REGISTERED PERCHERON STALLION MAR LAET A son of Laet, grand champiOn stallion 1921 International], Chicago, sire of grand champion stallion at International in 1923, 1924, 1925, 1928, 1929, 1931, 1932 and 1936. Laet siretfl both grand champion mare and stallion at Chicago InternatiOnal in 1928-31-33, a record never equalled. Five of the Dawes Brewery famous black stallions are sired by Laet. Mar Laet’s fashionable pedigree should: appeal strongly to owners of registered (percheron mares. In serâ€" vice at J. W. Palmer’s farm. 1 mile east of Richmond Hill. Terms $12.00, payable Feb. 1, 1940, to insure a foal. Owner of mare must assume all risk of accidents. Trucking ser- vice to your farm, minimum charge $1.00 within 10 miles, additional rate 10¢. a mile. or not returning them regularly tI horse will be charged insurance whe- ther in foal or not. All accidents It owner’s risk. To truck this horse to anyone’s stable will charge $1.00 within 10 miles. Over that will be 101:. per mile. PUREBRED PERCHERON STALLION, MAJOR CHIEF (15032) 3172 The property of Lorne Johnson, lot 24, Con. 5, North York, phone 46r4 Maple. This is a beautiful dapple. grey Percheron stallion. He has good feet and ankles and nice flat bone and has a wonderful top. He stands 16% hands high and weighs around 1900 lbs. This horse will be home every night but through the by will go to any one stable, that will phone before 8 o’clock in the morning. Termsâ€"To insure a foal $10.00 payable on or before lst of February next. Persons disposing of their mares before foaling time PUREBRED PERCHERON STALLION ROBB DALE CARBERT (15692) The propeu‘ty of William Glass, Lot 11, Con. 5, Vaughan, phone 7913 Maple“ This horse is black and weighs about 1950 lbs. This horse will stand in his own stable for ser- vice for the season. Terms to in- sure foal $1.00, service $11.00 pay- alble on or before lst March 1940. Persons disposing of their mares be- fore foaling time or not returning them regularly to horse will be charged insurance whether in- foal or not. All accidents at owner’s risk. Imported! Suffolk Stallion DEE- SIDE HO‘PEFULL (292) 6700 sired by Blackmore Hopefull 5206. Dam Maggiette (330) 17050. the property of Wm. Glass, Lot 11, Concession 5, Vaughan, phone 791-3 Maple. This horse is a beautiful chestnut, weight. 1850 lbs. Will stand in own stable for service for the season. Terms to insure foal, $1.00 service, $11.00 payable on or before March 1, 1940. All accidents at owner’s risk. THURSDAY, JUNE 22nd, 1939. YOUR CHOICE OF CANADA’S TOP'PEREORMERS... SAVE MONEY ° BUY GUARANTEED GOODYEARS YOUNG’S Service Station DON’T SPEND THE HOLIDAY BY THE RIDE GAILY 0N STOCK REGISTER YONGE STREET GOODYEARS 0 Holidays come few and far between, so don’t take chances on having the coming holiday spoiled by poor tires. We are featuring “pleasure insur- ance†these days in the form of new Goodyear tires. Why not drive in and let us replace those worn, risky tires today. Goodyears will not only make this holiday happier, but you’ll enjoy the safety and protection of Goodyears for a long time to come. We have the exactly right tire to suit your need and your pocketbook. See us today! Nearly 100 men and a‘bout as many of the fair sex attended the barn raising of Mr. Thos. Thomson in the village of Headford Tuesday after- noon. The weather was ideal and the heavy timbers were put together and erected without any serious misâ€" hap. The fine building is 80 x 45 ft., on high stone walls, giving excellent stabling for about 30 head of cattle and 8 horses with several box stalls. Also a large well lighted‘ root house. Both the stone work and the frame work are a credit to the contractors, the former being done by Mr. Kelly, and the latter by Mr. Frank Smith. The captains selected for the raising Tho-mhill Juniors defeated the York Mills baseball team on Satur- day Iby 17 to 4. The former were assisted by Gordon Sloan and Willie Patton. ~ 4‘ 3:5 Mr. M. H. Brown, 5011‘ of Mr. S. M. Brown, of Victoria Square, has been promoted to the responsible position of District Freight Agent of the ‘C.P.R. at Detfoit, Michigan. Banmerman-C‘raig Miss Emma Craig,’ daughter of Mr. Robert Craig, of Headford, was married Tuesday evening to Mr. J. Duncan Bannerman of Toronto. The wedding, which was quiet, was ceie- brated’ at the residence of Mr. J. H. Ellard‘, brother-inâ€"law of the bride. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Chas. A. Eaton of Bloor Street Baptist Church. Miss Annie Stables was bridesmaid and Mr. .Angus Ban- nerman, best man. THIRTY YEARS AGO From our Issue of June 17th, 1909 The lacrosse club here have been training for the past two weeks for Saturday’s game with the Mimieo Stars. Every player is now in good condition, and each one is determin- ed to do his utmost to secure a vic- tory. The home team will be the strongest aggregation of players that has represented our Village this year. Most of the veterans of the game are hard at work and mean to be in the game. The Stars are known to be a fast aggregation who play clean lacrosse. The winner of the match will stand an excellent chance of winning the York Inter- mediate championship, so- both teams will put forth mighty efforts. The Hill team feel that their chances 0f Winning are rosy, and the public should encourage the boys in their efforts to once more build for itself a. reputation in the lacrosse world. In the evening a stiiavvberry and‘ ice cream social will be held in the park and Richmond Hill Band will furnish music. FORTY YEARS AGO From our Issue of June 22nd, 1899 The Presbyterian Sabbath School and a number of the friends had a pleasant excursion and picnic at Reservoir Park last Saturday. Two cars left in the morning packed to the steps. The day was very fine and the excursionists enjoyed them- selves. RICHMOND HILL WAY BACK IN Practices for the Young Ladies’ Softball team are’ held at the High School diamond Tuesday and Thurs- day evenings each week. The girls expect to hold their “place in the sun†this season as they did last season. Games will be arranged for the latter part of the first week in July and every week thereafter unâ€" til the em! of August. _ Marriage MANSBRLDGEâ€"SMITHâ€"At the resi- dence of 'the bride’s parents by the Rev. J. W. McIntosh, on Wednesday, June 18, 1924, Amy Agnes, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Smith, to Robert, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Mansbridge, all of Richmond Hill. After a lingering and painful ill- ness Mrs. Alcombrack, Wife of Mr. John G. Alcom‘brack, died on Tues- day in the General Hospital, Tor- onto. The news came as a great shock to the family, although no hope had recently been held out for her recovery. The funeral will take place from the family residence, one mile south of Richmond Hill on Fri- day. Much sympathy is felt for the sorrowing family in their affliction. Villagg‘e Council The Court of Revision met Tues- day evening in the council chambers. Present, Messrs. Pugsley, Sanderson, Trench, Palmer and Hopper. The fol- lowing alterations were made on the roll: F. Jackson, Wm. Lowery, A. Savage, E. Smart, J. Dead‘man, struck off, they having left the Vil- lage. N. J. Glass assessed for the property on YOnge Street, lately oc- cupied by A. G. Savage. James New- ton’s lot on Centre- St. East asseSSed to John Nixon he having bought it. Mrs. Gaby’s fields on Richmond St., changed from W. H. Pugsley to Isaac Waldver. Mrs. E. A. Switzer’s name was inserted in lieu of Mr. J. A. E. lSwitzer’s deceased, and Miss May Storey’s name was inserted in lieu of Mrs. Margaret Storey. also deâ€" .ceased. Mr. Betts was assessed as tenant of Mr. Amos Wright's house on Yonge Street. Moved by Mr. J. H. Sanderson, seconded by Mr. T. H. Trench that the roll be now pass- ‘ed‘ as finally revised and amended. jCarried. COurt adjourned. contest were Walter Eyer and Rob- ert Agar. The work was Sharp and clpse, Mr. Agar’s side winning by a few points. Another enjoyable fea- ture of the afternoon was the sump- tuous ,spread which was served on the lawn between the residence and the cedar hedge. The tables were so arranged that about 90 Were able to be seated at one time. The man with the camera was present, and took a number of snapshots. 'Mr. Harty Morden, manager of the Sterling Bank here 'Ior a numâ€" ber of years, is being transferred to the Toronto branch, as assistant to the manager of that branch. Mr. Morden will, however, reside in Rich- mond Hill, and will carry on with his secretarial duties to the Board of Education and his regimental ac- tivities in the district. There was an enJOyable time at the Garden Party, Saturday after- noon, on the beautiful grounds of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Plewman, under the auspices of the Women’s Insti- tute. There was baseball and other sports, guessing contests, fortune telling, etc., and a supper that all who partook must have enjoyed. Afâ€" ter paying all expenses about $60 was placed‘ in the bank to assist in purchasing a piano for the new High School. Mr. Wesley Boynton has made a couple 0f real estate sales during the past few days. Mr. W. H. Mylks has purchased ‘Mr. George Sims’ fine residence on Yonge Street, and Mrs. Knight has bought a 4-room cottage from Mrs. Sharples. Two new elders will be installed into office in both Richmond Hill and Thornhill Presbyterian churches next Sun-day. In the latter the elders- elect are Mess-rs. George Cooper and Peter M-cGregor, and in the former Mr. J. S. McNair and Mr. George Cowie, who has elsewhere served in that capacity. From our Issue of June 19th, 1924 All that is necessary to ensure the success of a picnie or garden party at Headford is fine weather. This was favored the people on Sat- urday last when the Sabbath School held‘ their annual picnic in Mr. Ellis’ orchard. There was a magnificent crowd, as may be judged from the fact that thelreceipts totalled someâ€" thing over $129. In the afternoon four football teams competed for a prize of $11, the Carrville team be- ing the winners. A number of races were run, and a good tea sewed by the ladies. In the evening Rev. A. P. Brace, D.D. presided at an enjoy- able entertainment provided by 60 members of the Alekander Choir, To- ronto. LIBERAL FILES THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO FIFTEEN YEARS AGO The MacLeod family reâ€"union was held at Erin Park on Saturday, June 10th when the following off- icers were elected: Hon. presidents, Dr. Alexander MaeLeod, Caledon East; John MacLeod, Inglewood; Duncan Morrison, Durham; pres!- d‘ent, Norman Parks, Strathroy; vice-president, John Hanna, MOno Road; secretary, Donald Morrison, Durham; directors, James MacLeod, Caledon East; William Hanna, To- ronto; Archie Currie, Nottawa; Morâ€" rison Smith, Durham; Robert Carter MaeLeod, Inglewood; reception com- mittee, Angus MaeLeod. Caledon East; sports committee, Wilbert Wil- kinson, Cheltenham; rrefreshment committee, Mrs. Jessie Cook, Orton. Born at Columbia, a settlement north of Bolton, Mrs. Davis was Louise Arnett, daughter of Simeon Al'nett, a shoemaker. Following her marriage, she resided in King townâ€" ship for 60 years, living in Bolton for the past two years. She spends all her spare moments knitting for her 28 grandchildren and 13 great- grandchildren. She has 12 children. The second in a series of three school children’s musical festivals was held at Nobleton on Wednesday evening of last week. The Rev. F. V. Abbott of Schomberg presided and maSsed‘ choirs of 13 schools. trained and led by H. F. B. Jackson, pub- lic school music supervisor, sang many selections. The third‘ and fin- al event in the series was held in the Kettleby hall on Friday. Walter E. Harris, a young Mark- dale barrister has been selected by the Liberals of Grey-Bruce to op- pose Miss Agnes McPhaiI in the next Federal election. It is not yet known whether or not the Conser- vatives will place a candidate in the field. Sir Frederick Grant Banting, M.’C., K.B.E., F.R.iC.S., discoverer of in- sulin, was very quietly married on June 2nd to Miss Henrietta Ball‘ M.A., of Newcastle, N.B. Rev. Dr. A. P. Addison conducted the cere- mony. Sir Frederick is the son of Mrs. Banting and the late W. T. Banting of Alliston. Funeral services were held at Ketâ€" tleby cemetery last Saturday for Mrs. Amy Hardwick Davis who died Wednesday, June 7th in the Toronto East General Hospital. Mrs. Davis, who was in her 86th year, was the widow of the late Ambrose Davis. Fire destroyed the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Downer at Egbert on Sunday, June 4th. Mr. and Mrs. Downer are the parents of Rev. A. W. Downer, M.L.A., for Dufferin- Simcoe. The annual re-union of the Little Clan was held at Snelgrove on June 10th. The re-union represented the Jackosn family of Orangeville; Deans of Sand Hill; Craigs of Sand Hill; Andersons of Macville; Ellis’ of Snelgrove; Johnsons of Nashville and Carruthers of Newmarket. Off- icers elected are: Pres., Walter Neely of Victoria; Sec.-Treas., Will- iam Courtney of Cooksville; Mr. E]- mer Little of Albion acted as chair- man at the gathering- and among the speakers was John 0. Little of Newmarket who gave a brief history of the Little family from the time 118 years ago William and John Little came from England and settl- ed near Tullamore. A hotel proprietor in Bolton years ago, Thomas Gillies, J.P., an active figure of West Toronto, died recent- ly in his 9151'. year. He was born in the King post office. where his father was sub~p05tmasten Brampton Orange Lodges will celebrate the “Twelfth†this year at Preston. Mrs. Louise Davis of Bolton who attended the Opening of the first Canadian National Exhibition 61 years ago, recently marked her 80th birthday. William A. Partridge, governor of Brampton jail since 1924 died sudâ€" denly on Thursday, June 15th. He is survived by his Wife, formerly Hannah Wilson and one son Ken- neth. Harry Butler, former provincial con- stable at Orangeville has been ap- pointed High Constable for the County'bf Simcoe. W. J. Fenton, former principal of the Brampton High School gradu- ated from Toronto University fifty years ago. Dr. Cody, now presi- dent of the University, graduated the same year. DISTRICT NEWS flSummer Suits g=0=°=0 Cleaning and Pressing "Can you come right over, Doc . . . she's getting worse !" Phone 12 LETTERING ON DESIGNS AND I ERECTED STONES GIVEN ON REQ Agent â€" K. BENTLEY, Richvale, Ont. Cities Service Garage Phone 49J We offer to the district an unexcell'ed cleaning and pressing service. Phone and our driver will call, or take advantage of our attractive Cash and Carry Prices- Tailored to your measure from choicest new fabrics Dressy Flannels for Sports Wear Call in and see us and be convinced of the moderate cost of made-to-measure clothing If this farmer did not have a telephone it would probably have taken him all day to get "doc" organizedâ€"or to summon quick aid for other emer- genciesâ€"~“Sure we need a telephone," this farmer says, “we'd never be without it!" RICHMOND TAILORS Highest Quality Tailoring For Men and Ladies RIVERCOURT MEMORIALS OFFICIAL ONTARIO MOTOR LEAGUE ROAD SERVICE STATION. (24 Hour Service) 49J Richmond Hill 0=°$OEO=O=OI==OE8 =1 GENERAL REPAIRS 300 O’CONNOR DRIVE FORMERLY DON MILLS ROAD 29 Yonge Street J. A. GREENE DESIGNS AND PRICES GIVEN ON REQUEST Richmond Hill PAGE SEVEN o=o=====lo=g