.Morley Hall May Win Trip To World Fair Mr. Morley Hall, manager of our local Dominion store announced in an interview with The Liberal today 11131:: that Dominion Stores Limited have completed for a Chainâ€"wide -store staff contest. In a letter accompanying an illus- trated portfolio announcing the con- test, Mr. J. W. Horsey, President of Dominion Stores Limited, said: “On January 3rd, we aie launching the biggest contest in our history! Fif- teen store managers and their Wives MELâ€"visititbe New York World’s Fair at our expense to see the wonders of the World of To-morrow, and‘ to have the time of their lives. Be- sides these grand prizes, there are cash awards for the staff of each of the 15 winning stores, and for the entire staff, (Manager included) of 50 other stores. No “rule of thumb†or mechanical methml of ad‘judging contestants will be followed, but a human, sympathetic, and intelligent consideration of “peeple†and “per- formances†will be the criterion.†The first 15 prizes of trips to the New York World’s Fair available to the Company’s store managers, have caused' much favorable comment aâ€" monlg' the Retail trade as well as among employees of Dominion Stores since the first prizes, offering- as "they do free trips with all expenses paid to the winning managers’ wives as well, reuresenit a great departure from the usual procedure of prize distribution. The 15 fortunate store managers and their wives will visit the Canâ€" 'adira‘n Building and will see wonders from every corner of the Glofbe â€"- Trove-1 entertainments, beauty, color, music, television, and attendance at famous radio broadcasts are among the many features which will thrill these special Canadian visitors. All their expenses will be paid, luxury trains and fine hotel accommodations 'will add to their pleasures. In addi- tion to paid expenses and the extra week’s holidays, L‘HP. 35 winners will receive extra spending money. receive extra spending money. 65 of the Company’s stores will Share in the many prizes ranging from $25.00 to $100.00 in cash. 'Those managers who, for any rea- son, do not take the trip, will get the extra holiday and the caslh equi- valept of the trip. The final judges of the contest are J. W. Horsey, President; I. W. Burd- ick; Merchandising Manager; K. L. ick; Merchandising Manager; K. L. Carter, of McDonald, Currie and Company, Chartered Accountants»; A. B. Watt. M-ontreal Manager; J. E. Hendricks, Chief Superintendent; Framcois Faure, Director. ORVIS-DOWNS 'On‘Tuesday, January 10th, a quiet wedding took place on Oak Avenue, Richvale, when Clarice Lillian Violet, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Will- iam Downs. was united in marriage to Harry Rufus Orvis, yonngest son of Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Orvis of Don- caster Gardens, Thornlwfli After the ceremony congratulations were ex- tended to the bride’s parents on the occasion of the twentieth anniversâ€" ary of their marriage. VOL. LVIII. “SKI SKILL†LOLA LANE, PRISCILLA LANE, ROSEMARY LANE “ KING OF ALCATRAZ †BOX OFFICE OPENS 6.30 25 CENTS UNTIL 7 RM CONTINUOUS SATURDAYS & HOLIDAYS 25 CENTS UNTIL 6 RM. W'EDNESDAY & THURSDAY, JANUARY 18 - 19 ALEXANDER KORDA’S ROBERT YOUNG __ IN â€" _ LEW AYRES FRIDAY & SATURDAY ONLY, JANUARY 13 - 14 SPENCER MICKEY TRACY ROONEY The Return of the Scarlet Pimpernell “YORK COUNTY’S NEWSIEST NEWSPAPER†MONDAY & TUESDAY, JANUARY 16 - 17 FANNIE HURS‘T’S GREAT STORY WEDDING FOUR DAUGHTERS “ BOYS TOWN †EXTRA TREATS DONALD DUCK CARTOON Markham council Inaugural Session Rev. W. H. Fuller of Markham Presbyterian Church officiated at the devotional" service marking the inaugural meeting of Markham Township counlcil held‘ at Unionrville Monday morning. The members were all present and Reeve James Rennie extended congratulations to them on their re-election by acclama- tion. The entire council was return- ed by acclamatin for the second consecutive year which constitutes something of a record in the mun- icipality. There 'have not (been two consecutive acclamations in Markham for at least twenty-five years. Council appointed the following to constitute the Board» of Health for 1939: Reeve Rennie, Clerk Charles Hoover, W. F. Kincaid, Dr. C. R. MacKay, M.O.H. Constable B. Gay- man was named‘ Sanitary Inspector at a salary of $25 per year. It was decided to join the Ontario Good Reads Association and all the memlbers will be delegates to the convention to be held] in Toronto February 22nd and 23rd. A by-law was passed estimating the road‘ expenditures for'the com- ing year at $30,000. 'The members will investigate the possibility of buying an attachment to the road maintainer so it can be used? for snow plowing. Will‘iam Warriner and‘ Robert Stiver were appointed weed inspec- tors for the township at salaries of $100 and $165 respectively. Roadr foremen’si accounts passed to- talled $65.10, general road accounts $13.68, and general accounts $308.64. Pay roll to those receiving work instead of relief totalletl December 15th $65. December 30th $56. A. D. Bruce appeared before coun- cil asking that something be done to repair the road into his mill. The members will inspect the road when they make the annual road inlspec- tion in the spring. L0.B.A. ELECTS UFFICERS Mrs. S. McPherson Elected Worthy MistIeSs For Richmomd Hill L.O.B-A. Rich Man PoorGirI At the annual election of Richmond Hill L.O.B.A. held in December last, the following- officers were elected for the year 1939: Immediate Past Mistress, Sister A. Patton; Worthy Misrtress, Sister S. McPherson; Dep- uty Mistress, Sister M. Dolan; Chap- lain, Sister A. White; First Commit- tee, Sister Beatty Six; Recording Secretary, Sister S. Ransom; Finanâ€" cial Secretary, Sister J. Hunvt; Trea- surer, Sister J. Sheardown; First Lecturer, Sister J. Lev; DeputkLecâ€" turer, Sister L. Zuefelt; Director of Ceremonies, Sister G. Masters; Inner Guard, Sister S. Tennyson; Outer Guard, Sister J. Simpson; Second' Committee, Sister Reid; Third Comâ€" Ceremonies, Sister u. Masters; mner Guard, Sister S. Tennyson; Outer Guard, Sister J. Simpson; Second’ Committee, Sister Reid; Third Comâ€" mittee, Sister K. Balmer; Fourth Committee, Sister G. Lever; Fifth Committee, Sister L. Stong'; Guard- ian. Sister F. Hopper; First Auditor, Brother R. Beatty; Second Audikor, Sister A. Patton; Sick Committee, Sisters White, McPherson and Brooks. ' _.1N__ "In Essentials, Unity ; Vaughan Ratepayers Debate Merits of a Game Preserve Following a lengthy discussion and the hearing of a large deputation of ratepayers headed by James Devins of Kleinlburg relative to the best means of regulating hunting in Vaughan Township the council at last Monday’s regular meeting de- cidled to call a public meeting in the near future for the further discusâ€" sion of the question. It is hoped that. council can secure Mr. D. J. Taylor, deputyâ€"minister of Game and Fish- eries to address the Vaughan rate- paycrs on all the angles of the ques- tion‘. If Mr. Taylor is unable to at- tend some other competent official fiom the department will be secured to give the Vaughan ratepayers the details of all the regulations. ‘ residents. Mr. Devins and a representative deputation numlbering about twenty pointed! out that Game Preserves have been established in Markham, King, Albion and practically all other surrounding municipalities, and that as a result Vaughan was now overâ€" run with hunters. Under existing conditions farmers are having diffi- culty owing to lack of regulations governing the hunters. Several of the deputation voiced complaints of the action of many of those who come out from the city for a day’s hunting. They pointed out there was little or no difficulty with township While some of the hunt- ‘ers in» fact probably the majority of them, are goodi fellows, who respect property rights and' are careful, there is an element which pr0vid'cs con- siderable trouble. “They think they own the country,†one farmer said, “and- they get quite saucy and‘ say We can’t stop them.†Signs pro- hibiting trespassing and hunting have been ignored, fencesv have been destroyed and livestock has been in- jured. A case was related of one farmer who had' a valuable cow shot in the eye, and‘ another farmer lost two lambs. “They come right under the signs and pay no attention to them,†Mr. Devins stated‘. Clerk J. M. McDonald pointed out that if it was so desired the tow ‘s‘hip could be made a game preserve the same as neighbouring- townships. Under the game preserve regulations hunting is forbidden except under a special license granted’ by the munâ€" icipality. The controlling body which in most cases is the township coun~ cil assisted by a number of inter- ested ratepayers may issue licenses for the annual pheasant shoot. The number to “be issued must be not less than one hundred, the open seaâ€" son may be for three days and the fee is one dollar per day. For resi- dents the fee is the nominal 25 cents. The feature of the game preserve which did not seem to meet with favor among members of the depu- tation was that those who secure nonâ€"resident pheasant hunting licâ€" enses are entitled to hunt for rab- bits from November 1st to February 28th. While some objected to this regulation others contended that rab- bit hunting was now going full swing and! that it might just as well be controlled and limited to those who had the proper licenses. Under the game preserve the farmer is entitled to erect signs to prohibit hunting on his farm, but there was objection again to the regulation that the far- mer who so posts signs on his farm is himself barred from hunting. If the Township is made a game preserve the Department of Game and Fisheries would appoint twenty- five game wardens to assist in enâ€" forcing the regulations. The suggestion was made that the township provide signs for the farm»- ers prohibiting hunting and that this plan be tried fbefore embarking- on the game preserve project. The mat- ter of proper enforcement was seen as a difficulty with this plan, and also that sorne farmers might not want to prohibit hunting on their farms. There is the possibility that the hares if allowed to multiply un- molested would do consideralble dam- age to farms. Just what final action will be taken will await the holding of the public meeting when all angles will be presented to Vaughan ratepayers by qualified authorities. However it is evident that the citizens of the town- ship are convinced something must be done to remedy existing condi- tions. “The west side of Vaughan Township is a game paradise,†said Mr. Devins. “I don’t know anywhere Public Meeting Will Be Called In Near Future When Deputy Minister of Game and Fisheries Will Be Invited To Speakâ€"Citizens Demand That Something Be Done To Regulate Hunting In Township RICHMOND HILLj ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 12th, 1939. : In Non-essentials. Liberty; In All things, Charity" in York County where there is more wild life, and we want to preserve it. If something is not'done soon we will have none left.†It was stated illegal shooting of pheasants was common. They come under the guise of rabbit hunting but it is really pheasants many of them are after it was said. The case was cited of a Toronto hunter who shot a rabbit, skinn-ed' it and concealed- a pheasant in the rabbit skin. Many of those who come out from the city to hunt are of foreign extraction and they are the worst offenders. ‘Mr. Hoover who manages the Thompson farm north of Woodubridge said! it was not safe to go about the farm. ‘Mr. George Irwin said that dogs had some rabbits cornered in a ravinie where his stock was and when he went to order them off they said“ they didn't have to get out uni? less he had signs up. Mr. Irwin called the police and the hunters were charged with trespassing. Mr. Henry said he thought something should 'be done to restrict hunting in the township. Mr. Lex McKenzie of Woodlbridge who accompanied the deputation said he felt the present problem, could best be met by enlisting the co-op- eration of hunters and} township citâ€" izens. In: the main he said sports- men were good citizens and! did not wish to have the game hunted iI- legally nor to destroy property. Un~ fortunately a few offenders spoiled it for the good ones. He heartily approved of the idea of having a speaker from the Department ex- plain the regulations. A vote taken at the request of the council showed the deputation to be very undecided) as to the best means of handling the problem. Fitve voted' in favor of establishing a game preserve, and| 7 for the township to provide signs for posting throughout the municipality. Several were un- decided and did not vote. Deputy-Reeve Boynton Weldrick who was presiding at the time ow- ing to the absence of Reeve Scott thanked the members of the deputa- tion for their attendance, and he hoped there would )be a large and representative attendance when the public meeting is called. It is a question which has been in the mind of council for some time, andl we are very anxious to do whatever is in the ‘best interests of the people of the township, he said. Hockey genedule Opens Manday At Stouffviile Rink Richmond Hill Ford V-8 Juveniles play their opening schedule game next Monday night in Stoui‘fville. The local group includes Richmond Hill, Aurora and Stouffville. Manager Andy Anderson and coach “Cec.†Mabley are confident they will have a team on the ice next Monday good enough to win the group horrors. There will be a practice at the rink Friday night and all wanting to play are invited to turn out. While the team has not definitely been picked some of the local boys likely to ap- pear on the line-up are: Ron Lunau, E. Barrow, M. Stewart, Wilson Beresford, Dick Mills, Jack Brockâ€" bamk, Norman Mabley, Joe Morris, Morley Hillwby and Bill White. HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of the Rich- mond Hill Horticultural Society will be held in the Municipal Hall on the afternoon of Saturday, 2151: inst., at 3 o’clock. The Financial Report and other reports of the work of 1938 will be given. Officers will be elect- ed for 1939. Plans for the year’s work will be outlined. Delegates to the Convention of the Ontario Horti- cultural Association to be held Mar. 2nd and 3rd in the King Edward Hotel will be appointed. The Horticultural year begins Jan- uary 151: and ends December 3‘lst. Join the society early. Local Juveniles Look Promisi‘ng mewouomw FRANK SCHISLER IS THE NEW MEMBER OF HIGH SCHDOL BOARD The inaugural meeting of the coun- cil of Richmond Hill Village met in- inaugural session Monday morning at 11 am. and after a short session ade-ourned until evening. In his op- ening remarks Reeve J. A. Greene referred to the splendid financial position of the village and congratu- lated the members on their re-elec- tion. “It has been a pleasure and a privilege to work with such a splenâ€" did‘ council he said, “and I look for- ward to your couoperation in 1939.†Public School Board. “They have the spending of a lot of money,†he said, “and the ratepayers should have the privilege of electing who they see fit.†The former board consisted of A. A. Eden, Allan Bales, C. H. Sand- erson, appointed by the village coun- cil and T. H. Trench, F. S. Tyndall and James S‘keele appointed by the County Council. A. A. Eden, Allan Bales and F. S. Tyndall all express- ed a desire to retire so council ap- pointed as village appointees, C. H. ‘Sanderson, James SkCele and Frank Schisler. It is likely that T. H. Trench, an ex-reeve of the town who has given long years of service on the school board will he the nomin- ation of Reeve Greene at County Faced with the re-organization of the High School Board in accordance with the new regulatiOns of the On- tario Department of Education the members discussed the proposal at some length. Under the new Act the High School Board of Richmond Hill will be made up of four members, three appointed by the village coun- cil and one member appointed by the CountSr Council. Until a few years ago Richmond Hill had a Board of Education, six elected and six ap- pointed who administered the affairs of both schools. This was changed to two boards: of six members each, one for public school and one for the High School. Now the High School Board is reduced to four members. At present all members of the Pub- lic School Board are elected by the ratepayers of the school section. Dis- cussing- the subject Councillor Alex Little expressed the opinion that ‘members of the High School Board \should be elected the same as the Yonge St. aliéilouï¬orest Rd. Appointed At Inaugural Meeting Of Village Council â€" Councillor Little Thinks High School Boards Should Be Elected by Peopleâ€"Other Appointments Made The Quality Tea Council. This will make Frank Schisler the one new member of the 1939 High School Board. In considering the year’s work it was intimated that sidewalk conâ€" struction for the year will likely in- clude Lorne Avenue, Church Street north from Centre Street, and Ben. son Avenue. This is an ambitious sidewalk program but the members felt the need urgent and will endea- vour to make financial provision for the work. At the suggestion or counâ€" cil‘lor Little the council will investiâ€" gate the possibility of purchasing a large cement mixer. “If we had a good mixer we could» reduce our Sid;â€" walk costs considerably,†he said. Allan W. Walker was rel-appoint- ed as auditor for' the books of the village treasurer, the Board of Edn- cation and the Library Board at the same salary as- last year, $100. Councillor Alex Little was in the chair for the second reading of the appointments byâ€"law. On! motion of Reeve Greene and councillor Nelson G. Yerex was rte-appointedl as a mem-A ber of the Library Board. On motion of councillor Hill and councillor Nelson the following fence viewers Were named-z T. Allison, C. Clark and B. Bennett. The age old custom of appointing sheep va‘luers was discontinued. Mr. B. B. Jordan. was appointed as village solicitor and 'C. P. Wiley was re-appoin‘ted as a member of the Board of Health. Wes Middleton was named- as building in- spector. The village will proceed in the near future w‘th the extension of the water-main on Cen‘re Street west as. far as Bridgefordl Street. It will be undertaken as an unemployment re- lief measure and some twelve village unemployed will share in the work. It will cost approximately $1200. SINGLE COPIES be. $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE Committees were appointed the same as last year with the follow- ing as chairmen: Finance, Reeve Greene; Streets and Sidewalks, Counâ€" rillm' Alex Limo: Waterworks. Coun- cillor P. G. Hill; Parks and Build- ings, Councillor H. J. Mills; Electric Light, Councillor C. Nelson. Lions Carnival January 26th No. 28.