THURSDAY, JUNE 22nd, 1939. THE LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO W WEEKLY NEWS NOTES FROM PAGE FIVE _ __ Brown’s Corners United I DIBB REUNION Secial and Personal l THE UNIONVILLE DISTRICT I * "0w HERITAGE mm - .‘I‘. 2 A ‘: ‘2 a s. , ' ‘ __-_.__ Bugam‘miï¬fgy E,fl§:f.\::nd;:i:“ (if Chumh Celebrate , C D. , y ‘ DEMOLRACY" ~ ‘f Ah 1m. ql meeting penance of thiq part of the work g d‘ V .. i . I i anh. t. A . 1e01,.e Illll) attended his 19th * We are pleased and honored * The twenbs- 0,113“ td ‘g‘ b t i 1 TIM. H e Hdp‘n lepaltmert i the‘ * “n ‘13- l famlly rmmmn on h†310 “"9 farm * to present in this issue another " of Section ON“ 0 “(5 3‘ era - ‘ 0m ' ’- ‘ ‘ ‘ , S at Jefferson on Saturday. One hun- * 'A-la f‘ h H ‘ 1 held in KNOX Pregbytm'lan ChUI'Ch"nat‘1“‘al Channel through “‘hK‘h to Rev. and Mrs. James G. Rogers . drcd and fifty dcsccnd'irits of G *01‘ i ~i- an“ 2 mm pm, or “Imam . Aglncom‘t C“ we‘me-‘da" lash With “Mb 0111' memllel'ShllL “All cannot of Toronto were guests ‘It the Un‘t-I on “ CdMSday aftomoon‘ June 14 and Thomas 'Dibb who‘ mine tOKCaEhL GIUERDiilITY dilelrllnmhmi Nth? * ' . .~ ‘ . .- - . -. . . . i i ‘. ‘ the W.M.S. of Brown’s Corrners cele- ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ i 0 ic man i . The. nrtjce - Mrs. W. A. Newall, \ice-D19>1(lentm;£'0 m 31‘0‘ hilt all (an Dlai- The ed Church Parsonage this week. I . . . . ada in 1848 from Yo ~1-«1 ‘ a . » .. . charge was well attended by l‘ei’l'e‘Iwm'ld l5 confused b1†not lost}, imam1 the†thirtieth anniversary cleared the farm on whiitthutlie 1:]: l our" Heritage Under Eemoc- : ‘ ‘ r ' -* lacy appears on page t-ree. ' \\'(‘T€’ selections Mrs. R. L. Stivcr, president forr‘sem . . owner i." : - IIIIIIOSI the thirty years. conductedg ‘ ‘h 11;)“ 1 . . years '0 \re -e ' e ' i . - the meeting. The address was given ‘ ag 1 gd 1“ ï¬t the re . . . I I . . ’ senta-tive AUXIllal-Ies. Reports shou-. Special muSical Mr. a1 (1 )11'5. Sam Atxilisflll, Rich- . _ i , . se\‘eiii_\‘-fivca-.o....--. nay-ll. ed an increased Interest in the work contributed by Mrs. .Ias. Muirhcad, mond swwt' are Spam-ï¬lm 11,35 “wk and a definite gain in 2iVlngS over Mrs. Bracken and Miss Bracken. with ‘.‘.'i;ltl\‘£">‘ in Buffalo. .. union. Two daughters of tie don- the past year. The special speak-i ‘Dr. Jessie MaeBecn. formerly mis- Pile. _“f Wlllow‘lale' 091., George attommd‘ My; Jinn“; ‘ Y ers included Mrs. J. G. Inkstcr whO ‘ Sional‘ï¬â€™ T0 Chink brought l’ecem The W-A- 0f the Presbyterian i , “Mfgâ€? l9]? “pmâ€? and i1 mess‘ Brown, age 85, of Jefferson and‘ SERVICE STATION ROBBED presented definite plans for organ- :news from China and urged the help Church will hold 2. Strawberry Siip- a“ m Nor“ on“ M‘S' DaWd Tay' Mrs. E. Bell, 83, of Toronto. Mrsl‘WTtm B“? QQWEO-xsmtmn (if 1:90 . i H 50'" a r 00( I‘ll 2'9 “'35 )1‘0 '9“ iii-c Ai ‘â€" Pcr on the church lawn Monday ( if g "mum \ang 3 WI“ app“) and urged increasing†, of Canadians. a 5c. contribution be- . ' nri'it s t « . ' . 011mg. June 26th, it ‘ 9 010 Md “as accompanied by ization year, ‘ . ing sufficient to keep a child for a John Watsm of I. l. 8 r . . - membemhip. \ l h'me 1’ 1 3,into for the sixth time in several daughter of Thomas Dibb. r Miss Morgan. years early Saturday morning. The work of the Finance and Sup- week, an adult for three days. ‘ (.001, o Dihb t] thy, f S ‘ V Ply departments “'35 Presented by The ladies were entertain“ 1" Mr. and Mrs. E. Lamb. Mr. andl 3â€" BTW†100k part m the wml- Catharigiics was, iuileged Ovis'IOtI:iThleves emormby breaking“ grease Mrs. Oliphant and Mrs. Wood. The luncheon by the Agincourt ladies, Mrs. E. Kenyon of Toronto Visited fhm Ferwee. Two readings given from tho‘ furtheimowt point "The int Window. They escaped with over missionary address was given by'and also afternoon tea following the Mn and MN. James Gmmger (m ‘ 01:" Mrs]: yard “I Ag‘mourl 5â€]th vmmgest visitor was K0,,neth'HmhleO I“ ChO‘L‘Olate-“v (‘lHM‘etteS and Mrs. G. W. MacKay. now home on afternOon session. Sunday. lT 1" de la Hm occasmn' Miss Barâ€" on. 13 months old. son of Mr. and accessories. They tOOk threiogï¬gi b furlough from Forumsa. She spoke of the strength of the native church, the devotion of the Christians, and the power of the word of God, their eagerness to learn to read the Bible. “The work is the Lord’s. may we take courage and obey the command of the King. Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel.†Mrs. J. A. Hiltz, Provincial Home Helper Secretary, spoke of the imâ€" Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Morris and Mrs. M. J. Morris of Windsor were guests Of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Duf- field Friday and Saturday of last week. ers. F. Roadway attended the wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. S. Allen in Toronto last week. Prof. John Coulson of MacDonald College, St. Anne de Bellvue, Que. is the guest of his mother, Mrs. Lhara Taylor gave two delightful . . .I ii i . os. ‘ ' ' ' Miss Bertha Palmer left in Fiidav i l a m m] conmiitiliahom H.010 ‘ extended from the Visiting auxiliar- of last week for Seattle where shel‘i cs. will spend several months with her] Mam chi te he be . .' .r r im rs were pre- - sters there. [ ,seiit and two of these over eighty _ . j; Iv. Mrs. Brook Sr. Mr. and Mrs. H. F. A :ti I ‘emq .name‘ L m n am and Miss Mary Ann Kelly. Mrs.’ Miss NanCy Austin are on a motor; trip to Manistique, Michigan and other United States Centres. George Padget presided at the piano during the meeting. The front of the church was i l V I with seasonable a I Aaron Cou150n. Miss Mary Carbin of the teachiiigl 'hower of beauty Preway Gasoline Range The cheapest operated Range for general use at a low cost of 1 cent per burner per hour Cheaper and better than city gas Apply A. HISLOP 8 Roseview Avenue Richmond Hill TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN TENDERS FOR CRUSHED GAVEL SEALED TENDERS, plainly marked as to contents, will be received by the undersigned up until twelve o’- clock on the ' 14TH DAY OF JUNE, 1939 for the supply and delivery of ap- proximately 5,000 cubic yards of brushed gravel on the Township roads of ’the Township of Vaughan. ‘ Specifications may be seen andl information obtained at the office’ ‘of the Township Roads Superintendâ€" has cut, W. O. McDonald, Maple, Ont. Lowest or any tendermot necesxs- l arily accepted. Clerk, J. M. McDONALD, Maple Post Office. Wilfrid R. Scott Successor to J. J. Deane Director of FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE SERVICE SUMMER T I M E T A B L E Effective Sat, June 24th Leave RICHMOND HILL To NORTH BAY 7.48 a.m., 10.28 am, x 1.43 p.m., y 6.10 p.m. xâ€"To Orillia yâ€"To Huntsville Connections at North Bay for Sudbury, Blind River and intermediate points Tickets and information at A. G- DONNELLY Telephone 177 GRAY COACH LINES l The W.M.S. of Central United ' Church have an- invitation to attend the 52nd anniversary of the S'touffâ€" ville W.M.S. Auxiliary. Congratulations to the girls’ baseâ€" ball team, defeating Maple on Monâ€" day with a score of 17-4. A good game is scheduled for Wednesday next. If you enjoy a good game don’t miss it. You will not be disâ€" appointed. Bethesda Lutheran Church are having 3 Strawberry Social on Thursday evening to which the pub~ lic are invited. Mr. and Mrs. N. Ogden who have been spending six weeks with Mr. and Mrs. F. Conley at Orillia have returned home. We are pleased to report Mrs. Ogden’s health much improved. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Manchee, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Scott of Toronto were guests of the Misses Mauchee on Wednesday last. Miss Effie Stiver spent the week- end with friends in Windsor and De~ \tr'oit. Mrs. Earl Parkinson and daugh- ters, Miss LaBerta Hood of Toronto were guests of Mrs. J. R. Hood on Sunday. Congratulations to Merle Smith, who passed his 2nd year in High School with first class honors. Merie taining this record throughout his school life and indeed should be highly commended. Mr. and Mrs. F. Pollard visited Mrs. Pollard’s mother in Frankfort on Sunday. Mrs. D. Coulson visited her daugh- ter Mrs. Stonehous-e in Markham last week. CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH Unionvflile Pastorâ€"Rev. A. E. Owen Daylight Saving Time 10.30 a.m.â€"â€"S. 8. Anniversary. Rev. C. W. Watch of Toronto. 1130 a.m.~â€"M-asonic service. 7.30 p.m.â€"S. S. Anniversary. Rev. Harvey of Dunbarton. EBENEZER UNITED CHURCH Standard Time 230 p.r'..â€"-£liurcli Sehool. 2.30 p.m.â€"“The Recovery of a Re- ligious Faith.†ST. PHILIP’S ANGLICAN CHURCH Daylight Saving Time 10 a.m.â€"#Church School. 11 a.m.â€"â€"I:I<rning Prayer. BETHESDA LUTHERAN CHURCH Daylight Saving Time 10.30 a.m.â€"Church School. 11.30 airâ€"Public W’Ol‘shin. swimmummmrmar I rrmr' . muilbnth‘iir'r. 775%â€" 7&1 beauty culture, etc. i‘u‘ï¬â€™lt r75 l’fa‘fl mmmmm RICHMOND HILL Beauty Parlour Our Parlor recently furnished with modern equip- ment is now in charge of Miss Ethel Anderson. 14 years Toronto experience. Miss Anderson has a well established Clientele and appointments may be made with confidence and assurance of first class work in marcelling, ’ finger waving, permanent waving, manicuring, PERMANENT WAVES FROM $2.00 OPEN EVERY EVENING EXCEPT WEDNESDAY PHONE YOUR APPOINTMENTS T0 RICHMOND HILL 119 the unique distinction of main-' staff of the Hughes School, Toronto week. Members and friends of St. Mary's A.Y.P.A. are asked to keep Tuesday evening, June 27th, i'= mind when a weiner roast will be held at Mrs. Clark's, Bond Lake. All wishisg to go are asked to meet a: the church Iat 7.45 p.m. sharp. Miss Evelyn Follett entertained the young ladies of her former Sunâ€" day School class of Riverdale Unit- ed Cihurch, Toronto, on Wednesday evening. Ten young ladies were present and a most delightful evenâ€" ing was thoroughly enjoyed. Miss Norma Gallanger, a pupil of A. Melecci passed with first class II Theory examination at the Tor- onto Conservatory of Music obtain- ing a mark of 93. Mr. Morley Hall, manager of the local Dominion Store with Mrs. Hail land Warren left this week fer Wa- saga Beach where they will spend the summer, Mr. Hall having charge. of the Dominion Store there. Mr. Ashford Wright, Rev. C. W. Follett and Miss Evelyn Follett atâ€" tended the Presbytery of Toronto Centre in Trinity United Church, Newmarket, on Tuesday. Mrs. Fol- lett, Mrs. N. Wellwo-od and Mrs. Ashford Wright were present as guests of the Presbytery. In all about two hundred members and guests were in attendance, and enjoyed a most delightful day. Prices are at their lowest now â€" Fill your bins with next winter's coal supply. Anthracite, the fuel that satisfies. Jones Coal Co., phone 188. ORANGE TAG DAY The local L.0.B.A. are holding a Tag Day in aid of the Loyal True Blue and Orange Home, Richmond Hill, on Saturday, June 24, 1939. UNITED CHI'RCH PRIMARY PICNIC The Primary and Cradle Roll De- partment of the Richmord Hill Unit~ ed Church Sunday Schml will hold their picnic or. the lawn of Mr. P. Angle, Yonge St. on Wednesday, June 28, starting at .l. Mothers and interested friends will be wcL come. Please bring picnic lunch. 5.10. TWIN CALVES BORN Bossy, a holstein c0w owned by iBernard DeFerrari of the third con- lcession of Vaughan gave birth to twin calves last Saturday. Both par- cut. and calves are doing well. Farâ€" mers say that this unusual event occurs only once in a thousand births. CHICKEN THIEVES WORKING Thirty-six thoroughbred Rocks owned by James Nixon who has a farm north of Maple were stolen early Sunday. Thieves gained en- trance to the chicken coop by break- ing a padlock on the don. Town- ship constable George DeFerrari is investigating. A.Y.P.A. “'EINER ROAST The A.Y.P.A. will hold a weiner roast at Mrs. Clark’s. on Tuesday evening. June 27. There will be outdoor sports including baseball. All these wis‘hiiig to go please meet at the church at. 7.45 p.m. sharp. There will be a small ,fee of 10c. and anyone wishing to ljoin for the coming season ccr~ dially invited to attend. Q was the guest. of Miss Follett this' Ask for Lehigh Valley, 1 honors the recent midsummer Grade , Bond Lake. 1 l l I flowers. About; ninety sat down to supper following the meeting, at which Rev. Morrison Sellar, a form- er pastor extended his greetings. Following supper Mrs. R. L. Stiv- er read an address: to Mrs. Sadie Brook and Miss Mary Rodick and Mrs. Douglas Hood presented her with a sewing cabinet. Mrs. Brook until recently was a very active member being first vibe-president of this W.M.S. Her departure to Thornhill means a great lOss to this Auxiliary. This Auxiliary in the past thirty years has done a great deal of needy work locally and for foreign misu sions. Great praise was given to Mrs. Stiver in the wonderful way in which she has carried on the work and many wishes were expressed for continued service. STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL A Strawberry Festival will be held on the United Church grounds at Carrville on Friday, June 23rd. Sup- per served from 6 p.m. D.S.T. A good concert consisting of Manitoba University String Trio and other talent. A hearty welcome to all. IN MEMO‘RIAM NESSâ€"â€"In loving memory of Mrs. William Ness who passed away June 24th, 1938. Peacefully sleeping, resting- at last, Her weary trials and troubles are past; In silence she suffered, in. patience she bore ’Till God called her home to suffer no more. â€"Ever remembered by husband and family. CLARKSON REUNION The fourth ‘Clarkson Reunion was held on Saturday, June 17th at the home of R. Wesley Olarkson one mile north of Teston. There was an attendance of one hundred members of the family relatives from Ren- frew, Newmarkct, Weston, Toronto and other points. There was a good program of sports for which prizes were given those successful in Win- ning the events. Afterward all sat down to a sumptuous supper fol- lowed by a program of speaking, sing song, elocution and tap da'nc- ’ing. This ended a very successful reunion in which everv one renewed acouairtance and enjoyed each oth- ers company. The officers for next year are: Pres, Dr. Harold Clarkson: vice- pres., Mathew Clarksion, Toronto-z sec.â€"trcas., Miss Marjory Murphy, Richmond Hill. VAUGHAN SABBATH SCHOOL ASSOC. ANNUAL MEETING The 58th Convention of Vaughan Township Sabbath School Associa- tion was held in Kleinburg United‘ Church Wednesday evening of last week. A new election of officers for this year was held. Honorary President. William Watson, re-elcct- ed; President, Ernest Root; lst Vice- President, Rev. W. Roe; 2nd Vice- President, Mrs. L. Marrltt; Secre‘ tary-Treasurer, Mrs. R. Peelar; De- partmental Superintendents. Child- ren's work, Mrs. E. Bowen; Girls’ work, Mrs. L. Marritt; Boys‘ work. E. Rennie; Youngr People‘s work. N. “'atson; Home Department. E. Bowâ€" en; Missionary, Mrs. R. A. Bigford; Temperance, Mr. J. A. Ruse; Teach- t‘I’S. Training. REV. Barrett. DIED EGAN. May Atkins-At her late residence. Teston. Monday. June 1.0. 193%". May Atkins. beloved wife of Joseph A. Egan. in her 66th year. Funeral service wa< he’d at the above adrircs: {in Wednesday. June ‘let. 2.30 p.m. standard time. Inter- ment King cemetery. - I Mrs. George Hoshen of Toronto. Seven children of George Dibb and five of his grandchildren along with . other relatives spent Saturday playâ€" ing baseball and many other games at the farm. Among those who attended were, George Oshcn and. his family, Doris Fraser, a. granddaughter. and her family, Robert, George and William Bell, Will Harris and Mrs. E. Bell all of Toronto. ‘froni the office and went :homp nearby. There they siphoned a tank full of gas from his car. This ,is the fourth time this year the ser- ,vice station has been entered. Con- istable Robert Scott of Woodbridge list investigating. l , BIRTH ,DUNCANâ€"On Friday. June 16th to IMI‘. and Mrs. Eric DunCan of Thom- lhill, twins, :1 boy and girl. (. a a ‘ sci-mm a 7 a mmmmmmmmmmm STRAWBERRY SUPPER RICHMOND HILL l Presbyterian Church .Monday, June 26 Under auspices of Women’s Association Supper served from 5.30 TICKETS 25 Cents I ' Yl WAYWOMMWQï¬/CYIVAWOWAlVaVIf/AYIi/q‘li mummmmmmm 4‘ rant/mm A'JJ _'. NAMMM'MMMMMWMMWMRAMMMMWMMMMMLE' In order to avoid disappointment this year, please tele- phone your orders several days in advance for _" STRAWBERRIES THE FINEST GROWN rates containing 27 boxes, if called for, will be sold at current wholesale prices. Less than crate lots may be obtained from your retail store. Be sure however to look for the name on the box. 8'" Berry Pickers wanted â€"- Women and Girls Apply North Farm or by telephone SILVER STREAM FARMS Telephones Richmond Hill 4815 and 4805 MW» SHOWS START AT 8 p.m. & 10 p.m. SATURDAYS & HOLIDAYS 7-30 & 9.30 DAYLLIGHT SAVING TIME TODAY, THURSDAY, JUNE 22 DICK FORAN - GLORIA DICKSON iln “ HEART OF THE NORTH †FRIDAY & SATURDAY, JUNE 23 - 24 ' TWO ROY’ ROGERS - MARY HART in - “ ROUGHRIDER’S ROUND UP †There is plenty of action. fast riding and gun fighting, and a couple of hang up fist fights for good measure. ' Also BOB HOPE - MARTHA RAYE in “ NEVER SAY DIE †A clever comedy packed with enough laughs to amusie the most jaded temperament, MONDAY & TUESDAY. JUNE 26 - 27 CAROLE LOMBARD - JAMES STEWART in “ MADE FOR EACH OTHER †This is an exquisitely played, deeply moving comedy drama. It is a happy combination of young: love. :l’lan clean cut humor and tear ,icrker of the first water. It leaves no sagging at the seams. Film is a hell-ringer. ‘Madc for each other“ has the potency of another ‘Stclla Dallas’ but with a better mixture of comedy plus the stellar strength of Carole Lombard and James Stewart. This cannot miss a top spot among the season’s smash hits. ADDED ATTRA( HON PICTURES OF THE KING & QUEEN’S TOUR JI'NE 28 - 29 WEDNESD AY &‘ TH I‘ RSDA Y. EDIVARI) G. ROBINSON â€" \VENDY BARRIE in “ I AM THE LAI’ “ It is excellent entertu‘iimciit. full of action. terse and purposeful dialogue and outstanding pci'foi‘iiidtCes. .. ,L\'/.' NIH, Luna!" _ LY/Qlkw ll $1.31.! l'éll‘s'éâ€"‘II‘HI‘344 »; 9. => a f. 5, .9. â€". E Q. .4 :(. I 2.1 s. z. D é: V 2,. an \Pn