Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 26 Jan 1939, p. 4

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WWOO OWWWMWWO moweoowwiwuoow‘woowwomoowmnof M ARK HAM ROA D The SENGENQ SCHOGE You won‘t believe your eyesâ€"or earsâ€"when you see this handsome. large, 8-tube DeFores't Crosley Con- sole,.giving ll-tube World-Wide per- formance, and hear it bring in your 5 favourite stations by just the simple press of a buttonâ€"plus the Electric Eye for accurate manual tuning. ALL for only $94.95 and your old radio. Possessing as it does. all of the newest 1939 conveniences. including motor~drive automatic response. we frankly state that never before have we offered such radio value. so don't miss this opportun. ity to obtain the “Latest In Radio” at this amazing low price. Come in and see it for yourself; hear its out- standing pcrformanceâ€"only a small weekly payment places it in your lit-me. TUNE IN on Trude-in Price Regular Price You Pay Victoria Square I, the undersigned, have taken over the store and entire stock of Donald Pickering, and will begin business on February 1st, carrying a com- plete line of groceries, drugs, school supplies, men’s wear, hardware, tobaccos, etc. YOUR PATRONAGE WILL BE APPRECIATED Let this overwhelming preference for ‘blue coal’â€" the world's finest anthraciteâ€"be your guide to better heating. ‘blue coal’ will give you a standard of heating satisfaction and value that has won the confidence of over 100,000 Canadian homeowners. Order a ton of ’blue coal’ today PAGE FOUR GORDON MORTSON Phone 10 “'Fhe I. D. RAMER & SON . YEREX Shadow" every Sat. 7 to 7.30 p.m. over szation CBL $134.95 40.00 $94.95 EVER Richmond Hill €11: Latest 1939 Model “No Stoop” Sloping Tuning Panel RICHMOND HILL 394 Mr. and Mrs. William Walker, T0- ronto, Mrs. Roy Wilson's par-ants, are staying with Mr. Wilson while she is in the hospital. Rev. D. Davis was a guest for dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Clarkson on Sunday. , Mr. and with Alex. Sunday. Saturday evening, January 2151;, a meeting of the Sunday School Exe- cutive Was held at. the home of Mfr. and Mrs. Cecil Pratt when plans for the year were discussed. The Sup- erintendent, Mrs. E. Bowen, presided. Mr. John Gray attended the fun- eral of the late Tilforid Gunn at Nash- ville on Friday afternoon. Mr. James McClusk-ey attended the funeral ser- vice at the McDougal Funeral Home at Pinewood and St. Clair. Golden Wedding Monday evening, January 16, was the occasion of a very pleasant sur-‘ prise for Mr. and Mrs. James RanesF bottom, Teston, when twenty-three relatives and friends‘from Toronto came up to celebrate the Fiftieth An~ niversary of their wedding day. In- cluded among the guests was their son, Mr. James Ranesbottom of COp- per Cliff, and daughter Mrs. S. E. Henderson, Toronto. A very pleasant evening was spent and Mr. and Mrs. Raneshottom were presented with a purse of gold, two table lamps and a basket of daffodils. Their many friends in the district extend congra- tulations and best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Ranesboftom on this occasion. Sudden Passing of Tilford Gunn Tuesday evening brought the sad news to friends here of the passing of Mr. Tilford Gunn, formerly of Teston and later of Toronto where he resided after Gunn Biros. gave up farming in the district. The late Mr. Gunn was one of the jolliest members of the party at the Golden Wedding celebration of Mr. and Mrs. James Ranes'bottom on Monday even- ing, "but feeling ill on Tuesday he went to his sister’s home where he collapsed. Medical aid was called in and later in the afternoon he seemed to be sleeping but on going to his room it was discovered that death had claimed him. He is survived by a brother in the west, Bert in To- ronto, and Otto at Noibleton, and a sister Mrs. Gladys Ranes‘bottom of Toronto. Theifaneral was held frorn‘ McDougal’s‘ Funeral Home on Friday afternoon of last week, to Nashville cemetery. Deceased was in his 46th year. The W.A. met at the home of Mrs. E. Carson, Wednesday afternoon, January 18th, with an attendance of 24. Among the important items of business was the election of a Presi- dent to fill the office of Mrs. Harry Ireland who gave up vowing to the fact she found it imp09si»ble to ac- cept. Mrs. Wlm. Windas was elected. The usual program was then given. Friends were pleased to hear that Mrs. Roy Wilson is improving satis- factorily at Private Patients Pavil- ion, Western Hospital since her oper- ation last week and‘ wish her a speedy recovery. Miss Lorna Henderson was a guest of the Rdbsons on Sunday. (Peterborough Examiner) It is hard enough to understand why a driver is allowed to take a car on‘the road without any insur- ance. He can damage the car of another driver and then say he has no insurance and_ no money. And: trying to collect from such an indi- vidual is likely to result in even‘ greater loss. There was no meeting of the Y.P. U. on Sunday evening owing to the stormy weather. Mrs. George Taggart received a letter from her aunt, Mrs. Charles Hollingshead, 296 Roxton Road, Tod route, and at the age of eighty years Mrs. Hollingshead is cutting a tooth.l This is mos-t unusual and it may ‘be that more will appear. ‘ There will be nr Ynung People’s Union next week but instead everyâ€" body is urged to attend the YOung People’s Rally in Bloor Street Unit- ed Church on Monday evening, Janu- ary 30th. The Macdonald Sunshine Mission Band will meet on Sunday, January 29 at 2.30 in the Sunday School room. Any new memibers will be welcomed. Everybody welcome. The Young People's. Unlon met a; the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Smith on. Monday evening with a good atâ€" tendance. The programme was 'n HEADFORD I VICTORIA SQUARE 1 CAR INSURANCE TESTON Mrs. Ed. Bowen visited and Mrs. MacDonald on 3.1 1‘ e 11 tizer hments‘ THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO Union met a; alt poem “The I-Iand” was The tOpic ascism and Rice after . time with given rby indi- You ca ntell whether you are be- i you: even‘ in}; por’r'ecfly neutral in any matter. gpect The Mrs. David Watson, Miss Myrtle ‘Watson and Mrs. Robt. Hynes of [Stouffville were'Wednesday guests l at the home of Mrs. Ratcliff. that his days here numbered. Last Friday morning the call came and 'he peacefully passed away. Mr. llaig was born on December 31, 1861 in Baltimore, Ontario. He received his public and high school education in Coliourg and' then enâ€" tered. Knox College in Toronto from where he graduated in 1891. In 1892 he married Miss Helen Ress of Graf- ton who died in 1909. Then he mar- ried Miss Margaret Goforth in 1913 who survives him, also one daughter Mrs. Harold Burwash, Agincou-rt, by his first marriage; 3 brothers and 1 sister, Rev. Alex Haig and: Mr. Donald Haig of Agincourt, Mr. David H‘aig and Mrs. Mann of Baltimore; also two granddaughters, Helen and Ruth, mourn his loss. The Women’s Association gave a very successful supper on Monday evening l-a-st under the leadership of .Mrs. Meek and her group. At the ; conclusion of the supper a cOngrega- ltional meeting was held and reports from the various departments of the church were read. These reports were very satisfactory. Mr. L. L. Nichols was elected to take the place of the late Mr. Haig on the Board of Session. Mr. J. R. Thompson of Parkhill is visiting friends here. Mr. Thomp- son lived in this community some years ago. During his minishy he preached in charges at Hyde Park, Milbank, Co- lumbus, Bond Head, Victoria Squai‘é. Miss C. Heise of Uxbridge is spending a few weeks with her friend, Mrs. W. F. Nichols. Mrs. B-oadtway and Mrs. Coulson of Unionville and their cousin, Mrs. Alexander, of Ailsa Craig; were Tues- day guests of Mrs. W. F. Nichols. ‘Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Goo‘derham of Lansing were recent visitors here. Mr. Gooderham called on an old‘ neighbour, Mr. Thos. Clever. Late Rev. Wm. Haig A large gathering of relatives and friends assembled at the late home of Rev. Wm. Haig‘ on Monday morn- ing to pay their last respects. Mr. hall vheen ill for several weeke and for some time it was apparent to the ones who waited upon him that his days here numbered. Last The pallbearers were six nephews of his own choosing, namely, Gordon Haig, Donald Haig, David Haig, Jame-s Johnson, Frank Bennett and Walter Goforth. The ministers in charge of the service were Rev. C. W. Follett of Richmond Hill, repreâ€" senting the Toronto Presbytery, Rev. Macdonald, Mr. Haig’s minister, Rev. Mr. Tuer of Agincourt, Rev. Dr. An- drew Ross of Kingston and) Rev. B‘rulbaker of Gormley. A technical crew covered Califor- nia to find the “Vienna Woods" for “The Great Waltz,” coming Monday to the Capitol Theatre. ' attendance of the agriculture and Home Economics classes ‘but it is hoped that the worst is over. The banquet on Friday night will bring all to 3. gran-dv finish. A Missionary from China will be the guest speak- er. A pleasant and. profitable time is anticipated. Beauty spots along the Redwood Highway, in Napa and Sonoma coun- ties and about Clear Lake and the Russian River, were covered in the screen tests. Julien Duvivier direct- ed the picture in which Metro-Gold;â€" wynâ€"Mayer is reproducing Strauss music on an elaborate scale. Luise Rainer, Gravet and Miss Korjus have the principal roles. Actors have faced screen tests for many years, ‘but when technicians started out to make screen tests of all the scenic forests in Northern California, it marked the first time in screen history that trees and rocks have been tested for a role. In the picture,’the fore’st figures in one of the most important epi- sodes in which Fernand Gkravet, as Johann Strauss, discovers his love for Miliza Korjus and, at the same time, is inspired by the birds, the brook, the wind in the trees and the beauties of nature, to compose “Tales from the Vienna Woods.” Mr. Haig will be greatly missed- in this community. In all church activities he Was very much inter- ested? and always took a very active part while his health permitted it. THEY HAD TO FIND VIE‘NNESE FOREST FOR A BACKGROUND estedr and always took a very active part while his health permitted it. tor at both services. Choice musi- tended to Mrs. Haig, his daughter and other relatives. Interment took place in Baltimore. So Studio Creates Innovation of GivI- ing Trees a “Screen Test" Well, old King Winter has certain- 1y come into his own these last few days. The snow plough has been very much in evidence keeping the highway open. The condition of the CAPITOL THEATRE open 1 Toronto children will take part in l'two demonstrations of welcome to lthe King and Queen on their \visit here in May. It was announced by lthe special committee to arrange for lthe royal visit that as well as the ‘rauy scheduled for Riverdale Park ianother will be held in the grounds [of the Canadian National Exhibition. HEIFER CALF, 5 months old, out of extra good corw. Will take hay as part payment. Apply H. W. Kanis, 103 Richmond St., Richmond Hill. QUALIFIED RADIO REPAIRS, ser- REWARD OF $5.00 will the given to any person who can give infoma- tion that will lead to the arrest and conviction of the party or parties who stole the Windshield Defroster from our car while standing- in 011:!“ 'driveway on Tuesday evening be- tween 5.30 and 8 o’clock. Taylor’s Radio Sales an'l Service, Yonge St, Richmond Hill. ' Hill. vice and sales. Charges reasonable. Work guaranteed. Hugh Yerex, 4 Markham Rd., phone 242, Richmond Hill. WINTER CLEARING SALE Of good used Stoves and Ranges. Bargain grices. Don’t. miss it, first come; first served. Rose Hardware, Maple.- 6 DINING-ROOM CHAIRS. 1 Coal Oil Perfection Heater, quantity of harness, all in perfect condition, cheap. Mrs. A. Wright, Stop 17A, Thornhil‘l. SMALL KITCHEN STOVE, coal or *,wood, also small wood box stove, both in excellent condition. If in- terested write Box 212 Liberal Offâ€" ice and arrange to see same. SKATES SHARPENED. If you want a real good job “see Josh”. Apply J. Homer, Markham.Road, Richmond‘ HARDWOOD $10.50 cord lots; hard- wood slabs $9.50 cord lots. Langâ€" staff Supply Co., phone Thornhill 73. AN‘THRA'CITE COAL, nut or stove size, $12.25 ton lots delivered. Low- PUREiBRED husky Baby Chicks 10c. Bred from high production flocks: Order now for cpeoial discount. Our prices will be higher later. Yonge Street Poultry Farm, Richmond Hill,- telephone 10211.. est prices on all fuels. Langstaff Supply, phone Thorn‘hill 73. PURE CLOVER HONEY, 4 11b. péil' 39c., 65 1b. can $5.00, or 40‘ 11b. d-airy' pail $3.20. N. Duck’ett, Stop 22A,- Yonge Street, telephone Richmond' Hill 136r2. In 10 days a map will be released showing the route the royal party will travel through Toronto. It was also announced the official luncheon will be held in Hart House after the King and Queen have visited the Parliament buildfngs. Maximum seating accommodation in the ban- quet hall there is 600 people as com- pared to 1,700 had it been decided to hold the luncheOn in a hotel. It was announced the royal visit to Christie Street hospital had been definitely decided upon. The royal train will not arrive at the Union station but at North Yonge Street C.P.R. station, where it will remain until moved out to the Ex- hibition grounds prior to their maj- esties’ departure. VETERANS HALL EVENTS North York Twp. Veterans Assoc. Memorial Hall, Abittibi and Yonge St. Weekly events: Tuesday, euchre at 8.15, goatf prizes. Saturday night dance with attractive prizes and- novâ€" elties. Thursday, January 26, Bingo; WRONG ADVICE Friend: “You say you are out of‘ employment?" -‘ Tramp: “Yes.” Friend: “You have nobody to blame but yourself; you should. thmw yourself into work." Tramp: “You frighten me; I’m a grave-digger.” Maybe it isn’t smart to brag about your town’s big- population. Pros- pecti‘m nr‘r‘my bombers might make REEN HARDWOOD, in 4 foot ‘ng‘ths. Apply Williams Bros., R.R. '0. 2, King. M [SCELL A N B30 {I S RATESâ€"Five hnes or JessZ 25 cents for first insertion and 15 celits for each subsequent insertlon. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extra each insertion. IF CHARGED 7 CENTS PER LINE. Classified Advs. IS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISINGâ€"MAKE THE MOST OF IT FOR SALE THURSDAY, JANUARY 26th, 1939. 4'2w2 MEN TO BREAK STONE, anout 135 yards. Apply R. J. Roddick, Gorm- ley R.R. No. 2, phone Agincourt GRAJDE No. 1 POTATOES. Highest prices paid at your farm. App-1y Norman Bone, phone 38, Richmond Hill. SATURDAY, JAN. 28â€"Auction sale of Standing Timbef, mOStly hard- wood, at Lot 26, Con. 6, Vaughan Township, the property of George Brownlee. Purchaser has until Feb- ruary 151:, 1940 to remove wood; Brush to be piled in wol‘kmanlike manner. Sale at 2 o’clock. Terms cash on day of sale. J. Carl Saigeon, auctioneer. (Reconditioned and Guaranteed) 1937 PONTIAC DeLUXE COACHâ€" AGGRESSIVE AGENT to sell farm machinery, stoves, cream separators and milkers. Apply Box 33, Liberal~ Office. ‘ WORK URGENTLY NEEDED, Will- ing to do anything. Can drive car or truck, experienced in farm work. Apply Liberal Office. 6 ROOMED HOUSE to rent. Apply Wilbert Bone, 15 Centre Street East, Richmond Hill. Usefl Cars LOGGING CHAIN. Owner may have same by proving property and pay-* ing expenses. J. Lunau, Richmom} Hill. ' 1936 PLYMOUTH DeLUXE SEDAN with Trunk. Very small mileage. Hot water heater, like new. .Taylor’s Radio Sales. And Service 1937 FORD V-8 DeI.UXE SEDAN 1937 FORD V-8 TUDOR -â€" G00d 1935 FORD V-S DeLUXE TUDORâ€" 1983 DeLUXE PLYMOUTH SEDAN Nice Condition. ~ ' 1935 FORD TUDORâ€"~Th0roughly re- conditioned. Little Brothers 1933 FORD V-8 CABRIOLETâ€" (Oonvertible). Rumble Seat. ‘ It is true that some little counâ€" tries are safe Without armaments. Having them as buffers is more pro- fitable than owning them. 127 Yo'nge St.. Richmflnd Hill Phone 226 Some Bargains in New and Used Radios Ford Sales & Service RICHMOND HILL ONTARIO PHONE 174-W Heater. Very nice. With Trunkâ€"Small Mileage. Value. Very nice. TUBES TESTED Sale Register $650.00 $625.00 T0 RENT $565.00 $415.00 $350.00 W A NT ED $625.00 $325.00 $425.00 FOUND FREE

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