PAGE EIGHT HORSE SHOW TOWN PARK, AiiiioiiA Saturday, June 10 Classes for Heavy and Light Horses AURORA BOYS’ BAND THE LIBERAL. RlCHMOND HILL. ONTARIO Will Nd it. o'cott Successor to J. J. Deane Director of FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE SERVICE I. N C l. U D E S Taxi to Hotel. Assured Hotel Accommodation. 2 Admissions to Fair Grounds. Sightseeing Tour of Fair Grounds. Sightseeing Tour of New York. _ Sightseeing Tour of Fair f Grounds. Sightseeing Tour of New York. u it, Tour of N.B.C. Broadcasting «f- Studios or of N.B.C. Tele- vision Studios. Sightseeing Tour of Fair Grounds. 3 Sightseeing Tour of New York. Tour of N.B.C. Broadcasting Studios or of N.B.C. Tele- vision Studios. :0 Taxi to Hotel. 741:0 Assured Hotel Accommodation. dig 3 Admissions to Fair Grounds. Eggs Sightseeing Tour of Fair 7 Grounds. Sightseeing Tour of New York. 3;. Tour of N.B.C. Broadcasting Studios or of N.B.C. Telec L vision Studios. ï¬g. 3-Hour Boat Trip around 5 Manhattan island.- "2?. Evening Tour of Chinatown, Bowery and Greenwich Village. it (Rates quoted are for 2 in a room) ‘l'Reservotions must be made at ' least a week in advance Descriptive folder and complete information at A. G. DONXELLY Telephone 17. iiiiiiv ' QOAGII llllES CARRVILLE Mrs. Hancock is visiting her daughter Mrs. Bro-ck Rear at Barrie. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Curtis of Lang-- staff visited Mr. and Mrs. Burton on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Reaman of Toronto visited Mr. W. and Miss M. Reaman on Sunday. Mrs. Holiinestead and Victor Holmestead of Toronto spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. W. Wynn.i Mrs. J. Clement attended rthvel Lloyd-Bowes wedding Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Glenny and Miss Eleanor Glenny and Mrs. Booth: of Toronto visited Mr. and Mrs. Ander- son on Sunday. ‘ The Y.P.U. are having an. Ice Cream Soeial on June 16. A ball game between Maple and Carrvillie will be played. The Women’s Association met at the home of Mrs. Sheldon Walker at Elgin Mills on Wednesday, June 7th. There were nine memibers and four visitors present. The meeting opened with two verses of hymn 15, “For the Beauty of the Earth,†fol- lowed by the Lord’s Prayer. The minutes of the last meeting were read and declared adopted. The Ibusi- ness part of the meeting was trans- acted and the following two verses of the same hymn were sung. Mrs. Durie read the scripture, Psalm 8. Miss Jean McDonald gave a lovely reading on the beautiful country and things of nature that God made for us to make our living a joy and plea-sure. The roll call as given, then the benediction after which a dainty lunch was.served lby Mrs. Walker assisted by Mrs. Wynn, MrS. Reid and Mrs. Corfiel-d. It was decided the Women’s Asso- ciation will have 3 Strawberry Sup- per on June 23rd at Carrville Unit- ed Church. There will also be a good concerts LASK AY iLaskay Dramatic Club will pre- sent a 3-act Comedy Drama “Head- strong Joan†in Laskay Hall on lf‘rz- day, June 16th at 8 pm. ST. Tick- ets 25c. and 1-0c. Wasn’t the Queen grand? It was the thrill of a lifetime for Richmond Hill citizens when the King and Queen apipnredi on the observation platform as the Royal train passed- through here Tuesday. J. CIRCUS TINSMITH â€"â€"- FURNACES INSTALLED. CLEANED AND REPAIRED Richvale P.O. Phone Richmond Hill 1361'21 WOWNOW Milk Is a Perfect Food for Fath- er, Mother and especially the Children. .__‘. MILK Builds Muscles. MILK is Energy Food. MILK Supplies Essential Elements. USE MORE MILK And Be Assured of a Safe, Wholesome Supply by Securing it from Richmond Hill Dairy G. S. WALWIN. Prop. Dependable Milk & Dairy Produce i Phone 42 Richmond Hill WWOOOOWM ‘ WWâ€MMWWOOO§OOW 00990909009...OOOOOOOOQOOOOOOWWQMQOOOO OOQNOWOMW ‘A.~s.icizit;on THORNHILL DISTRICT N WS Hime zinc. Schml llll‘l for the lust :imv bra>0n at the schni): bll Mim- .uy cvenirg. May 20in. \‘ei'y iiitt’l‘t’siing‘ ciiterrziiniiieiit run in virii-ii hy the schrol ilioir lllltl the pupils “ho took part in the Au- l‘il‘r‘: iisiivzil. also the pupils of our .xl‘zll dancing teacher. )1i~'. Sharpe. thr the children had ("impietel their part if the program they were treated to lolly-pops and sent home. The Thornhill The ouFinvss of the limeriin then1 licgan. The officers and ritnvcnors cave i'l‘iii' yiai'ly l'CpUltS. The re- port of Mrs. Jackson. nomination Convener, was real am: the follow-3 {rig officers and ccnvenci‘s \Vl‘l‘O‘ n'minated for the seasor of liiilï¬lw 40: President. Mrs. R. Neil; lst vice-pres., Mrs. A. Stevenson: 2nd. vice-pres†Mrs. C. E. Jaea'ei'; re? curling necretai‘y, Mrs. Young; Cor. See, Mrs. Morton; treas.. Mrs. Finidâ€" i lay; cor-venei‘s, Mrs. Jacaues, Mrs. Gwillem. Mrs. Farrell. Mrs. gerald, Mrs. Jaegar, Mrs. Pritchai‘d. iMr. Morton, chairman of the School Board. made a mot‘on 3f t'hfllllflS to Mrs. Neil and“ her execuL tive for co-operating with the School Board‘ andi school during the past season and this motion was seconded by the principal. Mrs. H. Hickson. Refreshments were served as usual. The Advisory Board of Trinity Church purpose holding a Decoration . Day Service in conrection with the Cemetery on Sunday. June 11th at 3 o'clock D.S.T. The special speakâ€"3 er will be Rev. A. C. McCallum. B.A.. B.D., Vicar of St. John's Church. York Mills. An offering will be taken during the service. Should sufficient funds be conltriihuted the Board.l purpose placing a large ce- ment cistern at the rear of the hall so that water will be available for the purpose of watering the flowers whenever required. In case or rain the service will be held church. Let Us Show the respect that is due the memory of the pioneers. the men and women who made this country. We can do so by keeping their last resting place in a proper condition. Kindly make an effort t0 be present. The Mission Band of the United Church was entertained on Tuesday evening by the Auxiliary of the W. M. S. in the school room. Mrs. Jacques, superintendent, and Mrs. Morton, vice-president of the W..M.S. were in charge. Miss Marjorie Jarmieson read the gerirpture lesson, which was- demonstrated- by a num- ber of the small buys. The girls of the band sang. Mrs. J. A. Murray. guest speaker. and secretary of the Mission Bands of the Toronto Centre Presbytery, talked to the children, telling a number of inter- esting true stories, which were en- joyed by the older ones as well. Re- freshments were served at the close. A display of the year’s handicraft was exhibited by the pupils- of the Thornhill Public School in one of their class rooms. The exhibit con- sisted of cleveer designed pyjamas, aprons, hemstitching. emlbroidering, pin cushions, examples of button- holes, laundry bags and other col- lec‘tionis of lmick knack holders. The most cleverly designed exhibit of all was a doll dressed! in an elalb- orate Hungarian costume by Laura M'ag-vas. made by the senior girls. A vast number of other collec- tions were also shown. These conâ€" sisth of historical enterprises, soap carving, novelty voses, art collec- tions, Woodcraft, ‘bird houses, book- iendis bread boards and others too numerous to mention. in the Fitz‘ ‘ The doll incidentally was. Thu junior pupils proudly presentâ€" mi their excellent display ml" weavâ€" UTE. liiasticinc. l'liu'i-i' unrl szilt cul- lci-tions. A clever arrangement of illustrated poems, class imuks and table illustrations on Indians and Eskimos. All this ii‘li‘i‘t‘s‘tllii‘.‘ and educational \i'i-i'k is included in the new course of study and Has cer- izi:iil_\' provin successful. Miss Flori-rice Rii'kvviioil of Ti 1‘â€" oiito .pcnt Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. ai‘il Mrs. A. (I lit-rider. svn. (intro .51., Thornhill. Mrs. li‘. thlflTiivll of Orilliu, ('iitt. visited Mr. and Mrs. A. C. “(’Tlili‘lâ€" son at Centre St.. Thornhill on Tin-x. day. Mr. aril Mrs. John lll‘htlm‘riin If (‘irangevillm Ont. visitci. fi‘iiiuls in Thornhill on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Tcd Billerman of Toronto visited with Dr. and Mrs L. R. )lai'wood on Tueslay evening). Miss Lillian Koghill of Thornhill ‘was married last Saturday to Mr. ,George Ken‘t of TOYOHLU. l A baby daughter was born last week to Mr. an‘l Mrs. Harvey Smith “of Colhourne St, Thornhill. The Thornhill Girl Guides went on la hike to Mr. Hesloip's bush on Sat- urday. An enjoyable afternoon was lspent by all. Mrs. Percy Bone of Thornhill has ,been spending a few days at her summer cottage at Lake Simwe. Dr. Routlidge of Ridgetou'n and his daughter. Mrs. Carmichael of To- ronto visited the home of Dr. Lind ‘Mi's. W. Attridgc of Centre Six-(eh Thorn'hill on Tuesday. Provincial Constable L. B. Byles. who fonmei‘ly patrolled north Yonge iSt.. filled the vacancy created by Constables Howard .Iatclom-an and Alex. 0. Ferguson of N0. 11 High- way. The two corataiblesi went to St. Catharines Wednesday afternoon to attend the Royal procession there. Thornhill Girls‘ baseball team iplayed Fishei‘ville girls Wednesday. Tune 8. at Thornhill. Thornhill girls heat Fis‘hervil‘e g'rls 13â€"5 but the game was called off in the fifth innings on account of rain. Thornhill Horticultural Society w‘ll ‘hold an Iris Show in Thornhill Pub- lic School Monday evening, June 12. ‘ At an O.G.A. tournament played at the Thornhill Golf Clulb, the Elms iCluIb won the Gross team, scoringr ‘a total of 311 points, defeating the Thornhill team with a total of 313 points. John F. Ellacott, Thornhill, of the Elms Clulb scored a handsome. low gross of 80. Despite the fact that there are more than 35,000 different articles ‘made from rublber, not one of them is designed to stretch a family budget. ' BEAUTY PARLOUR l Specializing in Permanent Waving Prices $2.00 to $10.00 Try our Machineless, Wireless Steam Wave l Everything in Beauty Culture THORNHILL, PHONE 102 , i l VILI. it}? ll W"‘“. W No more do people draw water from the Old Village \Vcll. but many homes still depend on the antiquated iron pump. It is back-breaking work to pump and carry water to the house in all kinds of weather. Don’t make your family put up with such out-ofâ€"date methods any longer. An up-to-date, compact Duro Water Supply System will furnish running water under pressure to kitchen, bathroom, laundry and farm buildings. Running water also permits the installation of a Modern Emco Bathroom, a very necessary con- venience for the health and well- being of your family.Also,Mod- ern Emco Kitchen equipment tolessâ€" en the drudgery of housework. Emco ï¬xtures and equipment are moderately priced. The Snow-White 20"x42" Sink only, including faucet ready for installa- tion,costs ..... . ............... ..... enamelled , $132.00 Sink and Cabinet with faucet, as illustrated...... (Trap, iron pipe and ï¬ttings extra) The Duro Special pump has a capacity of 250 gals. per hour; is supplied with a 25 gal. tank, 25 or 60 cycle motor. and costs only ....... . ................ Duro-Special Also supplied for Gasoline Engine operation $87.00 Small Monthly Payments The Government Home Imprtwcment Loan Act or Duro Finance Plan enables you to purchase Emco ï¬xtures, ï¬ttings and Duro Pumps on the monthly pay ment plan over a period of three years. Enquiries given prompt attention and estimates supplied withOut charge. R. H. KANE 74 Yonge Street Richmond Hill EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO.. LTD. Toronto Sudbury Vancouver Hamilton Winnipeg London 139 All the world loves MemaugminnlllCK . 4.1K- NO other car commands universal pride-of~ownership as such Buick. This truly great car is un'matched for regal beautyâ€"staunch dependabilityâ€"and fleet performance. Take the wheel of a new McLaugh- lin-Buick and prove these facts for yourself. Watch how Buick's Dyna- ï¬ash Straight-Eight engine swoops you up hillsâ€"makes long trips shorter and brighter. Notice how Buick‘s Knee- Action banks the turns for youâ€"â€" while Rear Coil Springing levels the mugh spots. Learn the true meaning of “Visibility Unlimited". Your McLaughlin-Buick dealer offers you convenient monthly pay- ments on the General Moiors Instal- ment Plan. See him today. (All Hi ER THESE FEATURES ' -Head Straight’S ar-Coil Spring- ' Unisceei Body by Fisher mission * T°rque‘ ydraullc Brakes