“Watch the Fordls Go By" will be the slogan of Richmond Hill’s entry in the Ontario Juvenile Hockey As- sociation th’s year. A1; an enthusi- astic meeting of the club held Wed- nesday evening in the Municipal Hall it was announced that Little Broth- ers, local Ford dealers, would sponâ€" sor the team this year. The an»â€" mlounceme-nt was a welcome one to the boys who are now looking flor- ward- to a successful hockey season. Ford Dealers Sponsor Hockey Juvenile Team First Pg‘flmdtide Called For Friday Night The first practice will be held at THURSDAY, DECEMBER 29th, 1938. I wish to express my sincere thanks to the elec- tors of Richmond Hill for the honor of re-election as Reeve by acclamation for my seventh con- secutive year. I deeply appreciate the responsi- bility of your continued confidence and I‘will continue to give of my best for the welfare of Richmond Hill. I look forward to the future confident of receiving from you all that splen- did co-operation which has featured our past as- sociations. T0 the Electors of Richmond Hill To the Electors of Richmond Hill T0 the Eflectors of Richmond Hill I thank you one and all for your renewed expression of confidence and my election by acclamation as councillor for the com- ing year. I hope to be worthy of your trust and will strive to do all possible to promote the best interests of our village. I wish you all a Happy and Prosperous New Year. C. NELSON To the Electors of Richmond Hill I wish to express my appreciation for the expression of confidence in myself and colleagues by the acclamation tendered the 1938 council. As in the past it will be my aim to carefully guard the inter- ests of the ratepayers. ALEX. LITTLE To Electors of Richmond Hill Extends thanks for re-election as a councillor and extends to all the Com- pliments of the Season. Wishes to express his thanks for re-elec- tion by acclamation as a member of Mun- icipal Council for 1939 and extends to all best wishes for a Happy New Year. H. J. MILLS J. A. Greene P. C. HELL j ’ BIRTH 1 B‘EATTYâ€"At Gormley on Friday, 'December 23, to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Beatty, a daughter (Evelyn). James Butler, president of the Juvenile hockey organization presid- ed‘ at Wednesday night’s meeting. all l:C_\‘s desirous of playing are inâ€" vited to tum out. A town league will be fonmed amid! a schedule of games for the season drawn up which should be lthe' means of providing lots of hockey for the local youngSters. the arena Fh‘iday evening at 7.30 and all 1:C_\‘s desirous of playing are in- on.unc.o.ox******$ * HAD TURKEY FROM DISHES * OF 1780 *1 In enjoying "their amnual * Christmas dinner Mr. and Myrs. * George 'Caldrwell, RichmondI St., * had> their turkey from dish-es * * used by Mr. Caldwell’s great * * zrandnarent: in 17510 T.a+m~ 1m * %*-X-fl* * HAD TURKEY FROM DISHES * OF 1780 *I' In enjoying "their amnual * Christmas d‘inner Mr. and Mrs. * George vCaldrweII, Richmond' St, * had> their turkey from d'isvh-es * * used by Mr. Caldwell’s great * * grandparents in 1780. Later he * * fed his chickens from a trunk * * which had been to India, Pales- * * tine, South Africa and other dvisâ€" * * tant points of the globe with Mr. * * ‘Caldwell’sr father who was! a * * member of the ‘Cold‘stream * * Guards. * 'X-*-X-<I* The first meeting of flhe year will be held at the home of Mrs. W. F. Carter on January 10th at 2.30 pm. when the reports for the ‘year 1938 will be presented. At this meeting it was decided to hold the annual January Supper on Friday, January 20th. ST. MARY’S ANGLIC‘AN W.A. ELECT OFFICERS The December meeting of St. Mary’s W.A. was held in the base- ment of the church when the elecâ€" tion of officers took place with Rev. W. F. Wrixon presiding. The fol- lowing were elected for 1939: Hon: orary Pres‘dents, Mrs. W. F. Wrixâ€" on, Miss E. Brown; President, Mrs. W. H. Frisby; lst Vicefresident, Mrs. R. S. Mason; 2nd Vice-Presi- dents, Mrs. W. F. Carter; Treasurer, Mrs. H. A. Nich‘olis; Recording ‘Sec- retary, Mrs. N. C. McGibbon; Cor- responding Sec., Mrs. N. Chatterley; Dorcas Sec., Mrs. J. Dexter; Educa- tional Sec., Mrs. Metchvett; Super- intendent of Juniors, Mrs. R. D. Little; Convener SOcial Committee, Mrs. H. Tuck. OFFICERS ELECTED AT TRUE BLUE MISSION BAND At the regular meeting of the True Blue MIISSIOII Band of the Presbyâ€" terian‘ Church the following officers were electetfl for 1939‘: Honorary President, Ann Walwin; President, Kathleen Butler; Secretary, Betty Smith; Smith; The Rector invites all who believe in spending the last moments of the old year and the first moments of the new year in prayer and praise to come to the Watch-Night Com- munion Stnvice to be held on Satur- day next at 11.45 pm. There was a good‘ crowd\ skating at Richmond Hill arena Wednesday night. ‘Tlmre is a splendid sheet of ice, and there will be skating Satur- day night, as well as Monday after- noon and evening. STOLEN CAR FOUND The 1939 Plymouth cal" stolen from the garage of David Hill & Co. Ltd. Richmond Hill Sunday, December 18 Was discovered abandoned on a va- cant lot in Toronto on Wednesday. 1113 had- apparently been there for some days. The draw for the six beautiful prizes to be given away by Davies Dry Goods Store will be made at the store tonighft (Thursday) at 7.30 p.m. Everyone is cordially invited to be present for the proceedings. A group of the Richmond Hill A. i Y.P.A. attended a social evening- ati Woodbridge when an enjoyable timel was spent by all. The next regularl meeting is on January 3rd in the church at 8 pm. lMiSS‘ Gertrude Lever spent Christ- mas Holidays at her home in Flesh- erbon and was storm stayed! for sev- eral days there. Mr. Henry Murphy of the Bank of Commerce staff, Windsor, spent Christmas with his mother Mrs. R. Murphy, Church! Street. Miss N. L. Mchm of Hamilton spent Ohnistmas with her old friend Mrs. Cunningham at the Presbyter- ian Manse. 1' Captain and Mrs. E. B. Archibald of Toronto were guests at the Unit- ed Church Parsonage on Christmas Day. Mr. and! Mrs. Ro§coe Cauthers and family spent Christmas with their parents at Mansfield. Miss Marjorie Cunningham of Mc- Master University is holidaying at her home here. Mr. Fred Greene of Dayton, Ohio spent Christmas. with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Greene. Mr. R. B. Teetzel of H‘ighgate is visiting his son here, Mr. L. B. Teetâ€" zeI. Jack Crean of Sudbury is holiday ing at his home here. WATCH-NIGHT SERVICE _ 1938â€"1939 St. Mary's Anglican Church Social and Personal SKATING AT THE RINK Treasurer, Alverna \ Smith; Pianist, Marion Barker. RAI'C HFMO‘N'D H41 LL I‘HE LIBERAI: RICHMOND HLLL, ONTARIO A pretty wedding took place at the bride’s home, Langstaff, Ontario, on Wednesday, December let, at 3 o’clock when Isabel Georgia Chap- man, youngest daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chapman was united, in marriage to Alexander Mlurison- of Toronto, son of Mrs. Murison and the late James Muri- son of Peterhead, Scotland. Rev. E. B. Cooke of Thornhill United-Church officiated. The bride, who Was giv- en away by her brother, M1". Lyman Clhapman, was daintin gowned in ivory bridal satin made on princess limes with Victorian skirt and veil with cornet of orange blossoms and‘ she carried a bouquet of Talisman roses, lily-of-the-valley and fern. The couple were unattended. Lohenâ€" grin’s wedding march was played by Miss Ruby Clark of Toronto, cousin of the groom, and during the sign- ing of the register Miss Mary Clark of Toronto, also a cousin of the groom, sang “0 Perfect Loveâ€. A receptilon followed when the usual toasts and good wishes were ex-' pressed. The happy couple left later by motor on a trip to Belleville and eastern points and on their return VI“. .esiv‘r ii. Toronto. The church was beautifully decor- ‘atcd with white candles and baskets of white Chrysanthemums. Mr. F. Morley played the organ music and ,Mrs. Reginald Heels, sisterâ€"in-law of lthe groom, sang “Because.†The =bridc, given in marriage by her fath- er, wore a floor-length gown of green brocaded satin with gold trimming, tight-fitting sleeves, with flared cuff extending over the hand. She wore also a matching velvet doll hat and gold) sandals and. carried a ibouquet of carnations, ’mums and lilies of the valley. Miss Frances Rumble, her sister, was bridesmaid, wearing a floor- Iength gown of coral beaded satin with short \puffedi sleeves, rhine- stone clips and silver sandals and doll hat to match. she carried a bouquet of talisman roses. Norma Jean Johnston of Orillia, niece of the groom, was flower girl and wore a long cream moire gown, a wreath of flowers in her hair, and carried a nosegay. Mr. Gordon Pratt of Camp Borden was best man. The ushers Were Mr. A. Ram-say, Toron- to, and Mr. Stewart Rumble 0f Rich- mond Hill, cousin of the bride. Af- ter the ceremony a reception was held at the home of the bride’s par- ents. Mrs. F. S. Rumble and Mrs. Harry,HeeIs received. The bride’s mother wore a gown of grape wine crepe with a matching hat and cer- sage of roses. The groom’s mother wore a gown of navy crepe and a corsage of roses. After the reception the bride and groom left on a trip to Detroit, the bride wearing a two-tone frock of black and teal blue with a teal blue hat and a black wool coat with collar- and banding of black fox. On their return they will reside in Commanda, Ont. j PAUL 1-. ANGLE ‘ Chairman of the Richmond Hill [School Board, re-elected by acclama- it‘on for another term at the annual gnomfnations Monday evening. Mr. ‘Ang‘le has been a member 11‘ the IBoal-d for the past eight vow-9. HEELS-RUMBLE Richmond Hill Presbyterian church was the scene of a. pret.y wed-ding Saturday aft.rn-oon, December 24th, when Ruth Isabel Rumble, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Scott Rumble of Maple, became the bm'de of Lorne Crawford Heels, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hcels of Oi‘illia. The bride’s parents were married in the same church. Rev. J. R. )IacCrimmon of Maple and Rev. J. D. Cunningham of Richmond Hill officiated. W. C. T. U. MEETING The regular meeting of the W:C. 31-.U. will be held in the United Church School Room on Tursday, January 3rd at 3 p.m. The guest speaker, Miss Duff, Provinc‘al Field Worker, will tell of her work among the young people of the Province, a subjcct which should be of inter‘ cat to all women. of the community and a hearty invitation is extended to all. ‘ M U RISON-CHAPMAN WEDDING ‘Mi‘ss Grace Harringbon spent the week-end with her parents Mr. and Rev. Oswald! Dyke of White River is spending a few days with his mother and brothers. I The Misses Rena and Beatrice Lunau spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. A. Lunau. Mrs. E. E. Bmadthrwaite leaves this week to spend the .winter in Cali- fornia. Mrs. Perkin is spending a few days with her son Mr. J. W. Perkin. Miss- R. Size of Agincourt spent Christmas Day with. her sister Mrs. Nob-1e in Uniomnille. Miss M. Martin spent the week- end at her home here. Mr. and1 Mrs. Ed Dixon, Mrs. Emmia Anderson, MT. and Mrs. T. Burnett, and Mr. P. Dixon spent Christmas with Mr. William Dixon at Oakville. Mr. and Mrs. R. Stiver spent Christmas with Mr. Wilfrid McDow- ell of Aurora. Mr. and Mrs. Mac Annadale ,of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Greatrix of Timmins are- spending a few days with Mrs. Pollard. Mr. Rae Miller and childn‘en spent Christmas; with Mrs. H. Miller. Mr. F. G. Size and daughter Mrs. M. Cook and daughter Ilene were g'uesm of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Noble Christmas Day. The Liberal extends sincere con-l Mtrs. Cora ‘C: gratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Robert [week in Tovontt Myers, esteemecl citizms of thirs‘lRoss and other community who celebrated the fiftyâ€" Professor Coul eighth- anniversary of their wedding spending the wet on Christmas Day. Both are enjioy- ,:Mrs. A. C‘oulsion inlg- good health and we‘wish for Mr. and: Mirs. them many more years of health, and family spcnt Ch hlapp‘ines-s. Stiver’s mother i1 A. K. Harrington and W. F. Kincaid Mrs. D. Harrington. were re-elected by acclamation as Mr. J. H. Chant is 51) nding aim trustees for the Police Village at days with his sister-in-law in Eh- the annual nomination meeting Monâ€" vale. : day evening, and E. J. Stivcr was Superintendent E. Harper presifl. elected to take the place of Mr. at the annual Christmas entemin- Croft who retired. ment at the Lu‘thrran Church Wm Congratulations to members of was an outstanding success. Markham township council who reâ€" Miss Harriet Brown of Tom ce'ived an acclamation f‘c’i- another spent Sunday with her parents, h. year. and Mrs. John Brown. WEEKLY NEWS NOTES FROM THE UNIONVILLE DISTRICT. A_ vqry enjoyable musical comedy, excellent dance numbers and good smg'mg‘. BIG NEW YEAR’S NIGHT MIDNITE SHOW, STARTING AT 12.05 SUNDAY NIGHT, JANUARY IST TWO FEATURES GENE AU'I'RY in ' “ GOLD MINE IN THE SKY †Fresh .md vivid‘ is this presentation of college life, timely and! en- tertaining. It’s good comedy and Patsy Kelly steals the show. The extreme contrast between her and Virginia Bruce will keep you in continuâ€" ous laughter. This type of story is refreshing. Containing an ideally proportioned mixture of Tiproaring fun, pathos and romance. BETTY GRABBLE - HANK LUISET’I‘I -‘EL’E‘AN'OR’E’Wï¬ï¬â€˜ï¬EY in “ CAMPUS CONFESSIONS †TWO SHOWS â€"- 7.30 and 9.30. SATURDAY MATINEE 2.00 P.M. 'FRIDAY & SATURDAY, DEC; 30 - 31 A Western melodrama with songs. packed with entertainment. A beautiful story, beautifully told TODAY, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 29 FREDERIC MARCH - PATSY KELLY - VIRGINIA BRUCE in “ THERE GOES MY HEART †MATINEE MONDAY AT 2 RM. . BING CROSBY - FRED MacMURRAY - ELLEN DREW in “ SING YOU SINNERS †“1}, [western melgdsrama in the Hopglogg_9§§sidy series A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR TO ALL Wednesday & Thursday, January JAS. STEWART - MARGARET SULLIVAN in “ SHOPWORN ANGEL †Also PHIL REGAN . PENNY SINGLETON i171. “ OUTSIDE OF PARADISE †MONDAY & TUESDAY, JANUARY 2 - 3 story, beautifully told. A picture Without a 1.2 ".waas might w I". W WM. BOYD - GEO. HAYES in “ IN OLD MEXICO WON PRIZES AT VETERANS†DRAW The following were the Winners if prizes in the Veterans Poultry dm last Friday: 1st, Frank Graham, Ne 261; 2nd, Mrs. A. Taylor, No. 18‘; 3rd, W. Edmunds; No. 272; 41‘, Douglas Baker, N0. 202; 5th, George Woods, No. 429. Consolation, M13 Stan Woods, No. 425. I Subjectsâ€"“Facing- the 135qu “The Inside of the Church†and “N Rights of the Child.†1 tion.†‘7 p.m.â€"“The Watchman and \ Traveller.†EBENEZER UNITED CHUW v1.30 p.m.â€"Church School. 2.30 p..m.â€"“The Watchman and fl Traveller.†i - The Week of Prayer in Ceninl Church on the following nights â€"5 Monday, Wednesday and Fr‘day fl Ebenfzerâ€"Tuesday and Thu nights {at 8 p.m. Mr. and' Mfrs. E. J. Stiver mi family spcnt Christmas with Stiver’s mother in Ag'incourt. I Unionville‘ Pastorâ€"Rev. A. E. Owen 10 a.m.â€"~Chu1‘ch School. 11 a.m.â€"“ A New Year Imm and Mrs. John Bu‘owrn. Mtrs. Cora ‘Cauldwell spent an» week in Toronto with her broï¬ll' Ross and other friends. ~ Professor Coulson of Montrea! spending the week with his mot}: Mrs. D. Harrington. Mr. J. H. Chant is 51) nding a in" days with his sister-in-law in 33- A NTRAL UNITED CHURCE TWO FEATURES New Year Imaghï¬ rAuu: FIVE