PAGE SIX iNEWS AND INFORMATION EASY TERMS A real refrigerator bar- gainâ€"20% more space than this price usually buys. The surplus carries a TEN-YEAR Warranty â€" 11.54 square feet of shelf areaâ€"6.25 cubic feet. Biggest Value in Norge history. Liberal allowance on . old refrigerator. 5 YEAR PROTECTION 0N HERMETIC (Sealed) MKHANISM GARFIELD YEREX MARKHAM ROAD ROSE & HERMAN Barristers-A t-Law 40 Yonge St.. Richmond Hill Office Hoursâ€"Every Monday and Thursday Afternoon and by appomtment Toronto Offices: 100 Adelaide Street West HARRY R. ROSE RICHMOND HILL Telephone 13-5 power economical Marathon Rollator LOUIS HERMAN .Grandma always was a keen shopper and quick to " .‘. . but you’ll recognize th perience . . . you save real money and a full year of our newspaper. readers . . . no wonder grandma says PLEASE CHECK THREE MAGAZINES DESIRED E] Moclean's Magazine (24 issues). El - IYear. D I] National Home Monthlyl I Year. Ll Canadian MagazineI I Year. E] El Chatelaine. I Year. [I I] Pictorial Review. | Yea-r. E] El Canadian Horticulture and Home Magazine. I Year. GROUP A â€" SELECT I News-V/eelr, 6 M05. True Story, I Y'. Screenland, l Yr. Judge. I Yr. McCall's, I Yr. Magatine Digest. 6 M03. Parenis', I Yr. Christian Herald. I Yr. \Voman's Horne Companion. | Yr. _ Coilier's, I Y'. D American Boy, I Yr. Gentlemen: offer desired with a year's subscription to your paper. [I All-Family Nome Rod and Gun, | Year. Silver Screen, I Year. D°American Fruit Grower, | Year. Parents'. 6 M05. American Boy. 8 M05. Christian Herald. 6 Mos. [:l Open Road (For Boys), I Year. SUPER-VALUE OFFERâ€" THIS NEWSPAPER, 1 YEAR AND THREE BIG MAGAZINES GROUP B â€" SELECT 2 Maclean's Magazine, 24 issues. | Yr. National Home Monthly, I Yr Canadian Mogorine. I Yr. Chatelainel 1 Yr. Rod and Gun, | Yr. Silver Screen. I Yr. Pictorial Review, I Yr. American Fruit Grower. I Yr. Canadian Horticulture 8r Home Magazine, I Yr. Open Road (For Boys), I Yr. I enclose S . . . . . . Si. or R.R. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Town and Province . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E Super-Val: 6 THE LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO THURSDAY. JUNE 22nd. 1939. HOW DID YOUR" FOR THE BUSY FARMER'LUPINES GROW? ('rop (‘onditiuns in Ontario Thi- StatistiL-s Branch of Il‘m (Ir.- taiio Department of Agriculture has ptldisht-d thc .lunc ('rop Rtpor: givâ€" .ng an outline of crop coniiitiwns as from rcports I'iL'L‘i\t'll from it inrgc staff of regular L'i rim-sporti- CHIS. The conlition of spring grains Oniario at. the first of .Iunt- was cor.â€" Follou'iittr a late seeding. the weather has been ('UUI throughout the province rctat'd- Eng growth and in the southern coun- ties of Western Ontario germina- tion and growth have also been af- fected by a very dry period. For the province as a whole. the condi- tion of spring wheat, oats. and barâ€" lcy. is placed at 91’. of the long- time average. In Southern Ontario spring wheat was reported at June lst at only 75’} of the long-time average and oats and barlcy at 86",. In Eastern and Northern Ontario. spring grains are slightly below av- erage due to the lateness of seeding. but soil moisture supplies are genâ€" erally quite ample, and with the warmer weather now prevailing growth should be rapid. Fall wheat crops suffered very little winter killing. benefitted from the heavy rainfall in April and are in good to excellent condition throughout the province. Fall wheat has entered the shot blade in South- western Ontario and present indica- tions point to an average yield be- ing obtained. In counties bordering Lake Erie where precipitation has sitlcrahly below average. been meagre the straw will be shOrt. i The condition of fall wheat for the entire province at June lst was re- ported by correspondents at 98â€, of normal. This was 2 points higher than the condition at the same date a year ago. In Southern Ontario, where the largest acreage is grown, the condition figure was 99, and in v Western Ontario 98. Alfalfa and hay and clover crops are growing well with prospects of a normal yield in all districts ex- cept Southern Ontario where pros- pects are slightly below average. Cutting of alfalfa is expected to com- mence about the 15th’of June and to be fairly general about the 20th. The condition of alfalfa for the pro~ Vince as a whole at June Ist was reported at 9667} of the long-time average which compares with a conâ€" snap up†a bargain ese BARGAIN OFFERS without her years of ex- you get a swell selection of magazines T hat’s what we call a “break†for you â€""YOU’VE GOT SOMETHING THERE!" ALL-FAMILY OFFER THIS NEWSPAPER, 1 YEAR AND ANY THREE MAGAZINES ALL FOUR ONLY 0 ALL FOUR . I am checking below the t.. . . . . . . . .u..-.......- :.:.on ot‘ :44 at the saint» <iltlt‘ in liviis, sit in 11:37. and HS in row. In Eastern Ontario the condition at vlllllt' Isr this year was I‘lllt't‘ll at ‘ In]. in Central Ontario at lot), in \Vt-stcrn Ontario at US. In Southern Ontario. which t’OnIPI'ISt‘S the two 1 rowe of counties bordering tho north in . . reported Eastern Ontario, where supplies . I slit rc of Lake Eric the condition was at ‘Jl'i of The growth of pastures has been rathtr backward this bcing retarded by a lacf of moisture in Southern Ontario and Ci'inipt'ti'ati\'câ€" l_\' cool temperature at nights throughout the province. Due to the slow development of pasture cattle stable fed longer than usual and in some counties. particularly in. of fccdstuffs were not too large, cattle are slightly below average in condiâ€" tion. Milk flow was rcduccd duringr May and production .of both butter and cheese showed a sharp reducâ€" tion from a year ago. Prorluction of creamcry butter in Ontario in May 1939, amounted to 9,341,241 pounds as against 9,959,713 pounds in May 1938, and cheese production was 8.-; 439.851 pounds as compared with 9.- 171,120 pounds a year ago. Pf‘icesi prevailing for dairy products have been declining steadily for the past‘ year and are now at an extremely low level. The lamb crop was very good thisi spring, but somewhat greater than average mortality was experienced‘ with spring pig litters. Current prices being received for hogs andl lambs are quite favourable \vhepj compared with prices of grains. but- ter and cheese. normal. sprirg, I wr r0 ARMSTRONG-GARDHOUSE , TENTH ANNUAL REUNION The tenth annual reunion of the Armstrong and‘ Gardhouse families was held at Thistletown hall grounds on Saturday, June Bid with an at- tendance of about 150. Friends were present from Bronte, Collingwood. Toronto and all nearby centres. The officers elected for 1940 are as fol- lows: John Spiers, president; Dave Tommy. lst vice-pres; Harvey Gard- house, 2nd vice-pres; Bert Wright, treasurer; Annie Gardhouse and Hazel Ella, secretaries. THIEVES AGA‘IN RAID LOCAL SERVICE STATION Thieves raided the Leo Watson service station on No. 7 Highway at Woodbridge last Friday night. Acâ€". cording to the proprietor, the in- truders gained entrance through window in the greasing pit. He estl- mated that the value of goods taken wouch be $300.00. It included con- fectionery, tobaccos and equipment. The same station has been the scene of many robberies. Mr. Watson reporting that seven had been staged there in. the past seven years. HUTCHINSON-USHER PICNIC HELD IN \VOODBRIDGE About sixty York County resiâ€" dents attended the Hutchinson-Ush- er famin picnic at Elliston Park last Saturday afternoon. Races, novelty sports. guessing contests, hOrseshoe pitching, and ball games were en- joyed by young and old. Mr. Wilfred Hutchinson was elect- ed president for the forthcoming year; Mrs. B. McDonald , vice-presi- dent; Mrs. Albert Hutchinson, Sec- retar'y-Tleasurer, and Mr. and Mrs. William Flint and Mr. and Mrs. Hunter Irwin as the sports com- mittee. . a I l garage. i home in knot-like nodes on the roots. ; .“nitragin,†and it must be the spe- (.\Ir. ti. E. Littlc 's a lilt'illt‘l' of )Icssrs. .AIL‘X. and II. I). Little of lizrinnond lltll). \\ litll illk' siwl catalogues arrived :1 year zitz'ti they (ate great promâ€" ;int-ncr- t.) the Rll‘Si'ii Lupine. The wdd s'iu‘xrr it North .\mt‘:it-:\, cot:- Sitlt'l'l‘tl almost :1 Wet-d in California. hour, lirot‘a'ht to a high state of pt'rtlction in England by Mr, Gotirge Russell after nearly twenty years of painstaking scict-tion. They had IJL'I‘II awarded tho (iold )chal by the Royal IIOrticultural So- ciety ot' Lordon, England. the had In comâ€" award. Mr. D. \Y. Simmonds. ol‘ the Floral Committee of that. socicty, stated, “Lupinus Polyphyllus out of all rccognitionll Never before have I sccn such mar- ‘ vcllous coloring.r or been thrilled by" such exotic blcndings: and I havei seen every worthwhile plant or race of plants introduced in the last forty . years. I have seen nothing to come within a mile of the new Russell Lupincs. The Gold Medal was never more richly deserved." Such praise from one so qualified! to judge scaled my fate. I must have Russell Lupinesl The seed was ordered and duly ar- rived in the gorgeoust lithographed packets. I could easily visualize the wonderful blooms in the places al~ ready allotted them in the border. What fireside gardener was not sim- ilarly thrilled? I wonder how many made the same error as I did. The seed was carefully chipped and planted. They germinated quickly; almost 100 per cent soon developing into sturdy plants that were in due time placed in the positions where they were to send up their unrivalled spikes of bloom. All grew beauti- fully for about a month; ,then dis- aster. They began to curl up and pass away. What was wrong? It couldn’t be the soil. The original soil had been removed and carefully replaced by the mixture recommend- ed by the grower. It wasn't insects or grabs; root and foliage revealed none. No fungus disease either. Still, one by one, the plants were dying. It finally occurred to me, that Lupinus Polyphyllug belongs to the great family Leguminosae. This. IS the same group to which belong such wellâ€"known plants as beans, peas, clovers, alfalfas, etc. Any good far- mer would have recognized the symp- toms, as they were the same as alf- alfas, etc, grown on “clovel‘~sick" soil. The reason for my failure was the lack of the bacteria which is essential to the life and growth of this family of legumes, The relation! between this organism or soil bac-. monting on interesting. Unlike most plants they , cannot take nitrogen directly from the soil but must depend upon thisl bacteria to manufacture it from the: air. In return the plant furnishesl, the organisms with a comfortable: This is one reason why these plants require a well-drained soil. If the bacteria is not already prc=ent inl the soil the seed must be inoculated by using some preparation such as cial kind to suit the particular plant. The Lupine “"11 only hcuse the cor- rect Lupine culture which. by the way, is the same as required for Sweet Peas. Try it on yours next spring! This lack is often the cause of poor success with Sweet Peas. I thought mine was probably an isolated case and.I had decided to say nothing but to buy a can of “nit- ragin" next spring and try again. However, a {cw days ago I was dis- cussing flowers with an official Of The annual Rowley re-union was? held at Woodsidc Park near Hockley i on June 9th. Officers elected were: i Hon. Presidents, IV. G. McBride of}l Priceville and Norman Harper 01" Toronto; Pres., Isaai: Piercey of Al-i bion; Vice-Pres. \Valter Rowley of Adjala; Scc., Miss G. Pettitt, Ad- jala; Treas, Mrs. N. Harper, Torâ€" ‘society and he told me they had pur- a large and progressive horticultural chased the Russell Lupine seed to give out as premiums. and a great many members had been unsuccess- ful in growing the plants to flower. His experience had been similar to mine. and at the end of the season he had had only two or three sickly teria and the legume plant is most: At I‘vlaple Freigh: Sheds FIRST CLASS BREAD FLOUR ALSO )IONARL'II PASTRY FLOUR CAFETHUA LAYING MASH, (LAC. Formula MILKMAKICR. 0.A.C. Formula SALT Prices as follows: FINE SALT. 100 lbs. . . . . . . . . 65c. (‘OARSE SALT. 100 lbs. . . . . . 80c IODIZED SALT, 100 lbs. . . . . . . 85c BLOCKS. each 400. BLOCKS IODIZED, each . . . . . 40c. â€" Also â€" CAR MILL FEED Priced as follows: BRAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.35 per cwt. SHORTS $1.20 per CWtu MIDDLINGS . . . . . . . $1.35 per cwt. NUT AND STOVE COAL No. 1 ANTHRACITE COAL ORDERS I’HONE MAPLE 19W l Solicu Your Continued Patronage My Mottoâ€"Courtesy, Service and I Fair Deal to All C. E. SMITH _ C. Matthews GOODISON FARM MACHINERY TRACTORS -â€" THRESHERS ALL KINDS IiMiPLEiMENTS Langstaff, 0nt., Phone Thornhill 73 Phone Stouffville 7313 Gormley R.R. 1 BALING Hay & Straw Having taken over Moore Bros. baling business I am pre- pared to bale hay and straw on short notice. Price rea- sonable. Latest facility for moving outfit. PERCY COBER Successor to Moore Bros. ORDER HELEN SIMPSON FLOWERS For All Occasions Phone orders delivered any- where in North Yonge St. District 2518 YONGE STREET (At St. Clements) MOhawk 3000 '7 77mmmmm Bowden Lumber & Coal CO. LTD LUMBER OF ALL KINDS Insulex, Donnacona Board. etc. LANSING ~VILLOWDALE 4'3 HUDSON 0284 EYES EXAMINED â€"- AND â€" GLASSES FITTED ._ by __ DR. P. P. SMYTH _ at _ GLENN’S DRUG STORE EVERY FRIDAY 2 t0 5 PH. plants still living. I’pon beingr in- l .7 ‘ WO“â€MOOOOO . . iformed of the remedy h‘s natuial 2 °......: onto. The re-union 1S to be held zit‘fljuesti‘m “.3? “no any of the seed . Real Estate _ Insurance : Erm Park next year' .‘ihouses stock this particular culâ€" : Conveyancing- : ° . ' time?" We look-mi up some! “at†3 Estates Managed ’ Charles Graham jlogucs and after a diligent search 9 Rent: collected : MASSEY_HARRXS ifound it listt-d in one, in the centre 3 - " z ‘ l . . 0.. - n“ ' . . if“ 3:: 3:22:92 3 J- R- Herrmgton : I I ~ ahi it was isc.a n s. _ . . Farm mfanEZELX c new ‘ special garden size. 3 93 Tonge St. Richmond : Telephone Richmond Hill 39 So- if Volume rmoh of. the : C.N.R. Money Order Office E Beat‘r Farm Equipment “ll†1M “f†For to“ “Emmi Mwoooooemoom . w blooms. dont atw no! The remedy R. H. KANE ii< easy. Just introduce the sccds to ithe future tcnants of those houses on the Lupine roots. and they will INSURANCE ‘ :\ N do the rest. LIFE, FIRE, l Your present plants can also be ACCIDENT. SICKNESS ‘ inoculated by tal-anr: the contents PLATE GLASS. AUTOMOBILE HEATING 1of a small package of “nitraginâ€. BURGLARYv GUARANTEE BONDS Septic Tanks Installed jmixinr: with a small more: of| SPECIAL RATES ’IU FARMERS Pumps earth. then workingr the mixture in] 0I\ ALL CARS Barn & Stable Equipment 74 Yonge Street Phone 92F TARIFF & NONTARIFF 00’s A. G. Savage Old Post Office Richmond Hill around the plants. Vl'ater well. tol ,carry the bacteria down to the roots 'whcrc they will prove rcal life-sav- i crs.