@WWngélgï¬ megaï¬Ã©rngm §3§3§3§3§R§3§3§3§z’3§33?§i%3 5! Christmas Shopping? 696% Addressâ€"20 John St., Thornhill W9§3€9e§9§9é1$€9§5$§9€9§9€9§9§£$§§1§k 7 I ‘ 9 37“}: ALIDA TELGMAN N , M'Richvale School, Wed, Dec. let SPRUCE AVE.. STOP 22 YONGE STREET Graduate of National School of Philadelphia, PUPILS CONCERT ENGAGEMENTS . :,-. §r§za§awa§z§a§a§3§a§a§a§a§a% Sc. to $1.00 Store We have many attractive items suitable for Christmas or spe- cial occasion gifi‘s, popularly yriced from 25 cents upwards. We invite you to visit our store and View our selection. GIFTS Yong e Sf. We are offering a full line of Xmas Merchandise for everybody. We are listing a small portion of our many real values. Ladies’ Full Fashioned Hose . . . . . . . . . . . . , . 69c. pr. Boxed Handkerchiefs . . . . . . . . . . . . 15c., 25c. and 39c. Men’s Boxed Ties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25c. and 50c. Men’s Boxed Braces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29c. and 59c. Men’s Cape Gloves , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.00 Boxed Writing Paper up to . . . . . . . . $1.00 per box Good assortment of Children’s Purses . . . . . . . . 25c. New order of latest style jewelry just arrived Electric Tree Sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59c. and $1.00 All kinds of decorations for the Xmas Tree and House Do your shopping early. ~ You will get a better selection and we will be able to serve you better. W§a§i§t§z§a§t§t§z§e ea Friendly May Antique Shoppe PAGE EIGHT Also a Euchre and Dance every Wednesday Good Prizes Royal Arcadian Orchestra POULTRY EUCHRE Under the auspices of Richvale Social Club Richmond Hill AVE.. STOP 22 YONGE STREET PRIZES â€"â€" 6 GEESE the Elocution, Pa. I Letters From The People Rustic: I’d like to see one of your new cars. Salesman: Six or eight? Rustic: Oh. one will do very nicely, for the present. pants, 4 pairs of bloomers, 4 vests 1 pair of garters, 11 pairs, of hose and 2 girls’ waists. The teachers wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year. » This is just a line to remind your readers who have always so gener- ously supported our fund, that there is still a need for our work and donations will be appreciated. This term we have bought 2 sweaters, 1 pair boots, 1 pair shoes. 2 pairs of pants. 4 pairs of bloomers, 4 vests, Sir APPEAL FOR PUBLIC SCHOOL RELIEF FUND ditor, The Liberal M. L. McCONAGHY Much hardship is felt by farmers whose wells have gone dry and are compelled to draw water from the Humber for theiT farm stock. Kleinburg Euchre Club held their meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Bull when prize winners were Mrs. Earl Horsley, Thomas Soran, Louis Agar, J. Smith. Mr. William Dresser wh05e leg was badly fractured while working in the grain crushing mill at the in- tersection of N0. 7 Highway and Weston-Woodbridge Highway last week is making satisfactory progress under the care of Dr. W. E. Berry. Woodbridge Board of Trade Becomes Active It was decided at a meeting of the Woodbridge Board of Trade held at the office of Dr. G. D. McLean on Monday night to light the busi- ness section of Pine Street with a variety of colored lights during the Christmas season. It was also sug- gested that a public Christmas Tree and Santa Claus be a feature of the season but nothing definite was ar- rived at. Ladies’ Aid of Presbyterian Church Hold Supper . A hot Sausage Supper was served by the Ladies’ Aid of the Presbyter- ian Church at the residence of Miss Lillian McNeil, Pine Street, on Thursday, December 1st. The at- tendance was large. Those in charge were Mrs. W. J. Mitchell, Mrs. W. A. Wallis and Miss Lillian McNeil. Friends will be pleased to hear that Mrs. George Bagg who was taken ill a few days ago is improv~ ing. Mr. W. J. Mitchell is recovering since his recent illness friends will be glad to hear. i A beautiful bouqvet of roses: was [presented to the author at the close [of her addrrss, by Mrs. Neal. preqiâ€" dent of the Home and School Asso« Mr. G. Russell, who has been man- ager of the Dominion Store, New- market, for 16 years, has bought the McDonald store and house, and busi- ness from Mr. Brown. We welcome Mr. and‘ Mrs. Russell and family to the village. The regular monthly meeting- of the local branch of the Women’s In- stitute will be held on Thursday afâ€" ternoon, December 15th at 2.30 at the home of Mrs. B. Heslop. Roll call will be quotations from “Peace Literatureâ€. The annual meeting of the W.A. of the United Church will be held in the Sunday School room on Wed- nesday, December 14th at 3 o’clock. A full attendarice is requested at this: meeting. L. M. Montgomery, guest speaker delighted the large audience while she told, in her winning way, her experiences in becoming an author. She described her early home at Prince Edward Island and told of the ups and' downs while she was mak- ing a career, but was l'ke King Bruce and the Spider, did not give up till she made herself famous writing Anne of Green Gables and 19 other books. Her home is in Toronto now and is a neighbor of Mrs. Cowan. Mr. Bone’s s'ster, who accompanied her to Thornh'll. L. M. Montgomerv is a great lover of flowers as well as books, and thinks one gets the joy from them bv working among them and‘.not leaving the work to a gardener. Last Friday evening thirty of the younger members of the United Church Sunday School were enter tained at the Union Station, Toron- to, when they were shown thI‘Oll‘j‘h one of the Canadian Pacific Western Canada trains. The train was fully equipped, as it would be when leav- ‘ing for Vancouvm; later in the ever" ing, berths, etc. were made up in readiness for the passengers. The children had also the opportunity of "seeing one of the trains pull out for Montreal and' the arrival of several others, beside being shown through .one of the locomotives. The telautoâ€" ‘zgraph system in operation within the station was well explained by one of the operators. A vote of thanks was extended by Mr. Neil McDonald, Superintendent of the Sunday School to Mr. 'G. F. Gabriel. C.P.R. terminal passenger agent, who conducted the tour. ciation. It was sad by all me that this was the best banquet Society has ever had. Diplomas of merit; were presented to the principals of Thornhill and Langstaff Public Schools, for care of_the grounds. hv Mr. Alan Snmncr: Cream and! Sugar (silver), donated hv A. J. H. Eckardt. won hv MM. G. Cnmnben: Vase, donated by Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Thompson, won by Mrs. G. Top- P9§a , 'Mr. C. McGuirl, secrefarv, present- ed the prize winners with cheques and special prizes which were don- ated by the following: and won byâ€" Clock, donated by Nmth York Horti- cultural Society, won by Mrs. R. Simpson; Rose bvowl donated by Mr. P. Bone, won by Mr. A. Sumner; Cup and Saucer. donade by German Eckert 00., won by Mrs. G. Camp- bell; Vase, donated by Mrs. J. Tees- on, won by Mr. W. Hinchley; Coffee nercolator, donated by Blue Ribbon Tea Co., won by Mr. E. Wiltshire; Tronhy viven for most nointc. don- ated hv Edward Webb and Sons, won bv Mr. Alan Sumner: Cream and Sugar (silver). donated hv A. J. H. Over two hundred members and friends of the Thornhill Horticultural Society attended the annual banquet held in the Lawrence Memorial Hall on Monday evening. After a sump- tuous hot supper had been partaken of, a delighiful program was en- joyed. Mr. P. Bone, president of the Society, was master of ceremonies and welcomed the guests. Tom Hamâ€" ilton, entertainer, kept things lively with communiw singing, jokes and ‘comic songs. Miss Doreen Johnson was loudly applauded for her delight- ful solos. ‘ W OODBRIDGE THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO THORNHILL . After a sump- had been partaken program was en- ,0, president of the ter of ceremonies ent The annual busincss meeting of Hope United Church W.A. was held in the Sunday School R06m on Thursday, Dec. 1st. The 2nd Vice- President. Mrs. W. Hoiles, presided. The meeting was in charge of group 6. Mrs. W. Hoiles, Mrs. W. Crooks, Mrs. Barnaby and Mrs. W. Thomas. [Three interesting papers were given on “Patience†by! Mrs. J. Kyle, “Christmas†by Mrs. E. Orr and “Notable Women of the World" by Mrs. C. Norman. Mrs. J. McCrimâ€" men presided for the election of off- icers for the year 1939. Officers elected: Hon. Pres., Mrs. T. O. Nixon; Past Pres, Mrs. W. Orr; President, Mrs. W. Crooks; lst Vice-Pres, Mrs. W. Hoiles; 2nd Vice-Pres, Mrs. E. Phillips; Secretary, Mrs. Jennings; Asst. Sec., Mrs. W. Orr; Treas., Mrs. W. Thomas; Flower Secretary, Mrs. J. Cousins; Pianist, Mrs. Jennings. Supper was served by the group and table collection amounted to $13.00. The annual Headford Sunday School concert and Christmas Tree will be held Wednesday, December 2154:. her sis Sunday. Words pa,ying' t on Saturday eve Number 21 wa; Louise Phillips made the draw The Y.P.U. met on Sunday even- ing, December 4th, with Miss Elean- or Oliver presiding. Opening hymn 382 and the Lord’s Prayer. Lesson Luke 19-11-26 was read by Irene Hadwen. The topic which is one of the stirring questions of the present timeâ€"“Is there a Youth Problem"â€" was taken by Margaret Oliver. There was the usual routine of business, the closing hymn 56, and the League Benediction. The Public School at Hope will close the fall session in a season- able way oy giving a Christmas En- tertainment in the Masonic Hall, Maple, on the evening of December 2131:. Preparations are now in pro- gress for this annual event and the coming of Santa. i The members of St. Stephen’s Anglican Church W.A. wish to thank all those who so kindly helped to make their chicken supper such a ‘granrl success. Proceeds amounted to $78.00. ' The Y.P.S. of the United Church l held their weekly meet'ng in the Sun- day School Room. The program was |in charge of Miss Dorothy Keffer. lA short; talk on “Building Friend- lships" was given by Mr. M. Kinnee. lMeeting closed with prayer. " '7 Y. P. U. Players present their play, “Pleased Ta Meetcha†at B01- ton on Friday evening, December.9, under the auspices of the Bolton Citizens Band. We extend congratulations to Mr. T. H. Keys who celebrated his 84th birthday Sunday, December 4th. On Friday, December 2nd, a num- ber of friends and neighbors gath- ered at the hOme of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Ficht, “Balnagown Farmâ€, Maple. The occasion for the sur- prise party was their fifth wedding anniversary and was ably organized by Mrs. G. L. Thompson. About 45 guests were present and many use- ful gifts were received. Cards and dancing were greatly enjoyed by the young people. Successor to J. J. Deane Director of FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE SERVICE WOODBRIDGE, ONTARIO The December meeting of the W0- men’s Institute will be held at the home of Mr. G. J. LaWTie on Wed- nesday, December 14th. All ladies are requested to be present. There will be an Apron Parade. 1 Plan to att"nd the Country Fair in the Community Hall on Saturday of this week, December 10th, under the auspices of the United Church Women’s Association, and yen will be delighted with the many attrac- tiins in the afternoon and evening. Chicken Supper will be served from‘ 5 to 8 p.m. for 25c. Free evening entertainment of Ukrainian and Hungarian Folk Dancing. Miss Father To Install Son The annual ceremony of installa- ‘tion and investiture of officers of Vaughan Lodge, Maple, will take place Tuesday evening, December 13. It will be a unique occasion in that W. Bro. Milton McDonald will act as Installing Master and install in the office of Worship-ful Master his son Bro. Neil McDonald. sister, Wilfrid R. Scott the draw. L Dorothy Castator H‘EADFORD TESTON Mrs MA PLE Roy music â€" ‘ Township visited 'ooper, gmas egzgsnggawai ,Lfl MEN’VS‘ wmmiagg Langstaff Supply Company Hardwood Slabs COAL COKE Church ol Si. Mary Richmond Hill, Onl’, St. Mary’s Anglican Church, Richmond Hill, where 66th Anniversary Services will be observed next Sunday. TAILO RIN G1 Phone 49J We are new stocked to meet all your requirements in men’s and boys’ clothing WORK SHIRTS, OVERALLS, MITTS, ETC¢ RICHMOND TAILORS h§a§al Finest Silver Fox Furs of exceptional quality. Furs remodelled or repaired For any of these needs see Let us look after your every tailor- ing need. Men’s and Ladies’ Tailor- ing at most moderate prices. Phone and we will gladly call on you. up: a I“? ' ' gum A r um? “TM Telephone Thornhill 73 mm ALBERTA COAL J. A. GREENE, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8th, 1938. Richmond Hill Telephone 1 77 . $48.85 $34.85 $37-65 . $69.05