AUCTIONEER med Auctioneer Count}.r of York uction Sales conducted on short notice and at reasonable rates chmond Hill Phone 92R AUCTIONEERS J5 H. Prentice, 413 Balliol St. K. C. Prentice. Markham Toronto, HYland 0834 e are prepared- to conduct sales of ery description. Farms and farm ck sakes a specialty. Farms bought d sold on commission. All sales at- nded to on shortest notice and con- cted by the most approved methods Dr. Charles C. Collins DENTIST YONGE AND ARNOLD STREET PHONE 70 RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO AUC’I‘IONEER MAPLE icensed Auctioneer for the County of York Iles attended to on shortest notice and at reasonable rates Thirty Yt’ars Expe1 ience ormerly withl Heintzman Company ve Orders at Anitin's Drug Store Richmonrfl Hill Licensed Auctioneer Counties of York and Simcoe tales of all descriptions conducted upon shortest notice and at reasonable rates '0 sale too large and none too small ling. Ont. Phone King 42-r-3 5R2 ’RBL'PH L. LANGSTAN OffICL‘ Hours: 9 to 11 am. 6 to 8 p.m.. and by appointment Office: Centre and Church Streets lichmond Hill Phone 24 nk'iA‘M'Es R. ’LANGSTA FF From the Toronto Conservatory of Knsic, will accept a number of pupils in_ Piano, Organ and Theory. Richmond Hillâ€"Tuesday and Friday MRS. MYLKS Dr. C. A. MacDonald [391e, Ont THQMHI'LL'AND UNIONVILLE V6}ka o§eru the“ Pas-ti Office 'oodbridge Phone 77 A. 8. Farmer LICENSED AUC'ITONEER 17 YEARS EXPERIENCE (Womcn and Children) Office Hours 1 - 3 pm. ppointments made Phone 100 DR. M. C. MacLACHLAN Open Monday. Wednesday and Friday Evenings Other Evenings_ byzAppoAiqgment Prentice & Prentice {RJLILLI'AN C. LANGSTAFF CAPLE idunond H'ill Phonesâ€"~15 Night Phone 15 Branch Offices at Ffice Hours SL- 1} g.xn._;_ Q7:_8 pig VOL. LVIV. Bank of Commerce Building THORNHILL Office Hours 9â€"10 a.m., 12â€"2 & (5â€"8 and by appointment. Dr. M. J. Quigley DENTIST C’. E. Walkington Gomiey RR. No. 1 Telephone Stouffville 6312 LE â€"â€" AUTOMOBiLE â€" LIFE Office Hours 10 Dr. R. A. Bigford J. Carl Saigeon V J. T. SAIGEON & SON Dr. W. J. Mason Wright & Taylor Dr. J. P. Wilson At Dr. Bigford’s Office Tuesdays 9-12 am. Thursdays 12-430 p.m7._ George W. Cross Piano Tuner FUNERAL DIRECTORS AM-BULA NCE SERVICE Drs. Langstaff R. H. KANE Adelmo Melecci BUSINESS MEDICAL MUSICAL Telephone 88 Successor to DENTIST Insurance DENTIST "YORK COUNTY’S NEWSIEST NEWSPAPER Phor'xe Maple 3 Richmond Hill 12 am. Phone 3 and 142 Barristers, Solicitors, etc. Officeâ€"711 Dominion Bank Building, southwest corner of King and Yong» Streets, Toronto. W. B. Milliken, K.C. H. A. Clark, K.C. H. E. Redman, K.C. W. P. Mulock,K.C. BARRISTER & SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC 614 Confederation Life Bldg. Toronto Phone: Office EL. 5029 Rec. MO. 2866 A. Cameron MacNaughton, K.C. BARRISTER McK-immn Building 19 Melinda Street Toronto, Ont. , Barrister, Solic1tor, Etc. UNIONVILLE Wednesday 3-6 pm. THORNHILL Wednesday 7-9 pm. Toronto Office â€" 45 Richmond St. W. WA. 5923 Barristers and Solicitors Hon. W. H. McGuire James A. Bolts. B.A. Percy Biggs AD. 0177 Toronto AD. 01 8 1315 Bank of Hamilton Building Yonge Street -â€" Toronto Alexander MacGregor K. C. 93 Yonge Street Immediateiy North of Masonic Hall Phone 87 â€"â€" Richmond Hill Toronto Office â€" 18 Toronto Street Phone WAverley 2321 Barrister. Solicitor. Notary Public Room 66. 18 Toronto St.. Toronto Phone WAverley 2321 Residenceâ€"21 Hollywood Ave. - Lansing. Ont. Willowdaie 306 _ Telephone 193 Evenings 7-9 p.m.-Thurs. Afternoons Toronto Officeâ€"26 Queen East Telephone ELgin 2838 102 Yonge §t Barrispel's, Solicitors, etc. Wm. (look, K. C. Ralph B. Gibson, K. C. Toronto Office: 912 Federal Bldg 86 Richmond St. West. Richmond Hill, Thursday foronoon Maple, Thursday afternoon Money to loan at Current Rate Office 229 “MM-V. at. 93100015» 90.01% Qelany B. Bloomfield Jordan 0. Matthews GOODISON FARM MACHINERY TRACTORS â€" THRESHERS ALL KINDS IMPLEMENTS Langstaff, Ont, PhOne Thornhill 73 Acetylene and Electric Welding and Cutting Portable Machines for Outside Work Phone 211 Richmond Hill McGuire, Boles & Co. The August meeting of the W0â€" men’s Institute will be held at the home of Miss JeSSie Thomson Thurs- day, August 17th. A good program has been arranged. Everybody wel- come. BARRISTER SOLICITQR, NOTARY PUBLIC BARRISATAEE, SOLQCITOR, Etc. BARRISTER ~ SOLICITOR NOTARY 1008 Federal Buflding 85 Richmond St. West, Toronto Telephone AD. 1948 T. H. Lines BARRIS'ILER, SOLIQHjOR, &c. Campbell Line BARRIS‘TER, SOLICITOR, ETC 42 Yon'ge Street RICHMOND HILL GENERAL MACHINISTS and MARINE ENGINEERS M ulock, Milliken, Clark & Redman Morgan L. Piper Walter S. Jenkins At Maple Tuesday Afteynpon Bank of Commerce Building THURSDAY AFTERNGON E. P. Leno & Son Richard Edmunds_ 21 CENTRE ST. WEST OFFICE HOURS 9.30 to 12 â€" z. 1 BUTTON VILLE Cook & Gibson Thomas Delany T. C'. Newman Richmbnd Hm Every 84 Yonge Street Richmond Hill Telephone 186 VOICE Telephones Phone 264 Richmo’nd 'Hiu Residence 148 41:05 The Village Council met on Tues day, August 3rd, in the council chamiber. Present: the Reeve, and Councillors Sanderson and Trench. Minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed. On motion the trea- surer was instructed to pay several accounts presented. A letter was read from Mr. T. A. Lamon re extra work in connection with the Village assessment. Mr. Lamon’s letter was laid over for one month. Byâ€"law No. 225 was passed authorizing the trea surer to ‘borrow $500 to meet cur- rent expenses. Council adjournedl. A. J. Hume, clerk. Many motor accidents happened on the slbpe south of Richmond Hill, Monday evening after the rain. But fortunately no person was seriously injured. A large car driven by a man who had with him his Wife and four children, skidded to the side of the road, completely turning over, and pinning the occupants under the car. The Baldock wreckage outfit was called out six different times after six o’clock to assist in taking cars off the railway track or out Mr. John H. C. Durham, Bond Lake, has sold his California bungaâ€" low for $9,000 to Mr. Wm. T. Mc Knight of the Editorial Department of the Mail and Empire, Toronto. The Union Picnic in connection with St. Mary’s, St. Luke’s and St. Edward’s churches, held on the church grounds here Saturday, was fairly well attended. A splendid supper was served and the afternoon sports and the concert in the even- ing were enjoyable features. In the contests Miss May Greene secured the pearl necklace, Mr. Cotton, the electric irom Mr. Trench the lamb, and little Miss Devlin, the large doll. estimated amount of $2,000.00, said insurance be executed through John :‘McAllister, and to form part of oth- er Compensation and Insurance through the same agency. Carried. Burnel Graham â€" L. B. Goodfel- lowâ€"That the Treasurer be instruct- ed to issue cheque to W. W. Gardâ€" house for the sum of $275.12, being Township’s share of hospitalization for the month of June and July. Carried. From our Issue of August 7th, 1924 At a meeting of the Public Library Board a resolution was passed to ask the Village Council to make an assessment $100, the usual annual grant. Mr. A. E. Coombs, who is leaving Newmarket to take the pl‘incipalship of St. Catharines Cellegiate Instiâ€" tute, was a few evenings ago tend- ered a farewell by the citizens» and presented with a gold watch and chain. Mr. and Mrs. Coombs were also presented by the Methodist Church with a silver set worth owr $75.00. Mr. Arthur Evans has purchased the Page homestead at; Concord; The Village Council are to -be com- mended for their efforts to get a more satisfactory supply of water. They purpose further investigating at the Ridges, and failing there they will endeavor to sink an artesian well some place within the corpora tion. THIRTY YEARS AGO From our Issue of August 5th, 1909 Mr. A. E. Coomlbs, M.A., who has been Principal of our High School for the past three years, has been appointed to a similar position in the Newmarket High School. Mr. Coom'bs’ many friends will 'be pleas ed to learn of his appointment in a three teacher school. as the work will dloub’cleSS be lighter than in a two master school. He has been very successful as a teacher here, and in church. societies and other in- stitutions no one will be missed mor than Mr. Coombs. ' of the ditch. Two of the cars were Five or six trolley cars ran over the line last Sunday morning as far north as Oak Ridges, the object be ing‘ to test the power of the new power lieuse at Bond's Lake. The cars all returned in the afternoon. The intention was to run the cars to the end of the line at Newmar- ket, but the connection of some of the wires north of Oak Ridges was not complete. The management will dowbtless have everything running- smoothly by the latter end of this month so as to catch the Toronto Exhilbition traffic. RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO, TKUESTJIY, AUéUs‘T‘Ié'tITmsé The choir of the Presbyterian Church drove up on Saturday afterâ€" noon in a covered van and» spent a pleasant time picnic-king at Wilcox Lake. (Mr. W. J. Clark and family of To ronto moved into the Village on Monday and took the residence form- erly occupied by Dr. Hutchison. The Village Fire Brigade are prac- tising to take part in a tournament in Toronto on the 3151', inst, and at Merritton on the 4th of September. From our Issue of August 10th, 1899 F‘I FTEEN YEARS AGO FORTY YEARS AGO WAY BACK IN LIBERAL FILES “M WEJWL L. B. Goodfellmv â€" Wm. E. Barkâ€" erâ€"That the Clerk be instructed to issue a cheque to Percy Corbyn, Ket- tleby, for the sum of $23.00 for W. E. Barker â€"â€" E. M. Leggeâ€" That this council authorizes the Reeve and Cierk to sign the necessâ€" ary applications for compensation 0n- the Truck Drivers, engaged in any truck work for the township, on an estimated amount of $2,000.00, said insurance be executed th1'0ugh John McAiiister, and to form part of oth- er Compensation and Insurance through the same agency. Carried. W. E. Barker â€" Burnel Grahamâ€"â€" That the Clerk be instructedv to issue cheque to Albert Kerr for the sum of $18.00 for sheep killed as per valuator’s ï¬el’tificate. Carried. W. E. Barker â€" Burnel Grahamâ€"â€" That the Clerk be instructed to is« sue cheque to Wilbert Adair for the sum of $10.00 for sheep killed as per valuator’s certificate. Carried. L. B. Goodfellmv â€" Wm. E. Barkâ€" Thevelfore be it resolved that this council herelby endorse this petition and ask on their behalf that these people the given this service as soon as possible, and that the Clerk 'be authorized to sign the several 00n- tracts when they come in, and that the seal of the Corporation be at- tached to this resolution. Carried. E. M. Legge â€"â€" W. E. Barkerâ€"â€" That whereas a petition of several ratepayers of the Township of King situated on the Holland: Marsh, head- ed by one Percival Jacques and oth- ers asking for an endorsement of their petition in order that they may receive the benefits of Hydro power. Mr. Adelmo Melecci, organist and choir leader in the Methodist church, {is taking holidays at his old home ’in Newark, New Jersey. Miss Isabel Wiley will take the organ the next two Sundays. At the Moving Picture Exhibit in lthe Park Thursday evening, booklets were given out by the Ford Motor iCompany, one booklet containing an order for a prize to the value of $25.00. The lucky booklet was hand ed to Mr. F. '1'. Graham of Lorne L. B. GoodfelIOW â€" 'But'nel Gra- hamâ€"oThat the Treasurer be author- ized to issue a cheque to The Adams Road Machinery Company for the sum of $225, same being payment in. full for road maintainer purchas- ed from them as per resolution now on file, dated June 12th, 1939. Car- ried. E. M. Legge â€" W. E. Barkerâ€" That the Clerk be instructed to pï¬ng in a By-Iaw at our next special or regular meeting to appoint a tax collector for the year 1939 and fix- ing the salary fOr the same. ‘Car- ried. W. E. Barker â€" E. M. Leggeâ€" That this council hereby declares Monday, August 7th, 3. Civic Holi- day throughout the Township of King, and that the seal of the Coup- oration :be attached: thereto. Carried. W. E. Barker â€"V E. M. Leggeâ€" In regard to letter from Evans & Evans with returned chegue for $9.85 payable to Jacob Meister in respect of refund on taxes re HJM.D.S. on the assurance of Evans & Evans as set forth in their letter that Jacob Meister has no further interest in this property, therefore this council instructs our Clerk to make the cheque payaï¬ble to Evans ‘& Evans for the sum of $9.85. Carried. L. B. GoodfeHoW â€" Bunwel Gra~ hamâ€"That the Treasurer be author- ized to issue a cheque to Mr. Ed. Smith for the sum of $1.75, same being payment in full for insurance claim, this amount having been re- ceived from our Insurance Company. Carried. A regular meeting of the council of the Corporation of' the Township of King- was held in the Community Hall, Nelbleton. Ontario, on Satur- d‘ay, July 29th, 1939 at 9 am. All memlbers were present. Avenue able to proceed on their way, but the other four had to 'be dfl‘awn t0 the Richmond HER garage for re- pairs. Mr. Fred A. Clark of Headfox'd has purchased through Mr. H. A. Nichnlls, a valuable building lot on Church Street. King Twp. Council t 6 o ‘ mowwwmmmmumoomm By-Law Passed By-Law No. 702â€"A by-law to levy and collect that portion of the Main- tenance owing by the Municipal Cor~ poration of the Township ‘of King towards the Maintenance of the H01- land Marsh Drainage Scheme for the year 1939 was read three times and passed. The meeting then adjourned to meet at Sutton’s Hotel on Saturday, August 26th, 19-39, at 9 a-m. sheep killed as per valuator’s oer~ tificate. Carried. If he has the wrong jab, he w'a‘ngs a 30-hour Week; if he has the right job, he longs for a 30-hour day. Wanted on a charge of having vic- timized Walkerton in the sale of hosiery and underwear, a warrant has been issued by Chief Ferguson of the county town for the arrest of a salesman who is alleged to have gone from house to house taking orders for the goods and collecting deposits. The goods have never ar- rived, and the customers are becom- ing reconciled to the fact that they have been stung again. No matter how often the people are warned through the press against buying from these itinerant pedd‘lers, there are always those who fall victims to the smooth line of persuasive talk presented ‘by these slick door-fo- door birds. Recently a gent selling wrist watches and other jewelry hit town, and believe it or not, he mad-e at least half a dozen sales of decida ed'ly inferior merchandise to local ibuyers. For the same amount paid for the cheap, flashy atch, the pur- ehasers could have secured from the local jewelry store a timeâ€"piece of quality, together with the assurance that the seller would stand firmly behind any guarantee of quality or workmanship. Before you invest, in- vestigateâ€"and in all cases, we think you’ll agree with us, it pays to rbuy at homeâ€"Paisley Advocate. a bet offered by a certain local drug-gist. The bet was that if the councillor would push a can of soup up the centre of Berford Street with his nose, while on his hands and knees, the drug-gist would .ï¬iay a cer- tain sum of money. “LAfter details were ironed out the tempted un- daunted‘ly went to the middle of the street, lowered himsle until his ohin nearly scraped the pavement and’ starteti on his many way. He reach- ed the Town Hall corner, the destin- ation, in record‘ time for such loco- motion. followed by a very large and amused gathering. The bet was won and paid and if this scheme were carried out weekly and’ advvertisecl we feel that merchants in town would reap a harvest from the crowd the stunt would drawâ€"Canadian Echo. Those who were around the Main Street of Wiarton one night recent- Iy were given an extraordinary spec- tacular treat when a certain local councillor carried) out a dare to win A Mildmay business man, motor- ing along a Cat-rick road the other day, noticed a pair of very young kittens on the road ahead, and promptly stopped his car to fondle the dear little things. On closer ap- proach, however, he discovered that they were not the ordinary houseâ€" hold feline babies, but a pair of in- fant skunks, which had wand‘ergd some distance from their mama. The citizen very discreetly and- respect- fully returned to the car without further molesting the little animals. General News & Views Harvest is in full swing Agent f0: Langley’s, Cleaning and Pressing Service Yonge and Richmond Streets Richmond Hill We handle only standardized brands and We invite your patronage MEN’S FURNISHINGS BOOTS and SHOES MEN’S AND BOYS’ FURNISHINGS BOOTS AND SHOES “Everything for Dad and His Lad†J. CRAIGIE “Hello Jim, I was Hoping you’d call!†And Jim says: “Only 65¢ ?†0 People who use Long Distance service are always aurprieel bowlittle it really costs. Rankin; will: smaller budget items like movies. cigarettes, laundry and shoe repairs, Long Distance telephone Calls don’t touch your pocketbook seriouslyâ€"but do always touch your bean. LONG DISTANCE Jim's call cost only 65c and it travelled more than 200 miles. Byplufing lowuN‘gl/héayfluu “P 7'"!- a’ we v s“ â€"-and placing *‘Auyonc’ â€"-you can (all: a long. long wayâ€"for jun: mimic. Is there ever a time when a cheery voice {mm far away is not welcome? When the telephone bell announces i! you feel grateful that there are still people who think about you ~~and prove'rtby Long Distance. I wonder if Jim ‘ will call tonight?†Do you day-dream in the evenings? When somebody like Jim is in I distant town and seems ten times as Far away as he really is? And then the telephone bell rings-â€" and there‘s Jim! SINGLE COPIES II. $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE costs so little 1 No.