PAGE FOUR THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO Newtonbrook District News The Newtonbrook L'nitcd (‘hurch Sunday School will celebrate its 82nd annivcrsary next Sunday, December 18th with special services at 11 a.m. HMSâ€. Th“ 5‘ Children Win LC ‘ ncsdav Ilcccmbcr Tth. Thc rrlll†and 7 pm. Rev. D. H. Wowlhous- l ‘d‘lmlltt‘d “90' Lure {Quinn was lt“id by \lrs Mc- i. ' - ' -'-.‘~.s: l'tsi “†‘ ’. Of Malkham Wm be the ZIKUSJ Thi “0m.m> A ‘06“ 1.0“ he (i 1.. Naughton and a \‘cry llltt’l'es‘lln'f Dreacher. A young men's choir \\'lll 11311111111 HH‘t‘tmL“ 11110 0190110“ 0f 9â€â€œ [MM] m an“, mt, Mothâ€. “I. render Special mug c, There will 31. ccrs at a Suppt r meeting in the S. S. ‘ Igguy. Wm, 0: “him. MH‘ A. Law. so be the usual White Gift Service hail, With T-Oal‘ly llmii' in attendâ€" 'HL' RIH (1:11“ Wm a poem “Run In CODHQCUO“ Wllh the amllVCl‘Si‘l‘Y- "mce‘ Very wizltif-V‘ng l‘tlmrts were i-pc. for a Christmas Pudding". Tlic Kindly bring your White Gift and received from the various (lcpart~ “Wm†“(tracers mop 1,136,. at “Us help Cheer somebmlyys Christmas‘ mem’q' Re“ A' H‘ Hallie†condum- nircting and the officers elected for. Miss Cora Good, missionary con- venor, was in charge of the Young People’s Union last Monday evening. There was a large attendance. Miss Mary Campbell led in the worship service. An inspirational address was given by Mrs. A. W'. Galbraith. The annual business meeting followed. Rev. A. H. Halbert conducted the, election of officers which resulted as follows: Past President, Harold Duggan; President, Roy Guirney; lst Viceâ€"President, Margaret Shaw; 2nd Viceâ€"President, Doris Newson; 3rd Vice-President, H. Toranter; 4th Vice-President, Allan Moore; 5th Vice-President, Mary Douglas; Trea- o surer, Gladys Riddell; Recording Se- cretary, Ruth Douglas; Pianist, Cora Good. The annual Christmas entertain- ment of the Ncwtonbrook United Church Sunday School will be held next Tuesday at 7.45 pm. in the Sunday School hall. A splendid pro- gram will be presented consisting Y EUCHRE ' ' Under the auspices of Richvale Social Club Richvale School, Wed., Dec. let. SPRUCE AVE., STOP 22 YONGE STREET PRIZES â€" 6 GEESE U mus.c. choruses, tableaux pageant. entitled “The First Christâ€" cd the clcction of officers which reâ€" l' o‘arlcts vocal and instrumental] , . , . \. , i I i ’ i drcw s l’resz fricrian leurch W onici. s ‘ and a ‘ l MAPLE NEWSY NOTES The December meeting of St. Anâ€" lMissionaiy Soc (Ry was held at thc home of Mis. M. McDonald on \thâ€" the year 1039 :irv- as f1>ll('\\'\': I‘rcsiâ€" Zuni?! Atfltcffliagv dcnt, Mrs. N. Malloy; lst Viceâ€"Pres. Sin. 'A‘ éte hem Mrs. C. Snider; 2nd Viceâ€"Pres, Miss .1". liigif-HYPL.{Tyli “'1†VIC, T A. Walkington; Secretary. Mrs. G. :Snl'l f 91?“ \lfblkglu'LEE L'IH' Mathcson; Treasurer, Mrs. .1. Phil- 6 S' “m ‘00- Hill n' . h. lips; Pianist. Mrs. E. \Vade; Asst. Thomas Jack; 3rd Vice-PrcSident, . . H . q ‘ q Mr; J C Bqlev Rec semeer Pianist, Mrs. A. Lawiic, Pitss .ccâ€" fur; Anar'n L‘Niit'chh‘e.’ Treasére‘r' rctary, Mrs. D. Smith: Supply Sec. Mrs. Glen Shaw; Asst. Treasurer, round." Mrs‘ A’. Ri'hm‘mn' Mrs' A' M. Em Street Tem ï¬ance Sec Lawric; Glad Tidings, Mrs. A. Mc- l 185 ( a ’ p " Naughton; Literature, Mrs. M. Mc- Mrs. Caincs; League of Nations Sec., Miss K. Taylor; Flower Committee, MiSs B. Smith and Miss E. Street. Othe-r committees were appointed to assist with the work. School concerts will be the order of the day very soon. Earl Haig Col- legiate Institute is having its Christâ€" mas party on- Friday evening, which is the first of the season. ‘ Rev. A. H. Halbert will preach in Markham next Sunday morning. Rev. D. H. Woodhouse will occupy the pulpit at Newtonbrook. Wedding bells are again ringing in our community. Also a Euchre and Dance every Wednesday Good Prizes 39’ l seenweesws WW Toys for the Kiddies IN THE MODERN MANNER Gifts for Everyone on your List and we are easy on your Pocket Book COME IN AND SEE OUR SELECTION Open Wednesdays and every evening until Christmas PHONE 18 Royal Arcadian Orchestra “3W masses:- ‘ WE DELIVER MMMMMMM MASTER FEEDS MMMMMMM Master Pig Feeds * * * Save your time * * * Save your money * * * Produce better bacon and make you more money! Master Pig Feeds save your time by getting your hogs off to market in 5-6 months. They save your money by saving your time and be- cause they are reasonable in price and easy to feed. Just ONE POUND of Master Pig Feed Concentrate per pig per day, fed with their chop will grow and finish your pigs in six months or less. Master Pig Feeds produce better bacon hogs. In the competitions for Wiltshire Sides and dressed hog car- casses at the Royal Winter Fair last season, Master- fed hogs took the first four prizes for Wiltshire sides. In ther dressed hog classes they took five major prizes including 1st and 3rd! Better bacon quality brings you an extra dollar per hog. more money. Feed well with Master Pig Feeds and make Master Feeds W. R. DEAN Thornhill Phone 54 M M M M M M M MASTER FEEDS M M M M M M M “ï¬t maaaaamaaa 3‘" Donald; Home lIclers. Mrs. G. Jarâ€" rett: Welcome and Welfare, Mrs. Cairns; Home Service. Mrs. A. Rum- ble, Miss S. Robinson; Mission Band, IMrs. C. H. Bowman, Mrs. C. Miller; Program Committe", EXGCutive, Mrs. V. Orr and Mrs. Elmo Keffer. Meet- ing closed with prayer. Lunch was served by the hostess. The Busy Becs Mission Band held' their meeting at the Manse on Satâ€" urday afternoon. The officers elect- ed for the following year are: Presi- dent, Betty Jackson; Vice-President, Jessie McLean; Secretary, Shirley McMahon; Treasurt r, Nora Jackson; Pianist, Jean Miller. After the busi- ness a short program was given con- sisting of piano solo, L0uise Mathe-‘ son; recitation, Betty Jackson; vocal duet, Lois Palmer and Ann Lawric: and a story on “Betty’s best Christ- mas†by Mrs. Miller. At the close of the meeting the children present- ed Mrs. C. Miller with a handsome footstool. Lunch was served by the hostess. Miss Ina Forrest, Miss Norma Yorke and Mr. Wilfred Crittenden of Toronto spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. A. Forrest. The United Church Y.P.S. weekly meeting was held in the SS. room on Monday evening. The missionary convenor, Mrs. Armstrong, was in charge of the program. A very in- teresting talk on “Missionary Work in British Columbia" was given by Mrs. McCrimmon. A vocal duct by Billie and George Armstrong and a story on “Where Your Missionary Dollar Goes" by Mrs. Armstrong, were much enjoyed. A large number of friends and re- latives attended a miscellaneous shower on Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Rumble in honour of Miss Ruth Rumble prior to her marriage to Mr. Lorne Heels in Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church on December 24th. Many beautiful and useful gifts were re- ceived. Maple Community Christmas Con~ cert will be held in the Community Hall on Thursday evening, Decem- ber 22nd. Miss Nora Bagg entertained at a miscellaneous shower on Monday evâ€" ening, December 12th in honour of Miss Elma Hendry, a bride of De- cember 17th. Many useful gifts Were received. Visitors at the home of Mrs. Isaac Watson Sunday were Rev. C. H. lShortt, Rev. E. J. McKittn’ck, Mr. land Mrs. G. P. Bosanquct of Toron- to, Mrs. Oirr, Mr. Wm. Oirr, Mrs. Hardie of Port Credit, Mrs. Wm. Keffer of N‘iagara-on-theâ€"Lake. All attended St. Stephen’s Church 100th Anniversary Services. The annual meeting of the Luthâ€" eran Ladies’ Aid was held in the Sunday School Room on Wednesday, December 7th. The 24th Psalm was read by aIl. Officers for the year 1939 were all re-elected. President, Mrs. Montgomery; Viceâ€"President, Mrs. Ellsworth chfer; Sec., Mrs. Lawrence Keffer; Treas., Mrs. C. Line. Collection amounted to $6.75. ‘The Public School at Hope will- close the fall session in a season- able way by giving a Christmas En- tertainment in the Masonic Hall, Maple, on the evening of December 20th. Preparations are now in pro- gress for this annual event and the coming of Santa. Mr. J. B. McLean, a former resi- dent of Maple, and for thntyâ€"five years an elder of St. Andrew’s Pres- byterian church here, was recently elected an elder of Glenview Pres- Ibyterian Church, Toronto, of which he has been. a member for the past year. Mr. McLean was one of eight added to the Glenvicw session now bringing the total number of elders in that church up to 29. There will be a dance in the Com munity Hall. Maple, Monday even- ing, January 2nd under the auspices of the Hall Committee. Century Boys seven-piece orchestra will pro- vide the music. It pays to advertise in The Lib- eral. Mrs. Harvey Jackson of Gadsby, Alberta, is visiting- her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Saigeon. It pays to advertise in The Libâ€" eral. ‘\\'. Bro. Neil McDonald Installed As Master of Vaughan LUdgc \Y. Bro. Milton Mcllonulil pr s1 lwl as lllrilllllllL: Mastcr ut lllt' annual cvrcmony of iiist:ill;ition and im'vsil» lure of tlic ot'i.cei'< ot' Yang-lion l.~<l2‘c Al‘. A†.\.M. Tuesday wvcn- ing. A large numlwr of x'l~ from ,district and city lodgs :llit‘lllletl. Hit't‘iccrs installed and invested for ithc coming year were: \V.M., \\'. Bro. jxtii McDonald; I.lâ€..\l., w. 151-... Milâ€" ton Palmer; S.\V.. Bro, l)r_ ï¬lgt‘ord: S.l)., Rro. llcnry Mcl'h'nald; .l.D., ,Rio. James M. McDonald; S crcfury, \V. Bro. E. A. Carson; Treasurer, \V. Bro. Milton McDonald; I.(l., iro. (K Mc('luskcy; SS. Bro. R. Merritt; .I.S., Bro. Bruce McDonald; Tylcr. 1310. I). W. Couper. BROWN’S CORNERS The December meeting of the W. M.S. was held in the church on Wrd- ncsday afternoon. In the absence of the President the Vice-President presided. The meeting opened with the singing of Christmas hymns and the reading of the Christmas story from Matt. 12, led by Miss Thomp- son. Roll call minutes of last meet;- ing and business followed. The elec- tion of officers and reading of re- |ports was laid over until the Janu- ary meeting. Mrs. Will Rodick introduced the guest speaker, Mrs. Tricky, of T0- ronto, who gave two Christmas stor- ,ies of ancient times and a skit of modern times showing how in the rush of the world of to-day we are apt to forget Wl’tO'Se birthday we celebrate and centre our thoughts more on the Santa Claus than Christ. Mrs. Laurence of Toronto spoke a few words of greeting and Mrs. Pat- terson of Agincourt was a welcome visitor. Mrs. Bales of Agincourt sang that beautiful song, “In the Gardcn", accompanied by Mrs. Love- less at the piano. Mrs. Hood mover] a vote of thanks to the ladies who made such a delightful Christmas meeting. Mr. Tuer closed the final lmeeting of 1938. The members are feeling happy 1and encouraged as they have almost treachcd their objective of one hun- dred and forty dollars for 1938. All regret the illness of Mrs. Stiv- ,er who has been the faithful Presiâ€" , dent for a number of years and hope ‘for her speedy recovery. RICH HILL L.O.L.. 359 OFFICERS FOR 1939 W.M., George Webster, Lloydtown; D.M., Walter McClean, Lloydtown; Chap, Joseph Jarvis, Lloydtown; Rec. Sec., Bert Edgccombe, Lloyd- town; Fin. Sec., Elgin Hastings, Schomberg; Treas., Robert McClean, Lloydtown; Marshal, James McEwan, Lloydtown; 1st Lect., Sam Hastings, Tottenham; 2nd Lect., John McEwan, Lloydtown; lst Comm., ROy Jennings, Schomberg; Committee, Roy Jenn- ings, Ira Hastings, Fred Sheardown, Joe McCluggage; Tyler, Leonard At- kinson. ONE FOR “DIZZY†Benjamin Disraeli, one of the shrewdest men England ever pro- duced, as well as one of her great- est statesmen, made a constant butt of political science, yet made a sucâ€" ceSS of it. His greatest claim to fame was that he was an ardent liberal in religious beliefs. Discuss- ing religion one evening with a friend, he said: “All sensible men are of one re- ligion.†“What is that?†asked the friend. “Sensible men never tell,†Disraeli replied. VELLORE The annual Christmas concert of the Vellore Public School will be held Wednesday, December 21st at 8 pm. If be consistently drives at 70 miles an hour, the question is not whether but when. eer G/f Sales Books are the best Counter Check Books made in Canada. They cost no more than ordinary books and always give satisfaction. We are agents and will be pleased to quote you on any style or quantity required. See Your Home Printer First Orders taken at THE LIBERAL Ol‘I’ICE THURSDAY. DECEMBER 15th. 1938.. l l 1 t i__ .i.’ ll-\ l i-ZSrr l9:\‘e lll'lL‘S 0r less. curb lllStl’llOll. FOR SALE 17 PIGS, fecdcrs. Apply \Valter Rcziman, tcltphonc Maple 150â€"1. LARGE WICKER DOLL CARRIAGE 'Mrs. Frank Hill, Spruce Avc.. Rich- vale. COOK STOVE in good shape, $8.00. Apply William Read, C:1.-den Aye, Langstaff. I Ram. Apply L. H. Clement, Rich- mond Hill. REGISTERED 3X LESTER RAM. Apply Edgeley Farms, tclcphonc. Maple 301'12. VEGETABLES, Squash, Pumpkins, Carrots, etc. George Swain, Oxford Street, Elgin Mills. 1000 BUS. M‘ANGELS and TUR- NIPS. Apply L. H. Clement, Rich- mond Hill, phone 176. HARDWOOD $10.50 cord lots; hard- wood slabs $9.50 cord lots. Lang- staff Supply 0)., phone Thornhill 73. ELECTRIC RANGETTE, excellent condition, reasonable. (Mrs) W. Dixon Marrow, Oak Ridges, phone King 42123. ,__________â€"_~ FURNACE in A1 condition, suitable for 4-roomcd house. Apply A. Mills, 03 Yonge St., Richmond Hill, phone 125. YORKSHIRE SOW and 10 pigs 6 weeks. old; a ’Clyde colt 18 months old. Robert Stonehouse, lot 8, con. 30 BREEDING EWES, 1 cgced 5, Markham. ELECTRIC COIL HEATERS, suit- able for garage or workshop; also Leghorn Pullets; Cocker Spaniel Pups, must be sold. C. B0werbank, Stop 17A, Yonge Street. l A _ _ ___ ' O CLOSE AN ESTATE we offer for sale a six roomedl brick house 'al‘l modern conveniences, garage, garden and fruit trees. Apply J. R. iHerrington, Real Estate and Insur- ance. 5 ACRES with 7 roomed house, new outbuildings, abundance of aspara- gus, raspberries, strawberries, good orchard, reasonable. Apply G. Jew- sideroad on 3rd Con. Vaughan. TAX SALE TOW.NSHIP OF MARKHAM lassified Advsf l T lilS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISINGâ€"MAKE THE MOST OF IT cll, 1/4 mile north of Elgin Mills The adjourned sale of prOperty being sold for taxes is to be held on the 21st day of December, 1938, at 10 o’clock a. m. at the Township ‘ Hall, Unionville, Ontario. Notice is hereby given that the Township of Markham intends, at such adjourned sale, that if the price offered for any land is less than the amount due for arrears of taxes, charges and costs, or if no price is offered, to purchase such land. Dated at Unionville this 7th day of December, 1938. CHAS. HOOVER, Treasurer. Notice to Creditors ESTATE OF ROBERT ARTHUR TYNDALL. All persons having claims against the estate of Robert Arthur Tyndall, late of the Village of Richmond Hill, in the County of York, Gentleman, who died on or about the 3‘0th day of September, 1938, are requested to send same to the undersigned, on or before the 29th day of December, 1938; otherwise their claims will be disallowed. DATED at Richmond Hill this 7th day of December, 1988. WILLIAM THOMAS TYNDALL, Echutor, By his Solicitors, LINE & ARMSTRONG. Richmond Hill, Ontario. Adjourned Tax Sale An adjourned sale of lands for ar- rears of taxes will be held in the Municipal Hall at ten o’clock a.m. on Wednesday, December let, 1938. Notice is hereby given that any of the lands offered for sale, which do not bring the full amount of taxes and costs will be bought in by the tVillage Council. A. J. HUME, Treasurer, Richmond Hill. . A community banquet reveals l those who have good manners. They l 'arc the ones who get nothing but ‘ scraps. ,. l l l _. ‘ .» cents for first insertion and 15 cents for each subsequent inscrtion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extra 11’ CHARGED T CENTS PER LINE. .Taylor’s Radio Sales. And Service TUBES TESTED FREE 127 Yonge St.. Richmond Hill Phone 226 Some Bargains in New and Used Radios WANTED LOAN OF $200, good security. ply Box 85, The Liberal Office. MIXED RED CLOVER and Timothy Hay. Richmond Hill Dairy. x WOOD STOVE in good condition. Telephone Thornhill 108121. â€"REl'I‘IRED FARMER wanted for small estate at Thornhill to take charge every Second Sunday to re- lieee regular emplOyee. In return for service owner will supply free cotâ€" tage, electricity, vegetables garden. Apply B. T. Riordan, John Street, Thornhill, telephone 90. Ap- TO RENT ‘ 6 ROOMED HOUSE to rent. Apply Wilbert Bone, 15 Centre Street East, Richmond Hill. SMALL COTTAGE on Yonge Street north of Langstaff. furnished or un- furnished, reasonable to good tenant. Apply Harman, Stop 20, Yonge St. MISCELLANEOUS D. DIXIE of Toronto who recently ' placed an ad in these columns is asked to get in touch with The Lib- eral Office. QUALIFIED RADIO REPAIRS, ser- vice and sales. Charges reasonable. Work guaranteed. Hugh Yerex, 4 Markham Rd., phone 242, Richmond Hill. _ SHEPPARD & GILL LUMBER C0. RICHMOND HILL Dealers in Lumber, Lath, Shingles Ashphalt Roofing. Gyproc Telephone 27 (Reconditioned and Guaranteed) Used Cars $650.00 1937 FORD V-S DeLUXE SEDAN With Trunkâ€"Small Mileage. $565.00 1937 FORD V-8 TUDOR â€"- Value. Good $465.00 1935 FORD V-8 DeLUXE TUDORâ€" Very nice. $445.00 1935 FORD TUDORâ€"Thoroughly ne- conditioned. $360.00 1933 DeLUXE PLYMOUTH SEDAN Niee Condition. ~ ‘ $350.00 1933 FORD V-8 CABRIOLETâ€" (Comver'tible). Rumble Seat. Little Brothers Ford Sales & Service RICHMOND HILL ONTARIO PHONE 174-W i THORNHILL Officers elected by the Victoria Chapter, Royal Arch Masons, Were the following: A. Hill, I.; H. S. Sparks, J.P.I.; G. Barker, H.; J. Kerr, J.; J. Stocks, P.S.; R. Jar- rett, S.S.; C. G. Hall, J.S.; 0. James, S.E.; Ed. Francis. treasurer; L. R. Marwood, S.N.: R.'Nelles, 4V.; T. Davis. 3V.; J. Farley. 2V.: J. Mills, 1V.; A. Terry, O.G.; C. Hills. organ- ist. Auditors, W. R. Hopkins. J. A. ' Thompson.