOUSE Electric Refrjg S‘ILVER FOX F‘URS. Apply V Stephenson, Headford. NOTICE is herety given that a By-law was passed: by the Council of the Corporation of the Townshin of Vaughan on the 7th day of No- vember, 1938, providing for the isâ€" sue of debentures to the amount of $4,000.00 for the purpose of build- ing and equipping a new school in School Section No. 13 of the Town- ship of Vaughan, and! that such By- law was registered in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of the East and West Riding of the County of York on the 15th day of November, 1938. Any motion to quash or set aside the same or any part thereof must be made within three months after the first publiâ€" ‘cation of this notice and‘ cannot be made thereafter. POULTRY HOUSE, frame building, 32x16 ft., in 2 sections and in‘ good ccndition. AIpp-Iy Mrs. Jas‘. Gallo- way, South Main St., Uniuonville. ' for sale a six roomm‘ brick house all modern conveniences, garage, garden and fruit trees. Apply J. R. Herring’con, Real Estate and Insur- ance. 14 LAYING HENS and Rooster, 600 each. Phone Th-ornhlll 1081‘2. COAL AND WOOD, baled hay and straw. Apply R. Michael, Richmond Hill. SELLING OUT. One Hundred Lay- ing Hens; also 2 Fox Terrier Pups. Robert Quin, Brookside Road, one mil-e north of Richmond Hill. laying. Would excharnge for old fat he'ns, lumlber or old‘ builtlings. C. Bower‘bank, Stop 17A, Yonge St. 000K STOVE with pip-es complete, in good condition, cheap. R. H. Spears, BayrviewAve. and Markham Rd. 100 CHOICE LEGH'ORN PULLETS, The meat and hides are purchased each year by an Alberta abbatoir. This year’s slaughter will bring the Federal Government about $40,000. water heatng, good garden. Will sacrifice. Make offer. Apply W.. J. Elliott, L.T.B. & 0. Home, Richmond NUMBER OF USED ELECTRIC TO CLOSE AN ESTATE we offer 7 ROOMED FRAME HOUSE, hot Hill RADIOS guaranteed, fcr sal‘e- rea- sonable or will trade. Apply R. Strachan, Church Street South, off Markham Road. Skilled riflelmen will shoot the 2,â€" 000 selected from the herd of more than 6,000. Since the annual shoot- ing started 12,000 animals have been killed. Aâ€"Tnsmania is an island south-east coast of Australia Dated the 15th day of November, 1938. Two thousand bhffalo will be slaughtered in November during the annual weeding-out of the world’s largest :bulffalo herd at Wainwright National Park. Qâ€"Where is Tasmania? RATESâ€"Five lines or less. 25 cents for first insertion am) 15 cents for each subsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extra each insertion. 1F LEARGED 7 CENTS PER LINE. Classified Advs. IS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISINGâ€"MAKE THE MOST OF IT Sale Register FOR NOTICE J. M. MCDONALD, Clerk. THURSDAY, DECEMBER ]st, 1938- ff the CLIPPER PLATES ‘shanpened. Ex- pert workmanship. Eli Shierk, Rich- mond Hill. May be left at Rustic Inn or Stan Ransom’s bavber shop. QUALIFIED RADIO REPAIRS, ser- vice and sales. Charges reasonable. Work guaranteed. Hugh Yerex, 4 Markham Rd., phone 242, Richmond AVAILABLE far general practical nursing or caring for home during sickness. Mrs. H. O. Kaffer, 6th con. Vaughan, Wo‘odbridige RE. No. Hill D. DIXIE of Toronto who recently placed an ad‘ in these columns is asked to get in touch with The Lib~ era] Office. SUM OF MONEY in- Richmond Hill. Owner may have same by pnoving amount and paying for this adâ€" vertis‘ement. BUILDINGS raised and moved. Langstaff Supply, Langstaff, phone Thornhill 73. HOUND, black and tan, Sunday morning in Richmond Hill. Reward. Finder kindly notify Liberal Office. MARRIED MAN desires work on farm, 22 years experience, good with horses, dirive tractor, can milk. Separate house. App-1y Geo. Down- ing, Elg'in Mills. ‘ WORK ON FARM wanted at once by experienccd middle~aged man. Apply John Bailey, Hotel Richmond. Richmond Hill. 6 ROOMED HOUSE f0 rent. Apply Willbert Bone, 15 Centre Street East, Richmond Hill. 6 ROOM MODERN HOUSE half mile west of Concord on NO. 7 High- way, all conveniences. Apply Spruceâ€" dale Farm, Concord, telephone Maple 1068. Used Cars .Taylor’s Radio Sales. And Service (Reconditioned and Guaranteed) 1935 FORD V-8 DeLUXE TUDOR-â€" 1933 DeLUXE PLYMOUTH SEDAN Nice Condition. \ ' 1935 FORD TUDORâ€"Thoroughly conditioned. Little Brothers 1933 FORD V-S CABRIOLET- Ford Sales & Service RICHMOND HILL ONTARIO PHONE 174-W TUBES TESTED FREE 127 Yonge St.. Richmond Hill Phone 226 Some Bargains in New and‘ Used Radios Cook-General M [SCELLA NEOUb Very nice. (Convertible). Rumble Seat; Apply Telephone 90 Thornhill 1930 FORD TUDOR TO RENT $185.00 $445.00 $360.00 $350.00 WANTED $465.00 FOUND LOST