Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 15 Jun 1939, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT BUTTON VILLE A nniversary ('c m e to i')’ us u u l Memorial Cemetery Buttrrmiiie Memorial ATmivx-i «ary Will held on the third Sunday in Jurc at T p.m. ST. Mr. Oliver Rii)'lll(‘l', Well known by all. will be guest spenkvi' and the Rate-lift male quuriettc will be 2K5.Slrl€(l by George Anderson, outâ€" gold Ll .x' be standing cornet player who was mulalist of lililfi and lcwzling soloist of Queen‘s (lwn Band. Kindly keep this date Ir. mind and receive 2i real blessing. Mr. an] Mrs. Cline Burr and Myr- tle atttndcd- Ilsa-oration Services at Erskine United Church. Dunbart'm. A Holstein cow feeding a colt 6 months old on a. farm on the 5th concession of Piiokeri'nipr is causing quite a comment in that district these days. Butitonville W.I. will hold their annual garden party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. David Br0wn on Wed nesd'ay, June 28. Kindly keep this date in mind. Mrs. George Kelly, Mrs. R. L. Sti- ver, Miss Jessie 'Ilhommson, Mrs. C. Burr, Miss Janet French and Mns. Russell Boyington attended District Annual W.I. held at Highland Creek on Friday. Mrs. D. Bi‘own entertained the W. M. S. of Richmond Hill Presbyter- ian {Church and a quiliting .on Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Stephenson and family, Mr. Frank Stefplhenson attended the Stephenson Reunion at Exhibition Park on Saturday. CARRVILLE Miss Minnie Reaman returned Monday evening after spending sev- eral days in Toronto and Buffalo with Mrs. W. N. Reaman of Toronto. Connie Lozier and Irene Gilbert of Toronto spent Saturday with Betty Burton. Mr. and Mrs. Beythel of Toronto are spending some time at their cotâ€" tage on Bathurst St. Mr. and Mrs. C. Clark and Made- lene visited Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson at Temperanceville on Sunday. Mr. Bruce Wark of Port Dailâ€" lhousie spent the weekâ€"end at ’his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Howard| Cook an family have moved to Willi0wd-ale. Miss Josephine Dellbrocco visited Mrs. W. Wynn on Tuesday after- noon. . ' Mr. C. Clark Spent Thursday a Guelph where he attended a Fox Breeders’ Convention. rove BEAUTY PARLOUR Specializing in Permanent Waving Prices $2.00 to $10.00 Try our Machineless, Wireless Steam Wave Everything in Beauty Culture THORNHILL, PHONE 102 Wilfrid R. Scott Successor to J. J. Deane Director of FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE SERVICE i 2 f .WW 0 ilk Is a Perfect Food for Fath- er, Mother and especially the Children. MILK Builds Muscles. MILK is Energy Food. MILK Supplies Essential Elements. USE MORE MILK And Be Assured of a Safe, Wholesome Supply by Securing it from Richmond Hill Dairy i l i l ' G. S. WALWIN, Prop. Dependable Milk 8: Dairy Produce Phone 42 Richmond Hill 0 O O O O i Q d program were Mrs. t J. C. Ca't‘p, lMisses Whalen, Mrs. M. Stong, Mrs. W. Carlson, Mrs. W. Good-erhiam, Milsls Eva. Gibson, l i z 1 WW THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO NEWTONBROOK ’l‘be Patterson Masun'c I.((l}_{’(' of will \\t‘1‘ship at the New- l'nited iii-xi Sun- day \illllil’.‘4‘ a". ll o'clock. Rev. ,r\. ll. llzilwr't will give the address. Sim-ml llll'>l(‘ ly the ('lllill'. .»\ cir- dbl we":ome to all. Mir (llzulys Siiilii‘iy (‘ss a: 2| ~ll('\\'l1‘ on “Hires luy uv~ cning for Miss (‘i r21 U<<.l. the 'ii' the June brides. _ A illir‘Ctllill‘itl'l‘S shower was hwldi at the heme cf Miss lllvri by John- Finrh Ave. Heist lZ‘rl Thurs- duy (vcnirc: in honor of Miss Noni, Grahlum. A vi'ry hrlppy eveningl .wus enjoyed by all. ' Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Galbraith and Miss Mary Douglas attended the graduation of the former's niece. iMisLs Gwendolyn Barrbt‘r last Tues- diay alt Alma College. St. Thomas. The C.G.I.T. .held‘ a very successâ€" ful Afternoon Tea and bazaar at the home of their Leader, Miss Mary Douglas last Satundiay afterâ€" nioon. Anv affiliation service was held at 2.30 pm. conducted by Mrs. G. W. Wood of ‘Toronto Centre Presbyteriuli and Mrs. A. H. dâ€"Ial- ib'ert. The C.G.I.T. meimlbeiig alssislt- ed in ilhe dining room and art bazaa‘r. Mvrs. Roy Riselbrougih andllMils. Hal- biert poured tea. ’ Tlhe Mission Band enjoyed a hike and picnic last Saturday afternoon to the {Don River flats. Evelryon-e reports a good .time. The G. R. lGould'inig public. school, Newtcnlbmok held their anlnuial‘ pi'c- nic last Friday afternoon. , On Friday afternoon, June 2nd, nealrly 140 members and! ipalsit mem- bers gailhe'red‘ at the home of Mrs. J. [0. Bales, 47155 Yonge Street ‘to celebrate the 215th anniversary .of the founding of North York ib-‘ran-ch of the Canadian Red Cir-05s ThOse receiving the guests were Mrs. .T. C. ‘Bale-s, Mrs. L. A. Reeves (pliesiâ€" dlanit). Mrs. W. Calrslm. Mus. Good- eilhaim had cihau‘ge of the signing off 'the guclst book. MJls. 1C. J. Cartto Wihlo was presidenlt for ten years gave an interesting history of the yonganrization. This record revealed 'Jhe fact that during lilhe past 25 year‘s ,a to'bal of $30,290.89 had been naised to carry on title wo‘rk. Among ' .‘the artists who ltook part in: thei A'rthur Hobmn, lsioloist, accompanied at the piano by [Mrs J. S. Irwin, and Mrs. Conimianls, ielocutioni'st. Among the. charter .members who attended were Mrs. "lion if .'. (trim o}; Church hosi- \\'£l r 5"“. l Mrs. J. A. Heslop, Miss 'M. Bath- ga'te, IMrs. S. Allsonp, Mrls. J. C. Bales, Mrs. H. C. Holley, M-‘r. '. A. ' Greene. Refreshments were served“ or. the slpaiitous Nerraind‘alh .nlcl‘ l‘aiwn. These included a birthday ,cake‘ made by Mrs. J. C. Bales decorated" with 25 candles and :cut by Miss Eila Gilbsin. Those pouh'ing .teia were Mx'sf J. A. {He-slop, Mrs. H. C. Holley, Miss Whalen .and Milan. .M. tong. Among the guertts'were Dr. F. W. iRouitley, director of the [On- tarilo division of 'ilhe Canadian Red Gross and“ Mrs. Rputley, and' ‘Dr. C. J. Caldwell, assistant director. ers. Geo. S. IHenry will be. host- e5s alt an Afternoon Tea. next Wed- nesday, June 2d at Oriole lLodge from ’3 to '6 pm. 1hr the Nprt’h Yo‘rk Chrisltmas Hammer \Fund. Newtonibrook United Church Par- sonage wrls the Iscene of a pretty I wedding last Satunday evening when Nora Agnes, daughter of Jplm Graham of Nolrt‘hrmounlt became the bride of Reginald? W. iCrosigrey, son of Mr. and ,Mrs. W. U. ‘Cl‘osgrey 05f Cobourg. The bride was becoming- ly gowned in a white" costume with Hat and sl'loos (to match and wore ‘3. ‘C‘rs‘age of sweetheart rosies. She was lttertld-dd by {her youngest sis- ter, Margaret H. Graham who ,was gowned in powder blue triple sheer witih cousage of roses. Mr. John Gralolb was best man. Only 'the im- mediate fri.ends were present. The happy young couple left on a moitor trip. On their return they will reâ€" sixc'ie in Cohouig. The Auxiliary of the WdlIS. will meet newt Tuesday, June 2(‘lth at. 2.30 pm. in *lhe United Church schcol room. The Baby Band mem- bers and their mothers will be slpe- cl‘al guc'slts. Mrs. Hamilton will show slides on Palestine. A hearty weldeme to all. THE MILL RICHMOND HILL TWO-IN-ONE. ACME AND SL'DDEN DEATH BUG KILLER They kill bugs and posi- tively prevent blight. "W lial T A llei‘iil‘utloli lluy str'vlv- 1!‘ .' nection with llll‘ cmneti-ry via. l‘n'll :l: Thnrrliill Anglican ('lti‘ic‘: on Sunday. Tb.» scrvicn was mu: 1:3.“- vi by Rev. .l. ll. (Will'liiiiglt. the - ,‘ hr and had :is their gin-st sun . Rev. A. C, McCullum. B A... 1‘1". ‘\"rar of Si. .lvhr's Anglican (‘liixn vile I"; dist! Thi- church. the of the anniversary York Mills. oldest landmarks will celebrate its thisl year. Its typical o‘ii Engli~h M‘me tery. which lies behind the church. (-m‘ld reveal many thrilling and hisâ€" torical tales that happened well over a century tombstones that have been exposed to many winters can be traced back as far as 1830. some possibly older than that. but are too old to be de- ciphered. One stone. which holds a thrilling story on its face. is reminiscent of the McKenzie rebellion and would thrill the most: modern person. Al- though quite pitted and green with age. the inscription can still be made out quite distinctly: The inscrip- tion reads: “Sacred to the memory of Lieut. Col. Rolbt. Moodie, late of the 104th Regiment. who on the night of December 4th, 1837 was shot by a party of rebels, while on his way to Toronto to give informa- tion to the Government of their inâ€" tended attack upon the city. Many stones mark the burial place of early English settlers. pioneers. of Ontario and ancestors of many throughout the district. Several in- scriptions are in old Engl‘sh scroll. Several other stones mark the resting place of victims of the de- vastating Asiatic plague of 1832. This deathly disease took the lives of three members of the Maxwell family within five days time. 'Ilhey were John. Thomas and Elizabeth, died July 27th, July 3ilst and Au- gust 2nd respectively. The first rector of the churoh was (buried in this cemetery. His obitu- ary on his grave stone reads: Sacreld to the memory of the Rev. George Mortimer, A.M., late of Queen’s Col- lege, Cambridge and rector of TllOI‘nll'llll who departed his life June 15th, 1844 on his 61st year of his age. (Preached 33 years). The Iris Show put on by Thom- hill Horticultural Society was held on Monday night in the Thornihill Public School. There were seven- teen exlhi'bitors- and the following were the prize winners: Basket or vase, ten spikes, Isa- bella Holmes, Mr. Lon-gl-ey, Sylvia Thompson; Vase of six Iris, one var- iety, Mr. Longley, Mrs. Fitzgerald, Miss Boyle; Best specimen spike of Iris, Sylvia Thompson, Mrs. C-amip- bell, Mr. Longley. Living room bowl of flowers, Mrs. Teeson, Mrs. Harris. Sylvia Thomp- son; Basket of garden flowers, Mrs. Bone, Mrs. Simpson, Mrs. Harris; Six Iris, mixed, novice class, Dor- een Holmes, Mr. Harris, Mrs. ‘Tew. Mr. Grainger who judged the ex- hibits gave an interesting talk at the close. The Rose and Peony show will be ‘held this month. Members will be advised of date. A numlber of old residents \n'sited the Cemetery 'on Sunday and at- tended the service at the church. Dr. and Mrs. Murray Blair, of Vancouver, called on friends here on Friday. Miss Florence Farr who has been spending her holidays with Mr. and Mrs. F. Farr has returned to Tim- mins. Mr. and Mrs. Spears and family, Newmarket, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Russell. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Thompson and B-oblby left on Monday by motor for New York where they intend to spend some time at the World’s Fair. Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Morton and family spent the week-end at their cottage at Mountain Lake. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Thompson visited friends in London last Mon- Id’ay. Mrs. W. R. Lane of Winnipeg, Man. visited last week with Mr. J. E. Francis and Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Smellie. Mrs. Wilfred Dean and Miss Lor- etta Dean are spending this Week in New York. Mr. and Mrs. J. Davidson and Loraine Davidson spent the week- end at Elmhurst. Pil‘ot Cecil Clark has left for New York for an interview with Imperâ€" have age. Some Airways. An executive meeting of the Young Ladics’ Guilld was held at the home of Mrs. W. R. Wesley on Tuesday night. It was planned to hold their picnic this year or. June 2%th at Port Dalhousie. A public lecture on “Opening the Bible to Africa” in moving pictures Day 139 Evg . S‘JV ” Phones ’11 will be given by Rev. S. BIL. of Toronto. in Cute-Z the B. Allnutt.1 hornhill District News at l in lsth. u‘chn Sunday. >lllllt‘ Iv'L'lllt'k. r'i‘lllil‘t‘llivn \yilh lhc :llilllllil lllt'l‘llll‘: w-t' iliir Tllul’lllllll branch of the I'p- I nirul‘. on ll'L'Tlll't' our ("niiuiin Bibli- Swicty. The pub- ‘-l:.' ls cordially invited. Tllr‘ Presbyterian WA. meeting \Vil\‘ held at the home of Mrs, \V. Janus. Balltui‘sl 5"... vailmbrmik. gist Thursday. Final arrangements have been made for the “llumcl Ce‘kine; Sale" to be ht'l'l in the Sunday School room of the Presby- terian Church on Friday. June ‘33. The sale will commence at 23 p.111. A Strawberry Social will be held :it the home of Mrs. R. Davidson on June 29th under the auspices of the Thornhill Trinity \V.A. The Anglican Church Sunday School will be holding their annual picnic at Centre Island on June 20. Miss P. Savage of Toronto spent Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. Ball. Thornhill, Miss Marguerite McDonald of Newtonbrcok visited friends in Thornhill on Friday. Hon. Dr. and Mrs. L. J. Simpsoni and Mr. and Mrs. Crompton Lewis of Toronto visited their cousin Mrs. George A. Russell of Thornhill last week. Miss Marjory Forsybh and Miss Beatrice Forsyth of Wingham visit- ‘ed Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Henderson 'of Centre St., Thornhill on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Howell of Thornihill spent last week-enii‘ at the home of their daughter Mrs. Ern- est Guellatley of King. ‘ Miss Marjorie Hobbs of TorOnto visited with Miss E. Francis on Sat- urday. Tihornhill Girls' Baseball team played Maple Girls on Wednesday, June 14, at Maple, the score being 21-19 in favour of Maple Girls. North Yonge Girls' Softball sche- dule has been changed on account of Newmarket girls entering the league. The new schedule taking effect this week, is as follows: JUNE 14â€"Thornhill at Maple Unionville at Fisherville 16â€"Fisherville at Thornhill Maple at Unionville 26â€"Maple at Fisherville THURSDAY. JUNE 15th. 1939. 7». l".\l‘.i‘l\'lll\‘ :it l'lli‘ 11v ll. : â€" Mum“ “I Thwnhm MADAME HOLLAND HONORED Tye linmzivllb- :i: .\'c\\‘:n:iikvt l’lilth TO LEAVE TAKING l:'*XL\‘-lllllll{\’l :it l":~i:t‘1'\.l'.c s .g M: '- :i'. l'nkimilio -'\ VHF ‘3 occasion \\':is ob- ilr 'l':.< rub ll ill l<'.~hcrville ~«'I'\*-ii :‘ - of Dr. and Mrs. 17. 'I‘hwinltlll at Newbiuikl-t H. l). )li‘lm‘lll his: week when the ersrl‘iialiltvillv :xl ’l'iiurnln'f. niczi: nu; f r134 l:i;;\.:;p Chum] clagg l"l>ll1‘l'\'lllk‘ at Mupr mi" i~ «If :1 final evening with 31 Alzilllv m NL'WHHII'kk'l - iL!.VM:iil;imp i; Illullzind be- Bllil'nionvilic at vamurkct Twi’r he? have tzikinw ~\ number of l“lsillL'l'\'lllt' :11 'l‘hornhfll i.\'* in \‘xvl'n also present for the 111 slernhill at Maple ever. ' ~ 'g; ‘3. . _ - Al til .iT ~ " dut- l :.:s weii- very attractive is l lllullVllll’ zit l‘lshei‘vldp “Kill iri- hump. “ml (mo in 1”“: w »- . . . .~ NL-wmurkut at Maple .\'c\\‘marl\'ct at Thornhill Maple at Fishcl'ville llâ€"Thornhill at Unionville illâ€"sFisherville at Newmarket Unionville at Maple «ylur. Ill‘t‘skllltil an especially “June- Iike" with pink and‘ It was here that the chief event of the evening tOOk place when Madame Holland was the recipient of handsome walnut v cedar chest and a variety of indivi- Racing at Lisbowel on Tuesday dual gifts. In recognition of these “Chestnut Bars", owned by Mr. L. tokens of goodwill, and of the plea- Vl'atson of VVOOdIbridlg‘e. placed first sant associations of the years she in three successive heats. “Chestnut spoke with deep appreciation, ' The Bars" was driven by Chappie Chap- h0Ul‘s following were spent in sing- man. Congratulations to Mr. Wat- ing and friendly intercourse and the son are in order. evening terminated with the serving _ of a delightful luncheon. Much of HELP IN SIGHT the success. of the evening was due DadFIi“ teach you to make love to the efforts of Mrs. Johnson, chor- al class president. who supervised it the organizing and also presided for the presentation. ‘l.. s. - a! geniuiice \\‘llllt' decorations. ll to my daughter, young man. Suitorâ€"I wish you would. I don seem to be doing so well. W P. & G. CUSTOM TAILORS and CLEANERS HU. 1872 CLEANINGâ€"â€" Any two suits cleaned and pressed . . . . . . . . . . $1.00 One Suit . . . . . . . . . . 59c. ' Any two dresses (plain) cleaned and pressed .. $1.19 One Dress . . . . . . . . . . 69c. ' ALTERATIONSâ€"done by our expert tailors STORAGEâ€" Fur Coats and Cloth Coats stored FREE of charge Small Insurance Rate ’1. 28â€"NeWmarket at Maple Thornihill at Unionville - 3421 YONGE STREET AT TEDDINGTON PARK P prices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5.95 W JULY 7: 3 a |902 Dan's Pricesâ€"' '0 5 “00 7: IGO; m «g I” r o .m'" "../"\‘v 2 Canadian Pricesâ€"’7' l g '3 i.’ l g x l I"\...-- f" | m V“ II! \v. u. I\ {K ‘- ‘svnxll ‘v’ \J g H g Janl Febl Marl Apr. lMayIJunelJuly. I Aungepl’l Ochl Nov.| Dec. Tbis cbart con to the British cates that Danish Variations in the the price ANY farmers Canadian hog prices fluctu- ate more than those of other important countries supplying ba- not true. The graph clearly indi- subject to similar fluctuations. on the British market are largely responsible for these fluctuations. dressed weight price: paid for bags in tbrougbaut 1937, and indicate: fluctuation: that occur in bulb countries. the actual shows Denmark and Canada week by week In addition to these weekly fluctua- tions, the chart shows prices to be higher during the summer months. Similar variations can year after year. This suggests that many Cana- dian farmers might consider how to take advantage of this conditionâ€" by adjusting their breeding practice so that more pigs will come to market when pdces are normally highest. For further information apply to: believe that market. This is hog prices are price of bacon Marketing Service DOMINION DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE OTTAWA Honourable James G. Gardiner, Minister.

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