WNWWOOWW Victory Oats; Ontario Oats; Western Oats; Field Peas; O.A.C. No. 21 Barley. Gluten and Oil Cake reduced in price. Ceresan for treating grain. Semesan Bel for Potatoes. Semesan Jr. for Corn, and Semesan for Vegetable, Flower Seeds and Bulbs. H.T.H. 15 and Granulated Superphosphate Day 139 Phones Evenings 82W This remarkable radio is truly a sensation. You will be amazed at its tone and selectivity. For free demon- stration in your home phone Thornhill 122 EXPERT REPAIRS "LETTERING 0N ERE‘CTED STONES Easy Terms YONGE ST. Market prices paid for worn-out live Horsesâ€" Delivered our plant Dead Horses and Cattle picked up free of charge Richardson Radio & Furniture Co. HORSES THE MILL GORDON YOUNG LIMITED 166 KEATING STREET, TORONTO RIVERCOURT MEMORIALS 300 O’CONNOR DRIVE FORMERLY DON MILLS ROAD DAVID HILL & C81; The New Portable Battery Chrysler and Plymouth Cars Fargo Trucks M. MALTBY Richmond Hill ON DISPLAY Cities Service Garage RICHMOND HILL, Ontario RADIO $39.95 T' Phone ADelaide 3636 K. BENTLEY COMPLIMENTS 0F DESIGNS AND PRICES GIVEN ON REQUEST RICH MOND HILL . . PHONE. . THORNHILL 122 Easy Terms ' " INDIA At the regular meeting of S_t. Mary’s branch of the WA. held on i Tuesday of this week, a very interâ€" esting paper was given by Mrs. J. i Matchett, her subject being “The i Religion of Indiaâ€. During the busiâ€" ness seSSion, it was! decided to have Ithe annual Daffodil Supper on April let. The members were delighted to have Mrs. Frisky in her usual place as President after her illness. OMOOOOQMOwOMQW Yonge St. OOWOMOOOQO‘QWW ANGLICAN CHURCH TO USE NEW HYMN BOOK 0N EASTER SUNDAY The new Hymn. Book of the Angli- can Church will be used by St. Mary’s congregation, Richmond Hill for the first time on Sunday next. The new book which was completed last year contains eight hundred and twelve hymns of which one hundred and sixty-eight are new. In addi- tion: to the usual sections, new ones Wmve been added, includ"ng “Chris- tion Service". “Hymns fom Youth“, and “Godl in Nature". BOY SCOUTS In Toronto at the Coliseum. Ex- h‘ilbitfovni Grounds, a cyclorama for Scouts and‘ 'Cutbs is to be held on April 13. 14 and 15. Books of tickets can: be had from Scouts, 10c. each ticket. There are twelve in a book. This is to be a very large affair, showing “Scout†and, “Culb†badlge “Lark and also there is to be a hobby s ow. In the evenings events will take place Showing a display of “Scout- ing†and “Cu'blblngâ€. Scouts from the United States are taking part as. well as Toronto Scouts and lead- ' . Scouters from all over Ontario are expected and the usual Ontario Yearly Conference will take nlace on, Saturday evening. Avril 15th When a banquet is to be held. ‘ ’ DIED BROlCIKuAt his home in Markham town-ship Thursday, March 30, Rich- ard! James Brock. The funeral was he1d< frOm Wright & Taylor’s Fun- eral Home Sunng affernovo'n. Am-ill 2nd and‘ interment followed in Rich- mondl Hill cemetery. TO FARMERS AND'FEEDERS Slpecial price of $24.00 per ton on Ontario ShOfl‘ts. Act quickly. At the Elevator. I. D. Ramer & Son, phone 10. ,‘LOCAL w.A. HEARS PAPER 0N » INDIA W'e lexpeci 100.000 people to wit- ness‘ one of the largest dismlays of scouting egg-ï¬eld in papad‘g. A Benefit Euchre and Dance will be held by Maple Young Men‘s Club On Friday, April 14th, in th-e Masonic 7Hall, Maple. Good' prizes. Admis- sion 25c. 'The teachers of Richmond Hill Public School wish to thank Mrs. J. Mo-ffat for her gift of 2 beau- tifully stuffed ibii'ds far their col- lection. One is; a large crane about 3 ft. high- and the other is a large hawk which has just, captured a flicker. Ontario If you have antiques for sale, let us know and we will be pleased to call on you Daisy May Antique Shoppe Made or Refinished TRUCKS LETTERED SHOW CARDS, POSTERS PRICE TAGS A. Roy Plewman MASSEY-HARRIS AGENT Farm Implements, Machinery and Repa-irs Telephone Richmond Hill 39 Beatty Farm Equipment Charles Graham EUCHRE AND DANCE Richmond Hill, Ont. Phone 101 LIMITED EXPRESS THANKS ANTIQUES Akela 48th Pack, Toronto C. NELSON SIGNS Richmond Hill THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO sale of farm stock, implements, hay, lgrain, roots, furniture, etc. on Lot [35. Con. 5, Pickering Township at , Locust Hill, just off No, 7 Highway, :property of Sam Mannell. Terms cash. No reserve. Sale at 1 p.m. Ken. Prentice, auctioneer. Phone 211 auction sale of garage and service station and dtwelling, corner of No. 7 Highway and Main Street, Mark- ham, Ont.. known as Stonehouse garage. Also household furniture, all the garage machinery, garage tools, etc. Cars, ton truck. Prop- erty of the estate of the late E. A. Stonehou‘se. Property sold: subject to a reserve bid 'but no reserve on the chattels. Terms cash. Sale at 1 p.m. Ken. Prentice, auctioneers. All persons having claims against the estate of the late Martha Woodb- ard, late of the Township of Mark- ham Who died on or about March 13, 1939 are hereby notified to send particulars of the same to me on or before April 2lst, 1939 after which date this estate will be distributed to the persons entitledv thereto. Dated‘ this 30th day of March, 1939. Joseph H-eise, Gormley RR. 2, Executor. With teams from Midland, Orillia and Richmond‘ Hill participating the annual District Volley Ball Tourna- ment was staged at Pickering COL- lege, Newmarket, on Saturday liasrt. With a Round Robin commencing in‘ midkafternoon‘ play was not conclud- ed' un-tiIJ 7 p.m. Midland team was Igad by, J. W. Smith of the Y.M. Under the able guidance of Mr. Teal and co-oxperation of the team, they have shown some real basket. ball and won everv game with ease making them North York champions. The junior boys didn’t do any bet- ter than one win and the girls were about as bad. It has been suggested that the senior team play same city teams. I am inclined to thnk that they wouldI really have a chance to show howl good: they; really are. (By Sam Miacdonald‘) The ‘bas‘ke’dball schedule has drawn to a close and Richmond Hill senior teiam captured first place with 6 wms out of 6 games. C.A.; Orill‘ia groups by Mr. Skidâ€" watson, and the local team was re- presented by Mr. W. H. Charles, secretary of Richmond) Hill Clulb. Orillia Juniors carried; off setond) honors. Classified‘ team trophies with a souvenir book mark for all' players were arranged for. The conâ€" test was much‘ enjoyedl by all. SATURDAY, AP‘RI‘L 15â€"Extensive TUESDAY, APRIL 18â€"Auction sale of farm stock, implements, grain, etc. the property of Alex Galloway, east half Olf lot 31, con. 3, Markham. one and a quarter miles north of Victoria Square. Sale at 1 p..m. Terms cash. No reserve as farm is sold. A. S. Farmer, auctioneer. Th5 gymnaé‘ium i5 in pretty bad shape so the school dance w11ll [be held in the Masonic Hall. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 12â€"Aucti0n CARD 0F THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Earl Palmer and family wish to express their apmre- ciation for the marw acts of kind- ness and expressions of sympathy and condiolence extended by friends and neighbors during the recent ill- ness, and‘ death of their beloved daughter and sister Donna. ST. MARY’S A.Y.P.A. The weekly meeting of the A.Y. P._A. was held on Tuesday night. During the business part of the meeting it was decided to cancel the meeting next week because of the At Home held on Wednesday, April. 12th. Mrs. Dorothy Reaman, convenor of Religious Committee, was in charge and handed it over to Bill Campbell who presented Rev. R. S. Mason. Mr. Mason continued the study on the Common Prayer Book ‘an-d the meeting closed with prayer. CARD 0F THANKS Mrs. Richard Brock and‘ family wish to express their thanks for the many acts of kindness and’ ex- press’ons of sympathy in their re- cent bereavement. SATURDAY, APRIL SETHâ€"Extensâ€" ive auction sale of farm stock, im- plements, hay, grain, roots, furni- ture, etc. on Lot 8, Con. 4, Vaughan Twp., property of Roy Stephenson. Terms cash. No reserve. Sale at 1 p.m, J. H. and Ken. Prentice, auctioneers. There will ‘be a demonstration of ‘Cockshutt farm implements and ma- chinery at Bill Neal’s, Yonge Street, Richmond Hill, Saturday, April 8th. All interested are cordially invited to visit this demonstration. 'I‘wo alleged housebreakers were captured by Constalble Sam Ireland at Claireville last Friday. The ar- rests followed an exciting and hectic series of events including an auto- mobile chase and a reported plea of one of the men that he was suff- ering from appendicitis. Appearing in York county court the same day the suspects were remanded for a week. MIDLAND WINS YORK-SIMC'OE VOLLEY BALL TOURNEY E. P. Leno & Son GENERAL MACHINISTS and MARINE ENGINEERS Notice to Creditors HIGH SCHOOL NOTES COCKSHL‘T’I‘ DAY AT BILL NEAL‘S Sale Register Richmond Hill R.O.P. Sired Chicks, Highest Qua‘l-I ity, Reasonably Priced, our stock is all blood tested, Government Alpâ€" prove‘d', Pedigree Mated with males from our R.O.P. record matings. Write for Circular. Frank Teasdale, Concord, Ont. Phone Maple 1068. 1928 DURAN’T' CAR, fair _c0ndition, cheap. Alpply G. S. Huestls, Spruce A33, Richvale, ph‘one, Thornhill 1 1 2. plirrLeo Burton, C‘arrville Road 14 HORSES, 7 Percheron bred, 2 mares in foal, priced' reasonable. J. XV. Palmer, Lot 22, Con. 2, Mark- am. AYRSAHIRE COW due April 15, also 2 good veal‘ing' calves 1 week old. De La Sallle College Farm, phone 90, Aurora. FOUNDâ€"On Yonge Street. square mouth shovel. Apply at The Lub- eral Office. SEED. Noâ€"Barb Barley and: Alaska Oats. C. R. James, Richmond Hill R.R. No. 1, phone Thornlmill 74r3. 12 SILVER-LAVC'ED Wyandiotte hens and 1 cockerel. Also bnood=er stove, drinkers and! feeding troughs. Phone Richmond Hill 90d. and well matched, weight about; 150?) lbs‘. R. E. Perkins, Vlctoria Square, phone Stouffville 9101. YOUNG CFOW due April 8th. Also good work horse. Apyply J. Sanford, 3rd con. Vaughan, 11/;r miles north Elkgin sidverrovad. capacity; Miller Inculbatoi‘, 450 egg capacity; both as good as new. Apâ€" ply Elmo Snider, Maple 7821. AlT BARGAIN PRICE for immedi- ate sale. Exceptionally comfortable house in Richmond Hill. All city conveniences. Suit family or pro- fessional man; also easily convertâ€" ible to duplex or small hospital. Large garden, splendid soil. Owner, 126 Yonge Street. SVPRU C‘EDALE FARM Approved} COMBINATION horse, cow & Sheep clippers; chain block and! tackle; all- so 1 inch roape set; pulley for Ford»- s»0n tractor, also other pulleys; gar- d‘envimg‘ tools, hand & walkinlg kinds; flower pots, wire hanging baske’ï¬s and many other articles. Glen Donv Farms Greenhouses at Steele’s an-d Bayvietw Aves. ROSELAWN DAIRY H{QRS_ES._ Ap- 4 COOK S’TOVES. Your choice at $10.00 each. R. H. Kane, 74 Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. OINv‘DERS, $2.50 per load. Apply Andy Johnson, Oak Avenue, Rich- vale, or Phone Richmond Hill 1121. BUCKEYE..I.NCUBATOR, 3:10. egg (burner, side oven, warming oven, goodJ condition, $15.00. Aplnly T. W. Jackson, Thornhill, telephone 2. Mr. Wesley Clark, your local agent for Big 4 Chicks will see to it that your order is taken care of and will give personal attention and prompt service to all orders. All popular breeds from Government Inspected, Blood-tested Breeders. See me for special prices on day-old cockerels and capons 3 to 4 weeks old. Wes- ley Clark, Gormley, RR. 2, Ontario, phone Richmond Hill 4704. PAIR pLYDE GE‘LDLNGS, young H’OTPOINT ELECTRIC STOVE, 4- 6628, 100% germ., grown from first prize field and eligible to register, 75c. per bus., unsealed. No-barb barley, G. S. No. 1, 48-6629, 100% gem., 80c. per bus., cash. Phone Agincourt 45W11. Clark Young, Milliken. SEED GRAIN. Banner Oats, regisâ€" tered, government grade No. 1, ger- mination 1000/2, 90c.. bushel. Bags free. 200 \bus. Don Head Farms, Richmond Hill. CHICKS from R.O.P. sired. blood- tested Barred Rocks. We offer only one grade of chicksâ€"the best. Heavy production, large eggs. C. A. Peelar, R.R. No. 1, Maple. Phone 57-11. LOAID 0F HORSES from Saskatcheâ€" wan, the property of L. W. Heise, will sell privately at the farm of C. H. Doner, Gorml-ey. Peroherons, Bel- gians and good Farm Chunks, most- 1y mares all in splendid condition. 125 AORE FARM for sale 12 miles north of Toronto on Highway; 2 sets of buildings, 25 acres maple bush, lots of shade trees at 'buildrings, large creek crosses farm. If you want a farm of its kind a-pply H. McMillan, Richmond Hill. BANNER OATS, G. S. No. 1, 48- FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE SERVICE THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISINGâ€"MAKE THE MOST OF IT RATESâ€"Five lines or less, 25 cents for first insertion and 15 cents for each subsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extra each insertion. IF CHARGED 7 CENTS PER LINE. Classified Advs. Successor to J. J. Deane Director of Wilfrid R. Scott FOR SALE FOUND THURSDAY, APRIL 6th, 1939. WORK, excavating and grading, team work of all kinds. All work done by expenisnced man. Prices right. R. T. Morts‘on, Box 32, Langâ€" staff. EXPERIENCED MAN for farm WORK, single, steady work for right man. C. Beynon, Lot 34, Con. 2, Vaughan. MARRIED MAN wants work on farm, fully experienced, can take fulL charge if necessary, best of re- ferences. Apply to Box! 71, The Liberal Office. PENSIO‘NER WANTS to lease with option, five or six room house, chick'env house, acreage, Hyd-ro, some fruit, possession May 15¢. Full par- ticulars in first letter to Liberal Office. EXPERIENCED FARM HAND- HOLSTEIN cows; Grain, hay, straw accepted in trade for radios, wash- ers, ranges, electric refrigerators. B. R. Leech, telenhome Th‘ornhill 181-22, or Toronto Radio & Sports Ltd., 241 Yonge Street, Toronto. would like work on farm. Apply Box 112, Lilberal Office. ONE VESSOT CHOPPER, 10% inch plates, in excellent shape; One set “S†barrows, 4 sections; one Toron- to windmill, self-oi1in»g, 50 ft. tower, and pump; one low wagon, nearly netw. Louis L. Nichols, Victoria. Square. TEAM WORK DONE by experienced man, garden ploughing or any oper- ation taken ‘by time or contract a_t reasonable price. Apfply Mom- 6011', Oxford» St, Elgm Mills, phone- Richmond’ Hill 90R. QUALIFIED RADIO REPAIRS, ser- vice and sales. Charges reasonable. Work guaranteed. Hugh Yerex, L Markham Rd., phone 242, Richmond Used Cars FOUR A‘ORES with five-roomed» cotâ€" tage, ham, hen-house and brooder house, some fruit trees and ssmaII fruit. Phone Richmond Hill 90J. Hill. WELLS CLEANED and dug, pumps repaired, all wells deepened. Allwork ’guaranteed. Wm. Paul, Stop 22, Yonge Street, phone Richmond Hill 112. Little Brothers Ford Sales & Service RICHMOND HILL ONTARIO PHONE l74-W FURNISHED ROOM on Yonge St.,. Richmond Hill. Apply Box 97, The Liberal Office. 2 LARGE ROOMS for light house- keeping. Apply 1 Wright Street, Richmond Hill, phone 78. 5 ROIO'MED C‘O’I'I‘A'GE and 11/2 acre of land 1/4 mile south of Ed’geley. Possession May lszt. Apply H. L. Whitmore, phone Maple 791-221. 1932 FORD TUDORâ€"4 Cylinder. Overhauled. New paint job. .Taylor’s Radio Sales And Service 19:}; FORD V-S SEDANâ€"Heater. A 1932 CHEVROLET VICTORIA Passenger. A smart job. 1937 FORD V-8 TUDORâ€"Heater. Excellent Condition. 1934 FORD V-S DeLUXE SEDANâ€" Radlm Thoroughly reconditioned. (Reconditioned and Guaranteed) TUBES TESTED FREE 127 Ymge St.. Richmond Hill Phone 226 Some Bargains in New and Used Radios Nice Car. MISCELLANEOUS $400.00 TO RENT $550.00 $575.00 $285.00? $250.00 WANTED