Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 22 Jun 1939, p. 4

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g STREET DANCE 32 RICHMOND HILL W””O”OO”MWOOO We have an earful of good news for you NEVER EXPECT WONDERFUL SUCCESS With Poor Poultry Feeds. W: t at?" #Q‘YFIEIIQ? ‘m'li'iw min" 1 tERWIIE NASH Use O.A.C. Cafeteria & Monarch Feeds JIIIIIIII III" “III!” An Earful Wed., August 9th Annual Carnival i PAGE FOUR “FEED SERVICE” WATCH FOR FUTURE ANNOUNCEMENT Right from the heart LANGSTAFF, Ont. THORNHILL 72-r-1 1 RESERVE THE DATE sold by AND During the next eight years at least your child will spent the great- er portion of his waking hours in school, In the light of this fact your support of the Board and‘ tea- chers in their efforts to provide a healthful school environment be- comes increasingly important. The removal of existing physical de- fects such as bad teeth, infected tonâ€" sils, adenoids, poor vision, impaired hearing and other remediable condiâ€" tions and protection against certain communicable diseases by immuniza- tion shonld be attended to during- the favourable summer weather and would definitely prevent absence dur- ing the term due to these causes. Do not put off this important duty to your children. ' Signedwhy “Teachers” ~ “Trustees” “Home and' School Ass’n.” ILetter? Advice ‘ Sent to Parents A child’s progress in school is in- fluenced to a great extent by his physical condition and he will have a much better chance for normal progress and for happiness in his association with other children if he enters school as free as! possible of physical defects. Therefore, parents are urged to take their children to the family physician and dentist for examination in May or June and to follow their advice with respect to the correction of any defects dis- covered in the general examination. Any parents: feeling that they cannot afford to pay for a medical exam- ination of their preischool children are asked to get in touch with the Principal of the school; Your child will begin another stage of his development when he starts to school in September. The great- est assets children can possess are health of body and mind, for with- out sound physical and mental health children are setting out upon school life seriously handicapped. The following letter is being sent to the parents of‘children who will be entering the Thornhill Scho-ol (U. 8.5. 1 Vaughan and Markham) in the fall. The advice it contains is excellent and it is hoped the parents will act upon it. Dear Parents: THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO mum" v3... .909: A Strawberry Festival will be held on the United Church grounds, King City on Friday, June 23 under the auspices of King United Church W.A. Suprper served from 5.30 S.T. Entertainment at 8 o’clock by the Chapman Concert Party of Toronto. A hearty welcome to all. TUESDAY, JUNE 27thâ€"The house- hold goods of the late Sara Gormar. The Richmond Hill Horticultural Society will hold a Rose Show on Wednesday, June 28 on Mr. R. D. Little’s lawn. Further announcement next week. ' will be offered for sale at her late home, Jefferson, commencing at 2 pm. standard time. Terms cash. the Rector. All cordially invited to worship with Rector: Rev. W. F. Wrixon. L.'!'h. Choir Leader: Rich'n‘dy Edmunds Orvanist: Miss L. Yerex Sunday, June 25 Trinity 3 10 a.m.â€"Sunday School. 11 a.m.â€"Confirma‘tiorv. Preacher, the Right Rev. W. C. White, DD. 7 p.m.â€"Evening Prayer. Preacher, Andrew Bates, an ex-alderman of Toronto and founder of the under- taking firm of Bates and Dodds diet! on June 8th. He was born at lot 10 on the first line east of Caledon 91 years ago. Morning Star.” 7 p.m.â€"Evening service conducted by the Mission Band. The law of human life should be effort and the law of human judg- ment mercy. RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. D, Cunningham. B.D., Ministev Sunday, June 2‘5th 10 a.m.â€"Sunldlay School. 11 a.m.â€"“Clouds, Darkness and For further information write Rev‘ Douglas Davis, King City. Parentsâ€"You can send your boys to this Camp with every confidence in their safety and: good provision for a real holiday. Boys ranging in age from 9 to 16 years, of any denomination will be well cared for. Remember the dateâ€"July 6 - 15. RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. W. Follett, B.D., Pub! Sunday, June 25th 11 a.m.â€"Public worship. Sermon subject, “A Large Place.” Sunday School and congregation meet at 11. The Junior and Primary schools go to classes at 11.30. Sen- ior school meets at close of ser- vice and closes at one o’clock. 7 p.m.â€"-Twilight service. One hOur. Mr. A. Melecci, organist and choir leader. Wanted! Parents whi will not send their children to church, but who will come with them. A hearty welcome to all. Musical Appreciation is again un- der the leadership of Aub. Bailey, and that is a guarantee of good times. Already a good size orches- tra is lined up for Camp. New equip- ment, new programs and new lead- ers will add interest and variety as- suring a real good camp. The Swimming Instructor is ap- pointed by the Ontario Religious- Education Council. He is fully qualiâ€" 'fie(l and holds the Bronze Medalion ‘from- the Royal Life Saving Society. The Director and Instructor of Firsm Aid is a Fifth Year Medical Student and works in cooperation with the Sutton Doctors. Camping- Days are here again; ‘North York Boys’ Camp opens up- ‘on July 6th for 10 days of Healthy, Happy Living. The best type of hol- ‘iday any parent could wish for their boy. This Camp is conducted spe- cially for the boys or North York, and they come from Willowdale to Sutton, Stouffville to Schomberg and King. The location is Sibbald’s Point, 3 miles from Jackson’s Point. ‘We have 6 acres of playground, a safe bathing beach and plenty or good accommodation in tents. Mr. 'and Mrs. Ridout are most capable and efficient cooks and are returnâ€" ing for their 4th year. We provide good food, well cooked and plenty of it. The Camp Staff are experiâ€" 'enced in Boys’ Work and Summer 'Camps. A well prepared program takes care of the entire day. No 'dull moments and no lonesome hours. MRS. H. E. CARTER STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL AT KING CITY 31 Florence Avenue, Lansing by Appointment Only Willoyvdale 513 ST. MARY’S CHURCH TEACUP or CARDS read by CAMP AHSHUNYOONG Sale Register Why not have your RICHMOND HILL ROSE SHOW (Anglican) Mrs. John T. Valiant of Kinlgsway, Toronto, entertained in honor of Miss Nora Bagg, a bride-elect of this month at an afternoon tea and show- er in her home. The house was at- tractive with loowls of snowballs, lilacs and spiraea. Tea was served from a table laid with a Venetian cloth and centred by a lovely floral arrangement in White. Among the guests were Mrs. A. Bagg, Mrs. W. Locke, Mrs. J. Keffer, Mrs. W. Burns Campbell, Mrs. Frank Locke, Mrs. J. Devins, Mrs. Les. Robb, Mrs. Jas. Hallawell, Mrs. T. A. Keffer, Mrs. W. Hoiles and Mrs. George Scott. Permits for the installation of Sep- tic Tanks must be obtainecl before such installation is proceeded; with and all such work must be passed by the Building Inspector. LADY’S GOLD WATCH, hunting case, valued as keepsake, lost on June 6th. Reward. Telephone Rich- mond Hill 19w. No charge will be made but a per‘ mil: must be obtained in every case. By order of the Council. Richmond Hill, June 15, 1939. A. J. HUME. Clerk. Mr. Wesley Clark, your local agent for Big 4 Chicks will see to it that your order is taken care of and will give personal attention and prompt service to all orders. All popular breeds from Government In5pected, Blood-tested Breeders. See me for special 'prices on day-old cockerels and capons 3 to 4 weeks old. Wes- ley Clark, Gormley, R.R. 2, Ontario, phone Richmond Hill 4704. OE‘DAR POSTS ‘ all sizes, Anchor Posts 9 ft. long, 12 ft. Ced‘ar Poles. Norman Bone, Richmond Hill, phone 38. GOATS. Goat’s milk is the purest and most complete human food‘ known. Several good milkers to cmose from. E. G. McKean, John St, Thorn‘hill. TWO BURNER Perfection Oi] Stove in good shape; Electric Rangette, cheap. G. Yerex, Markham Road, Richmond Hill. THREE LOTS on North side of Ros‘evi-ew Avenue, size 50 by 141. Apply David Hill & Co. Ltd., Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. PURE‘B‘RED White Pekin Duck Eggs for hatching. L. C. Burton, Carrville Rd., phone Maple 764. 2 M‘OWERS, 2 Rakes, 2 Hay Ted- ders, Potato Sprayer. Apply M. A. Wilson, King, phone 48. STRAWBERRIES, large .or small orders, large orders delivered. E. Orr, M‘apl-e, plIone Maple 541‘13. 9 PICS 6 weeks old; Mower, Mas- sey-chris. Herman Mcz‘taon, Vic- toria Square, phone Stouffville 4013. YOUNG JERSEY CO'W, calf by side James Walker, Buttonville. BU'OKWHEAT. George Hoshe], Loi 10, con. 2, Markham, phone 'Dhorn~ hill 51r13. HOLSTEIN SPRINGER rcgistered, 5 years, herd fully accredited. N. Rumble, King. TWENTY PIG-S from 80 to 100 lbs BROOD SOW due July 7th. Apply Ed. Irish, Willowdale, phone 724 Willowdale. Apply Walter Reaman, phone Maple 1564. Richmond Hill Thoroughly reconditioned $175.00 FOR SALE THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVER’FI§II\{.Gâ€"‘MAI§E THE MOST OF IT DA’I‘E‘Q 14‘2"“ I: n n n A . I-..» nr ___ -~-.- \- 4Iu15xu *111 RATESâ€"Five lines or 1es§.r2_5 cents for first insertic for each subsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents each insertion. IF CHARGED 7 CENTS PER LINE Classified Advs. FORDSON TRACTOR PUBLIC NOTICE RE SEPTIC TANKS EDGELEY LITTLE BROS. FOR SALE LOST Ontario THURSDAY, JUNE ,_ _-_.. .uvu; v1: 91 25 c’g‘nts f9gfifsiinsertion and 15 cents f‘Used Cars {Little Brothers (Reconditioned and Guaranteed) RICHMOND HILL ONTARIO PHONE 174-W 1937 FORD V-8 TUDOR â€" First. class condition. 1938 CHEVROLET MASTER De< LUXE COACH- Hot water heater. 1937 591111 V~8 SEDAN â€" Hcater. 1933 F031) V-8 DeLUXE TUDORâ€" 1935 FORD V-8 DeLUXE SEDAN; with Trunk. G0»d value. 1932 FORD V-8 DeLUXE TUDOR YOUNG WOMAN wants position? housework in working man’s home or elderly couple. Apply Miss E. Oborn, Woodbridge, om. OFFICES, on Yonge Street, Rich: mond Hill. Apply T. H. Trench, Richmond Hill. HEALTHY, CAPABILE WHOLE- SOME GIRL in twenties for perm- anent help in city home. Apply Box 50, Liberal Office. BAGKWARD SPRINGERS for over- seas shipments. Write or phone full particulars to 724 Willowdale. E. Irish. light housekeeping rooms. Apply Box 35, Liberal Office. HANIDY MAN wants work, gardens or odd jobs. A. Christopher, May Avenue, RE. No. 1, Richmond Hill. MAN TO PAINT BARN. All new lumber. Apply Geo. MoNair, Maple STRAWBERRY PLCKERS. Lot ’8, concession 4, Markham. T. C. Mc- Kay. ROOM AND B‘OARAD wanted E. vice and sales. Charges reasonable. Work guaranteed. Hugh Yerex, l Markham Rd., phone 242, Richmond Hill. PAINTING &‘ DECORATING done by experienced workmen. Prices rea- sonable. P. Ingles & Sons, Jeffer- son, Ont. Stripping done by machine. QUALIFIED RADIO REPAIRS, ser- BOARD AND ROOM to suit pen- sioner. Mrs. A. Wright, Stop 17A' Thornhill. BUILDINGS RAISED, moved, etc. Estimates given. Phone Thdrnhill 73. 1928 CHRYSLER 4 CYLINDER COUPE .Taylor’s Radio Sales And Service Ford Sales & Service TUBES TESTED FREE 127 Yonge St.. Richmond Hill Phone 226 Some Bargains in New and Used Radios Very Nice. A Nice Car MISCELLANEOUS $275.00 $450.00 $725.00 $550.00 TO RENT $575.00 $725.00 WANTED $65.00 22nd, 193 per line extra

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