WILL‘ Bawden Lumber & C031 (10.. LTD LUMBER 0F ALI. KINDS lnsulex, Donnacona Board. etc. J. R. Herrington 93 Yonge St. Richmond Hill C.N.R. Money Order Office momowwmo AAAAAAAA “Tired!†said another. “I was so tired when I got home that I had to give a kid a penny to knock on- the door for me!†The navies had rbeen doing over- time for a fortnight. “Blimey, Bill, I wasn’t ’arf tired- last night when I got ’ome,†said» one. “I couldn't even answer the missus back.†THURSDAY, JANUARY 26th, 1939. WW9. WW". Real Estate â€" Insurance Conveyancing Estates Managed Rents Collected 3 R. H. KANE TINSMITHING FURNACES - PLUMBING HEATING Septic Tanks Installed Pumps Barn & Stable Equipment 74 Yonge btreet Phone 92F MASSEY-HARRIS 'AGENT Farm Implements, Machinery and Repairs Telephone Richmond Hill 39 Beatty Farm Equipment LANSING LOWDALE 42 HUDSON 0234 Charles Graham QUITE TOO BAD The Richmond Hill Liberal HOME Fox-hunting has become a very popular sport in the Palgra‘ve dis- trict. Some of the hunters have been lucky; some have not. A gallon of gasoline is said to have the explosive power of 90 pounds of dynamite. A. Kerr, Miss Anna Kaiser; Audi- tors, N. Watson, V. Shunk; Organâ€" ist, Miss Margaret Watson; Assist- ant Organist, MiSS Masol Shaw; Stewards, H. Wal‘dlaw, J. Kellam, M. Wardlaw, D. McLean; Elders, D. McDonald, J. Coward, W, Wardlaw, N. Watson. Adjournment of the meeting folâ€" lowed a short speech by the Rev. J. C. Bailey in which he voiced appre- ciation of the congregation’s loyalty to himself and Mrs. Bailey. Ofï¬cers were elected as follows: Historical Custodian of the Church Records, William Wardlaw; M. and M. committee, Miss A. Train, Miss Reports were given as follows: Y.P.U. secretary‘s report, Mrs. G. Taylor; Y.P.U. Treasurer’s report, Miss Anna Kaiser; Sunday School, Miss Olive Devins; Cradle Roll. Mrs. G. Taylor; Women’s Assoeiation, Mrs. H. P. Wardlaw; M. and M.'com- mittee, Mr. H. P. Wardlaw; and the church treasurer’s report, Mr. H. P. Wardlaw. The latter reported a splendid balance on hand to com- mence the new year. Giving a re- port of the year’s work in the cir- cuit, the Rev. J. C. Bailey stated that an increase in membership had been shown in all three churches. Mission collections were also report- ed higher than the previous year. A large attendance marked the Kleinburg United Church annual con- gregational meeting and dinner on Wednesday evening of last week. The hot dinner, served by the ladies of the church, was immediately fol- lowed by the business session pre- sided over by the Rev. J. C. Bailey. All reports were of a very satis- factory nature, showing that all branches had completed a very ac- tive year, each with a balance on hand. KLEINBURG PAPER As an Advertising Medium, The Liberal thoroughly covers the Vill- age of Richmond Hill and surround- ing villages and farming district. Intelligent, consistent advertising is the barometer of business. People look in the home paper for adver- tisements, not, as a rule, on their doorstep or verandahs.. National ad- vertisers use The Liberal. Richmond Eiiii‘hberal 'Contains all the News of the terri- tory in which it circulates, ‘Clean, Wholesome, Hopeful, Constructive News and Editorials. It is devoted} to the good of the Community; a booster for civic betterment, work-= ing unceasingly to make the com- munity a better place in which to live. The Right Kind of Advertising Gets Results mw'gmmwmwmwwmw \ “Anything you say,†he told Jm after a minute. “And I’ll work be fore I eat.†He stared at the stranger, then, expecting the usual run of alibis. But the other steadied his eyes, and looked right back at Joe. Those (grey eyes of his were bad. They Ibored right into you, once they were steadied, and there was the sting of Ibitterness in their stare â€" the bit- ter desperation of a fellow who knows he’s down, and won’t come up and is sore about it. Joe’s face got alittle red because the guy wasn’t asking any favors. He was telling Joeâ€"calling his‘bluff, yet there wasn’t anything- he said. that you could put a ticket on. ‘ Joe listens to so many hard-luck stories that he's not a sucker for them any more. He knows that mostâ€" ly guys that ask for a job of work in trade for a meal don’t really want to work. They only say that and hope that the how will answer, “what the hell, go to the cook tent," and let it go. But something about this stranger prompted Joe to ask a couple of questions before he sent him on his way. “Yeah,†Joe asked, “what can you do?" He did look hungry. The heavy growth of beard that covered most of his face didn’t hide the flaming signature of alcohol on his cheeks, his hands were shaky. Altogether he looked just like another old booze- fighter completely down on his luck. Yet there was something â€" a cat- like set to his shoulders that seemed to belie his general air. None of us saw him come on the lot that nightâ€"he just seemed to be there. We noticed him just before Capt. Daredevil Oliver’s dive into the flaming gasoline. He came up to Joe Warndvt who was boss while Old Man Tannery, the owner of the Carnival, was away. “I’m hungry,†he said in a husky half-whisper. “How about a job to pay for a meal?†THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO he told Joe By then a big crowd of peasants had come up, and they were yelling for fight. One of them â€" a wise chumpâ€"h-ollered it was a gag, just hike the tightrope walker dressed up [in the tramp suit who turns out to be the best in the wt. Joe “'arndt 1 That was like her. Around the ltent shows for a long time, she was jpretty; if you like the dark husky [kind, and she had a swell way about ,her. No matter who it was, she al- Zways had :1 grin and. a “hello†and lshe was always a great trouper. éS-he’d‘share her last dime, and make iyou take eight cents of it. mutt,†she cried, tearing away from him, her black eyes blazing. “I’ve told" you Mom to leave me alone." But Orlando only laughed, and grabbed at her again. Then, the roustabout says, a funny thing happened. The stranger be- gan to move smoothly, like all his muscles and joints were floating in oil, and his fists went out fastâ€"like the roustabout had never seen fists go before. Orlando droppetl ’his hands from the girl, and put one of them up to his mouth which was bleeding. “You’ll pay for this,†he said, “you’ll pay for it right away." Ami he s¢arted for the stranger. But: Lolita got (between them. “Listen,†she screamed, “you big- bully. Don’t you touch himâ€"or I’ll have you pinched.†“Never mind, lady,†the stranger said. “I take W'hat comes.†“Listen,†he yelled, “you ain’t sup- posed to talk to anybody. If you’re through with your work, get the hell out of here.†Then he made a grab at Lolita. “Take your mutt,†she cried him, her black told= you before a matter of fact, when Lolita came along, swinging free and easy, the way She always walkedâ€"just like the snakes she worked with in her act. She saw the stranger, and she stopped. The roustaibout says he never saw such a look in a guy’s eyes as the stranger had when he gave that peg a final whack, and turned to look at Lolita. Maylbe nobody had had a good word for him in a long time. He looked like a dog that’s used to kicks and rocks, and suddenly has a big steak ’bone shoved towards it. “Yeah,†he said, “they’ve got me working. Andâ€"andâ€"thanks, lady." Orlando heard that and turned a- round, his little eyes hard. It didn't suit his 'book to see this stranger get any time from anybody, espeâ€" cially Lolita. to VVfll'k,†he g'1'0\v:e(l. "All rignt work then.†The stranger kept his mouth shut, even though he looked like he would drop any minute. He just worked until the job was almost done, with Orlando and the roustabout stand- ing around' going through the mo- tions. He was on the last peg, as “Hi,†Lolita said, “got you work- ing, haven’t they?†So the stranger stuck out his hand and Orlando grabbed it, and squeez- ed hard. He held on, it being his habit to squeeze until the other fel- low yelled, but the stranger did not holler. His face went grey, and all the whiskey flames died‘ down out of it, and his lips were almost white. But he didn’txsay anything. Finally Orlando let go. and the stranger shook his bruised hand like a dog shakes itself when it comes out of the water. “You’ve had your fun,†he said then, “now show me what I’ve got to do. I’m hungry, and I have to work to earn my meal.†So Orlando worked him like a dog, gave him all the heaviest jobs, and- no rest between lifts. “You want to work,†he growled. “All right, So he sent him over to where Or- lando Muscle, who was billed as the World’s Strongest Man, was work- ing- with a roustalbout to get his tent up. This Orlando was a hard citizen that ndbody liked. Most big, strong fellows are easygoingâ€"but not 0r~ Iando. His idea of a joke was to take your wrist in his two hands to show you how he could break it with a twist. It was painful. Orâ€" lando never broke any‘bod‘y’s wrist that way, but he made a lot of en- emies. “Orl'ando’ll teach him not to be a Wise guy,†Joe muttereti as he watched the stranger shufer away. As he watched a puzzled expression came over his face. “You know, I’ve seen that lug some place before,†he said, “but I can’t figure out where.†The roustabout told us most of| what happened after the strangerl got over to help with Orlando's tent. $ The strong man looked him over; when he reported. ' “Fine,†Orlando said, “let’s shake hands. I like to be pals with every- body who works for me.†“Okay,†Joe said. “You asked for hands off me, you “Thanksâ€"ladyâ€"â€"†he said quietly. I’ll be moving on. It wouldn’t do any good nowâ€"it’s too late. Thanks â€"and thanks for the good word.†Joe came to life then. “I never saw anything like it,†he muttered. “What a fight. If you werc in shape you could handle The stranger's face went a little soft. “But look â€" stick around, Joe’ll find‘ you a job and all You could see by the look on L‘o- lita’s face that she wanted him to, when she said that. It was that look women get when they want to save a kid from hurting himself. The man looked at it for a min- ute, and then he grinned, the firm time he grinned all the time he was on the lot. “All right,†he said. “I guess I earnedI it. I’ll‘ take it. It ought to buy a lot of pork.chops'â€"a Iot pf smoke." Joe looked almost scared as he helped the stranger down out of the ring. It had happened so fast, he couldn’t believe it. He gave up his fifty to the mine he bet with, like he was in a fog. Then he peeled a twenty off his roll and held it to- ward the stranger. He came on, and he was some- thing terrible to look at, with blood streaming down his: face, and with his little eyes glinting hate. 'You wondered \V'hefhei‘ the stranger would have the strength to sideâ€"step and stab just once more. The strong man trembled for :a m‘nute, like a big tree in a storm. Then he fell face downwards. He was out cold. The stranger stag~ gered over to the ropes, and held on, 'broathing hard. His face was grey again, and you could tell he couldn’t have stood, up by himself. It was like that for three mirt- utes‘, and everybody got so.excited, including Joe, that they forgot to stop the round, and the stranger began to slow down â€"â€" even though Orlando hadn‘t laid a glove on him, and had himself lost a good deal of blood. But you could see it wouldn’t last. Try going a full three minutes yourself some timeâ€"and then figure how it would be if you’d been liv- ing on rot-gut for years. The w’hisâ€" key Lol'a gave him began to wear outâ€"you could see itâ€"â€"and~ it looked like Orlando’s next rush would fin- ish him. But this time he didn’t â€" maybe he couldn’t. Anyhow, when Orlando came in, he moved a little to the left, crouched like a spring, and like a spring h-e lashed out. . His VKfists moved so fast you couldn‘t see them. Pack! Pack! Pack! Pack against‘Or- lando. You could hear them â€" and they carried plenty. . I When they squared off up there on the platform, it looked brutal. 01'â€" lando was like an elephant up against an alley cat â€"â€" and a pretty poor alley cat at that. But there was a certain springiness about the strangâ€" er, in .xpite of his flalblby arms. and legs, and whisky paunc‘h that make you wonder. “Get into the tent, and up on the platform,†he yelled in his best bally- hoo way. “We will see this through, my friends, and determine who is the fbettah man. Strength against skill, folks; brain against brawn. The oldest struggle in the world. Step up, step up. Ten cents, one dime, the tenth pot-of-a-dollah to see this epic struggle.†As the customers began to push their way in like sheep. he whieâ€" pered to Orlando to take it easy, or he’d have him shot. But he knew the big lug wouldn’t, so he posted rousta‘bouts around the tent to stop a killing if it began to look too bad. He told the stranger he’d get a pound note if he could stick one round. There was a big- crowd by then, and Joe gave the- signal to start. The wise chump wanted to lay bets on the stranger. “It’s all a frameâ€" up,†he yelled. Joe cooled him off. He took fifty bucks of his money. - “A frameup, huh?†Joe said. “Here’s five tens that says it ain’t.†He said afterwards that he meant to pay off the stranger with his winnings. It was something to watch them start. Orlando rushed across the ring, his big arms flailing out, and it looked like he’d beer the smaller man down in no time. But when he got there the stranger was in the middle of the ring, and his. flick- ing fist had opened a out under 01"; lando’s eye. “I gave him a shot of booze,†she whispered, “it ought to keep him going a While.†was over by them, and he sizeï¬ things up right away. If he didn’t 'let them fight, the peasants would scream they had been gypped, am: the law might put out the bite. Joe didn’t want the 0M man coming back to anything like that â€" so he de- cided to make the 'best of it. Beâ€" sides, he was still a little sore on the stranger. Lolita grabbed Joe’s arm. Her face was dead white and'all her muscles were tense. right,†he said. “I I it. I'll‘ takg it. It ought to lot of pork chopsâ€"a lot of BRAN . . . . . . SHORTS . . . . MIDDLINGS FINE SALT, 100 lbs. . . . . . CDARS’E SALT, 100 lbs. .. IODIZED SALT, 100 lbs. . BLOCKS, each . . . . . . . . . . . BIIDOKSIOID'IZED, each . SALT LECKS‘, each . . . . . . . l Solicit You; Ctmtinued Patrons/ya My Mottoâ€"Courtesy, Service and a Fair Deal to An zDepen-dable Milk & Dairy Produce The stranger â€"â€" we always ca'ilPI him the champ after that -â€" moved off into the darkness. He felt that he knew his own business best. we never saw him again. Jones Coal C a. Freight Sheé FIRST CLASS BZRIEADUFLOUR ALSO MONARCH PASTRY FLOUR CAFETERIA LAYING MASH, O.A.C. Formula MILKMAKER. 0,A.C. Formula GLENN’S DRUG STORE EVERY FRIDAY 2 to 5 Pl. Appointments made with Mr. Glenn. WWW»; At Mapk: ’OOWOMW 90‘ any one, I only saw one fighter Ii“ youâ€"the old middle weight chem}; Slots Duffy. You punched just 1k. “I ought; to punch like thatâ€"wile! I can punch at all,†he said. "I’m Slats Duffy.†INSURANCE The bitter look came bad: to 13M stranger’s eyes. LIFE, FIRE. ACCIDENT. SICKNESS PLATE GLASS, AUTOMOBILE BURGLARY, GUARANTEE BONDS SPECIAL RATES TO FARMERS Phone 42 Richmond Hiâ€˜ï¬ ON ALL CARS TARIFF & NONTARIFF CO'S A. G. Savage C. E. SMITIâ€"E And Be Assured of 'a Safe, Wholesome Supply by Securing it frem Is a Perfect Food for Fatfw er, Mother and especially the Children. ' MILK Builds Muscles. MILK is Energy Fmod. MLLK Supplies Essential Elements. ‘ i v. Lehigh Valley AN THRACITE “The Coal That Satisï¬e!’ NUT AND “STOVE COAL No. 1 ANTHRACITE CAR LOAD OF SALT G. S. W'ALWIN, Prop. Richmond Hill Dairy EYES EXAMINED â€" AND â€" â€"-A)soâ€"â€" CAR MILL FEED USE MORE ME Priced Prices as follcws: Old Post Office Richmond Hill PAGE Phone 188 as follows: $1.00 .... $1.10 . $1.30 per per per cw :.