Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 8 Dec 1938, p. 3

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3 Phone HYEKZOSI Qpen Evenings ‘Res. Phone 9788 For All Occasions Phone orders délivered any- where in North Yonge St. District Johnston & Granston *MANUFACTURERS & IMPORTERS OF CANADIAN & FOREIGN Granite Monuments ORDER HELEN SIMPSON FLOWERS Helen.~Si-mpson Lynett J. F. Lynett iLicensed Auctioneer Counties of York and Simcoe 'Sales of all descriptions conducted upon shortest notice and at reasonable rates No sale too large and none too small King, Ont. Phone King 42-r-3 J~ H. Prentice, 415 Balliol St. K. C. Prentice, Markham Toronto, HYland 0834 We are prepared to conduct sales of every description. Farms and farm stock sales a-‘specialty. Farms bought and sold on commission. All sales at- tended to on shortest notice and con- ducted by the most approved methods DR. M. C. MacLACHLAN Open Monday, Wednesday and ' Friday Evenings Other Evenings by Appointment Office over the Post Office Woodbridge Phone 77 PR. JAMES R. LANGSTAFF ' Office Hours 8 - 10 a.m.; 6 - 8 p.m. DR. LILLIAN C. LANGSTAFF (Womtn and Children) Office Hours 1 - 3 p.m. .Appointments made Phone 100 Maple, Ont . MAPLE Office Hours: 9 to 11 a.m. 6 to 8 p.m.. and by appointment Office: Centre and Church Streets Richmond‘Hill Phone 24 AUOTIONEER MAPLE {Licensed Aucticne r for the County of York :Sales attended to on shortest notice and at reasonable rates J. T. SAIGEON & SON FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE 'Richmond Hill Phonesâ€"~15 and 142 Night Phone 15 Branch Offices at THORNHILL AND UNIONVILLE 122 YofingfigSj: DENTIST YONGE AND ARNOLD STREET PHONE ’70 RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO Dr. Charles C. Collins Dr, C. A. MacDonald 1849 Yonge St. (east side) Between Mertan & Balliol StS. Th'rrty Y. ars Expel Ience Formerly withl Heintzman Company Leave Orders at Au‘tm's Drug; Store ~ RThmonU‘ T{ill 'ffRI 'fifiLiiH L. LANGSTAFF Prentice & Prentice From the Toronto Conservatory of Music, will accept a number of pupils in Piano, Organ and Theory. Richmond PHILâ€"Tuesday and Friday MRS. MYLJLS FIRE â€" AIf'fbeBi’LE â€" LIFE 2518 YONGE STREET C. E'. Walkington Bank of Commerce Building THORNHILL Dr. M. J. Quigley DENTIST VOL- LVIII. Office Hours 9â€"10 a.m., 12â€"2 & 6â€"8 p.m. and by appomtment__ Office Hours 107â€"7 12 a.m_ Dr, R. A. Bigford Dr. W. J. Mason (At St. Clements) Wright &- Taylor Dr. J. P. Wilson DENTIST At Pr. Bigford’s Office Tucsdays ‘9-12 a.m. Thursdays 12-4.§0 p.m. George W. Cross Piano Tuner Drs. ,Langstaff "YORK COUNTY’S NEWSIEST NEWSPAPER J. Carl Saigeon Adelmo Melecci 'MOhaWk 3000 AUCTIONEERS MEDICAL BUSINESS Telephone 80 MUSH‘AL Successor to DENTIST Insurance Fhofie Maple 3 Richmond Hill Phone 3 Aâ€"Yes. Hair will support a weight of two rto four OURCES, the strength varying with the tint. Qâ€"Is there any truth In the claim that dark hair is stronger than light hair? Aâ€"The Royal York is the largest hotel in the British Empire. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Qâ€"To settle an argument, which is the larger, the Chateau Laurier Hotel in Ottawa, 01' the Royal York in Toronto? 4. Both the same. They would be in the same place when they passed. 5. Lead, Load“, Goad, Gold. 6. 5040. ‘7. No. 8. East. West. (The Isthmus takes a. peculiar twist at that point which causes the Atlantic’to be west of the Pacific). ‘1. One foot above the water. The boat would go up with the water. 2. Twenty-four. 3. Five hundred yards. It would take the men 10 seconds to meet and' the ball travelled 50 yards per sec- ond. Barrister. Solicitor, Notary Public Room 66, 18 Toronto St., Toronto Phone WAverley 2321 Residenceâ€"21 Hollywood Ave. Lansing. Ont. Willowdale 308 BARRISTER SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC Richmond Hill Every THURSDAY AFTERNOON 93 Yonge Street Immediateiy North of Masonic Hall Phone 87 â€". Richzfiond Hill Toronto Office â€"â€" 18 Toronto Street Phone WAverley 2321 614 Confederation Life Bldg. Toronto Phone: Office EL. 5029 Rec. M0. 2866 Alexander MacGregor K. C. A. Cameron MacNaughton, K.C. BARRISTER McKinnon Building 19 Melinda Street Toronto, Ont. Barristers, Solicitors, etc. Officeâ€"711 Dominion Bank Building, southwest corner of King and Yong'e Streets, Toronto. W. B. Millikan, K.C. Herb A. Clark Henry E. Redman W. P. Mulock Barristers and Solicitors Hon. W. H. McGuire James A. Bolts. B.A. Percy Biggs AD. 0177 Toronto AD. 0178 1315 Bank of Hamilton Building 4 Yomze Street â€"â€" Toronto Barrister. Sollc1tor, Etc. UNIONVILLE Wednesday 3-6 p.m. THORNHILL Wednesday 7-9 p.m. Toronuo Office â€" 45 Richmond St. W. WA. 5923 9. None Telephone 193 Evenings 7-9 p.m.-Thurs. Afternoons Toronto Officeâ€"272 Bay Street Telephone WAverley 1139 102 Yonge _St: ANSWERS TO QUIZ CORNER Office 229 Ralph B. Gibson, K. C. Toronto Office: 912 Federal Bldg. 85 Richmond St. West. Richmond Hill, Thursday forenoon Maple, Thursday afternoon Money to loan at Current Rate formerly of Wm. Cook, rQoiokigpelany Campbell Line J. M. ArmstrongBA. Telephone 186 B. Bloomfield Jordan BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Etc. 84 Yonge Street Richmond Hill Line & Armstrong BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC. McGuire, Boles & Co. 1008 Federal Building 85 Richmond St. West, Toronto Telephone AD. 1948 T. H. Lines B‘ARRIS'IlER, SOLICITOR, &c Walter S. Jenkins BARR I S‘TER & S‘O‘LI CI'TO R N OTARY PU BLI‘C Mulock, Milliken, Clark & Redman Morgan L. Piper At Maple Tuesday Afternoon Bank of Commerce Building BARRISTER â€" SOLICITOR NOTARY OFFICE HOURS 9.30 to 12 â€"- 2 1 Barrifitgerst Solicitors, etc. T. C. Newman Thomas Delany Cook & Gibson RICHMOND HILL 42 Yon-ge Street Telephoneg Richmdnidr Hill Residence 148 2t05 From our Issue of Dec. 3rd, 1908 The drillers are still at work on ithe farm of MT. Louis Page, a short i distance west of Langstaff, in search :for a good flow of natural gas. The men struck rock at 600 feet below the surface, and are already abOut 400 feet into the rock. They are prepared to drill a depth of 1,500 feet. Mr. J. O’Brien has purchased a lot in the Village of Maple and is having a house erected on it. RICHMOND HILL, ()N'l'ARiO. ‘LHURSDAY, DECEMBER 8th, 1938. A pleasant time was spent at the Necktie Social in connection with the Epworth League Monday evening. Some of the lunch boxes brought fancy prices under the able manage- ment of Auctioneer Nicholls, and the purchasers said they were. worth the money. At a meeting of the Curling Club held on Monday evening, skips were appointed for the Slater trophy con- test, the Smith medal contest, and also for the Ontario Tankard compe- tition. The annual shoot and merting of the Victoria Square Rifle Club was 'held on the afternoon and evening. iof December 3rd. The day being ifavorable some very creditable scores fwere made. After the usual shoot was over the club adjourned to Mr. Meek’s sitting-room for the election of officers and general business of the club. The president, Mr. W. Scott, was in the chair. The officers elected were: President, W. Scott; Viceâ€"President, 'Thomas Reid; Sec.- Treas., Louis G. Stoutenburg‘h; Com- mittee of Management, Messrs. T. Reid, C. P. Reid, Jas. Lever, Geo. Brown, W. R. Capell and L. Stout- enburgh. It was decided by the meeting to have an oyster supper, to be competed for by teams chosen by the president and the Vice-presi- dent, match to be held. on the after- ‘ noon of Friday, December 16th; oys- i ters to be served in the evening by] Mr. Wm. Meek. Mr. John Cameron, Postmaster at London, and formerly editor of The Globe died very suddenly Tuesday. Deceased was born in Markham. A committee to take subscriptions to lessen the proposed grant which the Village Council will be asked to give towards the purchase of a piece of land on which to erect a bank and other buildings, has been appointed, but as yet a proper can- vass has not been made. The road grader answered a good purpose along the Metropolitan Rai'- way on Monday and Tuesday. The weight of the snow was so heavy that three good‘ teams were necess- ary to draw the grader. Two hund- red men were employed. The Richmond Hill Hockey Club has re-organized for the season “dth the following officers: Hon. Pres, Reeve Savage; Captain, W. Clifford; SecaTreas” VV. Trcnch; Conn of Man., A. Savage, J. Wright, C. Ell- ston. The committee was given in- structions to interview the council at their next meeting for the pur- pose of securing the rink for the season. Thisis but the secondrsea- son the Richmond Hill Club has been in existence and if the playing- of last season be taken as a sanufle of ‘what pracfice can do the refidents of Richmond Hill may look forward to seeing the town again draped in laurels of the brightest hue. This season the boys hope to retain their past honor and thkets adnntfing to an rnatched Vvfll be issued in a fevv days. A large number of people attend- ed Mr .Isaac Dollery's auction sale of farm stock and implements on Tuestay. The bid-ding was brisk and everything passed off harmoniously and satisfactorily. After the sale the auctioneers came to the Village, when Mr. Saigeon introduced his partner, Mr. J. K. McErwen, to a number of the former’s friends in this section of country. Some of our citizens who cannot bear to be idle complained greatly on Monday because their daily pap- ers did not come to hand, and they therefore had nothing to do all the day. It never once entered their mind that there were banks of snow to shovel outside. Sunday night’s snowfall in Toronto and vicinity was the heaviest on re- cord. On Monday 1000 men were at work in the city clearing it away. The first Metropolitan car reached Richmond Hill after the storm at 5 pm. Tuesday. WAY BACK IN LIBERAL FILES From our Issue of Dec. 8th, 1898 THIRTY YEARS AGO FORTY YEARS AGO It pays to advertise in! The Liberal. “I’m glad you liked it,” the! judge said. “The fine will be $500." “I just wanted to see what kindof a fire dlepartlment you have here,” Bowers said. “It wasn’t bad.” Bowers was taken before Munici- pal Judge Thomas V. Holland. Kansas City, Mo“ Nov. 2‘6.â€"â€"-Roy' T. Bowers, 45, has added) Kansas City to the list of cities where he has turned in false fire alarms. His list includes at least one city from each of the 48 states. | “M‘cTavish’s daughtier was. married in the poultry yard.” Alfred Fisher escaped with face and head lacerations when his calf overturned‘ on No. 7 Highway near W‘oodfbridge on Wednesday. His gar was badly wrecked in the accident Costs Man $500 to See Kansas City Turnoth LIKED FIRE BRIGADE BETTER THAN FINE If all the people who were stay- ing in boarding- houses for the re- cent holidays were placed end to end they would reach out for a second helping. â€"Everyvbody’s Weekly. Both Orangevm‘ ma Gearzetown will have to hold second nomina- tions to fill thew town councils, not having sufficient oualify aber the recent nomina'.ions. And there is synflbol'zed the funda- mental d'ifference in: conception be- tween 3 Democracy and a Diet-Itor- svhi‘p. “You mean to say,” he ejaculated, “that this man is actually appointed to cippose the Government?” “Yes, he is.” “An‘a he is paid for it?” “Certainly.” “Paid‘ for it!” exclaimed the Ger- man, “Mein Goth, in mv country we would shoot him.” The story is going the rounds of the German traveller who was as- tounded to find: that in Canada there is such an officer of the Crown as the Lead-er of the Opposition. A chap was arraigned for assault and battery and brought before the judge. Judge: “What is your name, occupation, and What are you charg- ed with?" Prisoner: My name is Sparks, I am an electrician, and I am charged with battery.” Judge (after recovering his equilibrium): “Officer, put this man in a dry cell." More and more people are find» ing out every year that a subscrip- tion to The Liberal is a gift that is highly appreciated by son, daugh- ter or friend at a distance. It is a fifty-two time reminder of the thoughtful giver at. home. An atâ€" tractive gift announcement card hear- ing your personal greetings to reach your friend by Christmas Day is sup- plied with each Gift, Subscription. A certain woman res’dent of Kit- chener, Ont., irritated by “Heil Hit- ler” put at the top of each page of letters sent by a friend in Germany, has devised what she hopes is a coun- ter-irritant to the Nazis. At the top of each page in her own letters, she puts “God Save the King.” in the world to~day. It is such a confused and chaotic picture it is almost impossible to believe that it was only 20 years ago that the Great War came to an (nd and democracy was triumphant. f‘Can you tell me where all the pins go to?" “Well, it’s hard to say. You see they’re pointed in one direction and headed 2n another." As usual there were some upsets and surprises in Monday’s municipal elections. With Reeve McDonald of New To- ronto and Reeve Dr. Dales of New- market absent, County Council ses- sions will likely be quieter and shorter. It is hard to make rhyme, sense or reason out of what is going on Farmers throughout the district were plowing this week. General News & Views I‘Why?” “So the rice wouldn‘t go to waste.” Two weeks to Christmas ° PHONE 49J RICHMOND HILL " CLEANING AND PRESSING A SPECIALTY n=o=oao===o=o====o=o=oag =0: [I o “Cleaning and Pressing fi ouo‘ I The idea of giving Germany colâ€" APTLY pUT Iomies seems absurd, but it sounds "Silence!" exclaimed the teacher, different When you say “giVing‘ as she was writing on the black-'baCk-n board. Unfortunately hear her. “I say,” she Betty, “do you is‘?” The littLe child thought for a ment. President Roosevelt’s agriculturallRAID SHACK, HOLD 2 experts have “stream-lined" the tur- FIND 81,700 key, and the juicy bird now has shorter legs, broader back, and a PI‘OVinCial Ponce arrest plumper body. We know some folks Tonto YOUthS and Mann in our town who answer to that de-‘gOOd'SI valued at $1,700 scriptlon but we should never have three miles north 0f Kin; thought of calling them “stream- Friday, they said- lined." It’s rather encouraging. â€"r “Yes, miss. Silence is what you don’t hear when you listen for it!” TUNE IN on “The Shadow"â€" every Sat. 1 to 1.30 am. over station CBL The satisfied acclaim sf oveta hundred thousand Canadian home, owners is your positive guarantee of the greatést heating value money n. 1 A. . , . . _ . _ ___ L ,7 RICHMOND TAILORS can buy. 'Give. your hame the of “the world’s finest anthracite”. Order ‘biue coal’ today. PLAN to EARN MORE in 1939 enrol for a Business Course " â€"'â€" ' _" BOOKLET FREE ON REQUEST Tboxe who are (amidqrin bun'neu careers. are invited to write, phone area/1 witbout obligation/arm /ree copyo our interesting catalogue, "L'p Will: tlze Times". It tells tubal business afl'en, and explain: courses, tuition rate; and emplaymem service. by supplementing your high schooi education NOW wnh an intensive Business Course at Shaw Schools. and greatly enhance your opportunities forearly employ- ment and future advancement. Shaw Business Courses lead to lucrative Secretarial. Accounting and Business Administrative positions. The Shaw method of individual instruction enables each DAYâ€""NIGHT student to make progress according to his. or her. ability Md and industrious application. HOME STUDY A Free Fmployment Derarzment is_maintained to luist COURSES graduates in securing busmess positions. at SHAWSCHOOLS NEW WINTER TERM Expert and dependable cleaning and press- ing service is what we offer to the people of this district. You value your clothing and should be satisfied with nothing less. Our years of experience and our record as an established business in this community is your guarantee. Phone 10 HIGH SOHOOI. GRADUATESâ€" Head Oflice. 1130 Bay St SPECIAL CASH AND CARRY PRICE SUITS, COATS AND DRESSES 65c. , I'ttle Betty did nf‘t ouo==o=o said, pointing to know what silenlce I. D. RAMER & SON TUESDAY, JANUARY 3rd 12 DAY SCHOOLS IN TORONTO MAKE YOUR FUTURE SECURE J. A. GREENE Richmond Hill Provincial police arrested two T0- ronto youths and recovered stolen goods; valued at $1,700 in a raid three miles north of King City last Friday, they said. GLENN’S DRUG STORE EVERY FRIDAY 2 to 5 RM. Appointments made with Mr. Glenn. EYES EXAMINED â€" AND â€" GLASSES FITTED Kl. 5165. 3166. 3167 SINGLE COPIES be. $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE DR. P. P. SMYTH o=o=o=gq $1.700 IN LOOT No. 23. 398

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