y Phone 49J M thwaw §a%§a§%a§3§a§a§3§r§a§z§a% g MEN’S FURNHSHENGS FURS. W3323%§3§a§3§3§3%§3§3%§3§333§3%§3§3§3§3% 5‘ ; 5‘5 Christmas Shopping? kw BETHESDA LUTHERAN CHURCH 1.30 p.m.â€"Church School. 2.30 p.m.â€"Pu‘blic Worship. 10 a.m.~Church 7 p.m.â€"Evening ST. PHILIP’S ANGLICAN CHURCH 1.30 p.m.â€"Church School. 2.30 p.m. â€" White G‘ft Service. Unionville Pastorâ€"â€"Rev. A. E. Owen 10 a.m.â€"â€"Chu1'ch School. 11 a.m.â€"White Gicft Service. Speak- er, Rev. W. H. Burgrss of Queen St. Church, T'oronto. TAlLO RING. The December m- eting of Brown’s Corners United Church W.M.S. wiil be held» in the church on Wednes- d‘ay, December 7th at 2.30 p.m. with Mrs. Trickey as guest speaker. Christmas program, special music. [Municipal elections are just around the corner, but at this distance prob- abilities are fair and quiet. But you nvtvver can tell what w.ll develop in Moarkham township at municipal election time. The regular Veterans’ euchre will be heldr in the Township H-all to- night (Thursday, December lst). SC. to $1.00 store??? Speaker, Rev. W. H. Burgess, «f Queen St. Church, Toronto. pdm.â€"â€"“A Young Man Faces Rough Times.†EBENEZER UNITED CHURCH We are now stocked to meet all your requirements in men’s and boys’ clothing WORK SHIRTS, OVERALLS, MITTS, ETC. (Opposite Orange Home) RICHMOND TAILORS Finest Silver Fox Furs of exceptional quality. Furs remodelled or repaired For any of ,these needs see CENTRAL UNITED CH URCH HALL’S Service Station Let us look after your every tailor- ing need. Men’s and Ladies’ Tailor- ing at most moderate prices. Phone and we will gladly call on you. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1st, 1938 What are you doing about Xmas this year? Are you leaving your shopping until the last mom- ent? Our advice is to do your shopping early and take advantage of the better selection. We invite you to come to our store and look over our large assortment of Xmas merchandise. We are satisfied you will agree that our values are real good. Our goods are guaranteed satisfactory in your opinion, not ours. Our store will be open every evening until Xmas. Drop in any time for a friendly lunch at our attractive lunch room we invite you to try our deï¬cious meals and lunches. For a delightful change any time UN IONVILLE School. Prayer. J. A. GREENE, Richmond Hill Address-â€"20 John St., Thornhill Mis. George F. Wallace observes her 90th birthday today, Friday, No- venzlber 25th, at the home of her son, Mr. J. Wallace, near Wood- ;bridge. No special celebration is {p.anned for today, Mrs. Wallace -be- ng ccm‘alesctnt from an attack of {amendvicitis about two vxeeks ago. ‘She is reported as regaining her 1 health nicely and! is able to continue with her favorize pastime, read'ing‘. According to her son, with whom she lives, she reads from morn till night. Her memory is as good as ever, he declared. Born at Ogdens- burg, she came here in her child'- hood and has residcd‘ here since that‘ time. She raised‘ a family of 11 children, 10 of whom are still living. She now has 19 grandchildren and’ 2 greatâ€"grandchildren. Her husband died in 1909. We join: with her many friends in extending congratulations I and‘ best wishes for many more years of happiness to this grand' old lady. ALIDA TELGMANN, Graduate of the National School of Elocution, Philadelphia, Pa. PUPILS CONCERT ENGAGEMENTS Mrs. Geo. F. Wallace I Marks 90th Birthdayl North Yonge Street ï¬e One reason why men after 40 don’t write their old mothers every week is because there is nothing to say except: “This. week I. did the same LennOX/ convenor, acted as chair- man. Later, in the church hall the members entertained the congrega- tion and visitors at a “Fireside Hourâ€. Four new members Were initiated by President Vera. Smith and music includedi community sing- ing of hymns, Miss Mary Thompson acting as accompanist, and vocal solos by Miss Queenie Dumbleton. ‘The event was concludedI by the serving of refreshments. Maurice Young men of the Woodbridge A. Y.P.A. gave their rector, Rev. J.‘ H. Kidd, a one evening ‘vacationi Sunday when they provide-(ii men for every church dirty, even to supplying a ‘speakcr from their lanks. The in- novation attlactedx a laige congre- gation. Co-operating with the young men, who plan to stage similar ser- vices once a monle the rector handLâ€" all over the service and later ex- pressed appreciation of the capable and sincere manner in which they officiated at their first attempt. The. speaker, Maurice Lenunox, making his first appearance in‘ the pulpit, discussed the group’s rela- tionship to the church and‘ their four- foldv platform, Worship, Work, Fel- lowship and' Edification. Prayers were read by Harry Watts, responses intonedl by Gordon Kidd, lessons read’ by Alan Mack and Victor Dumble- ton, and the offeltory taken by Wil- fred‘ Maxey and Russell, Robb. Music by the choir featured as an anthem a hymn from the new Hymn Book. YOUNG MEN CONDUCT LOCAL CHURCH SERVICE Mrs. H. H. McMahon, formerly of Richmond. Hill suff-ercd a painful: accident last .week when she fell dcvm several steps at her home, 3.9 Metcalfe Street, Toronto, fracturing her right arm in three places. -Wh1'le she is new in a cast and' suffering- r'vere pain she is progressing as “(1] [as cculd‘ :be expected. Her many friends join with The Liberal‘ in wishing her a speedy and com- plete recovery. Prize winners -at the regular 01‘- an‘ge Euchre held by the Lodges on Thursday evening of last wcek were ladies, Mrs. 'T. Ravm, Mrs. T. Ste- phenson; gents, R. Brillinger, J. ‘0. Ellis; lucky draw, Mrs. R. Brill- 'rger. The next Euchre in the ser- ‘es will be held on Wednesday evenâ€" ing, Drcen‘lber 14th. Mr. Sam Brown, Mayor of West Lake, Prince Edward County, who anmually acts as host to many Richn mondl Hill people during the sums. mver vacation period is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Siln cox this week amfl is renewing- .aca quaintanms with friends here. . Plan to attcnd Mrs. Aikens‘ Cook- ing Demonstration under the ants- pices of the Presbyterian W. A. in the Church School Room on Tues- day of next week. Mrs. Grace Boynton return-ed' last Sunday to her home at Victoria Square after spending a week with her daughter, Mrs. C. H. Sanderson, Church Street. We extend congratulations to Reeve J. A. Greene and Mrs. Greene who on Saturday, November 26th observed the twentybfifth anniversâ€" ary of their wedding. For a tasty lunch or meal try the lunch room at Huall’s‘ Service Staâ€" tion, North Yonge Street. The .Richmond Hill Public School! Concert will be presented: Thursday and Friday evenings of this week in the High School “Gymâ€. The program will commence at. 8 pm. Mr. and Mrs. Walker Hall left on Sunday last for Miami, Florida, where they will spend the winter months. The annual meeting of the Pres» ‘byvterian W.M.S. was held thié (Thursday) afternoon at the home of Mrs. K. Blanchard, Centre St. Thrifty housewives are invited to take advantage of the specials oftf- eredv each week in The Liberal by Kerr Brothers. Mi-ss Gertrude Lever and Miss Selah- Smith were week-end visitors at the former’vs home in Flesherton. Mr. J. C. Dawson of Parkhil], w a visitor with his sister, Mrs. L. ‘ Zuefelt, Last week. Missy Ivy Blakely of Toronto spent the week-end in town, the guest of Miss Evelyn G. Fol]ett. Mrs. E. Cook visitedr'friends in Toronto over the Week-end. Social and Personal last week I‘HE LIBERAL, RECHMOND HILL, ONTARIO Letters from The People Maple Rev. E. W. G. Worrall, Rector Suqday; December 4th 2.30 p.m.â€"Sunday School. 7 p.m.â€"Evensong. Oak Ridges Rectorâ€"Rev. E. W. G. Worrall Sunday, December 4th 2.15 p.m.â€"â€"Sunday School. 3 p.m.â€"Service. 7 pinsâ€"Bible Sunday Service. Stub- j-ect, “Baldwinl and! the Bible.†Strangers especially welcome. RICHMOND HILL Rector: Rev. W. F. Wrixon, L.Th. Sunday, December 4 2nd‘ Advent“ 1‘1 a.ym.â€"-C’01‘pxorate Communion of WA. Subject, “The Enthusiasm of St. Andrew.†All W.A. mem- bers: requested to be present. 3 p.m.â€"Sunday School 'Toy Service. Toys, etc. will be received for needy children in the Diocese of Saskatchewan; Prepared.†. 2.30 p.m.â€"-â€"Sund‘ay School. . 7 p.m.â€"â€"“Thve Reputat'on of Christ.†It is a good thing to study and get ready, the chance will my 1y come. ‘ RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. D. Cunningham, B.D.. Minister Sunday, December 4th 11 a.m.â€"“Thing‘s Which God! Hath RLICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. W. Follett, B.D., Pastor Sunday, December 4th 11 a.m.â€"‘Communion Service. Memâ€" bers and! friends cordially invited; 2.45 p.n1.â€"Sunday School. All De- partments. 7 p.m.â€"Vesper Service. Song- Ser- vice with old familiar hymns. Come and join us. A hearty wel- come to all. John Wanamaker, the great mer- ‘camile prince and founder of the iWanalmakcr store in. Philadelphia, was a great believer in advertising. He once saidi: “Conf-fnuous advertise ing, like continuous work, is most effective. If there is any enterprise in the world that a quiitter should! leave alone it is adrvertising. Adâ€" vertising does not jerk; it pulls. begins very gently at first, but the pull is steady. It increases day by day, year by year, until it exerts an irresistible power. To discon- tinue our advertising is the same as taking down one’s sign. If you want to do business you must let the pub- lic know it. I would as soon think of doing business without clerks as Without advertising.†SHEPPARD GILL LUMBER CO. We tried buses once and, for those who remember this unhappy periodl, once was quite enough. The only people in Richmond Hill willing Ito give up a reliable ~'adial service for a hit cand miss bus line are those few who just use a car line when no other means of transportation can get through. They would‘ dlo well, however, to remember the occa- s‘ions every winter when the radial cars are 'the only safe and sure means of getting to and from To-_ ronito. I l I To the Editor, Richmond Hill Liberal jDear Mr. Editor:â€" An orchid to Reeve Greene for his standI on the radial question. And what good news that some action will be taken to urge the widening of Yonge Street from Steel-0’s Corn- 91's: to Richmond' Hill. The original promise to widen the mad all the way did) not; involve giving up the radial. If it had, I am quite sure the majority would not have agreed to it. Dealers in Lumber, Lath. Shingles AshphaYï¬ Roofing. Gyproc then the residents of Yonge St. in this village undertook the burden of extra taxation to pay for vxhe wide ening of .the road' through here, it was on the definite assurance that a similarly wide highway was to be lbuilt ALL THE WAY from To- ro-n'to. This promise has not been kept, resulting in great inconveniâ€" ence and loss of business through the notorious highvway congestion- that obtains every summer around‘ Richmond Hill. ST. STEPHEN’S CHURCH ST. JOHN’S CHURCH ST. MARY'S CHURCH (Anglican) RICHMOND HILL 1 clepnone 27 Richmond Hill, O'nt., November 29, 1938 Yo-urs‘ very truly, SAFETY FIRST We Deliver Anywhere E onomomomo=o=0m0=omo g=o=o=o==muo Another melodrama of ther Qigéing the press. g M EN’S & BOYS; §.Furnishings§ \VEDNESDAY & THURSDAY. DEC. 7 - 8 LAURED and HARDY in “ SWISS MISS †IN MEMORIAM GRAII‘NxGrERâ€"In loving memory of Mrs. Jennie Graing‘er who passed away December 3rd, 1933. ‘ “Gone but not forgotten.†Wi'th Martha Raye and and! gag material, this is a ste I‘VOMEN’S VETERAN AUXILIARY , The regular monthly m-reting of Ithe Women’s Veteran Aux liary will ibe held in the Municipal Hall, on {December 6th at ‘2.30 b'clcck sharp. A large scale Western with a bit of everything, ï¬lled with action and‘ thrilling. Entertainment for all. Also LAUREL & HARDY COMEDY - MICKEY MOUSE CARTOON MONDAY 8: TUESDAY. DECEMBER 5 - 6 T‘VO FEATU LLOYD NOLAN - GAIL PATRICK - HARRY CAREY in V“ THE KING OF ALCATRAZ †WOwOONOOMWWWMW An indignant, almost hysterically; angry indictment of all warâ€"anvil the war in Spain in particularâ€"is a thrilling, shaking, ternselyr gripping film. Qâ€"I have a ten dolla old Farmers‘ Bank. 1: value? Aâ€"Yes. Take it to any chartâ€" ered bank. â€"Ever remembered by ‘her hus- hand’ and family. 9 if \I _ 7.30 9. AUDAY MTTNEE 2.00 RM. Richmond Hill Phone 77 adel'lTi STORE OPEN EVERY NIGHT DURING DECEMBER MKEEF’ YOUR EYE ON KERR BROS. SPECIALS Campbell’s Soups, tomato, vegetable or Scotch broth tin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . &'/2c. Jewel Shortening, 2 lbs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23c. Adanac Flour, 7 lb. bag . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17c. Kinney’s Raspberries, tin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . 13c. Soap Flakes, 3 lbs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . 17c. Pearl Soap, 3 for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11c. Adanac Tea, V2 lh. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29c. Special Blend Tea. 1 lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49c. Peaches, tin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12c. Bread (at store) 2 for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15c. Ginger Snaps, lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100. Orange Layer Cakes. each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20c. Cut Peel, lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25c. Choice Recleaned Currants, lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148. of gift merchandise From to-day until Christmas your pur- chases as heretofore, will entitle you to- participate in our draw for 6 prizes we are giving away this year, and will be on display in our windows If it is Windbreakers, of all kinds, see us; What we have left of “Wellman’s†stock, Boots, Shoes, Rubbers, etc., you may pur- chase at ridiculously low prices as we need the room for our Christmas display YONGE STREET RICHMOND HILL OPEN EVERY EVENING EXCEPT WEDNESDAY FOR PERMANENT WAVING ETC Telephone 119 DAVIES’ DRY GOODS STORE are now replenishing our stock with TODAY. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1 HENRY FONPA â€" MADEEHSENCARROLL in A highly amusing: comedy Also MURIEL EVANS - ROGER PRYOR in “ MISSING GIRLS †FRIDAY & SATURDAY. DECEMBER 2 RANDOLPH SCO’I'I‘ - JOAN BENNETT “ THE TEXANS †“ BLOCKADE’†‘ck sharp ope putting over some grand con ady uproanouls af-fau'. the any git The newspaper may have it! faults, but it doesn’t irmerrupl: ï¬nd! every 15 minutes to tell you which one you are reading. Yonge St. We have many attractive items suitable for Christmas or spe- cial occasion g'f s, popularly priced from 25 cents upwards. We invite you to visit our store and view our selection. GIFTS acket and‘ the power Friendiy May Antique Shoppe 'IWVO FE A T U’R ES Ofl01=l0m 'I‘WO FEATURES rams FIVE Richmond Hill