vvv vvvv v O.A.C. Cafeteria & Monarch Feeds 7‘33 t t i" #0331?†" STREET DAN CE King City - JULY 26 Illllllll um {my EWWOMO III" vvvvvvvv vv~v get your poultry off to a flying start by feeding PAGE FOUR A A - AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Lucky Number Admission Tickets Now on Sale Under Auspices Lake Marie and King Athletic Assoc. Annual Carnival STREET DANCE 2 O O O RICHMOND HILL Wed., August 9th “FEED SERVICE†WATCH FOR FUTURE ANNOUNCEMENT LANGSTAFF, Ont. THORNHILL 72-r-11 stocked and sold by RESERVE THE DATE ANNUAL AND 111 BROWN’S CORNERS UNITED CHURCH The regular monthly meeting of the W.M.S. was held on Thursday evening. July 6th, at the home of Mrs. Burr, who had charge of the meeting. Mrs. Burr conducted the worship period assisted by Mrs. Pat- terson. Papers were given by Miss Mm." Rndink and Mrs. Douglas Hood The Utopia of universal freedom and peace seems to be far distant but such an ideal is still in the heart of Man. This is borne out by the pageant “UtOpia†at the Canadian National Exhibition this year, graph- icaliy setting forth the struggle of Great Britain throughout the cen- turies toward this grand goal. LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO .0...‘ 19:0 The Black, Cameron and Hostrawâ€" ser families held their 11th annual reunion in the Vaughan Township Hall grounds at Vellore on July lst. A good representation of the fam- ilies were present and a full pro- gram of sports were enjoyed by all. Bananas, peanuts, ice cream and lemonade were indulged by the younger members of the clan while the older members prepared the banâ€" quet table which everyone fully en- joyed. Family Reunion Held at Vellore The president. John Hostrawser, presided and called for one minute silence in respect of those who had paSSed on since we last met. He then called on the oldest member of the clan, Mr. John Black, who re- plied and said that the DominiOn of Canada was 72 years old to‘day and he was almost 20 years older than the Dominion. Mr. Donald McKenzie was then called and in his addreSS he said that he was born one half er. Apply J. Wesley Palmer, 2nd mile north of venom 87 years ago concession of Markham, phone Rich- on July lst and he had received the; mom Hm 4632 same real Heiland welcome that he _______-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€" received today. l7 ROOMED BRICK HOUSE with The president then called on Mr. ‘modern plumbing and heating. Yonge Wm. Dalziel who responded in his St., Richmond Hill. Apply H. Mc- genial manner and of truly S-cottlsh Millan. type. WORK HORSES. Also purebred Holstein springer. Apply Lorne Johnson, phone Maple 46r4. 100 ACRE FARM, 3.5 miles from Toronto, all level, bush, good build- ings, good rich loam, $4,200. Small cash payment. Good terms. Apply H. McMillan, Richmond Hill. _â€"â€",â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€" TWO FRESH COWS and 1 spring- ....... nnnvr nrrnxr‘c‘ «.H-L n‘vn‘v Miss Jessie Dalziel told of her visit to Iona which was very interâ€" esting and hoped to see the Island again as they claimed that if you visit it once you will always return. Major McKenzie read a letter re- ceived from a cousin whom he met while visiting on the Island of Iona the birthplace of the fathersof the clan, which was very interesting and conveyed greetings to all. The speeches were intermingled with recitations etc. by the younger generation. The officers were reâ€"elected for the coming year, namely, Hon“ Presidents, Mr. John Black and Mr. Donald McKenzie; President, Mr. John Hostrawser; Vice-President, Mr. Stewart Rutherford; Secretary, Mrs. Henry Griffith; Treasurer, Miss Margaret Humphries; Sport Com., Mr. Art Johnston, Donald Cameron, Jean Hostraws‘er, Margaret Humph- ries; Program Com., Mrs. Clarence Graham, Mrs. Norman Black. The prize winners in the sports were as follows: Boys and girls un- der 6, Melvin Cameron, Carrie Cous- ins; girls 10 and under, Wanda ‘Coles, Shirley Hostrawser; boys 10 and under, Billy Kingdom, Hugh Cousins; girls 14 and under, Erma Coles, Phylis Black; boys 14 and un- der, Will Cameron, Billy Kingdom; young women, Dora Cameron, Erma Coles; young men, Art Johnston, Alex Johnston; 3â€"legged race, Clar- ence Graham and Lulu Johnston, Roy Cameron and Dora Cameron; clothes pin race, Mrs. Fred Hostrawser; married men, Clarence Graham, Gordon Cameron; women’s novelty, Mrs. A. McLachlan, Mrs. Fred Hos- ,trawser; mixed relay, Dora Cameron, ,Art Johnston, Mrs. G. Cameron; imen’s measuring, Will Kingdom, Will Cameron; horseshoe pitching, Henry Griffith, Will Cameron. Bumper Yield Is Seen by Agriculture Minister Dewan and Assistants 0n Inspection If you were asked to name the top- ranking dance bands of radio, stage and screen your list would certainly include Tommy Dorsey, Glen Gray, Benny Goodman, Guy Lombardo and Artie Shaw: All five will be appear- ing in the Dance Pavilion at the Canadian National Exhibition this lHon. P. M. Dewan, Ontario min- ister of agriculture, said “it looks like a bumper cmp of fruit in the Niagara district this year,†followâ€" ing- a trip through the area. Every Prospect Bright Mr. Dewan was accompanied on his tour by P. W. Hodgetts, direc- tor of the Agriculture Department fruit branch, and E. F. Palmer, di- rector of the horticultural experiâ€" ment station, Vineland. Following a tour of the experiment station where 10,000 trees were in full bloom, the party motored to Niagara-on-theâ€" Lake and visited the orchards of sev- eral growers. “N; fruits have missed fire this year,†said Mr. Palmer. “Every kind ocf fruit tree was loaded with blos- som. Prospects for an excellent crop of cherries, pears, peaches, plums and appios are medhgly bright.†year If it’s a profession, you practise it. If it’s a mere trade? you do your practising while you’re an appren~ tice. NIAGARA FRUIT CROP THRIVING Hostraw- 11 annual Township July lst. the fam- full pro- SIXTEEN PIGS HOMEMADE TRACTOR, good condition, cut-down. Fox, Mill Road. WORK HORSES. Also purebred Holstein springer. Apply Lorne Johnson, phone Maple 46r4. pigs 281-11 100 ACRE FARM, 35 miles from Toronto, all level, bush, good build- ings, good rich 10am, $4,200. Small cash payment. Good terms. Apply H. McMillan, Richmond HilL TWO FRESH COWS and 1 opting- er. Apply J. Wesley Palmer, 2nd concession of Markham, phone Rich- monl Hill 4632. QUEBEC COOK STOVE with oven, steel top, Dominion, good condition, $15.00 or nearest. Mrs. Longiey, John St., Thornhill. THREE LOTS' on No: Reseview Avenue, size Agfnply David Hill & Co. reet, Richmond Hill. 2 LOTS 50x150, Richmond St. West. Must be sold. No reasonable offer refused. Apply. J. R. Herrington, Real Estate and Insurance, Richmond Hill. SELLING OUT Laying Hens; young Ducks 25c. up; geese, pigeons, chicken coops, wire, feed troughs. Everything must go. Apply R. Quinn, Brookside Rd., op- posite L.T.B. & 0. Home. HOLSTEIN COWS, extra good, grade and pure bred, fresh in a few days. Also 3 year old Percheron horse, $100.00. Apply B. R. Leech, Leech- wo-od Farms, 3rd c011. of Markham, 1 mile south of No. 7 Highway. TA‘ELOR’S ANIMAL SPRAY for‘ killing and keeping flies off horses and cattle. Will not blister or harm coat. Also good for sheep lice and sheep ticks. Price $1.50 gallon im- p-erial. Sold by Sam Atkinson, Rich- mond Hill. ONE ACRE good garden land in Vaughan Township close to Yonge Street, known as lot 34 Maple Ave- nue, near Jefferson. Well fenced and well cultivated. Will sell cheap. Apply to P: Ingles, Jefferson. CREAM SEPARATO‘R, 600 lbs., reg- ular $115 new at special price $50. This was a demonstrator and is a real nice bargain. Two used: coal and wood\ ranges at very low prices. Three burner coal oil range for $11. Don’t miss these bargains. Act quickly. Apply Phone 53 Maple. CHICKS that average 17% ounces at 5 weeks of age have been pro- duced on STARTWELL CHICK MASH. Another lot averagecl 1 lb. 5.8 ounced at 6 weeks. For partiâ€" culars and prices write or phone Wesley Clark, RR. No. 2 Gormley or phone Richmond Hill 4704. BACKWARD SPRINGERS for over- seas ~shipments. Write or phone full particulars to 724 Willowdale. E. Irish. THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVER’I‘ISENGâ€"MAKE THE MOST OF IT RATESâ€"Five lines or less. ‘25 cents for first insertion and 15 cents for each subsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extra each insertion. IF CHARGED 7 CENTS PER LINE. HEALTHY, CAPABLE WHOLE- SOME GIRL in twenties fas‘perm- anent help in city home. Apply Box 50, Liberal Office. CAPABLE GIRL ply Mrs. K. Hald 511‘14. Classified Advs. Thoroughly reconditioned 317 5.00 LITTLE BROS. Richmond Hill Ontario FOR SALE weeks old FOR SALE FORDSON TRACTOR E GIRL as nursemaid. Apâ€" K. Halder, telephone Maple WANTED 10 weeks old; seven dd. Phone Maple North side of size 50 by 141- Co. Ltd., Yonge 4 cylinder, Apply P. good, grade THURSDAY, JULY 13th. 1939. MONEY TO LOAN on First Mort,- gages. All enquiries confidemzial. Box 110, Liberal Office. BUILDINGS RAISED, moved, etc, Estimates given. Phone Thornhill. 73. PAINTING & DECORATING done by experienced workmen. Prices rea- sonable. P. Ingles & Sons, Jeffer- son, Ont. Stripping done by machine. .Taylor’s Radio Sales. And Service QUALIFIED RADIO REPAIRS, ser- vice and sales. Charges reaSOnable. Work guaranteed. Hugh Yerex, 4 Markham Rd., phone 242, Richmond Hill. IF HORSE belonging to Gordon We]. drick which was left at Maple June 17th, 1939, is not called for and all charges connected therewith paiti the same will be sold by public auc- tion on July 22nd, 1939 at 2 p.m. S.T. to defray expenses.’ J. Carl Saigecm, auctioneer. TUBES TESTED FREE 127 Yonge St.. Richmond Hill Phone 226 Some Bargains in New and Used Radios OFFICES, on Yonge btrev'c, Rich- mond Hi1]. Apply T. H. Trench, Richmond Hill. E‘Used C FARM, 200 acres, Lot 24, Con. 4, North York, Hydro, milk cooler. Ap- ply Stong Brothers, 266 Queen’s Drive, Weston. SATURDAY, JULY 15THâ€"Auction sale of furniture, household goods, etc., the property of Mrs. A. Walder, 47 Mill Street, Richmond Hill. Sale at 1.30 pm. D.S.T. Terms cash. A. S. Farmer, auctioneer. SATURDAY, JULY 15THâ€"Aucti0n sale of Furniture, Household Goods, etc., the property of Mrs. H. C. Bailey, Maple. Sale will be held in the Seed Mill. Sale at 1 p.m. Stand- ard Time. Terms cash. J. C. Saigeon,‘ auctioneer. (Reconditioned and Guaranteed) 1938 CHEVROLET MASTER De- LUXE COACH- Hot water heater. MISCELLANEO US 1937 DeLUXE COUPE. Heater and Defroster. A real buy. 1937 FORD V-S TUDOR â€"- class condition. 1935 DeLUXE FORD SEDAN, trunk, Heater and Defroster, Radio. Ex- cellent condition. 1933 FORD TUDOR- Completely n conditioned. Little Brother RICHMOND HILL PHONE 174-W 1928 CHRYSLER 4 CYLINDER COUPE Ford Sales & Service Sale Register TO RENT $550.00 $725.00 $450.00 $550.00 $325.00 $65.00 Jar ONTARI‘ First