THURSDAY. AUGUST 10th, 1930. It?†i I‘M FOOD JUICY FRESH I w'I'WICE AS LONG. Thanks to the Norge advancement known as: “Double-Cooling" System -a new, revolutionary principle in food preservation. Plus “All-Porcelain" Finish, BOTH Outside and Inside, Plus a lO-Year Warranty on Rollator Compressor. Come in and see the new models at popular prices. I. SEALED ODOR-PROOF FREEZE. AUTOMATIC FLOODLIGIIT "COLDPACK" FOR MEATS SPILLPROOF DEFROS‘I’ER MOBILE SHELVES GLASS COVERED HYDROVOII SLIDING SHELF FRUIT STORAGE DRAWER m Convenient "Pay-Al-You-Uu†Plan 4 9399999 4.. ,just a servantâ€"she AS LOW AS $149.95 AND UP GARFIELD YEREX, l MARKHAM RD., RICHMOND HILL i . Milk Is a Perfect Food for Fath- er, Mother and especially the Children. MILK Builds Muscles. MILK is Energy Food. MILK Supplies Essential Elements. USE MORE MILK And Be Assured of a Safe, Wholesome Supply by Securing it from Richmond Hill Dairy G. S. WALWIN, Prop. Dependable Milk & Dairy Produce Phone 42 'Richmond Hill i : : g i l l coon Winn? SPEEDWAY T I R E s o Goodyear made and Goodyear guaranteed . . . the Speedway is built to meet the bud- get of the motorist who wants a quality tire at a real low price. Speedway is all of that. See it today ! CAN YOUNG’S Service Stati YONGE STREET 1 goirg on ? i ‘7 e rv BUY HERE'NOW I l THE LIBERAL 9 0 O i 3 LIsELO'i‘TE MA 2 G 9 very well for Liselotte to take it so phiIOsophically, but I happened to dislike Klara, and I felt bitterly dis- appointed in Charles. Klara was nurse-companion to a harmless old Russian doctor who had descendcd upon Berne a few months after the Bolshevik revolution, and she gave herself aid. She was in the early thirties, a canary.birdish kind of person. with daring, beady eyes and narrow, sardonic mouth; what is usually called vivaciOuS. which means that she talked incess- though that fitful glitter in her eyes indicated emotion. “and you. must admit that this Klara is just the mate for an ambitious man. She knows languages â€" she has mixed with interesting peopleâ€"she is not has travelled much with the doctor...†An epidemic of political lectures and meetings had broken out. There were interesting people staying at the Berne Volkshaus, Angelica, Bala- banova, the old Russian revolutionâ€" ary, among others, and Liselotte haunted those meetings. I had a shrewd idea that the urge to study her rival, Klara. was not one of the lesser motives for her interest, for the old doctor and his nurse also attended these gatherings and even joined in the debates. I saw little of Charles these days. To all intents and purposes. our ser- vice had been disbanded almost Im- mediately after the armistice and lesser agents, like him, paid off and discharged. We were still working. however, trying to piece up the puzzle of postâ€"armistice politics and finding it a heartbreaking game. Samuel Clot, the Lausanne detecâ€" hive, called on me. that day and to him I confided my disappointment in antly and laughed much and too 1 can hem I fail to seenfl’ loudly. An offensive type, I thought. “You might make an effort," he “Charles has ambition, gnadige murmured, “you might remember Frau," Lislelotte went on evenly, i that I have nEV'er had any illusions 0 ‘20“.900Ob409000.66909000009900066660660000“ Om.‘ SHORT STORY KES A KILLING 'oooooooo By Marie Ili'etI-I‘ri'i'ing 90 0 QOOOOOOGOOOONOOOOMWQQQOCOOOOOOQOOOOOOOO‘0†I. «latte rill rtift'hv on the L' 12c of ' \\l‘.l‘l‘. thiiig< will si‘lilt‘ down. pâ€. Lil-,3}; two large red lion’s re- “The (hi-mans wzll certainly make pining, palms upward. on IZI‘I' 1411). their profit from it. and ihey'li .... hâ€. “Mum gr m. 1‘,“- eyu 5m l.’lL'l‘- nothing to hamper the ti-iidciicj.. t-x- mg, 5h. spoke out of stiff lips. ccpt in the'r own c unti'y. liut. up. “It is quite natural. .Q‘iizldigt‘ I‘li‘all". the \\'h(il('_ we of the pnl'cc liili.\'(| >iic said, “and I aim not surpri>cd. I that the Source is S"lll(‘\\'l‘.k‘l't' i'iri‘. have sun it remit“: {01‘ 1h(‘ llil-‘t Iii-rue is :i l10Lll(‘(l of intriguoidhat six niiiitlts. (‘VL'I‘ > 11(‘(‘ that Klara \Iulkghuusv munâ€"it would lie of llit“ arrivrd here. She l> 21 V011" Sllln'l‘lol' greatest interest to know what ex- ‘perslin and mth better suited to “(fly is going on there." (‘har‘ies than I am." I knew that the Volkshau: was I am afraid that I siiit'lt‘d inOIO-‘pcopled with Bolsheviks soon after flanti.“ “5 I lll‘llfl‘llt “f 1h“ “sullen the Treaty of Brest LitOVsk had ioi‘ person" in (Inc-\‘UOII. It “‘115311 ibeen safely signed and who were l . - , ,orating and propagandlng >ll'(’llllllll>- IV. A “It is a fact," Samuel Clot went on ponderously, “that. a lot of crim- inally subversive literature is being distributed all over the country and lwe are almost certain that the foun- tainâ€"head the Berne Volkshaus. But how it is printed and how it is carried away we have no idea." “Well, what do you want me to ldo? I presume that you telling me all this merely in order to hear yourself speaking. but how is as to your activity here during the war. . ." “Oh, Clot, Clot. blackmail? How naughty of you!“ I said flippantly. “The most. dangerous leaflets are 'printed on a duplicator â€" mimeo- graphed in fact,†he went on. “We have hunted for that machine all over Switzerland. First we thought we had traced it to Lucerne, then to Zurich, and now to Berne...†“And what deesâ€"Iwhat you sayâ€" look like?" It was Liselotte, who had entered noiselessly and had list- ened attentively to ’Clot’s last sent- ences. He turned to her with a wide smile of welcome. “Ah, ma Liselotte!“ he exclaimed. “Now, I'll tell you all about it and you bend your great brain to the task ard you may make a killing,†he told her and she listened, lbrOW furrowed. Then, 'irrelevantly: “Charles is learning electric massage. That Klara teaches him â€" every evening late, in their suite â€"â€" and the mas- age machine goes thump-thump- thump.†She withdrew *as abruptly as she had come. Clot shot me a glance of mingled amusement and hopelessness. “Not exactly bright," he murmur- ed, ‘“but the poor girl is worrying l Charles. “Ambitious is he?†he snorted. Well, if he is ambitious in the right way, he cannot find a better help- meet than Liselotte: faithful and hard working, full of common sense â€"a woman in a million she is. . .†“But just a wee bit on the stupid side.†I said. “That is as may be," he said dark- lv. “lately I have had mv douibts. But this is not the object of my You know. of course, what is Switzerland flooded with subversive propaganda and there are certain secret activities which point to a systematically or- ganized revolutionary m0vement. dangerous esoeciallv at this moment when peace treaties are in the “Wkico‘. wh’le the whole of Eu- rope is in a state of postâ€"war fer- ricnt and nobody knows how and visitâ€. is l l D SAVE MONEY on £263 RICHMOND HILL RIVERCOURT JIEJIORIA 300 O‘CONNOR DRIVE T FORMERLY DON LETTERING ON ERECTED STONES Agent â€" K. BENTLEY. Richvale. Ont. LS MILLS ROAD DESIGNS AND PRICES GIVEN ON REQUEST ' l greeted our eyes as we stood on the . ‘sturdy looking. now he was stand- ‘ing on his feet. with a curiously fat; large nose jutted out like a prom- about that scoundrel Charles.†She was, undoubtedly. She was tortured, I guess, by the vision of her former fiance alone with the hated Klara, late at night, in the mezzanine suite which the doctOr and his nurse occupied. She must have spied and eavesdropped‘ for hours at their door, secure in that knowledge that none could catch her, since the suite was tucked away in a corner of the floor, on which there were only offices of the Swiss Genera: Staff, and had been expressly given to the invalid doctor because of its privacy and of the fact that the mezzanine floor opened direct on the back terrace of the hotel. at a point where a slight gradient led down into the garden, which made it con- ‘ venient for his wheelchair. Fully dressed. Liselotte stood over me that night and shook me gently, whispering: “Gnadige Frauâ€"Comeâ€"I have ai- readv waked that Samuel Clotâ€"h- is curious to know how Charles is lemming electric massage â€"â€" c0me quick..." The Lausanne detective, I found, had requested the presence of the manager and had also roped in two of the soldiers who always watched at night in the basement. In silent procession. we crept along the mezz- ‘ anine floor corridor, to the door of the doctor’s suite. The stillness was complete in that part of the hotel and we stood there, straining our ears for any suspi- cious sounds. Faintly, we heard the I rhythmic thump-thump Liselotte had spoken of. “That's no electric machine; that‘s unmistakably the noise the cranking of a handle would make." Clot whispered, puzzled but sudden- ly excited. He made a #311 to the worried manager. who, inserted a pass key into the lock of the door and turned it noiselessly. flinging the door wide at the same time. We treoped into the narrow hall, Lisclottc and I well at the back. the four men in front. An amazing sight threshold of the sitting room. I'ndersized and misshapen. I but , - . ~ l face. from the middle of which his; THE LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO are not lllll‘ iy. rllt't'Iilt'lt‘s ilil.‘_:'illg his dw mid lui‘ihcud. the Itii>~izin duc- ti 1' farinwi over what was llllllll>lill\'- ably :i ~niiiii (.xli‘cmcly lill‘<l|‘l'll dup- i. (Vliill‘lL‘. ill TlIlll-rlL‘L'Vl“, “(ls lrllsjï¬ i'liytltinically cranking il;il‘.1.ii‘ 11nd Kizii'ii. standing near the‘ ' aj PAGE SEVEN K 3 GOOD ;: SAFETY tutti: fi'il). di‘l'lly i‘illi‘t'ii'd llil“ fliiill‘L“ >ilt‘t‘l> of printing. l' '.\1l\ wry In |'(('llll.\ll‘ll('l at a glam-x ilie wluii- camouflaged hisâ€" I iy <1~ that >k‘('l'(‘l duplicator; the .nvzilid «luiIr. paitly di>mantlcd.‘ rim‘ii lit‘lll‘ by» it “21$ ilwious that the \'Ill'l“ll> Ii:il'l.\ of the machine ‘t‘ittul smugly into it and none the wker, l “Chosciwnciit," Samuel Clot said aloud and took two steps into the , imim. Tllll'l‘ >tai'tled cries greeted him .aiid the pseudo-cripple darted info tire bedroom, or rather towards it. 'lut (‘lot was quicker than he and had him by the collar of his loose house coat and down in an armâ€" chair in the twinkling of an eye. Klara threw herself on the manager and clawcd at his face. with an inâ€" articulatc cry of rage. One of the his breath, seized her by the arm gling in a firm grip. Charles alone was unmoved. had seen Liselotte and glared at her. “Ah,†he spat out, “a woman. sc0rn- edâ€"I might have foreseen this..." “You might have also foreseen other things, my friend," Clot had overpowered his quarry and slipped a pair of handcuffs on the doctor’s wrists, ‘for instance that it is un- healthy to be mixed up with Bol- sheviks. Sure I knew they were Bolsheviks," he turned to me, “and when I heard of the electric mas- sage machine I began having hopes. Liselotte, my girl, you have made a killing." But Liselotte had- slipped out andr I found her- rocking herself to and’ fro on the edge of my bed. “So poor Charles had joined these Bolsheviks," she wailed‘ as I came in. “I knew something was wrong that' way, of lately he was‘ always talk ing big about the rights of the pro- letariat and the evils of the capitalâ€"' istic systems. That 'Clotâ€"he says I‘ have made a killing. I wonder â€" what have I killed?†The rest was an indistinct murmur, but I caught it and shivered, for she said. brok- enly, “Maybe only my heart." TELEPHONE CALL COSTS $171.00 Murrayâ€"Brighton Telephone Com- pany, Franikfoird, had its first over- seas call terminating- on its lines on Thursday morning of last Week. Th’s call originated in Czechosloâ€" vakia to the Bata Shoe Company, Frankford‘. The transmission of the conversation was routed through New York City and was first class in every way, according to Mr. J. A. Austin the Manager. The rate is $24.00 for three minutes, with over- time of $7.00 a minute. This parti- ‘cular call cost $171.00. GENERAL CARTAGE by Truck WWW SAND â€" GRAVEL WM. MCDONALD Telephone 62 Thornhill From Maple Gravel Fit *9. o COVOOOO Phone HYland 2081 rtcs. Phone 9738 Johnston & Cranston MANUFACTURERS & IMFORTERS 0F CANADIAN & FOREIGN Granite Monuments 1849 Yonge St. (east side) Between Mertan & Balliol Sts. Open Evenings R. H. KANE TINSMITHING FURNACES - PLUMBING HEATING Septic Tanks Installed Pumps ‘ Barn & Stable Equipment 74 Yonge Street Phone 92F LET REAL GOOD LUMBER WORK FOR vou A You KNow THE KIND WE SELL WILL DO l soldiers, gruntirg something under, and held her squirming and sti‘ug-g Her Cities 3 Phone 12 l l RICH SILVERTOWNS Give You QUICKER Non-Skid Stops Come in for a Convincing Demonstration of the SUPERIOR NON-SKID TIRE ervice Garage 29 Yonge Street Richmond Hill m l ROSE & Toronto Offices: HARRY R. ROSE HERMAN Barristers-At-Law 40 Yonge St., Richmond Hill Office Hoursâ€"Every Monday and Thursday Afternoon and by appointment 1'00 Adelaide Street West Telephone 133 LOUIS HERMAN Household CONTENTS OF HARDWARE STORE '1 Cook Stove with warming closet, new 1 Fireco Range with warming closet 1 Fada Calbinet Radio .2 King C'albinet Battery Radios 1 3_Burner Coal Oil Stove. new 1 3-Burner Coal Oil Stove, new, with back 1 Warming Closet, new, will fit any coal oil stove 1 Crown Huron Range with warm- ing closet 1 Quebec Heater 1 Large Iron Heater 2 Coal Oil Heaters A Number of new pails, all sizes 1 Melotte Separator, capacity 600, demonstrator 1 Electric Washing Machine, Lister, new A Quantity Stove Pipes, elbows and furnace pipes A Quantity of Binder Gloves, Work Gloves 1 Lantern and a number of lantern glasses, short and long A Quantity of Sweat Pads A Quantity of Paint, Waxes Polishes - A Quantity Carriags Bolts, various sizes, stove bolts, wood screws A Quanti‘y Shelf Hardware 1 Set Counter Scales, capacity 240‘ lbs. 1 Cash Register 1 Show Case 1 Iron Bag Truck A Number of Stable Brooms House Brooms A Quantity of Nails 1 Office Desk 1 Filing Cabinet A Quantity Invoice Files A Quantity of all makes of Plough Shares A Quantity of Tinsmith Tools and Machinery A Quantity of new Eavetroughingi and conductor pipe ‘ 1 Ford Truck. Model T 1 Extension Ladder, 36 feet, good I Extrusion Ladder, 24 feet, good 1 Cutter Some Corrugated Sheet Roofing 1 10_foot Step Ladder A Quant'tv of Charcoal A Quantity of foot wood , l Tinsmith's delivery wagon 1 Hammock Hanger " Lawn Mowers and 1 Power Washing Machine with wringcr and tub stand , l 190!) Hand Washer 1 No. 18 Cockshutt “'alking Plough 1 Broom Rack l 2 Steii Ladder Chairs 2 Office Chairs A Quantity of Glass A Quantity of Hockey Sticks 50 feet, one and in front of store. SHEPPARD a: GILL ‘ LUMBER C0. RICHMOND HILL l and attic. and ’ ‘ 2 SolITi ,2 Solid Oak Washstands Important AUCTION SALE. Hardware and Tinsmith Store with Contents. of Same Fine Brick DWelling and Furniture, Goods, Etc. The Valuable Property of JAMES A. ROSE and FAMILY Corner ,Keele and Richmond Streets, Maple SATURDAY, AUGUST 26th, 1939 Commencing at 11 a.m. Standard Time. Sale it will start on time As this is a very Iarge FURNITURE Solid Oak 9-piece Dining R00m Suite, good as new Solid Oak Serving Wagon, new Solid Oak Dining R00m Taible Painted Kitchen Chairs Birch Kitchen Chairs Kitchen Cabinet Kitchen Tables (one a drop leaf) Electric Eas‘v Washing Machine Singer DrOphead Sewing Machine Happy Thought Range, equipped with 2 oil burner: iâ€"Hâ€"‘HNrâ€"lwmiâ€"Hâ€"t 1 Coal Oil 3eburner Range, nearly new ' 1 Wood' Burning Range 1 Hall Seat with Mirror, Oak 2 Hall Mirrors 2 Matched Golden Oak Hall Tables 2 MatchedI Golden Oak Rocking- Chairs 1 Fur Coat; 1 Open Bookcase 1 Mahogany Hall Seat 5-piece Mahogany Living Room Suite 1 Taupe Chesterfield , lLarge Mahogany Living Room Table 1 Brown Leather Morris Chair 1 Dozen Rocking Chairs of various types About 25 small Tables. Oak, \Iahogg any and painted A Quantity of Curtains 1 Heintzman Piano, good as new 32 Settees, Mahogany ‘ 1 Cedar Chest, new 1 Kolster Cabinet Radio 2 Screens 2 Piano Stools ;1 Hall Rug, size 41/2 ft. by 7% ft, good :1 Dining Room Rug, size 9 ft. by 10 ft., good 2 Matched Living Room Runs 7 ft. a-v by 8 ft., good, (tones of Mulâ€" berry) About 1 dozen small Rugs 1 3_piece Maple Bedroom Suite, spring and mattress 2 Double Iron Beds, springs mattresses 1 Single Iron Bed, spring and mat- tress 1 Velour Couch and. 1 Camp Bed Oak Dressers l 8â€"day Clock, good 1 Desk and Bookcase. combined A Quantity of Dishes ,A Quantity of Silverware 1’, The Hardware Store and Tinsmith ‘ roof. size 30 by Dwelling is brick veneer. steel roof dozen Chintz covered Bedroom Boxes ‘1 Congoleum Rug. 8’ x 14’ Quantity of Electric Lamps Quantity of Oil Burning Lamps Quantity of Pictures Quantity of Books One \‘ei'andah Couch on stand Verandah Chairs. mats and blinds Number of Drapes. all sizes and ma- ,2 tcrials Lace Curtains. etc. Also various articles too numerous to list The above furniture is all in A-l‘ condition Shop is solid brick, shingle a half story. Gas pumps now , two and a half story. 10 rooms Is in first ClaSS condition. Lot approximately 50 by 70 feet. TERMS: Contents of dwelling and Hardware Store Cash. Prop sion to purchaser September 1st. J. CARL ; erty. 10 per cent on day of sale and balance in 30 days. Posses , Properties to be sold subject to reserve bid. SAIGEON, Auctioneer